I am MAPESA LWANGA BITONYE; a Leader of Leaders & a Prophet to the Nation who YAHWEH called into government and anointed to lead as a ruler and a deliverer at the age of 24. I have a divine mandate to spearhead the Restoration of Theocracy (God’s Rule) & Paradise to mankind (Zechariah 6:12-13), (Isaiah 45:13-14). I am The CEO & Founder of THEOCRACY LABS which is an online Academy that identify, educate, equip and empower the next generation of global theocratic inventors & innovators, game changers, civic tech leaders, cross boundary leaders and cultural diplomat who shall be movers and shakers of global tech spaces and enterprises. THEOCRACY LABS is the training arm of GLOBAL REHAB PROJECT which is a multi-country digital hybrid nonprofit company with a divine mandate to lead the creation of a (Smart, Green & Sponge) world by using the model of (Smart, Green & Sponge) Cities, (Smart, Sponge & Green) Towns, (Smart, Green & Sponge) Villages as a Launchpad. On the other hand, THEOCRACY LABS shall also be the training arm of THE MINISTRY OF THEOCRACY which is an online multi-country digital ministry with a divine mandate Restore Theocracy (God’s Rule to Mankind. I therefore feel The Diversity On Board Emerging Leaders Fellowship Program is the right fit for me since it shall equip be to be a board leader who shall work across the chasm of culture, geographies, specializations and believes.