This one could be the story of my life...just sayin'
Yes my is that time of year again...
Written for a 250 word flash fiction contest...the picture here being the writing prompt...
Whoever said girls like her never amounted to anything never met Maria...or her daughter Rose...
Recalling the better aspects of humanity on that day...the heroes...and this poem was used extensively in ceremonies around the world on the tenth anniversary of 9/11.
I think we've all wanted to send a letter like this at one time, and forgiveness is not always easy...
Part of the upcoming anthology to be released May, 2012 on Inner Child Press...
Inspired by a comment an old friend made on Facebook..."Happiness is not a destination" is in print in a poetry collection...
Paris will never be the same...Where is Paris anyway? Originally posted under 67Goat...
Just another poem of love and romance...
Written for the print anthology on Inner Child Press released March, 2012...
Written for the World Peace, World Poetry 2012 contest, it made the Top 30 and published in the anthology on Inner Child Press...
Yet another poem of lost love, and we've all been there...originally posted under 67Goat...
Inspired by something my girlfriend said to me, originally posted under 67Goat...
Chapter 2 in my attempt to turn Sexual Healing into a novel...