"Time Flow" is a poignant short story that delves into the inner world of an old man lost in the labyrinth of fading memories.Time flow (Barry) The old man sat in a chair on the porch and gazed at the river. His eyes were set deep, as if flooded by
"The Woodpecker's Wail" is a poignant exploration of the complexities of familial relationships and the irreversible consequences of our actions
I looked out the window, but all I could see was a feather. My dreams and aspirations had been shattered right there in the classroom, turning into dust and ashes like the chalk under Daler's feet...
He asked for permission to leave before getting up and, as he placed his right hand on my shoulder, muttered something I'll never forget: "Man is not made for defeat." "A man can be destroyed, but he cannot be defeated."