Letter to the Canadian Government about Mandatory Human Rights and Environment Due Diligence Laws
A young mother knows that the people who control her land will take her baby from her. She knows that her baby will grow up not knowing the stories and songs and anger and laughter of the people. But she can give the child something important.
Robbie Hode is thirteen years old. He is a prodigy at the bow. He is a rebel at the heart. And he will show them all, even if it costs him his life.
This is a letter I wrote to the Canadian Government for Have a Heart Day 2024. I am asking the government to stop discriminating against First Nations children.
Humanity has unlocked the elixir of eternal life. The brain can be cleaned and washed back into youthfulness. The body cannot. But by transporting the brain to a younger body, one that can host it, it can continue living.
She told me to be confident. Be brutal. And I'm not brave. I'm broken. But when Miri kisses me hope runs down like molten gold over the broken, jagged edges of my heart.
We are children and teenagers who have nothing but the streets and the fear and the apathy of the well-fed and sheltered. But despite all that we have each other. We always make sure to have each other.
They want us to have poverty. But we have each other. We have each other and that means that we have power. We can't let them know that we have power, not ever. Because if they know, then they'll destroy us.
This is not a story. It is a real life collection of facts about what will happen if humanity does not stop the climate catastrophe.
These are the experiences that defined me. The experiences that made me who I was. The times of kindness and compassion and care that taught me the lessons that I value most deeply, that can teach you much as well.
The Young Lightning Rehabilitation takes the most problem of youths and turns them into good citizens. It makes the most troubled of rebels into compliant and obedient pieces of society.
The little girl with dragon wings who works at the dress shop is silent, obedient, and most of all, loyal. She always does all the work asked of her without complaint or question. Nobody sees what's truly inside. Not even her. But one day, she meets
So i had a dream. Two young men, one escaping terrible exploitation and one escaping terrible luxury, meet. They set of on their individual journeys to change their lives.
Our mother's body mutilated. And with her humanity is mutilated. Without her we cannot be.
Msitu and Harmony Ametsenya are two impoverished orphans trying to navigate a world ruled be greed, selfishness, and ego. In a world where most people don't give a second thought to the people below them, Msitu and Harmony are among the lowest.