A husband and his wife exercise special care when naming their children.
A husband just can't seem to find the words to say "thanks" to his wife.
A Christian newspaper, magazine and radio station join forces to start a new TV outreach.
Seasonal changes and regular trims highlight the lives of blades of grass.
Adam and Eve Interact with God and a variety of animals in the Garden of Eden.
Two bears dream about and discuss violence in the human family.
College students write one-word descriptions about savation through Jesus Christ.
Three friends show their true levels of joy.
A farmer plants his farm with rows of corn, and he gives the rows unusual names.
All stories in the Bible are true.
A Christian puppeteer uses a monkey puppet to minister to kids during Vacation Bible Schools.
A Christian newspaper helps a pastor celebrate a birthday milestone.
A high school freshman talks to his dad about plans for the future.
A man decides to write his own version of the Word of God.
A Christian couple is very excited about the upcoming birth of their first child.