We always have the choice to view the evil as being evil or as being both evil and good, or neither!
Is it life, liberty and death; or life, liberty, and happiness?
His whole life, a boy has been living in the dark, but when he comes into contact with the light, the unexpected occurs.
A chance encounter between two friends sparks an unlikely corruption.
I have always been different, and I guess I like the way I am.
“God Burhan get up! There's school, remember?”... My parents always called me “God Burhan” because they...tried to convince me that I am going to be a god when I grow older.
"You can be sure that the American spirit will prevail over this tragedy." - Colin Powell
A young man tries to murder a king, but soon learns that revenge isn't everything. He goes through many difficulties including hunger, dehydration, and lack of space.
I was sold to a wealthy Egyptian family who lived (and still live) in the capital of Egypt, Cairo, in a very big house. And my woeful days of no freedom began.