I write what I know. I have finished my first book and hope to see it out in the real world some day soon! It's only a pipe dream if I don't pursue it! Facebook Fan Page: www.facebook.com/mazetheauthor Instagram: @Mazetheauthor
Jack Warner has a few months left to live. He wants to spend it making Hunseo's, a boy at Sick Kid's Hospital, last wish come true.
Living in Limbo is a somber tale of a young man visiting his grandfather in the hospital. Cancer and old age have taken their toll on Mel's body, but his mind is sharp as a knife. Will he fight off death or be at peace with his place in the world?
Part 1 of my new mini series: When a covert mission starts to go wrong in Afghanistan, an unknown soldier has to rise up against all odds to try and get back home.
Ever wonder how a split decision can change the rest of your life? West Stevens is about to find that out the hard way. Looking from the outside in.
What we say and do has a resounding impact on those around us.
Most people want to live, but what if your life was taken from you just like that?