A multitalented artist utilizing his God given talents to entertain, educate, motivate and inspire his fellow man.
There is nothing but anger and hate left when all of the love is beaten out of a being.
Too many lives lost due to gun violence!
We have been told by some that America is being invaded; have you ever met one of these dangerous invaders?
Life's a roller coaster; the one you shun today may be the same one you pine for tomorrow.
Sometimes you are King in name and title only.
America is a beautiful melting pot whose beauty comes in so many different forms, all are to be appreciated.
So many of us suffer from the poor decisions and addictions of our Parents
When love dies...
Families face challenges and fortunately most of them are cured by love.
Losing love can be devastating but how you handle it shows your true character.
First born so special, always a Blessing, Kamani Rascoe.
No matter how far away my wife travels, she always leaves a piece of her love ? with me.
...of a Manic Methhead. Meth is a hell of a drug!
Too hurt to receive help, hurting others simply because you've been hurt.
Our youngest child is our funniest and craftiest, a story of a lovable cunning three year old.