Just an old guy, dead broke- but Rich in both the loves in his life - and the memories he has built. He believes in Love, and thinks forgiveness may just be the active form of the verb: to love. I know, because I am him.
CPlatt credited his Mom and Dad for good things...me too!
What I learned from Artists looking at Art.
I learned how words change meanings ...again.
This isn't a song lyric, it is Science.
Sometimes a game can take our mind to a different Field.
Sometimes it takes Dance to set your soul free.
Love does not age. Ever.
Jumbo Planets exist...but does life?
Hydrogen and Oxygen are not "wet." Yet we are, what changed?
How many layers does Reality have?
1300 stories is a lot. Here is how I got there.
What if you could trace a thought back to its origin?
We thought we knew it all. We were wrong.
We are surrounded by Galaxies, someday there will be only one.
In the future, you step into a Booth that analyzes your health before a date.