Adventurer, writer, nomad. Yes. That photo is a recent manifestation of me.
Agent Grace Kelly has been assigned to Master Modare to investigate the old who are reborn as children.
Come, and know the Swan shall prophesy
A Story for Warrior Dads
You don't read books. Books read you. You don't tell stories, stories tell you.
The tin rusty taste of blood in one's mouth is potent, painful, personal. What you give is what you get in this game called love.
‘Man’s first act is to kill that which he does not understand; his second is to weep for that which is now lost.’—Quote from Roger Lambert, test subject.
In the spirit of Edgar Allen Poe. A writer dreams a dream that shakes him awake and drenches him with cold sweat..
There are Haunting crimes that vanish in the light of day
Desire and the Mirage of Western Decency