Read Short War & Peace Stories
listed below in order of the date they were published, with new stories first.
Terroist Money
Sam ainsworth
James Bond is back and this time he has to stop terroists destroying national monuments.
Letter from a Troop Train
Hugh Hawkins
Adolescent does a favor for a soldier, but not exactly as promised, leaving him feeling guilty.
The Letter
Graham Hardie
In an alternate history WW1 never ended and the French fight for their lives in the war torn skies of Europe.
Oh What A lovely War
Steven Cooke
Historically accurate account of events in WW1. The characters are fictional
The Soldier's Tennis Ball
Dina Fadhil Faidhy
A true brief view of the Iraq War in daily life, in 2007.
Templar's Secret and the Brotherhood Conflict.
Juan Federico Herrera Ruiz
Two brothers facing each other in a war that decides the fate of humanity.
Shadow Necklace
Juan Federico Herrera Ruiz
A long time ago, in a galaxy far far away, the aliens were preparing their invasion...
Saving Jake Chelps
A quick moving story about a young man who saves another mans life for his own during the war. *Remembrance Day recognition*