Read Short Courage / Heroism Stories
listed below in order of the date they were published, with new stories first.
A Poem About a Raccon fighting against a Sorcerer
A small short story about a brave squirrel battling an alligator who won't give his freinds drinking water at the Pond.
The story is about the author overcoming his problems and realizing the value of life learnt thru the lesson that the life taught him.
The Starry night is an annual celebration to remember the bravest king the village has ever seen.
This story is kind of inspired by the movie "Home Alone". You can call it it's short version.
It's about how everyone is tricked into living in a VR, and you have to figure out the magic number to get out.
But there would be others. There were always others who would hunt for the wolf boy.
A young African girl is trafficked into sex slavery in an Arab country
What can you learn from men who survived the horrors or War. A lot.