Read Short Personal Growth / Achievement Stories
listed below in order of the date they were published, with new stories first.
Coach Spangler
Gordon England
In this historic piece, my mean gymnastics and PE coach teaches me lessons of life
Born to smile
Veronica Scherman
How the expression ``born to please´´ has nothing with the fact of satisfying guests and customers. But about the real intensions and reason to why to some its a way of life and others just a job.
Mean Green Sound Machine
Gordon England
During a midlife crisis, Gordon builds a competition car stereo that competes in Daytona National Championships
What Happens In The Dog Park
Tom Di Roma
Their collaboration began in the dog park, but how would it end?
The People Behind the Fence
Gregory Patrick Travers
The townsfolk of Yoris have spent their lives being entertained by the foolish, but very dangerous, people behind the fence. The chain fence made sure the town remained safe from the savage humanoid zoo creatures. Then Ryan found the hole.