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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Adults
- Theme: Fairy Tales & Fantasy
- Subject: Miracles / Wonders
- Published: 10/11/2016
Send him in.
Born 1951, M, from Wilmington NC, United States.jpg)
So that is what happens when you leave a spoon in your tea and then put it in the microwave. Mark rubbed his eye, it stung. His head hurt too. And he could not believe he was still standing. He looked down , only to be stunned into silence. He was standing. But not in front of the microwave in his house. He wasn’t sure where he was standing. Wherever it was, he could look down and see his body, lying perfectly still in a puddle of spreading blood. The spoon handle sticking out of one eye socket, and the ladle protruding from the back of his head. “That guy is dead.” Thought Mark to himself, and he was right. It took him a few seconds to realize that dead guy, was him.
A moment later, Mark felt a touch on his shoulder. It spooked him, and he jumped.
“Sorry. I forget how touchy you newly dead folks are. Kind of a shock to see yourself dead. It has been so long ago for me, I sometimes forget. Do forgive me.”
Mark stared at the person talking. It was a man, or well, if men were transparent, perfectly formed, and yet still clothed. He looked like a male model, made out of clear plastic, but with much more life to it. You couldn’t see his insides, or organs, or things like that, but you could see right through him. It was both unsettling, and beautiful at the same time. Mark liked him immediately. Mark’s innate politeness took over, which is a good thing, since most of his brain was looking for a small dark hidden place in his mind to crawl into and scream: “Mommy!”
“Oh, that’s okay. I just got startled that’s all. I, well, I never expected to see that (and Mark waved his arm in the general direction of his still bleeding sprawled body in front of the microwave)) then, moving his other hand to point at the transparent crystal guy - or you either. “
The crystal like man laughed. It sounded like wind chimes mated with a flute. It was delightful to hear and very pleasant to experience. Mark was transfixed.
“Well, we have found that the sooner we greet the newly dead, well, the faster they gather their wits about them. Being as your wits are about the only thing that makes the journey to this level of existence. All that physical body, and chemical determination of mood, feeling and emotions are left behind. Good riddance I say. Such a nuisance that a drop in sugar, or the curve of a woman’s breast can unleash hormones that change your mood, your day, and even the direction of your life.”
Mark was lost. What in the world was this man rambling on about? Oh…that’s right. I am not in my world anymore. Mark fainted.
“Oh, dear. One of those. Oh well, they usually turn out better than the others, when they wake up. “
The crystal man waved a finger, and two other crystal beings took Marks Entity to a special ward.
Mark opened his eyes. He looked around at almost, but not quite, a familiar setting. A room with walls. Two chairs. A window. A window with a small pot of flowers in front of it, and two hummingbirds sipping nectar out of a feeder just outside the window. The breeze was cool, refreshing, and fresh. Mark just laid his head back on the pillow and stared out the window for a few moments. A soft knock on the door, sparked Mark to chirp:
“Come in. I don’t think it is locked.”
It was not.
In walked the crystal man. He looked out the window and smiled. Then he laughed. Mark heard the mating of a flute with wind chimes and was delighted- again. He loved that sound.
“I will have to thank Elaine for that nice touch. She is so in tune with the nearly dead. An artist really. “
“Who is Elaine? What touch? And who is Nearly dead?” The questions popped out of Mark’s mouth like popcorn in a metal pot with a glass lid. Pop. Pop. Pop.
“I am sorry. I meant to say: “newly dead”. That would be you Mark. Elaine handles what we call “special cases”. Again, that would be you Mark. And her artistry is making transitional scenes that calm and reassure the newly dead as they confront the truth. They are dead now. I think her placing those two hummingbirds just outside you window, framed by those bright flowers, well, if that isn’t Art, or artistry, what is?” And the wind chimes mated with a flute again.
“Well, it is pretty. Hummingbirds are so beautiful and fleeting. It is hard to really get a good look at them, they are there for such a short time. “
“Exactly Mark. That is why Elaine is an Artist. Because what you just said is true about Mortal Life too. It is fleeting, beautiful and moves by way to fast. “
“So she not only makes beauty with objects, but infuses those objects with intent? An object lesson using objects to express themes?”
The wind chimes mated with a flute again. And again, Mark delighted in the sound.
“You see, this is why I love her work. It would have taken me a long time to get you to this point using mere words. Yet here you are understanding the metaphor in moments. She is an Artist!”
“But why am I here? Is this a hospital or something? Because I had the strangest dream …I got killed by a stupid mistake, and met you …then fainted. “
The crystal man cleared his throat:
“Ahem. Mark, that is no dream. You did die from a stupid silly little moment of forgetfulness. You put a tea spoon in a cup, forgot it was there, and placed the cup with spoon in it in a microwave. When it exploded, the spoon streaked right through your glasses, into your eye socket and lodged in your skull at the back of the brain. It was very quick. I saw your essence arrive here before your body even started to fall. It wasn’t a graceful exit from Mortal Life, but it was one of the more painless ways to go.”
“Where is here?”
“Okay, first lets get rid of this room shall we? Elaine?”
“Can you put us outside HIS door?”
“Sure. Thanks for the compliments, both of you. “
And this time Mark heard the sounds of of Violins mating with top keys on a piano. It was as pretty a sound as the wind chimes mating with the flutes. He would learn (later) that all laughs are delightful sounds in this new level of existence.
Mark stood next to the Crystal Man. The Crystal man straighten up Mark’s tie. Brushed off his jacket and said:
“You look good Mark. You should always look good when you meet HIM. “
Mark looked down in surprise. He was transparent too. He could see right through his own body. He had clothes on, and somehow they fit his body correctly. He could see right through himself, but not any internal organs or such…like a glass man, or a Crystal Man. Mark kind of liked that look.
“Who’s HIM?”
“You will see in a moment. “
The Crystal Man knocked lightly on the door.
Mark heard the most impressive and beautiful sound yet. Like an orchestra had mated with Spring/Fall/Winter/Summer- bringing light, color, beauty, and life to well, life. It was HIS laugh.
“Send him in.”
by Kevin Hughes
Send him in.(Kevin Hughes)
So that is what happens when you leave a spoon in your tea and then put it in the microwave. Mark rubbed his eye, it stung. His head hurt too. And he could not believe he was still standing. He looked down , only to be stunned into silence. He was standing. But not in front of the microwave in his house. He wasn’t sure where he was standing. Wherever it was, he could look down and see his body, lying perfectly still in a puddle of spreading blood. The spoon handle sticking out of one eye socket, and the ladle protruding from the back of his head. “That guy is dead.” Thought Mark to himself, and he was right. It took him a few seconds to realize that dead guy, was him.
A moment later, Mark felt a touch on his shoulder. It spooked him, and he jumped.
“Sorry. I forget how touchy you newly dead folks are. Kind of a shock to see yourself dead. It has been so long ago for me, I sometimes forget. Do forgive me.”
Mark stared at the person talking. It was a man, or well, if men were transparent, perfectly formed, and yet still clothed. He looked like a male model, made out of clear plastic, but with much more life to it. You couldn’t see his insides, or organs, or things like that, but you could see right through him. It was both unsettling, and beautiful at the same time. Mark liked him immediately. Mark’s innate politeness took over, which is a good thing, since most of his brain was looking for a small dark hidden place in his mind to crawl into and scream: “Mommy!”
“Oh, that’s okay. I just got startled that’s all. I, well, I never expected to see that (and Mark waved his arm in the general direction of his still bleeding sprawled body in front of the microwave)) then, moving his other hand to point at the transparent crystal guy - or you either. “
The crystal like man laughed. It sounded like wind chimes mated with a flute. It was delightful to hear and very pleasant to experience. Mark was transfixed.
“Well, we have found that the sooner we greet the newly dead, well, the faster they gather their wits about them. Being as your wits are about the only thing that makes the journey to this level of existence. All that physical body, and chemical determination of mood, feeling and emotions are left behind. Good riddance I say. Such a nuisance that a drop in sugar, or the curve of a woman’s breast can unleash hormones that change your mood, your day, and even the direction of your life.”
Mark was lost. What in the world was this man rambling on about? Oh…that’s right. I am not in my world anymore. Mark fainted.
“Oh, dear. One of those. Oh well, they usually turn out better than the others, when they wake up. “
The crystal man waved a finger, and two other crystal beings took Marks Entity to a special ward.
Mark opened his eyes. He looked around at almost, but not quite, a familiar setting. A room with walls. Two chairs. A window. A window with a small pot of flowers in front of it, and two hummingbirds sipping nectar out of a feeder just outside the window. The breeze was cool, refreshing, and fresh. Mark just laid his head back on the pillow and stared out the window for a few moments. A soft knock on the door, sparked Mark to chirp:
“Come in. I don’t think it is locked.”
It was not.
In walked the crystal man. He looked out the window and smiled. Then he laughed. Mark heard the mating of a flute with wind chimes and was delighted- again. He loved that sound.
“I will have to thank Elaine for that nice touch. She is so in tune with the nearly dead. An artist really. “
“Who is Elaine? What touch? And who is Nearly dead?” The questions popped out of Mark’s mouth like popcorn in a metal pot with a glass lid. Pop. Pop. Pop.
“I am sorry. I meant to say: “newly dead”. That would be you Mark. Elaine handles what we call “special cases”. Again, that would be you Mark. And her artistry is making transitional scenes that calm and reassure the newly dead as they confront the truth. They are dead now. I think her placing those two hummingbirds just outside you window, framed by those bright flowers, well, if that isn’t Art, or artistry, what is?” And the wind chimes mated with a flute again.
“Well, it is pretty. Hummingbirds are so beautiful and fleeting. It is hard to really get a good look at them, they are there for such a short time. “
“Exactly Mark. That is why Elaine is an Artist. Because what you just said is true about Mortal Life too. It is fleeting, beautiful and moves by way to fast. “
“So she not only makes beauty with objects, but infuses those objects with intent? An object lesson using objects to express themes?”
The wind chimes mated with a flute again. And again, Mark delighted in the sound.
“You see, this is why I love her work. It would have taken me a long time to get you to this point using mere words. Yet here you are understanding the metaphor in moments. She is an Artist!”
“But why am I here? Is this a hospital or something? Because I had the strangest dream …I got killed by a stupid mistake, and met you …then fainted. “
The crystal man cleared his throat:
“Ahem. Mark, that is no dream. You did die from a stupid silly little moment of forgetfulness. You put a tea spoon in a cup, forgot it was there, and placed the cup with spoon in it in a microwave. When it exploded, the spoon streaked right through your glasses, into your eye socket and lodged in your skull at the back of the brain. It was very quick. I saw your essence arrive here before your body even started to fall. It wasn’t a graceful exit from Mortal Life, but it was one of the more painless ways to go.”
“Where is here?”
“Okay, first lets get rid of this room shall we? Elaine?”
“Can you put us outside HIS door?”
“Sure. Thanks for the compliments, both of you. “
And this time Mark heard the sounds of of Violins mating with top keys on a piano. It was as pretty a sound as the wind chimes mating with the flutes. He would learn (later) that all laughs are delightful sounds in this new level of existence.
Mark stood next to the Crystal Man. The Crystal man straighten up Mark’s tie. Brushed off his jacket and said:
“You look good Mark. You should always look good when you meet HIM. “
Mark looked down in surprise. He was transparent too. He could see right through his own body. He had clothes on, and somehow they fit his body correctly. He could see right through himself, but not any internal organs or such…like a glass man, or a Crystal Man. Mark kind of liked that look.
“Who’s HIM?”
“You will see in a moment. “
The Crystal Man knocked lightly on the door.
Mark heard the most impressive and beautiful sound yet. Like an orchestra had mated with Spring/Fall/Winter/Summer- bringing light, color, beauty, and life to well, life. It was HIS laugh.
“Send him in.”
by Kevin Hughes
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