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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Adults
- Theme: Love stories / Romance
- Subject: Ethics / Morality
- Published: 01/21/2018
The Right Thing
Born 1960, M, from Bellevue/ NE, United States.jpg)
Mandy wasn't a virgin. In fact she was famous for ‘being with’ half the football team in her senior year. Mike knew that you couldn't believe everything you heard, but he also knew that particular rumor was mostly true. She had grown up with her 'free spirit' (free love) parents and was on the pill by her fifteenth birthday. Mike didn't mind her reputation, because he had been seeing her for a couple of weeks, and thought the world of her. She wasn't a bad girl, by any means. She was actually a cute, classy, young, twenty-year-old, who happened to like sex. Mike thought tonight would be as good a time as any to find out what so many guys in high school had experienced. He knew it sounded crass to think that way, but he was a guy after all.
It was seven o'clock and they just had time to get a quick bite and make the movie. Mike surprised her with a romantic 'flick' to get her good and in the mood. They held hands, while the two main characters went through their 'honeymoon' period, the tragic breakup, and then the beautiful reconciliation at the end. He noticed that her eyes were moist when the credits were rolling, and handed her a hand kerchief he had in his pocket for such things. They would usually 'neck' quite a bit during a movie, but she really paid attention to the tragic, then successful couple on the screen. When they got into his car, he craned his neck her way and was happy that she met him with a big kiss!
After picking up a pint of her favorite spirit, they went to Mike's apartment. He took her coat, and fixed her a plastic cup of booze with a piece of ice in it. The two sat on the couch and engaged in the heaviest 'petting' Mike had ever done with anyone. He wasn't a virgin, by any means, but she was really getting him going. Soon, they were in the early stages of making love on his couch. He got to see and experience the things he imagined, when she used to wear tight shirts to school every day. He remembered the high school coming close to a mutiny, among the young men, and some teachers, when the principal made her start wearing more appropriate tops. Mike put an 'end' to things on their last few date nights, before the two went 'all the way'. He wanted to be with the former high school 'sex' princess, but didn't want to be an a-hole who just jumped right in without showing a girl a good time, and getting to know her a bit.
He was hypnotized by this fine specimen of a woman as they explored each other. He couldn’t help thinking about her abundance of previous experience as they began to really get down to business. After much foreplay, they were finally ‘in the act’. Mandy smiled and cooed as they finally ‘got together’. She put her hand on Mike’s chest and looked at him, and smiled broadly; as if she was having the time of her life!
What came next, took Mike totally by surprise. After a couple weeks of dating and the ‘perfect’ night out, Mandy's face changed, and she looked up at him and said “stop”. Mike loved how playful she was and continued for a couple of seconds. He wasn’t sure what to make of her possible, sudden change in mood, and watched her face intently. She looked a little more seriously at him and repeated the instruction a little more authoritatively; “stop”. Mike moved away from the woman, he was beginning to think might be worth a long-term investment, and waited for her next ‘words’. He hoped it would be something sexy, but knew the ‘night’ was over when she got up and began to get dressed.
Mike tried to savor one of the best, though incomplete, experiences he ever had, until the shear disappointment overran things. He couldn’t understand what he did, but knew that when a woman said ‘stop’, that was just what he had to do. "What's going on?", Mike said, with great disappointment in his voice. "It's not's just not right", was her reply, as she continued putting on her clothing. Mike was still fighting the urge to throw her back onto the couch and finish what they had started. 'That would be alright...right? I mean; she let me be with her for awhile, why wouldn't it be alright to finish? She was all into it one minute, and ready to stop the next? just wasn't fair!', he thought as he watched her button the last button on her top.
Ever the gentleman, Mike helped her finish gathering up her belongings. He couldn't believe that he was helping this ‘tease’ get dressed, after she sentenced him to a ‘very’ uncomfortable night, physically. What did he do to deserve this? He just couldn't understand; after everything had seemed to go so well all night. Mike was no idiot. He had watched enough 'after school' specials to know that when a girl says 'no', it means just that. Her reasons were irrelevant. He didn't have to be happy about it, but needed to respect her decision. ARRRRGGHHHHHH!
Mike called her most every name in the book during their ride back to her mom's place. He berated her, hoping that she might reconsider her decision. He tried to make her feel guilty, and then tried to make her feel sorry for him. Finally, he tried to convince her that, if he would have just kept going, when she said no, that it would have been her own fault.
Mandy was pretty shaken by the time she got out of the car and made her way toward the door of her mom’s home. Her face was full of tears, because he was really being a 'jerk'.
Mike apologized to Mandy on the phone the next day. He was kind of surprised that she even took his call. Before they could say their goodbyes though, he was getting upset again, and told her about it; before hearing a loud 'click'. He knew that he would never see her again. Last night would be a gold medal winner in the 'disappointment’ category. He wouldn't go through that again on a bet.
Mike helped Mandy gather up her things and even had a quiet moment with her; while she regained her composure. While acting the complete gentleman, he was feeling like he could just throw her out of the apartment window for the physical and mental pain he was already experiencing. The car ride to her mom's house was quiet as a funeral, and about as much fun. Mike really wanted to unload on the 'unfair tease', but his momma taught him how to treat a lady; even if Mandy, in his opinion, treated him like a complete jerk. He watched as she walked up the sidewalk to the front door. He wanted to walk with her, but didn't figure on getting a kiss goodnight.
The next day he called to see if she was alright. He still liked her, but knew he could never involve himself with her, intimately, again; certainly not with someone he thought might need to work through some issues. He knew that halting their activity, and making sure she got home safely was the right thing to do, but it still made him feel like a real wimp.
It was OK to be mad at her. It was even alright to feel like a wimp. It was EVEN alright to never associate with her again. The only thing, in this case, that would NOT have been alright, would have been for him to try and continue with their activities after she said 'stop'. Whether it was because she remembered leaving her iron or coffee pot on at home, or she just had a bad feeling; stop meant stop.
Author's Note: Except for him not 'raping' her when the impulse hit him, the only happy ending in this story is that he did the right thing (‘somewhat’ in both endings). I actually mean for Mike to come off as an ass in the first ending (and a little in the second). I wanted to emphasize that even that might be OK as long as he did the right thing initially, and stopped. I remember the trial of the century involving a high profile name. A man was charged with rape, and many of my workmates, and others, said that, 'when the woman led him on and let him begin having sex with her on a beach, it wasn’t necessarily bad that he didn’t stop (when told to do so) in the middle of it; and that she shouldn't have claimed rape.' Those people (some women even) made my skin crawl at the time. I mean; stop means stop.
The Right Thing(John Filkins)
Mandy wasn't a virgin. In fact she was famous for ‘being with’ half the football team in her senior year. Mike knew that you couldn't believe everything you heard, but he also knew that particular rumor was mostly true. She had grown up with her 'free spirit' (free love) parents and was on the pill by her fifteenth birthday. Mike didn't mind her reputation, because he had been seeing her for a couple of weeks, and thought the world of her. She wasn't a bad girl, by any means. She was actually a cute, classy, young, twenty-year-old, who happened to like sex. Mike thought tonight would be as good a time as any to find out what so many guys in high school had experienced. He knew it sounded crass to think that way, but he was a guy after all.
It was seven o'clock and they just had time to get a quick bite and make the movie. Mike surprised her with a romantic 'flick' to get her good and in the mood. They held hands, while the two main characters went through their 'honeymoon' period, the tragic breakup, and then the beautiful reconciliation at the end. He noticed that her eyes were moist when the credits were rolling, and handed her a hand kerchief he had in his pocket for such things. They would usually 'neck' quite a bit during a movie, but she really paid attention to the tragic, then successful couple on the screen. When they got into his car, he craned his neck her way and was happy that she met him with a big kiss!
After picking up a pint of her favorite spirit, they went to Mike's apartment. He took her coat, and fixed her a plastic cup of booze with a piece of ice in it. The two sat on the couch and engaged in the heaviest 'petting' Mike had ever done with anyone. He wasn't a virgin, by any means, but she was really getting him going. Soon, they were in the early stages of making love on his couch. He got to see and experience the things he imagined, when she used to wear tight shirts to school every day. He remembered the high school coming close to a mutiny, among the young men, and some teachers, when the principal made her start wearing more appropriate tops. Mike put an 'end' to things on their last few date nights, before the two went 'all the way'. He wanted to be with the former high school 'sex' princess, but didn't want to be an a-hole who just jumped right in without showing a girl a good time, and getting to know her a bit.
He was hypnotized by this fine specimen of a woman as they explored each other. He couldn’t help thinking about her abundance of previous experience as they began to really get down to business. After much foreplay, they were finally ‘in the act’. Mandy smiled and cooed as they finally ‘got together’. She put her hand on Mike’s chest and looked at him, and smiled broadly; as if she was having the time of her life!
What came next, took Mike totally by surprise. After a couple weeks of dating and the ‘perfect’ night out, Mandy's face changed, and she looked up at him and said “stop”. Mike loved how playful she was and continued for a couple of seconds. He wasn’t sure what to make of her possible, sudden change in mood, and watched her face intently. She looked a little more seriously at him and repeated the instruction a little more authoritatively; “stop”. Mike moved away from the woman, he was beginning to think might be worth a long-term investment, and waited for her next ‘words’. He hoped it would be something sexy, but knew the ‘night’ was over when she got up and began to get dressed.
Mike tried to savor one of the best, though incomplete, experiences he ever had, until the shear disappointment overran things. He couldn’t understand what he did, but knew that when a woman said ‘stop’, that was just what he had to do. "What's going on?", Mike said, with great disappointment in his voice. "It's not's just not right", was her reply, as she continued putting on her clothing. Mike was still fighting the urge to throw her back onto the couch and finish what they had started. 'That would be alright...right? I mean; she let me be with her for awhile, why wouldn't it be alright to finish? She was all into it one minute, and ready to stop the next? just wasn't fair!', he thought as he watched her button the last button on her top.
Ever the gentleman, Mike helped her finish gathering up her belongings. He couldn't believe that he was helping this ‘tease’ get dressed, after she sentenced him to a ‘very’ uncomfortable night, physically. What did he do to deserve this? He just couldn't understand; after everything had seemed to go so well all night. Mike was no idiot. He had watched enough 'after school' specials to know that when a girl says 'no', it means just that. Her reasons were irrelevant. He didn't have to be happy about it, but needed to respect her decision. ARRRRGGHHHHHH!
Mike called her most every name in the book during their ride back to her mom's place. He berated her, hoping that she might reconsider her decision. He tried to make her feel guilty, and then tried to make her feel sorry for him. Finally, he tried to convince her that, if he would have just kept going, when she said no, that it would have been her own fault.
Mandy was pretty shaken by the time she got out of the car and made her way toward the door of her mom’s home. Her face was full of tears, because he was really being a 'jerk'.
Mike apologized to Mandy on the phone the next day. He was kind of surprised that she even took his call. Before they could say their goodbyes though, he was getting upset again, and told her about it; before hearing a loud 'click'. He knew that he would never see her again. Last night would be a gold medal winner in the 'disappointment’ category. He wouldn't go through that again on a bet.
Mike helped Mandy gather up her things and even had a quiet moment with her; while she regained her composure. While acting the complete gentleman, he was feeling like he could just throw her out of the apartment window for the physical and mental pain he was already experiencing. The car ride to her mom's house was quiet as a funeral, and about as much fun. Mike really wanted to unload on the 'unfair tease', but his momma taught him how to treat a lady; even if Mandy, in his opinion, treated him like a complete jerk. He watched as she walked up the sidewalk to the front door. He wanted to walk with her, but didn't figure on getting a kiss goodnight.
The next day he called to see if she was alright. He still liked her, but knew he could never involve himself with her, intimately, again; certainly not with someone he thought might need to work through some issues. He knew that halting their activity, and making sure she got home safely was the right thing to do, but it still made him feel like a real wimp.
It was OK to be mad at her. It was even alright to feel like a wimp. It was EVEN alright to never associate with her again. The only thing, in this case, that would NOT have been alright, would have been for him to try and continue with their activities after she said 'stop'. Whether it was because she remembered leaving her iron or coffee pot on at home, or she just had a bad feeling; stop meant stop.
Author's Note: Except for him not 'raping' her when the impulse hit him, the only happy ending in this story is that he did the right thing (‘somewhat’ in both endings). I actually mean for Mike to come off as an ass in the first ending (and a little in the second). I wanted to emphasize that even that might be OK as long as he did the right thing initially, and stopped. I remember the trial of the century involving a high profile name. A man was charged with rape, and many of my workmates, and others, said that, 'when the woman led him on and let him begin having sex with her on a beach, it wasn’t necessarily bad that he didn’t stop (when told to do so) in the middle of it; and that she shouldn't have claimed rape.' Those people (some women even) made my skin crawl at the time. I mean; stop means stop.
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