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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Teens
- Theme: Family & Friends
- Subject: Novels
- Published: 08/28/2018
All about Drama lives!
Author of
Seniha Haksever
A Novella between the rich and poor qualities with busy drama lives!…………
Happy reading!
Lara can sum up a whole lifetime. It is mainly working, getting paid, saving up money. Rumi says everyone has been created for some particular work, and the desire for that work has been put in every heart. But If you have allot of leisurely time on your hands the clock feels like it is ticking backwards, the time just doesn’t fly fast, if you are a busy business women/man then chances are your time will certainly fly out of your hands that you wouldn’t even be able to hold it.
If you give kindness to people and expect the same thing back in return you will be stuck in that trap forever, Lara hears that people say life is cruel but in all honesty Lara doesn’t agree with that quote. Lara believes it is people that are cruel, if you want to be a helping hand do it with your heart or not at all as Rumi says because not everyone has a soft heart as you or you will be disappointed.
Chapter 1
Lara wakes up to her alarm at 7:30 on the dot this
might look shocking to you but she always wakes up with a big smile on her face because she is a morning’s person but obviously other people get up with a disturbed feeling and grumpy face. Lara believes she is a one in a million kind of lady. Whoever will fall in love with her will definitely be very lucky. She gets up throws on a pair of tight sports pants, a T-shirt and goes downstairs, she asks for a fresh squeezed orange juice from her servant Lisa, she heads off for her normal daily activity which is running so she can be healthy and fit.
The air is icy cold and foggy this morning great temperature to warm up her body even though Lara doesn’t really like cold weather but she must stay fit because summer is on its way. She starts running around her neighborhood to do 5 laps. As she is running she sees a view of an old man that looks like a junky- by the way Lara’s eyes are very excellent at sight-seeing from long distances speaking of her ‘eyes’ she hears an airplane zooming through her head, she looks up to see what the name of the plane is, it says Qatar. But she keeps on running continuously non-stop.
Lara is almost half way through to get to see the old man, she has a feeling that this man needs her help, she literally feels it in her gut, she is huffing and puffing, almost coming closer to see the man... Now she can see him more clearly than before. She notices his cloudy white beard and bright blue eyes, when he sees Lara running closer he suddenly stops her to say something.
‘Excuse me dear I am sorry to disturb you but have you got any money on you like about $5 dollars, I haven’t eaten anything for days I only have half a bottle of water on me left’
‘Oh sure sir I should have about $10 or $20 bucks left in my pocket, here I have got $20 for your luck, here’
‘Thank you very much dear may god always bless you’
‘That’s alright god bless you too’
The man walks away with a big smile on his face and Lara proceeds to run again feeling all pumped up. She knew from the start that this poor man needed her help, her intuition just tells her everything, she feels sorry and bad for poor people, she has a strong feeling of empathy for people but she is also merry and proud for being a helping hand. There are people out there who are selfish and cruel who don’t even bother to help someone who is starving from hunger, she just couldn’t leave that man to suffer anyway she has always wanted to give charities and donations to people who are in need and hardship just like her dad so this was the day! This has just put her mood up!
Lara comes back home to have her snack as she hears her phone ring she reaches her hand to answer the call, it is Demi.
‘Hey hun, how’s it going how did you go with your publishing agent?’
‘Oh my god it was fantastic! My agent said she loved my journal and guess what! All my hard work is going to go on print and published into ‘Demi’s Official Media Release’ magazine can you believe that?’
‘Wow this is terrific congratulations I am so proud of you girl!’
‘Thank you Lara it’s all your encouragement and support if it wouldn’t be you I wouldn’t have come this far’
‘Thank you hun but you’re talented for this too remember that’
‘Okay I will do so. So what have you been up to lately, after that blast we had together last Saturday night?’
‘I just came back from my run, still working on my novel trying to figure out bits and pieces’
‘Running? Girl you need to stop I know this is something you always do but do you want to be as skinny as a stick?
‘I know but summer is coming I need to be in form and shape’
‘Oh whatever and don’t worry you’ll figure out your novel you’re way more talented than me’
‘I hope so hun, hey why don’t you come over for a visit not to be rude but this will save up my phone bill haha’
‘Oh fine Lara I am on my way be there in 15 minutes’
Knock, knock
‘Who’s there?’
‘Demi who?’
‘Demi the magazine publisher’
‘Haha, haha’
As Lara sees Demi she hugs her so tight to welcome and congratulate her ‘would you like a cuppa?’ ‘Ah yes please as usual’ ‘so ready to see your magazine in store?’ ‘absolutely I have been waiting for this for years I am so excited now I understand your joy when you had all your other novels published’ ‘yeah it is an astonishing feeling’ they both take sips on their coffees ‘so how do you think you are going to sort out your novel other than your life story?’ ‘Well I have reached to the climax, in future wise I am thinking of killing off my main character to end the resolution but I am not sure if it is a good idea’ ‘hm you know I am not that good with novels as you are but I don’t think it is a good idea to kill off your main character as it is the most important character in your novel, anyway it is up to you’ ‘hm well I will just go with the flow and see what happens but thank you for your opinion’ ‘you’re welcome’
Lara walks over to the dining table where the typewriter is ‘I am going to work on my novel’ ‘with your typewriter?’ ‘Yes’ ‘do you still use this antique?’ ‘off course I do writers love typewriters no matter how old fashioned it is’ ‘I see that’ she starts to type as Demi listens to the sounds that she makes ‘And doesn’t that typewriter fit your hands and nails perfectly’ ‘I told you it is something that is still great to use besides the year it was manufactured’ Demi grabs a magazine from Lara’s shelf and starts to browse through it with interest and fascination.
‘Did you want to stay over for dinner my dad’s making turkey with rice you’ll love it!’ ‘no hun Nico is going to take me out tonight he said he needs a break from all the hard work he is doing with architecture but thank you for the offer’ Demi’s body language shows cheekiness as Lara smiles in return.
‘Hm so you guys have all sorted out your house designs and financial issues ey?’
‘Well almost it is better than before we kept on arguing with the plan for our new home, I couldn’t convince him about how I want to pay for the interior and he could pay for the exterior, trying to acknowledge him that it is not that expensive but he just doesn’t listen, gosh men these days’
‘hm I get your point you want to pay half-half but I guess he just doesn’t want to feel low self-esteem he just wants to do all the work not to feel embarrassed in front of you because you remember how his from a low class family in cost’
‘yes hun I know that’s why I wanted us to pay half but I guess he still feels bad that he can’t offer me a high class living’
‘I understand. But you love him don’t you?’
‘Off course I do money can’t buy love and that’s what’s special about our relationship’
‘Yeah indeed’
Lara really loves and adores her best friend’s relationship with Nico she can view that their bonds will connect so tightly together and it will stay the way it is and last for a lifetime. She is very eager to discover a brand new relation to connect with a better and more decent young man than all the other guys she dated. She can see her outlook in love, when you’re young you make stupid decisions, fall for guys who are just complete idiots and cowards. She guesses she is starting to realize that she has grown out of her teenage years into adulthood. More stable, steady and well balanced, putting the thinking caps on to make more intelligent life changing responses in her private life, by leaning on using her brain more than her heart.
Sometimes you’re just left in between your heart and mind, you love a man but he might not have a very good personality, he is a bourgeois, selfish and only cares about himself, he gets very close with you, buys you expensive diamonds and jewelry until he gets what he is aiming at, he actually doesn’t want a serious relationship with you, he just wants the affair, the flirtation and if he is lucky enough to reach his direct point, his goal of his desired intentions he will succeed his manly hood obsessions and passions.
Later that night Lara watches how her dad comes in the door and tosses the keys but not with a smile on his face he looked down and languorous for some reason that she didn’t know of. He went onto making the Turkey and rice he is like as if he is not there his mind somewhere else. The only small sentence he said was ‘hi, how was your day’ something was wrong she just knew it from his vibes. Lara and her dad both sat down at the dinner table, she inspected around the table with her eyes…. There was no salad, chips or any dips it was only plain Turkey that was overcooked and rice that was uncooked properly….. What was going on?
Lara would never want her dad to be in this state of mind whatever is wrong she will find out somehow, she doesn’t think it is because of her mum or doesn’t think he would have anything to do with her as she left us years ago to another man and went to Sweden. Could it be about her? She thinks. If it is she would be very angry with her after all she is all the pain and drama that she caused for her dad, her dad almost got fired from his job because of her, Lara is curious to know what the situation is. She is not going to let anything hurt her dad anymore because her dad is a wonderful man and has a heart of gold.
Chapter 2
In the morning Lara quickly jogs down the stairs to catch her dad for a chit chat to try to get some words out of him. ‘Hey dad good morning’ ‘good morning Lara’ he gives a half sided smile at her today ‘you looked very down last night are you okay?’ ‘yeah hun it’s just work-related issues you know’ her dad chuckles ‘oh okay I was just a bit worried about you’ ‘nah I will get back in track don’t worry every man has his ups and downs’ ‘okay well I’ll see you tonight’ ‘bye’
Lara shuts the door takes her typewriter and heads down to her writing studio/gallery which is at the garage first. Her display name at the top front of her studio is written in a fancy font it looks very glamorous. She sits down and starts typing on this regular working day. Her imagination, all her thoughts, vocabulary words just flows through her brain onto paper, it soothes her wanting to write the story that she wants to read, however she wants the story to be...oh what a feeling! To love the job that she is doing, to live this present moment with no fear just whatever comes through her mind, the freedom to break and escape the cage that she is in, letting out all these emotions and feelings in her chest introvertly and extrovertly into a book.
As Lara takes a sip of her glass of water she hears someone’s footsteps coming inside her studio she looks behind and sees new customers. By the look of the way they’re dressed up they don’t look high quality at all... ‘Hello welcome in how may I help you?’
‘Hi I have come to buy Lara’s books’
‘Yes over here and Lara is me by the way’
‘It must be you yeah I knew it, isn’t it nice to have a studio to sell your own masterpieces?’
That sounded very awkward...
‘Yeah absolutely it is very pleasurable’
‘There is your book that I read about ‘lessons learned in life’; it is very inspiring I really adore that book’
‘Thank you I am glad you liked it’
The customer leans down to see her book that’s called ‘Silence’ she politely asks the price
‘How much is this?’
‘That one is $99.95 US dollars, it is a very outstanding piece of creativity of mine you’ll love it!’
‘What... sorry um… that price doesn’t suit my living’
The chubby women’s face falls looking embarrassed, Lara knew these customers weren’t suitable for her studio. Lara kind of felt pity for the women.
‘That’s okay I can make a discount for you, it is nice to have friendly, easy-going customers who gives me compliments like you’
‘oh that is very nice of you, I normally buy your books from online at a cheaper price but today I wanted to pop in and have a look who this author is that I have been loving to read her books but sorry I wasn’t aware’
‘That’s alright, the price drops down to $50 specially for you’
‘Why thank you darling is there still people like you nowadays…? Thank you for this’
‘You’re very welcome, have a great day’
‘You too bye’
Lara carries on finishing her novel about ‘My Life Story’ she feels gratified and dignified for having such a humble and modest heart. She never really has looked down on people whose wage scales are low even though when she is a rich lady from a father who owns many lands and is the manager of his Sponsoring Charity business/company. Lara, her family and friends are wealthy but there is something that is very special about them and that is because they are all kind, generous, one and only unique class by itself in particular.
The day fly’s by very fast a couple more customers come in Lara makes a few more sales, Demi suddenly pops in around lunch time to show Lara her ‘Official Media Release’ magazine. Demi skips inside Lara’s studio giggling blissfully like a kid ‘Hey Lara take a look at my magazine!’ Demi yells out ‘oh wow I love your front cover, look at that font! Girl I am so happy for you’ as she skips through the pages ‘thank you babe I am happy too, my magazine has a flawless finish I love it too!’ they both sit down on the comfy couches just studying every single page from front to back. ‘Would you like a glass of wine to celebrate this achievement?’ Lara asks Demi ‘sure why not that would be awesome’ they both head to the small alcohol bar that she has got, Lisa opens up a bottle of red wine-shiraz to enjoy the savor. ‘Cheers for Demi’s success’ Lara delivered ‘cheers!’ Demi added.
In the evening Lara’s dad comes back from work with a handful of paperwork in his hands. She goes down the stairs to their Luxurious and Sumptuous looking salon. She can see a picture of his face that is much calmer and in relief but there is still something bothering him from what she can perceive ‘Hey dad what’s up?’ ‘Hey honey not too bad’ ‘that’s good’ ‘how was your day?’ ‘Just daily work activities you know working on my novel, I had a few customers that arrived as well’ ‘that sounds wonderful’
Her dad yells out from across the living room.
‘Hey Lisa it is your turn to cook today what’s for dinner tonight better be a tasty dish I am starving!’
‘The main meal is Steak frites which is cooked well to your desire with chips and salad to the side Mr. Johnson’
Lisa replied
‘What about desert?’
‘We have got two options- Floating island or Éclair’
‘Okay I would like to have Floating Island’
Her dad gets lifted up a bit when he remembers about their French food that they eat. Lara has a mixture of backgrounds her mum is Swedish and her dad is French. She prefers being called French, she loves her dad’s side obviously because she has had a bad past with her mum but she has got no idea how to speak in French and that’s normal because her hometown is United States of America, New York.
‘So did you sort out your work issues?’
Lara’s dad’s mood and the light in his face suddenly faded away slowly…
‘Um... yeah’
She narrows her eyes in disbelief
‘Are you sure dad? Look, I know there’s something wrong going on…. Is it my mum that is involved in this, is this the case?’
Her dad took a long pause to answer...
‘No hun it has nothing to do with Ella…’
‘Then what is it?’
‘Look Lara you’re an adult now I am sure you’re going to understand my situation, you have become mature but I am currently in an economic crisis, I am finding it difficult to pay my coworkers that… I almost had to fire a couple of them...’
‘Oh dad I am very sorry to hear that, what do you mean off course I understand’
‘Thank you gorgeous what I meant by that was your American Express card might be cancelled’
‘So I suggest you not to do any expensive purchasing when you go shopping please just for a small period of time’
‘But I was going to buy that….’
She gives a sigh
‘Okay dad as you wish’
‘It not like I want this to happen you already know’
‘I know dad I understand’
‘I knew you would sweetheart you have become so mature after all the trials we have dealt with your mum... but anyway I am still lucky enough that I don’t have to fire my coworkers anymore that is sorted out’
‘I am glad that is over and done with but how did this happen?’
‘One of my customers which was a beggar, not in my awareness has defrauded me a hell of money for his own interest to buy drugs’
‘Oh dad you need to be careful from those types of beggars, you have such a soft heart that you trust people and just don’t see the bad in them’
Lara’s dad stares at her with a sweet smile with admiration
‘Lara when have you grown to give me advice’
She smiles back
‘Diners ready’ Lisa says, she brings the Steak frites to the dining table
‘Any choice of alcohol tonight?’ Lisa asks
‘Um Richemer please Lisa’ dad confirms
‘I’ll have Laroque please’ Lara adds
‘Sure your drinks are on its way’ Lisa finishes her line
‘So are you sure this has nothing to do with mum am I correct?’ Lara started bringing up their conversation with dad again.
‘No what would a beggar have anything to do with your mum? Silly’
They both slowly start to munch on their food, in the meantime the liquor beverages arrive as well.
‘Just asking she has put you through allot of bankruptcy in the past remember we went through a lot of pressure to get back your Charity Business because mum was informing false information about you and society was booing you’
‘I know sweetheart I hope nothing like that happens again, I discovered all of the evidence and proved it to the judge that it was her that was trying to sue me for providing all that ridiculous information about my Business, she spent two months in jail but she deserved it justice has found all honesty’
‘That is oath right dad I totally agree’
‘By the way this tastes delicious’ Lara admits
‘Oh absolutely super good’ dad replies ‘Enjoy!’ Lisa yells out across from the kitchen
Chapter 3
Last night Lara memorized her conversation that she had with dad Speaking of finance Demi has found Mr. Right, a precious treasure which money can’t buy... love. Love doesn’t calculate wealth or poor in her book, Lara has met many high class people; their only intension is to marry someone from a family that is rich from their level. Demi’s fiancé is a standard class man but Demi is first class, she still loves Nico with all her heart, inspecting them, Demi accepts to live in an average home with Nico, Nico wants to pay everything not to feel bad in front of Demi, he refuses to pay half-half. But wouldn’t it be so lovely and cute? Sharing is caring.
Lara really desires to find her prince charming someday very soon as well. Why not? She is a goddess. She has to admit the truth her beauty is much more than Demi. Demi is very hot, she has a sultry nature in her, Lara has to admit again Demi is hotter than her; she wears glasses that make her look like a porn star, no seriously. Lara is just the goddess.
It doesn’t really matter whatever class Lara’s lover is going to be in as long as his cute and funny, someone that can also please her sensual senses. Like when you get to know someone you eventually want to set yourself free to embrace the lust. When Lara used to go out clubbing as a teenager she got hooked up a couple of times - you know it just happens out of control not to mention getting your drink spiked and becoming the advantage, luckily that never happened to her because she always bought her own alcohol. But Demi almost did Lara encountered everything with her own eyes she had to jump in, interfere and tell her what was going on before she took a sip. Lara is 23 now she doesn’t go out into that atmosphere that often anymore only sometimes since she has grown out of her teenage years.
Some people go out clubbing to get hooked up, some people just for the sake of having a brilliant time. For her both of them apply. Lara hasn’t been able to get out since Graduating from University and becoming an Author because she has been busy writing novels. Maybe she should go out more to clubbing... she has had a couple of boyfriends in the past. She wasn’t (that) slutty like other rich ladies who dumped their bub in about two weeks.
But now she is saying to herself what the hell was she thinking! Most often the guys were idiots and immature show offs by trying to please her with Chevrolet Corvette Stingray Convertible sports cars and all. They would just buy her high-cost gifts mostly – jewelry and she means very precious diamonds.
But at the end of the day they all got what they desired but this doesn’t satisfy her anymore, she wants a serious relationship with a young, tall, handsome man that can suit her needs in every perfect possible way.
Lara really wonders what kind of a scene she is going to capture her lover’s attention with her brownie eyes... in a club? a mall? from a Writers Festival-Event? Who knows? It would actually be good if he had the same interest and passion as her that would be awesome.
Her dad keeps on nagging and asking her when she is going to move out into her own house when she should be the one to think about when she is going to get him off her back. Well the reason is because she can’t leave her studio. Her studio is everything to her, she is not complete without it, and she needs it every day. Years ago she designed it with very expensive household goods from ‘Modani Furniture’ her desk, the counter, her bookshelf’s stock-sale, the positive energies she has created around the studio, the way she can sniff the smell of all her creative artwork-books. She knows she can rebuild another studio when she moves out but she has put allot of effort and let out a lot of money from her hands into this so... she has to admit she can’t deny her comfort zone gets in the way as well. But it is not so much of a hustle.
She would all so love to move out and be a much more independent lady standing up on her feet, no matter how much she loves her dad and the father and daughter relationship that she shares with him.
This morning Lara calls Demi from her cellphone at around 8-9 in the morning to discuss about their Gotham Writers' Workshop festival event that they’re going to present and teach to some fellow writers in the Adult Education School.
Demi picks up the phone
‘Rise and shine Demi’
‘Hey girl’ As Demi says with a dull, sexy, sleepy voice that her tone cuts through the line.
‘What’s wrong are you sick?’
‘No man I just woke up to your phone call, why are you calling me this early did you dream about me or something?’ Demi asks jokingly
‘Oh my god did you forget about our presentation that we’re going to show today? How could you hun?’
‘Ohhh no, that’s right we have our demonstration today. Sorry hun I was out late with Nico last night we had a ball at Blue Note, a Jazz Musician took the stage and we watched him at the Jazz club’
‘Hey that actually sounds awesome! Where was my invite? Haha just kidding but the party is over now so please can you get dressed up, I’ll pick you up; we’ll go with my car as you know there is more room and space in my white convertible Mercedes’
‘Oh hun sorry but I called you twice but you didn’t pick up so I thought your battery was dead’
‘When? I didn’t hear a thing? Maybe my phone was on silent sorry hun’
‘That’s alright maybe next time we can go out together to watch another performance’
‘I am going to get dressed up and I will wait for you at the front gate’
‘Okay I’ll see you soon’
15 minutes later Lara approaches Demi’s mansion and waits next to the gate where you enter in her elegant luxury looking mansion, palm trees, emerald-green fine and neat grass with freshly scented smell of daisies of natural nature.
Lara’s eye catches Demi walking, moving her hips side to side, wearing a silky black collar, fine long black pants with her thin-length high heeled shoes and most of all... always looking very sexy and an independent lady of all.
When Lara sees Demi she waves a hand at her and she jumps into her car.
‘Hello Miss sexy smarty pants’ Lara starts
‘Why hello goddess, and by the way I am not a ‘miss’ anymore I am engaged’
‘Haha and next step getting into the marriage exploration’
‘Who says? I am not ready for that yet being engaged is already enough for me, so much of arguments already’
‘Well you’re going to have to get use to it for the love you have for Nico, and I am sure he loves you back too’
‘Yeah I know’
Lara starts the car again and hits the accelerator.
‘At least he is the only one I have had an honest, trustworthy connection with compared to all the other guys, he is very unique in his own way, and he is amazing’ Demi adds
‘I am very glad to hear that Demi. The two of you make a very good couple, you both belong together, specially the two of you in particular. And as long as you also have me as a strong friendship our bonds and ties will be even much greater’
‘Thank you Lara, you’re my best friend or more than that a sister to me, you know I don’t even...’
Demi’s eyes get teary as she pauses her sentence.
‘Oh Demi I am sorry if my words made you sad I didn’t mean to’
‘No it’s not you I just... I was going to say I don’t even know if I actually have any other sisters or brothers you know my story’
Demi is adopted. She doesn’t know who her real parents are but she lives in a mansion with whom she calls her mum and dad who sponsored and fostered her when she was a kid. Lara honestly dislikes bringing this conversation up because Demi gets very upset.
‘I know hun it must be awful not knowing but you always have me, I want you to take this as if we’re sisters okay? From now on you’re my sister understood?’ Lara continues their conversation
‘Lara you’re a star I love you!’ Demi attacks Lara’s neck with a sisterly hug
‘Haha okay, okay, I am driving be careful hun’
Demi’s mood gets back up that Lara can see the smile in her face. All of a sudden Lara gets a great idea that maybe she can offer to help her sister to find her real mother and father and maybe her siblings if she has any as well because she feels bad not knowing where she is from and who she is from. Lara will ask her soon but not right at this moment she doesn’t want to destroy her happiness now, this can wait.
Lara also wants to tell her about how she wants to find a partner for good. She guesses it is time she makes some serious decision making she is 23 turning 24 and very mature for her age; in fact she doesn’t respect too much foolishness or getting wasted like in the past. She wants to gain responsibility; she wants to share company and a lifetime with a man in her interest. Maybe this might sound way too early and young for other people but life started very early for her, she wants to get married and be admired with the bigger picture in the media, she wants people to be proud of her, with whoever she is going to marry.
And when she says it can be whoever, she doesn’t mean someone eating up rubbish from the garbage bin, she means someone who is a standard personnel. Some other rich people just don’t understand that economy-first class people both can mix up together, it is not always about material costs, it is all so about humanity.
Chapter 4
The sisters are on their way to reach the ‘Gotham Writers’- Adult Education School. Lara makes her way to enter into the parking lot. they’re both not teachers to actually teach other writers but they have joined a voluntary organization for a short period of time to learn all the aspects and features, about 5 weeks ago and hell! Their supervisor, Carl was the hottest young man ever with see through water-board abs under his sexy eggplant-colored tie. So they are qualified to teach about the art of writing. They even have their own name badges on around their neck.
Lara notices and glances up her eyes and sees everybody making their way from their cars or in groups by chattering amongst themselves. Well presented by the look of their clothes. She sights familiar faces, people that she has seen somewhere else, writers that she knows of in person. Lara has an excited feeling for this today that her chest jumps up and down from the joy...
They both enter inside the door there was not much air to breathe in from all the people and the smell of the daffodil colored walls and the stone colored carpets. Lara saw the bulletin board to see where the room is, she looked down and saw the sentence saying ‘group for new writers-room no: 9’ that was it, that is their class that they’re going to teach today.
There was a long corridor to their room they obviously have been here before when they had their voluntary group-course it is both linked to one another so they know a fairly bit of the atmosphere. When they reach their room no: 9 they both head inside...
‘Good morning everyone’! Let me introduce myself today, I am Lara, an author of many inspirational, memoir books and this is Demi who is a magazine publisher, she has just gotten published recently,
(Lara hears quiet chatting in the background when she says ‘published’ apparently because the class is filled with new writers)
‘She is also known as my best friend and sister’ as Lara looks to face Demi with a smile by introducing themselves.
‘We both have undertaken a short course about what the definition and art of writing is 5 weeks ago’ Demi smiles back at Lara
‘So writing is a very rewarding but challenging sector. Many new writers believe that everybody can write but in my opinion I think this would be very difficult if you don’t have any talent. You must have some sort of skill to achieve this and become a writer in your profession’
‘Writing has many sections of work that you’re required to do.
Demi draws a diagram on the whiteboard, explaining at the same time.
For instance:
If you’re going to write a book about poetry you need to make your words rhyme,
A children’s book, you need to have basic vocabulary words for kids to understand in a clear manner,
Or a magazine you need to know a lot about media,
And for a novel you need to have a:
‘That’s right Demi. Structure is all so the important part of writing because it improves your writing, if you don’t have structure your story wouldn’t be a suitable standard to read. Characters are what make the story flow with emotions, without characters your story would be like a large missing part which would be incomplete with deficiency’
‘Another important key is while you’re writing; meanwhile you must read a lot of books. The reason is to understand how to write better’
‘Aha! That’s it. (As Lara points out Demi’s phrase) And there is all so a quote from Stephen king saying: ‘If you don't have the time to read, you don't have the time or the tools to write’
‘There is another one: ‘if you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot. There's no way around these two things that I'm aware of, no shortcut’ Demi adds Stephen king’s quote.
‘Is there any questions so far?’ Lara asks
A guy from the back wearing glasses with a nerdy profile raises his hand to ask a question.
‘What if you just can’t read I mean as in if you don’t like reading?’
‘You know I use to get that feeling as well but if you find something that entertains your interest maybe you can overcome that’
‘Oh okay I will keep your tip in mind’
‘Is there any other questions?’ Demi asks this time
A lady is next in asking her question
‘How do you find ideas or where can you find them?’
‘if you have a strong imagination some people just writes about whatever comes into their mind, but if you get stuck and have writer’s block then maybe then you can do some research on Google or from wherever your search engine is’
The class gets quiet with no other hands raised up in the air. After a brief discussion about how and what to do to write this and that, with some helpful quotes of famous writers they both moved onto more depth about the art of writing.
The class was very intelligent and smart as young writers. Questions were well asked, manners and politeness were filled with courtesy. Lara and Demi were both satisfied about everything. The class, the way that they interacted, communicated with the class, luckily was well orientated. So at the end of their presentation they were both very satisfied with the assistance, help and guidance with the support that they have given to other new writers of their community. Everything was beyond fabulous!
Chapter 5
It is another regular weekday. Lara goes out for her run, works on her novel, she then decides to go out for dinner with Demi to first chillax then they might pop into a club to shake off their stress. Lara books a reservation to the French restaurant that they are going to go to.
Demi picks Lara up this time they go with one car to save the petrol and parking... Lara is honestly not greedy but she just doesn’t like to waste energy and fuel, parking is hard to find in New York City as well.
She hears Demi hooning at her with her small Nissan juke sport cross candy-red car. Demi is a fan of small cars Demi likes her car it is mini and cute but Lara likes bigger cars because there is much more space and room to move in. Lara really wonders how she can manage to breathe in that car.
Lara runs down stairs making the sound of a drum roll...
Demi turns on some hip hop music swinging her hands and head around ducking like a bubblehead to the rhythm of the flow ‘Partition by Beyoncé’ As soon as Lara catches a glimpse of her dance moves she starts to wiggle her hips and shoulders as people walking past by stare at her looking amused marveling at her.
Demi and Lara laugh at each other as Lara steps into Demi’s mini Nissan.
‘Ah that was one of a great boogie!’ she reckons she’d say
‘I know right’
Lara’s phone beeps and vibrates she gets a notification from CNN.
She reads the top headline out loud:
‘A gunman dressed in all black and wearing tactical gear opened fire at First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas, during Sunday service’
‘Oh what an idiot!’ Demi shouts with absurdity
‘Yeah he was probably an infidel or something’
‘Maybe. The sin is his own responsibility to take care of’
‘Absolutely hun’ Lara agrees
She changes the subject back to writing
‘Our presentation at ‘Gotham Writers’ was enthusiastic wasn’t it Demi?’
‘Oh yes most definitely it was splendid’
‘So... um when are you going to have a boyfriend? Aren’t you tired of being single for so long?’ Demi asks eagerly
‘I know right! The last time I had a boyfriend was when I was 20’
‘Well it has been a while’
‘Even when I was before 20 those guys I dated was just wack and silly’
‘Yeah I can’t believe that time you vomited and tripped over Ethan when you were literally drunk your head off!’
‘Oh don’t even remind me about that night at the strippers club it was so embarrassing!’
‘And how could we not know it was a strippers club?’
‘I don’t know my phone didn’t mention and the reviews that people gave were 5 star ratings how would I know?’
‘Of course they wouldn’t even dare to mention that silly Lara. Haha’ As Demi laughs and turns over the roundabout
‘Aahh those good old days we were still young you know with our fake ID’s, only way we could get accepted’
Demi makes her way in ‘La Grenouille’ French restaurant. The drive from Lara’s house-in which she calls mansion is known to be an apartment in Manhattan, driving to the restaurant was a very smooth drive. Lara has always admired Demi’s driving she is pro at it.
Speaking of housing, yes Lara lives in an apartment with her dad but there is still luxury, fancy furniture goods. She still wouldn’t mind visiting Nico’s average home as a guest, she doesn’t discriminate whatever class people are because there is always good quality about average people, like there is a quote from Rumi saying ‘I saw many humans on whom there were no clothes, I saw many clothes in which there were no humans’
Demi’s mansion is called ‘Abington House Luxury Apartments’ and Lara has to admit speaking and including that there is ‘luxury’ named in her home she honestly disagrees because not to debate in a rude, bossy manner but her mansion is not that modern as Lara’s ‘Manhattan House Apartment’ It is just plain old original style. Nico should teach her some lessons about this as he is an architect.
They both walk in to be seated but their conversation is getting deepened so they proceed to talk.
‘I know. You know that Russian strippers club, their head office (gang) is very strict those prostitutes come from Moscow to Turkey getting tricked into a job which they think is clean. But I honestly never knew they would even come here. Transferring all the way here to make money around the world’
‘Oh my! This is the first time I am hearing this, I feel sorry for those Russian women they must be kept under strict hands of dirty men, like how they kept those Jews in the holocaust camp!’
‘Maybe that story is even worse than this one’
The silence left them feeling for them.
‘Where did our conversation even lead to this topic we were talking about me being single?’
‘Oh I don’t know’
They wait to be seated. The waiter quickly takes them to their seat.
‘Hello madam, hello how are we today?’
‘Fine thanks sir’ Lara answers feeling like a majesty
The waiter checks his notebook
‘Ah here we are the reservation is booked for three under the name (Demi)’
Lara looks puzzled
‘Yes that is correct’ Demi jumps in to reply
‘This way please your table seat is number 45, just relax and a waiter will be with you shortly to bring the menu’
‘Thank you’
‘Demi, who is number three for?’
Demi looks at Lara as if she is hiding a secret, about to burst out of her chest to spill the words out...
‘Are you thinking what I am thinking?’
‘I guess I am’ Demi confirms
‘Oh my god! You have got to be kidding me!’
‘Haha I all so invited Nico to dinner’
‘Demi you’re a genius why couldn’t I think of that, oh pfft it is your fiancé of course, it will be great to have him tonight, by the way is he on his way?’
‘Yes he is he should be here soon’
Chapter 6
The environment is peaceful and relaxed in a quiet murmuring way with romantic music, quiet chatting with ching sounds of fork and knife in the background.
Around 15 minutes later Nico pops in with denim jeans, a t-shirt and a bright smile on his face looking brilliant.
‘Hi sweetheart mua’ Nico gives his fiancé a sweet kiss on her cheek
‘Hello Lara how are you?’ Nico continues
‘I am very well thanks, it is nice to see you here’
‘Ah yeah we need days like this to catch up, excuse me but I have been very busy with work, you know we’re decorating our home’
‘Yeah I know I was going to ask how is that going?’
‘Great still got a fair bit to do I need to paint the walls with Demi’s favorite patterns and you’re going to attach the blinds and curtains aren’t you bub?’
‘Yeah! And with a floral design it is going to be beautiful’
‘That’s terrific! I can’t wait to see it all ready and done with after all the hard work both of you have almost finished’
‘Tell me about it’
The waiter comes along with the menus in his hands and hands them out to them.
They all browse through the menu to see what they can eat on this dinner night out.
Lara and Demi have already found what they are going to eat but Nico looks like as if he is under stress in understanding the menu to find something to eat, as he doesn’t have the knowledge about these types of dish names or what prix fixe and A la carte is. But he is trying not to look so dumb as much as he can but he should know that they don’t really care about class he doesn’t need to stay classy they will still love and adore him no matter what class he is in. Like Lara said this is the kind of people that they are.
He leans over to ask Demi about the food
The waiter heads towards them
‘Ready to order?’
‘Um yes almost’ Demi replies
‘I will start with mine, I’ll have the La poularde au champagne’ Lara adds
Demi was just about done with interpreting Nico’s dinner.
‘And we will have the La salade grenouille and the Steak tartare with matchstick potatoes’
‘Sure. What alcohol beverages were you guys after?’
‘Carl Jung champagne please. Demi?’ Lara says and asks
‘We’ll have the same one thanks’ Demi replies
‘So how is your novel going the one about your life story?’ Nico asks with excitement
‘Oh it is going fabulous. I have reached the climax for my ‘life story’ but I think I am going to leave the novel for now as I should focus and pay attention to this one it is more important for me’
‘Oh that’s a great idea fair enough’
‘And hopefully it will make a great buck fingers crossed guys’
‘I hope’ Nico replies
‘Hey I see your dad around the building as you know our jobs are close to each other, he seems a bit down is he alright?’ Nico adds and asks
‘Oh he has some work related issues and um... I will be dead set honest with you because I know you won’t put me down, my dad is going through an economic crisis’ Lara took a deep breath and exhaled
‘Oh are you serious? That is awful I am sorry to hear that’
‘Yeah it will be okay I guess, I suppose my mum is involved in this too but my dad refuses’
‘Hm don’t worry your dad is a strong man he will go through it in peace and sound’ Nico tries to cheer Lara up with his kindly words.
‘Yeah exactly and remember you always have your sister beside you, we have your back’
‘Sister...?’ Nico asks looking puzzled
‘I want her to call me sister; you know our bonds are so tied up’
Nico chuckles ‘oh that is sweet’
‘Damn right bro! I can call you my brother as well if you would like to, join the club!’
‘Alright well up to you’
Their food arrives as they were just having a laugh in between the 3 of them.
They slowly munch on their food by staying classy; Lara really likes Nico’s behavior in the environment, she reckons he is doing a very good job trying to look classy like the others.
Lara begins the conversation changing the subject to Demi and Nico’s relationship status...
‘So when are you guys going to get married?’
Nico almost chokes on his food
‘Um, probably soon yeah bub?’
‘Um yeah whenever madam Demi is ready’ Nico gulps down on his food wiping his mouth with the napkin
‘As I please your majesty’ Demi laughs as Nico leans further down to hold her warm, soft hands
‘You’re the majesty’ Nico says
‘Why thank you my prince charming, there we go that suits you better now doesn’t it’
‘It sure does my sweetheart’
‘Wow you guys are so cute you both should get married to a Royal Mansion instead of an apartment in truth! Haha’
‘Haha it is a mansion lol our Abington House Luxury Apartment meets our needs no need for extra drama sis’
‘Haha okay as you wish that is totally up to you’ Lara smiles at her sister.
Chapter 7
The group of friends finish eating their food, they sit back for a couple more minutes and enjoy the serenity of the French restaurant.
‘Hey guys since we have finished our food why don’t we go late night clubbing to a fine, sultry dance floor to rock it up and boogie!?’
‘That is a wonderful idea Lara!’ Nico’s eyes sparkle up with happiness
‘Right on let’s get cracking!’ Demi starts
‘I know a brilliant club called ‘Marquee’ usually they held live performances but there isn’t any for tonight just saying’ Lara informs them
‘Oh that’s alright we can just have some shots or cocktails, hang around and dance like a regular night out’ Demi says
‘Fantastic! Alright let’s go check this night club out’ Lara ends the conversation by getting their ass’s out to this striking place.
As they enter into the dance floor Lara realizes the club is Colorful, multi-tiered, featuring 30-foot ceilings, LED screens and plenty of night owls. She notices the club is very large in space, so many people crowded in the center of the floor, the silver disco ball on top of the 30-foot ceiling in the middle, the LED screen in the distance playing music. The stage for live performances was obviously empty tonight but there still is people dancing to hip hop music of course. The LED Disco Party Bulb projects dazzling lights of violet and cobalt colors to the walls and ceilings. It looks captivating and alluring!
‘Wow! What a beauty this night is going to be a blast’ Lara begins
‘Absolutely sis’
‘Woot woot! Hey why don’t I get us some shots? And get our bodies flowing with heat to get it started, I will be at the bar’
‘Okay we will be here warming ourselves up’ Demi responds
Demi and Lara start to slowly move their hips and let their hands up in the air. Demi is very sexy as always, wearing her rosy red mini skirt with her blackest black strapless top with red stilettos to match it. Lara is wearing her canary yellow dress with shiny glitter on it with a pair of golden high heels.
Nico comes down to the rest with his denim shirt with jeans and sweaters holding the lady’s drinks in his hand with a cool vibe.
‘Here you go guys got some French Martini cocktails instead’
‘Thanks Nico you’re a genius!’
‘Likewise Lara. And by the way I heard you guys did teaching to some fellow writer’s ey?’
Lara shouts at Nico because she can’t hear him clearly from all the music
‘What! I can’t hear you properly?’
‘His asking about the Gotham Writers!’ Demi shouts
‘Oh yeah we did, it was enthusiastic to teach about what we know in writing, it was an enjoyable experience!’ Lara yells to make her voice heard
‘Yeah I agree, intelligent class as well’ Demi says
‘That is great to hear’ Nico says
They take small sips on their French Martini’s and continue to dance to the music taking steps and turns as Nico joins them too, making small figures of dance moves.
‘Come on darling just go with the rhythm let tonight be our night to muck around!’ Demi encourages her fiancé to dance more with her and she shows him the dance moves – how to dance.
Demi takes hold of Nico’s hand, they dance together until they let themselves go deep into the rhythm of the flow, Lara first watches how sweet and what a cute couple they are and gets a bit jealous of her sister, but she is feeling bad about this, she should be happy for them she thinks inside her head. She joins in the fun with them as well and everything just turns out spontaneous. But suddenly Lara remembers about her dad’s economic crisis and she feels down, but they have been through a lot in the past they will get through this as Nico said.
‘Hey you’re looking lovely may I join in the fun?’ A young bloke with silky black hair and hazel eyes starts to talk to Lara.
At first she questions herself if he just wants a quick one night standard fuck or a date because she is fed up by making stupid decisions, getting laid, looking like one of a slut like she used to in her teenage years. And she just knows when she meets someone, first impressions define everything that you need to know... but with this guy she can’t predict anything, like she’s got a wall in front of her eyes, her heart racing so fast, is this the signs of love at first sight? Because he is just too handsome and charming!...
‘Um thanks. The dance floor is all yours everyone deserves a bit of fun’ Lara glances at him; she doesn’t want to say yes or anything until she finds out his intention.
‘This dance floor would be so empty and boring not having a beautiful lady like you on this floor’
Her eyes sparkle and her heart melts into pour love as she glances at him.
‘Why thank you for the compliments’ she gets on with dancing
‘You’re very welcome gorgeous’ he responds
‘May I ask what your name is?’
‘That is a lovely name as beautiful as you are, I am Isaac’
‘That’s right my sister is the goddess but you better watch out if you intend to hurt her!’ Demi quickly yells out with her cool, bitchy vibe trying to defend her sister just in case.
‘Demi?’ Lara try’s to silence her
‘That’s alright I like the way you have a sister that defends you and by the way she is right it is hard trusting guys nowadays if I don’t include myself’
Lara’s blood starts to heat up with Isaac...
‘Yeah I call her my sister she is like my other half, my soul sister even though we don’t come from the same blood. And by the way I am glad you know that, what you said last was a good quote’
‘Oh okay. Well yeah it is not always about blood. And I am all so glad you liked my words’
‘It is the truth,’
‘Yeah. I love your dance moves, Um let me guess you must be under the zodiac sign of a Leo?’
‘Leo? Really?’ Lara questions him
‘Yeah strong and confident!... am I incorrect?’
‘You are incorrect, I am an Aries’
‘Oh so your made out of fire (girl on fire) ey?’
‘Your element is fire I read the astrology book’
‘Oh right’
‘You all so love action is that why you’re here? Haha’
‘A little bit of dancing doesn’t kill anybody haha!’
Lara is now getting even more attached to Isaac so she kindly turns her body over to dance with him as he is already ready for it since yesterday!
The two dances, dances and dances! His energy is fun to get along with. They start to get even closer Lara finds her hands around his neck and his on her lower back, she feels safe in his arms, he gives her confidence, she feels like he has a strong and sexy character. She wonders which zodiac sign he is?... Maybe Scorpio? There is one way to find that out...
Lara takes a sip on her French Martini, swallows and she asks him,
‘So what is your zodiac sign?’
‘Oh mine is Scorpio’
‘I knew it!’ she yells out
‘How did you know?’
‘I feel it in your energy I am a little psychic as well’
‘That’s interesting, can you predict our future?’
‘Um no I am not that psychic! Haha’
‘I can! I am now seeing a beautiful goddess in a white wedding dress as color of the snow, in her pearled necklace with a young man wearing a black suit and tie with the table set with candle lights, us holding hands at the beach side’
She is speechless right now...
‘Wow! That is one of a great imagination you have there’ she smiles in a cute way
‘Wouldn’t it be nice?’
‘Um you’re going very fast ain’t you?’
Silence rushed through their veins this moment as if there was no sound of the music, no one talking or yelling, just the two of them in the feeling of ecstasy and becoming mesmerized...
Isaac began to speak again,
‘I honestly don’t want to lose a one in a million kind of lady like you’
Lara has a feeling he is not so bad at all, she doesn’t think he is someone that just wants to toss and turn then throw a lady on bed - like throwing her on the dance floor like on bed kind of thing like that Russian bands lyrics to ‘gun’ she sees so much more in him. That is why she feels so drawn to him already.
‘Thank you for that, I have a feeling you’re different, unique in your own way as well’
Isaac smiles at her with satisfaction
‘I am glad you think that way’
She turns her head to the side and realizes that there is nowhere Demi and Nico are to be seen, she thinks they have thought she was going to hook up with Isaac so they left them together for the night. She thinks inside her head.
‘They’re gone Lara, if you want I can drop you off back home or we can just chill at my house but only if you want to, I am up with anything with you’ Isaac says
Lara stares at Isaac blankly by checking the time on her watch it is around 3:00am
‘Um I already have a car thank you for this offer it has gotten late I didn’t realize the time flew by so fast!’
‘Oh alright then and by the way can I have your number? I would like to keep in contact with you maybe we will see each other again sometime soon...’
‘Sure. I had the most magnificent night ever everything just turned out spontaneously, it was a pleasure to meet you!’
‘It was a pleasure meeting you as well, I will see you soon goddess!’
They both give each other their numbers with their phones and head back home separately but this night is a night to remember and Lara must write in her diary, she can still feel the passion of excitement in her heart about meeting Isaac. Lara is going to tell Demi all about it!
Chapter 8
The weekend has arrived. Lara catches her dad’s gaze as he is putting his shoes on to get ready to go to work. ‘Hey dad’ ‘good morning Lara I didn’t get to see you last night I think you came back home in around 3:00am’ ‘yeah just went out with friends’ ‘that’s good’ ‘how is everything with work?’ ‘Much better just applied for an extra job to pay my coworkers as you know I am in hardship’ ‘oh that’s great’ ‘same sector I am waiting for their response if I have got accepted into the job’ ‘oh well I hope everything goes well, I wish you good luck on that’ ‘thank you gorgeous’ Lara’s dad kisses her on her forehead as he hurries up but before that he brings up her housing, ‘so when are you going to move out into your new home?’ her dad smiles cheekily
As soon as Lara hears what he says he reminds her of Isaac and she starts smiling like an idiot in front of her dad.
‘Lara?’ her dad asks again
‘Oh soon, soon’ she came back from wonderland and replies
‘Hm just saying you’re a mature adult now, I don’t mean it in a rude way but wouldn’t it be nice owning a home for yourself? Not to mention hurling guys into your house haha and I am a father I just can’t believe I said that!’
‘Haha me neither dad’
‘You know I really don’t mind it is your life I can’t decide for you or tell you how to live it’
‘Yeah that’s damn right’
‘You kind of zoned out before are you in love or something?’ her dad pokes out a half tongue to the side
Lara immediately looked at her dad in the eye
‘What! Um no, where did that fly from?’ she asks her dad in a jokingly lying way
‘I don’t know just got this feeling, anyway I am late for work I will catch you later! Bye’
Lara’s dad hurrily goes off to work and she calls Demi to tell her everything about last night.
Demi picks up her phone,
‘Demi! Oh my god you can’t imagine what happened last night!’
‘Tell me all about it sis’
‘You remember that guy who jumped in to join us his name is Isaac, he is so handsome and charming we danced together until 3:00am it was incredible!’
‘Oh my! yeah I know we saw you guys were dancing like you both were about to fall into each other’s eyes, you guys were so cute so we didn’t want to destroy the glorious love scene so we thought we’ll leave you two together’
‘I was wondering where you guys went off to, you didn’t think I would hook up with him did you Demi?’
‘Um well, I thought so, why not?’
‘Because I don’t want to do those kinds of dirty, slutty behaviors anymore I am so much more mature now compared to my teenage years’
‘Oh I know but I am so happy for you gurl! So tell me are you falling in love with him?’
‘Um, well I am not sure but I have butterflies in my stomach that’s hard to describe’
‘Oh my! (Demi uses her slang term again) gurl, I think you are drenched in love!’
‘Maybe I am but he is so cute I can’t wait for his call or maybe I might even call him first his passion is bursting out of my chest with excitement!’
‘Gurl, love has caught you at first sight!’
‘Yeah, I think so...’
‘Hey guess what I just decided?’
‘Do you want to go out for a cup of coffee at a café?’
‘Sure why not!’
They both arrive at a café that they enjoy to sit and talk - the Indian Road Café. Lara thinks it is time she starts to discuss with her sister about how she wants to help her find her real parents and talk about a partner which seems to be Isaac – well at least for now.
They walk into the café, find a nice spot to sit down and chat.
‘So since you wanted to come here is there anything else you wanted to talk to me about besides Isaac?’ Demi starts the first sentence into their conversation ‘um well yes, look hun I know you get upset when I bring this topic up but I want to beneficially help you out in searching to find your real parents...’ Demi looked shocked, she swallowed hard. ‘Oh, thank you so much for this, where did this idea fly from to you?’ ‘Because I just know how much it sucks for you to have no knowledge in who you’re related to’ ‘that is oath right sis but I have you as a sister even though we don’t come from the same blood, our sisterhood is strong’ ‘that’s right hun’
The waiter comes and they order their Coffee’s first.
‘So I decided that maybe we or even you as you are a magazine publisher can publish a news about writing who you are:
So your,
Name, last-name, who fosters you and when the audience reads the newspaper get them to call you back or leave your address details so your real parents can easily find you and wherever you live’
‘What do you think?’
‘Lara this sounds like a great idea! I will get the system running and everything that needs to be done, thank you so much for offering this for me you’re a genius!’
Sooner or later their Mocha and latte’s deliver to their table.
‘I would all so like a croissant with cheese and bacon please’ Lara orders the waiter for her breakfast ‘did you want to have anything Demi?’ ‘Ah I’ll have pancakes with strawberry jam please’ Demi commands
‘Sure it will be ready right away’ the waiter replies
‘Demi, I was all so going to talk about me finding a partner, a serious relationship for good and as soon as I found myself seeking to find one I meet Isaac out of the blue! Everything just turned out spontaneous last night’
‘Well there you go luck is on your head like a crown. By the way did Isaac happen to call you yet?’
‘No not yet but I want to call him’
‘So you’re going to make mister smarty pants think you’re keen on him? Haha’
‘Well um no not in that sense...’ Lara was in deep thought just then she zoned out and came back from space.
‘So are you thinking of going out on a date with him if he asks you out?’
..... Lara glares at Demi with her big wide pupil eyes ‘um well I guess I wouldn’t want to miss my chance with sharing company with someone so handsome and charming’
‘Well good on you then and you never know maybe this time you might get in a serious relationship with this bloke for once in your life, who knows’
‘Oh why thank you, you didn’t need to confess that in such a rude way’ she gets annoyed and disturbed with her sisters words.
‘Oh hun sorry but it is the truth you remember the things you have done in the past I just thought maybe...’
‘Yes Demi I know you’re right but don’t worry I am much more mature now, you sounded like as if you’re my mother’ Lara swallowed hard before she realized what just came out of my mouth.
Demi’s eyes filled up with tears again ‘oh I am so sorry sis I didn’t mean to put salt on your wound and bring this up again’
Demi sniffs and gives Lara a half smile ‘Oh don’t worry maybe I shouldn’t of bragged about it too much’ ‘ok let’s just close off this conversation here I am going to get everything sorted out for you anyway, so let’s get busy with your advertisement’ ‘but what about Isaac I thought you might of wanted to spend your time with him?’ ‘Well I can defer that for later you’re more important for me now, let’s go to the New York Daily News company’
Chapter 9
They both arrive at the Newspaper industry, make the next available booking, meet and greet with the media journalist, make the payments half-half with her sister as you know they have no money matters no matter how much in cost and it is both of their work they are in this together because Lara will always be by her sisters side and have her back through anything, she wouldn’t leave her alone it is nice to care and share company with her.
They wait for an hour for their appointment. In the meantime they read a couple of magazines but finally the man escorts them to his room to settle in.
‘Hello, hello, I am Mr. George the Newspaper journalist’
‘And I am Lara and this is my sister Demi’
‘Nice to meet you both how can I help you Miss Lara and Demi?’
Demi clears her throat and startles to speak,
‘Okay so when I was a child I happened to be adopted by my foster parents, I have no idea who my biological parents are so Lara is as close as a sister for me so she came up with an idea to help me find my real parents. What do you think Mr. George is it possible to publish an advertisement in the media to help raise this sign so I can find my family?’
‘Well first of all I am sorry to hear that you’re adopted and that you have no knowledge in who your family is and where they are, actually I will cut out the fluff... You absolutely can my dear! Miss Lara you have come up with a great idea!’
‘Really! This is fantastic news then when can it be published?’
‘In a couple of days or so make it 5, I suppose’
‘This is awesome! Lara starts to get cheerful and silently claps her hands
‘And how much will this be worth Mr. George?’
‘That would add up to $500 US dollars’
‘What a beauty! Alright we will pay upfront now’
Demi takes out the notes out of her wallet Lara interrupts her, ‘hunni didn’t we say we were going to make it half-half? Your money equals – my money, Here take some from mine as well’ Demi stares at her being unsure of what to do ‘I came up with the idea remember?’ ‘Okay as you wish’ she catches Mr. George staring at them with love and kindness ‘what I love about you two is the true friendship you both have, you’re like real sisters!’ ‘Oh yes we definitely are Mr. George’ Lara confirms his compliment;
As soon as they hand over the money to him he gives them some paperwork to sign. ‘This is some forms indicating that you want and accept your announcement to be on print in the New York Daily News Newspapers, please carefully read and sign thank you’
After they hand over their debt and sign the forms everything else will be all set to go! ‘Thank you very much for this Mr. George’ Demi appreciates ‘yes this was one of a great act of kindness’ Lara confirms. The man chuckles ‘No worries this is just my job ladies’ the man smiles at them and they leave the room with hope and excitement waiting for their notice to be on print and to get enquiries and inquiries.
The next day Lara woke up at around 8:30am and just realized that she has totally forgotten about Isaac! She checks her phone and damn it!.... she got a missed call from him yesterday. Oh my god she says, she was so busy organizing Demi’s ad that it just flew out of her head. How could I silly me! She thinks. She keeps on punishing herself but anyway Demi is important for her she is her sister, almost like a real one.
She immediately calls his number under his name – prince charming and waits a few seconds for him to answer... he picks up ‘Lara?’ ‘Isaac!’ ‘I was waiting for your call it is nice to hear your voice’ ‘yeah I am sorry I was busy with my sister Demi yesterday I didn’t have any time to call you’ ‘that is alright I understand’ ‘you looked beautiful the other night... ‘Goddess’ she laughs out loud ‘why thank you handsome!’
She didn’t realize that she was blushing a little bit she hasn’t been in love in ages! It is good to feel this way after a very long time it is just like a spiritual awakening; love makes you the happiest person in the world!
‘So do you want to go out sometime soon or?’ ‘You’re asking me out right?’ hell! He was silly to ask! ‘Gurl it is like you have never been out with a guy!’ ‘Oh no it is not that I tend to forget these kinds of questions, I haven’t been down with a guy in ages sorry to speak’ ‘oh that is alright fair enough but you do look like an intelligent lady’ ‘thank you for the compliment and I think you are good around books when you said you read the book of astrology’ ‘yeah I am into astrology and space’ ‘that is interesting’
‘But hey why don’t we meet up for our date you know like somewhere nice to sneak up and make love, maybe a hug or two what do you think?’ he asks her, she smiles as her heart melts for him, she pictures in her head as if he is giving her a wink at this moment. ‘Sure why not anywhere is possible, what about the 169 bar?’ ‘Sounds great!’ ‘Alright I will meet you there at about 10pm between 11pm tonight deal?’ ‘Deal’
Lara literally couldn’t wait until it was 10pm so she can meet up with Isaac for her sweet date. It has been years she hasn’t called someone ‘boo’ but hopefully they will get to that stage; she is enlightened by the passions that fuels her heart’s desire. She gets on with her novel for a couple of hours there isn’t much calls or anything about Demi’s Notice as she browses through the New York Daily News newspaper on one hand with her Latte on the other.
All of a sudden her phone starts to ring immediately as she was about to spill her coffee on the newspaper she was reading. Lucky!
She begins to talk with a speeded up tone of voice hoping that it is someone calling about Demi’s advertisement.
‘Hey gurl it is dad’ she exhales with relief, before her dad continues his sentence any longer he starts to spill out the content news.
‘Hey guess what?! I got accepted into my new job!’
‘What! This is incredible dad congratulations’
‘Thank you gorgeous I am very happy too, now I am going to make your credit card limitless so you can do as much shopping as you wish but again keep it under control’
‘Thank you dad this is wonderful news I actually have some...’ she was just about to spill about Isaac but she gasped.
‘Yeah go on what are you hiding from daddy? I sensed something before too, you’re hiding something but I am guessing it is in a positive way’
‘Oh it is nothing but I will tell you all about it when I have the chance alright’
‘Okay I am watching ya!’
‘Bye’ she ends the quick conversation and hungs up.
It is almost 10pm so Lara is getting ready trying to decide on a cute date dress to wear without over exaggerating it like as if she is going to wear a toilet dress! She finally decides to wear her mini blackest black skirt and mini top with long fashioned leather boots... She stares at herself in front of the mirror with her mouth wide open and what does she see!... an emo looking slut! This actually wasn’t her intension she just wanted to look cute in black but anyway she took off her boots and all the other accessories to look more naturally stylish and on trend.
She arrives and enters into the bar. She looks around and captures Isaac, she is staring at him as he is sitting down waiting for her already, she looks at her watch and the time was 11:33pm ‘oh my gosh I am late!’ as she says out aloud luckily no one heard her from the people noisily chattering amongst themselves in the background with some pleasing romantic music.
She walks toward Isaac’s direction he is sitting at the front benches where they serve the alcohol at the bar.
‘Hey goddess’
‘Hi sorry I am running late’
‘That is okay it is a lady’s world I understand’ he was very acceptable a quality that most people don’t have.
She wriggles down next to him ‘what would you like to drink?’ he asks her
‘I will have gin and tonic please’ ‘awesome, you heard me anyway make that 2 please’ Isaac asks the Barmen ‘alrighty’ the barmen replies
‘So how have you been?’ she asks
‘Great busy as usual’
‘Sorry to ask where do you work?’
‘You guess what does it look like?’
‘Okay so you want to play the jigsaw puzzles with me fine’
‘Haha as long as we’re not playing 21 questions’ he smiles at her
By the way their drinks deliver over to the bench.
‘Haha okay let me guess, um... a construction builder?’
‘Incorrect, I am nowhere near that!’ he makes a sound of false but it actually sounds like a sheep or a goat.
‘Business Administrator?’
‘False that was your second guesses’
‘Okay then what do you do?’
‘You know it is actually fair enough in your understanding because it is a job that is rare to some people, I work at John F. Kennedy International Airport, I am a pilot’
‘A pilot wow this is fascinating! I have actually never met one, which Airline company do you work for?’
‘I work for United Airlines’
‘That is awesome, I am a Writer I have a studio running down on the market, I have my own book sales going on’
‘Oh okay so you must love reading books ey?’
‘Well yeah if I have time I am currently just trying to focus on my novels at this time’
‘That sounds interesting’
They both take small sips on their alcohols.
‘So um’ Lara and Isaac starts they both spoke at the same time.
‘Ladies first’ he is very polite like a gentlemen.
‘I was going to say enough general talking I think we should move onto... love’
‘Yes I guess you’re right we should’
‘So I know a fair bit of information about you now, can I ask about your previous love status? Do you flirt a lot with other girls not to mention your past relationships with other women, haha’
‘oh well yeah I mean I have had girlfriends in the past but I am like 25 I want to have a serious relationship maybe get married or have a family in the long run now’
Her eyes lighten and glitter as she stares at him wondering how she is on the same boat as well as him, now they have something in common!
‘Hm I understand you know what I want a serious relationship too I know where you’re coming from’
‘This is great to hear then!’
They both cling their glasses as they both smile at each other with affection while they drink their gin and tonic.
He puts his glass down as he takes out one hand to hold hers, she shivers inside trying not to blush but the way he just stares at her with warmth he just melts her heart with heat that she feels so greatly confident to be by his side on their very first date – holding hands at a brilliant bar, in Broadway, New York!
He slowly leans over for a very slow cute kiss when he does Lara finds the courage to kiss his delicious ruby – red lips in the shadows of this bar that they are in, even though it is shinny with a bright, shimmering reflected, colorful, dazzling, mostly hot pink light. Just small peckish strokes from all the excitement and heat that they have built up in their chests, entirely satisfying.
They both disconnect and release from their first kiss and come back to earth and their surrounds from falling inside each other, damn that was what they needed very satisfying!
They both sigh and smile at each other with bliss and joy. ‘You’re a very good kisser!’ she admits ‘yeah I know’ she analyzes her feelings for a minute after that kiss they just shared and Lara thinks she is slowly falling in love with him, but she might of already did on their very first conversation that they had at that club anyway, but now she feels like this is it!
‘I um...’ they both jump in at the same time again
‘Go on’ Isaac says
‘Um, I was going to say I think I am falling for you’ he stares at her with their eyes locked.
‘Um, me too I guess I feel the same way Lara’ he confesses because he knows that he can’t deny it either.
They stand up together with their hands clutched; he hugs her firmly with love and affection. ‘Um so I guess we will take it from there okay’
‘Okay take care alright’ Lara reassures him with a kiss on his cheek, they say goodbye and end this beautiful date night with happiness, pleasing satisfaction of love that they have for each other!
Chapter 10
The next morning Lara wakes up, stumbles and marches down the stairs with joy and cheery amusement.
Her dad is having his usual daily breakfast and reading the newspaper... speaking of the news she just remembered about Demi’s ad. She begins to chat with her nosy, picky dad or in better words – her dad who cares about her life too much.
‘Hey dad guess what I have some wonderful news for you!’
‘What’s popping Lara?’
‘You don’t need to worry about my housing becauseeee I am assuming that I might be moving out sometime very soon!’ she yells out loud briskly and bubbly.
‘Wow this is great news to hear from my daughter so who is this lucky guy or are you just moving out independently on your own? Tell me is it option A or B?’ her dad explains in an obvious manner
She laughs out loud ‘oh I knew it! Of course he does it is very obvious of her when she just laughed! She thinks. ‘It is option A isn’t it?’
Well she is not going to lie to her dad of course he has the right to know, as you know she is daddy’s little girl and maybe always will be. She thinks inside her head for a second.
‘Yes dad I have a boyfriend and you know what we just made out on our very first date can you believe this?!’
‘That’s great for you honey! Don’t tell me it is those kinds of players you use to go out with you’re almost 24 don’t you want a serious relationship now with a decent guy?’ Lara’s dad looks crossed right now
Lara has done a lot of silly and gross stuff in the past with guys what do you expect when you just hit puberty your hormones hit the maximum temperature if you know what she means.
Her dad knows a bit about what a slut she was, not intentionally a ‘slut’ but it is more like she has been there done that sort of thing, but if her dad knew half of the kinds of stuff she did which - he doesn’t he would kill her!
Well when she was at that age, now he obviously can’t control her life she is over 18 but luckily he still doesn’t know and she is embarrassed to even talk about it!
‘Don’t you worry dad it is nothing like that I want a serious relationship too’
‘Well good on ya then and by the way did I even congratulate you? Sorry hun congratulations’ her dad gets up and hugs her
‘Thanks dad’
‘So who is this lucky guy anyone familiar that I know of?’
‘Um well maybe you might know him he is a pilot he works for United Airlines, sound familiar to you?’
Lara’s dad puts down his cutlery and thinks for a minute trying to refresh his memory.
‘Oh yes yes yes I think I know him is it Martin’s son Isaac?’
‘Spot on dad!’
‘Aah Martin was a great friend of mine in the past but I haven’t met his son’
Her wealthy family is familiar with a lot of other rich personnel’s.
‘Well hopefully you will one day, and by the way we have created an ad for Demi so she can find her biological family did you happen to sight anything yet?’
‘Oh yes that’s right she was adopted wasn’t she, um well I don’t think I have yet but aren’t they going to call you or either Demi?’
‘Oh yeah that’s right silly of me to ask, haha’
Her dad hurrily checks his time
‘Oh my gosh look at the time I am late! I can’t get enough with our conversation but I must get going to work, I will see you later gorgeous’
‘Alright dad see ya!’
Lara gets a phone call from Demi
‘Hi sexy’
‘Hello goddess, hey guess what someone called me about my ad it was an old female lady she told me about how she has been trying to find her children for years because she was forced to leave them when they were little kids because of financial hardship’
‘oh my god this seems like good news for the both of you, maybe you should meet up with her and have a chat, maybe she could be your mother’
‘You reckon? How would I know that she’s not lying to me maybe she is a kidnapper haha’
‘Hm well that could be likely to happen but you’re over age, like 20 years old don’t worry if you want I will come with you like your old sister well, un-biological sister haha’
‘No its okay I can handle it by myself you don’t need to come’
‘Are you sure?’
‘Okay and don’t forget to do a DNA test you will need that it will be handy to do it to know the evidence of proof’
‘Okay I will after I get some information out of her about who she is I will do it if I hear anything that points out if she is somewhere near to be my real mother’
‘Okay do your foster parents know about this?’
‘Um well no I didn’t get a chance to tell them’
‘hm maybe you should they have a right to know as you know they were the ones who adopted and took care of you all those years till now’
‘I know but I am just afraid to hurt them’
‘Don’t worry sis hopefully they will be understanding, your parents are adults’
‘Okay. Oh and sorry I forgot to ask how are you going with Isaac any chemistry between you two?’
‘Absolutely! We both went out on a date last night’ she can’t help but smile so wide that her mouth goes all the way up to her ears.
‘WHAT! Oh my! Are you serious or are you kidding me?’
‘He held my hand we shared our first kiss, we both confessed our love for each other on our first date! He said that he wants a serious relationship like me too, I found out he is a pilot as well and my dad knows his dad’
‘Oh my! This is so wonderful Lara! I am so happy for you gurl!’
‘Haha same with me’
‘Hey why don’t you and Isaac come over to my mansion obviously Nico will be here too so we can have dinner or a party or whatever, we will sit down relax and chill. It has been a long time we haven’t gotten altogether let’s do this for once I am inviting everybody okay?’
‘This sounds like a great idea Demi okay shall we make it tonight or?’
‘Whenever suits you it is up to you doesn’t matter’
‘Okay we will make it tonight I missed Nico too it has been a while I haven’t seen your Mr. Gentlemen’
‘Alright awesome this has settled then’
Chapter 11
Lara quickly has a chit chat with Isaac to ask him if he is free for tonight, he says he has a flight at around 12:30pm but he can still manage to make it early in the evening.
Isaac pops in her house and they take it from there to Demi’s mansion.
When they enter into Demi’s they all greet each other and walk in to chillax.
‘It is lovely for you all to be here!’ Demi says getting excitedly
‘Oh yeah we’re like family again all of us here altogether!’ Lara agrees
Isaac doesn’t even feel like a stranger because this is how close they are and with the warmth that they have everything feels so smooth and just falls into place. By the look of Isaac he looks very comfortable around them.
‘And thank you Isaac I am very pleased that you managed to come over tonight’ Demi knows that if Lara has brought this guy here then she would know that he is trustworthy because she knows if she has had the courage to bring him then this has good signs about it.
‘Oh thank you Demi, yeah I just wanted to see who my miss’s friends are, haha’
‘And was that a positive view?’ Nico jumps in
‘Surely it is I really love the energy with you guys I feel the trust and safety’
‘That is right handsome’ Lara smiles at her boyfriend
‘So you like flying?’ Nico changes the subject
‘Yeah I absolutely love it! It is my passion!’
‘Hm and I am an Architect the builder of our home and it is finally complete!’
‘I can see that’
‘I was just about to say...! Finally it is done! By the way my novels are pretty much done as well’ Lara says and adds
‘That’s excellent’ Nico and Isaac says.
‘So when are you going to meet up with that old lady?’
‘I suppose tomorrow’
‘Who is the old lady?’ Isaac leans over to ask whisperingly
‘It might be Demi’s biological mother’ Lara whispers back to him
Isaac looks shocked
‘Is it okay if Isaac knows?’ she asks her sister
‘Yeah it is okay’
‘I am sorry to hear that’ Isaac apologizes
‘Oh it is okay I might be close to finding my real parents though’
‘Well that is a positive outlook’
‘Oh my gosh look at the time, it has flown I am late for my flight!’
Isaac speedily jumps up by looking at his watch
‘ohhh I wish you could stay longer’ Lara cuddles her handsome man
‘Oh I wish but I can’t work doesn’t wait I must be up and flying to Canada!’
‘It was lovely to have you here tonight Isaac hope to see you again soon!’ Demi politely ends tonight with nice words to Isaac.
‘Nice to see you brother hopefully you can stay for dinner next time!’ Nico says
‘Thank you guys it was still nice to sit down and chillax though, I will try to fit you guys into my schedule but I can’t promise’
Lara walks Isaac to the door
‘Will we see each other again?’
‘Sure I will try my best’
They both hug and kiss each other in the dark, peaceful, silent night.
They all gather around the table for a late night dinner without Isaac but at least they had some time to just have a conversation that kept going they all didn’t notice how the time flew!
It has been a whole day and Lara hasn’t managed to get reception from Isaac obviously because his phone is probably on flight mode or turned off. She would love to be flying with him right now... into the clouds and just vanish in the distance...
Knock, knock
And look who is here, Demi. With a huge smile on her face Lara can’t wait to hear all the information about that old lady!
‘Come in hun tell me all about it!’
‘Oh my! I met up with that old lady her name is Susan she told me all about her children she said she has a blonde daughter just like me, her name is Demi! And a son that is in his 30’s - well approximately at this time of year, she found out from the research that her husband did that her daughter is here in New York but she is not sure about her son. Can you believe this Lara? I think the arrows are pointing towards me do you think Demi could be me?!’
‘OH MY GOD! Demi this could be possible what did I tell you to do? Do the DNA test and you will find out the truth okay?’
‘I already did it is getting assessed by the laboratory I will be getting the results tomorrow’
‘Demi! This is fabulous! I am very blissful for you as a sister!’
‘You have no idea how happy I am can you believe it? I could have a brother!’
‘I know hun’
‘I can’t wait for the DNA results!’
It is in the evening and Lara finally gets a call from handsome!
She answers his call
‘Hey goddess I am back in New York City from my 24 hour flight I miss you’
‘Hi handsome I missed you too how was your flight?’
‘It was splendid just a bit dehydrated I am use to the jetlag’s anyway I don’t have a problem with that anymore and I can manage 5 hours sleep’
‘Well good on ya then!’
‘Hey why don’t I give you my address and you can come over I miss you’
She can already sense he wants to get some! But it is okay he is her boyfriend after all he is not a stranger anymore like the first day they met at that club they have gotten close from their first date. But most importantly, she trusts him. ‘Okay so I live in ‘The Vanderbilt Mansion’ alright?’ ‘Right on I am there in a quickie!’ (With Lara sounding curious)
Chapter 12
She pops out of her white convertible Mercedes, climbs the stairs by her short heels making tap, tap noises when she reaches she knocks on his door he greets her with courtesy, she gets inside his house, it has a cool modern energy by the sense of his home.
They both sit down on his couch and relax.
‘You’re looking stunning tonight would you like something to drink?’
‘Why thank you, I will have red wine - Shiraz thanks’ Isaac walks to the mini bar to get their drinks.
‘Don’t you ever feel lonely in this huge house?’
‘Yeah I do now but luckily I have you to keep my company haha’
‘That sure is oath right!’
He brings her drink over to her and sits down
‘So when was the last time you had a girlfriend?’
‘Um well about 2 months ago what about you?’
‘For me it has been a long period of time actually’
Silence sinks in between them; the mansions big long windows are made from glass maybe about 5 squares. The darkness of the night shows all the lighting from across the New York City her eyes just caught this it looks magnificent.
‘You know I feel so good around you, I feel more like myself after a very long time’
Isaac moves closer to curl and cuddle up on her
‘Oh I do too hun’ he kisses her forehead
‘You’re exactly who I want for the rest of my life’
‘I agree too sweetheart you’re the best thing that ever happened to me’
They fall into each other’s eyes, move closer for a sweet kiss; Lara leans down on him as he rests his head on the couches handle.
‘Did you know that people with a Scorpio zodiac sign love sex?’
‘And did you know people who are Aries are willing to try any new sex position?’
... Now that sounded a bit too inappropriate in all honesty! Lara thinks inside her head.
She cracked up a laugh
Their energies that they create has a passionate and pleasurable feeling between them.
‘I think we do match together don’t we?’ ‘I guess so!’ all of a sudden the thoughts of all the embarrassing stuff came to her mind! Should she tell him her dirtiest secrets?
‘You’re not a virgin are you Lara?’ Isaac asks a personal question just out of the blue
‘To be honest with you nah I am not I lost it years ago when I was about 15’
‘Hm yeah we’re not that young to be virgins anymore aren’t we?’
‘Yeah that’s correct’
She thinks about how she stripped in front of 4 young blokes, the way she bought a dildo to school, had public sex, got laid with a weak ass fuckboy and many more gross stuff that she did when she was a teenager. But you know when you hang out with slutty girls you would have to do the same just because they’re doing it so you don’t feel left out but in the end you regret it unfortunately. Lara says to herself inside her head.
She doesn’t think it is a very good idea to tell Isaac about all this she supposes he would dump her!
‘If you want to know about my sexually active life I have done it too a couple of times with my ex-girlfriends, by moving on from the past at the moment I just want you, all of you’
‘Are you any good with it?’
‘Well not extremely but strongly agree that I am very good, and you know maybe you heard this on the news the United States of America has voted 8/10 for male sex lovers’
‘Yeah I did this is astonishing Isaac!’ Lara replies with a surprised and impressive way.
‘Have you tried the dildo or watched porn?’
‘When I am not lonely now I have you I don’t need the dildo and yeah of course people say porn is only for men but I don’t agree women can watch it too’ she sounded like Demi just before because she is the hot one!
‘Do you want to try me?’
‘In a jiffy pronto!’
She adjusts his shirt off he slips off her bra and starts to touch, gliding down her breasts smoothly, squeezing, biting, then feasting her nipples, as she makes a slow continuous murmur, he slides his hands down onto her black jeans trying to undo it as she does the same for him.
She finds herself in an erotic porn show scene in an exotic position on the snowy white couch for him to insert his penis into her wet loose pussy – vagina. At first slow strokes then getting faster, deeper full bumps inside of her desiring more and more as she starts to moan unconsciously unaware of her surroundings she gets lost in him as he goes on and on until he makes her groan louder.
They start to do some oral sex,
He fingers her pussy like a pro to squirt the hell out of her. She then rubs and sucks his dick to give him a blowjob. Tonight is a sizzling, piping hot night full of pleasure!
When he is done with their sexual intercourse and the orgasm he uses the pull out method like this generation would! He ejaculates and cums this time he is the one who makes pleasing pleasure sounds and noises by trying to rub his ding-a-ling with his hands to cum but Lara wouldn’t like licking the taste of his semen or him wanting to record this video but they did their best trying to suit it like a porn video! And hell that was a freakshow!
He lasted for about 3 hours!
When they both came back to earth from space they start to huff and puff from all the energy and the 100 calories that Isaac burned off from their sex scene. They lay down restlessly.
‘That was great hun thank you for the pleasure! And all so for us because we were very honest with each other love ya!’
‘Same goes back to you sweetheart!’
They don’t even go back to the bedroom they lay down on the couch with her head on his chest and have a good night’s sleep before Isaac goes back to work.
Chapter 13
A couple of days pass Lara keeps on reminiscing and imagining her sex scene that she had with Isaac (yeah saying it like it is a porn show or something!) she keeps on smiling and giggling just randomly while she pours her cup of coffee on this ordinary day. But it shouldn’t be ordinary for Demi because she should be having her DNA results in her hands already and hopefully she does, Lara is just as excited as Demi is.
Lara hears a knock on the door, she can picture her image and profile that it is sexy Demi waiting for her to open the door... she is so excited to hear what she has to say...
‘Tell me she is your biological mum’ Lara immediately starts to speak getting into the conversation.
...’oh, it is Lara I don’t know how to feel... so do I have a real mother now...?’ she asks feeling lost and down
‘Oh my gosh! This is incredible Demi I am very happy for you and it is okay I understand you might feel weird because you have always known your mother as someone else, you will get used to it’
‘I know but I just can’t believe this is true I think I may need time to adjust to this DNA information’
‘Hey don’t worry this is completely normal hun, you’ll get there and when the time comes for the big hugs you’ll be fine afterwards’
Demi stares down at the results in her hands and a tear drops down her cheek Lara hugs her with relief to support her sister.
When Demi leaves Lara knocks on her dad’s business room so she can get any updates about how he is going with his work life. Knock, Knock ‘Come in Lisa, oh is it you Lara come in I thought it was Lisa I told her to bring me my cup of coffee on this fine Saturday’ her dad smiles at her
‘No it is me I didn’t mean to bother you but how is work going?’
‘No gorgeous you never bother me, um well things are much better now everything is up and running another charity organization has offered me a check when they found out that I am in hardship’
‘Oh this is excellent dad! Well it is all for your help this is just something in return, it is karma what goes around comes back around either positive or negative, you’re aware of that aren’t you?’
‘Yes exactly and I may not need the extra work in the future as I will be back on track’
‘That’s great dad’
‘So how is Isaac?’
‘Oh he is alright his busy working I was with him last night’
‘Oh yeah that’s why you weren’t home okay, well if you want to we can call him over for dinner one night’
‘Yeah that would be great!’
‘Hey dad I forgot to tell you Demi has found her biological mother she was here before’
‘Oh really! This is unbelievable did she do a DNA test or something?’
‘Yeah the results are positive’
‘This is super good news to hear!’
‘Yeah I know right!’
Isaac must be at work now even though it is a Saturday he has to work 7 days a week, sometimes it gets difficult for Lara because she can’t see him whenever she wants to. This is what the pilot career is like... she gets a text message saying:
Isaac- Hey love I have a flight, I am flying to Mexico I will see you when I come back. Love ya!
Lara- okay hun just letting you know my dad and I would like to invite you over for dinner one day, by the way he told me that he knows your dad Martin
Isaac- oh this is interesting, okay we will plan something when I come back I would love to meet your dad it would be a pleasure!
When he just texted her his last message she literally bounced up and down her bed like a 5 year old! Because she knows that if he wants to meet her dad as well then he must have some serious ideas and intensions with her for their future.
She has never felt so enthusiastically happy in a very long time! She does love him so much too, more than life; she is ready to have a marriage with the man she loves. And by inspecting and analyzing his words he texted her, it appears that he wants this commitment and dedication with her too.
Demi gives Lara a phone call she tells her that she has met up with her actual mother and she has told her that they are related from the same blood. Demi said the women frowned but not in a bad way she just seemed shocked, it would be beneficial for the both of them to see each other more often so they get to know one another.
Chapter 14
This Monday morning the air of the weather feels fresh, swirls of mist and aroma feels up Lara’s lungs as she drinks a sip of her Latte and exhales the air and breeze that is hitting her red patchy cheeks.
Isaac probably is back from Mexico having a rest and nap, as soon as she thinks about him he gives her a call about wanting to learn her details like – where she lives, god that was very psychic of him it was like he is reading her mind when she thought about him! She gives him the info.
A couple of minutes later she sees him entering the gate of her ‘Manhattan House Apartment Mansion’. ‘Oh my god he is here in my house!’ Lara says with her mouth trembling a bit.
‘Hey goddess! I bought you some gerbera flowers I really missed you I have been daydreaming my whole flight about you!’
‘Oh that is very sweet of you, you’re such a gentlemen how did you know my favorite flowers were gerbera?’
He hands her over the flowers so she can put them in a vase, they’re so beautiful without any scent or fragrance but it doesn’t matter she still loves them especially if it is from Isaac.
Usually when men do these kinds of stuff like presents and all it reminds every women making them think why is this guy doing this...? What has he possibly done wrong for him to hide the mistakes with the flowers...?
But Lara doesn’t think this is the case they have gotten so close she is just as psychic as he is she has a feeling it is coming from the bottom of his heart, no bad intensions or cheating... well at least at this point of time...
‘Well every time I tried to choose one type of flower my heart and hands always reached to those colorful gerbera’s, I don’t know I just had a feeling you would like them’ Isaac smiles very adorably at her
‘What do you mean I love them they’re my favorites! And by the way you really are psychic scorpion!’
‘Haha haha’ Isaac creepily laughs at her but in a cute lovable way.
‘Wouldn’t you like to have a seat?’
‘Ah yeah I sure will’
‘So how was your flight to Mexico?’
‘Empty, meaningless without you...’
‘Oh’ she cuddles him
‘So you want me over here one day for dinner ey?’
‘Yes we do I and dad would love to have you here’
‘well as far as I know I have checked my timeline I must be working all day today but at night I am free for a couple of hours, I can make you some time, and you know for me it is all about priority when it comes to you darling’
Lara couldn’t believe her ears when he just said that! Now she can trust him more with her eyes closed, he has made her very merry and even more satisfied now!
‘Awesome! Alright then shall we make it tonight or?’
‘The evening is suitable for me, yeah’
‘Okay I will let my dad know so Lisa can get ready with all the arrangements’
‘Is Lisa your servant?’
‘Sorry I forgot to ask would you like a cuppa?’
‘I was wondering when you were going to ask that already!’
‘Aha my apologies sorry I just got too excited!’ Lara calls Lisa and she laughs feeling embarrassed. Isaac asks for an espresso.
‘Is espresso your fav?’ ‘Yeah a pilot needs strong coffee to wake up, anyway I haven’t got much time I deliberately came early to see you but I must get going in a couple of minute’s oaky doaky?’ ‘Alright as you wish...’ and their lips meet for a kiss.
Chapter 15
The day passed by but Lara and Lisa had so much to do with little time now it is getting late, all the arrangements are almost ready in a sleek looking neat. ‘Phew’ Lara wipes off the sweat from her forehead and exhales with relief from the long day’s fatigue. Her face got so gooey from the oiliness, but lips so dry so she went to the bathroom to do her makeup again; her red dress that she is wearing is fine, flows down her curves looking smooth, tight and sexy! (Sorry sexy was for Demi LOL)
In a matter of time she looks at her watch and sees that time has flown her dad is already here, Lisa is standing at the corner, they’re just waiting for Isaac with Lara’s dad.
‘Hey gorgeous I spoke to your mum Ella she said she can’t make it tonight but she assumes she will be here for the wedding if that is the case’
‘That’s alright dad we know how busy she is, she is a full time cop, so busy that she can’t make time for her daughter’
‘I am sorry for her inconvenience sweetheart’
‘That’s fine dad it is not the first time we had this anyway’
It is getting darker and latter but with a blink in the eye ‘surprise’ Isaac is here! Lara’s heart is thumping very fast; she looks around to double check if everything is ready. ‘Don’t worry hun everything is ready waiting for Isaac’ her dad confirms.
First impressions are always important Lisa opens the door, Lara and her dad standing side by side in front of each other to greet her boyfriend. When her dad catches Isaac’s eyes he gives a long stare and meets with him with a polite manner as always...
‘Hello Isaac how are you? You’re Martin’s son aren’t you?’
‘Yes sir and you’re?...’
‘John, Mr. Johnson’
‘It is a pleasure to meet you Mr. Johnson’
‘Same with you son, come in and have a seat, Lisa follow Isaac to the dining table please’ Lara’s dad orders Lisa to show him the way.
The table looked very massive and long with expensive silver plates and cups like in the olden days but in a modern looking way that Lara’s dad brought from his country Paris. Specially designed and created delicious food for their new member of the family, their groom, which will be her dad’s son-in-law, Isaac.
They all wait for Isaac to be seated first then Lisa will start to serve the food this is their unique traditional generation because they’re a wealthy family, they must have respect and courtesy for their special guests and visitors.
‘Everything looks perfect sir thank you’
‘You can thank Lisa and Lara she all so helped with the salads and dips’
Isaac smiles at his girlfriend.
‘Lisa may you please help Isaac with our dinner tonight?’
‘Sure sir so we have a choice of:,
Appetizers for a light taste at the start of the course:
Salmon Rillettes
Potato Salad with Herring
Cauliflower and Goat Cheese Soufflés
Normandy-Style French Onion Soup
Cream of Fennel Soup
Chilled Carrot Soup with Fines Herbes Mousse
Barigoule of Spring Vegetables
French Lentil Salad with Blue Cheese
Main meal:
Veal Chops with Morels, Wilted Lettuce, Oysters, and Garlic-Parmesan Sauce
Grilled Steak with Sauce Vierge
Christian Delouvrier's Roast Chicken with Herbed French Fries
Or if you dislike our meals we have got the Rossini Burger extra for you Isaac.
Sour Cherry and Pistachio Danish
Mocha Dacquoise Cake
For Alcohol beverages we have our special wines for this occasion or if you would like we can open your wine that you have brought for tonight Isaac’
‘We’ll have Isaac’s wine for tonight Lisa thank you’ Lara’s dad responds instead.
‘Sure Mr. Johnson’
Everybody starts to eat and munch on their food...
‘So how did you guys meet?’ her dad changes the subject
‘Um we met at the disco’ Isaac replies
‘Oh okay interesting so what do you do as an occupation?’ her dad just needs to ask these kinds of questions so he has his daughter in safe hands and knowing that this man can look after her in a wealthy environment and atmosphere to the best, most suitable standard.
‘I am a pilot my dad Martin was all so retired from that profession’
‘Yeah I know I and Martin were good mates years ago’
‘So is your relationship getting any serious at all?’
Her dad has a very curious looking face now...
‘Well to be honest with you... we do love each other we have gotten very close in a short amount of time but it feels like I have always met Lara before life ever began!’
‘Hm that’s great to hear son, I think you both have made a good couple’
‘Exactly’ Lara includes and agrees
‘I haven’t mentioned this yet but this will sound like a surprise for Lara, I was thinking about getting married to your daughter at the Royal Botanical Gardens in Australia...’
Lara and her dad face each other looking shocked...
‘Oh my god really?! This is an enthusiastic idea!’
‘Very well’ her dad agrees with them too
‘Can I ask, why Australia?’
‘I am a citizen from Australia Mr. Johnson’
‘Oh okay well you didn’t mention that’
‘Yeah far away to travel but it will be worth it, Hawaii would be amazing for our honeymoon wouldn’t it sweetheart?’
‘I totally believe it would love’ she clutches her boyfriend’s one hand on the table.
‘I am very happy for the both of you, you both look very in love’ her dad admits
‘Thank you Mr. Johnson, by the way I haven’t met Lara’s mother?’
‘My mum and dad are separated she is at Sweden I am sorry that she couldn’t make time for tonight she is a very busy cop’ Lara clearly states the truth
‘Oh sorry to hear that but that’s okay’
‘Take some more food Lisa may you please help Isaac and you too Isaac help yourself we’re going to be a beautiful family soon’
‘Thank you sir for all the food’
‘No worries enjoy!’
‘So what do you do sir?’
‘First of all I work at Rich Gardner as a Financial Planner, I all so have a charity organization it is called – ‘New York Cares’
‘Oh that’s very kind and generous of you so you like helping out people in hardship?’
‘Absolutely! I have a passion for my job I love it’ Lara’s dad sounded like Isaac when he used the same words LOL.
‘So when shall we organize our wedding...?’ Lara asks
‘Anytime if you want right away! I am ready for a lifelong future with you honey’
‘you know when we weigh the advantages, after you guys get married you get to see the true colors of one another so I think don’t rush anything but again it is up to you guys’ her dad makes an important life lesson and quote.
‘Yes you’re right about that sir’
Lara bits her bottom lip
Lisa walks down to the ‘not so yet family’ to bring the dessert
‘If you all are finished I have brang the dessert’
‘Right you’re a legend Lisa!’ her dad gets pumped up when he sees the dessert, and that is how they finish the night with Isaac meeting Lara’s dad.
Chapter 16
The couple wanted to speed things up to get to know each other a lot more during their marriage. Lara lets Demi know about their wedding and she said she might as well get married with Nico as well so they have a much larger 2 weddings on the same day. Isaac arranges the Light aircraft plane for everybody’s flights so they can have their long haul trip to Melbourne, Australia.
Everybody is packing their belongings into their suitcases and luggage’s, they all get ready one by one, the excitement, adrenaline rushes through Lara’s blood and veins, she can’t come to a state of mind to believe that she is actually, literally getting close to marrying Isaac! And Demi is marrying Nico!
Everything has fallen into its usual spot, Lara’s novels are complete on sale, her dad’s work issues are solved, Demi has found her biological mother, she currently is still trying to search for her dad and brother, Isaac affectionately loves Lara and wants to marry her, the weird thing is her mother couldn’t fit any time for their evening with Isaac but Isaac has put her his first priority in making time for her. Maybe it is not even worth talking about.
They altogether jump onboard into Isaac’s Light aircraft plane. Isaac is going to be the pilot in this small plane that they are all on. The airline is called – Oneworld. It is a 21 hours, 46 minutes flight, for Lara and the others it is a very long distance flight but for Isaac it must be no problem for him because he is used to travelling for long period of hours. By the way Isaac doesn’t want to get any payments from the flight tickets from everybody because he is such a generous young man.
Lara leans her head on Isaac’s chest and they smoothly fly across the Atlantic and Indian Ocean into New Holland but nowadays their destination is named Australia.
When they arrive they disembark the plane from the tullamarine way, exit from Melbourne International Airport arrivals deck. They all stay in a hotel named Holiday Inn. It is a 4-star modern hotel with a restaurant and a pool.
Lisa already has organized Lara’s bridal dress, Isaac held their wedding date and all the tables and seats that needed to be organized has all been successfully finished beforehand. Isaac had most of the responsibility on his back, Lara just had to get dressed and get her makeup done with the makeup artist Lorin Cole.
Isaac’s parents have passed away when he was a kid. Lara has just recently discovered this when she found some old letters in his suitcase while she was in the hotel. She felt very sad for him; she never knew he spent his time living in a dormitory until the age of 18...
But anyway it isn’t time for sadness it is time to party and celebrate! Because Lara is now formally getting married to a very handsome and charming pilot in history!
Everybody’s wedding day has finally approached! The ceremony begins just like the way they planned in Melbourne, Isaac’s town at the Royal Botanical Gardens.
There was no time for them to offer for the proposal they just wanted to formally get married in a nice looking audience.
The mood and surroundings at Lara and Demi’s wedding is a very cloudy day with a little bit of sunshine but mostly cool with the breeze hitting her arms, even though summer has arrived. Her cloudy white bridal dress is swinging with the wind, the smell of the gerbera flowers touches the tip of her nose, gosh the fragrance makes her want to sniff it all into her fresh lungs.
The audience is all seated. Lara’s mother, dad, Demi’s foster parents, her real mother and a couple of friends and relatives.
Lara holds her dads arm and walks her up to Isaac who will be her husband very soon...! then Demi’s dad comes along, first they start with Lara when the marriage celebrant asks them if they accept each other as partners Lara of course must say a massive ‘YES FOREVER TIL ETERNITY’ she can’t stop her enthusiastic behavior she is more than happy and more than want to be his wife.
Next of course is Demi’s turn they approve each other obviously as well, they sign the paperwork and the 4 gets up for a long kiss at the end and everybody gives them a round of applause with cheering sounds, everybody starts to yell with clapping hands in the background... at last but not least here they are altogether in bliss and joy, very happy wife’s and husbands they laugh and
laugh till they cry from happiness...
Ah love at last wins...
The End
After Lara’s marriage’s ending Isaac takes her to Hawaii like they mentioned and planned. They stayed at the Mauna Lani Bay Hotel and Bungalows. It was a 4-star hotel Luxe Resort with golf courses and a spa.
During their stay at their honeymoon everything was spontaneous with lots of happiness, laughter and pleasurable sex! (again) of course. But this time normal sex in general. Lara and Isaac were now very happy, delighted, married partners.
In 2 year’s time Lara gets pregnant to 2 children, a girl and a boy. Her daughter looks alike with her and her son took his dad’s side half-half. They named their children Molly and Max. They continued to live their lives in peace and serenity. As well as Demi and Nico and all so everybody else that they knew of.
The blurb for the back cover:
A Novella about everything you can find, my characters that I have invented for this fiction book are very kind, generous, people who don't discriminate the rich and poor qualities. Filled with drama, family, relationships, friendships and spouses.
Happy reading and hope you enjoyed it!
Author, Seniha Haksever
All about drama lives!(Seniha Haksever)
All about Drama lives!
Author of
Seniha Haksever
A Novella between the rich and poor qualities with busy drama lives!…………
Happy reading!
Lara can sum up a whole lifetime. It is mainly working, getting paid, saving up money. Rumi says everyone has been created for some particular work, and the desire for that work has been put in every heart. But If you have allot of leisurely time on your hands the clock feels like it is ticking backwards, the time just doesn’t fly fast, if you are a busy business women/man then chances are your time will certainly fly out of your hands that you wouldn’t even be able to hold it.
If you give kindness to people and expect the same thing back in return you will be stuck in that trap forever, Lara hears that people say life is cruel but in all honesty Lara doesn’t agree with that quote. Lara believes it is people that are cruel, if you want to be a helping hand do it with your heart or not at all as Rumi says because not everyone has a soft heart as you or you will be disappointed.
Chapter 1
Lara wakes up to her alarm at 7:30 on the dot this
might look shocking to you but she always wakes up with a big smile on her face because she is a morning’s person but obviously other people get up with a disturbed feeling and grumpy face. Lara believes she is a one in a million kind of lady. Whoever will fall in love with her will definitely be very lucky. She gets up throws on a pair of tight sports pants, a T-shirt and goes downstairs, she asks for a fresh squeezed orange juice from her servant Lisa, she heads off for her normal daily activity which is running so she can be healthy and fit.
The air is icy cold and foggy this morning great temperature to warm up her body even though Lara doesn’t really like cold weather but she must stay fit because summer is on its way. She starts running around her neighborhood to do 5 laps. As she is running she sees a view of an old man that looks like a junky- by the way Lara’s eyes are very excellent at sight-seeing from long distances speaking of her ‘eyes’ she hears an airplane zooming through her head, she looks up to see what the name of the plane is, it says Qatar. But she keeps on running continuously non-stop.
Lara is almost half way through to get to see the old man, she has a feeling that this man needs her help, she literally feels it in her gut, she is huffing and puffing, almost coming closer to see the man... Now she can see him more clearly than before. She notices his cloudy white beard and bright blue eyes, when he sees Lara running closer he suddenly stops her to say something.
‘Excuse me dear I am sorry to disturb you but have you got any money on you like about $5 dollars, I haven’t eaten anything for days I only have half a bottle of water on me left’
‘Oh sure sir I should have about $10 or $20 bucks left in my pocket, here I have got $20 for your luck, here’
‘Thank you very much dear may god always bless you’
‘That’s alright god bless you too’
The man walks away with a big smile on his face and Lara proceeds to run again feeling all pumped up. She knew from the start that this poor man needed her help, her intuition just tells her everything, she feels sorry and bad for poor people, she has a strong feeling of empathy for people but she is also merry and proud for being a helping hand. There are people out there who are selfish and cruel who don’t even bother to help someone who is starving from hunger, she just couldn’t leave that man to suffer anyway she has always wanted to give charities and donations to people who are in need and hardship just like her dad so this was the day! This has just put her mood up!
Lara comes back home to have her snack as she hears her phone ring she reaches her hand to answer the call, it is Demi.
‘Hey hun, how’s it going how did you go with your publishing agent?’
‘Oh my god it was fantastic! My agent said she loved my journal and guess what! All my hard work is going to go on print and published into ‘Demi’s Official Media Release’ magazine can you believe that?’
‘Wow this is terrific congratulations I am so proud of you girl!’
‘Thank you Lara it’s all your encouragement and support if it wouldn’t be you I wouldn’t have come this far’
‘Thank you hun but you’re talented for this too remember that’
‘Okay I will do so. So what have you been up to lately, after that blast we had together last Saturday night?’
‘I just came back from my run, still working on my novel trying to figure out bits and pieces’
‘Running? Girl you need to stop I know this is something you always do but do you want to be as skinny as a stick?
‘I know but summer is coming I need to be in form and shape’
‘Oh whatever and don’t worry you’ll figure out your novel you’re way more talented than me’
‘I hope so hun, hey why don’t you come over for a visit not to be rude but this will save up my phone bill haha’
‘Oh fine Lara I am on my way be there in 15 minutes’
Knock, knock
‘Who’s there?’
‘Demi who?’
‘Demi the magazine publisher’
‘Haha, haha’
As Lara sees Demi she hugs her so tight to welcome and congratulate her ‘would you like a cuppa?’ ‘Ah yes please as usual’ ‘so ready to see your magazine in store?’ ‘absolutely I have been waiting for this for years I am so excited now I understand your joy when you had all your other novels published’ ‘yeah it is an astonishing feeling’ they both take sips on their coffees ‘so how do you think you are going to sort out your novel other than your life story?’ ‘Well I have reached to the climax, in future wise I am thinking of killing off my main character to end the resolution but I am not sure if it is a good idea’ ‘hm you know I am not that good with novels as you are but I don’t think it is a good idea to kill off your main character as it is the most important character in your novel, anyway it is up to you’ ‘hm well I will just go with the flow and see what happens but thank you for your opinion’ ‘you’re welcome’
Lara walks over to the dining table where the typewriter is ‘I am going to work on my novel’ ‘with your typewriter?’ ‘Yes’ ‘do you still use this antique?’ ‘off course I do writers love typewriters no matter how old fashioned it is’ ‘I see that’ she starts to type as Demi listens to the sounds that she makes ‘And doesn’t that typewriter fit your hands and nails perfectly’ ‘I told you it is something that is still great to use besides the year it was manufactured’ Demi grabs a magazine from Lara’s shelf and starts to browse through it with interest and fascination.
‘Did you want to stay over for dinner my dad’s making turkey with rice you’ll love it!’ ‘no hun Nico is going to take me out tonight he said he needs a break from all the hard work he is doing with architecture but thank you for the offer’ Demi’s body language shows cheekiness as Lara smiles in return.
‘Hm so you guys have all sorted out your house designs and financial issues ey?’
‘Well almost it is better than before we kept on arguing with the plan for our new home, I couldn’t convince him about how I want to pay for the interior and he could pay for the exterior, trying to acknowledge him that it is not that expensive but he just doesn’t listen, gosh men these days’
‘hm I get your point you want to pay half-half but I guess he just doesn’t want to feel low self-esteem he just wants to do all the work not to feel embarrassed in front of you because you remember how his from a low class family in cost’
‘yes hun I know that’s why I wanted us to pay half but I guess he still feels bad that he can’t offer me a high class living’
‘I understand. But you love him don’t you?’
‘Off course I do money can’t buy love and that’s what’s special about our relationship’
‘Yeah indeed’
Lara really loves and adores her best friend’s relationship with Nico she can view that their bonds will connect so tightly together and it will stay the way it is and last for a lifetime. She is very eager to discover a brand new relation to connect with a better and more decent young man than all the other guys she dated. She can see her outlook in love, when you’re young you make stupid decisions, fall for guys who are just complete idiots and cowards. She guesses she is starting to realize that she has grown out of her teenage years into adulthood. More stable, steady and well balanced, putting the thinking caps on to make more intelligent life changing responses in her private life, by leaning on using her brain more than her heart.
Sometimes you’re just left in between your heart and mind, you love a man but he might not have a very good personality, he is a bourgeois, selfish and only cares about himself, he gets very close with you, buys you expensive diamonds and jewelry until he gets what he is aiming at, he actually doesn’t want a serious relationship with you, he just wants the affair, the flirtation and if he is lucky enough to reach his direct point, his goal of his desired intentions he will succeed his manly hood obsessions and passions.
Later that night Lara watches how her dad comes in the door and tosses the keys but not with a smile on his face he looked down and languorous for some reason that she didn’t know of. He went onto making the Turkey and rice he is like as if he is not there his mind somewhere else. The only small sentence he said was ‘hi, how was your day’ something was wrong she just knew it from his vibes. Lara and her dad both sat down at the dinner table, she inspected around the table with her eyes…. There was no salad, chips or any dips it was only plain Turkey that was overcooked and rice that was uncooked properly….. What was going on?
Lara would never want her dad to be in this state of mind whatever is wrong she will find out somehow, she doesn’t think it is because of her mum or doesn’t think he would have anything to do with her as she left us years ago to another man and went to Sweden. Could it be about her? She thinks. If it is she would be very angry with her after all she is all the pain and drama that she caused for her dad, her dad almost got fired from his job because of her, Lara is curious to know what the situation is. She is not going to let anything hurt her dad anymore because her dad is a wonderful man and has a heart of gold.
Chapter 2
In the morning Lara quickly jogs down the stairs to catch her dad for a chit chat to try to get some words out of him. ‘Hey dad good morning’ ‘good morning Lara’ he gives a half sided smile at her today ‘you looked very down last night are you okay?’ ‘yeah hun it’s just work-related issues you know’ her dad chuckles ‘oh okay I was just a bit worried about you’ ‘nah I will get back in track don’t worry every man has his ups and downs’ ‘okay well I’ll see you tonight’ ‘bye’
Lara shuts the door takes her typewriter and heads down to her writing studio/gallery which is at the garage first. Her display name at the top front of her studio is written in a fancy font it looks very glamorous. She sits down and starts typing on this regular working day. Her imagination, all her thoughts, vocabulary words just flows through her brain onto paper, it soothes her wanting to write the story that she wants to read, however she wants the story to be...oh what a feeling! To love the job that she is doing, to live this present moment with no fear just whatever comes through her mind, the freedom to break and escape the cage that she is in, letting out all these emotions and feelings in her chest introvertly and extrovertly into a book.
As Lara takes a sip of her glass of water she hears someone’s footsteps coming inside her studio she looks behind and sees new customers. By the look of the way they’re dressed up they don’t look high quality at all... ‘Hello welcome in how may I help you?’
‘Hi I have come to buy Lara’s books’
‘Yes over here and Lara is me by the way’
‘It must be you yeah I knew it, isn’t it nice to have a studio to sell your own masterpieces?’
That sounded very awkward...
‘Yeah absolutely it is very pleasurable’
‘There is your book that I read about ‘lessons learned in life’; it is very inspiring I really adore that book’
‘Thank you I am glad you liked it’
The customer leans down to see her book that’s called ‘Silence’ she politely asks the price
‘How much is this?’
‘That one is $99.95 US dollars, it is a very outstanding piece of creativity of mine you’ll love it!’
‘What... sorry um… that price doesn’t suit my living’
The chubby women’s face falls looking embarrassed, Lara knew these customers weren’t suitable for her studio. Lara kind of felt pity for the women.
‘That’s okay I can make a discount for you, it is nice to have friendly, easy-going customers who gives me compliments like you’
‘oh that is very nice of you, I normally buy your books from online at a cheaper price but today I wanted to pop in and have a look who this author is that I have been loving to read her books but sorry I wasn’t aware’
‘That’s alright, the price drops down to $50 specially for you’
‘Why thank you darling is there still people like you nowadays…? Thank you for this’
‘You’re very welcome, have a great day’
‘You too bye’
Lara carries on finishing her novel about ‘My Life Story’ she feels gratified and dignified for having such a humble and modest heart. She never really has looked down on people whose wage scales are low even though when she is a rich lady from a father who owns many lands and is the manager of his Sponsoring Charity business/company. Lara, her family and friends are wealthy but there is something that is very special about them and that is because they are all kind, generous, one and only unique class by itself in particular.
The day fly’s by very fast a couple more customers come in Lara makes a few more sales, Demi suddenly pops in around lunch time to show Lara her ‘Official Media Release’ magazine. Demi skips inside Lara’s studio giggling blissfully like a kid ‘Hey Lara take a look at my magazine!’ Demi yells out ‘oh wow I love your front cover, look at that font! Girl I am so happy for you’ as she skips through the pages ‘thank you babe I am happy too, my magazine has a flawless finish I love it too!’ they both sit down on the comfy couches just studying every single page from front to back. ‘Would you like a glass of wine to celebrate this achievement?’ Lara asks Demi ‘sure why not that would be awesome’ they both head to the small alcohol bar that she has got, Lisa opens up a bottle of red wine-shiraz to enjoy the savor. ‘Cheers for Demi’s success’ Lara delivered ‘cheers!’ Demi added.
In the evening Lara’s dad comes back from work with a handful of paperwork in his hands. She goes down the stairs to their Luxurious and Sumptuous looking salon. She can see a picture of his face that is much calmer and in relief but there is still something bothering him from what she can perceive ‘Hey dad what’s up?’ ‘Hey honey not too bad’ ‘that’s good’ ‘how was your day?’ ‘Just daily work activities you know working on my novel, I had a few customers that arrived as well’ ‘that sounds wonderful’
Her dad yells out from across the living room.
‘Hey Lisa it is your turn to cook today what’s for dinner tonight better be a tasty dish I am starving!’
‘The main meal is Steak frites which is cooked well to your desire with chips and salad to the side Mr. Johnson’
Lisa replied
‘What about desert?’
‘We have got two options- Floating island or Éclair’
‘Okay I would like to have Floating Island’
Her dad gets lifted up a bit when he remembers about their French food that they eat. Lara has a mixture of backgrounds her mum is Swedish and her dad is French. She prefers being called French, she loves her dad’s side obviously because she has had a bad past with her mum but she has got no idea how to speak in French and that’s normal because her hometown is United States of America, New York.
‘So did you sort out your work issues?’
Lara’s dad’s mood and the light in his face suddenly faded away slowly…
‘Um... yeah’
She narrows her eyes in disbelief
‘Are you sure dad? Look, I know there’s something wrong going on…. Is it my mum that is involved in this, is this the case?’
Her dad took a long pause to answer...
‘No hun it has nothing to do with Ella…’
‘Then what is it?’
‘Look Lara you’re an adult now I am sure you’re going to understand my situation, you have become mature but I am currently in an economic crisis, I am finding it difficult to pay my coworkers that… I almost had to fire a couple of them...’
‘Oh dad I am very sorry to hear that, what do you mean off course I understand’
‘Thank you gorgeous what I meant by that was your American Express card might be cancelled’
‘So I suggest you not to do any expensive purchasing when you go shopping please just for a small period of time’
‘But I was going to buy that….’
She gives a sigh
‘Okay dad as you wish’
‘It not like I want this to happen you already know’
‘I know dad I understand’
‘I knew you would sweetheart you have become so mature after all the trials we have dealt with your mum... but anyway I am still lucky enough that I don’t have to fire my coworkers anymore that is sorted out’
‘I am glad that is over and done with but how did this happen?’
‘One of my customers which was a beggar, not in my awareness has defrauded me a hell of money for his own interest to buy drugs’
‘Oh dad you need to be careful from those types of beggars, you have such a soft heart that you trust people and just don’t see the bad in them’
Lara’s dad stares at her with a sweet smile with admiration
‘Lara when have you grown to give me advice’
She smiles back
‘Diners ready’ Lisa says, she brings the Steak frites to the dining table
‘Any choice of alcohol tonight?’ Lisa asks
‘Um Richemer please Lisa’ dad confirms
‘I’ll have Laroque please’ Lara adds
‘Sure your drinks are on its way’ Lisa finishes her line
‘So are you sure this has nothing to do with mum am I correct?’ Lara started bringing up their conversation with dad again.
‘No what would a beggar have anything to do with your mum? Silly’
They both slowly start to munch on their food, in the meantime the liquor beverages arrive as well.
‘Just asking she has put you through allot of bankruptcy in the past remember we went through a lot of pressure to get back your Charity Business because mum was informing false information about you and society was booing you’
‘I know sweetheart I hope nothing like that happens again, I discovered all of the evidence and proved it to the judge that it was her that was trying to sue me for providing all that ridiculous information about my Business, she spent two months in jail but she deserved it justice has found all honesty’
‘That is oath right dad I totally agree’
‘By the way this tastes delicious’ Lara admits
‘Oh absolutely super good’ dad replies ‘Enjoy!’ Lisa yells out across from the kitchen
Chapter 3
Last night Lara memorized her conversation that she had with dad Speaking of finance Demi has found Mr. Right, a precious treasure which money can’t buy... love. Love doesn’t calculate wealth or poor in her book, Lara has met many high class people; their only intension is to marry someone from a family that is rich from their level. Demi’s fiancé is a standard class man but Demi is first class, she still loves Nico with all her heart, inspecting them, Demi accepts to live in an average home with Nico, Nico wants to pay everything not to feel bad in front of Demi, he refuses to pay half-half. But wouldn’t it be so lovely and cute? Sharing is caring.
Lara really desires to find her prince charming someday very soon as well. Why not? She is a goddess. She has to admit the truth her beauty is much more than Demi. Demi is very hot, she has a sultry nature in her, Lara has to admit again Demi is hotter than her; she wears glasses that make her look like a porn star, no seriously. Lara is just the goddess.
It doesn’t really matter whatever class Lara’s lover is going to be in as long as his cute and funny, someone that can also please her sensual senses. Like when you get to know someone you eventually want to set yourself free to embrace the lust. When Lara used to go out clubbing as a teenager she got hooked up a couple of times - you know it just happens out of control not to mention getting your drink spiked and becoming the advantage, luckily that never happened to her because she always bought her own alcohol. But Demi almost did Lara encountered everything with her own eyes she had to jump in, interfere and tell her what was going on before she took a sip. Lara is 23 now she doesn’t go out into that atmosphere that often anymore only sometimes since she has grown out of her teenage years.
Some people go out clubbing to get hooked up, some people just for the sake of having a brilliant time. For her both of them apply. Lara hasn’t been able to get out since Graduating from University and becoming an Author because she has been busy writing novels. Maybe she should go out more to clubbing... she has had a couple of boyfriends in the past. She wasn’t (that) slutty like other rich ladies who dumped their bub in about two weeks.
But now she is saying to herself what the hell was she thinking! Most often the guys were idiots and immature show offs by trying to please her with Chevrolet Corvette Stingray Convertible sports cars and all. They would just buy her high-cost gifts mostly – jewelry and she means very precious diamonds.
But at the end of the day they all got what they desired but this doesn’t satisfy her anymore, she wants a serious relationship with a young, tall, handsome man that can suit her needs in every perfect possible way.
Lara really wonders what kind of a scene she is going to capture her lover’s attention with her brownie eyes... in a club? a mall? from a Writers Festival-Event? Who knows? It would actually be good if he had the same interest and passion as her that would be awesome.
Her dad keeps on nagging and asking her when she is going to move out into her own house when she should be the one to think about when she is going to get him off her back. Well the reason is because she can’t leave her studio. Her studio is everything to her, she is not complete without it, and she needs it every day. Years ago she designed it with very expensive household goods from ‘Modani Furniture’ her desk, the counter, her bookshelf’s stock-sale, the positive energies she has created around the studio, the way she can sniff the smell of all her creative artwork-books. She knows she can rebuild another studio when she moves out but she has put allot of effort and let out a lot of money from her hands into this so... she has to admit she can’t deny her comfort zone gets in the way as well. But it is not so much of a hustle.
She would all so love to move out and be a much more independent lady standing up on her feet, no matter how much she loves her dad and the father and daughter relationship that she shares with him.
This morning Lara calls Demi from her cellphone at around 8-9 in the morning to discuss about their Gotham Writers' Workshop festival event that they’re going to present and teach to some fellow writers in the Adult Education School.
Demi picks up the phone
‘Rise and shine Demi’
‘Hey girl’ As Demi says with a dull, sexy, sleepy voice that her tone cuts through the line.
‘What’s wrong are you sick?’
‘No man I just woke up to your phone call, why are you calling me this early did you dream about me or something?’ Demi asks jokingly
‘Oh my god did you forget about our presentation that we’re going to show today? How could you hun?’
‘Ohhh no, that’s right we have our demonstration today. Sorry hun I was out late with Nico last night we had a ball at Blue Note, a Jazz Musician took the stage and we watched him at the Jazz club’
‘Hey that actually sounds awesome! Where was my invite? Haha just kidding but the party is over now so please can you get dressed up, I’ll pick you up; we’ll go with my car as you know there is more room and space in my white convertible Mercedes’
‘Oh hun sorry but I called you twice but you didn’t pick up so I thought your battery was dead’
‘When? I didn’t hear a thing? Maybe my phone was on silent sorry hun’
‘That’s alright maybe next time we can go out together to watch another performance’
‘I am going to get dressed up and I will wait for you at the front gate’
‘Okay I’ll see you soon’
15 minutes later Lara approaches Demi’s mansion and waits next to the gate where you enter in her elegant luxury looking mansion, palm trees, emerald-green fine and neat grass with freshly scented smell of daisies of natural nature.
Lara’s eye catches Demi walking, moving her hips side to side, wearing a silky black collar, fine long black pants with her thin-length high heeled shoes and most of all... always looking very sexy and an independent lady of all.
When Lara sees Demi she waves a hand at her and she jumps into her car.
‘Hello Miss sexy smarty pants’ Lara starts
‘Why hello goddess, and by the way I am not a ‘miss’ anymore I am engaged’
‘Haha and next step getting into the marriage exploration’
‘Who says? I am not ready for that yet being engaged is already enough for me, so much of arguments already’
‘Well you’re going to have to get use to it for the love you have for Nico, and I am sure he loves you back too’
‘Yeah I know’
Lara starts the car again and hits the accelerator.
‘At least he is the only one I have had an honest, trustworthy connection with compared to all the other guys, he is very unique in his own way, and he is amazing’ Demi adds
‘I am very glad to hear that Demi. The two of you make a very good couple, you both belong together, specially the two of you in particular. And as long as you also have me as a strong friendship our bonds and ties will be even much greater’
‘Thank you Lara, you’re my best friend or more than that a sister to me, you know I don’t even...’
Demi’s eyes get teary as she pauses her sentence.
‘Oh Demi I am sorry if my words made you sad I didn’t mean to’
‘No it’s not you I just... I was going to say I don’t even know if I actually have any other sisters or brothers you know my story’
Demi is adopted. She doesn’t know who her real parents are but she lives in a mansion with whom she calls her mum and dad who sponsored and fostered her when she was a kid. Lara honestly dislikes bringing this conversation up because Demi gets very upset.
‘I know hun it must be awful not knowing but you always have me, I want you to take this as if we’re sisters okay? From now on you’re my sister understood?’ Lara continues their conversation
‘Lara you’re a star I love you!’ Demi attacks Lara’s neck with a sisterly hug
‘Haha okay, okay, I am driving be careful hun’
Demi’s mood gets back up that Lara can see the smile in her face. All of a sudden Lara gets a great idea that maybe she can offer to help her sister to find her real mother and father and maybe her siblings if she has any as well because she feels bad not knowing where she is from and who she is from. Lara will ask her soon but not right at this moment she doesn’t want to destroy her happiness now, this can wait.
Lara also wants to tell her about how she wants to find a partner for good. She guesses it is time she makes some serious decision making she is 23 turning 24 and very mature for her age; in fact she doesn’t respect too much foolishness or getting wasted like in the past. She wants to gain responsibility; she wants to share company and a lifetime with a man in her interest. Maybe this might sound way too early and young for other people but life started very early for her, she wants to get married and be admired with the bigger picture in the media, she wants people to be proud of her, with whoever she is going to marry.
And when she says it can be whoever, she doesn’t mean someone eating up rubbish from the garbage bin, she means someone who is a standard personnel. Some other rich people just don’t understand that economy-first class people both can mix up together, it is not always about material costs, it is all so about humanity.
Chapter 4
The sisters are on their way to reach the ‘Gotham Writers’- Adult Education School. Lara makes her way to enter into the parking lot. they’re both not teachers to actually teach other writers but they have joined a voluntary organization for a short period of time to learn all the aspects and features, about 5 weeks ago and hell! Their supervisor, Carl was the hottest young man ever with see through water-board abs under his sexy eggplant-colored tie. So they are qualified to teach about the art of writing. They even have their own name badges on around their neck.
Lara notices and glances up her eyes and sees everybody making their way from their cars or in groups by chattering amongst themselves. Well presented by the look of their clothes. She sights familiar faces, people that she has seen somewhere else, writers that she knows of in person. Lara has an excited feeling for this today that her chest jumps up and down from the joy...
They both enter inside the door there was not much air to breathe in from all the people and the smell of the daffodil colored walls and the stone colored carpets. Lara saw the bulletin board to see where the room is, she looked down and saw the sentence saying ‘group for new writers-room no: 9’ that was it, that is their class that they’re going to teach today.
There was a long corridor to their room they obviously have been here before when they had their voluntary group-course it is both linked to one another so they know a fairly bit of the atmosphere. When they reach their room no: 9 they both head inside...
‘Good morning everyone’! Let me introduce myself today, I am Lara, an author of many inspirational, memoir books and this is Demi who is a magazine publisher, she has just gotten published recently,
(Lara hears quiet chatting in the background when she says ‘published’ apparently because the class is filled with new writers)
‘She is also known as my best friend and sister’ as Lara looks to face Demi with a smile by introducing themselves.
‘We both have undertaken a short course about what the definition and art of writing is 5 weeks ago’ Demi smiles back at Lara
‘So writing is a very rewarding but challenging sector. Many new writers believe that everybody can write but in my opinion I think this would be very difficult if you don’t have any talent. You must have some sort of skill to achieve this and become a writer in your profession’
‘Writing has many sections of work that you’re required to do.
Demi draws a diagram on the whiteboard, explaining at the same time.
For instance:
If you’re going to write a book about poetry you need to make your words rhyme,
A children’s book, you need to have basic vocabulary words for kids to understand in a clear manner,
Or a magazine you need to know a lot about media,
And for a novel you need to have a:
‘That’s right Demi. Structure is all so the important part of writing because it improves your writing, if you don’t have structure your story wouldn’t be a suitable standard to read. Characters are what make the story flow with emotions, without characters your story would be like a large missing part which would be incomplete with deficiency’
‘Another important key is while you’re writing; meanwhile you must read a lot of books. The reason is to understand how to write better’
‘Aha! That’s it. (As Lara points out Demi’s phrase) And there is all so a quote from Stephen king saying: ‘If you don't have the time to read, you don't have the time or the tools to write’
‘There is another one: ‘if you want to be a writer, you must do two things above all others: read a lot and write a lot. There's no way around these two things that I'm aware of, no shortcut’ Demi adds Stephen king’s quote.
‘Is there any questions so far?’ Lara asks
A guy from the back wearing glasses with a nerdy profile raises his hand to ask a question.
‘What if you just can’t read I mean as in if you don’t like reading?’
‘You know I use to get that feeling as well but if you find something that entertains your interest maybe you can overcome that’
‘Oh okay I will keep your tip in mind’
‘Is there any other questions?’ Demi asks this time
A lady is next in asking her question
‘How do you find ideas or where can you find them?’
‘if you have a strong imagination some people just writes about whatever comes into their mind, but if you get stuck and have writer’s block then maybe then you can do some research on Google or from wherever your search engine is’
The class gets quiet with no other hands raised up in the air. After a brief discussion about how and what to do to write this and that, with some helpful quotes of famous writers they both moved onto more depth about the art of writing.
The class was very intelligent and smart as young writers. Questions were well asked, manners and politeness were filled with courtesy. Lara and Demi were both satisfied about everything. The class, the way that they interacted, communicated with the class, luckily was well orientated. So at the end of their presentation they were both very satisfied with the assistance, help and guidance with the support that they have given to other new writers of their community. Everything was beyond fabulous!
Chapter 5
It is another regular weekday. Lara goes out for her run, works on her novel, she then decides to go out for dinner with Demi to first chillax then they might pop into a club to shake off their stress. Lara books a reservation to the French restaurant that they are going to go to.
Demi picks Lara up this time they go with one car to save the petrol and parking... Lara is honestly not greedy but she just doesn’t like to waste energy and fuel, parking is hard to find in New York City as well.
She hears Demi hooning at her with her small Nissan juke sport cross candy-red car. Demi is a fan of small cars Demi likes her car it is mini and cute but Lara likes bigger cars because there is much more space and room to move in. Lara really wonders how she can manage to breathe in that car.
Lara runs down stairs making the sound of a drum roll...
Demi turns on some hip hop music swinging her hands and head around ducking like a bubblehead to the rhythm of the flow ‘Partition by Beyoncé’ As soon as Lara catches a glimpse of her dance moves she starts to wiggle her hips and shoulders as people walking past by stare at her looking amused marveling at her.
Demi and Lara laugh at each other as Lara steps into Demi’s mini Nissan.
‘Ah that was one of a great boogie!’ she reckons she’d say
‘I know right’
Lara’s phone beeps and vibrates she gets a notification from CNN.
She reads the top headline out loud:
‘A gunman dressed in all black and wearing tactical gear opened fire at First Baptist Church in Sutherland Springs, Texas, during Sunday service’
‘Oh what an idiot!’ Demi shouts with absurdity
‘Yeah he was probably an infidel or something’
‘Maybe. The sin is his own responsibility to take care of’
‘Absolutely hun’ Lara agrees
She changes the subject back to writing
‘Our presentation at ‘Gotham Writers’ was enthusiastic wasn’t it Demi?’
‘Oh yes most definitely it was splendid’
‘So... um when are you going to have a boyfriend? Aren’t you tired of being single for so long?’ Demi asks eagerly
‘I know right! The last time I had a boyfriend was when I was 20’
‘Well it has been a while’
‘Even when I was before 20 those guys I dated was just wack and silly’
‘Yeah I can’t believe that time you vomited and tripped over Ethan when you were literally drunk your head off!’
‘Oh don’t even remind me about that night at the strippers club it was so embarrassing!’
‘And how could we not know it was a strippers club?’
‘I don’t know my phone didn’t mention and the reviews that people gave were 5 star ratings how would I know?’
‘Of course they wouldn’t even dare to mention that silly Lara. Haha’ As Demi laughs and turns over the roundabout
‘Aahh those good old days we were still young you know with our fake ID’s, only way we could get accepted’
Demi makes her way in ‘La Grenouille’ French restaurant. The drive from Lara’s house-in which she calls mansion is known to be an apartment in Manhattan, driving to the restaurant was a very smooth drive. Lara has always admired Demi’s driving she is pro at it.
Speaking of housing, yes Lara lives in an apartment with her dad but there is still luxury, fancy furniture goods. She still wouldn’t mind visiting Nico’s average home as a guest, she doesn’t discriminate whatever class people are because there is always good quality about average people, like there is a quote from Rumi saying ‘I saw many humans on whom there were no clothes, I saw many clothes in which there were no humans’
Demi’s mansion is called ‘Abington House Luxury Apartments’ and Lara has to admit speaking and including that there is ‘luxury’ named in her home she honestly disagrees because not to debate in a rude, bossy manner but her mansion is not that modern as Lara’s ‘Manhattan House Apartment’ It is just plain old original style. Nico should teach her some lessons about this as he is an architect.
They both walk in to be seated but their conversation is getting deepened so they proceed to talk.
‘I know. You know that Russian strippers club, their head office (gang) is very strict those prostitutes come from Moscow to Turkey getting tricked into a job which they think is clean. But I honestly never knew they would even come here. Transferring all the way here to make money around the world’
‘Oh my! This is the first time I am hearing this, I feel sorry for those Russian women they must be kept under strict hands of dirty men, like how they kept those Jews in the holocaust camp!’
‘Maybe that story is even worse than this one’
The silence left them feeling for them.
‘Where did our conversation even lead to this topic we were talking about me being single?’
‘Oh I don’t know’
They wait to be seated. The waiter quickly takes them to their seat.
‘Hello madam, hello how are we today?’
‘Fine thanks sir’ Lara answers feeling like a majesty
The waiter checks his notebook
‘Ah here we are the reservation is booked for three under the name (Demi)’
Lara looks puzzled
‘Yes that is correct’ Demi jumps in to reply
‘This way please your table seat is number 45, just relax and a waiter will be with you shortly to bring the menu’
‘Thank you’
‘Demi, who is number three for?’
Demi looks at Lara as if she is hiding a secret, about to burst out of her chest to spill the words out...
‘Are you thinking what I am thinking?’
‘I guess I am’ Demi confirms
‘Oh my god! You have got to be kidding me!’
‘Haha I all so invited Nico to dinner’
‘Demi you’re a genius why couldn’t I think of that, oh pfft it is your fiancé of course, it will be great to have him tonight, by the way is he on his way?’
‘Yes he is he should be here soon’
Chapter 6
The environment is peaceful and relaxed in a quiet murmuring way with romantic music, quiet chatting with ching sounds of fork and knife in the background.
Around 15 minutes later Nico pops in with denim jeans, a t-shirt and a bright smile on his face looking brilliant.
‘Hi sweetheart mua’ Nico gives his fiancé a sweet kiss on her cheek
‘Hello Lara how are you?’ Nico continues
‘I am very well thanks, it is nice to see you here’
‘Ah yeah we need days like this to catch up, excuse me but I have been very busy with work, you know we’re decorating our home’
‘Yeah I know I was going to ask how is that going?’
‘Great still got a fair bit to do I need to paint the walls with Demi’s favorite patterns and you’re going to attach the blinds and curtains aren’t you bub?’
‘Yeah! And with a floral design it is going to be beautiful’
‘That’s terrific! I can’t wait to see it all ready and done with after all the hard work both of you have almost finished’
‘Tell me about it’
The waiter comes along with the menus in his hands and hands them out to them.
They all browse through the menu to see what they can eat on this dinner night out.
Lara and Demi have already found what they are going to eat but Nico looks like as if he is under stress in understanding the menu to find something to eat, as he doesn’t have the knowledge about these types of dish names or what prix fixe and A la carte is. But he is trying not to look so dumb as much as he can but he should know that they don’t really care about class he doesn’t need to stay classy they will still love and adore him no matter what class he is in. Like Lara said this is the kind of people that they are.
He leans over to ask Demi about the food
The waiter heads towards them
‘Ready to order?’
‘Um yes almost’ Demi replies
‘I will start with mine, I’ll have the La poularde au champagne’ Lara adds
Demi was just about done with interpreting Nico’s dinner.
‘And we will have the La salade grenouille and the Steak tartare with matchstick potatoes’
‘Sure. What alcohol beverages were you guys after?’
‘Carl Jung champagne please. Demi?’ Lara says and asks
‘We’ll have the same one thanks’ Demi replies
‘So how is your novel going the one about your life story?’ Nico asks with excitement
‘Oh it is going fabulous. I have reached the climax for my ‘life story’ but I think I am going to leave the novel for now as I should focus and pay attention to this one it is more important for me’
‘Oh that’s a great idea fair enough’
‘And hopefully it will make a great buck fingers crossed guys’
‘I hope’ Nico replies
‘Hey I see your dad around the building as you know our jobs are close to each other, he seems a bit down is he alright?’ Nico adds and asks
‘Oh he has some work related issues and um... I will be dead set honest with you because I know you won’t put me down, my dad is going through an economic crisis’ Lara took a deep breath and exhaled
‘Oh are you serious? That is awful I am sorry to hear that’
‘Yeah it will be okay I guess, I suppose my mum is involved in this too but my dad refuses’
‘Hm don’t worry your dad is a strong man he will go through it in peace and sound’ Nico tries to cheer Lara up with his kindly words.
‘Yeah exactly and remember you always have your sister beside you, we have your back’
‘Sister...?’ Nico asks looking puzzled
‘I want her to call me sister; you know our bonds are so tied up’
Nico chuckles ‘oh that is sweet’
‘Damn right bro! I can call you my brother as well if you would like to, join the club!’
‘Alright well up to you’
Their food arrives as they were just having a laugh in between the 3 of them.
They slowly munch on their food by staying classy; Lara really likes Nico’s behavior in the environment, she reckons he is doing a very good job trying to look classy like the others.
Lara begins the conversation changing the subject to Demi and Nico’s relationship status...
‘So when are you guys going to get married?’
Nico almost chokes on his food
‘Um, probably soon yeah bub?’
‘Um yeah whenever madam Demi is ready’ Nico gulps down on his food wiping his mouth with the napkin
‘As I please your majesty’ Demi laughs as Nico leans further down to hold her warm, soft hands
‘You’re the majesty’ Nico says
‘Why thank you my prince charming, there we go that suits you better now doesn’t it’
‘It sure does my sweetheart’
‘Wow you guys are so cute you both should get married to a Royal Mansion instead of an apartment in truth! Haha’
‘Haha it is a mansion lol our Abington House Luxury Apartment meets our needs no need for extra drama sis’
‘Haha okay as you wish that is totally up to you’ Lara smiles at her sister.
Chapter 7
The group of friends finish eating their food, they sit back for a couple more minutes and enjoy the serenity of the French restaurant.
‘Hey guys since we have finished our food why don’t we go late night clubbing to a fine, sultry dance floor to rock it up and boogie!?’
‘That is a wonderful idea Lara!’ Nico’s eyes sparkle up with happiness
‘Right on let’s get cracking!’ Demi starts
‘I know a brilliant club called ‘Marquee’ usually they held live performances but there isn’t any for tonight just saying’ Lara informs them
‘Oh that’s alright we can just have some shots or cocktails, hang around and dance like a regular night out’ Demi says
‘Fantastic! Alright let’s go check this night club out’ Lara ends the conversation by getting their ass’s out to this striking place.
As they enter into the dance floor Lara realizes the club is Colorful, multi-tiered, featuring 30-foot ceilings, LED screens and plenty of night owls. She notices the club is very large in space, so many people crowded in the center of the floor, the silver disco ball on top of the 30-foot ceiling in the middle, the LED screen in the distance playing music. The stage for live performances was obviously empty tonight but there still is people dancing to hip hop music of course. The LED Disco Party Bulb projects dazzling lights of violet and cobalt colors to the walls and ceilings. It looks captivating and alluring!
‘Wow! What a beauty this night is going to be a blast’ Lara begins
‘Absolutely sis’
‘Woot woot! Hey why don’t I get us some shots? And get our bodies flowing with heat to get it started, I will be at the bar’
‘Okay we will be here warming ourselves up’ Demi responds
Demi and Lara start to slowly move their hips and let their hands up in the air. Demi is very sexy as always, wearing her rosy red mini skirt with her blackest black strapless top with red stilettos to match it. Lara is wearing her canary yellow dress with shiny glitter on it with a pair of golden high heels.
Nico comes down to the rest with his denim shirt with jeans and sweaters holding the lady’s drinks in his hand with a cool vibe.
‘Here you go guys got some French Martini cocktails instead’
‘Thanks Nico you’re a genius!’
‘Likewise Lara. And by the way I heard you guys did teaching to some fellow writer’s ey?’
Lara shouts at Nico because she can’t hear him clearly from all the music
‘What! I can’t hear you properly?’
‘His asking about the Gotham Writers!’ Demi shouts
‘Oh yeah we did, it was enthusiastic to teach about what we know in writing, it was an enjoyable experience!’ Lara yells to make her voice heard
‘Yeah I agree, intelligent class as well’ Demi says
‘That is great to hear’ Nico says
They take small sips on their French Martini’s and continue to dance to the music taking steps and turns as Nico joins them too, making small figures of dance moves.
‘Come on darling just go with the rhythm let tonight be our night to muck around!’ Demi encourages her fiancé to dance more with her and she shows him the dance moves – how to dance.
Demi takes hold of Nico’s hand, they dance together until they let themselves go deep into the rhythm of the flow, Lara first watches how sweet and what a cute couple they are and gets a bit jealous of her sister, but she is feeling bad about this, she should be happy for them she thinks inside her head. She joins in the fun with them as well and everything just turns out spontaneous. But suddenly Lara remembers about her dad’s economic crisis and she feels down, but they have been through a lot in the past they will get through this as Nico said.
‘Hey you’re looking lovely may I join in the fun?’ A young bloke with silky black hair and hazel eyes starts to talk to Lara.
At first she questions herself if he just wants a quick one night standard fuck or a date because she is fed up by making stupid decisions, getting laid, looking like one of a slut like she used to in her teenage years. And she just knows when she meets someone, first impressions define everything that you need to know... but with this guy she can’t predict anything, like she’s got a wall in front of her eyes, her heart racing so fast, is this the signs of love at first sight? Because he is just too handsome and charming!...
‘Um thanks. The dance floor is all yours everyone deserves a bit of fun’ Lara glances at him; she doesn’t want to say yes or anything until she finds out his intention.
‘This dance floor would be so empty and boring not having a beautiful lady like you on this floor’
Her eyes sparkle and her heart melts into pour love as she glances at him.
‘Why thank you for the compliments’ she gets on with dancing
‘You’re very welcome gorgeous’ he responds
‘May I ask what your name is?’
‘That is a lovely name as beautiful as you are, I am Isaac’
‘That’s right my sister is the goddess but you better watch out if you intend to hurt her!’ Demi quickly yells out with her cool, bitchy vibe trying to defend her sister just in case.
‘Demi?’ Lara try’s to silence her
‘That’s alright I like the way you have a sister that defends you and by the way she is right it is hard trusting guys nowadays if I don’t include myself’
Lara’s blood starts to heat up with Isaac...
‘Yeah I call her my sister she is like my other half, my soul sister even though we don’t come from the same blood. And by the way I am glad you know that, what you said last was a good quote’
‘Oh okay. Well yeah it is not always about blood. And I am all so glad you liked my words’
‘It is the truth,’
‘Yeah. I love your dance moves, Um let me guess you must be under the zodiac sign of a Leo?’
‘Leo? Really?’ Lara questions him
‘Yeah strong and confident!... am I incorrect?’
‘You are incorrect, I am an Aries’
‘Oh so your made out of fire (girl on fire) ey?’
‘Your element is fire I read the astrology book’
‘Oh right’
‘You all so love action is that why you’re here? Haha’
‘A little bit of dancing doesn’t kill anybody haha!’
Lara is now getting even more attached to Isaac so she kindly turns her body over to dance with him as he is already ready for it since yesterday!
The two dances, dances and dances! His energy is fun to get along with. They start to get even closer Lara finds her hands around his neck and his on her lower back, she feels safe in his arms, he gives her confidence, she feels like he has a strong and sexy character. She wonders which zodiac sign he is?... Maybe Scorpio? There is one way to find that out...
Lara takes a sip on her French Martini, swallows and she asks him,
‘So what is your zodiac sign?’
‘Oh mine is Scorpio’
‘I knew it!’ she yells out
‘How did you know?’
‘I feel it in your energy I am a little psychic as well’
‘That’s interesting, can you predict our future?’
‘Um no I am not that psychic! Haha’
‘I can! I am now seeing a beautiful goddess in a white wedding dress as color of the snow, in her pearled necklace with a young man wearing a black suit and tie with the table set with candle lights, us holding hands at the beach side’
She is speechless right now...
‘Wow! That is one of a great imagination you have there’ she smiles in a cute way
‘Wouldn’t it be nice?’
‘Um you’re going very fast ain’t you?’
Silence rushed through their veins this moment as if there was no sound of the music, no one talking or yelling, just the two of them in the feeling of ecstasy and becoming mesmerized...
Isaac began to speak again,
‘I honestly don’t want to lose a one in a million kind of lady like you’
Lara has a feeling he is not so bad at all, she doesn’t think he is someone that just wants to toss and turn then throw a lady on bed - like throwing her on the dance floor like on bed kind of thing like that Russian bands lyrics to ‘gun’ she sees so much more in him. That is why she feels so drawn to him already.
‘Thank you for that, I have a feeling you’re different, unique in your own way as well’
Isaac smiles at her with satisfaction
‘I am glad you think that way’
She turns her head to the side and realizes that there is nowhere Demi and Nico are to be seen, she thinks they have thought she was going to hook up with Isaac so they left them together for the night. She thinks inside her head.
‘They’re gone Lara, if you want I can drop you off back home or we can just chill at my house but only if you want to, I am up with anything with you’ Isaac says
Lara stares at Isaac blankly by checking the time on her watch it is around 3:00am
‘Um I already have a car thank you for this offer it has gotten late I didn’t realize the time flew by so fast!’
‘Oh alright then and by the way can I have your number? I would like to keep in contact with you maybe we will see each other again sometime soon...’
‘Sure. I had the most magnificent night ever everything just turned out spontaneously, it was a pleasure to meet you!’
‘It was a pleasure meeting you as well, I will see you soon goddess!’
They both give each other their numbers with their phones and head back home separately but this night is a night to remember and Lara must write in her diary, she can still feel the passion of excitement in her heart about meeting Isaac. Lara is going to tell Demi all about it!
Chapter 8
The weekend has arrived. Lara catches her dad’s gaze as he is putting his shoes on to get ready to go to work. ‘Hey dad’ ‘good morning Lara I didn’t get to see you last night I think you came back home in around 3:00am’ ‘yeah just went out with friends’ ‘that’s good’ ‘how is everything with work?’ ‘Much better just applied for an extra job to pay my coworkers as you know I am in hardship’ ‘oh that’s great’ ‘same sector I am waiting for their response if I have got accepted into the job’ ‘oh well I hope everything goes well, I wish you good luck on that’ ‘thank you gorgeous’ Lara’s dad kisses her on her forehead as he hurries up but before that he brings up her housing, ‘so when are you going to move out into your new home?’ her dad smiles cheekily
As soon as Lara hears what he says he reminds her of Isaac and she starts smiling like an idiot in front of her dad.
‘Lara?’ her dad asks again
‘Oh soon, soon’ she came back from wonderland and replies
‘Hm just saying you’re a mature adult now, I don’t mean it in a rude way but wouldn’t it be nice owning a home for yourself? Not to mention hurling guys into your house haha and I am a father I just can’t believe I said that!’
‘Haha me neither dad’
‘You know I really don’t mind it is your life I can’t decide for you or tell you how to live it’
‘Yeah that’s damn right’
‘You kind of zoned out before are you in love or something?’ her dad pokes out a half tongue to the side
Lara immediately looked at her dad in the eye
‘What! Um no, where did that fly from?’ she asks her dad in a jokingly lying way
‘I don’t know just got this feeling, anyway I am late for work I will catch you later! Bye’
Lara’s dad hurrily goes off to work and she calls Demi to tell her everything about last night.
Demi picks up her phone,
‘Demi! Oh my god you can’t imagine what happened last night!’
‘Tell me all about it sis’
‘You remember that guy who jumped in to join us his name is Isaac, he is so handsome and charming we danced together until 3:00am it was incredible!’
‘Oh my! yeah I know we saw you guys were dancing like you both were about to fall into each other’s eyes, you guys were so cute so we didn’t want to destroy the glorious love scene so we thought we’ll leave you two together’
‘I was wondering where you guys went off to, you didn’t think I would hook up with him did you Demi?’
‘Um well, I thought so, why not?’
‘Because I don’t want to do those kinds of dirty, slutty behaviors anymore I am so much more mature now compared to my teenage years’
‘Oh I know but I am so happy for you gurl! So tell me are you falling in love with him?’
‘Um, well I am not sure but I have butterflies in my stomach that’s hard to describe’
‘Oh my! (Demi uses her slang term again) gurl, I think you are drenched in love!’
‘Maybe I am but he is so cute I can’t wait for his call or maybe I might even call him first his passion is bursting out of my chest with excitement!’
‘Gurl, love has caught you at first sight!’
‘Yeah, I think so...’
‘Hey guess what I just decided?’
‘Do you want to go out for a cup of coffee at a café?’
‘Sure why not!’
They both arrive at a café that they enjoy to sit and talk - the Indian Road Café. Lara thinks it is time she starts to discuss with her sister about how she wants to help her find her real parents and talk about a partner which seems to be Isaac – well at least for now.
They walk into the café, find a nice spot to sit down and chat.
‘So since you wanted to come here is there anything else you wanted to talk to me about besides Isaac?’ Demi starts the first sentence into their conversation ‘um well yes, look hun I know you get upset when I bring this topic up but I want to beneficially help you out in searching to find your real parents...’ Demi looked shocked, she swallowed hard. ‘Oh, thank you so much for this, where did this idea fly from to you?’ ‘Because I just know how much it sucks for you to have no knowledge in who you’re related to’ ‘that is oath right sis but I have you as a sister even though we don’t come from the same blood, our sisterhood is strong’ ‘that’s right hun’
The waiter comes and they order their Coffee’s first.
‘So I decided that maybe we or even you as you are a magazine publisher can publish a news about writing who you are:
So your,
Name, last-name, who fosters you and when the audience reads the newspaper get them to call you back or leave your address details so your real parents can easily find you and wherever you live’
‘What do you think?’
‘Lara this sounds like a great idea! I will get the system running and everything that needs to be done, thank you so much for offering this for me you’re a genius!’
Sooner or later their Mocha and latte’s deliver to their table.
‘I would all so like a croissant with cheese and bacon please’ Lara orders the waiter for her breakfast ‘did you want to have anything Demi?’ ‘Ah I’ll have pancakes with strawberry jam please’ Demi commands
‘Sure it will be ready right away’ the waiter replies
‘Demi, I was all so going to talk about me finding a partner, a serious relationship for good and as soon as I found myself seeking to find one I meet Isaac out of the blue! Everything just turned out spontaneous last night’
‘Well there you go luck is on your head like a crown. By the way did Isaac happen to call you yet?’
‘No not yet but I want to call him’
‘So you’re going to make mister smarty pants think you’re keen on him? Haha’
‘Well um no not in that sense...’ Lara was in deep thought just then she zoned out and came back from space.
‘So are you thinking of going out on a date with him if he asks you out?’
..... Lara glares at Demi with her big wide pupil eyes ‘um well I guess I wouldn’t want to miss my chance with sharing company with someone so handsome and charming’
‘Well good on you then and you never know maybe this time you might get in a serious relationship with this bloke for once in your life, who knows’
‘Oh why thank you, you didn’t need to confess that in such a rude way’ she gets annoyed and disturbed with her sisters words.
‘Oh hun sorry but it is the truth you remember the things you have done in the past I just thought maybe...’
‘Yes Demi I know you’re right but don’t worry I am much more mature now, you sounded like as if you’re my mother’ Lara swallowed hard before she realized what just came out of my mouth.
Demi’s eyes filled up with tears again ‘oh I am so sorry sis I didn’t mean to put salt on your wound and bring this up again’
Demi sniffs and gives Lara a half smile ‘Oh don’t worry maybe I shouldn’t of bragged about it too much’ ‘ok let’s just close off this conversation here I am going to get everything sorted out for you anyway, so let’s get busy with your advertisement’ ‘but what about Isaac I thought you might of wanted to spend your time with him?’ ‘Well I can defer that for later you’re more important for me now, let’s go to the New York Daily News company’
Chapter 9
They both arrive at the Newspaper industry, make the next available booking, meet and greet with the media journalist, make the payments half-half with her sister as you know they have no money matters no matter how much in cost and it is both of their work they are in this together because Lara will always be by her sisters side and have her back through anything, she wouldn’t leave her alone it is nice to care and share company with her.
They wait for an hour for their appointment. In the meantime they read a couple of magazines but finally the man escorts them to his room to settle in.
‘Hello, hello, I am Mr. George the Newspaper journalist’
‘And I am Lara and this is my sister Demi’
‘Nice to meet you both how can I help you Miss Lara and Demi?’
Demi clears her throat and startles to speak,
‘Okay so when I was a child I happened to be adopted by my foster parents, I have no idea who my biological parents are so Lara is as close as a sister for me so she came up with an idea to help me find my real parents. What do you think Mr. George is it possible to publish an advertisement in the media to help raise this sign so I can find my family?’
‘Well first of all I am sorry to hear that you’re adopted and that you have no knowledge in who your family is and where they are, actually I will cut out the fluff... You absolutely can my dear! Miss Lara you have come up with a great idea!’
‘Really! This is fantastic news then when can it be published?’
‘In a couple of days or so make it 5, I suppose’
‘This is awesome! Lara starts to get cheerful and silently claps her hands
‘And how much will this be worth Mr. George?’
‘That would add up to $500 US dollars’
‘What a beauty! Alright we will pay upfront now’
Demi takes out the notes out of her wallet Lara interrupts her, ‘hunni didn’t we say we were going to make it half-half? Your money equals – my money, Here take some from mine as well’ Demi stares at her being unsure of what to do ‘I came up with the idea remember?’ ‘Okay as you wish’ she catches Mr. George staring at them with love and kindness ‘what I love about you two is the true friendship you both have, you’re like real sisters!’ ‘Oh yes we definitely are Mr. George’ Lara confirms his compliment;
As soon as they hand over the money to him he gives them some paperwork to sign. ‘This is some forms indicating that you want and accept your announcement to be on print in the New York Daily News Newspapers, please carefully read and sign thank you’
After they hand over their debt and sign the forms everything else will be all set to go! ‘Thank you very much for this Mr. George’ Demi appreciates ‘yes this was one of a great act of kindness’ Lara confirms. The man chuckles ‘No worries this is just my job ladies’ the man smiles at them and they leave the room with hope and excitement waiting for their notice to be on print and to get enquiries and inquiries.
The next day Lara woke up at around 8:30am and just realized that she has totally forgotten about Isaac! She checks her phone and damn it!.... she got a missed call from him yesterday. Oh my god she says, she was so busy organizing Demi’s ad that it just flew out of her head. How could I silly me! She thinks. She keeps on punishing herself but anyway Demi is important for her she is her sister, almost like a real one.
She immediately calls his number under his name – prince charming and waits a few seconds for him to answer... he picks up ‘Lara?’ ‘Isaac!’ ‘I was waiting for your call it is nice to hear your voice’ ‘yeah I am sorry I was busy with my sister Demi yesterday I didn’t have any time to call you’ ‘that is alright I understand’ ‘you looked beautiful the other night... ‘Goddess’ she laughs out loud ‘why thank you handsome!’
She didn’t realize that she was blushing a little bit she hasn’t been in love in ages! It is good to feel this way after a very long time it is just like a spiritual awakening; love makes you the happiest person in the world!
‘So do you want to go out sometime soon or?’ ‘You’re asking me out right?’ hell! He was silly to ask! ‘Gurl it is like you have never been out with a guy!’ ‘Oh no it is not that I tend to forget these kinds of questions, I haven’t been down with a guy in ages sorry to speak’ ‘oh that is alright fair enough but you do look like an intelligent lady’ ‘thank you for the compliment and I think you are good around books when you said you read the book of astrology’ ‘yeah I am into astrology and space’ ‘that is interesting’
‘But hey why don’t we meet up for our date you know like somewhere nice to sneak up and make love, maybe a hug or two what do you think?’ he asks her, she smiles as her heart melts for him, she pictures in her head as if he is giving her a wink at this moment. ‘Sure why not anywhere is possible, what about the 169 bar?’ ‘Sounds great!’ ‘Alright I will meet you there at about 10pm between 11pm tonight deal?’ ‘Deal’
Lara literally couldn’t wait until it was 10pm so she can meet up with Isaac for her sweet date. It has been years she hasn’t called someone ‘boo’ but hopefully they will get to that stage; she is enlightened by the passions that fuels her heart’s desire. She gets on with her novel for a couple of hours there isn’t much calls or anything about Demi’s Notice as she browses through the New York Daily News newspaper on one hand with her Latte on the other.
All of a sudden her phone starts to ring immediately as she was about to spill her coffee on the newspaper she was reading. Lucky!
She begins to talk with a speeded up tone of voice hoping that it is someone calling about Demi’s advertisement.
‘Hey gurl it is dad’ she exhales with relief, before her dad continues his sentence any longer he starts to spill out the content news.
‘Hey guess what?! I got accepted into my new job!’
‘What! This is incredible dad congratulations’
‘Thank you gorgeous I am very happy too, now I am going to make your credit card limitless so you can do as much shopping as you wish but again keep it under control’
‘Thank you dad this is wonderful news I actually have some...’ she was just about to spill about Isaac but she gasped.
‘Yeah go on what are you hiding from daddy? I sensed something before too, you’re hiding something but I am guessing it is in a positive way’
‘Oh it is nothing but I will tell you all about it when I have the chance alright’
‘Okay I am watching ya!’
‘Bye’ she ends the quick conversation and hungs up.
It is almost 10pm so Lara is getting ready trying to decide on a cute date dress to wear without over exaggerating it like as if she is going to wear a toilet dress! She finally decides to wear her mini blackest black skirt and mini top with long fashioned leather boots... She stares at herself in front of the mirror with her mouth wide open and what does she see!... an emo looking slut! This actually wasn’t her intension she just wanted to look cute in black but anyway she took off her boots and all the other accessories to look more naturally stylish and on trend.
She arrives and enters into the bar. She looks around and captures Isaac, she is staring at him as he is sitting down waiting for her already, she looks at her watch and the time was 11:33pm ‘oh my gosh I am late!’ as she says out aloud luckily no one heard her from the people noisily chattering amongst themselves in the background with some pleasing romantic music.
She walks toward Isaac’s direction he is sitting at the front benches where they serve the alcohol at the bar.
‘Hey goddess’
‘Hi sorry I am running late’
‘That is okay it is a lady’s world I understand’ he was very acceptable a quality that most people don’t have.
She wriggles down next to him ‘what would you like to drink?’ he asks her
‘I will have gin and tonic please’ ‘awesome, you heard me anyway make that 2 please’ Isaac asks the Barmen ‘alrighty’ the barmen replies
‘So how have you been?’ she asks
‘Great busy as usual’
‘Sorry to ask where do you work?’
‘You guess what does it look like?’
‘Okay so you want to play the jigsaw puzzles with me fine’
‘Haha as long as we’re not playing 21 questions’ he smiles at her
By the way their drinks deliver over to the bench.
‘Haha okay let me guess, um... a construction builder?’
‘Incorrect, I am nowhere near that!’ he makes a sound of false but it actually sounds like a sheep or a goat.
‘Business Administrator?’
‘False that was your second guesses’
‘Okay then what do you do?’
‘You know it is actually fair enough in your understanding because it is a job that is rare to some people, I work at John F. Kennedy International Airport, I am a pilot’
‘A pilot wow this is fascinating! I have actually never met one, which Airline company do you work for?’
‘I work for United Airlines’
‘That is awesome, I am a Writer I have a studio running down on the market, I have my own book sales going on’
‘Oh okay so you must love reading books ey?’
‘Well yeah if I have time I am currently just trying to focus on my novels at this time’
‘That sounds interesting’
They both take small sips on their alcohols.
‘So um’ Lara and Isaac starts they both spoke at the same time.
‘Ladies first’ he is very polite like a gentlemen.
‘I was going to say enough general talking I think we should move onto... love’
‘Yes I guess you’re right we should’
‘So I know a fair bit of information about you now, can I ask about your previous love status? Do you flirt a lot with other girls not to mention your past relationships with other women, haha’
‘oh well yeah I mean I have had girlfriends in the past but I am like 25 I want to have a serious relationship maybe get married or have a family in the long run now’
Her eyes lighten and glitter as she stares at him wondering how she is on the same boat as well as him, now they have something in common!
‘Hm I understand you know what I want a serious relationship too I know where you’re coming from’
‘This is great to hear then!’
They both cling their glasses as they both smile at each other with affection while they drink their gin and tonic.
He puts his glass down as he takes out one hand to hold hers, she shivers inside trying not to blush but the way he just stares at her with warmth he just melts her heart with heat that she feels so greatly confident to be by his side on their very first date – holding hands at a brilliant bar, in Broadway, New York!
He slowly leans over for a very slow cute kiss when he does Lara finds the courage to kiss his delicious ruby – red lips in the shadows of this bar that they are in, even though it is shinny with a bright, shimmering reflected, colorful, dazzling, mostly hot pink light. Just small peckish strokes from all the excitement and heat that they have built up in their chests, entirely satisfying.
They both disconnect and release from their first kiss and come back to earth and their surrounds from falling inside each other, damn that was what they needed very satisfying!
They both sigh and smile at each other with bliss and joy. ‘You’re a very good kisser!’ she admits ‘yeah I know’ she analyzes her feelings for a minute after that kiss they just shared and Lara thinks she is slowly falling in love with him, but she might of already did on their very first conversation that they had at that club anyway, but now she feels like this is it!
‘I um...’ they both jump in at the same time again
‘Go on’ Isaac says
‘Um, I was going to say I think I am falling for you’ he stares at her with their eyes locked.
‘Um, me too I guess I feel the same way Lara’ he confesses because he knows that he can’t deny it either.
They stand up together with their hands clutched; he hugs her firmly with love and affection. ‘Um so I guess we will take it from there okay’
‘Okay take care alright’ Lara reassures him with a kiss on his cheek, they say goodbye and end this beautiful date night with happiness, pleasing satisfaction of love that they have for each other!
Chapter 10
The next morning Lara wakes up, stumbles and marches down the stairs with joy and cheery amusement.
Her dad is having his usual daily breakfast and reading the newspaper... speaking of the news she just remembered about Demi’s ad. She begins to chat with her nosy, picky dad or in better words – her dad who cares about her life too much.
‘Hey dad guess what I have some wonderful news for you!’
‘What’s popping Lara?’
‘You don’t need to worry about my housing becauseeee I am assuming that I might be moving out sometime very soon!’ she yells out loud briskly and bubbly.
‘Wow this is great news to hear from my daughter so who is this lucky guy or are you just moving out independently on your own? Tell me is it option A or B?’ her dad explains in an obvious manner
She laughs out loud ‘oh I knew it! Of course he does it is very obvious of her when she just laughed! She thinks. ‘It is option A isn’t it?’
Well she is not going to lie to her dad of course he has the right to know, as you know she is daddy’s little girl and maybe always will be. She thinks inside her head for a second.
‘Yes dad I have a boyfriend and you know what we just made out on our very first date can you believe this?!’
‘That’s great for you honey! Don’t tell me it is those kinds of players you use to go out with you’re almost 24 don’t you want a serious relationship now with a decent guy?’ Lara’s dad looks crossed right now
Lara has done a lot of silly and gross stuff in the past with guys what do you expect when you just hit puberty your hormones hit the maximum temperature if you know what she means.
Her dad knows a bit about what a slut she was, not intentionally a ‘slut’ but it is more like she has been there done that sort of thing, but if her dad knew half of the kinds of stuff she did which - he doesn’t he would kill her!
Well when she was at that age, now he obviously can’t control her life she is over 18 but luckily he still doesn’t know and she is embarrassed to even talk about it!
‘Don’t you worry dad it is nothing like that I want a serious relationship too’
‘Well good on ya then and by the way did I even congratulate you? Sorry hun congratulations’ her dad gets up and hugs her
‘Thanks dad’
‘So who is this lucky guy anyone familiar that I know of?’
‘Um well maybe you might know him he is a pilot he works for United Airlines, sound familiar to you?’
Lara’s dad puts down his cutlery and thinks for a minute trying to refresh his memory.
‘Oh yes yes yes I think I know him is it Martin’s son Isaac?’
‘Spot on dad!’
‘Aah Martin was a great friend of mine in the past but I haven’t met his son’
Her wealthy family is familiar with a lot of other rich personnel’s.
‘Well hopefully you will one day, and by the way we have created an ad for Demi so she can find her biological family did you happen to sight anything yet?’
‘Oh yes that’s right she was adopted wasn’t she, um well I don’t think I have yet but aren’t they going to call you or either Demi?’
‘Oh yeah that’s right silly of me to ask, haha’
Her dad hurrily checks his time
‘Oh my gosh look at the time I am late! I can’t get enough with our conversation but I must get going to work, I will see you later gorgeous’
‘Alright dad see ya!’
Lara gets a phone call from Demi
‘Hi sexy’
‘Hello goddess, hey guess what someone called me about my ad it was an old female lady she told me about how she has been trying to find her children for years because she was forced to leave them when they were little kids because of financial hardship’
‘oh my god this seems like good news for the both of you, maybe you should meet up with her and have a chat, maybe she could be your mother’
‘You reckon? How would I know that she’s not lying to me maybe she is a kidnapper haha’
‘Hm well that could be likely to happen but you’re over age, like 20 years old don’t worry if you want I will come with you like your old sister well, un-biological sister haha’
‘No its okay I can handle it by myself you don’t need to come’
‘Are you sure?’
‘Okay and don’t forget to do a DNA test you will need that it will be handy to do it to know the evidence of proof’
‘Okay I will after I get some information out of her about who she is I will do it if I hear anything that points out if she is somewhere near to be my real mother’
‘Okay do your foster parents know about this?’
‘Um well no I didn’t get a chance to tell them’
‘hm maybe you should they have a right to know as you know they were the ones who adopted and took care of you all those years till now’
‘I know but I am just afraid to hurt them’
‘Don’t worry sis hopefully they will be understanding, your parents are adults’
‘Okay. Oh and sorry I forgot to ask how are you going with Isaac any chemistry between you two?’
‘Absolutely! We both went out on a date last night’ she can’t help but smile so wide that her mouth goes all the way up to her ears.
‘WHAT! Oh my! Are you serious or are you kidding me?’
‘He held my hand we shared our first kiss, we both confessed our love for each other on our first date! He said that he wants a serious relationship like me too, I found out he is a pilot as well and my dad knows his dad’
‘Oh my! This is so wonderful Lara! I am so happy for you gurl!’
‘Haha same with me’
‘Hey why don’t you and Isaac come over to my mansion obviously Nico will be here too so we can have dinner or a party or whatever, we will sit down relax and chill. It has been a long time we haven’t gotten altogether let’s do this for once I am inviting everybody okay?’
‘This sounds like a great idea Demi okay shall we make it tonight or?’
‘Whenever suits you it is up to you doesn’t matter’
‘Okay we will make it tonight I missed Nico too it has been a while I haven’t seen your Mr. Gentlemen’
‘Alright awesome this has settled then’
Chapter 11
Lara quickly has a chit chat with Isaac to ask him if he is free for tonight, he says he has a flight at around 12:30pm but he can still manage to make it early in the evening.
Isaac pops in her house and they take it from there to Demi’s mansion.
When they enter into Demi’s they all greet each other and walk in to chillax.
‘It is lovely for you all to be here!’ Demi says getting excitedly
‘Oh yeah we’re like family again all of us here altogether!’ Lara agrees
Isaac doesn’t even feel like a stranger because this is how close they are and with the warmth that they have everything feels so smooth and just falls into place. By the look of Isaac he looks very comfortable around them.
‘And thank you Isaac I am very pleased that you managed to come over tonight’ Demi knows that if Lara has brought this guy here then she would know that he is trustworthy because she knows if she has had the courage to bring him then this has good signs about it.
‘Oh thank you Demi, yeah I just wanted to see who my miss’s friends are, haha’
‘And was that a positive view?’ Nico jumps in
‘Surely it is I really love the energy with you guys I feel the trust and safety’
‘That is right handsome’ Lara smiles at her boyfriend
‘So you like flying?’ Nico changes the subject
‘Yeah I absolutely love it! It is my passion!’
‘Hm and I am an Architect the builder of our home and it is finally complete!’
‘I can see that’
‘I was just about to say...! Finally it is done! By the way my novels are pretty much done as well’ Lara says and adds
‘That’s excellent’ Nico and Isaac says.
‘So when are you going to meet up with that old lady?’
‘I suppose tomorrow’
‘Who is the old lady?’ Isaac leans over to ask whisperingly
‘It might be Demi’s biological mother’ Lara whispers back to him
Isaac looks shocked
‘Is it okay if Isaac knows?’ she asks her sister
‘Yeah it is okay’
‘I am sorry to hear that’ Isaac apologizes
‘Oh it is okay I might be close to finding my real parents though’
‘Well that is a positive outlook’
‘Oh my gosh look at the time, it has flown I am late for my flight!’
Isaac speedily jumps up by looking at his watch
‘ohhh I wish you could stay longer’ Lara cuddles her handsome man
‘Oh I wish but I can’t work doesn’t wait I must be up and flying to Canada!’
‘It was lovely to have you here tonight Isaac hope to see you again soon!’ Demi politely ends tonight with nice words to Isaac.
‘Nice to see you brother hopefully you can stay for dinner next time!’ Nico says
‘Thank you guys it was still nice to sit down and chillax though, I will try to fit you guys into my schedule but I can’t promise’
Lara walks Isaac to the door
‘Will we see each other again?’
‘Sure I will try my best’
They both hug and kiss each other in the dark, peaceful, silent night.
They all gather around the table for a late night dinner without Isaac but at least they had some time to just have a conversation that kept going they all didn’t notice how the time flew!
It has been a whole day and Lara hasn’t managed to get reception from Isaac obviously because his phone is probably on flight mode or turned off. She would love to be flying with him right now... into the clouds and just vanish in the distance...
Knock, knock
And look who is here, Demi. With a huge smile on her face Lara can’t wait to hear all the information about that old lady!
‘Come in hun tell me all about it!’
‘Oh my! I met up with that old lady her name is Susan she told me all about her children she said she has a blonde daughter just like me, her name is Demi! And a son that is in his 30’s - well approximately at this time of year, she found out from the research that her husband did that her daughter is here in New York but she is not sure about her son. Can you believe this Lara? I think the arrows are pointing towards me do you think Demi could be me?!’
‘OH MY GOD! Demi this could be possible what did I tell you to do? Do the DNA test and you will find out the truth okay?’
‘I already did it is getting assessed by the laboratory I will be getting the results tomorrow’
‘Demi! This is fabulous! I am very blissful for you as a sister!’
‘You have no idea how happy I am can you believe it? I could have a brother!’
‘I know hun’
‘I can’t wait for the DNA results!’
It is in the evening and Lara finally gets a call from handsome!
She answers his call
‘Hey goddess I am back in New York City from my 24 hour flight I miss you’
‘Hi handsome I missed you too how was your flight?’
‘It was splendid just a bit dehydrated I am use to the jetlag’s anyway I don’t have a problem with that anymore and I can manage 5 hours sleep’
‘Well good on ya then!’
‘Hey why don’t I give you my address and you can come over I miss you’
She can already sense he wants to get some! But it is okay he is her boyfriend after all he is not a stranger anymore like the first day they met at that club they have gotten close from their first date. But most importantly, she trusts him. ‘Okay so I live in ‘The Vanderbilt Mansion’ alright?’ ‘Right on I am there in a quickie!’ (With Lara sounding curious)
Chapter 12
She pops out of her white convertible Mercedes, climbs the stairs by her short heels making tap, tap noises when she reaches she knocks on his door he greets her with courtesy, she gets inside his house, it has a cool modern energy by the sense of his home.
They both sit down on his couch and relax.
‘You’re looking stunning tonight would you like something to drink?’
‘Why thank you, I will have red wine - Shiraz thanks’ Isaac walks to the mini bar to get their drinks.
‘Don’t you ever feel lonely in this huge house?’
‘Yeah I do now but luckily I have you to keep my company haha’
‘That sure is oath right!’
He brings her drink over to her and sits down
‘So when was the last time you had a girlfriend?’
‘Um well about 2 months ago what about you?’
‘For me it has been a long period of time actually’
Silence sinks in between them; the mansions big long windows are made from glass maybe about 5 squares. The darkness of the night shows all the lighting from across the New York City her eyes just caught this it looks magnificent.
‘You know I feel so good around you, I feel more like myself after a very long time’
Isaac moves closer to curl and cuddle up on her
‘Oh I do too hun’ he kisses her forehead
‘You’re exactly who I want for the rest of my life’
‘I agree too sweetheart you’re the best thing that ever happened to me’
They fall into each other’s eyes, move closer for a sweet kiss; Lara leans down on him as he rests his head on the couches handle.
‘Did you know that people with a Scorpio zodiac sign love sex?’
‘And did you know people who are Aries are willing to try any new sex position?’
... Now that sounded a bit too inappropriate in all honesty! Lara thinks inside her head.
She cracked up a laugh
Their energies that they create has a passionate and pleasurable feeling between them.
‘I think we do match together don’t we?’ ‘I guess so!’ all of a sudden the thoughts of all the embarrassing stuff came to her mind! Should she tell him her dirtiest secrets?
‘You’re not a virgin are you Lara?’ Isaac asks a personal question just out of the blue
‘To be honest with you nah I am not I lost it years ago when I was about 15’
‘Hm yeah we’re not that young to be virgins anymore aren’t we?’
‘Yeah that’s correct’
She thinks about how she stripped in front of 4 young blokes, the way she bought a dildo to school, had public sex, got laid with a weak ass fuckboy and many more gross stuff that she did when she was a teenager. But you know when you hang out with slutty girls you would have to do the same just because they’re doing it so you don’t feel left out but in the end you regret it unfortunately. Lara says to herself inside her head.
She doesn’t think it is a very good idea to tell Isaac about all this she supposes he would dump her!
‘If you want to know about my sexually active life I have done it too a couple of times with my ex-girlfriends, by moving on from the past at the moment I just want you, all of you’
‘Are you any good with it?’
‘Well not extremely but strongly agree that I am very good, and you know maybe you heard this on the news the United States of America has voted 8/10 for male sex lovers’
‘Yeah I did this is astonishing Isaac!’ Lara replies with a surprised and impressive way.
‘Have you tried the dildo or watched porn?’
‘When I am not lonely now I have you I don’t need the dildo and yeah of course people say porn is only for men but I don’t agree women can watch it too’ she sounded like Demi just before because she is the hot one!
‘Do you want to try me?’
‘In a jiffy pronto!’
She adjusts his shirt off he slips off her bra and starts to touch, gliding down her breasts smoothly, squeezing, biting, then feasting her nipples, as she makes a slow continuous murmur, he slides his hands down onto her black jeans trying to undo it as she does the same for him.
She finds herself in an erotic porn show scene in an exotic position on the snowy white couch for him to insert his penis into her wet loose pussy – vagina. At first slow strokes then getting faster, deeper full bumps inside of her desiring more and more as she starts to moan unconsciously unaware of her surroundings she gets lost in him as he goes on and on until he makes her groan louder.
They start to do some oral sex,
He fingers her pussy like a pro to squirt the hell out of her. She then rubs and sucks his dick to give him a blowjob. Tonight is a sizzling, piping hot night full of pleasure!
When he is done with their sexual intercourse and the orgasm he uses the pull out method like this generation would! He ejaculates and cums this time he is the one who makes pleasing pleasure sounds and noises by trying to rub his ding-a-ling with his hands to cum but Lara wouldn’t like licking the taste of his semen or him wanting to record this video but they did their best trying to suit it like a porn video! And hell that was a freakshow!
He lasted for about 3 hours!
When they both came back to earth from space they start to huff and puff from all the energy and the 100 calories that Isaac burned off from their sex scene. They lay down restlessly.
‘That was great hun thank you for the pleasure! And all so for us because we were very honest with each other love ya!’
‘Same goes back to you sweetheart!’
They don’t even go back to the bedroom they lay down on the couch with her head on his chest and have a good night’s sleep before Isaac goes back to work.
Chapter 13
A couple of days pass Lara keeps on reminiscing and imagining her sex scene that she had with Isaac (yeah saying it like it is a porn show or something!) she keeps on smiling and giggling just randomly while she pours her cup of coffee on this ordinary day. But it shouldn’t be ordinary for Demi because she should be having her DNA results in her hands already and hopefully she does, Lara is just as excited as Demi is.
Lara hears a knock on the door, she can picture her image and profile that it is sexy Demi waiting for her to open the door... she is so excited to hear what she has to say...
‘Tell me she is your biological mum’ Lara immediately starts to speak getting into the conversation.
...’oh, it is Lara I don’t know how to feel... so do I have a real mother now...?’ she asks feeling lost and down
‘Oh my gosh! This is incredible Demi I am very happy for you and it is okay I understand you might feel weird because you have always known your mother as someone else, you will get used to it’
‘I know but I just can’t believe this is true I think I may need time to adjust to this DNA information’
‘Hey don’t worry this is completely normal hun, you’ll get there and when the time comes for the big hugs you’ll be fine afterwards’
Demi stares down at the results in her hands and a tear drops down her cheek Lara hugs her with relief to support her sister.
When Demi leaves Lara knocks on her dad’s business room so she can get any updates about how he is going with his work life. Knock, Knock ‘Come in Lisa, oh is it you Lara come in I thought it was Lisa I told her to bring me my cup of coffee on this fine Saturday’ her dad smiles at her
‘No it is me I didn’t mean to bother you but how is work going?’
‘No gorgeous you never bother me, um well things are much better now everything is up and running another charity organization has offered me a check when they found out that I am in hardship’
‘Oh this is excellent dad! Well it is all for your help this is just something in return, it is karma what goes around comes back around either positive or negative, you’re aware of that aren’t you?’
‘Yes exactly and I may not need the extra work in the future as I will be back on track’
‘That’s great dad’
‘So how is Isaac?’
‘Oh he is alright his busy working I was with him last night’
‘Oh yeah that’s why you weren’t home okay, well if you want to we can call him over for dinner one night’
‘Yeah that would be great!’
‘Hey dad I forgot to tell you Demi has found her biological mother she was here before’
‘Oh really! This is unbelievable did she do a DNA test or something?’
‘Yeah the results are positive’
‘This is super good news to hear!’
‘Yeah I know right!’
Isaac must be at work now even though it is a Saturday he has to work 7 days a week, sometimes it gets difficult for Lara because she can’t see him whenever she wants to. This is what the pilot career is like... she gets a text message saying:
Isaac- Hey love I have a flight, I am flying to Mexico I will see you when I come back. Love ya!
Lara- okay hun just letting you know my dad and I would like to invite you over for dinner one day, by the way he told me that he knows your dad Martin
Isaac- oh this is interesting, okay we will plan something when I come back I would love to meet your dad it would be a pleasure!
When he just texted her his last message she literally bounced up and down her bed like a 5 year old! Because she knows that if he wants to meet her dad as well then he must have some serious ideas and intensions with her for their future.
She has never felt so enthusiastically happy in a very long time! She does love him so much too, more than life; she is ready to have a marriage with the man she loves. And by inspecting and analyzing his words he texted her, it appears that he wants this commitment and dedication with her too.
Demi gives Lara a phone call she tells her that she has met up with her actual mother and she has told her that they are related from the same blood. Demi said the women frowned but not in a bad way she just seemed shocked, it would be beneficial for the both of them to see each other more often so they get to know one another.
Chapter 14
This Monday morning the air of the weather feels fresh, swirls of mist and aroma feels up Lara’s lungs as she drinks a sip of her Latte and exhales the air and breeze that is hitting her red patchy cheeks.
Isaac probably is back from Mexico having a rest and nap, as soon as she thinks about him he gives her a call about wanting to learn her details like – where she lives, god that was very psychic of him it was like he is reading her mind when she thought about him! She gives him the info.
A couple of minutes later she sees him entering the gate of her ‘Manhattan House Apartment Mansion’. ‘Oh my god he is here in my house!’ Lara says with her mouth trembling a bit.
‘Hey goddess! I bought you some gerbera flowers I really missed you I have been daydreaming my whole flight about you!’
‘Oh that is very sweet of you, you’re such a gentlemen how did you know my favorite flowers were gerbera?’
He hands her over the flowers so she can put them in a vase, they’re so beautiful without any scent or fragrance but it doesn’t matter she still loves them especially if it is from Isaac.
Usually when men do these kinds of stuff like presents and all it reminds every women making them think why is this guy doing this...? What has he possibly done wrong for him to hide the mistakes with the flowers...?
But Lara doesn’t think this is the case they have gotten so close she is just as psychic as he is she has a feeling it is coming from the bottom of his heart, no bad intensions or cheating... well at least at this point of time...
‘Well every time I tried to choose one type of flower my heart and hands always reached to those colorful gerbera’s, I don’t know I just had a feeling you would like them’ Isaac smiles very adorably at her
‘What do you mean I love them they’re my favorites! And by the way you really are psychic scorpion!’
‘Haha haha’ Isaac creepily laughs at her but in a cute lovable way.
‘Wouldn’t you like to have a seat?’
‘Ah yeah I sure will’
‘So how was your flight to Mexico?’
‘Empty, meaningless without you...’
‘Oh’ she cuddles him
‘So you want me over here one day for dinner ey?’
‘Yes we do I and dad would love to have you here’
‘well as far as I know I have checked my timeline I must be working all day today but at night I am free for a couple of hours, I can make you some time, and you know for me it is all about priority when it comes to you darling’
Lara couldn’t believe her ears when he just said that! Now she can trust him more with her eyes closed, he has made her very merry and even more satisfied now!
‘Awesome! Alright then shall we make it tonight or?’
‘The evening is suitable for me, yeah’
‘Okay I will let my dad know so Lisa can get ready with all the arrangements’
‘Is Lisa your servant?’
‘Sorry I forgot to ask would you like a cuppa?’
‘I was wondering when you were going to ask that already!’
‘Aha my apologies sorry I just got too excited!’ Lara calls Lisa and she laughs feeling embarrassed. Isaac asks for an espresso.
‘Is espresso your fav?’ ‘Yeah a pilot needs strong coffee to wake up, anyway I haven’t got much time I deliberately came early to see you but I must get going in a couple of minute’s oaky doaky?’ ‘Alright as you wish...’ and their lips meet for a kiss.
Chapter 15
The day passed by but Lara and Lisa had so much to do with little time now it is getting late, all the arrangements are almost ready in a sleek looking neat. ‘Phew’ Lara wipes off the sweat from her forehead and exhales with relief from the long day’s fatigue. Her face got so gooey from the oiliness, but lips so dry so she went to the bathroom to do her makeup again; her red dress that she is wearing is fine, flows down her curves looking smooth, tight and sexy! (Sorry sexy was for Demi LOL)
In a matter of time she looks at her watch and sees that time has flown her dad is already here, Lisa is standing at the corner, they’re just waiting for Isaac with Lara’s dad.
‘Hey gorgeous I spoke to your mum Ella she said she can’t make it tonight but she assumes she will be here for the wedding if that is the case’
‘That’s alright dad we know how busy she is, she is a full time cop, so busy that she can’t make time for her daughter’
‘I am sorry for her inconvenience sweetheart’
‘That’s fine dad it is not the first time we had this anyway’
It is getting darker and latter but with a blink in the eye ‘surprise’ Isaac is here! Lara’s heart is thumping very fast; she looks around to double check if everything is ready. ‘Don’t worry hun everything is ready waiting for Isaac’ her dad confirms.
First impressions are always important Lisa opens the door, Lara and her dad standing side by side in front of each other to greet her boyfriend. When her dad catches Isaac’s eyes he gives a long stare and meets with him with a polite manner as always...
‘Hello Isaac how are you? You’re Martin’s son aren’t you?’
‘Yes sir and you’re?...’
‘John, Mr. Johnson’
‘It is a pleasure to meet you Mr. Johnson’
‘Same with you son, come in and have a seat, Lisa follow Isaac to the dining table please’ Lara’s dad orders Lisa to show him the way.
The table looked very massive and long with expensive silver plates and cups like in the olden days but in a modern looking way that Lara’s dad brought from his country Paris. Specially designed and created delicious food for their new member of the family, their groom, which will be her dad’s son-in-law, Isaac.
They all wait for Isaac to be seated first then Lisa will start to serve the food this is their unique traditional generation because they’re a wealthy family, they must have respect and courtesy for their special guests and visitors.
‘Everything looks perfect sir thank you’
‘You can thank Lisa and Lara she all so helped with the salads and dips’
Isaac smiles at his girlfriend.
‘Lisa may you please help Isaac with our dinner tonight?’
‘Sure sir so we have a choice of:,
Appetizers for a light taste at the start of the course:
Salmon Rillettes
Potato Salad with Herring
Cauliflower and Goat Cheese Soufflés
Normandy-Style French Onion Soup
Cream of Fennel Soup
Chilled Carrot Soup with Fines Herbes Mousse
Barigoule of Spring Vegetables
French Lentil Salad with Blue Cheese
Main meal:
Veal Chops with Morels, Wilted Lettuce, Oysters, and Garlic-Parmesan Sauce
Grilled Steak with Sauce Vierge
Christian Delouvrier's Roast Chicken with Herbed French Fries
Or if you dislike our meals we have got the Rossini Burger extra for you Isaac.
Sour Cherry and Pistachio Danish
Mocha Dacquoise Cake
For Alcohol beverages we have our special wines for this occasion or if you would like we can open your wine that you have brought for tonight Isaac’
‘We’ll have Isaac’s wine for tonight Lisa thank you’ Lara’s dad responds instead.
‘Sure Mr. Johnson’
Everybody starts to eat and munch on their food...
‘So how did you guys meet?’ her dad changes the subject
‘Um we met at the disco’ Isaac replies
‘Oh okay interesting so what do you do as an occupation?’ her dad just needs to ask these kinds of questions so he has his daughter in safe hands and knowing that this man can look after her in a wealthy environment and atmosphere to the best, most suitable standard.
‘I am a pilot my dad Martin was all so retired from that profession’
‘Yeah I know I and Martin were good mates years ago’
‘So is your relationship getting any serious at all?’
Her dad has a very curious looking face now...
‘Well to be honest with you... we do love each other we have gotten very close in a short amount of time but it feels like I have always met Lara before life ever began!’
‘Hm that’s great to hear son, I think you both have made a good couple’
‘Exactly’ Lara includes and agrees
‘I haven’t mentioned this yet but this will sound like a surprise for Lara, I was thinking about getting married to your daughter at the Royal Botanical Gardens in Australia...’
Lara and her dad face each other looking shocked...
‘Oh my god really?! This is an enthusiastic idea!’
‘Very well’ her dad agrees with them too
‘Can I ask, why Australia?’
‘I am a citizen from Australia Mr. Johnson’
‘Oh okay well you didn’t mention that’
‘Yeah far away to travel but it will be worth it, Hawaii would be amazing for our honeymoon wouldn’t it sweetheart?’
‘I totally believe it would love’ she clutches her boyfriend’s one hand on the table.
‘I am very happy for the both of you, you both look very in love’ her dad admits
‘Thank you Mr. Johnson, by the way I haven’t met Lara’s mother?’
‘My mum and dad are separated she is at Sweden I am sorry that she couldn’t make time for tonight she is a very busy cop’ Lara clearly states the truth
‘Oh sorry to hear that but that’s okay’
‘Take some more food Lisa may you please help Isaac and you too Isaac help yourself we’re going to be a beautiful family soon’
‘Thank you sir for all the food’
‘No worries enjoy!’
‘So what do you do sir?’
‘First of all I work at Rich Gardner as a Financial Planner, I all so have a charity organization it is called – ‘New York Cares’
‘Oh that’s very kind and generous of you so you like helping out people in hardship?’
‘Absolutely! I have a passion for my job I love it’ Lara’s dad sounded like Isaac when he used the same words LOL.
‘So when shall we organize our wedding...?’ Lara asks
‘Anytime if you want right away! I am ready for a lifelong future with you honey’
‘you know when we weigh the advantages, after you guys get married you get to see the true colors of one another so I think don’t rush anything but again it is up to you guys’ her dad makes an important life lesson and quote.
‘Yes you’re right about that sir’
Lara bits her bottom lip
Lisa walks down to the ‘not so yet family’ to bring the dessert
‘If you all are finished I have brang the dessert’
‘Right you’re a legend Lisa!’ her dad gets pumped up when he sees the dessert, and that is how they finish the night with Isaac meeting Lara’s dad.
Chapter 16
The couple wanted to speed things up to get to know each other a lot more during their marriage. Lara lets Demi know about their wedding and she said she might as well get married with Nico as well so they have a much larger 2 weddings on the same day. Isaac arranges the Light aircraft plane for everybody’s flights so they can have their long haul trip to Melbourne, Australia.
Everybody is packing their belongings into their suitcases and luggage’s, they all get ready one by one, the excitement, adrenaline rushes through Lara’s blood and veins, she can’t come to a state of mind to believe that she is actually, literally getting close to marrying Isaac! And Demi is marrying Nico!
Everything has fallen into its usual spot, Lara’s novels are complete on sale, her dad’s work issues are solved, Demi has found her biological mother, she currently is still trying to search for her dad and brother, Isaac affectionately loves Lara and wants to marry her, the weird thing is her mother couldn’t fit any time for their evening with Isaac but Isaac has put her his first priority in making time for her. Maybe it is not even worth talking about.
They altogether jump onboard into Isaac’s Light aircraft plane. Isaac is going to be the pilot in this small plane that they are all on. The airline is called – Oneworld. It is a 21 hours, 46 minutes flight, for Lara and the others it is a very long distance flight but for Isaac it must be no problem for him because he is used to travelling for long period of hours. By the way Isaac doesn’t want to get any payments from the flight tickets from everybody because he is such a generous young man.
Lara leans her head on Isaac’s chest and they smoothly fly across the Atlantic and Indian Ocean into New Holland but nowadays their destination is named Australia.
When they arrive they disembark the plane from the tullamarine way, exit from Melbourne International Airport arrivals deck. They all stay in a hotel named Holiday Inn. It is a 4-star modern hotel with a restaurant and a pool.
Lisa already has organized Lara’s bridal dress, Isaac held their wedding date and all the tables and seats that needed to be organized has all been successfully finished beforehand. Isaac had most of the responsibility on his back, Lara just had to get dressed and get her makeup done with the makeup artist Lorin Cole.
Isaac’s parents have passed away when he was a kid. Lara has just recently discovered this when she found some old letters in his suitcase while she was in the hotel. She felt very sad for him; she never knew he spent his time living in a dormitory until the age of 18...
But anyway it isn’t time for sadness it is time to party and celebrate! Because Lara is now formally getting married to a very handsome and charming pilot in history!
Everybody’s wedding day has finally approached! The ceremony begins just like the way they planned in Melbourne, Isaac’s town at the Royal Botanical Gardens.
There was no time for them to offer for the proposal they just wanted to formally get married in a nice looking audience.
The mood and surroundings at Lara and Demi’s wedding is a very cloudy day with a little bit of sunshine but mostly cool with the breeze hitting her arms, even though summer has arrived. Her cloudy white bridal dress is swinging with the wind, the smell of the gerbera flowers touches the tip of her nose, gosh the fragrance makes her want to sniff it all into her fresh lungs.
The audience is all seated. Lara’s mother, dad, Demi’s foster parents, her real mother and a couple of friends and relatives.
Lara holds her dads arm and walks her up to Isaac who will be her husband very soon...! then Demi’s dad comes along, first they start with Lara when the marriage celebrant asks them if they accept each other as partners Lara of course must say a massive ‘YES FOREVER TIL ETERNITY’ she can’t stop her enthusiastic behavior she is more than happy and more than want to be his wife.
Next of course is Demi’s turn they approve each other obviously as well, they sign the paperwork and the 4 gets up for a long kiss at the end and everybody gives them a round of applause with cheering sounds, everybody starts to yell with clapping hands in the background... at last but not least here they are altogether in bliss and joy, very happy wife’s and husbands they laugh and
laugh till they cry from happiness...
Ah love at last wins...
The End
After Lara’s marriage’s ending Isaac takes her to Hawaii like they mentioned and planned. They stayed at the Mauna Lani Bay Hotel and Bungalows. It was a 4-star hotel Luxe Resort with golf courses and a spa.
During their stay at their honeymoon everything was spontaneous with lots of happiness, laughter and pleasurable sex! (again) of course. But this time normal sex in general. Lara and Isaac were now very happy, delighted, married partners.
In 2 year’s time Lara gets pregnant to 2 children, a girl and a boy. Her daughter looks alike with her and her son took his dad’s side half-half. They named their children Molly and Max. They continued to live their lives in peace and serenity. As well as Demi and Nico and all so everybody else that they knew of.
The blurb for the back cover:
A Novella about everything you can find, my characters that I have invented for this fiction book are very kind, generous, people who don't discriminate the rich and poor qualities. Filled with drama, family, relationships, friendships and spouses.
Happy reading and hope you enjoyed it!
Author, Seniha Haksever
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