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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Adults
- Theme: Action & Adventure
- Subject: Courage / Heroism
- Published: 02/26/2019
Unexpected Hero
Born 1960, M, from Bellevue/ NE, United States.jpeg)
Jason Kelty could barely see due to the water pouring into his face. Climbing the shear face of this bluff would be bad enough, but the cartel had spotters watching with strategically placed closed circuit cameras, so he was making the ascent inside a waterfall. It was nearly a two hundred foot climb to the top, and he was almost half way. His arms ached, but he knew he would have to tough it out. He was all that stood in the way of the outfit's kingpin killing his partner Kate; so it kept him focused on the task at hand. The giant, natural sea wall was the perfect defense from an attack mounted from that direction. He was thankful that it wasn't the rainy season because an increase in the volume of water would make this impossible. The icy cold, but thankfully, fresh water ran, almost unimpeded into his nose and mouth. As he gasped for air, it reminded him of being water boarded on his first trip south of the border a few weeks before. Kate saved his life that day and he would be damned if he'd let her down now.
His hand suddenly appeared over the cliff's edge and found a rock to help the weary agent pull himself over the top. Jason had made it, and lay on his back for a moment to catch his breath. He and Kate were spies for a clandestine agency that was activated only when the really big shit hit the fan. They were counterintelligence experts and true artists when it came to killing the enemy; as he showed by burying his knife into a guards' back, while his other hand was over the ne'er-do-well's mouth. He donned the poor guy's hat and green jacket, so he would blend in better, except for the large, blood-soaked spot on the back. Time was of the essence and Jason knew it. He dragged the cartel soldier to the edge and dropped him over. Another guard walked toward the area where the first guy was disposed of, and found himself careening over the side with blood gushing out of his throat and mouth.
Machine gun fire broke through the silence of the evening as the ‘Boss’ prepared to have human 'target practice’, inside the walls of the compound. He was waiving around a sophisticated, Russian rifle, while a man from an agency, different than Jason and Kate's, was being beaten by the cruel bosses' henchmen. After being sufficiently knocked around by ‘the boys’ the Boss turned his weapon on the unlucky, covert agent. As the rifle breathed fire, it ripped at him, and almost seemed to hold him up, while he jerked around to the rhythm of the slugs tearing through his flesh.
Kate was duck taped to a chair close to the drug lord's wife. Her top was torn and most of her breasts were exposed. It was clearly meant to humiliate the woman agent, but it had quite a different effect on the much less-endowed ‘cartel first lady’. Mrs. Boss was young and beautiful and would easily place near the top in any beauty pageant, but, the fact that the secret agent bimbo was left exposed made the woman extremely jealous. You could see the hatred in her eyes as they seemed to be trying to burn holes through the captive ‘slut’. She hoped that maybe she would get to pull the trigger on this one. But, that was never going to happen!
As the drug lord poked at Kate's exposed area with the hot barrel of his gun, Jason began his overt assault on the compound. His knife, with several men's blood on it, was now sheathed as the super agent began to pick off the rest of the cartel crew with his weapon. It was an experimental, compact, semi-automatic rifle with an advanced silencer on it, and a seemingly endless magazine capacity. The boss and his wife ran two different ways as the attack began. She ran into the house, locking the impenetrable ‘safe room's’ door behind her. He, on the other hand, worked to get up to a higher vantage point, so he could shoot at Jason with relative safety.
The arrogant drug ‘monster’ was comfortable holding the high ground with four of his best men lining the two sets of stairs between him and the enemy. Jason started to cut the tape that was holding his partner to the chair. He stopped and took the time to kiss Kate on the lips first. She scowled at him for taking advantage of the situation, but couldn't deny that she enjoyed it. Now cut free, the race was on! The competitive couple attacked from two different directions to ensure the ‘bad guy’ couldn't get away. Both of them wanted this piece of crap dead; preferably by their own hands. Kate tried to push her cleavage back in her top, while at a dead run. The little modesty she possessed took a backseat to killing this thug. Jason killed the first henchman on his stair case, and then lay down behind a corner to wait for the other to advance towards him. When the guy ‘came a knockin’, he looked mortified to have Jason unloading his side arm into him from the ground. Kate on the other hand was having trouble advancing on the target. She put her head around a corner to check on the enemy before trying to climb up the stairs. She quickly pulled it back, with a grazing bullet wound across her cheek to show for it. This pissed off one of the only people on Earth that Wonder Woman would cross the street to avoid. All hell broke loose as she charged up the stairs killing both men as a barrage of their bullets whizzed by her. When she reached the perch the kingpin had been shooting from, he was slumped over and bleeding from a head wound. It pissed her off that Jason had beaten her to the punch, but was surprised to find out from her rugged partner that it was one of her stray slugs, from her assault to get up the stairs, that killed the asshole. Jason took off his ‘borrowed’ jacket and handed it to the half naked warrior so she could cover up the rest of the way. "I know you like the view", she said and laughed. The two lovers came together for a long kiss. As they took a moment, or two, or three to become intimately reacquainted, the bloodied, newly expired ‘boss’ was lying at their feet. The two were unaware, though, that a third person had joined their party. From her safe room the wife of one of Columbia's worst, though recently deceased, criminals watched the love bird's reunion on a closed circuit TV.
Jason opened his eyes. He was laying flat on his back in the long-term care facility he had been in for a few years now. A steady hiss from the oxygen feed and a rhythmic pump, pump, pump of the respirator could be heard as his midsection raised and lowered with the same rhythm. It had all been a dream! As his ‘real’ reality continued to take hold, he felt sad that he would never be anything more than a bed ornament. He could barely remember when he was a healthy, productive member of society. The dream had been a wonderful break from the spirit-killing routine that was his life, and it was the first one like it that he could remember having. The nurse would come in soon and change his clothes and his linens. The doctor, or one of his interns, would drop by just long enough to put their initials on his chart. He couldn't believe how vivid the dream was, and closed his eyes to savor the new fantasy he hoped to relive over and over again; Kate in particular. His eyes moistened as he thought about the beautiful, half-naked ‘hard-body’, who had thrown herself at him while he was sleeping. He wished he could just end it all, but knew he couldn't do it alone. He would have to think of a way. Perhaps, he could arrange it through a third party...maybe through his lawyer. He just knew that anything would be better than this Hell on Earth he had been enduring for so long.
Jason lay there feeling bad for awhile before he heard the familiar sound of the nurse coming through the door to change and bathe him. Any other man would love to have the pretty young woman's hands on their naked body, but for him, it was as humiliating as anything he could remember. As he watched the lady preparing something near the sink, he noticed that it wasn't his usual nurse. From what he could see when she turned around and approached him, she was raven haired, and very shapely in her white uniform. She finally got close enough for him to get a good look, and he was surprised to see her familiar face. He must have seen her around before, because she was obviously the person he based the kingpin's wife on in his dream. He couldn't remember ever seeing her around though, and it troubled him a bit. She pulled a hypo from her scrubs pocket and got ready to inject something into his IV line. She pushed the needle into the IV's receptacle and smiled at the helpless man lying on the bed. “Screw you!" she said; her face suddenly becoming twisted in anger. "This is for my husband you bastard!" she added as her thumb covered the syringe's plunger. Jason didn't know what to think or do! Was this more of the dream, or was he just going crazy!? He tried with every fiber of his being to defend himself against this nutty bitch, but his body, that had failed him so long ago, continued to do so now.
The bad nurse stopped what she was doing when someone flung the door open and rushed in. Jason's ‘new’ visitor; a female, grabbed two handfuls of raven hair and almost yanked the first woman off her feet. The two beautiful women started to fight, but it was so one-sided that it looked more like a massacre. After throwing the kingpin's wife around like a rag doll, suddenly, the dominant nurse turned her quarry's head by the hair where Jason could see her face. She rabbit-punched the dope peddler's homicidal wife in the back of the neck. Jason looked into his ‘would be’ assassin's still beautiful, but battered and broken face, and felt nothing for the ‘stunned’ killer. With one swift twisting movement, the raven haired nurse's neck was broken. As her lifeless body fell to the floor, a familiar blonde goddess came into focus as she approached Jason's bed. She pulled the tainted syringe out of the IV port and dropped it onto the floor; before leaning in close to the patient's face. It was Kate! ‘But this is impossible!’, he thought to himself, as she kissed him as close to his lips as the vent tube would allow, and then sat down next to him. The wound from the bullet that grazed her cheek in his dream was very real and fresh! It was going to leave a scar...a very sexy scar indeed! But, it was a dream!!...wasn't it?
Kate sat with him, while men in coveralls came in and collected the dead body and other evidence. They stuffed it all into a large opaque bag for, what Jason could only guess, was its disposal. The cleaners hung around long enough to tidy up the area, before disappearing as suddenly as they appeared. Kate smiled as she stood up and leaned over Jason to straighten out his pillow. Her perfume was as intoxicating as her, unfortunately, clothed chest pressed into his face for a moment as she lingered in that position. She stood up again, and, after another kiss to the side of his mouth, walked out the door. Jason didn't understand any of what had transpired, and never would. He would never be ‘read in’ to the secret government program that allowed him to project his actual physical presence into the South American scenario and others. He figured out one thing for sure though. In the short time they had worked together, they had fallen deeply in love. They would have a few more adventures before his services were no longer required. Over the next couple years, which would turn out to be Jason's last, Kate was his frequent visitor and protector. She even did him a ‘favor’, those couple of times he was ‘up’ for it. It all seemed so impossible, and yet it was as real as the loaded nine millimeter strapped to the bed frame under his mattress. From now on, when the ‘real’ nurses and doctors came in and out of his room, Jason wouldn't despair. He only wished his mouth was capable of showing off the big smile his brain was sending it.
In a dark room, on the hospice floor of a facility across town, a stage-four cancer patient was talking in his sleep. "Listen up! You three men get up high and provide cover for the main assault force; everyone else...LOCK AND LOAD!"
Unexpected Hero(John Filkins)
Jason Kelty could barely see due to the water pouring into his face. Climbing the shear face of this bluff would be bad enough, but the cartel had spotters watching with strategically placed closed circuit cameras, so he was making the ascent inside a waterfall. It was nearly a two hundred foot climb to the top, and he was almost half way. His arms ached, but he knew he would have to tough it out. He was all that stood in the way of the outfit's kingpin killing his partner Kate; so it kept him focused on the task at hand. The giant, natural sea wall was the perfect defense from an attack mounted from that direction. He was thankful that it wasn't the rainy season because an increase in the volume of water would make this impossible. The icy cold, but thankfully, fresh water ran, almost unimpeded into his nose and mouth. As he gasped for air, it reminded him of being water boarded on his first trip south of the border a few weeks before. Kate saved his life that day and he would be damned if he'd let her down now.
His hand suddenly appeared over the cliff's edge and found a rock to help the weary agent pull himself over the top. Jason had made it, and lay on his back for a moment to catch his breath. He and Kate were spies for a clandestine agency that was activated only when the really big shit hit the fan. They were counterintelligence experts and true artists when it came to killing the enemy; as he showed by burying his knife into a guards' back, while his other hand was over the ne'er-do-well's mouth. He donned the poor guy's hat and green jacket, so he would blend in better, except for the large, blood-soaked spot on the back. Time was of the essence and Jason knew it. He dragged the cartel soldier to the edge and dropped him over. Another guard walked toward the area where the first guy was disposed of, and found himself careening over the side with blood gushing out of his throat and mouth.
Machine gun fire broke through the silence of the evening as the ‘Boss’ prepared to have human 'target practice’, inside the walls of the compound. He was waiving around a sophisticated, Russian rifle, while a man from an agency, different than Jason and Kate's, was being beaten by the cruel bosses' henchmen. After being sufficiently knocked around by ‘the boys’ the Boss turned his weapon on the unlucky, covert agent. As the rifle breathed fire, it ripped at him, and almost seemed to hold him up, while he jerked around to the rhythm of the slugs tearing through his flesh.
Kate was duck taped to a chair close to the drug lord's wife. Her top was torn and most of her breasts were exposed. It was clearly meant to humiliate the woman agent, but it had quite a different effect on the much less-endowed ‘cartel first lady’. Mrs. Boss was young and beautiful and would easily place near the top in any beauty pageant, but, the fact that the secret agent bimbo was left exposed made the woman extremely jealous. You could see the hatred in her eyes as they seemed to be trying to burn holes through the captive ‘slut’. She hoped that maybe she would get to pull the trigger on this one. But, that was never going to happen!
As the drug lord poked at Kate's exposed area with the hot barrel of his gun, Jason began his overt assault on the compound. His knife, with several men's blood on it, was now sheathed as the super agent began to pick off the rest of the cartel crew with his weapon. It was an experimental, compact, semi-automatic rifle with an advanced silencer on it, and a seemingly endless magazine capacity. The boss and his wife ran two different ways as the attack began. She ran into the house, locking the impenetrable ‘safe room's’ door behind her. He, on the other hand, worked to get up to a higher vantage point, so he could shoot at Jason with relative safety.
The arrogant drug ‘monster’ was comfortable holding the high ground with four of his best men lining the two sets of stairs between him and the enemy. Jason started to cut the tape that was holding his partner to the chair. He stopped and took the time to kiss Kate on the lips first. She scowled at him for taking advantage of the situation, but couldn't deny that she enjoyed it. Now cut free, the race was on! The competitive couple attacked from two different directions to ensure the ‘bad guy’ couldn't get away. Both of them wanted this piece of crap dead; preferably by their own hands. Kate tried to push her cleavage back in her top, while at a dead run. The little modesty she possessed took a backseat to killing this thug. Jason killed the first henchman on his stair case, and then lay down behind a corner to wait for the other to advance towards him. When the guy ‘came a knockin’, he looked mortified to have Jason unloading his side arm into him from the ground. Kate on the other hand was having trouble advancing on the target. She put her head around a corner to check on the enemy before trying to climb up the stairs. She quickly pulled it back, with a grazing bullet wound across her cheek to show for it. This pissed off one of the only people on Earth that Wonder Woman would cross the street to avoid. All hell broke loose as she charged up the stairs killing both men as a barrage of their bullets whizzed by her. When she reached the perch the kingpin had been shooting from, he was slumped over and bleeding from a head wound. It pissed her off that Jason had beaten her to the punch, but was surprised to find out from her rugged partner that it was one of her stray slugs, from her assault to get up the stairs, that killed the asshole. Jason took off his ‘borrowed’ jacket and handed it to the half naked warrior so she could cover up the rest of the way. "I know you like the view", she said and laughed. The two lovers came together for a long kiss. As they took a moment, or two, or three to become intimately reacquainted, the bloodied, newly expired ‘boss’ was lying at their feet. The two were unaware, though, that a third person had joined their party. From her safe room the wife of one of Columbia's worst, though recently deceased, criminals watched the love bird's reunion on a closed circuit TV.
Jason opened his eyes. He was laying flat on his back in the long-term care facility he had been in for a few years now. A steady hiss from the oxygen feed and a rhythmic pump, pump, pump of the respirator could be heard as his midsection raised and lowered with the same rhythm. It had all been a dream! As his ‘real’ reality continued to take hold, he felt sad that he would never be anything more than a bed ornament. He could barely remember when he was a healthy, productive member of society. The dream had been a wonderful break from the spirit-killing routine that was his life, and it was the first one like it that he could remember having. The nurse would come in soon and change his clothes and his linens. The doctor, or one of his interns, would drop by just long enough to put their initials on his chart. He couldn't believe how vivid the dream was, and closed his eyes to savor the new fantasy he hoped to relive over and over again; Kate in particular. His eyes moistened as he thought about the beautiful, half-naked ‘hard-body’, who had thrown herself at him while he was sleeping. He wished he could just end it all, but knew he couldn't do it alone. He would have to think of a way. Perhaps, he could arrange it through a third party...maybe through his lawyer. He just knew that anything would be better than this Hell on Earth he had been enduring for so long.
Jason lay there feeling bad for awhile before he heard the familiar sound of the nurse coming through the door to change and bathe him. Any other man would love to have the pretty young woman's hands on their naked body, but for him, it was as humiliating as anything he could remember. As he watched the lady preparing something near the sink, he noticed that it wasn't his usual nurse. From what he could see when she turned around and approached him, she was raven haired, and very shapely in her white uniform. She finally got close enough for him to get a good look, and he was surprised to see her familiar face. He must have seen her around before, because she was obviously the person he based the kingpin's wife on in his dream. He couldn't remember ever seeing her around though, and it troubled him a bit. She pulled a hypo from her scrubs pocket and got ready to inject something into his IV line. She pushed the needle into the IV's receptacle and smiled at the helpless man lying on the bed. “Screw you!" she said; her face suddenly becoming twisted in anger. "This is for my husband you bastard!" she added as her thumb covered the syringe's plunger. Jason didn't know what to think or do! Was this more of the dream, or was he just going crazy!? He tried with every fiber of his being to defend himself against this nutty bitch, but his body, that had failed him so long ago, continued to do so now.
The bad nurse stopped what she was doing when someone flung the door open and rushed in. Jason's ‘new’ visitor; a female, grabbed two handfuls of raven hair and almost yanked the first woman off her feet. The two beautiful women started to fight, but it was so one-sided that it looked more like a massacre. After throwing the kingpin's wife around like a rag doll, suddenly, the dominant nurse turned her quarry's head by the hair where Jason could see her face. She rabbit-punched the dope peddler's homicidal wife in the back of the neck. Jason looked into his ‘would be’ assassin's still beautiful, but battered and broken face, and felt nothing for the ‘stunned’ killer. With one swift twisting movement, the raven haired nurse's neck was broken. As her lifeless body fell to the floor, a familiar blonde goddess came into focus as she approached Jason's bed. She pulled the tainted syringe out of the IV port and dropped it onto the floor; before leaning in close to the patient's face. It was Kate! ‘But this is impossible!’, he thought to himself, as she kissed him as close to his lips as the vent tube would allow, and then sat down next to him. The wound from the bullet that grazed her cheek in his dream was very real and fresh! It was going to leave a scar...a very sexy scar indeed! But, it was a dream!!...wasn't it?
Kate sat with him, while men in coveralls came in and collected the dead body and other evidence. They stuffed it all into a large opaque bag for, what Jason could only guess, was its disposal. The cleaners hung around long enough to tidy up the area, before disappearing as suddenly as they appeared. Kate smiled as she stood up and leaned over Jason to straighten out his pillow. Her perfume was as intoxicating as her, unfortunately, clothed chest pressed into his face for a moment as she lingered in that position. She stood up again, and, after another kiss to the side of his mouth, walked out the door. Jason didn't understand any of what had transpired, and never would. He would never be ‘read in’ to the secret government program that allowed him to project his actual physical presence into the South American scenario and others. He figured out one thing for sure though. In the short time they had worked together, they had fallen deeply in love. They would have a few more adventures before his services were no longer required. Over the next couple years, which would turn out to be Jason's last, Kate was his frequent visitor and protector. She even did him a ‘favor’, those couple of times he was ‘up’ for it. It all seemed so impossible, and yet it was as real as the loaded nine millimeter strapped to the bed frame under his mattress. From now on, when the ‘real’ nurses and doctors came in and out of his room, Jason wouldn't despair. He only wished his mouth was capable of showing off the big smile his brain was sending it.
In a dark room, on the hospice floor of a facility across town, a stage-four cancer patient was talking in his sleep. "Listen up! You three men get up high and provide cover for the main assault force; everyone else...LOCK AND LOAD!"
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Kevin Hughes
I am with Jd on this one. Kind of reminded me of a movement going on among some folks to allow psychedelics for terminally ill patients at the end of their lives. Let them trip out, without pain. That might be the only time in my life I would be willing to take drugs. LOL
Smiles, kevin