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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Teens
- Theme: Horror
- Subject: Creatures & Monsters
- Published: 03/22/2019
The Sirens
Born 2004, U, from Miami, florida, United States.jpeg)
I was in history class and we were on the topic of greek mythology. The main topic was sirens. Sirens are basically evil mermaids that would lure sailors out to shipwreck on their islands. My history teacher then asked the class if we believed in them and about half of the class said they believe, but of course I was a part of the other half. I went home thinking about the lecture for some reason. I wanted to take a walk and I basically live on the beach so I was also thinking of going surfing. I’m not entirely sure how, but I knew that something was off yet I just brushed off the feeling. I walked along the beach for around 15 minutes then I got to surfing. After a while I sat on my board and let the waves carry me. After a while I could see and island about 200 meters in front of me. I got closer to it and I heard the most beautiful sound. It was a woman singing! She was beautiful and she had the voice of an angel. I felt as if I was being entranced by her voice. I was compelled to get closer to her. I noticed she had other female friends surrounding her. They were all in the water. I was getting closer and closer but that is when i saw it. I couldn't believe it. I was in shock. She didn’t have legs. Instead it was a… FISH TAIL! I was partially out of her trance and I swam away as fast as I could but her and her friends were faster. They surrounded me and I feared for my life. Then I remembered what my teacher had told me about sirens and how to kill them. “The Sirens were fated to die if a mortal ever resisted their beckoning”. They kept singing and I kept trying to resist but they were strong. They began feeling pain and crying in agony. It was working! They were backing down. They stopped singing and swam away. After that i went right back home. I have never had an incident with a siren ever since.
The Sirens(Wendoly Oviedo) I was in history class and we were on the topic of greek mythology. The main topic was sirens. Sirens are basically evil mermaids that would lure sailors out to shipwreck on their islands. My history teacher then asked the class if we believed in them and about half of the class said they believe, but of course I was a part of the other half. I went home thinking about the lecture for some reason. I wanted to take a walk and I basically live on the beach so I was also thinking of going surfing. I’m not entirely sure how, but I knew that something was off yet I just brushed off the feeling. I walked along the beach for around 15 minutes then I got to surfing. After a while I sat on my board and let the waves carry me. After a while I could see and island about 200 meters in front of me. I got closer to it and I heard the most beautiful sound. It was a woman singing! She was beautiful and she had the voice of an angel. I felt as if I was being entranced by her voice. I was compelled to get closer to her. I noticed she had other female friends surrounding her. They were all in the water. I was getting closer and closer but that is when i saw it. I couldn't believe it. I was in shock. She didn’t have legs. Instead it was a… FISH TAIL! I was partially out of her trance and I swam away as fast as I could but her and her friends were faster. They surrounded me and I feared for my life. Then I remembered what my teacher had told me about sirens and how to kill them. “The Sirens were fated to die if a mortal ever resisted their beckoning”. They kept singing and I kept trying to resist but they were strong. They began feeling pain and crying in agony. It was working! They were backing down. They stopped singing and swam away. After that i went right back home. I have never had an incident with a siren ever since.
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Kevin Hughes
03/23/2019Hey Wendoly
In the Odyssey- Odysseus had his crew tie him to the mast so he could hear the Sirens. All of the crew put wax plugs in their ears so they couldn't hear the song of the Sirens. So Odysseus could hear the lovely singing of the Sirens. It worked. Just like your story works.
I agree with Shay. Smiles, Kevin
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Wendoly Oviedo
03/24/2019all of that is so cool and honestly i want topossibly a wrier or a singer and platfors like thiss help alot with the writing porion and things like youtube and sound cloud help me produce my songs i already have on in the works that i already recorded professionally and as soon as I get sent the finishe product. I'm only 15 but i already know that I will have a good life and that if i keep working hard I will become succesful
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Kevin Hughes
03/23/2019Aloha Wendoly,
You are correct. I don't do Social Media, but I couldn't publish my stories if Jd, had not chased her dream for the last decade. I know folks have made businesses out of their youtube sites, twitter has both built and destroyed careers. FACEBOOK has allowed a gazillion Grandma's to stay in touch with their kids over long distances.
I am an old guy, and the Internet is beyond my comprehension in most ways. But even the folks who I see use it to build their careers have to employ the same kinds of skills that folks my age had to use: Having a goal, staying up to date on things in your field (and know who or what is trending at the time) keep adjusting to the things around you, and work harder than anyone else.
In my experience, folks have get a lot more out of life by reaching out of their comfort zone, than trying to get rich. Most folks I know who are rich, got that way chasing a dream. Others followed their dreams and just ignored the riches. I know a couple of younger kids who gave up their six figure jobs and cushy bonuses, to ride those electric wheel things across the USA - at 10 mph. One of my Daughter' s friends - worked three jobs for a year, to save up $10,000 so he could live in Bali for a year and surf. He did it too.
Another kid I know wanted to go to Antarctica - he only had a year of college. So he got a heavy equipment operator's license and went down and drove bulldozers- but he got to Antarctica!
I think the modern world gives you lots of ways to go on a journey in business, life, for scholarship, or just to be a world tourist. It is to busy for me, way to much information, and it moves to fast - but with all that said, it is a marvelous time to be alive. I would have graduated from HS at 12 - if they had the Khan Academy when I was a kid. LOL
Smiles, Kevin
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Wendoly Oviedo
03/23/2019Honestly at this point all of social media is considered a siren in my book a lot of the time but it can be helpful and actually help you get twards your dreams but that is just my personal opinion
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