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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Teens
- Theme: Science Fiction
- Subject: Science / Science Fiction
- Published: 05/21/2019
Amanda Amethyst
Born 2001, F, from Manila, Philippines.jpeg)
In a distant galaxy, a war was raging on between the planets of Beno and Garda. Years of tension had turned into full blown animosity. Driven by greed and jealousy, the Gardites were now determined to obliterate the entire Benad race.
Commander Kayla, leader of the Benad army, entered Head Quarters. “Sorry I’m late.” She turned to her Lieutenant. “Sonia, status report.”
“We’ve been able to hold off the Gardites so far,” answered Sonia. “But they’re getting stronger.”
“At this rate, we’ll have to go with plan B,” said the Commander.
“You mean—“
“Yes. We need to evacuate.”
In Washington, D.C., there lived a girl named Amanda Montenegro. Because of her beauty, she was often told by friends to become a model. But this hazel eyed brunette was more than just a pretty face. Her intellect and numerous degrees landed her a high-paying job as an archaeologist.
One day, she had the task of digging up ancient artifacts. What she didn’t know was that this excavation was going to lead her to the adventure of a lifetime.
As Amanda was working, she looked up and noticed clouds in the sky. I hope it doesn’t rain, she thought. I might love my job but even I wouldn’t want to dig in mud.
“Amanda!” a familiar voice called. “You’re going to get soaked if you don’t take cover.” It was her best friend, Renee Jacks.
“Hey, Renee!” greeted Amanda. “What do you mean?”
“The rain is about to come down,” said Renee. “It would be best if we took a break for a while.”
The girls had some snacks while taking shelter from the rain. Echoes of laughter could be heard around the dig sight as they passed the time telling jokes.
“When is this rain ever going to stop?” asked Amanda.
“Relax,” said Renee. “The dirt will still be there later.”
“You’re right I should be—“ Amanda saw something in the corner of her eye. “Did you see that? There’s something glittering over there.” The archaeologist took off running.
“Amanda, wait!” said Renee. “Uh, you are such are workaholic.”
Amanda charged right into the rain to see what was causing the glimmer. With great fervency, she dug up what looked like an amethyst.
Just then, without any warning, she was struck by lightning.
“Amanda! Amanda!” exclaimed Renee. She ran to her friend’s side. “Are you hurt? Can you hear me?”
Amanda came to her senses. “Yeah, I’m fine.” She added, “Note to self: Don’t stay in an open space when there’s a storm.”
“You think?” Renee helped her to her feet.
At the hospital, the doctor was examining Amanda. “Well I don’t know how to explain this,” he said. “But the lightning didn’t do any damage.”
“Are you sure?” asked Amanda.
“Yes. But I trust that you’ll be more careful next time, Miss Montenegro.”
“He’s got a point,” said Renee.
Later that evening, the two of them were at Amanda’s house having dinner. As they were eating, Amanda pondered what had happened earlier.
Renee noticed that something was bothering her. “Something wrong, buddy?”
“No,” answered Amanda. She picked at her food. “It’s just…I don’t understand how I didn’t get fried today.”
Renee chuckled. “You know, when good things happen, it’s polite not to ask why.”
Amanda laughed. “I know, but it is kind of weird.”
While Amanda was cleaning up, one of the kitchen cabinets broke open and, Crash! Cling! Clang! Several pots and pans fell on her head.
“Amanda!” cried Renee.
She was shocked to see that Amanda didn’t feel a thing. The girls stood there staring at each other. Neither of them had a clue what was going on.
A few days later, Amanda was helping Renee fix her car. But while Renee was under the vehicle, the jack broke. Without thinking, Amanda lifted the car before it crushed Renee’s chest.
“Whoa!” exclaimed Renee. “Have you been working out?”
That afternoon the girls were having a picnic in Renee’s backyard. They laid on the grass and discussed everything that happened.
“I can’t believe this,” said Renee. “You’re like some sort of super hero.”
“We don’t know that,” said Amanda. “That thing with the car could’ve been my adrenaline.”
Renee looked up and saw an airplane pass by. “I wonder if you can fly.”
“That’s impossible,” said Amanda.
“Come on, don’t you want to find out?”
“Alright.” Amanda jumped off the ground and found that she wasn’t coming back down. Whoa! This can’t be real!
“Bet you can’t go as high as that jet,” said Renee.
“You’re on.” Amanda not only reached the plane but she soared even higher.
The incident with the pots and pans made Amanda think that she was indestructible. She wanted to confirm this by having Renee strike her with a baseball bat.
“Are you kidding me?” Renee asked. She thought Amanda had lost her mind.
“Come on bud,” Amanda persuaded. “How else will I know if I’m indestructible?”
“Alright, but don’t blame me if you suffer head trauma.”
Renee hit her with the bat and, Crack! It broke in two. Amanda’s theory was spot on. No weapon could even scratch her.
Amanda and Renee were at the park playing basketball. What started out as a friendly game was becoming a competitive match.
Renee had just scored the winning point. “Eat that, Amanda!” she gloated. “You might have powers but you’re still no match for me.”
“Ok,” said Amanda. “You won fair and square.” She was going to give Renee a high five when a purple crystal shot out of her hand.”
“Ow!” exclaimed Renee. “I didn’t think you’d take this so personally.”
Amanda picked up the stone. “It looks just like the one I found.” This must’ve been how I got my powers.
Wanting to learn more about the mysterious gem, Amanda and Renee returned to the dig sight hoping to come across the jewel. They looked all over the place, but couldn’t find it anywhere.
After hours of digging, they realized they were wasting time. They decided to give up the search and head home.
“So what are you going to do with your super powers?” asked Renee.
“Good question,” said Amanda. “I have an idea.”
One morning, at the local bank, a robbery was taking place. The police couldn’t enter the building because the robbers had taken the bank employees hostage. The cops had no idea what to do.
Just then, a woman dressed in an armor suit made of amethysts zoomed onto the scene. She charged into the building, determined to stop the criminals. “Let these people go!”
“Oh yeah, or what?” asked one of the bandits.
She replied by knocking him out and taking the stolen money bag from him.
The thieves were terrified. “Who are you?” they asked.
“They call me Amethyst.” Amanda threw the robbers out of a glass window.
“Let’s get out of here,” cried one of the burglars, “before that aquamarine freak kills us!”
Amanda surprised them from behind. “Technically it’s Amethyst, but whatever.”
Bam! Pow! Amanda pounced on the criminals as they tried to run away. Oh no, you don’t. She wasn’t going to let them escape. With her super strength, and a few crystals, she was able to subdue them. She tied them up, and brought them to the police.
“Take them away officers.” Amanda said as she flew away.
Pretty soon, the name “Amethyst” was all over the headlines. Saving the bank wasn’t the only thing Amanda did as a super hero. She went all around the city helping everyone in need. From thwarting criminals to helping children cross the street, she did it all.
It seemed like a just another ordinary day in Washington. The city was busy. People were going about their business.
But the hustle and bustle of the city was interrupted when giant spaceships were spotted heading for Earth. It was the Benads.
Amanda was relaxing at a coffee shop, just minding her own business, when she saw crowds of people running away. They were screaming about aliens taking over the city.
Aliens? She thought she was mistaken.
Amanda’s skepticism went out the window when she arrived on the scene to see Commander Kayla and Lieutenant Sonia coming out of their space craft. She blasted them with amethyst crystals. Bang! Bang! Bang! But to her dismay, the aliens dodged every one of them.
“Commander,” said Sonia, “what do we do? We can’t hurt these people but they think we’re a threat. They’ll never let us stay here.”
Kayla answered, “This was a bad idea. If we stay any longer, it will cause a needless war.”
In the middle of all the chaos, there was a car that was about to run over a little girl. Amanda was going get the child out of the way when Lieutenant Sonia beat her to it.
Amanda watched, curious about the nature of these creatures. Why save someone if you’re going to invade their planet?
Amanda kept her eye on Sonia as she hurried back into the spaceship. It looked like they were going to leave. Amanda wasn’t about to lose them. She jumped onto the ship and followed the aliens back to where they came from.
Out in space, Amanda was wide-eyed looking at all the stars and planets. This is amazing! She thought to herself. This had to have been the greatest trip ever.
Boom! Amanda’s star gazing was interrupted by a loud blast. Someone was attacking the space ship. Before she could think of what to do, Bam! She got shot. Whatever hit her was so strong it knocked her unconscious.
When Amanda regained consciousness, she found herself in a white room filled with buttons and flashing lights. Where am I? She peered out the window and saw the landscape of planet Beno. This is so not Earth.
While she was looking for a way out, Kayla and Sonia walked in. Amanda glared at them.
“Are you alright, ma’am?” asked Kayla. “You were out for a while.”
“Stay back!” she shouted.
“Seriously?” asked Sonia. “We just saved your life.”
“Sure you saved me,” said Amanda, “after you invaded my planet.”
“No,” said the Commander. “You have it all wrong. Let me explain. I’m Kayla and this is my Lieutenant, Sonia.” She extended her hand. “What’s your name?”
“Ama…uh… Amethyst.” Amanda was wary not to give away her true identity.
“It’s nice to meet you Amethyst,” said Kayla. “Now the reason we went to your planet was—“Boom!"
“What was that!” exclaimed Amanda.
“The Gardites,” answered Sonia.
The three of them ran outside to see what was happening. They found the Gardites attacking planet Beno. Grenades were going off everywhere.
Commander Kayla and Sonia sprang into action. They grabbed their weapons and started returning the shots of the enemy aliens.
"Whoa! Who are these guys?" Amanda had never seen such action.
In the middle of the fighting, Amanda caught sight of a Gardite hiding behind a rock. He had his vaporizer aimed at Sonia. Acting as a shield, Amanda jumped in front of her just in time to deflect the deadly beam.
The Lieutenant nodded to show her appreciation.
“Now we’re even,” said Amanda.
The heroine joined in the fight. She blasted the Gardite soldiers with her crystals. Bang! Pow! Blast! One of them was getting ready to fire a bazooka at her. But before he could, Amanda grabbed it and, Smash! She crushed it to pieces.
Seeing that they had lost this battle, the invading army retreated. “We have to refuel our weapons at the Gardan Meteor,” they said as they raced back to their planet.
“Whoa!” exclaimed Sonia. “Who are you? Where did you learn to fight like that?”
“It’s a long story,” said Amanda.
Commander Kayla asked, “Would you consent to let us run some tests on you?”
“No offense, but I just met you. So I’m not sure if I’m okay with that."
“It would help us learn about your capabilities.”
Amanda’s desire to find out about the origin of her powers got the best of her. She agreed to their request and was brought to their laboratory.
On planet Garda, the Gardites were rushing to tell their ruler, Emperor Galeo, how the battle went and who they saw with the Benads.
When he learned that they had retreated, he was furious. Defeat was the only thing Galeo hated more than the Benads.
“How dare you come running back here like a bunch of cowards!” the Emperor exclaimed.
“Your Majesty,” said the leader of the army, “the Benads had a new ally with them. She overpowered us.”
Galeo scoffed, “Overpower a Gardite? Ridiculous.”
“You don’t understand,” said the alien. “I’ve never seen anyone fight the way she did.”
“It’s true,” said another soldier. “Her strength was so great. She even shattered our bazooka.”
“Well don’t just stand there,” said the Emperor. “Go and Recharge your weapons. You’re going to need them to put an end to the Benads and their new ally.”
“Speaking of the meteor,” said the leader, “don’t you think we should be thinking of more ways to keep it secure?”
“What for?” asked Galeo. “Stronger enemies than the Benads have tried to destroy it only to fail miserably.”
Galeo’s army obeyed and headed to the Gardan Fortress where the meteor was being kept. It was a grey rock almost five feet high. Inside of it was a bright green ball. This was the core. The Gardites extracted power from it in order to recharge their vaporizers.
At the lab, Amanda was introduced to Silsha. She was chief scientist and weapons designer for Beno.
“You said you were in contact with an amethyst when you were hit by lightning?” asked Silsha.
“Yes, that’s correct,” answered Amanda.
“It’s just as I suspected,” said the Benad scientist. “You see, that was no ordinary gem you found. It was a Benad amethyst.”
Amanda looked confused.
“For years, we’ve been harnessing their power for our weapons. That bolt of lightning must have transferred its properties to you.”
Sonia chimed in, “I’ve seen thousands of Benad amethysts falling to Earth. I thought humans would’ve discovered them by now. I guess I overestimated your kind’s intelligence.”
“I’d be insulted right now if I wasn’t so mind blown,” answered Amanda. “So if you guys weren’t going to take my planet, why were you there?”
Commander Kayla answered, “The Gardites are the reason we went to planet Earth. We were searching for a place to evacuate to in case the Gardites succeeded in taking over Beno.”
Sonia added, “They were the ones attacking our ship when you got hit.”
“I guess I had you guys all wrong,” said Amanda.
“We can’t blame you for protecting your planet,” said Kayla.
After their conversation, the Commander announced that it was time for them to meet with the Benad army. Amanda tagged along, eager to learn more about the Benads.
On the way to Head Quarters, Amanda noticed a necklace on Sonia’s neck. “That’s really beautiful.”
“Thank you,” answered Sonia. “It’s what all the Benad soldiers wear to show their authority.”
At Head Quarters, the Benad Troops were discussing what battle strategy to use on the Gardites. Despite the complexity of their ideas, no one was able to think of how to stop them.
Silsha spoke up, “Commander, why don’t we use Amethyst to destroy the Gardan Meteor?”
Before the General could answer, Sonia asked, “What good would that do? We’ve seen how useless amethyst powered weapons are against it. Nothing can destroy that thing.”
“Yes,” answered Silsha. “But we’ve never tried the power of a Benad amethyst combined with a human before. It could work in theory.”
“What do you mean you want to use me?” asked Amanda.
Silsha explained, “The Gardan Meteor is the life blood of Garda. Without it, the planet would deteriorate in minutes.”
“It’s pretty simple,” said Sonia. “Take out the meteor, save our skin.”
“What do you say, Amethyst?” asked Commander Kayla.
Amanda looked at everyone in the room. “Alright, I’ll do it. After all, saving the world is what heroes do. I don’t care which world it is.”
Commander Kayla was briefing Amanda for her mission. “Remember, Amethyst, once you get to the meteor, you must aim for the core. If you strike anywhere else, nothing will happen to it.”
“Yes, Sir,” said Amanda.
After surveying the perimeter of planet Garda, Amanda bolted for the Gardan Fortress. The Gardite guards started shooting in an attempt to stop her. Boom! Blast! Bang! But their shots ricocheted. Amanda fought back with her crystals, leaving them helpless.
Finally, she made it to the front of the Gardan Fortress. At the entrance were two guards. They pointed their vaporizers at her but she threw them aside. She broke open the door and went in. Whew! That went better than expected.
The fortess looked even bigger from the inside. It contained a thousand rooms, all large enough to hold fifty people.
Amanda went into one of them hoping to find the meteor. But what she found inside was far more shocking.
On the wall, there were the names and pictures of different planets. As she read the writing, she learned that this was a list of planets that the Gardites were planning to take over. Even more horrifying was the fact that Earth was next on their list.
Not if I have anything to say about it, Amanda thought. It’s time to find that meteor.
After searching twenty rooms, Amanda managed to locate the Gardan Meteor in the largest chamber of the fortress.
With her heart pounding, Amanda crept toward the giant rock. Carefully examining it, she saw the core glowing just beneath the surface.
Keeping in mind what the Commander told her, she kicked and punched the meteor as hard as she could, but to no avail. Next, she tried blasting it with crystals, but that too was futile.
What am I gonna do? The heroine asked herself. I’ve got to put an end to this meteor. It’s the only way to save Earth.
Seeing that there was nothing more she could do, Amanda headed back to Beno. The Benads better have another plan.
Now when the news of Amanda’s attempt to destroy the Gardan Meteor had reached Emperor Galeo, he was deeply distressed. He conducted a meeting with all of his generals and advisers to figure out a solution to this new threat.
“Your Majesty,” said one adviser, “I suggest we put more security in the Gardan Fortress.”
“And then what?” asked Galeo. “That amethyst creature will just get through them again.”
One of the generals spoke up, “Your Majesty, I think I have the answer to our dilemma.”
The Gardites listened as the General told them his plot. They praised him for how brilliant it was. Even Emperor Galeo couldn’t hide how pleased he was with this idea.
Galeo grinned. “This is pure genius.”
Together, the sneaky and cunning aliens worked on their strategy to protect their precious meteor. What they were scheming was something that no one, not even Commander Kayla, would see coming.
Back on planet Beno, Amanda was informing the Benad soldiers about the Gardites’ scheme to conquer the universe. This made it even clearer that they had to be stopped.
During the meeting, Silsha burst through the door. “I think I’ve found out how we can get rid of the Gardites for good.” She went on, “My research has shown that there is, in fact, one weapon that even the Gardan Meteor can’t withstand.”
“Really? What is it?” asked Amanda.
“The only way to destroy the core is with an atomic bomb.”
“That’s great news!” exclaimed Commander Kayla. She looked a bit concerned. “But where are we going to get that kind of technology on Beno?”
Silsha replied, “Well, I believe you can find nuclear weapons on Earth.”
“Perfect!” exclaimed Sonia. “Amethyst can get one and bring it here.”
“Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Wait a minute!” Amanda exclaimed. “I don’t have that kind of authority. Only the president can use a nuclear weapon.”
Everyone was quiet. All eyes were on Commander Kayla.
She broke the silence. “Amethyst, this is the only chance we have of saving our planet. Please, will you ask your leader for a nuclear weapon?”
At that point, Amanda didn’t know what to answer. Will the president even speak to me? She wondered. I could be taken for a threat.
Despite her misgivings, Amanda knew in her heart that it was the right thing to do. She agreed to go to the President. No matter what the cost, she was going to do all within her power to save the universe.
On Earth, Amanda was telling Renee all about her adventure in space. “So that’s why I have to speak with the president.”
“They want you to do what?” asked Renee. “Amanda you can’t just walk up to the president and ask for a nuclear weapon.”
“I know it sounds crazy,” said Amanda. “But I have to try. Those aliens are counting on me.”
“Well, ok. I just hope for your sake that the president is in a good mood.”
At the White House, Amanda met with U.S. President Shaun Samuels. He was thrilled to accommodate the hero of Washington. At least he was until he learned what she wanted.
“No! Absolutely not!” exclaimed President Samuels. “Why would I give one of our most powerful weapons to the ones who tried to invade us?”
“But that’s just it,” answered Amanda. “The Benads weren’t attacking us. They were just trying to find relief from their enemies.”
“I feel for them,” answered the president. “But my duty is to protect this country and this world. As harsh as this may sound, I have no obligation to the Benads.”
“Mr. President,” said Amanda, “the day we thought Washington was being overrun, I saw one of the Benads save a little girl from getting run over.” She continued, “Now according to your reasoning, that alien had no obligation to that girl, but she saved her simply because she was alive.”
President Samuels was silent.
“That’s not all,” said Amanda. “The Gardites won’t stop with Beno. If we don’t take care of them, they will annex the Earth as well.”
The president yielded. “Alright, I’ll give you the bomb. But you must be there when the Benads launch it, and you make sure that they use it only on the Gardites. Is that clear?”
“Yes, Sir,” said Amanda.
Arrangements were made for the Benads to bring the nuclear weapon back to their planet. Amanda supervised the whole operation, keeping her promise to the President.
Sonia was observing the Gardan Meteor when she noticed something wasn’t right. “Wait!” she exclaimed. “It’s not properly aimed at the core. The bomb will have no effect.”
“How is that possible?” asked Commander Kayla. “I plotted the coordinates perfectly.”
Silsha took a look at the screen. “I can’t believe it! The Gardites placed some kind of decoy for the core on the other side of the Gardan Meteor.”
“It’s too late!” cried Sonia. “We already launched it. There’s no way to change its course now.”
Commander Kayla was frantic. “What are we going to do? We’ll never get another weapon that powerful again.” She took a deep breath. “I guess we failed.”
“No way!” Amanda exclaimed. She wasn’t about to accept defeat. “I’m taking the bomb there myself.”
Without missing a beat, she grabbed the atomic bomb just as it was about to be fired off. Amanda flew at the speed of light to the Gardan Meteor. With all her strength, she thrust the explosive toward the core of the rock just in time. Boom! The force of the explosion sent her flying.
When Emperor Galeo saw the Gardan Meteor in flames, he was infuriated. “Who is responsible for this?” He spotted Amanda nearby. “You did this. You destroyed my kingdom!” In his rage, he moved to strike her.
Amanda caught his fist. “I don’t think so.” The heroine captured the Emperor and brought him back to Beno as prisoner.
Upon returning to planet Beno, Amanda was greeted by the joyful cheers of the Benads. No doubt, they regarded her as a hero to their planet.
While she enjoyed her hero’s welcome, what truly made her happy was the knowledge that she had helped save countless lives.
“You haven’t seen the last of me!” Galeo threatened. “I’ll be back, and I’ll have my--”
“Yeah, yeah, you’ll have your revenge,” Amanda mocked. “Yaddah, Yaddah, Yaddah. But right now, you’re going to jail.”
After putting the Gardite emperor in prison, the Benads went to express their gratitude to Amanda. Everyone agreed that no one fought harder for Beno than her.
“We can’t tell you how grateful we are to you Amethyst,” said Commander Kayla. “You gave up so much to save a people who aren’t even your own species.”
“Just doing my job,” answered Amanda. “All life is precious, no matter what species they are.”
The Commander had an idea. “Amethyst, would you like to join the Benad Troops? You’d make a valuable asset.”
Sonia chimed in, “You’d get one of those pretty necklaces if you join us.”
Amanda declined. “Thank you, but I belong on Earth.”
“Well,” said Kayla, “Your world should be grateful to have you.”
Amanda was about to reenter Earth’s atmosphere when she paused to behold the planet she called home. Yup. You’re still the most magnificent one of them all.
One evening, while Amanda was doing some research for work, she heard a knock on her door. Who could that be at this hour?
She answered it and found a box on her porch. Inside was a beautiful amethyst necklace, just like the one she had seen on Sonia. There may not have been any note telling who sent it but Amanda knew who it was from.
Smiling at the Benads’ token of appreciation, she took the necklace inside and prepared for another day of saving the world.
Amanda Amethyst(francesca ylaya)
In a distant galaxy, a war was raging on between the planets of Beno and Garda. Years of tension had turned into full blown animosity. Driven by greed and jealousy, the Gardites were now determined to obliterate the entire Benad race.
Commander Kayla, leader of the Benad army, entered Head Quarters. “Sorry I’m late.” She turned to her Lieutenant. “Sonia, status report.”
“We’ve been able to hold off the Gardites so far,” answered Sonia. “But they’re getting stronger.”
“At this rate, we’ll have to go with plan B,” said the Commander.
“You mean—“
“Yes. We need to evacuate.”
In Washington, D.C., there lived a girl named Amanda Montenegro. Because of her beauty, she was often told by friends to become a model. But this hazel eyed brunette was more than just a pretty face. Her intellect and numerous degrees landed her a high-paying job as an archaeologist.
One day, she had the task of digging up ancient artifacts. What she didn’t know was that this excavation was going to lead her to the adventure of a lifetime.
As Amanda was working, she looked up and noticed clouds in the sky. I hope it doesn’t rain, she thought. I might love my job but even I wouldn’t want to dig in mud.
“Amanda!” a familiar voice called. “You’re going to get soaked if you don’t take cover.” It was her best friend, Renee Jacks.
“Hey, Renee!” greeted Amanda. “What do you mean?”
“The rain is about to come down,” said Renee. “It would be best if we took a break for a while.”
The girls had some snacks while taking shelter from the rain. Echoes of laughter could be heard around the dig sight as they passed the time telling jokes.
“When is this rain ever going to stop?” asked Amanda.
“Relax,” said Renee. “The dirt will still be there later.”
“You’re right I should be—“ Amanda saw something in the corner of her eye. “Did you see that? There’s something glittering over there.” The archaeologist took off running.
“Amanda, wait!” said Renee. “Uh, you are such are workaholic.”
Amanda charged right into the rain to see what was causing the glimmer. With great fervency, she dug up what looked like an amethyst.
Just then, without any warning, she was struck by lightning.
“Amanda! Amanda!” exclaimed Renee. She ran to her friend’s side. “Are you hurt? Can you hear me?”
Amanda came to her senses. “Yeah, I’m fine.” She added, “Note to self: Don’t stay in an open space when there’s a storm.”
“You think?” Renee helped her to her feet.
At the hospital, the doctor was examining Amanda. “Well I don’t know how to explain this,” he said. “But the lightning didn’t do any damage.”
“Are you sure?” asked Amanda.
“Yes. But I trust that you’ll be more careful next time, Miss Montenegro.”
“He’s got a point,” said Renee.
Later that evening, the two of them were at Amanda’s house having dinner. As they were eating, Amanda pondered what had happened earlier.
Renee noticed that something was bothering her. “Something wrong, buddy?”
“No,” answered Amanda. She picked at her food. “It’s just…I don’t understand how I didn’t get fried today.”
Renee chuckled. “You know, when good things happen, it’s polite not to ask why.”
Amanda laughed. “I know, but it is kind of weird.”
While Amanda was cleaning up, one of the kitchen cabinets broke open and, Crash! Cling! Clang! Several pots and pans fell on her head.
“Amanda!” cried Renee.
She was shocked to see that Amanda didn’t feel a thing. The girls stood there staring at each other. Neither of them had a clue what was going on.
A few days later, Amanda was helping Renee fix her car. But while Renee was under the vehicle, the jack broke. Without thinking, Amanda lifted the car before it crushed Renee’s chest.
“Whoa!” exclaimed Renee. “Have you been working out?”
That afternoon the girls were having a picnic in Renee’s backyard. They laid on the grass and discussed everything that happened.
“I can’t believe this,” said Renee. “You’re like some sort of super hero.”
“We don’t know that,” said Amanda. “That thing with the car could’ve been my adrenaline.”
Renee looked up and saw an airplane pass by. “I wonder if you can fly.”
“That’s impossible,” said Amanda.
“Come on, don’t you want to find out?”
“Alright.” Amanda jumped off the ground and found that she wasn’t coming back down. Whoa! This can’t be real!
“Bet you can’t go as high as that jet,” said Renee.
“You’re on.” Amanda not only reached the plane but she soared even higher.
The incident with the pots and pans made Amanda think that she was indestructible. She wanted to confirm this by having Renee strike her with a baseball bat.
“Are you kidding me?” Renee asked. She thought Amanda had lost her mind.
“Come on bud,” Amanda persuaded. “How else will I know if I’m indestructible?”
“Alright, but don’t blame me if you suffer head trauma.”
Renee hit her with the bat and, Crack! It broke in two. Amanda’s theory was spot on. No weapon could even scratch her.
Amanda and Renee were at the park playing basketball. What started out as a friendly game was becoming a competitive match.
Renee had just scored the winning point. “Eat that, Amanda!” she gloated. “You might have powers but you’re still no match for me.”
“Ok,” said Amanda. “You won fair and square.” She was going to give Renee a high five when a purple crystal shot out of her hand.”
“Ow!” exclaimed Renee. “I didn’t think you’d take this so personally.”
Amanda picked up the stone. “It looks just like the one I found.” This must’ve been how I got my powers.
Wanting to learn more about the mysterious gem, Amanda and Renee returned to the dig sight hoping to come across the jewel. They looked all over the place, but couldn’t find it anywhere.
After hours of digging, they realized they were wasting time. They decided to give up the search and head home.
“So what are you going to do with your super powers?” asked Renee.
“Good question,” said Amanda. “I have an idea.”
One morning, at the local bank, a robbery was taking place. The police couldn’t enter the building because the robbers had taken the bank employees hostage. The cops had no idea what to do.
Just then, a woman dressed in an armor suit made of amethysts zoomed onto the scene. She charged into the building, determined to stop the criminals. “Let these people go!”
“Oh yeah, or what?” asked one of the bandits.
She replied by knocking him out and taking the stolen money bag from him.
The thieves were terrified. “Who are you?” they asked.
“They call me Amethyst.” Amanda threw the robbers out of a glass window.
“Let’s get out of here,” cried one of the burglars, “before that aquamarine freak kills us!”
Amanda surprised them from behind. “Technically it’s Amethyst, but whatever.”
Bam! Pow! Amanda pounced on the criminals as they tried to run away. Oh no, you don’t. She wasn’t going to let them escape. With her super strength, and a few crystals, she was able to subdue them. She tied them up, and brought them to the police.
“Take them away officers.” Amanda said as she flew away.
Pretty soon, the name “Amethyst” was all over the headlines. Saving the bank wasn’t the only thing Amanda did as a super hero. She went all around the city helping everyone in need. From thwarting criminals to helping children cross the street, she did it all.
It seemed like a just another ordinary day in Washington. The city was busy. People were going about their business.
But the hustle and bustle of the city was interrupted when giant spaceships were spotted heading for Earth. It was the Benads.
Amanda was relaxing at a coffee shop, just minding her own business, when she saw crowds of people running away. They were screaming about aliens taking over the city.
Aliens? She thought she was mistaken.
Amanda’s skepticism went out the window when she arrived on the scene to see Commander Kayla and Lieutenant Sonia coming out of their space craft. She blasted them with amethyst crystals. Bang! Bang! Bang! But to her dismay, the aliens dodged every one of them.
“Commander,” said Sonia, “what do we do? We can’t hurt these people but they think we’re a threat. They’ll never let us stay here.”
Kayla answered, “This was a bad idea. If we stay any longer, it will cause a needless war.”
In the middle of all the chaos, there was a car that was about to run over a little girl. Amanda was going get the child out of the way when Lieutenant Sonia beat her to it.
Amanda watched, curious about the nature of these creatures. Why save someone if you’re going to invade their planet?
Amanda kept her eye on Sonia as she hurried back into the spaceship. It looked like they were going to leave. Amanda wasn’t about to lose them. She jumped onto the ship and followed the aliens back to where they came from.
Out in space, Amanda was wide-eyed looking at all the stars and planets. This is amazing! She thought to herself. This had to have been the greatest trip ever.
Boom! Amanda’s star gazing was interrupted by a loud blast. Someone was attacking the space ship. Before she could think of what to do, Bam! She got shot. Whatever hit her was so strong it knocked her unconscious.
When Amanda regained consciousness, she found herself in a white room filled with buttons and flashing lights. Where am I? She peered out the window and saw the landscape of planet Beno. This is so not Earth.
While she was looking for a way out, Kayla and Sonia walked in. Amanda glared at them.
“Are you alright, ma’am?” asked Kayla. “You were out for a while.”
“Stay back!” she shouted.
“Seriously?” asked Sonia. “We just saved your life.”
“Sure you saved me,” said Amanda, “after you invaded my planet.”
“No,” said the Commander. “You have it all wrong. Let me explain. I’m Kayla and this is my Lieutenant, Sonia.” She extended her hand. “What’s your name?”
“Ama…uh… Amethyst.” Amanda was wary not to give away her true identity.
“It’s nice to meet you Amethyst,” said Kayla. “Now the reason we went to your planet was—“Boom!"
“What was that!” exclaimed Amanda.
“The Gardites,” answered Sonia.
The three of them ran outside to see what was happening. They found the Gardites attacking planet Beno. Grenades were going off everywhere.
Commander Kayla and Sonia sprang into action. They grabbed their weapons and started returning the shots of the enemy aliens.
"Whoa! Who are these guys?" Amanda had never seen such action.
In the middle of the fighting, Amanda caught sight of a Gardite hiding behind a rock. He had his vaporizer aimed at Sonia. Acting as a shield, Amanda jumped in front of her just in time to deflect the deadly beam.
The Lieutenant nodded to show her appreciation.
“Now we’re even,” said Amanda.
The heroine joined in the fight. She blasted the Gardite soldiers with her crystals. Bang! Pow! Blast! One of them was getting ready to fire a bazooka at her. But before he could, Amanda grabbed it and, Smash! She crushed it to pieces.
Seeing that they had lost this battle, the invading army retreated. “We have to refuel our weapons at the Gardan Meteor,” they said as they raced back to their planet.
“Whoa!” exclaimed Sonia. “Who are you? Where did you learn to fight like that?”
“It’s a long story,” said Amanda.
Commander Kayla asked, “Would you consent to let us run some tests on you?”
“No offense, but I just met you. So I’m not sure if I’m okay with that."
“It would help us learn about your capabilities.”
Amanda’s desire to find out about the origin of her powers got the best of her. She agreed to their request and was brought to their laboratory.
On planet Garda, the Gardites were rushing to tell their ruler, Emperor Galeo, how the battle went and who they saw with the Benads.
When he learned that they had retreated, he was furious. Defeat was the only thing Galeo hated more than the Benads.
“How dare you come running back here like a bunch of cowards!” the Emperor exclaimed.
“Your Majesty,” said the leader of the army, “the Benads had a new ally with them. She overpowered us.”
Galeo scoffed, “Overpower a Gardite? Ridiculous.”
“You don’t understand,” said the alien. “I’ve never seen anyone fight the way she did.”
“It’s true,” said another soldier. “Her strength was so great. She even shattered our bazooka.”
“Well don’t just stand there,” said the Emperor. “Go and Recharge your weapons. You’re going to need them to put an end to the Benads and their new ally.”
“Speaking of the meteor,” said the leader, “don’t you think we should be thinking of more ways to keep it secure?”
“What for?” asked Galeo. “Stronger enemies than the Benads have tried to destroy it only to fail miserably.”
Galeo’s army obeyed and headed to the Gardan Fortress where the meteor was being kept. It was a grey rock almost five feet high. Inside of it was a bright green ball. This was the core. The Gardites extracted power from it in order to recharge their vaporizers.
At the lab, Amanda was introduced to Silsha. She was chief scientist and weapons designer for Beno.
“You said you were in contact with an amethyst when you were hit by lightning?” asked Silsha.
“Yes, that’s correct,” answered Amanda.
“It’s just as I suspected,” said the Benad scientist. “You see, that was no ordinary gem you found. It was a Benad amethyst.”
Amanda looked confused.
“For years, we’ve been harnessing their power for our weapons. That bolt of lightning must have transferred its properties to you.”
Sonia chimed in, “I’ve seen thousands of Benad amethysts falling to Earth. I thought humans would’ve discovered them by now. I guess I overestimated your kind’s intelligence.”
“I’d be insulted right now if I wasn’t so mind blown,” answered Amanda. “So if you guys weren’t going to take my planet, why were you there?”
Commander Kayla answered, “The Gardites are the reason we went to planet Earth. We were searching for a place to evacuate to in case the Gardites succeeded in taking over Beno.”
Sonia added, “They were the ones attacking our ship when you got hit.”
“I guess I had you guys all wrong,” said Amanda.
“We can’t blame you for protecting your planet,” said Kayla.
After their conversation, the Commander announced that it was time for them to meet with the Benad army. Amanda tagged along, eager to learn more about the Benads.
On the way to Head Quarters, Amanda noticed a necklace on Sonia’s neck. “That’s really beautiful.”
“Thank you,” answered Sonia. “It’s what all the Benad soldiers wear to show their authority.”
At Head Quarters, the Benad Troops were discussing what battle strategy to use on the Gardites. Despite the complexity of their ideas, no one was able to think of how to stop them.
Silsha spoke up, “Commander, why don’t we use Amethyst to destroy the Gardan Meteor?”
Before the General could answer, Sonia asked, “What good would that do? We’ve seen how useless amethyst powered weapons are against it. Nothing can destroy that thing.”
“Yes,” answered Silsha. “But we’ve never tried the power of a Benad amethyst combined with a human before. It could work in theory.”
“What do you mean you want to use me?” asked Amanda.
Silsha explained, “The Gardan Meteor is the life blood of Garda. Without it, the planet would deteriorate in minutes.”
“It’s pretty simple,” said Sonia. “Take out the meteor, save our skin.”
“What do you say, Amethyst?” asked Commander Kayla.
Amanda looked at everyone in the room. “Alright, I’ll do it. After all, saving the world is what heroes do. I don’t care which world it is.”
Commander Kayla was briefing Amanda for her mission. “Remember, Amethyst, once you get to the meteor, you must aim for the core. If you strike anywhere else, nothing will happen to it.”
“Yes, Sir,” said Amanda.
After surveying the perimeter of planet Garda, Amanda bolted for the Gardan Fortress. The Gardite guards started shooting in an attempt to stop her. Boom! Blast! Bang! But their shots ricocheted. Amanda fought back with her crystals, leaving them helpless.
Finally, she made it to the front of the Gardan Fortress. At the entrance were two guards. They pointed their vaporizers at her but she threw them aside. She broke open the door and went in. Whew! That went better than expected.
The fortess looked even bigger from the inside. It contained a thousand rooms, all large enough to hold fifty people.
Amanda went into one of them hoping to find the meteor. But what she found inside was far more shocking.
On the wall, there were the names and pictures of different planets. As she read the writing, she learned that this was a list of planets that the Gardites were planning to take over. Even more horrifying was the fact that Earth was next on their list.
Not if I have anything to say about it, Amanda thought. It’s time to find that meteor.
After searching twenty rooms, Amanda managed to locate the Gardan Meteor in the largest chamber of the fortress.
With her heart pounding, Amanda crept toward the giant rock. Carefully examining it, she saw the core glowing just beneath the surface.
Keeping in mind what the Commander told her, she kicked and punched the meteor as hard as she could, but to no avail. Next, she tried blasting it with crystals, but that too was futile.
What am I gonna do? The heroine asked herself. I’ve got to put an end to this meteor. It’s the only way to save Earth.
Seeing that there was nothing more she could do, Amanda headed back to Beno. The Benads better have another plan.
Now when the news of Amanda’s attempt to destroy the Gardan Meteor had reached Emperor Galeo, he was deeply distressed. He conducted a meeting with all of his generals and advisers to figure out a solution to this new threat.
“Your Majesty,” said one adviser, “I suggest we put more security in the Gardan Fortress.”
“And then what?” asked Galeo. “That amethyst creature will just get through them again.”
One of the generals spoke up, “Your Majesty, I think I have the answer to our dilemma.”
The Gardites listened as the General told them his plot. They praised him for how brilliant it was. Even Emperor Galeo couldn’t hide how pleased he was with this idea.
Galeo grinned. “This is pure genius.”
Together, the sneaky and cunning aliens worked on their strategy to protect their precious meteor. What they were scheming was something that no one, not even Commander Kayla, would see coming.
Back on planet Beno, Amanda was informing the Benad soldiers about the Gardites’ scheme to conquer the universe. This made it even clearer that they had to be stopped.
During the meeting, Silsha burst through the door. “I think I’ve found out how we can get rid of the Gardites for good.” She went on, “My research has shown that there is, in fact, one weapon that even the Gardan Meteor can’t withstand.”
“Really? What is it?” asked Amanda.
“The only way to destroy the core is with an atomic bomb.”
“That’s great news!” exclaimed Commander Kayla. She looked a bit concerned. “But where are we going to get that kind of technology on Beno?”
Silsha replied, “Well, I believe you can find nuclear weapons on Earth.”
“Perfect!” exclaimed Sonia. “Amethyst can get one and bring it here.”
“Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Wait a minute!” Amanda exclaimed. “I don’t have that kind of authority. Only the president can use a nuclear weapon.”
Everyone was quiet. All eyes were on Commander Kayla.
She broke the silence. “Amethyst, this is the only chance we have of saving our planet. Please, will you ask your leader for a nuclear weapon?”
At that point, Amanda didn’t know what to answer. Will the president even speak to me? She wondered. I could be taken for a threat.
Despite her misgivings, Amanda knew in her heart that it was the right thing to do. She agreed to go to the President. No matter what the cost, she was going to do all within her power to save the universe.
On Earth, Amanda was telling Renee all about her adventure in space. “So that’s why I have to speak with the president.”
“They want you to do what?” asked Renee. “Amanda you can’t just walk up to the president and ask for a nuclear weapon.”
“I know it sounds crazy,” said Amanda. “But I have to try. Those aliens are counting on me.”
“Well, ok. I just hope for your sake that the president is in a good mood.”
At the White House, Amanda met with U.S. President Shaun Samuels. He was thrilled to accommodate the hero of Washington. At least he was until he learned what she wanted.
“No! Absolutely not!” exclaimed President Samuels. “Why would I give one of our most powerful weapons to the ones who tried to invade us?”
“But that’s just it,” answered Amanda. “The Benads weren’t attacking us. They were just trying to find relief from their enemies.”
“I feel for them,” answered the president. “But my duty is to protect this country and this world. As harsh as this may sound, I have no obligation to the Benads.”
“Mr. President,” said Amanda, “the day we thought Washington was being overrun, I saw one of the Benads save a little girl from getting run over.” She continued, “Now according to your reasoning, that alien had no obligation to that girl, but she saved her simply because she was alive.”
President Samuels was silent.
“That’s not all,” said Amanda. “The Gardites won’t stop with Beno. If we don’t take care of them, they will annex the Earth as well.”
The president yielded. “Alright, I’ll give you the bomb. But you must be there when the Benads launch it, and you make sure that they use it only on the Gardites. Is that clear?”
“Yes, Sir,” said Amanda.
Arrangements were made for the Benads to bring the nuclear weapon back to their planet. Amanda supervised the whole operation, keeping her promise to the President.
Sonia was observing the Gardan Meteor when she noticed something wasn’t right. “Wait!” she exclaimed. “It’s not properly aimed at the core. The bomb will have no effect.”
“How is that possible?” asked Commander Kayla. “I plotted the coordinates perfectly.”
Silsha took a look at the screen. “I can’t believe it! The Gardites placed some kind of decoy for the core on the other side of the Gardan Meteor.”
“It’s too late!” cried Sonia. “We already launched it. There’s no way to change its course now.”
Commander Kayla was frantic. “What are we going to do? We’ll never get another weapon that powerful again.” She took a deep breath. “I guess we failed.”
“No way!” Amanda exclaimed. She wasn’t about to accept defeat. “I’m taking the bomb there myself.”
Without missing a beat, she grabbed the atomic bomb just as it was about to be fired off. Amanda flew at the speed of light to the Gardan Meteor. With all her strength, she thrust the explosive toward the core of the rock just in time. Boom! The force of the explosion sent her flying.
When Emperor Galeo saw the Gardan Meteor in flames, he was infuriated. “Who is responsible for this?” He spotted Amanda nearby. “You did this. You destroyed my kingdom!” In his rage, he moved to strike her.
Amanda caught his fist. “I don’t think so.” The heroine captured the Emperor and brought him back to Beno as prisoner.
Upon returning to planet Beno, Amanda was greeted by the joyful cheers of the Benads. No doubt, they regarded her as a hero to their planet.
While she enjoyed her hero’s welcome, what truly made her happy was the knowledge that she had helped save countless lives.
“You haven’t seen the last of me!” Galeo threatened. “I’ll be back, and I’ll have my--”
“Yeah, yeah, you’ll have your revenge,” Amanda mocked. “Yaddah, Yaddah, Yaddah. But right now, you’re going to jail.”
After putting the Gardite emperor in prison, the Benads went to express their gratitude to Amanda. Everyone agreed that no one fought harder for Beno than her.
“We can’t tell you how grateful we are to you Amethyst,” said Commander Kayla. “You gave up so much to save a people who aren’t even your own species.”
“Just doing my job,” answered Amanda. “All life is precious, no matter what species they are.”
The Commander had an idea. “Amethyst, would you like to join the Benad Troops? You’d make a valuable asset.”
Sonia chimed in, “You’d get one of those pretty necklaces if you join us.”
Amanda declined. “Thank you, but I belong on Earth.”
“Well,” said Kayla, “Your world should be grateful to have you.”
Amanda was about to reenter Earth’s atmosphere when she paused to behold the planet she called home. Yup. You’re still the most magnificent one of them all.
One evening, while Amanda was doing some research for work, she heard a knock on her door. Who could that be at this hour?
She answered it and found a box on her porch. Inside was a beautiful amethyst necklace, just like the one she had seen on Sonia. There may not have been any note telling who sent it but Amanda knew who it was from.
Smiling at the Benads’ token of appreciation, she took the necklace inside and prepared for another day of saving the world.
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05/22/2019That was a really cool female superhero space galaxy sci-fi adventure story, Francesca! I really enjoyed reading it and the action kept me at the edge of my seat from beginning to end. Your heroine was a great cross between superman and wonder woman. I'll bet she has a lot more adventures yet to come! Thanks for sharing your fun short story on Storystar! :-)
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Francesca ylaya
12/27/2019Hi Jd! I know it's been a while, but I just wanted to ask. Does posting my stories mean that I lose first rights? Thanks in advance!