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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Teens
- Theme: Science Fiction
- Subject: Science / Science Fiction
- Published: 05/23/2019
The Human Weapon
Born 2001, F, from Manila, Philippines.jpeg)
It was a dark and misty night at the Denzoan Research Center. DRC’s head scientist, Dr. Stan Russell, was working late on his newest experiment. He went over his formula. This is brilliant. “Eureka!” he exclaimed.
His apprentice, Dr. Jennifer Collins, walked in. “So how’s the experiment coming along?”
Dr. Russell replied, “After all these years, I finally did it.” He held up his research paper. “Fire up the machine.”
In the experiment room was a chamber called the “Life Capsule.” Inside laid a young woman that Dr. Russell had genetically engineered. Several tubes were stuck in her veins.
Dr. Russell took out a bottle labeled “Polemistis” and injected the fluid into the girl’s blood stream. Her eyes opened.
Dr. Russell grinned. “Hello, Charlotte.”
“I can’t believe it,” said Jennifer. “You’ve successfully designed a human being.”
Dr. Russell answered, “Those Cartrishans won’t know what hit them.”
“When do you plan to start her training?” asked Collins.
“As soon as possible.”
Bullets were flying as Charlotte practiced her shooting. She raised her gun. I got you now. She fired and missed her target. Oh man! I hope no one saw that.
“You call that a shot?” asked her mentor. “How do you expect to kill a Cartrishan?”
“I’m sorry,” said Charlotte. “I’ll get it the second time.”
“You’d better. No breaks until you get it right.”
Dr. Collins was watching. “You know you don’t have to be so hard on her. She hit most of her targets.”
“Excuse me?” asked the mentor. “I’m not being hard on her. I’m making sure she’ll be hard on her enemies.”
Dr. Collins rolled her eyes.
Jennifer was at Dr. Russell’s office. “Dr. Russell, I need to talk to you about Charlotte. I think her trainer is being too harsh on her.”
“How so?” asked Russell.
“Charlotte is doing very well in training but her instructor berates her for even the smallest mistake.”
“He’s right to do so,” said Russell. “If she’s going to complete her mission, there’s no room for error.”
“But I’m concerned for her emotional—“
“You read the history books,” said Dr. Russell. “You know how many Denzoanars died during the Cartrish Rebellion.”
Jennifer answered, “I know what this means to you but—“
“All that should matter to Charlotte is making the Cartrishans pay for the disgrace they brought to our country.”
Jennifer walked away thinking, Maybe they would’ve gone easier on you if you hadn’t made them your guinea pigs.
Dr. Russell was giving a speech at the DRC Conference. “My fellow scientists, I am about to show you my greatest masterpiece.” He had Charlotte stand in front of them. “This is Charlotte, the very first genetically engineered assassin.”
A Denzoanar agent in the audience asked, “How is she going to help us against the Cartrishans?”
Dr. Russell answered, “Charlotte’s very DNA has been penetrated by polemistis, that is, warrior serum. She was designed to kill.”
The crowd applauded.
“So a fluid is all it takes to be a spy these days?” asked the agent.
“It’s not just the serum. Charlotte has been trained harder than any agent in Denzoan.” Russell thought for a moment. “But if you really want to see what she can do, let’s have a match where she will fight four of our strongest soldiers.”
The agent replied, “I look forward to seeing that.”
After the conference, Jennifer went to speak to Dr. Russell. “Don’t you think we’re pushing it?” she asked. “After all, Charlotte is still human. This fight might be too much for her.”
“That’s the point,” said Russell. “If Charlotte is to reach her full potential, she must be placed in any situation she may face in the field.”
The day came for the big fight. Charlotte and the soldiers entered the arena. The bell rang, Cling! The match began.
Charlotte’s opponents came at her from all directions. Bam! She punched one of them right in the face. Another one tried to pin her but she kicked him in the leg. Still another one grabbed her from behind but, Bam! She head butt him and knocked him to the ground.
Not bad, Charlotte, she thought to herself.
Thinking she had won the brawl, Charlotte didn’t notice one of the men get up. He was getting ready to stab her from behind.
Turning around just in time, she held up her hand and, Slice! “Ah!” her hand dripped with blood.
“That’s enough!” exclaimed Dr. Collins. She ordered the soldiers to exit the arena.
“I guess Charlotte needs to undergo more training,” said the agent who challenged Dr. Russell. “She should’ve detected that soldier sooner.”
Russell said nothing.
“I should help her,” said Dr. Collins.
“Her hand will clot in no time,” said Russell. “I designed her skin to be stronger than the average human’s.”
“But she’s in pain.”
“It’s not my responsibility to baby her. I’m here to make sure she gets her job done.”
Charlotte was sitting in a corner with her whole arm shaking. Dr. Russell never told me getting cut would hurt this much.
Dr. Collins walked toward the injured girl. “It’s okay, Charlotte.”
“What do you want?” she asked.
“I’m not going to hurt you.” Dr. Collins helped Charlotte up. “Come on, I’m taking you back to my place to treat your wound.”
At her house, Dr. Collins was cleaning up Charlotte’s cut. “It should close soon—hopefully without a scar.”
Charlotte sat there staring as Jennifer mended her wound. “Thank you, Dr. Collins,” she said.
“You’re welcome. And you can call me Jennifer.” She wrapped Charlotte’s hand in a bandage.
“Dr. Collins… uh… I mean Jennifer, are the Cartrishans really evil?”
Jennifer paused. “Do you think they are?”
“Well, Dr. Russell says they are,” said Charlotte. “But I read in a book that the Denzoanars abused them.”
“Charlotte,” said Jennifer, “do you want to be an assassin?”
“That’s all I know how to be.”
Jennifer lightened the mood. “Hey, I have to finish my work. But why don’t you come over tomorrow? I’ll give you your first taste of spaghetti.”
Charlotte’s eyes brightened. “Ok.”
The next day, Charlotte was cleaning petri dishes at the lab. Assasin? More like janitor, she thought as she scrubbed the stains off.
Dr. Russell came in looking very concerned. “Charlotte, we need to talk.”
“Everything okay, Doc?” asked Charlotte.
“I have some good news and bad news,” he answered. “There are reports going around saying that a Cartrish spy has infiltrated DRC.”
“What? How’s that even possible?”
“I don’t know,” said Russell. “No one knows who it is but they suspect that this agent is posing as one of our own scientists.”
“What’s the good news?” asked Charlotte.
“The good news,” Russell answered, “is that you have an opportunity to show everyone what you can do. If you can eliminate this spy before the police do, everyone will acknowledge what a genius I am for designing you.” He handed her a gun. “You know what to do if you find this traitor.”
Charlotte swallowed hard. “Yes, Sir.”
After all the employees of DRC went home, Charlotte snuck into Dr. Russell’s office to look for information on her origin. She pulled out Russell’s written profile of her.
It read, “Experiment Charlotte’s incapability to feel emotion and her lack of conscience make her the perfect human weapon.”
It’s official, she thought to herself. I really am just being used.
While she was going through the file cabinet, Charlotte found a paper that contained information about what her first mission would be.
She read the file. This is low, even for Denzoanars. I should bring this up with Dr. Collins.
Charlotte remembered that Jennifer once studied her and wrote down her research. She made her way to Dr. Collin’s office and took out Jennifer’s report.
Jennifer had written, “Despite being designed to kill, Charlotte has shown that she not only has the ability to express emotion but can even distinguish between right and wrong.”
You think you know yourself, Charlotte thought. Everyone seems to know me better than I do.
Charlotte decided to visit Jennifer hoping to ask about what she said in her report. Maybe she knows what my true purpose is.
When she got to Dr. Collins’ house, no one answered the door. Finding it unlocked, Charlotte went in, assuming Jennifer didn’t hear her.
Entering the living room, she found Jennifer talking to someone on her laptop. Charlotte had never seen the person before.
“Agent Collins,” said the man on the computer. “You have to come back here right now. That’s an order.”
“I can’t leave now,” she answered. “Not after proving that Charlotte is capable of connecting with people.”
“Jennifer, you’re in danger.”
“They still don’t know that it’s me.” She tried to persuade the man. “Sir, I request permission to stay here and continue my research.”
“Fine,” he answered. “But if this goes south, you come straight back here. This agency can’t afford to lose you.”
“Jennifer?” Charlotte put it all together.
“Charlotte!” exclaimed Jennifer. “This… this isn’t what it looks like.”
“You’re the Cartrish spy.”
“Yes, I am but—“
“I can’t kill you,” said Charlotte. “I…I don’t want to kill you. Don’t let them make me kill you!”
Jennifer calmed her. “It’s ok. You don’t have to kill anyone.”
“But Dr. Russell told me to.”
“Forget everything Russell told you,” said Jennifer. “You can choose to do what’s right. Can you keep a secret for me?”
Charlotte nodded.
Working at the lab wasn’t the same for Charlotte. She went around looking over her shoulder. Come on, Charlotte, she told herself. You were raised to be a spy. Surely you can keep a secret.
As she went about doing her chores, Charlotte heard an announcement go through the whole building.
“Attention, DRC,” said the speaker. “The Cartrish spy has been identified.”
Charlotte’s heart almost came out of her mouth.
“She is Dr. Jennifer Collins.”
Charlotte bolted toward Jennifer’s office. “Dr. Collins, they know who you are. You have to get out of here.”
“I know.” Jennifer was packing some files into a backpack. “We need to get to my car in the parking lot.”
“What do you mean ‘we’?”
“Charlotte, if they find out that you let me escape, they will kill you.”
As they were running through the hall way, Dr. Russell jumped out of nowhere and tackled Jennifer. Charlotte took out her gun and pointed it at them.
“Shoot her!” yelled Dr. Russell.
Charlotte froze. I can’t kill Jennifer. But I can’t kill Stan either. Bang! She shot Dr. Russell in the leg.
“What’s wrong with you?” Dr. Russell clasped his injured leg. “Oh, I get it. Are you two friends now?”
“Charlotte, let’s go,” said Jennifer.
“Go ahead, Charlotte,” said Dr. Russell. “But remember, no one will ever trust you. You will always be a monster.”
Jennifer tugged at Charlotte’s arm. “Come on.”
They made it to the parking lot and climbed into Jennifer’s car. The Denzoanar police started shooting at them. Jennifer stepped on the gas and crashed through the gate.
“I’ve never been behind the wheel before,” said Charlotte, “but I’m pretty sure you’re doing it wrong.”
“You try driving with bullets flying at you,” answered Jennifer.
“Why didn’t you say something?” asked Charlotte. “I’ll get them off our tail.” Sticking her head out of the window, she fired her gun and blew up the cop cars. Boom!
“I think we lost them,” said Jennifer.
“Wow!” exclaimed Charlotte. “That was awesome! Could you teach me how to drive?”
“How about we wait until we’re in a less stressful environment?” answered Jennifer.
Charlotte remembered something important. “Dr. Collins, there’s something I need to tell you. It’s about my first mission—“
“Hold that thought,” said Jennifer. “We’re running low on gas.” She drove to nearest gas station.
“Where do we go now?” asked Charlotte.
“To Cartrisha.”
As they were driving, Charlotte looked out the window, watching the road. “So who are you working for?” she asked.
“I work for the CDA, the Cartrish Defense Agency,” Jennifer answered. “They sent me to find out how the Denzoanars plan to attack us.”
Jennifer drove up to the front of a house. “We’ll stop here for the night.”
“Wait,” said Charlotte. “I thought we were going to Cartrisha.”
“We are but we’re going to meet with two members of my team.” Jennifer knocked on the door. “Hey, Alfred, it’s me.”
A man opened it. “Jennifer, we were starting to get worried.” He looked over at Charlotte. “Who’s this?”
“This is Charlotte, the one I told you about.”
“She’s not coming in here.”
“It’s ok,” said Jennifer. “She’s with me.”
Inside, another agent came to greet Jennifer. “Good to see you in one piece, Agent Collins.”
“Good to see you too, Gladys,” answered Jennifer.
As the girls were chatting, Alfred walked in. “Jennifer, may I speak with you for a moment?”
Charlotte sat in the living room while the three agents talked. Somehow she knew she was the topic of their conversation. She never meant to eavesdrop, but she overheard what they were saying.
“What were you thinking bringing her here?” asked Alfred. “She was raised to kill people like us.”
“Alfred, that’s exactly why I stayed,” replied Jennifer. “I’ve discovered that Charlotte’s way of thinking can be altered.”
“Are you sure we can trust her?” asked Gladys.
“Yes,” answered Jennifer. “You didn’t see what I saw.”
Charlotte went to bed with everything she heard swirling in her head. Maybe Dr. Russell was right. Perhaps it was a mistake to leave Denzoan. I guess I don’t belong anywhere.
Jennifer gave Charlotte an early wake up call. “Get up sleepy head. There’s a place I want to take you to.”
Charlotte was still groggy. “Where are we going?”
“We’re going to the petting zoo,” said Jennifer. “This will help you embrace your humanity.”
“Why would I want to go see a bunch of smelly animals?” Charlotte asked.
“Because it’s fun.”
“What’s fun?”
“Come with me and you’ll find out.”
At the petting zoo, Jennifer brought Charlotte to the donkey exhibit. She handed Charlotte some straw. “Here, go ahead and feed him.”
“I don’t want to,” said Charlotte. She had never seen an animal up close before.
“He won’t hurt you,” Jennifer reassured. “Just watch how I do it.” She gave him the food.
The donkey sneezed in Jennifer’s face.
“Hey, you were right,” said Charlotte. “This is fun.”
“You certainly got Stan’s sense of humor,” Jennifer answered.
“So this is what fun is?” asked Charlotte.
“You got it,” said Jennifer.
That night, Charlotte had trouble sleeping. She went up to the balcony and gazed at the night sky.
Jennifer came looking for her. “Hey, you still up?”
“Yeah,” answered Charlotte. “I’m just a little confused.”
“About what?”
“Myself and what I was made for.” Charlotte stared into space. “What if Dr. Russell was right? What if I am just a monster?”
“You know,” said Jennifer. “Sometimes people tell us who they want us to be but most of the time, they don’t really know who we are.”
“You and Dr. Russell know more about me than I do.”
“Charlotte, it doesn’t matter what we say. What do you think of yourself?”
“I think you were right about me having a conscience. But I’m not ready to call myself human just yet.”
“Well then,” said Jennifer, “let’s just say you’re the one who saved my life.”
Charlotte grinned.
Jennifer yawned. “I think I’ll go back to bed now.”
“Hey, Jennifer?”
“Could we go back to the petting zoo some time?”
Jennifer smiled. “Sure thing, Charlotte. Sure thing.”
Early the next day, Charlotte, Jennifer, and the other agents were packing for the journey to Cartrisha. The plan was to meet with the director of the Cartrish Defense Agency.
“This is just great!” exclaimed Gladys. “We don’t have enough food for our trip.”
“That’s ok,” said Jennifer. “Charlotte and I will go into town and buy some.”
As the girls headed to the car, Jennifer noticed that Charlotte wasn’t herself. “You ok, Charlotte?”
She answered, “I’ve been keeping something from you that I think you should know.”
“What is it?”
Just then, bullets flew towards them. It was Dr. Russell and the group of soldiers Charlotte fought with. The four of them grabbed Charlotte while Dr. Russell watched. Jennifer tried to stop them. But while she was struggling to rescue Charlotte, Bang! Dr. Russell shot her.
“Jennifer!” Charlotte went wild fighting to break free but the men overpowered her.
As she was being dragged away, Alfred and Gladys came out of the house. They fired at the getaway car but it was no use. The Denzoanars got away.
Back at the DRC facility, Dr. Russell and his men tied Charlotte to a chair and locked her in a room.
What are they going to do to me? Charlotte wondered. She knew better than anyone what the Denzoanars were capable of.
“Welcome back Charlotte,” said Dr. Russell. “We’ve missed you.”
“Let me go!” Charlotte struggled to get out of her restraints. “You shot Jennifer.”
“I designed you to be a killer,” said Dr. Russell. “It seems like you’ve forgotten who you are.” He opened the door and let in the soldier who cut Charlotte’s hand. Russell left them alone.
“Remember me?” the soldier asked. He untied Charlotte and placed a knife in her hand. “Come on,” he said. “Awaken the killer instinct in you.”
“I am not going to play your sick game,” Charlotte answered.
“Don’t test my patience,” he threatened. “I can do a lot worse than what I did to your hand.”
What am I going to do? Charlotte asked herself. I can’t go back to being an assassin. But there was no escaping if she didn’t do as she was told.
She had an idea. “How about we make a deal?” she asked. “Dr. Collins told me many secrets that could be of great use to you.”
“I’m listening,” said the soldier.
“If you say I played along, I’ll tell you everything I know and you’ll get the credit.”
“Deal. Tell me everything.”
“First,” said Charlotte, “I’m going to show you Cartrisha’s latest weapon.” She reached into her pocket. The soldier came closer. Bam! Charlotte knocked him out.
She burst through the door and ran through the hall way. Dr. Russell caught her but she slammed him against the wall.
“I am done being your experiment Stan!”
“You really are faulty,” replied the mad scientist. “You can’t even kill.”
“I can. But I’m strong enough not to.” Charlotte threw him on the floor and ran toward the nearest exit.
Sure enough, Dr. Russell sent the Denzoanar police after her. Bang! Bang! They shot at her as she ran out the gate of the building. Charlotte evaded the bullets and, just like the first time, managed to get away.
Now that Charlotte was finally out of Dr. Russell’s grasp, all she could think of was Jennifer. I have to get to Cartrisha.
After a tiring journey, Charlotte made it to CDA Head Quarters. It was a huge building with high fences and heavy security.
How am I supposed to get inside? She surveyed the area. No way am I getting through unnoticed. Holding her hands behind her head, she showed herself to the guards.
“Identify yourself!” they demanded.
“My name is Charlotte. I’m a friend of Agent Jennifer Collins.”
“Can anyone verify that?” asked one of the guards.
Out of the corner of her eye, Charlotte noticed Alfred and Gladys standing by. “Alfred, Gladys,” she called to them. “Is Jennifer okay?”
“It’s okay,” Alfred said to the guards. “She’s with us.”
Charlotte was let in. “Where’s Jennifer?”
At the hospital, Jennifer was unconscious in the ICU. CDA Director Michael Roberts was looking after her.
“The gunshot sent her into a comma,” said Agent Gladys. “The doctors don’t know if she’ll wake up.”
“I told her to abort her mission,” said Director Roberts. He was the man Jennifer spoke to on the computer. “I should have never sent her to Denzoan.”
“It’s not your fault, Director,” said Agent Alfred. “When Collins has her mind set, there’s no stopping her.”
Charlotte walked toward Jennifer’s bed. This is all my fault. Tears flowed down her face.
The Director whispered, “I thought she didn’t have emotions.”
“She’s changed, Sir,” answered Agent Gladys.
Charlotte was sleeping by Jennifer’s bedside, when a voice awakened her. “Charlotte?”
“What happened?” Jennifer asked, still a little dazed. “The last thing I remember was Stan capturing you.”
“I escaped.”
Gladys came in. “You’re awake!”
Alfred followed behind her. “Good to see you’re okay, Boss.”
“Likewise,” answered Jennifer. “Thanks for bringing me here.”
After Jennifer was discharged from the hospital, Charlotte went to see her at CDA Head Quarters. “You’ve got quite a place here,” said Charlotte as she walked into Jennifer’s office. “The way Stan talked about Cartrisha, I expected a more medieval look.”
“Stan doesn’t know everything,” Jennifer said with a smirk. “So what was it you wanted to talk about?”
Gladys burst in. “Jennifer! The Director needs us. It’s urgent.”
Dirtector Roberts showed his team some video footage of a man breaking in to Cartrisha’s main weapons bunker. “This was just a few minutes ago,” he explained.
“That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you,” said Charlotte. “This is the Denzoanar’s plan for revenge.”
“All of our most powerful weapons are there,” said Agent Gladys. “Who knows what the Denzoanars will do with them!”
“They’re gonna turn the world against you,” said Charlotte. “We need to stop them.”
“Wait a minute,” said Director Roberts. “You’re not coming with us.”
“Sir,” said Jennifer, “she could be an asset.”
Roberts argued, “For all we know, she’s in on this.”
“You wanna save your countrymen?” asked Charlotte.
Roberts was silent.
“’Cause if you do, you can’t afford to doubt me now.”
The Director nodded.
The CDA team rushed to the weapons bunker. It was quiet, too quiet. With their guns up, they kept their eyes peeled for the Denzoanar intruder.
Charlotte spotted him on the second floor near one of the missiles. Running up the stairs, she crashed into him. He throttled her, but she flipped him over. Jennifer followed and handcuffed the man.
When Charlotte saw his face, she recognized him as the same soldier that had cut her hand. “Not you again.”
“You’re too late,” he said. “I’ve already set it to launch. The world is gonna think you nuked an innocent country.”
“I can still stop it,” Charlotte said to Jennifer. “You take him down to the authorities. I’ll stay here and deactivate the bomb.”
Jennifer did so.
With only fifty seconds left on the missile’s counter, there was no time to lose. Charlotte hurried to find the bomb’s trigger. Where is that thing? Beads of sweat ran down her forehead.
Charlotte almost had a heart attack when she finally located the trigger. Heart pounding and hands shivering, she worked to dismantle it.
It felt like forever when, Click! The rocket was diffused, with ten seconds to spare.
A voice came in through Charlotte’s earpiece. “Charlotte?”
She answered, “The situation has been neutralized.”
Charlotte was applauded as she exited the bunker. In one afternoon, she went from being the odd man out to Cartrisha’s hero. No Longer did anyone doubt whose side she was on.
“You did it, Charlotte!” exclaimed Jennifer.
“It was nothing,” said Charlotte.
“It was everything,” said Director Roberts. “I’m sorry for not trusting you.”
“No need to apologize,” answered Charlotte.
The Director praised her, “In all my years of working at the CDA, I’ve never seen courage like what you’ve shown today. If there’s anything I can do to make it up to you, just say.”
“Well,” answered Charlotte, “thanks to Agent Collins, I can’t exactly be a Denzoanar agent anymore. But I wouldn’t mind working for you guys.”
“Consider it done.”
Saving Cartrisha from starting World War Three was just one of the adventures Charlotte had while at the CDA. She may not have become a Denzoanar assassin, but she still got to live her dream of being a spy. Only, instead of hunting people down, she helped save lives. For Charlotte, no job was ever more rewarding.
The Human Weapon(francesca ylaya)
It was a dark and misty night at the Denzoan Research Center. DRC’s head scientist, Dr. Stan Russell, was working late on his newest experiment. He went over his formula. This is brilliant. “Eureka!” he exclaimed.
His apprentice, Dr. Jennifer Collins, walked in. “So how’s the experiment coming along?”
Dr. Russell replied, “After all these years, I finally did it.” He held up his research paper. “Fire up the machine.”
In the experiment room was a chamber called the “Life Capsule.” Inside laid a young woman that Dr. Russell had genetically engineered. Several tubes were stuck in her veins.
Dr. Russell took out a bottle labeled “Polemistis” and injected the fluid into the girl’s blood stream. Her eyes opened.
Dr. Russell grinned. “Hello, Charlotte.”
“I can’t believe it,” said Jennifer. “You’ve successfully designed a human being.”
Dr. Russell answered, “Those Cartrishans won’t know what hit them.”
“When do you plan to start her training?” asked Collins.
“As soon as possible.”
Bullets were flying as Charlotte practiced her shooting. She raised her gun. I got you now. She fired and missed her target. Oh man! I hope no one saw that.
“You call that a shot?” asked her mentor. “How do you expect to kill a Cartrishan?”
“I’m sorry,” said Charlotte. “I’ll get it the second time.”
“You’d better. No breaks until you get it right.”
Dr. Collins was watching. “You know you don’t have to be so hard on her. She hit most of her targets.”
“Excuse me?” asked the mentor. “I’m not being hard on her. I’m making sure she’ll be hard on her enemies.”
Dr. Collins rolled her eyes.
Jennifer was at Dr. Russell’s office. “Dr. Russell, I need to talk to you about Charlotte. I think her trainer is being too harsh on her.”
“How so?” asked Russell.
“Charlotte is doing very well in training but her instructor berates her for even the smallest mistake.”
“He’s right to do so,” said Russell. “If she’s going to complete her mission, there’s no room for error.”
“But I’m concerned for her emotional—“
“You read the history books,” said Dr. Russell. “You know how many Denzoanars died during the Cartrish Rebellion.”
Jennifer answered, “I know what this means to you but—“
“All that should matter to Charlotte is making the Cartrishans pay for the disgrace they brought to our country.”
Jennifer walked away thinking, Maybe they would’ve gone easier on you if you hadn’t made them your guinea pigs.
Dr. Russell was giving a speech at the DRC Conference. “My fellow scientists, I am about to show you my greatest masterpiece.” He had Charlotte stand in front of them. “This is Charlotte, the very first genetically engineered assassin.”
A Denzoanar agent in the audience asked, “How is she going to help us against the Cartrishans?”
Dr. Russell answered, “Charlotte’s very DNA has been penetrated by polemistis, that is, warrior serum. She was designed to kill.”
The crowd applauded.
“So a fluid is all it takes to be a spy these days?” asked the agent.
“It’s not just the serum. Charlotte has been trained harder than any agent in Denzoan.” Russell thought for a moment. “But if you really want to see what she can do, let’s have a match where she will fight four of our strongest soldiers.”
The agent replied, “I look forward to seeing that.”
After the conference, Jennifer went to speak to Dr. Russell. “Don’t you think we’re pushing it?” she asked. “After all, Charlotte is still human. This fight might be too much for her.”
“That’s the point,” said Russell. “If Charlotte is to reach her full potential, she must be placed in any situation she may face in the field.”
The day came for the big fight. Charlotte and the soldiers entered the arena. The bell rang, Cling! The match began.
Charlotte’s opponents came at her from all directions. Bam! She punched one of them right in the face. Another one tried to pin her but she kicked him in the leg. Still another one grabbed her from behind but, Bam! She head butt him and knocked him to the ground.
Not bad, Charlotte, she thought to herself.
Thinking she had won the brawl, Charlotte didn’t notice one of the men get up. He was getting ready to stab her from behind.
Turning around just in time, she held up her hand and, Slice! “Ah!” her hand dripped with blood.
“That’s enough!” exclaimed Dr. Collins. She ordered the soldiers to exit the arena.
“I guess Charlotte needs to undergo more training,” said the agent who challenged Dr. Russell. “She should’ve detected that soldier sooner.”
Russell said nothing.
“I should help her,” said Dr. Collins.
“Her hand will clot in no time,” said Russell. “I designed her skin to be stronger than the average human’s.”
“But she’s in pain.”
“It’s not my responsibility to baby her. I’m here to make sure she gets her job done.”
Charlotte was sitting in a corner with her whole arm shaking. Dr. Russell never told me getting cut would hurt this much.
Dr. Collins walked toward the injured girl. “It’s okay, Charlotte.”
“What do you want?” she asked.
“I’m not going to hurt you.” Dr. Collins helped Charlotte up. “Come on, I’m taking you back to my place to treat your wound.”
At her house, Dr. Collins was cleaning up Charlotte’s cut. “It should close soon—hopefully without a scar.”
Charlotte sat there staring as Jennifer mended her wound. “Thank you, Dr. Collins,” she said.
“You’re welcome. And you can call me Jennifer.” She wrapped Charlotte’s hand in a bandage.
“Dr. Collins… uh… I mean Jennifer, are the Cartrishans really evil?”
Jennifer paused. “Do you think they are?”
“Well, Dr. Russell says they are,” said Charlotte. “But I read in a book that the Denzoanars abused them.”
“Charlotte,” said Jennifer, “do you want to be an assassin?”
“That’s all I know how to be.”
Jennifer lightened the mood. “Hey, I have to finish my work. But why don’t you come over tomorrow? I’ll give you your first taste of spaghetti.”
Charlotte’s eyes brightened. “Ok.”
The next day, Charlotte was cleaning petri dishes at the lab. Assasin? More like janitor, she thought as she scrubbed the stains off.
Dr. Russell came in looking very concerned. “Charlotte, we need to talk.”
“Everything okay, Doc?” asked Charlotte.
“I have some good news and bad news,” he answered. “There are reports going around saying that a Cartrish spy has infiltrated DRC.”
“What? How’s that even possible?”
“I don’t know,” said Russell. “No one knows who it is but they suspect that this agent is posing as one of our own scientists.”
“What’s the good news?” asked Charlotte.
“The good news,” Russell answered, “is that you have an opportunity to show everyone what you can do. If you can eliminate this spy before the police do, everyone will acknowledge what a genius I am for designing you.” He handed her a gun. “You know what to do if you find this traitor.”
Charlotte swallowed hard. “Yes, Sir.”
After all the employees of DRC went home, Charlotte snuck into Dr. Russell’s office to look for information on her origin. She pulled out Russell’s written profile of her.
It read, “Experiment Charlotte’s incapability to feel emotion and her lack of conscience make her the perfect human weapon.”
It’s official, she thought to herself. I really am just being used.
While she was going through the file cabinet, Charlotte found a paper that contained information about what her first mission would be.
She read the file. This is low, even for Denzoanars. I should bring this up with Dr. Collins.
Charlotte remembered that Jennifer once studied her and wrote down her research. She made her way to Dr. Collin’s office and took out Jennifer’s report.
Jennifer had written, “Despite being designed to kill, Charlotte has shown that she not only has the ability to express emotion but can even distinguish between right and wrong.”
You think you know yourself, Charlotte thought. Everyone seems to know me better than I do.
Charlotte decided to visit Jennifer hoping to ask about what she said in her report. Maybe she knows what my true purpose is.
When she got to Dr. Collins’ house, no one answered the door. Finding it unlocked, Charlotte went in, assuming Jennifer didn’t hear her.
Entering the living room, she found Jennifer talking to someone on her laptop. Charlotte had never seen the person before.
“Agent Collins,” said the man on the computer. “You have to come back here right now. That’s an order.”
“I can’t leave now,” she answered. “Not after proving that Charlotte is capable of connecting with people.”
“Jennifer, you’re in danger.”
“They still don’t know that it’s me.” She tried to persuade the man. “Sir, I request permission to stay here and continue my research.”
“Fine,” he answered. “But if this goes south, you come straight back here. This agency can’t afford to lose you.”
“Jennifer?” Charlotte put it all together.
“Charlotte!” exclaimed Jennifer. “This… this isn’t what it looks like.”
“You’re the Cartrish spy.”
“Yes, I am but—“
“I can’t kill you,” said Charlotte. “I…I don’t want to kill you. Don’t let them make me kill you!”
Jennifer calmed her. “It’s ok. You don’t have to kill anyone.”
“But Dr. Russell told me to.”
“Forget everything Russell told you,” said Jennifer. “You can choose to do what’s right. Can you keep a secret for me?”
Charlotte nodded.
Working at the lab wasn’t the same for Charlotte. She went around looking over her shoulder. Come on, Charlotte, she told herself. You were raised to be a spy. Surely you can keep a secret.
As she went about doing her chores, Charlotte heard an announcement go through the whole building.
“Attention, DRC,” said the speaker. “The Cartrish spy has been identified.”
Charlotte’s heart almost came out of her mouth.
“She is Dr. Jennifer Collins.”
Charlotte bolted toward Jennifer’s office. “Dr. Collins, they know who you are. You have to get out of here.”
“I know.” Jennifer was packing some files into a backpack. “We need to get to my car in the parking lot.”
“What do you mean ‘we’?”
“Charlotte, if they find out that you let me escape, they will kill you.”
As they were running through the hall way, Dr. Russell jumped out of nowhere and tackled Jennifer. Charlotte took out her gun and pointed it at them.
“Shoot her!” yelled Dr. Russell.
Charlotte froze. I can’t kill Jennifer. But I can’t kill Stan either. Bang! She shot Dr. Russell in the leg.
“What’s wrong with you?” Dr. Russell clasped his injured leg. “Oh, I get it. Are you two friends now?”
“Charlotte, let’s go,” said Jennifer.
“Go ahead, Charlotte,” said Dr. Russell. “But remember, no one will ever trust you. You will always be a monster.”
Jennifer tugged at Charlotte’s arm. “Come on.”
They made it to the parking lot and climbed into Jennifer’s car. The Denzoanar police started shooting at them. Jennifer stepped on the gas and crashed through the gate.
“I’ve never been behind the wheel before,” said Charlotte, “but I’m pretty sure you’re doing it wrong.”
“You try driving with bullets flying at you,” answered Jennifer.
“Why didn’t you say something?” asked Charlotte. “I’ll get them off our tail.” Sticking her head out of the window, she fired her gun and blew up the cop cars. Boom!
“I think we lost them,” said Jennifer.
“Wow!” exclaimed Charlotte. “That was awesome! Could you teach me how to drive?”
“How about we wait until we’re in a less stressful environment?” answered Jennifer.
Charlotte remembered something important. “Dr. Collins, there’s something I need to tell you. It’s about my first mission—“
“Hold that thought,” said Jennifer. “We’re running low on gas.” She drove to nearest gas station.
“Where do we go now?” asked Charlotte.
“To Cartrisha.”
As they were driving, Charlotte looked out the window, watching the road. “So who are you working for?” she asked.
“I work for the CDA, the Cartrish Defense Agency,” Jennifer answered. “They sent me to find out how the Denzoanars plan to attack us.”
Jennifer drove up to the front of a house. “We’ll stop here for the night.”
“Wait,” said Charlotte. “I thought we were going to Cartrisha.”
“We are but we’re going to meet with two members of my team.” Jennifer knocked on the door. “Hey, Alfred, it’s me.”
A man opened it. “Jennifer, we were starting to get worried.” He looked over at Charlotte. “Who’s this?”
“This is Charlotte, the one I told you about.”
“She’s not coming in here.”
“It’s ok,” said Jennifer. “She’s with me.”
Inside, another agent came to greet Jennifer. “Good to see you in one piece, Agent Collins.”
“Good to see you too, Gladys,” answered Jennifer.
As the girls were chatting, Alfred walked in. “Jennifer, may I speak with you for a moment?”
Charlotte sat in the living room while the three agents talked. Somehow she knew she was the topic of their conversation. She never meant to eavesdrop, but she overheard what they were saying.
“What were you thinking bringing her here?” asked Alfred. “She was raised to kill people like us.”
“Alfred, that’s exactly why I stayed,” replied Jennifer. “I’ve discovered that Charlotte’s way of thinking can be altered.”
“Are you sure we can trust her?” asked Gladys.
“Yes,” answered Jennifer. “You didn’t see what I saw.”
Charlotte went to bed with everything she heard swirling in her head. Maybe Dr. Russell was right. Perhaps it was a mistake to leave Denzoan. I guess I don’t belong anywhere.
Jennifer gave Charlotte an early wake up call. “Get up sleepy head. There’s a place I want to take you to.”
Charlotte was still groggy. “Where are we going?”
“We’re going to the petting zoo,” said Jennifer. “This will help you embrace your humanity.”
“Why would I want to go see a bunch of smelly animals?” Charlotte asked.
“Because it’s fun.”
“What’s fun?”
“Come with me and you’ll find out.”
At the petting zoo, Jennifer brought Charlotte to the donkey exhibit. She handed Charlotte some straw. “Here, go ahead and feed him.”
“I don’t want to,” said Charlotte. She had never seen an animal up close before.
“He won’t hurt you,” Jennifer reassured. “Just watch how I do it.” She gave him the food.
The donkey sneezed in Jennifer’s face.
“Hey, you were right,” said Charlotte. “This is fun.”
“You certainly got Stan’s sense of humor,” Jennifer answered.
“So this is what fun is?” asked Charlotte.
“You got it,” said Jennifer.
That night, Charlotte had trouble sleeping. She went up to the balcony and gazed at the night sky.
Jennifer came looking for her. “Hey, you still up?”
“Yeah,” answered Charlotte. “I’m just a little confused.”
“About what?”
“Myself and what I was made for.” Charlotte stared into space. “What if Dr. Russell was right? What if I am just a monster?”
“You know,” said Jennifer. “Sometimes people tell us who they want us to be but most of the time, they don’t really know who we are.”
“You and Dr. Russell know more about me than I do.”
“Charlotte, it doesn’t matter what we say. What do you think of yourself?”
“I think you were right about me having a conscience. But I’m not ready to call myself human just yet.”
“Well then,” said Jennifer, “let’s just say you’re the one who saved my life.”
Charlotte grinned.
Jennifer yawned. “I think I’ll go back to bed now.”
“Hey, Jennifer?”
“Could we go back to the petting zoo some time?”
Jennifer smiled. “Sure thing, Charlotte. Sure thing.”
Early the next day, Charlotte, Jennifer, and the other agents were packing for the journey to Cartrisha. The plan was to meet with the director of the Cartrish Defense Agency.
“This is just great!” exclaimed Gladys. “We don’t have enough food for our trip.”
“That’s ok,” said Jennifer. “Charlotte and I will go into town and buy some.”
As the girls headed to the car, Jennifer noticed that Charlotte wasn’t herself. “You ok, Charlotte?”
She answered, “I’ve been keeping something from you that I think you should know.”
“What is it?”
Just then, bullets flew towards them. It was Dr. Russell and the group of soldiers Charlotte fought with. The four of them grabbed Charlotte while Dr. Russell watched. Jennifer tried to stop them. But while she was struggling to rescue Charlotte, Bang! Dr. Russell shot her.
“Jennifer!” Charlotte went wild fighting to break free but the men overpowered her.
As she was being dragged away, Alfred and Gladys came out of the house. They fired at the getaway car but it was no use. The Denzoanars got away.
Back at the DRC facility, Dr. Russell and his men tied Charlotte to a chair and locked her in a room.
What are they going to do to me? Charlotte wondered. She knew better than anyone what the Denzoanars were capable of.
“Welcome back Charlotte,” said Dr. Russell. “We’ve missed you.”
“Let me go!” Charlotte struggled to get out of her restraints. “You shot Jennifer.”
“I designed you to be a killer,” said Dr. Russell. “It seems like you’ve forgotten who you are.” He opened the door and let in the soldier who cut Charlotte’s hand. Russell left them alone.
“Remember me?” the soldier asked. He untied Charlotte and placed a knife in her hand. “Come on,” he said. “Awaken the killer instinct in you.”
“I am not going to play your sick game,” Charlotte answered.
“Don’t test my patience,” he threatened. “I can do a lot worse than what I did to your hand.”
What am I going to do? Charlotte asked herself. I can’t go back to being an assassin. But there was no escaping if she didn’t do as she was told.
She had an idea. “How about we make a deal?” she asked. “Dr. Collins told me many secrets that could be of great use to you.”
“I’m listening,” said the soldier.
“If you say I played along, I’ll tell you everything I know and you’ll get the credit.”
“Deal. Tell me everything.”
“First,” said Charlotte, “I’m going to show you Cartrisha’s latest weapon.” She reached into her pocket. The soldier came closer. Bam! Charlotte knocked him out.
She burst through the door and ran through the hall way. Dr. Russell caught her but she slammed him against the wall.
“I am done being your experiment Stan!”
“You really are faulty,” replied the mad scientist. “You can’t even kill.”
“I can. But I’m strong enough not to.” Charlotte threw him on the floor and ran toward the nearest exit.
Sure enough, Dr. Russell sent the Denzoanar police after her. Bang! Bang! They shot at her as she ran out the gate of the building. Charlotte evaded the bullets and, just like the first time, managed to get away.
Now that Charlotte was finally out of Dr. Russell’s grasp, all she could think of was Jennifer. I have to get to Cartrisha.
After a tiring journey, Charlotte made it to CDA Head Quarters. It was a huge building with high fences and heavy security.
How am I supposed to get inside? She surveyed the area. No way am I getting through unnoticed. Holding her hands behind her head, she showed herself to the guards.
“Identify yourself!” they demanded.
“My name is Charlotte. I’m a friend of Agent Jennifer Collins.”
“Can anyone verify that?” asked one of the guards.
Out of the corner of her eye, Charlotte noticed Alfred and Gladys standing by. “Alfred, Gladys,” she called to them. “Is Jennifer okay?”
“It’s okay,” Alfred said to the guards. “She’s with us.”
Charlotte was let in. “Where’s Jennifer?”
At the hospital, Jennifer was unconscious in the ICU. CDA Director Michael Roberts was looking after her.
“The gunshot sent her into a comma,” said Agent Gladys. “The doctors don’t know if she’ll wake up.”
“I told her to abort her mission,” said Director Roberts. He was the man Jennifer spoke to on the computer. “I should have never sent her to Denzoan.”
“It’s not your fault, Director,” said Agent Alfred. “When Collins has her mind set, there’s no stopping her.”
Charlotte walked toward Jennifer’s bed. This is all my fault. Tears flowed down her face.
The Director whispered, “I thought she didn’t have emotions.”
“She’s changed, Sir,” answered Agent Gladys.
Charlotte was sleeping by Jennifer’s bedside, when a voice awakened her. “Charlotte?”
“What happened?” Jennifer asked, still a little dazed. “The last thing I remember was Stan capturing you.”
“I escaped.”
Gladys came in. “You’re awake!”
Alfred followed behind her. “Good to see you’re okay, Boss.”
“Likewise,” answered Jennifer. “Thanks for bringing me here.”
After Jennifer was discharged from the hospital, Charlotte went to see her at CDA Head Quarters. “You’ve got quite a place here,” said Charlotte as she walked into Jennifer’s office. “The way Stan talked about Cartrisha, I expected a more medieval look.”
“Stan doesn’t know everything,” Jennifer said with a smirk. “So what was it you wanted to talk about?”
Gladys burst in. “Jennifer! The Director needs us. It’s urgent.”
Dirtector Roberts showed his team some video footage of a man breaking in to Cartrisha’s main weapons bunker. “This was just a few minutes ago,” he explained.
“That’s what I’ve been trying to tell you,” said Charlotte. “This is the Denzoanar’s plan for revenge.”
“All of our most powerful weapons are there,” said Agent Gladys. “Who knows what the Denzoanars will do with them!”
“They’re gonna turn the world against you,” said Charlotte. “We need to stop them.”
“Wait a minute,” said Director Roberts. “You’re not coming with us.”
“Sir,” said Jennifer, “she could be an asset.”
Roberts argued, “For all we know, she’s in on this.”
“You wanna save your countrymen?” asked Charlotte.
Roberts was silent.
“’Cause if you do, you can’t afford to doubt me now.”
The Director nodded.
The CDA team rushed to the weapons bunker. It was quiet, too quiet. With their guns up, they kept their eyes peeled for the Denzoanar intruder.
Charlotte spotted him on the second floor near one of the missiles. Running up the stairs, she crashed into him. He throttled her, but she flipped him over. Jennifer followed and handcuffed the man.
When Charlotte saw his face, she recognized him as the same soldier that had cut her hand. “Not you again.”
“You’re too late,” he said. “I’ve already set it to launch. The world is gonna think you nuked an innocent country.”
“I can still stop it,” Charlotte said to Jennifer. “You take him down to the authorities. I’ll stay here and deactivate the bomb.”
Jennifer did so.
With only fifty seconds left on the missile’s counter, there was no time to lose. Charlotte hurried to find the bomb’s trigger. Where is that thing? Beads of sweat ran down her forehead.
Charlotte almost had a heart attack when she finally located the trigger. Heart pounding and hands shivering, she worked to dismantle it.
It felt like forever when, Click! The rocket was diffused, with ten seconds to spare.
A voice came in through Charlotte’s earpiece. “Charlotte?”
She answered, “The situation has been neutralized.”
Charlotte was applauded as she exited the bunker. In one afternoon, she went from being the odd man out to Cartrisha’s hero. No Longer did anyone doubt whose side she was on.
“You did it, Charlotte!” exclaimed Jennifer.
“It was nothing,” said Charlotte.
“It was everything,” said Director Roberts. “I’m sorry for not trusting you.”
“No need to apologize,” answered Charlotte.
The Director praised her, “In all my years of working at the CDA, I’ve never seen courage like what you’ve shown today. If there’s anything I can do to make it up to you, just say.”
“Well,” answered Charlotte, “thanks to Agent Collins, I can’t exactly be a Denzoanar agent anymore. But I wouldn’t mind working for you guys.”
“Consider it done.”
Saving Cartrisha from starting World War Three was just one of the adventures Charlotte had while at the CDA. She may not have become a Denzoanar assassin, but she still got to live her dream of being a spy. Only, instead of hunting people down, she helped save lives. For Charlotte, no job was ever more rewarding.
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08/27/2019I really enjoy your female driven sci-fi adventure stories, Francesca. This one was fun, but a bit confusing, because the reader could not really be sure of who the good guys or bad guys really were, and therefore which side 'Charlotte' should really be fighting for. After all, both sides could be using her to serve their own ends, and who knows whose 'ends' were justified. Even so, the story was well done and full of intrigue and action, so definitely a great read. Congratulations on having been selected as one of the Short Story STARS of the Week, and thank you for sharing your short story on Storystar! :-)
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Help Us Understand What's Happening
Francesca ylaya
08/27/2019Thank you, Jd for giving another one of my stories this honor. And thank you for the tip. I'll be sure to keep that in mind for future stories.