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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Teens
- Theme: Science Fiction
- Subject: Science / Science Fiction
- Published: 06/01/2019
Amanda Amethyst: The Altrasian Era
Born 2001, F, from Manila, PhilippinesOn planet Beno, Commander Kayla and the Benad troops were marching off to battle against a planet called Altra. The Altrasians had been laying siege to Beno for months and had finally invaded the mainland.
“Be on the lookout,” said Commander Kayla.
The Benads surveyed the area for any sign of their enemies.
“There they are!” cried Lieutenant Sonia.
“Benads, attack!” exclaimed the Commander.
The soldiers fired all weapons. The Altrasians began blasting them with weapons that emitted red rays of light. But instead of aiming for the Benads, they shot at their weapons. One of the beams hit Commander Kayla’s blaster, causing it to malfunction.
What’s going on? Kayla wondered. She checked the damage. “They’re power suckers!” she cried. “Shield your weapons!”
It was too late. Before the Benads knew what hit them, their blasters lost all power.
All was silent. The troops waited for the final blow.
Out of the smoke emerged Xavius, Emperor of Altra. He marched towards Commander Kayla. “Surrender,” he said.
“I don’t know what that word means,” answered the Commander.
Xavius grabbed her by the throat. “Then I will teach you.”
“Put her down!” Lieutenant Sonia pointed her blaster at him.
“And I thought Benads were supposed to be intelligent,” said Xavius. “You’re outnumbered. Your military is defenseless. What chance do you have against me?”
“Amethyst will stop you.”
“Sonia, don’t,” said Kayla.
Xavius dropped the Commander on the ground. “Ah, yes. Tell your hero that her time is over. We’ve entered a new age, the Altrasian era.”
Xavius gathered his army and returned to Altra.
Sonia helped Kayla up. “Commander, we need to call Amethyst.”
“No. Sonia, you saw what they did to our amethyst weapons. Imagine what they’ll do to her.”
“What should we do?” the Lieutenant asked.
“We must warn her.”
Down in Washington D.C., Amanda had made things much easier. Asides from having to stop some gangsters from vandalizing the park, there wasn’t much crime left. Life was pretty much back to normal.
Amanda was working at the dig sight, minding her own business when, out of nowhere, a large spaceship landed right in front of her.
Was that who she thought it was? Amanda watched as Commander Kayla and Sonia emerged from the ship.
“Hey, Amethyst,” greeted Sonia. “How’ve you been?”
“Long time no see, guys,” said Amanda. “Beno isn’t under attack again is it?”
“That’s not important,” said Kayla. “It’s you we’re worried about.”
“What do you mean?”
Commander Kayla told her everything. “Xavius will stop at nothing to conquer the universe.”
“And you want me to stay out of it?” asked Amanda.
“You weren’t there,” said Sonia. “If you’d seen what he did to our amethyst weapons, you’d know why we don’t want you getting into this.”
“Amethyst, please,” said Kayla. “The Altrasians haven’t taken Beno yet. We can still figure this out on our own.”
“Alright,” said Amanda. “But if you need me, don’t hesitate to call.”
That night, while Amanda was sleeping, she was awakened by the sound of something crashing into her backyard. Still a little dazed, she hurried outside to see what it was.
Embedded in the soil, was a metallic sphere about the size of a baseball. The foreign object turned out to be a hologram projector. When Amanda picked it up, a video of Commander Kayla and Sonia began to play.
“Amethyst, we need your help,” said Kayla. “The Altrasians captured us and are holding us on planet Altra.”
Without missing a beat, Amanda flew off to rescue her friends.
On planet Altra, Amanda found Sonia and Kayla bound and gagged inside a cave. “Don’t worry. I’ll have you out of here in no time.” She removed the gag from Kayla’s mouth.
The Commander screamed, “Amethyst, behind you!”
Amanda turned around to see an Altrasian about to shoot her. Bang! Amanda blasted the weapon out of his hand. Bam! She thrust him against the wall.
The alien called for backup and Amanda was surrounded. They pointed their power sucking rays at her. But Amethyst did a summer salt and shot them with her crystals from above. Bang! Bang!
The Altrasians realized they couldn’t win. “We’re no match for you. Take your friends and go.” They left the cave.
That was easier than I expected. Amanda finished setting Kayla and Sonia free and offered to escort them home.
Meanwhile, the Altrasians reported back to Emperor Xavius. “Your Majesty, we failed,” they said. “The stories are true. We can’t defeat her.”
“We didn’t fail,” answered Xavius. “We’ve found her weakness. She’ll do anything for the ones she cares about.” He grinned. “Gather the troops. It’s time to put our latest invention to use.”
On planet Beno, Silsha came to greet Sonia and Kayla. She hugged them. “I thought you guys were dead.”
“We would be if it wasn’t for Amethyst,” said Sonia.
Silsha turned around. “Amethyst!” She pulled Amanda into a bear hug.
“Good to see you too, Silsh.”
“Thanks for the help, Amethyst,” said Commander Kayla.
“Yeah,” Sonia chimed in. “It would’ve been over for us if you hadn’t shown up.”
“Anytime guys,” Amanda answered.
“Well since you’re here,” said Silsha, “why don’t you see what I’ve been up to?” She took Amanda on a tour of the lab and showcased all her new inventions.
While they were catching up, Sonia noticed that something was bothering Kayla. “What is it, Commander?”
“The Altrasians,” Kayla answered. “It’s not like them to give up so quickly.”
“Maybe they know what’s good for them,” said Sonia.
Just then, a Benad soldier burst in. “Commander, you have to come see this.”
The gang followed the soldier to the surveillance room. On the screen, they saw thousands of spaceships leaving Altra. It looked like they were preparing for an invasion.
“I’ve never seen so many ships leave a planet before,” said Sonia.
“They must be getting ready for war,” said Commander Kayla.
“But they’re not coming here,” said the Benad soldier.
“Where are they going?” asked Amanda.
They took a closer look and discovered that the Altrasians were heading for Earth.
“I’ve gotta get there before they do.” Amanda rushed back to Earth along with Sonia and Commander Kayla.
On Earth, Emperor Xavius and his army were in front of the Whitehouse, holding President Shaun Samuels as prisoner. The People looked on in horror waiting to see what he wanted.
Amanda arrived on the scene. “Why are you here, Xavius?”
“Why else?” the Emperor answered. “To meet the universe’s finest. In addition to that, I want complete control of this world.”
“That’s not happening,” said Amanda.
“I knew you would say that,” said Xavius. “Maybe this will change your mind.” He took out a hologram projector showing a giant ray pointed at Earth. “This is the Altrasian Death Ray. I can wipe out this entire planet with just one press of a button.”
Amanda was speechless. And I thought Galeo was bad.
The Emperor went on, “However, I gain nothing from all of you dying. So let’s make a deal.”
“Let me guess,” said Commander Kayla. “Surrender right?”
“That’s not all,” said Xavius. “I’ll spare the earth if Amethyst gives up her powers.”
“No way she’s doing that!” exclaimed Sonia.
“I don’t have a choice.” Amanda knew what had to be done. She walked up to Xavius. “Alright, I’ll do it, just don’t hurt these people.”
In front of everyone, Xavius stripped Amanda of her powers. “Well, why don’t you give a round of applause for your hero, Amethyst?”
Wanting to humiliate her even more, he told her, “Heroes should be honest. Why don’t you tell everyone your real name?”
Amanda took a deep breath and faced the crowd. “My name is Amanda Montenegro.”
The crowd gasped. Kayla and Sonia were especially surprised by this revelation.
Pleased with his victory, Xavius said, “As your new ruler, my first order of business is to ban the Benads from coming to Earth.”
Kayla and Sonia clenched their fists when they heard this.
Xavius added, “And if you ever come back here, that death ray will be pointed at Beno.”
“This isn’t over,” Kayla whispered to Amanda. “We’re coming back.”
Xavius and the Altrasians wasted no time in taking over. They enslaved the people and forced them to serve in the Altrasian army.
A few weeks after Xavius’ invasion, Amanda was training at the Altrasian boot camp. Just like the other humans, she was forced to fight until she was exhausted.
“Come on, put your back into it!” the Altrasian Commander yelled as Amanda did her twentieth push up.
“Can’t we stop?” Amanda panted. “My arms are gonna fall off.”
“Alright, you can sit down for ten minutes.”
While Amanda was resting, Renee joined her on the bench. “I’ve never exercised this hard in my life.”
“We can’t go on like this.” Amanda wiped the beads of sweat from her forehead. “I need to do something.”
“Amanda, you can’t,” said Renee. “Not without your powers. You could get yourself killed.”
After their short break, the Commander called Renee and Amanda into a room and had them stand facing each other. It was time for a special training session.
“We don’t need any weak humans in our ranks,” said the Commander. “In order to weed them out, the two of you will fight to the death.”
“What? You can’t be serious!” Amanda exclaimed. “I’m not gonna kill my best friend.” She looked the Commander in the eye. “You can take my powers, but you will not take my humanity.”
Angered at her stubbornness, the Commander ordered Amanda to be thrown in jail with the others who refused to follow his orders.
“You can’t keep me locked up!” Amanda screamed. “Xavius won’t be in charge forever.”
The guards locked her cell. “We’ll see about that when your hair turns gray and you’re still here.”
Amanda slumped herself on the floor. Overwhelmed by how helpless she felt, she began to cry herself to sleep.
At midnight, Amanda woke up to the sound of footsteps inside the prison. She caught sight of a shadowy figure knocking the guard unconscious.
Another figure took the keys from him and unlocked her cell. “Let’s go, Amethyst.”
Amanda realized it was Sonia and Kayla. The trio snuck out of the jail and ran into the Benad spaceship.
“What are you guys doing here?” Amanda asked. “If Xavius finds you, there’s no telling what he’ll do.”
“Relax, Amethyst,” said Commander Kayla. “We have a plan.”
“Amethyst,” said Silsha, “I think there’s a way for you to get your powers back.”
Amanda’s face brightened. “Really? You can do that?”
“If I can just produce fake lightning and blast you while you’re holding an amethyst crystal, your abilities should return.”
The Benad scientist worked for hours trying to replicate lightning. But the procedure turned out to be harder than she thought.
Amanda watched them from the corner. This is hopeless.
“You okay, Amethyst?” asked Commander Kayla.
“Not really. I’m just bummed about what happened. I’m not much of a hero without my strengths.”
“What are you talking about?” asked Kayla. “You giving up your powers to save your planet was the bravest thing I’ve ever seen.”
“Yeah, Amethyst,” said Sonia. “If you ask me, that was even more heroic than when you took out the Gardan Meteor.”
“You see,” said Kayla, “it doesn’t matter whether you’re Amanda or Amethyst. Xavius may have taken your powers, but he didn’t take the hero.”
“And besides,” said Silsha, “we will get your powers back. After all, I am the smartest scientist on Beno.”
“Don’t flatter yourself,” said Sonia.
Everybody laughed.
Amanda smiled. “Thanks, guys.”
Meanwhile, President Shaun Samuels went to speak with Emperor Xavius. “Greetings, your Majesty. Thank you for agreeing to see me.”
“This had better be important,” said Xavius. “I don’t usually entertain puny humans.”
Samuels began, “As the ruler of our planet, I think it’s only fair to let you know that the U.S. has an arsenal of nuclear weapons. You could make use of them should anyone try to go against you.”
“I’m listening,” said the Emperor. “Where are the rockets located?”
“I’ll take you there myself.”
Samuels brought the Emperor to a deserted jungle. What Xavius didn’t know was he had a secret strategy in mind.
After walking a few miles, Xavius suspected that the president was up to something. “So this is where the bunkers are?”
“Yes,” answered President Samuels. “We’re almost there.” He walked toward the trees. “Now!” he shouted.
Suddenly, bullets flew out of the bushes. The president’s army came out from hiding and attacked Xavius with all the fire power they had. But to their dismay, Xavius was unharmed.
“Is that what passes for an ambush?” the Altrasian asked.
He turned on the men and sent them flying. President Samuels watched helplessly as his men were picked off one by one.
Xavius seized the president and took him back to Washington. He brought Samuels to the top of a building and ordered a camera to be placed in front of them.
“Now everyone will see what happens when you rebel against Xavius.” He held President Samuels over the edge.
Amanda and the Benads were still struggling to make lightning when Xavius’ video feed played on one of their screens.
“That’s President Samuels,” said Amanda. “Xavius is gonna kill him! I have to do something.”
“But Amethyst,” said Silsha, “we still haven’t gotten your powers back.”
“I can’t just sit here and do nothing,” answered the heroine. “I know where that building is. You guys catch up when you’re done.” She left the spacecraft and rushed to save the president.
When Amanda arrived at the building, she found a crowbar in the supply closet. Desperate for anything she could use, she took it and ran up to the rooftop.
Amanda saw Xavius clutching Samuels by the throat. “Put the president down!”
“Or what?” asked the Emperor. “You’re gonna come at me with that?” He pointed to Amanda’s crowbar. “Alright, come and get me.”
Amanda lunged at Xavius but, Bam! He struck her in the face. She swung her crowbar at him but he threw her aside. Bang! He pulled her by her hair and slammed her onto the cement.
Xavius was closing in on Amanda. “Hah! You’re nothing without your powers.”
Just when Amanda thought it was over, she saw a spaceship hovering above her. It was the Benads.
Sonia opened the door. “Amethyst!” She threw a crystal at her.
Mustering all her strength, Amanda caught it.
“Now, Silsha!” Commander Kayla shouted.
Silsha blasted Amanda with the lightning. She screamed in pain. It stung even more than the first time.
“No!” cried Xavius.
Amanda stood to her feet. “It’s over for you, Xavius.”
She grabbed him and punched him. He fought back but she shot him with her amethysts. Bang! Bang! Finally, she lifted him up and threw him off the building.
Amanda went in front of the camera and said, “Attention, people of Earth. Emperor Xavius is down. Now is the time to defend ourselves. Everyone, fight for your planet!”
Emboldened by Amanda’s words, the people at the Altrasian training camps took up arms and waged war against their captors.
Commander Kayla summoned her soldiers. “Benads, Attack!”
At her command, the Benad troops launched an air strike against the Altrasian army.
For the first time in history, humans and aliens, soldiers and civilians, alike, joined forces to take back their world.
The battle was fierce. The Altrasians were a force to be reckoned with, but they discovered that humans weren’t as weak as they thought.
After hours of grueling combat, at last, the Altrasians were overpowered.
“We did it!” Sonia exclaimed.
“Not yet,” said Amanda. “We need to make sure nothing like this ever happens again.”
Amanda and the Benads flew to planet Altra to do away with Xavius’ most powerful weapon. Inside the Emperor’s palace, Amanda found the death ray and set it to destroy Altra.
The three of them hurried to escape before the bomb went off.
Amanda watched from the safety of the spaceship as Altra exploded. “Now it’s over.”
Back on Earth, a celebration was given for Amanda and the Benads. The heroines were awarded medals of bravery for rescuing the planet.
When the time came for Kayla and Sonia to return to Beno, Amanda and President Samuels bid them farewell.
“How can we ever thank you for all that you’ve done?” asked Amanda.
The Commander answered, “It’s the least we could do after you helped us save Beno.”
Kayla and Sonia rode the ship and returned home. Amanda waved goodbye, excited for their next adventure.
Amanda Amethyst: The Altrasian Era(francesca ylaya)
On planet Beno, Commander Kayla and the Benad troops were marching off to battle against a planet called Altra. The Altrasians had been laying siege to Beno for months and had finally invaded the mainland.
“Be on the lookout,” said Commander Kayla.
The Benads surveyed the area for any sign of their enemies.
“There they are!” cried Lieutenant Sonia.
“Benads, attack!” exclaimed the Commander.
The soldiers fired all weapons. The Altrasians began blasting them with weapons that emitted red rays of light. But instead of aiming for the Benads, they shot at their weapons. One of the beams hit Commander Kayla’s blaster, causing it to malfunction.
What’s going on? Kayla wondered. She checked the damage. “They’re power suckers!” she cried. “Shield your weapons!”
It was too late. Before the Benads knew what hit them, their blasters lost all power.
All was silent. The troops waited for the final blow.
Out of the smoke emerged Xavius, Emperor of Altra. He marched towards Commander Kayla. “Surrender,” he said.
“I don’t know what that word means,” answered the Commander.
Xavius grabbed her by the throat. “Then I will teach you.”
“Put her down!” Lieutenant Sonia pointed her blaster at him.
“And I thought Benads were supposed to be intelligent,” said Xavius. “You’re outnumbered. Your military is defenseless. What chance do you have against me?”
“Amethyst will stop you.”
“Sonia, don’t,” said Kayla.
Xavius dropped the Commander on the ground. “Ah, yes. Tell your hero that her time is over. We’ve entered a new age, the Altrasian era.”
Xavius gathered his army and returned to Altra.
Sonia helped Kayla up. “Commander, we need to call Amethyst.”
“No. Sonia, you saw what they did to our amethyst weapons. Imagine what they’ll do to her.”
“What should we do?” the Lieutenant asked.
“We must warn her.”
Down in Washington D.C., Amanda had made things much easier. Asides from having to stop some gangsters from vandalizing the park, there wasn’t much crime left. Life was pretty much back to normal.
Amanda was working at the dig sight, minding her own business when, out of nowhere, a large spaceship landed right in front of her.
Was that who she thought it was? Amanda watched as Commander Kayla and Sonia emerged from the ship.
“Hey, Amethyst,” greeted Sonia. “How’ve you been?”
“Long time no see, guys,” said Amanda. “Beno isn’t under attack again is it?”
“That’s not important,” said Kayla. “It’s you we’re worried about.”
“What do you mean?”
Commander Kayla told her everything. “Xavius will stop at nothing to conquer the universe.”
“And you want me to stay out of it?” asked Amanda.
“You weren’t there,” said Sonia. “If you’d seen what he did to our amethyst weapons, you’d know why we don’t want you getting into this.”
“Amethyst, please,” said Kayla. “The Altrasians haven’t taken Beno yet. We can still figure this out on our own.”
“Alright,” said Amanda. “But if you need me, don’t hesitate to call.”
That night, while Amanda was sleeping, she was awakened by the sound of something crashing into her backyard. Still a little dazed, she hurried outside to see what it was.
Embedded in the soil, was a metallic sphere about the size of a baseball. The foreign object turned out to be a hologram projector. When Amanda picked it up, a video of Commander Kayla and Sonia began to play.
“Amethyst, we need your help,” said Kayla. “The Altrasians captured us and are holding us on planet Altra.”
Without missing a beat, Amanda flew off to rescue her friends.
On planet Altra, Amanda found Sonia and Kayla bound and gagged inside a cave. “Don’t worry. I’ll have you out of here in no time.” She removed the gag from Kayla’s mouth.
The Commander screamed, “Amethyst, behind you!”
Amanda turned around to see an Altrasian about to shoot her. Bang! Amanda blasted the weapon out of his hand. Bam! She thrust him against the wall.
The alien called for backup and Amanda was surrounded. They pointed their power sucking rays at her. But Amethyst did a summer salt and shot them with her crystals from above. Bang! Bang!
The Altrasians realized they couldn’t win. “We’re no match for you. Take your friends and go.” They left the cave.
That was easier than I expected. Amanda finished setting Kayla and Sonia free and offered to escort them home.
Meanwhile, the Altrasians reported back to Emperor Xavius. “Your Majesty, we failed,” they said. “The stories are true. We can’t defeat her.”
“We didn’t fail,” answered Xavius. “We’ve found her weakness. She’ll do anything for the ones she cares about.” He grinned. “Gather the troops. It’s time to put our latest invention to use.”
On planet Beno, Silsha came to greet Sonia and Kayla. She hugged them. “I thought you guys were dead.”
“We would be if it wasn’t for Amethyst,” said Sonia.
Silsha turned around. “Amethyst!” She pulled Amanda into a bear hug.
“Good to see you too, Silsh.”
“Thanks for the help, Amethyst,” said Commander Kayla.
“Yeah,” Sonia chimed in. “It would’ve been over for us if you hadn’t shown up.”
“Anytime guys,” Amanda answered.
“Well since you’re here,” said Silsha, “why don’t you see what I’ve been up to?” She took Amanda on a tour of the lab and showcased all her new inventions.
While they were catching up, Sonia noticed that something was bothering Kayla. “What is it, Commander?”
“The Altrasians,” Kayla answered. “It’s not like them to give up so quickly.”
“Maybe they know what’s good for them,” said Sonia.
Just then, a Benad soldier burst in. “Commander, you have to come see this.”
The gang followed the soldier to the surveillance room. On the screen, they saw thousands of spaceships leaving Altra. It looked like they were preparing for an invasion.
“I’ve never seen so many ships leave a planet before,” said Sonia.
“They must be getting ready for war,” said Commander Kayla.
“But they’re not coming here,” said the Benad soldier.
“Where are they going?” asked Amanda.
They took a closer look and discovered that the Altrasians were heading for Earth.
“I’ve gotta get there before they do.” Amanda rushed back to Earth along with Sonia and Commander Kayla.
On Earth, Emperor Xavius and his army were in front of the Whitehouse, holding President Shaun Samuels as prisoner. The People looked on in horror waiting to see what he wanted.
Amanda arrived on the scene. “Why are you here, Xavius?”
“Why else?” the Emperor answered. “To meet the universe’s finest. In addition to that, I want complete control of this world.”
“That’s not happening,” said Amanda.
“I knew you would say that,” said Xavius. “Maybe this will change your mind.” He took out a hologram projector showing a giant ray pointed at Earth. “This is the Altrasian Death Ray. I can wipe out this entire planet with just one press of a button.”
Amanda was speechless. And I thought Galeo was bad.
The Emperor went on, “However, I gain nothing from all of you dying. So let’s make a deal.”
“Let me guess,” said Commander Kayla. “Surrender right?”
“That’s not all,” said Xavius. “I’ll spare the earth if Amethyst gives up her powers.”
“No way she’s doing that!” exclaimed Sonia.
“I don’t have a choice.” Amanda knew what had to be done. She walked up to Xavius. “Alright, I’ll do it, just don’t hurt these people.”
In front of everyone, Xavius stripped Amanda of her powers. “Well, why don’t you give a round of applause for your hero, Amethyst?”
Wanting to humiliate her even more, he told her, “Heroes should be honest. Why don’t you tell everyone your real name?”
Amanda took a deep breath and faced the crowd. “My name is Amanda Montenegro.”
The crowd gasped. Kayla and Sonia were especially surprised by this revelation.
Pleased with his victory, Xavius said, “As your new ruler, my first order of business is to ban the Benads from coming to Earth.”
Kayla and Sonia clenched their fists when they heard this.
Xavius added, “And if you ever come back here, that death ray will be pointed at Beno.”
“This isn’t over,” Kayla whispered to Amanda. “We’re coming back.”
Xavius and the Altrasians wasted no time in taking over. They enslaved the people and forced them to serve in the Altrasian army.
A few weeks after Xavius’ invasion, Amanda was training at the Altrasian boot camp. Just like the other humans, she was forced to fight until she was exhausted.
“Come on, put your back into it!” the Altrasian Commander yelled as Amanda did her twentieth push up.
“Can’t we stop?” Amanda panted. “My arms are gonna fall off.”
“Alright, you can sit down for ten minutes.”
While Amanda was resting, Renee joined her on the bench. “I’ve never exercised this hard in my life.”
“We can’t go on like this.” Amanda wiped the beads of sweat from her forehead. “I need to do something.”
“Amanda, you can’t,” said Renee. “Not without your powers. You could get yourself killed.”
After their short break, the Commander called Renee and Amanda into a room and had them stand facing each other. It was time for a special training session.
“We don’t need any weak humans in our ranks,” said the Commander. “In order to weed them out, the two of you will fight to the death.”
“What? You can’t be serious!” Amanda exclaimed. “I’m not gonna kill my best friend.” She looked the Commander in the eye. “You can take my powers, but you will not take my humanity.”
Angered at her stubbornness, the Commander ordered Amanda to be thrown in jail with the others who refused to follow his orders.
“You can’t keep me locked up!” Amanda screamed. “Xavius won’t be in charge forever.”
The guards locked her cell. “We’ll see about that when your hair turns gray and you’re still here.”
Amanda slumped herself on the floor. Overwhelmed by how helpless she felt, she began to cry herself to sleep.
At midnight, Amanda woke up to the sound of footsteps inside the prison. She caught sight of a shadowy figure knocking the guard unconscious.
Another figure took the keys from him and unlocked her cell. “Let’s go, Amethyst.”
Amanda realized it was Sonia and Kayla. The trio snuck out of the jail and ran into the Benad spaceship.
“What are you guys doing here?” Amanda asked. “If Xavius finds you, there’s no telling what he’ll do.”
“Relax, Amethyst,” said Commander Kayla. “We have a plan.”
“Amethyst,” said Silsha, “I think there’s a way for you to get your powers back.”
Amanda’s face brightened. “Really? You can do that?”
“If I can just produce fake lightning and blast you while you’re holding an amethyst crystal, your abilities should return.”
The Benad scientist worked for hours trying to replicate lightning. But the procedure turned out to be harder than she thought.
Amanda watched them from the corner. This is hopeless.
“You okay, Amethyst?” asked Commander Kayla.
“Not really. I’m just bummed about what happened. I’m not much of a hero without my strengths.”
“What are you talking about?” asked Kayla. “You giving up your powers to save your planet was the bravest thing I’ve ever seen.”
“Yeah, Amethyst,” said Sonia. “If you ask me, that was even more heroic than when you took out the Gardan Meteor.”
“You see,” said Kayla, “it doesn’t matter whether you’re Amanda or Amethyst. Xavius may have taken your powers, but he didn’t take the hero.”
“And besides,” said Silsha, “we will get your powers back. After all, I am the smartest scientist on Beno.”
“Don’t flatter yourself,” said Sonia.
Everybody laughed.
Amanda smiled. “Thanks, guys.”
Meanwhile, President Shaun Samuels went to speak with Emperor Xavius. “Greetings, your Majesty. Thank you for agreeing to see me.”
“This had better be important,” said Xavius. “I don’t usually entertain puny humans.”
Samuels began, “As the ruler of our planet, I think it’s only fair to let you know that the U.S. has an arsenal of nuclear weapons. You could make use of them should anyone try to go against you.”
“I’m listening,” said the Emperor. “Where are the rockets located?”
“I’ll take you there myself.”
Samuels brought the Emperor to a deserted jungle. What Xavius didn’t know was he had a secret strategy in mind.
After walking a few miles, Xavius suspected that the president was up to something. “So this is where the bunkers are?”
“Yes,” answered President Samuels. “We’re almost there.” He walked toward the trees. “Now!” he shouted.
Suddenly, bullets flew out of the bushes. The president’s army came out from hiding and attacked Xavius with all the fire power they had. But to their dismay, Xavius was unharmed.
“Is that what passes for an ambush?” the Altrasian asked.
He turned on the men and sent them flying. President Samuels watched helplessly as his men were picked off one by one.
Xavius seized the president and took him back to Washington. He brought Samuels to the top of a building and ordered a camera to be placed in front of them.
“Now everyone will see what happens when you rebel against Xavius.” He held President Samuels over the edge.
Amanda and the Benads were still struggling to make lightning when Xavius’ video feed played on one of their screens.
“That’s President Samuels,” said Amanda. “Xavius is gonna kill him! I have to do something.”
“But Amethyst,” said Silsha, “we still haven’t gotten your powers back.”
“I can’t just sit here and do nothing,” answered the heroine. “I know where that building is. You guys catch up when you’re done.” She left the spacecraft and rushed to save the president.
When Amanda arrived at the building, she found a crowbar in the supply closet. Desperate for anything she could use, she took it and ran up to the rooftop.
Amanda saw Xavius clutching Samuels by the throat. “Put the president down!”
“Or what?” asked the Emperor. “You’re gonna come at me with that?” He pointed to Amanda’s crowbar. “Alright, come and get me.”
Amanda lunged at Xavius but, Bam! He struck her in the face. She swung her crowbar at him but he threw her aside. Bang! He pulled her by her hair and slammed her onto the cement.
Xavius was closing in on Amanda. “Hah! You’re nothing without your powers.”
Just when Amanda thought it was over, she saw a spaceship hovering above her. It was the Benads.
Sonia opened the door. “Amethyst!” She threw a crystal at her.
Mustering all her strength, Amanda caught it.
“Now, Silsha!” Commander Kayla shouted.
Silsha blasted Amanda with the lightning. She screamed in pain. It stung even more than the first time.
“No!” cried Xavius.
Amanda stood to her feet. “It’s over for you, Xavius.”
She grabbed him and punched him. He fought back but she shot him with her amethysts. Bang! Bang! Finally, she lifted him up and threw him off the building.
Amanda went in front of the camera and said, “Attention, people of Earth. Emperor Xavius is down. Now is the time to defend ourselves. Everyone, fight for your planet!”
Emboldened by Amanda’s words, the people at the Altrasian training camps took up arms and waged war against their captors.
Commander Kayla summoned her soldiers. “Benads, Attack!”
At her command, the Benad troops launched an air strike against the Altrasian army.
For the first time in history, humans and aliens, soldiers and civilians, alike, joined forces to take back their world.
The battle was fierce. The Altrasians were a force to be reckoned with, but they discovered that humans weren’t as weak as they thought.
After hours of grueling combat, at last, the Altrasians were overpowered.
“We did it!” Sonia exclaimed.
“Not yet,” said Amanda. “We need to make sure nothing like this ever happens again.”
Amanda and the Benads flew to planet Altra to do away with Xavius’ most powerful weapon. Inside the Emperor’s palace, Amanda found the death ray and set it to destroy Altra.
The three of them hurried to escape before the bomb went off.
Amanda watched from the safety of the spaceship as Altra exploded. “Now it’s over.”
Back on Earth, a celebration was given for Amanda and the Benads. The heroines were awarded medals of bravery for rescuing the planet.
When the time came for Kayla and Sonia to return to Beno, Amanda and President Samuels bid them farewell.
“How can we ever thank you for all that you’ve done?” asked Amanda.
The Commander answered, “It’s the least we could do after you helped us save Beno.”
Kayla and Sonia rode the ship and returned home. Amanda waved goodbye, excited for their next adventure.
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