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- Story Listed as: True Life For Adults
- Theme: Inspirational
- Subject: Philosophy/Religion/Spirituality
- Published: 01/17/2020
This Being Called God
Born 2000, M, from California, United States.jpeg)
I am not trying to be offensive or offend anyone that does believe in God, i know a lot of people who believe in God and that's ok i don't judge anyone at all. But this is my thoughts of God or a being called God.
My family and i don't go to church at all, we only go if one of my family's loved ones die. A family member of ours died recently in California where most of my family is so only my mom flew down there to attend the funeral since she knew that family member well. I didn't really know her so i don't really know how to feel whether to be sad or not. But anyways, do people actually believe in God, know who God really is? Like do priests know and ministers?
I know many people believe in God and many other people don't believe in God, I don't really believe there is a God and again, not trying to be offensive or rude but i have my own opinions just as well as anyone else. I don't really know where we go when we die, I've heard that a person who dies would either go to two places: Heaven Or Hell based on if they're bad or good. I don't really believe there is a Heaven or Hell either when we die but i haven't died so i shouldn't be assuming. I heard when we die then it'll just be darkness or when we die we'll come back as a animal or another human being. I heard a lot of stuff like that and i don't know if it's true or not.
If there is a God then what is his or it's purpose? To protect all humans on Earth? To Judge whether we go to hell or heaven when we die? I don't really know exactly. I mean i would love to think that a family member of mine/loved one went to heaven and is safe and protected but i don't know for sure whether her soul went there or not but i like to think so.
Well, i would like to have your opinions to know what you think of God. A lot of people don't talk to me that much and don't really want to know me. But i have a lot on my mind obviously but i can't really speak my thoughts out because i was born speaking incorrectly so i like to write down my thoughts instead. I hope you readers are not offended or anything because this is just me telling you my thoughts about this being called God. If you are offended then i am truly and sincerely sorry.
This Being Called God(Zachary Pereira)
I am not trying to be offensive or offend anyone that does believe in God, i know a lot of people who believe in God and that's ok i don't judge anyone at all. But this is my thoughts of God or a being called God.
My family and i don't go to church at all, we only go if one of my family's loved ones die. A family member of ours died recently in California where most of my family is so only my mom flew down there to attend the funeral since she knew that family member well. I didn't really know her so i don't really know how to feel whether to be sad or not. But anyways, do people actually believe in God, know who God really is? Like do priests know and ministers?
I know many people believe in God and many other people don't believe in God, I don't really believe there is a God and again, not trying to be offensive or rude but i have my own opinions just as well as anyone else. I don't really know where we go when we die, I've heard that a person who dies would either go to two places: Heaven Or Hell based on if they're bad or good. I don't really believe there is a Heaven or Hell either when we die but i haven't died so i shouldn't be assuming. I heard when we die then it'll just be darkness or when we die we'll come back as a animal or another human being. I heard a lot of stuff like that and i don't know if it's true or not.
If there is a God then what is his or it's purpose? To protect all humans on Earth? To Judge whether we go to hell or heaven when we die? I don't really know exactly. I mean i would love to think that a family member of mine/loved one went to heaven and is safe and protected but i don't know for sure whether her soul went there or not but i like to think so.
Well, i would like to have your opinions to know what you think of God. A lot of people don't talk to me that much and don't really want to know me. But i have a lot on my mind obviously but i can't really speak my thoughts out because i was born speaking incorrectly so i like to write down my thoughts instead. I hope you readers are not offended or anything because this is just me telling you my thoughts about this being called God. If you are offended then i am truly and sincerely sorry.
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Bethlehem Eisenhour
06/26/2020Luke 23:43 And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, Today shalt thou be with me in paradise.
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Zachary Pereira
03/10/2020Nah, I think you all deserve to be congratulated on making your fantastic stories! So congrats to you all! :)
Also I'm happy for myself too. :)
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03/11/2020Hey Zac, just so you know... no one other than the author of the story gets a notification when a new comment is posted. That means that no one else who has commented on your story below knows that you have responded to them. They only get sent a notice when/if you respond directly on their comment thread by using the 'reply' option.
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01/17/2020There is no need to say sorry. You have all right to ask your questions and everyone is free in his beliefs and convictions. We should respect all of them. I think it is good to thing about God and His existence and ours and many things and different opinions are always welcome.
Personally I believe in God and I have my reasons and i always try to use my mind to understand that although it is sometimes upon my ability. I also use my heart and instinct when I am lost. I do respect all opinions. Your questions are exciting Zac.
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Zachary Pereira
01/21/2020Well everyone has something to say and i just really want to say my thoughts and opinions to you and others. I hope that's alright with you. Thanks Aziz. :)
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Gail Moore
01/17/2020Zac, I know many people that think exactly the same way. To be honest with you I really don’t know how I feel.
I would like there to be something or someone that punishes the evil and a heavenly place where only good people can go.
Have you noticed the word god and good are similar and so is devil and evil.
Great story, will give a lot of people something to think about.
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Zachary Pereira
01/21/2020Did you notice that god spelled backwards is dog? i think that's pretty funny. :)
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01/17/2020Hi Zac,
I don't think you are alone in asking these questions and having these thoughts, and it is not offensive to anyone to ask questions and try to understand something that is confusing. My guess is that everyone has these same questions and thoughts at some point or another in their lives. Every person has to decide the answers for themselves. Of course there are some people who are more religious than others and who are taught to believe one way from when they are born. In cultures where religious beliefs are also part of the government, laws, rituals and lifestyle it is less likely that anyone will openly question the beliefs of the majority. But in more 'mixed' cultures, like ours, it is completely acceptable to openly ask questions about God and religion. It seems as though everyone has different beliefs about God (or gods), the origin of the universe, what happens to you after you die, etc...., that is why there are so many different kinds of churches and denominations, and so many different religions and sects in the world. The problem is that everyone who is religious in their beliefs thinks they are right and everyone else is wrong. And when the thought of your soul spending its eternity in either a heaven or a hell, depending on your beliefs and actions in this life, is part of the equation, then people get very emotional and defensive about it. A lot of wars and bloodshed have occurred throughout human history because of differences in religious beliefs. That's part of why it is a very touchy subject. There are also those who like to think they are superior and more enlightened because they don't believe in any religion or God, and they have created a religion of their own (atheism) through which they mock and berate those who 'believe'. They also blame all religions for all wars and bloodshed. This is not actually true since most wars were really fought for power, quality of life, and survival, and whether the sides were one religion or the other, or of no religion at all, would not have prevented the war from happening. It just makes it easier to blame the religion than the greed of the power-mongers on both sides.
The truth is that each one of us must choose what to believe in, and/or who to believe in, or not, as a matter of faith, because it is not possible to prove whether there is a God or not, a heaven or hell or not, many gods or angels or demons or not, an afterlife, reincarnation, etc... These things are all a matter of faith, and faith is a choice to believe what seems right and true to you no matter whether there is proof of it or not. Some people claim to have experienced the supernatural in their lives, so they have stronger belief in the spiritual and in God than others. I myself have experienced several seemingly supernatural things that seemed to me to be irrefutable proof of the existence and power of God and his working in my life. Yet, I still second guess and question it constantly, because there have been so many negative/tragic things that have also happened which counter the positive/miraculous things. For me, what it comes down to, is a matter of choice. I prefer to believe that my brother and father and relatives and friends are enjoying an afterlife in heaven in some form or another, rather than simply gone from existence. Even though their physical bodies are rotting in the earth, or dust in the wind, I like the idea that their soul and spirit continues on, and that I will someday 'see' them again in spiritual form when i die. In my religious upbringing we were also taught that the body is reborn in perfection in the afterlife, so if you have physical imperfections or limitations in your human life, in your afterlife you will be perfected. If I were living inside your body, I would surely prefer to believe that I would receive a new perfect one in another life to come, simply because it offers hope, and we all need all the hope we can get to make it through this difficult life we have. I think you have it much worse than most, Zac, so you need all the hope and strength you can get. That can come from faith. I'm not trying to tell you what to believe, Zac. I'm just suggesting that there could be some benefits to you in choosing to have faith in better things to come....
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03/08/2020Thanks for sharing your thoughts and your stories with us, Zac. Congratulations on being selected as the true life Short Story STAR of the Week.
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Zachary Pereira
01/21/2020I'll keep writing stories, i always respect and appreciate my fans. ha ha! :)
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Zachary Pereira
01/21/2020Well, everyone has the right to ask questions so i thought i could ask one too and write about it. Sometimes people are afraid to ask certain questions because they're afraid to hear the answer. But you guys don't judge me and i appreciate that a lot.