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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Teens
- Theme: Love stories / Romance
- Subject: Novels
- Published: 01/31/2020
It was a cold winter night, and I was trying to write the lyrics to my new song, but I was unable to do so as I didn't like any of them. I kept cutting through the lines aggressively with my pen until Vanessa; my stepmother rang the bell calling for supper. I ran down the stairs as quickly as I could.
"Catherine," asked my father as I sat down at the dinner table, " If you could have one dream come true, what would it be?"
"To be a singer and a music composer. To compose rich lyrics and have a pleasant voice just like Flarie Rutardo in that skyline band. She is the main lead of the band." I responded as I took a bite of tuna fish.
"Singing is not a respectable job." said Vanessa, taking a bite of the food on her plate, "And on top of that, singing just doesn't pay enough."
" Being a singer can lead to severe depression which might lead to death if the singer doesn't get help. Although, even after getting help, the singer might not get into a positive mindset," stated Tom, my stepbrother.
"Why is that so?" I asked curiously.
" It's a known fact, Cathy."
"Why," I asked again, not fully understanding what she meant.
"Because it might happen that there will be a decrease in demand for the singer. The singer will get tired of waiting for when they will be called. If there is no high demand for that singer, that means no concerts, no selling of merch or tours. The singer will make no income at all. Eventually, the singer will get into a depressed state and might try to end their life as they see no way out. There are other reasons too."
Vanessa continued " In my school days, there was a classmate, and he was a singer of a famous band. Initially, the fame of his band rose to the top of the Ladder of Success. However, after some time, there remained no more value of the group as another singer took their place. There was a rapid decrease in demand and the main vocal of that band committed suicide. The point is that today, you could be famous and selling tickets, but tomorrow someone could have taken your place, and you have nothing left."
There was complete silence at the table. Vanessa stood up, gathered all the plates in a stack and went into the kitchen. Tom got up and left to continue his studies. Dad rose, opened the fridge, took a bar of Lindor chocolate and sat back down on the chair.
"Awww...poor Cathy" Ellise, my stepsister began to taunt as she laughed, being hideously annoying as always.
" Shut up Ellise" I retorted as I threw a tablespoon at her, in which she lowered her head quickly behind a chair. Dad stared at me, shocked by my action.
" You lose," smirked Ellise.
" Catherine! Mind your manners." exclaimed dad.
I grabbed a fork near me to throw at her, but dad held my hand down.
" I said, mind your manners, Catherine."
Ellise laughs and started taunting me again but eventually went into her room. I rolled my eyes as I shook my head. I quickly ate the remaining food on my plate. The very next day, I got on the bus with the hope to see Jessica, my best friend. Unfortunately, Jessica didn't come, so I felt bored. I took out a copy and a pencil from my bag and began to write.
The school bus didn't even reach its destination, and I successfully wrote the lyrics to my new song. As I read it, I couldn't help but smile confidently. It was splendid. Throughout the weekend, I applied the perfect tune to my new song.
On Monday morning, I reached school only to find two people posting an eye-catching on the notice board. I walked towards the notice board and looked at the poster when the two people left.
It said:
" Folks! Get Ready to show your hidden vocal talent in front of everyone on the 25th of September. Those who will perform amazingly well, and their vocals are off the charts will win a chance to a free trip to Switzerland with the Skyline Band. Beside this poster is a Dropbox where you can drop your name, written on a sheet. Deadline is 24th September. The auditions are to be held from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm."
I stared at the poster in shock. I was so merrily excited that I immediately took off my bag, took out a copy and pencil, tore out a piece of paper and wrote my name on it. I put it in the Dropbox slowly as I was shaking in disbelief. I finally have the chance to become a singer.
Finally, the awaited day came. Jessica and I were standing behind the stage.
"God, I am feeling so stressed out," mumbled Jessica with her hands in her pockets.
" Don't worry, you can sing well." I consoled.
"Let's see, my confidence is already smashed to smithereens by Sam, the music director who was recording the new song" replied Jessica.
I looked out on the stage at the two performers, Roderick and Lisa. The judges gave them three stars at their impressive performance. I couldn't help but envy their confidence as the host of the show looked in our direction
" The next participant is up. Please welcome on the stage! Jessica Hoverd!"
The crowd yelled and whooped as Jessica walked onto the stage.
"Hello" welcomed Adam, one of the judges.
"So which song you will be going to sing?"
"Ileum Fortress," replied Jessica with a nervous smile.
"Okay, we wish you the best of luck then."
As Jessica began to sing, the audience was silent. She sang amazingly splendid.
" She is going to take this opportunity to visit Switzerland with the band Skyline for sure,"
"Will I?" I thought.
Jessica was dancing to the beat, giving short moves and dance steps. There was no denying that she owned the stage. As soon as Jessica finished singing the song, the crowd got up on their feet and cheered her on.
"You sang a fabulous song, Jessica! It was completely splendid!" smiled Melissa, the second judge. Everybody clapped in approval while whooping.
"Your voice is like liquid gold."
Adam nodded in agreement,
" I admire your voice. You have that rock star vibe. Okay, Aliph,"
Ailph, the third judge, nodded and smiled wide.
"Your voice made me speechless Jessica. Your voice is fantastic! You took care of the low and high pitches. The way you sang some of the notes was brilliant."
Adam looked at Jessica and beamed.
"Jessica, you have got three stars."
Jessica glowed of happiness as she walked towards me. Suddenly my name was Called out, and my heart was pounding against my chest. I climbed the stairs, making sure I didn't trip of nervousness.
"Hello." greeted Mellisa.
"Hey," I replied timidly.
"So what do you want to become?"
"I want to become a singer like Flarie Rutardo, the main lead of the Skyline band."
"Oh, wow!"
"So which song you are going to sing? " asked Adam.
"Well, I wrote this song by myself."
"Oh, wow! You write songs?"
"Yeah," I replied confidently.
"That great! So then good luck."
I nodded and pulled the microphone a bit closer, trying to ignore my sweaty palms. Slowly I became engrossed in the song, and I knew that I would avail this opportunity. My heart started to beat a tad bit faster as I hoped to go to Switzerland with my friends.
All of a sudden, the backing track stopped, and I heard Adam saying stop. I opened my eyes and saw some of the students laughing.
Adam looked down towards the sheet in front of him and slowly shook his head. He looked at me with a pained expression.
"Your song made me feel queasy. It was dreadful!"
At this statement, I felt my blood run cold, and I felt as if I couldn't speak.
"You were singing the song without rhythm," stated Mellisa.
"You were not taking care of the pitch or the notes. Although, I do appreciate that you wrote the song by yourself. The lyrics were good, but you lacked pitch. The biggest mistake you made was that you started singing the high notes."
Ailph nodded in agreement,
"I am sorry, Catherine, you would not be able to visit Switzerland with them. The tune of this song was good. However, your voice doesn't seem right to me. I would say that you need to work hard on your voice."
Adam looked at me with pity.
" It's a no from the three of us. You need to work a lot on your voice."
Heartbroken, I sat beside Jessica in the audience, the comments getting louder than ever in my mind. I could feel the tears rolling down my cheeks. I got up, covering my mouth and ran out of the auditorium, leaving Jessica stunned.
I ran down towards the stairs, sitting on the last two steps. I lowered my face down, crying, my eyes burning from the hot tears. Jessica sat beside me and hung an arm around my back.
"Maybe you can win next time."
"I expected that I will win this fantastic chance, but I am so unlucky." I murmured as I wiped my tears.
"Did you first listen to your voice? Did you make other people listen to your voice?" asked Jessica.
I shook my head
"Did you practice it?"
I shook my head again.
"Dude then how can be possible to expect good comments from judges and to avail this chance? " exclaimed Jessica in shock.
I remain quiet. "Look, Cathy, I was also poor at singing before. One day, my family and some of my cousins were playing UNO. My mum told me that those who will win, that person will sing a song. I was praying to God not to make me win the game. But you can't do anything if winning is in your luck."
"So, you mean, you won?" I asked.
Jessica sighed.
"Sadly, yes. When I began to sing, everybody started to giggle. My parent's heads were facing the floor as they were trying to suppress their laughter. Throughout the rest of the day, I didn't give it much thought, but when night came around, I was balling my eyes out. I couldn't fall asleep."
Jessica continued " Then an idea came to my mind. Why am I wasting my energy by pondering how bad I sang? Why shouldn't I learn from someone who knew how to sing? My aunt is good at singing, and she also teaches about how to compose music. How about I introduce you to her?"
I thought for a second, making up my mind. "To learn vocal skills and music composing from Jessica's aunt would be great," I thought.
The very next day, Jessica brought me to her aunt's home. She knocked with the brass knocker on the door, and a young lady opened the door. She had glowing, translucent skin with red lipstick on and her hair in the style of a bun. The young lady was looking so young more than an aged woman.
"Oh my! What a pleasant surprise!" said the young lady, pulling Jessica into a warm hug.
"How are you?"
"I am fine, Aunt Rasp." giggled Jessica.
Aunt Rasp then looked at me.
" Your friend?" questioned Aunt Rasp.
"Yes, she is my best friend, Catherine," answered Jessica, gesturing towards me.
I put my hand forward to shake her hand.
"Pleasure to meet you," I said, but in return, Aunt Rasp pulled me in for a warm hug.
"No need for formalities" laughed Aunt Rasp.
I smiled. That was so sweet. Aunt Rasp led us in the lounge and Jessica, and I sat on a green origami sofa.
"Would you like to have a drink?"
"No, thanks. We came here for a purpose," informed Jessica.
Aunt Rasp nodded, "What is it?"
"My friend wants to learn singing skills and music composing from you."
"Oh, that's pretty nice, I would love to." beamed Aunt Rasp.
Suddenly, Jessica's phone rang. It was time for her job. However, before leaving, she asked me If I am okay here as if I am a six-year-old child. I nodded confidently.
I attended Aunt Rasp's classes, religiously. I loved the way she was teaching, and the classes were enjoyable.
At the end of the class, she gave me homework on how to improve my voice.
As soon as I came home, I tried to sing as loud as I could following the same method that Aunt Rasp had shown me earlier. I tried to sing the low notes and with a chest voice, but I was always ending up with a deep voice. Yet again, I was out of breath because I started from the high notes. I also took notice of how I sang out of rhythm.
Vanessa, Dad and Ellise were in the lounge watching TV, which was on low volume.
I didn't know that my family downstairs heard my voice. I heard Ellise laughing. I rolled my eyes in annoyance.
All of a sudden Vanessa and dad roared with laughter. They were laughing so loudly that I could hear them from my room.
Ellise ran upstairs and flung my door open.
"Your voice is like a piece of trash. Mom and Dad are laughing at your voice. Do you know that?"
She then laughed and went back downstairs.
I sighed sadly while closing my eyes, looking down on the floor.
"Come on, Cathy. Don't give up now" I tried to motivate myself.
I continued to sing. I could judge myself that my voice was still pathetic.
Come Monday morning, Ellise decided to call her friends over without my knowledge and made them listen to my singing outside my room. I tried to ignore their comments as they continued to make fun of me.
"Her voice is dreadful," stated Annie, a friend of Ellise.
"I know, right!" said Ellise as they all giggled.
"You will never be a good singer in your life. Mark my words!" stated Cristie.
"She should kill herself!" said Joe.
"Your voice makes beautiful flowers wilt."
They were continuously passing bad comments and making fun of my voice. However, I continued to sing and never give up. I had to deal with this for three whole weeks.
I came home from school, and as soon as it reached 6:00 pm, I began to practice. While singing, I was expecting to hear those comments. I completed the whole hour of vocal training, but I couldn't hear any comments outside my door.
" Did Ellise go somewhere with Vanessa," I wondered.
Days were flying, and I couldn't hear any laughter or nasty comments outside my room.
The very next day, I was singing a song with my eyes closed and playing the guitar. After singing the whole song, I opened my eyes and was utterly astonished to see my entire family standing with their mouth dropped open in my room. I smiled when the room erupted into whoops and clapping. When I got home, after lunch, Vanessa took out something from the fridge and put it on the table.
" Oh, my God! My favourite jelly" I yelled excitingly.
"Yeah, it's a small celebration that your voice has finally improved." laughed Vanessa.
"Aww... how sweet of you."
Tom and Ellise stared at me with disapproval. They couldn't eat it as they had sore throats.
As I saw the jelly on my plate, I thought of a way to tempt them both into regretting not eating it. I decided to eat the jelly similarly as that girl on TV who would make all of our family tempted to get the food.
Tom and Ellise were observing me as I started eating the jelly. As they were both drooling, I took a morsel of jelly, closed my eyes and slowly brought it to my mouth. Then I ate it with a full expression just the way that girl did in the ad. I felt a sense of triumph. However, I sadly realised that an empty spoon was inside my mouth. I heard their laughter; when I looked down, I saw the morsel of jelly had fallen onto the plate. It was embarrassing. I shook my head and laughed.
A few hours later, after getting free from all of the studies, I walked downstairs, pulled open the fridge and grabbed a glass of pineapple juice.
Dad was watching TV, and he was flipping through channel after channel until he stopped at a channel which aired a music show, named "What a talent".
There was a band performing in front of three judges.
"Oh! My favourite show is coming! Dad, please don't change it. " I exclaimed, as I sat on a lounge sofa beside him.
After the performance, all of the three judges stood up and began to clap. One by one, each judge was giving good comments to them. That band completely rocked the stage.
The band was delighted that they passed their audition. After the group walked off the stage, the judges were still in admiration as they continued talking about them. It seemed that the judges enjoyed their excellent performance.
A few seconds later, a band of five people entered inside. There was a guy among of them that stook out the most.
He had pale skin, and his body built was amazing. He was looking way too handsome. He had blond hair, and he was wearing a purple shirt. There was a guitar hung over his shoulder.
"Hello!" greeted one of the female judges.
"What's your name?"
"Dennis Morrison." replied the boy.
" How are you doing Dennis?" asked the judge, writing a quick note on her page.
"I'm Good. Thank you"
" what's the name of your band?"
"The Mist," stated Dennis.
"So are you sure that you guys are going to win?"
"I am sure," said Dennis, smiling at his bandmates.
" Let's do this!"
"So which song are you guys going to sing?" questioned one of the male judges.
"We made our song, and it's called "I am on my feet."
The audience whooped and clapped.
"Oh, wow! Seems good however making songs on your own is different and very difficult. We wish you the best of luck!"
"Thank you very much."
Dennis began to sing while playing the guitar, his voice was amazing, but unfortunately, the music was not matching to the vocalist. It was evident that they had no clear idea of which type of music they want to play. It wasn't delightful to the ear.
I could see that the judges were not happy with the song. After a few minutes, Dennis was done singing, and it was time for judges to decide whether if the band passed the audition or not.
"Dennis." addressed Insia, an Indian judge,
"Your voice is amazing, but the music was not synchronised. There is a lot more work to be done on so you guys need to work hard on making synchronised music."
Adam, one of the judges, looked at his notes before saying,
"Your voice was good, but you need to work on composing music. If the vocalist's voice is good but doesn't flow with the music, the performance of the vocalist will be called poor." He explained, "There was also no clear idea of the type of music at the end of the performance."
Sam, the third judge, shook his head,
"Well, somebody from the audience said you guys were rubbish, and I agree. I was not fond of it at all. It was horrible. You may go now."
At this statement, Dennis looked down, biting his lips and walked out, his band not too far behind him.
I stared at the screen, my hatred towards Sam increasing. He sings well, but he has an attitude.
On Wednesday I didn't go to school as I was not feeling better. I was in bed reading a book when all of a sudden Tom steps in my room, shutting the door loudly and threw his backpack on the bed, and began to jump on the indoor trampoline energetically.
"Are you okay, Tom? " I asked.
"No! I am tired of that stupid chummy girl."
"Which girl? "
"Ella! She is so annoying!"
"Why can't she leave me alone. What's her problem? " asked Tom exasperatingly.
"Because she finds you special and not to mention your appearance is very good looking. Maybe that's why she loves you," I teased.
"I think I will have to throw acid on my face. So that Ella may find me ugly."
"Then get ready for the questions people will ask from you."
"Well, I will make any reason to convince them. I am pro at it," said Tom as he began to jump more vigorously.
"Why can't you ignore her, don't talk to her if she is finding a chance to speak with you. Let the relationship slowly fade."
"Ella is a very emotional person. "
"So?" I questioned.
"Her father is a police officer, and he feels for her a lot.
Suddenly my phone rang. I looked at the ID and saw it was Jessica. I smiled at the wallpaper of Jessica, and I was holding each other while laughing.
"Hey! What's up, Jess?" I asked curiously.
"I am good, but can you tell me why you don't want to hang out for three days now? Do you have any idea how bored and lonely I am without you?"
" Sorry, on Sunday I ate a large pineapple pizza, and unfortunately I got food poisoning. It was so bad you wouldn't believe."
", how are you feeling right now?" asked Jessica.
"Yeah...I have a stomach ache right now."
"Oh, get well soon."
I held back a scream as Tom started punching and kicking the punching bag with anger.
" I guess his frustration has not evaporated yet," I thought.
"Do you know what? A new guy came to our school. He is so handsome! I think every girl will be into him." squealed Jessica.
"Really? What's his name?" I asked as I began to drink water.
"Dennis Morison."
I suddenly gasped at the mention of his name and started coughing as some of the water accidentally went into my windpipe.
"Wha-are you okay Cathy?"
"Yeah, yeah I am good," I said after coughing.
" I think I am feeling better," I mumbled.
"What did you say?"
Nothing, when did he come?"
"On Monday and one more thing, the singing competition is being held again on Saturday from 7:00 pm-9:00 pm. Only three more days to go, so get well soon and Thursday is the last day for submitting our names."
"Okay, thank you so much," I said, then hung up.
Later on in the day, dad entered my room.
"Dad, I am going to school tomorrow."
"What suddenly made you say that?" asked Dad bewildered.
"Aaaa... Jessica called me, and she said that the singing competition is being held on Saturday, and Thursday is the last day of submitting our names."
"Ok, suit yourself then." He said. I began to blush as a smile played on my face like crazy with excitement thinking about Dennis.
Saturday arrived pretty quickly, and everybody was excited and mad like crazy. I peered out of the backstage door to check out the huge crowd. At the end of the stage, sat the same judges that I saw at a previous event.
The audience was completely pumped.
"Oh God...the house is full." I sighed as I sat on the sofa. Later on, I saw Dennis walking across the room, heading towards the backstage door. He was wearing a charcoal shirt and black pants. Dennis looked around then got busy on his mobile phone. He was way too handsome that I couldn't look away from him.
A few minutes later, the host arrived on the stage
"Hello, folks."
"What a wonderful event this is! This event will be more downright and joyously amazing. Not only the singing, but there will also be skits, comedy shows, dance and magic shows." stated the host.
The audience erupted in applause and whistles of anticipation.
"All right then! Let's get started!"
At first, Jessica's name was called. She sang a song by Demi Lovato called "Give you heart a break."
Then some people performed skits and comedy, then a boy from our class showed a magic trick, and it was outstandingly amazing.
Dennis was next to be called. He sang a song by LTGTR called " No games."
At the starting of the song, he raised both hands and began to clap according to the beats.
Then he began to sing, and he was giving short moves of dance steps. He was singing just like a singer of that song track and amazingly splendid.
Then some people danced. It was awesome. After that, a skit began. Unfortunately, the skit was so long and tedious that some people started leaving the auditorium. Stress was piling up inside my heart as I just wanted to interrupt to make them stop.
Even Dennis got up and began to walk towards the exit of the auditorium. A few seconds later, the skit closed their act.
"Thank God," I thought.
Finally, my name was called out, and I started making my way to the stage. As soon as I appeared on the stage, some people began to laugh. Someone in the audience whistled loudly. I think they remember my past performance.
The music began, and I started to sing " I could be the one" by Avicci and Nickey Romeo while playing electric guitar. I noticed out of the corner of my eye that Dennis had stopped walking and slowly turned forward. He seemed astounded by my voice. I let out a small smile as he slowly walked forward and reached near the stage.
Those people who were making fun of me make their mouth shut with astonishment. I smiled wide as the audience was hooting and cheering.
As soon as I finished the last note, I received a huge and fantastic response from the audience and judges as they stood up and began to clap. I covered my face as I burst into tears with elation.
"Is that, you, Catherine? Your voice showed good improvement to me. Much better than before. Keep it up, girl!" stated Mellissa with a smile. At this statement, everyone in the audience whooped.
Adam nodded,
"This time, your voice made me feel as if sugar was mixed somewhere, and soon it will turn me into a person with diabetes. However, I won't stop adding sugar. You earned it! You sang much better than the previous audition."
I laughed wiping my tears of joy, but I could feel them rolling down my cheeks again.
"Thank you," I said,
"You improved a lot. Your voice so damn good."
"Well, I want to say that you have a unique rock star voice. I enjoyed the song, and your voice is wow!. This time you were taking care of pitch, rhythm, and you started with impressive low notes. Keep going!"
I laughed as everybody cheered, the whistles almost deafening to my ears.
I came home to find my parents with tears in their eyes. I hugged them tightly.
Dad smiled and hugged me tightly.
The next morning after having breakfast , Jessica gave me a call.
"Hey, Jess!" I greeted.
"So any plan to watch horror movie today? " asked Jessica.
"Sure, why not."
"Yes! Okay, at 8:30 pm I will be waiting for you."
The day went by pretty quickly, and soon I found myself getting dressed to go to Jessica's house. I threw on a pair of tights and an adorned hoody shrug over high neck shirt. I let out a small shiver as I stepped outside. It was freezing.
I closed the door and turned to face the driveway only to find Dennis locking his door. As he turned forward, our eyes met each other with astonishment.
We stood there for a couple of seconds, unable to pull our gazes away from each other.
"Is this a dream?" I thought, completely dazed
"Hello." I managed to say.
"Hey." greeted Dennis, a broad smile on his face.
I blushed.
"Catherine. Right?"
"I never knew you were also living in this same apartment," remarked Dennis in surprise.
"Well, I have been living here for many years. What about you?"
"Its been three days after being shifted into this apartment."
"Oh..I see."
"So where are you going?" asked Dennis
"I am heading towards my friend's house to watch a horror movie."
"Oh, great! I am heading out somewhere as well, should I drop you off at her house?"
"No it's okay, I can walk towards her home by myself, it's near."
"There is no problem for me to drop you off."
"Uh...Okay, then."
We both headed downstairs to the garage. I let out a small whistle as Dennis brought me to his car, a Mercedes. He chuckled at my reaction and opened the door.
"Thank you," I said as I sat inside.
"So which horror movie will you be watching tonight?"
" I genuinely don't know. We will have to decide in her place."
We then became quiet for a few seconds.
"Uh...Catherine," said Dennis
"Mhm..." I responded as I looked at him.
"I just wanted to say that your voice is beautiful. I have never heard anything like it."
I blushed out at his sudden statement
"Thank you." I smiled.
"Umm... I wanted to request you, can I ?"
"For three years, my band has not got any recognition. We have been auditioning at talent shows, but no one is ready to accept us. You are extremely talented, and I am in awe at your voice. So I want to ask you if you would like to join my band."
I stared at Dennis in shock as elation engulfed my heart. I was so pleased by his offer that it felt like anytime I will faint.
I couldn't believe my luck as I knew that if everything worked well, no doubt this band will become famous.
"Catherine." He said, but I couldn't hear, I was star struck. "Catherine!" I looked Dennis in the eyes as he shook me.
"Yes, what?" I asked as I came back to consciousness.
"Are you all right?"
"Yeah, I am all right."
"So what did you decide? Do you want to be a member of my band?" He paused "Because I think a talented singer like you can bring fame to our band. What do you say?"
"Uh...Sure, why not." I said, "But Dennis, my enrollment into your band will not bring fame unless you guys work on composing music."
"How come you already know about our performance?" inquired Dennis raising an eyebrow in curiosity
"Well, I saw your audition on TV," I replied meekly.
Suddenly my mobile phone started ringing.
"Hello, have you reached, Cathy?" asked Jessica.
"Yeah, I have reached your place."
"Thank you for dropping me here." I smiled as I got out of his car.
"No prob." He said, smiling at me.
The following week Dennis called me over to his house to remake the songs.
"So tell me, Dennis, how did you form your band?" I asked as we headed towards his garage.
"Well I used to go to music school to learn the guitar, and of course, there were other students too who used to come to the lessons. There I made friends, and that's how we grouped to be a band."
As Dennis unlocked the garage and pushed up the shutter, I saw many instruments inside such as a piano, drum, electric guitar, bass guitar and several others.
"Here, we used to practice but not as frequently now."
He then took the guitar from the hook and sat on a chair,
"Do you want me to sing the first song that I played acoustically at the first music class?"
I took a chair and sat in front of him. He then began to play by closing his eyes, and he sang a song called "See you again" by Whiz Khalifa. His voice was remarkably outstanding. He was singing downright amazing, better than the original one.
As soon as he stopped singing, I began to clap,
"Thank you.." He said, bowing his head down.
"My words are failed to describe your voice." I complimented in awe.
"Same goes to you when I heard your voice for the first time." teased Dennis with a smile.
"By the way, why did you choose my voice? Others can sing way much better." I asked.
"Because I found something different in your voice and I love it." At this, I looked down smiling as I blushed.
Suddenly I heard his stomach growling.
"Okay...I guess my stomach is saying to stop talking, resume it after eating something."
We both laughed.
Dennis took out two chocolate granola bars from his jean pocket. "Do you want one?"
"yeah," I said, and he gave one to me.
"Granola bars are my favourite, although at first, I don't like it at all," said Dennis as he opened it and took a bite.
"One day I was talking with Chase as he was doing his maths homework."
He took another bite of the granola bar.
" A few seconds later I noticed that he was unable to solve the maths equation, so he took out this type of granola bar from his pocket, broke it in half and shoved it into my mouth. It was so good that I was engrossed in eating."
Dennis continued " He gave me a whole bar to eat to stop me from talking. Chase started muttering about how he can finally concentrate"
Dennis smiled as I laughed.
" That's very clever of him," I said as I took a bite of the bar.
A few seconds later, five boys arrived at the garage.
"Hey!" greeted Dennis as he got up, giving high fives to the boys and hugged Chase
"what's up, bro!"
"Good," replied Chase, peeking his face away from Dennis staring at me.
"Oh, so this the girl you were telling me about?" asked Chase tilting his head in my direction.
"Yup! Guys, this is Catherine Joseph, a new singer of our band and a music composer. Catherine these are my bandmates." explained Dennis proudly.
"Hey!" I greeted as I shook hand with all of them, "pleasure to meet you guys."
"So, you are a music composer as well as a singer?" questioned Chase, while shaking my hand.
"Yes." I smiled.
After one week.
I called Jessica to see if she could come over to make a video of us. "Okay, let's go! " announced Jessica,
Dennis and I began to tap our feet, producing a tune. Our genre of music was pop. Mike, one of the bandmates, started to play electric piano along with the song to which we were tapping our feet. I looked over at David as he gave his signature smile and nodded for me to sing.
I started to sing the first verse, while Dennis accompanied with the guitar. He sang the second verse, and as Joey began to play the drums, Chase went ahead to play rock guitar. Our genre of music was pop.
On Friday I was tired of composing a song, so I went to the fridge to have some chocolates. I opened the refrigerator but unfortunately didn't find anything, so I closed it tiredly. I looked around the lounge and noticed a red box of chocolates on the divider table. My mouth watered as I quickly walked towards it.
Ugh! It was Vanessa's jewellery box!
Monday morning came by quickly, and I was having lunch in the cafeteria with Jessica. I was showing her some laughter therapy clips that helped people with cancer. A few seconds later, Jessica wanted to go to the washroom, and she left.
I was eating my lunch peacefully until Andrew threw my handmade water pump project on the table. I stood up, looking at him in shock.
"Catherine, what is this? It's pathetic!" thundered Andrew.
"What is wrong with this project, sir?"
"Where is the turbine? Also, the pump is not giving full pressure." gestured Andrew angrily towards the broken project on the table.
"Sir, I tried my best but couldn't figure it out." I stammered, trying to stand my ground.
"The answer is straightforward, Catherine. You are an idiot! " yelled Andrew, raising his hands in the air in exasperation.
Andrew continued yelling,
" Why would you use casing when you know that it isn't leakproof?" Do you even pay attention in my class? It appears you were daydreaming when I told you to use a 12 V battery to rotate the motor! "
I noticed some students looking at us, covering their mouths, whispering and tried to ignore the sense of humiliation. I decided to take in more air into my lungs quietly as I felt like I was going got pass out. This is my first time being humiliated in school. Nobody had ever scolded other students in the cafeteria like this.
"I am sorry, sir." my voice quivering.
"You have to make it again!" ordered Andrew giving me a dark glare. He picked up my project, threw it into the trash can and walked away.
I stared in shock at my project and slowly sat down at my table, putting my head down, my face covered between my arms. I tightened my fist around each opposite arm as I tried to hold back my tears but could feel them trickling rapidly down my cheeks.
Dennis was watching the whole scene unravel itself from the back. He got up abruptly and walked towards Andrew outraged. He tapped Andrew on the shoulder. As soon as Andrew turned around, Dennis's fist made contact with his face. Dennis grabbed Andrews hair and slammed his head onto the glass table. Andrew let out a loud groan as blood came oozing down his forehead.
"How dare you speak to her like that, Andrew!" raged Dennis.
Andrew regained his balance and grabbed Dennis by his collar.
"I am your teacher right now, not your cousin!"
I quickly got out of my surprised state and ran to Dennis, wrapping my arms around him.
" Dennis, please, calm down, he is hurt pretty badly" I whispered gently against his back.
"There was no need to humiliate her like that! " retaliated Dennis and forcefully shoved Andrew off him. Andrew lost his balance and fell to the ground.
I squeezed my eyes shut and tightened my hold against Dennis as he tried to move forward. After a few minutes, Dennis stood still as if he was rooted to the spot, his hand tracing patterns on my hands, slowly calming down.
"Don't you dare harm her feelings!" threatened Dennis, his eyes transmitting waves of anger towards Andrews direction.
Seeing the fear in Andrew's eyes, Dennis grabbed my hands and walked me to my table. He sat down beside me and hugged me. I tried to give him a reassuring smile, but I started feeling nauseous.
Everyone in the cafeteria was watching us, whispering.
Dennis must have sensed my anxiety because he started stroking my back comfortingly.
"I am sorry, Cathy. It's okay. Shhhhh, calm down. You know he is an ill-mannered, arrogant person. He deserves it."
I wanted to laugh at Dennis's determination, but everything around me started spinning. I tried to pinpoint Dennis's face in the dizziness, but my eyes began to water. I squeezed Dennis's hand, which was still in mine. I felt as if I couldn't breathe.
Dennis stared worryingly at Catherine as she squeezed his hand, her face full of panic. Suddenly he leapt forward catching her body as it fell from the chair to floor. Dennis held onto her, giving her support as he knelt with her. Catherine had fallen
unconscious. Everyone stayed silent that you could hear a pin drop.
A whole crowd of students had gathered around Dennis.
Dennis pressed against her chest, forcefully, supplying his air to her mouth. He did it continuously. A few seconds later, I woke up inhaling as much air into my system. I tried to sit up by myself, but my knees were asleep, so he pulled me onto his lap.
Dennis held my face gently and wiped my tears with his thumb.
"I worked hard on that project from day to night," I said in a quivery voice.
" No need to get worry my dear. I promise I am going to help you with that project. Okay? "
I nodded.
He handed me my glass of juice that was on the table.
"Drink it, and you will feel much better,"
I gave him a small smile and took a sip of it.
Dennis looked at the crowd with a question in his eyes.
"Well? This is the end of the show. Cathy is okay now."
He lifted me, put me on a chair and handed me the glass of juice again. Dennis began to tell me about Andrew and their relationship.
Andrew is Dennis's cousin and used to bully others. As a punishment for the disrespect, the director of our school made Andrew teach the social studies unit.
In the evening, I went to Dennis's house, and he helped me do my project all over again. Dennis looked out the window as night had fallen and smiled.
"Come on, let's go out."
Dennis took me to different amusing places. He took me to an arcade, and we tried some games, including the dance revolution.
Dennis rose an eyebrow towards me, his eyes containing a sense of competition. I smirked and patted his back, wishing him luck. Dennis laughed.
"I'll have to warn you. I am very competitive."
" I'll handle it" I responded with a smile. We both took a harder one. However, this time was different as I wasn't wearing sneakers, I had heels on, but I still managed to do it. Halfway throughout the dance, Dennis stopped, leaned against the rail, with his arms folded. I could feel his gaze on me, watching my every move. I smiled at him, my cheeks warm.
I finished the dance and rested against the rail, slightly out of breath. David walked towards me, clapping.
"You're amazing." beamed David, giving me a high five.
"Thank you," I replied shyly, tucking the strands of hair in my face behind my ear.
" What's next?" I asked curiously, adrenaline-pumping throughout my veins.
"Disco?" questioned Dennis.
"Okay." I nodded and took Dennis's outstretched hand and headed towards the disco club.
As soon as we entered, it was by luck that my favourite song "Carnival by Spektor" began to play.
"It's not a song. It's one of a kind heart-throbbing music."
"Oh, my God. My favourite song! " I exclaimed, pulling Dennis towards the centre of the dance floor, taking his hands in mine and swayed to the beat.
"I think the DJ knows what happened at the cafeteria today," chuckled Dennis while dancing. At this, we both laughed.
He made my day, and I felt like nothing happened in the cafeteria.
On Saturday Dennis and I headed to the cinema. After the forty-five-minute drive, the cinema came into view. We bought the tickets and walked inside without any snacks as we weren't hungry. The trailers of several popular movies were showing on the screen.
Meanwhile, Dennis fished out his mobile phone from his jean pocket.
I looked over at him with a smile only to find my face on his mobile screen. He took a few selfies of us, the cute smile never leaving his face as he looked over them.
After 10 minutes, the movie began. The film was very mirthful as we were laughing too hard, holding our stomach's as they ached. Dennis looked over at me and gently wiped away the tears of laughter that rolled down my cheeks. He chuckled as he noticed the blazing blush on my cheeks. As the movie was reaching to its happy ending, Dennis hung an arm around my back, as I rested my head on his shoulder. My heart started pounding so fast when he leaned his head against mine. He also joined his head with mine.
"Woah! The movie was amazing, wasn't it? " concluded Dennis as we walked out of the cinema holding each other's hand.
"Yeah! It was outstanding. It was a blend of struggle and comedy." I answered.
"I like this type of movies. I will rate the movie 4/5. What about you? " asked Dennis.
"Me, too," I replied with a laugh.
"It will be your turn to pick the movie next time we go out."
"Really? " I asked incredulously.
Suddenly he picked me up in a horizontal position.
"Woah! " I yelped by his sudden act
Dennis spun me around, chuckling at my squeals of laughter and placed a kiss on my cheeks, putting me down.
Dennis stared at me with an unreadable expression and pulled me into a hug.
As we were having a coffee at Dennis's house, I got a call.
"Is this Catherine Russo talking?" inquired a manly voice.
"I am talking from the manager of Nikkon at Jhones Beach Theatre."
"Okay," I responded, feeling nervous.
"I would like to invite you to perform a live concert on Saturday from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm."
I felt my jaw drop to the floor, and a broad smile crept on my face. "Oh, my God! Seriously? " I exclaimed as Dennis looked at me in astonishment.
"Yes. The public loves the music videos covered by the band, and you guys are in high demand. So, we decided to invite all of you to perform a live concert."
"Thank you, sir. Thank you so much. It is a huge compliment for all of us."
"Well, you guys deserve it."
"Thank you, sir... Ok bye " I stammered as I ended the call.
I looked at Dennis in shock. Dennis stared right back at me, excited but perplexed as he stood up and walked me. Suddenly he pulled me into his tight embrace.
" You have got to be our good luck charm,"
Dennis and I were sitting on a sofa out on the terrace. His arm hung on my back, and I was lying on his shoulder. We both were watching sky cluttered with stars.
"We never knew that one day we would shoot across the sky full of stars." whispered Dennis, "And the credit goes to you."
"Mhm," I agreed, not feeling good. Dennis turned curiously towards me
"What's wrong Cathy? Are you all right?" asked Dennis gently.
"Yeah, I am good." I sniffed as I moved my head off from his shoulder.
"You look very upset," stated Dennis worryingly.
I shook my head and didn't say anything as I heaved a sigh moving back, looking at the stars.
"Share with me, Cathy. You will feel much better if you share with me what is bothering you. "
"I got a call from Australia from a music director for recording two or three songs," I replied.
"Really? That's terrific news. It doesn't make sense to be sad."
"Before going to Australia, my Dad said....." My voice quivered "That- that you will come to Australia for some reason and...." I burst into tears, moving forward covering my face with both hands. Dennis was a bit perplexed of my sudden reaction as he was watching me.
"I was waiting to know what plan he has made for me, but he didn't respond. All I heard were screams of agony. I found out later that he died in the plane crash" I said sobbing.
Dennis didn't say anything for a while but held me tightly as I cried my eyes out. He then picked up the guitar leaning against the wall. My face covered with both hands.
Dennis then began to play it with his captivating voice. A song called "Too many times" by Rob Humphrey. I turned my face toward him. He wiped my tears, giving me an encouraging smile. We stared at each other, unable to pull away. Dennis gently caressed my face as if in awe. He then held my face,
"Love, don't cry. You don't know that you are hurting your deceased father's soul. Whenever you are feeling sad, recall all the fun memories that we had spent together. Ok? You will feel much better."
I nodded. Dennis lifted my hand towards his and intertwined our hands. He placed his forehead against mine.
"Don't be upset, Cathy. I am with you forever" said Dennis as he squeezed my hand in reassurance. I giggled and pulled him close, letting my eyes droop to a close.
Early next morning Dennis and I went to the airport, and he was carrying my luggage. Dennis held my face before he saw me off.
"Remember my words?"
"Yes. " I replied with a smile.
"Good! I love you."
"I love you too," I smiled and let out a giggle when he bent down and pecked my cheeks. He handed me my luggage while staring at me with an unrecognisable expression on his face. I stared right back and pulled him close as I hugged him. I hugged him tightly, afraid that we will never meet again.
I gave him a last wave of goodbye and smiled before going inside the boarding.
After some hours.
I arrived at Australia's airport. As I entered the arrival hall, I noticed a man who faces resembled my father. He was holding a board with my name written on it. I walked to him.
"Catherine Russo?" asked the man.
He then took my luggage and walked towards his car. I followed him, thanking him when he opened the door for me. As soon as I sat in the car, I tried to find a comfortable position.
After forty-five minutes of driving a building came into view. In the middle of the building was a sign that said " Embarkshire Criptoss hostel". I got out of the car, and the driver opened up the boot of the car to take out my luggage.
A guy was coming out from the building a He had messy golden hair and dark brown eyes.
"Catherine, right? "
"Yes. " I replied.
"Oh.. So did you have a well and safe journey?"
"Yeah, it was good." I then picked up my heavy luggage from the driver, but that guy took it instead.
"I will get it."
"Thank you."
We both walked inside that place.
"My name is Robert Sky, and I am the music director."
"When will I have to come to the recording studio?" I questioned curiously.
"Well, I will tell you when I will get the time."
I nodded in understanding.
"Do I need to stay alone in the room? "
"No.. Um... You have to stay with five other people inside."
I stilled as hesitation and nervousness engulfed my heart.
"Okay... " I said slowly, my heart pounding of nervousness.
Soon we stood before a brown closed door,
"room 584." stated Robert as he handed me a key with my name on it.
"Have a nice day."
"Thanks. "
He nodded and walked away whistling. As I opened the door with hesitation, I noticed that the room was humungous and very appealing. There were five beds, and it appeared that each person could control the air conditioning system.
I froze as I locked eyes with a guy on the third bed. He was reading a book. He looked at me,
"Hey... " I said in a low voice. Then he got up and walked towards me.
"Hey, I am Jason. " greeted Jason as he shook my hand.
"I am Cathy... Oops, Catherine." I said, smiling.
"Oh, I see... So people call you Cathy, right?"
"Yes. "
As he gave me a way to come in, I made the two pieces of luggage stand in the corner.
"No.. Um..the luggage area is there. " He pointed towards the line of a vertically extended rectangular shape shelves along with other items of luggage kept there.
I nodded and moved them over it. I looked around the room and sat on the bed tiringly.
"So, for which purpose you came here? "
asked Jason with curiosity.
"I came here to record some songs."
Suddenly, some people entered inside.
"Hey! How are you?" exclaimed one girl
"I am okay. " I smiled. Everybody gathered around me.
" These are my bandmates." Jason introduced them. "Laura, Alexandria, Shawn and Andrew.
" I am a huge fan of yours." squealed Laura
"Me too. " laughed Shawn.
"I love to listen to your music. The songs are so good that I can't stop listening. It makes my day." Shawn said.
"Thanks. " I said.
"So, for which purpose are you guys living here?" I asked.
"We are here to recording our songs..."
A few seconds later, we were doing our own thing. Laura was playing the guitar. Jason was on his mobile phone. I went to the kitchen to drink water and saw that Alexandria was making a salad.
I stood beside her as I pour water from a jug into the glass.
"So how did you guys form a band? " I asked.
"We all used to go to the Alesso Smith music school in America."
"Alesso Smith? That's where Dennis went. "
"Yeah, we know that. All of us went to the same music school. There is the main lead of the band Jasper who just went to Canada yesterday for some purpose."
" When will he come back?" I said, taking another sip of water.
"Saturday as it is the day of the recording," informed Alexandria as she mixed some mayonnaise into the salad.
On Wednesday, I came back from the recording studio and saw all of them sitting down with their shocked faces.
I felt inquisitive to know what happened, so I asked what happened.
"Guys? Is everything all right?" I asked, feeling quite inquisitive about this whole situation.
Nobody said anything as Laura wiped her tears.
"Why are all you upset?"
"A call came from Canada," choked Jason.
"So? "
"The main lead singer of our band has died. "
"Oh, my God! How? "
" Car accident," cried Laura, "He was good at singing. It was only because of him that our band got so much fame. "
"Now, he is gone, and I don't know how our band is going to rise again," murmured Andrew.
We all went quiet then.
"Cathy. Can you become part..." whispered Jason, breaking the silence.
"I am sorry, Jason, I have my band. I can't leave it like that." I interrupted before he could complete his sentence.
"Please Cathy. You have to understand our condition. We are not good at music composing."
"I am sorry, Jason, but you will have to find another person. I can't become part of your band."
The very next day, I found out that Jason had tried to kill himself.
He was admitted in the hospital as his cut was severe. I went to the hospital and saw him lying on the bed with his wrist bandaged.
Laura told me that Jason was depressed and all of the stress had taken a toll on him that he tried to cut his hand with a knife.
I felt confused about what I should do as I sat on a chair beside Jason's hospital bed. It was either I help them by being a member of their band or be a member of "The Mist" band.
I was utterly double-minded.
On Friday, Jason got discharged, and we brought him back to the hostel. I went to the recording studio with a new song that Robert gave me to learn. I was at studio waiting for Robert. I felt as if my head was going to explode. I couldn't even revise the lyrics as I was so tensed and perplexed.
After recording, I shared my confusion with Robert. Robert told me to follow my gut instinct.
I entered the room.
"Hey. " greeted Andrew. However, I didn't respond as I tried to come up with the best way to mention my decision to them.
"Are you okay? " asked Laura
"No... "
"What happened? "
"I am so sorry guys, but my gut feeling is saying that " I paused,
"I can't be part of your band."
Everyone was shocked.
"What the hell are you saying? " questioned Alexandria with anger.
"I have a band. I can't leave my band like that." I replied, standing my ground.
"Have some mercy on us, Cathy. Jason has cut his hand because of this whole situation. When will you realise that this is a serious matter and we need you."
"Why are you guys forcing me to leave that band?" I paused, "I am sorry guys I can't...."
"It's okay guys. " stated Jason as he stood up, "I think I have to end my life. I am done with all of this. "
He rushed out of the room. He went to the top of the roof. As he walked towards the boundary, I ran after him "Stop!" I screamed as I bent down panting hard, but he climbed up on the top of the edge.
"Stop Jason! " I shouted, but he didn't listen. I ran towards him just as he was about to jump off. He was about to lean forward and -
"No...!! " I screamed as I held onto his shirt and brought him down to the ground. Jason hissed in pain as he hit the ground.
Okay" I paused to catch a breath, "I want to be a member of your band."
After recording some of their songs, all of them seemed super happy, except me. A week later, an invitation came from New York, my homeland. They were inviting us to perform a concert at a carnival. Beach Park was holding a grand event.
Dennis and Chase were sitting on the grass having a Pepsi. "Dennis, don't you think we should start making songs by ourselves? How long are we going to wait for her?" asked Chase hesitantly.
"Well, we are not very good at it. When Cathy comes back, we will get everything on track. There won't be any more problems" replied Dennis.
"I think your thoughts are being dependent upon Cathy, aren't they?"
Dennis took a sip from his Pepsi can.
"No. I am not. We can wait for a little while after all Cathy is coming back in just a few days."
A few minutes later, the sound of a guitar playing on the stage began attracting a crowd. Slowly and steadily, people were gathering to form a cluster.
Dennis and Chase were still talking to each other until they heard a similar voice. They stared at each other in shock and quickly got up. There was quite a big crowd, and many of the people were whooping and cheering. The air was full of exhilaration.
Dennis slightly started pushing others to get near the stage. A cameraman was standing in the middle, taking shots of the performance. He was utterly shocked, and his heartfelt as if she stabbed it with a knife. Dennis couldn't believe that she was here.
On Sunday afternoon, I was scrolling through channels on the TV when I suddenly saw a news reporter, talking about the fantastic performance the audience saw at the carnival yesterday.
I reached for my mobile phone as it started to ring. Then my mobile beeped.
It was Chase, and he told me that Daniel was in the hospital, diagnosed with cancer. He said to me that Daniel was in the last stage of cancer. Chase also told me about the recent event, which was Daniel regurgitating blood as he was sitting in the front seat of his car.
As soon as the call ended, I rushed to the hospital. As soon as I entered, I asked the man at the counter which ward Daniel was in.
When I entered that ward's pathway, I saw Joey, Chase and Dennis. Joey and Chase were sitting on a bench looking stressed however Dennis was leaning against the wall with crossed arms, one foot against the wall, as he was looking upward.
Knowing that someone has come, Chase looked at me.
Dennis glanced at me, then turned his face away from me. I ignored the pain in my chest and walked into the room. Daniel was lying on a bed, sleeping, so I sat on a chair beside his bedside with a million questions running through my mind.
A few minutes later, I came out of the room and saw Dennis sitting on a chair, head facing down, his hair grabbed by both hands.
I walked towards him and slowly sat beside him,
"Dennis," I said timidly knowing that he might know the biggest mistake I have ever made.
Dennis didn't respond. I gulped in nervousness.
"Dennis, where are the others?" I asked hesitatingly, but he still didn't respond. I stay quiet for a couple of minutes while my heart was erupting in pain.
"I....uh... I am sorry " I stuttered my heart was pounding as I gently put my hand on his shoulder.
"Move your hand from my shoulder Catherine," growled Dennis in anger.
I moved my hand off his shoulder and let the silence start all over again.
A couple of minutes passed, and I finally got the courage to start talking again.
"Dennis, I......uh... I got deliberately and immediately forced to make this decision and....."
" What about us? " interrupted Dennis, "You did not think of us when you took that decision. Huh?"
"That guy was about to commit suicide!"
"So? "
I stared at Dennis in shock, while anger started to boil in my veins.
"What do you mean so? He had to go to the hospital because he cut his hand with a knife."
"He was my enemy. He was my classmate since when we used to learn music lessons. He would always compete against me, always. He used to give me such a hard time you wouldn't believe. He was a sadist! And now you have made them win this competition. Congratulations! Didn't know that you would play this game so stupidly!"
"I swear I didn't know," I said.
" Right now, I just want you to get the hell out of here!" snapped Dennis, his eyes full of anger.
I stared at him for a second before standing up. The way he said it to me left scars of pain in my soul. I sniffed as grief and sorrow engulfed my heart. I then left him and went out of the hospital, wiping away my tears.
Throughout the whole week, all that I felt was a pain. I wanted to see Dennis so bad and to explain as to why I joined that band, but I knew he wasn't going to accept it.
Saturday arrived pretty slowly, and it was departure time from America to Australia. Chase called me to convince me to reunite the band. I told him about our fight.
"Cathy, don't do that. Please don't go. We need you desperately." pleaded Chase.
"I am sorry Chase, it's too late now. Nothing can change this. It's finished" I said while I packed up my things.
"Cathy, don't say that. It's never too late. Your presence is going to bring our band back."
We both stayed quiet for a few seconds.
"I am sorry Chase. I am going to be late for my flight. "
"Cathy...." Chase began to say, but I end the call feeling hopeless.
I left for the airport with a heavy heart. Chase grabbed his car's key and rushed to his car. When he reached there, he ran inside the airport but saw me going inside. I tried to ignore the ache in my chest when I saw his sad face.
At exactly 5:30 pm I was boarded on the plane. After a few hours, the plane landed. I entered the arrival hall, and I saw Dennis was smiling at me. I ran towards him and hugged him tightly as I began to weep.
"I am sorry, Cathy." He said while stroking my hair.
"Excuse me m' am? " A female voice boomed into my ear. I opened my eyes and realised that it was a dream.
"Which drink you want? " asked the hostess standing beside a trolly.
"Yes...? " I asked, feeling groggy.
" Do you want any drinks? "
"No.. Thanks."
I felt so upset after watching that dream that tears rolled down my cheeks.
I reached the hostel. One of the music directors told me that I would have to leave the area after I finish recording my songs.
I walked towards my room's door when all of a sudden, I heard a guy's voice scolding someone. I put my hand against the handle to open the door but immediately pulled away when the guy started shouting. I listened quietly at the steamed argument inside my room.
" I told you that the time of my arrival got postponed for a personal reason, so why did you go out and choose that girl as the main lead. I told you, Jason, to tell Robert to book me a flight on 29th April. You didn' tell him, in fact, you even went as far as lying to him."
I didn't hear Jason say a single word.
"Seriously Jason I swear, you are a big fat liar! I can't trust you, and I don't want to continue with you now anymore."
I immediately pulled away from the door and watched the guy leave my room with a furious expression.
I stared at the opened door for my room as I recalled the argument. I remembered how I destroyed the relationship Dennis and I had built and how I destroyed it. I had betrayed him. Why? Because of Jason.
I stomped inside the room, hot anger raging through my bones and slapped his face with both hands on each side.
"I agree with him! You are a big fat liar! I don't want to continue with you guys either."
Jason stared at me in shock as I walked out to take a breath of fresh air.
I went to the farmhouse and stayed there.
Daniel got discharged from the hospital, so Chase and Dennis were at his house. He was sitting on a bed feeling depressed and down.
"I am sorry guys. I am not going to be any use to you guys. I am sorry that I didn't take care of my health," said Daniel in a feeble voice.
"Yeah, Daniel, I am also feeling glum about you," announced Chase as Daniel looked at him in astonishment that he was agreeing instead of consoling him.
"That you just wasted your energy saying these words."
Daniel and Dennis looked at him, puzzled.
"I found an amazing remedy for your health," stated Chase proudly.
Daniel and Dennis exchanged their glances.
"Yesterday, Catherine sent a message that laughter therapy can heal cancer patients. She also sent me some funny videos. I had a look at them. I got cramps on my stomach."
"Really? " questioned Daniel, feeling hopeful.
"I am sending you those clips."
Three weeks later.
I was doing some gardening at my home when all of a sudden, my mobile beeped. I left the work and took out the mobile from my pocket.
"Hey...Cathy." boomed a familiar voice into my ear.
"May I know who's speaking?"
"Umm... It's Dennis."
I couldn't believe my ears.
"Can you come to my house? "
I felt that a big blossom bloomed into my heart and a tear of happiness rolled down my cheeks.
"Hello?... Hello Cathy? Are you there? "
"No.. " It spurted out mistakenly.
" Oh, sorry....yes, I am here."
I reached his house. Dennis opened up the door.
"Hey." greeted Dennis, "Come in."
I sat on a sofa and Dennis also sat beside me.
"I... I want to say thank you."
"About what? " I inquired.
"About saving Daniel's life."
I smiled as I looked down
"No problem Dennis, it was all God's will. He selected me to save his life. "
"You are truly his lifesaver."
"My pleasure." I smiled.
He held my face and joined his head with mine. "You are, were and will be my true soul mate too." Whispered Dennis lovingly, "I love you. "
"I love you too, " I said.
On Saturday we attended a concert. We sang a song called "Miraculous life. " Everyone was whooping energetically with high spirit. After singing Dennis and I looked at each other smiling.
We both came close. We hung an arm around each other ans raised our hand in triumph holding the mike.
The End.
Catherine(Mallise Etherton)
It was a cold winter night, and I was trying to write the lyrics to my new song, but I was unable to do so as I didn't like any of them. I kept cutting through the lines aggressively with my pen until Vanessa; my stepmother rang the bell calling for supper. I ran down the stairs as quickly as I could.
"Catherine," asked my father as I sat down at the dinner table, " If you could have one dream come true, what would it be?"
"To be a singer and a music composer. To compose rich lyrics and have a pleasant voice just like Flarie Rutardo in that skyline band. She is the main lead of the band." I responded as I took a bite of tuna fish.
"Singing is not a respectable job." said Vanessa, taking a bite of the food on her plate, "And on top of that, singing just doesn't pay enough."
" Being a singer can lead to severe depression which might lead to death if the singer doesn't get help. Although, even after getting help, the singer might not get into a positive mindset," stated Tom, my stepbrother.
"Why is that so?" I asked curiously.
" It's a known fact, Cathy."
"Why," I asked again, not fully understanding what she meant.
"Because it might happen that there will be a decrease in demand for the singer. The singer will get tired of waiting for when they will be called. If there is no high demand for that singer, that means no concerts, no selling of merch or tours. The singer will make no income at all. Eventually, the singer will get into a depressed state and might try to end their life as they see no way out. There are other reasons too."
Vanessa continued " In my school days, there was a classmate, and he was a singer of a famous band. Initially, the fame of his band rose to the top of the Ladder of Success. However, after some time, there remained no more value of the group as another singer took their place. There was a rapid decrease in demand and the main vocal of that band committed suicide. The point is that today, you could be famous and selling tickets, but tomorrow someone could have taken your place, and you have nothing left."
There was complete silence at the table. Vanessa stood up, gathered all the plates in a stack and went into the kitchen. Tom got up and left to continue his studies. Dad rose, opened the fridge, took a bar of Lindor chocolate and sat back down on the chair.
"Awww...poor Cathy" Ellise, my stepsister began to taunt as she laughed, being hideously annoying as always.
" Shut up Ellise" I retorted as I threw a tablespoon at her, in which she lowered her head quickly behind a chair. Dad stared at me, shocked by my action.
" You lose," smirked Ellise.
" Catherine! Mind your manners." exclaimed dad.
I grabbed a fork near me to throw at her, but dad held my hand down.
" I said, mind your manners, Catherine."
Ellise laughs and started taunting me again but eventually went into her room. I rolled my eyes as I shook my head. I quickly ate the remaining food on my plate. The very next day, I got on the bus with the hope to see Jessica, my best friend. Unfortunately, Jessica didn't come, so I felt bored. I took out a copy and a pencil from my bag and began to write.
The school bus didn't even reach its destination, and I successfully wrote the lyrics to my new song. As I read it, I couldn't help but smile confidently. It was splendid. Throughout the weekend, I applied the perfect tune to my new song.
On Monday morning, I reached school only to find two people posting an eye-catching on the notice board. I walked towards the notice board and looked at the poster when the two people left.
It said:
" Folks! Get Ready to show your hidden vocal talent in front of everyone on the 25th of September. Those who will perform amazingly well, and their vocals are off the charts will win a chance to a free trip to Switzerland with the Skyline Band. Beside this poster is a Dropbox where you can drop your name, written on a sheet. Deadline is 24th September. The auditions are to be held from 7:00 pm to 9:00 pm."
I stared at the poster in shock. I was so merrily excited that I immediately took off my bag, took out a copy and pencil, tore out a piece of paper and wrote my name on it. I put it in the Dropbox slowly as I was shaking in disbelief. I finally have the chance to become a singer.
Finally, the awaited day came. Jessica and I were standing behind the stage.
"God, I am feeling so stressed out," mumbled Jessica with her hands in her pockets.
" Don't worry, you can sing well." I consoled.
"Let's see, my confidence is already smashed to smithereens by Sam, the music director who was recording the new song" replied Jessica.
I looked out on the stage at the two performers, Roderick and Lisa. The judges gave them three stars at their impressive performance. I couldn't help but envy their confidence as the host of the show looked in our direction
" The next participant is up. Please welcome on the stage! Jessica Hoverd!"
The crowd yelled and whooped as Jessica walked onto the stage.
"Hello" welcomed Adam, one of the judges.
"So which song you will be going to sing?"
"Ileum Fortress," replied Jessica with a nervous smile.
"Okay, we wish you the best of luck then."
As Jessica began to sing, the audience was silent. She sang amazingly splendid.
" She is going to take this opportunity to visit Switzerland with the band Skyline for sure,"
"Will I?" I thought.
Jessica was dancing to the beat, giving short moves and dance steps. There was no denying that she owned the stage. As soon as Jessica finished singing the song, the crowd got up on their feet and cheered her on.
"You sang a fabulous song, Jessica! It was completely splendid!" smiled Melissa, the second judge. Everybody clapped in approval while whooping.
"Your voice is like liquid gold."
Adam nodded in agreement,
" I admire your voice. You have that rock star vibe. Okay, Aliph,"
Ailph, the third judge, nodded and smiled wide.
"Your voice made me speechless Jessica. Your voice is fantastic! You took care of the low and high pitches. The way you sang some of the notes was brilliant."
Adam looked at Jessica and beamed.
"Jessica, you have got three stars."
Jessica glowed of happiness as she walked towards me. Suddenly my name was Called out, and my heart was pounding against my chest. I climbed the stairs, making sure I didn't trip of nervousness.
"Hello." greeted Mellisa.
"Hey," I replied timidly.
"So what do you want to become?"
"I want to become a singer like Flarie Rutardo, the main lead of the Skyline band."
"Oh, wow!"
"So which song you are going to sing? " asked Adam.
"Well, I wrote this song by myself."
"Oh, wow! You write songs?"
"Yeah," I replied confidently.
"That great! So then good luck."
I nodded and pulled the microphone a bit closer, trying to ignore my sweaty palms. Slowly I became engrossed in the song, and I knew that I would avail this opportunity. My heart started to beat a tad bit faster as I hoped to go to Switzerland with my friends.
All of a sudden, the backing track stopped, and I heard Adam saying stop. I opened my eyes and saw some of the students laughing.
Adam looked down towards the sheet in front of him and slowly shook his head. He looked at me with a pained expression.
"Your song made me feel queasy. It was dreadful!"
At this statement, I felt my blood run cold, and I felt as if I couldn't speak.
"You were singing the song without rhythm," stated Mellisa.
"You were not taking care of the pitch or the notes. Although, I do appreciate that you wrote the song by yourself. The lyrics were good, but you lacked pitch. The biggest mistake you made was that you started singing the high notes."
Ailph nodded in agreement,
"I am sorry, Catherine, you would not be able to visit Switzerland with them. The tune of this song was good. However, your voice doesn't seem right to me. I would say that you need to work hard on your voice."
Adam looked at me with pity.
" It's a no from the three of us. You need to work a lot on your voice."
Heartbroken, I sat beside Jessica in the audience, the comments getting louder than ever in my mind. I could feel the tears rolling down my cheeks. I got up, covering my mouth and ran out of the auditorium, leaving Jessica stunned.
I ran down towards the stairs, sitting on the last two steps. I lowered my face down, crying, my eyes burning from the hot tears. Jessica sat beside me and hung an arm around my back.
"Maybe you can win next time."
"I expected that I will win this fantastic chance, but I am so unlucky." I murmured as I wiped my tears.
"Did you first listen to your voice? Did you make other people listen to your voice?" asked Jessica.
I shook my head
"Did you practice it?"
I shook my head again.
"Dude then how can be possible to expect good comments from judges and to avail this chance? " exclaimed Jessica in shock.
I remain quiet. "Look, Cathy, I was also poor at singing before. One day, my family and some of my cousins were playing UNO. My mum told me that those who will win, that person will sing a song. I was praying to God not to make me win the game. But you can't do anything if winning is in your luck."
"So, you mean, you won?" I asked.
Jessica sighed.
"Sadly, yes. When I began to sing, everybody started to giggle. My parent's heads were facing the floor as they were trying to suppress their laughter. Throughout the rest of the day, I didn't give it much thought, but when night came around, I was balling my eyes out. I couldn't fall asleep."
Jessica continued " Then an idea came to my mind. Why am I wasting my energy by pondering how bad I sang? Why shouldn't I learn from someone who knew how to sing? My aunt is good at singing, and she also teaches about how to compose music. How about I introduce you to her?"
I thought for a second, making up my mind. "To learn vocal skills and music composing from Jessica's aunt would be great," I thought.
The very next day, Jessica brought me to her aunt's home. She knocked with the brass knocker on the door, and a young lady opened the door. She had glowing, translucent skin with red lipstick on and her hair in the style of a bun. The young lady was looking so young more than an aged woman.
"Oh my! What a pleasant surprise!" said the young lady, pulling Jessica into a warm hug.
"How are you?"
"I am fine, Aunt Rasp." giggled Jessica.
Aunt Rasp then looked at me.
" Your friend?" questioned Aunt Rasp.
"Yes, she is my best friend, Catherine," answered Jessica, gesturing towards me.
I put my hand forward to shake her hand.
"Pleasure to meet you," I said, but in return, Aunt Rasp pulled me in for a warm hug.
"No need for formalities" laughed Aunt Rasp.
I smiled. That was so sweet. Aunt Rasp led us in the lounge and Jessica, and I sat on a green origami sofa.
"Would you like to have a drink?"
"No, thanks. We came here for a purpose," informed Jessica.
Aunt Rasp nodded, "What is it?"
"My friend wants to learn singing skills and music composing from you."
"Oh, that's pretty nice, I would love to." beamed Aunt Rasp.
Suddenly, Jessica's phone rang. It was time for her job. However, before leaving, she asked me If I am okay here as if I am a six-year-old child. I nodded confidently.
I attended Aunt Rasp's classes, religiously. I loved the way she was teaching, and the classes were enjoyable.
At the end of the class, she gave me homework on how to improve my voice.
As soon as I came home, I tried to sing as loud as I could following the same method that Aunt Rasp had shown me earlier. I tried to sing the low notes and with a chest voice, but I was always ending up with a deep voice. Yet again, I was out of breath because I started from the high notes. I also took notice of how I sang out of rhythm.
Vanessa, Dad and Ellise were in the lounge watching TV, which was on low volume.
I didn't know that my family downstairs heard my voice. I heard Ellise laughing. I rolled my eyes in annoyance.
All of a sudden Vanessa and dad roared with laughter. They were laughing so loudly that I could hear them from my room.
Ellise ran upstairs and flung my door open.
"Your voice is like a piece of trash. Mom and Dad are laughing at your voice. Do you know that?"
She then laughed and went back downstairs.
I sighed sadly while closing my eyes, looking down on the floor.
"Come on, Cathy. Don't give up now" I tried to motivate myself.
I continued to sing. I could judge myself that my voice was still pathetic.
Come Monday morning, Ellise decided to call her friends over without my knowledge and made them listen to my singing outside my room. I tried to ignore their comments as they continued to make fun of me.
"Her voice is dreadful," stated Annie, a friend of Ellise.
"I know, right!" said Ellise as they all giggled.
"You will never be a good singer in your life. Mark my words!" stated Cristie.
"She should kill herself!" said Joe.
"Your voice makes beautiful flowers wilt."
They were continuously passing bad comments and making fun of my voice. However, I continued to sing and never give up. I had to deal with this for three whole weeks.
I came home from school, and as soon as it reached 6:00 pm, I began to practice. While singing, I was expecting to hear those comments. I completed the whole hour of vocal training, but I couldn't hear any comments outside my door.
" Did Ellise go somewhere with Vanessa," I wondered.
Days were flying, and I couldn't hear any laughter or nasty comments outside my room.
The very next day, I was singing a song with my eyes closed and playing the guitar. After singing the whole song, I opened my eyes and was utterly astonished to see my entire family standing with their mouth dropped open in my room. I smiled when the room erupted into whoops and clapping. When I got home, after lunch, Vanessa took out something from the fridge and put it on the table.
" Oh, my God! My favourite jelly" I yelled excitingly.
"Yeah, it's a small celebration that your voice has finally improved." laughed Vanessa.
"Aww... how sweet of you."
Tom and Ellise stared at me with disapproval. They couldn't eat it as they had sore throats.
As I saw the jelly on my plate, I thought of a way to tempt them both into regretting not eating it. I decided to eat the jelly similarly as that girl on TV who would make all of our family tempted to get the food.
Tom and Ellise were observing me as I started eating the jelly. As they were both drooling, I took a morsel of jelly, closed my eyes and slowly brought it to my mouth. Then I ate it with a full expression just the way that girl did in the ad. I felt a sense of triumph. However, I sadly realised that an empty spoon was inside my mouth. I heard their laughter; when I looked down, I saw the morsel of jelly had fallen onto the plate. It was embarrassing. I shook my head and laughed.
A few hours later, after getting free from all of the studies, I walked downstairs, pulled open the fridge and grabbed a glass of pineapple juice.
Dad was watching TV, and he was flipping through channel after channel until he stopped at a channel which aired a music show, named "What a talent".
There was a band performing in front of three judges.
"Oh! My favourite show is coming! Dad, please don't change it. " I exclaimed, as I sat on a lounge sofa beside him.
After the performance, all of the three judges stood up and began to clap. One by one, each judge was giving good comments to them. That band completely rocked the stage.
The band was delighted that they passed their audition. After the group walked off the stage, the judges were still in admiration as they continued talking about them. It seemed that the judges enjoyed their excellent performance.
A few seconds later, a band of five people entered inside. There was a guy among of them that stook out the most.
He had pale skin, and his body built was amazing. He was looking way too handsome. He had blond hair, and he was wearing a purple shirt. There was a guitar hung over his shoulder.
"Hello!" greeted one of the female judges.
"What's your name?"
"Dennis Morrison." replied the boy.
" How are you doing Dennis?" asked the judge, writing a quick note on her page.
"I'm Good. Thank you"
" what's the name of your band?"
"The Mist," stated Dennis.
"So are you sure that you guys are going to win?"
"I am sure," said Dennis, smiling at his bandmates.
" Let's do this!"
"So which song are you guys going to sing?" questioned one of the male judges.
"We made our song, and it's called "I am on my feet."
The audience whooped and clapped.
"Oh, wow! Seems good however making songs on your own is different and very difficult. We wish you the best of luck!"
"Thank you very much."
Dennis began to sing while playing the guitar, his voice was amazing, but unfortunately, the music was not matching to the vocalist. It was evident that they had no clear idea of which type of music they want to play. It wasn't delightful to the ear.
I could see that the judges were not happy with the song. After a few minutes, Dennis was done singing, and it was time for judges to decide whether if the band passed the audition or not.
"Dennis." addressed Insia, an Indian judge,
"Your voice is amazing, but the music was not synchronised. There is a lot more work to be done on so you guys need to work hard on making synchronised music."
Adam, one of the judges, looked at his notes before saying,
"Your voice was good, but you need to work on composing music. If the vocalist's voice is good but doesn't flow with the music, the performance of the vocalist will be called poor." He explained, "There was also no clear idea of the type of music at the end of the performance."
Sam, the third judge, shook his head,
"Well, somebody from the audience said you guys were rubbish, and I agree. I was not fond of it at all. It was horrible. You may go now."
At this statement, Dennis looked down, biting his lips and walked out, his band not too far behind him.
I stared at the screen, my hatred towards Sam increasing. He sings well, but he has an attitude.
On Wednesday I didn't go to school as I was not feeling better. I was in bed reading a book when all of a sudden Tom steps in my room, shutting the door loudly and threw his backpack on the bed, and began to jump on the indoor trampoline energetically.
"Are you okay, Tom? " I asked.
"No! I am tired of that stupid chummy girl."
"Which girl? "
"Ella! She is so annoying!"
"Why can't she leave me alone. What's her problem? " asked Tom exasperatingly.
"Because she finds you special and not to mention your appearance is very good looking. Maybe that's why she loves you," I teased.
"I think I will have to throw acid on my face. So that Ella may find me ugly."
"Then get ready for the questions people will ask from you."
"Well, I will make any reason to convince them. I am pro at it," said Tom as he began to jump more vigorously.
"Why can't you ignore her, don't talk to her if she is finding a chance to speak with you. Let the relationship slowly fade."
"Ella is a very emotional person. "
"So?" I questioned.
"Her father is a police officer, and he feels for her a lot.
Suddenly my phone rang. I looked at the ID and saw it was Jessica. I smiled at the wallpaper of Jessica, and I was holding each other while laughing.
"Hey! What's up, Jess?" I asked curiously.
"I am good, but can you tell me why you don't want to hang out for three days now? Do you have any idea how bored and lonely I am without you?"
" Sorry, on Sunday I ate a large pineapple pizza, and unfortunately I got food poisoning. It was so bad you wouldn't believe."
", how are you feeling right now?" asked Jessica.
"Yeah...I have a stomach ache right now."
"Oh, get well soon."
I held back a scream as Tom started punching and kicking the punching bag with anger.
" I guess his frustration has not evaporated yet," I thought.
"Do you know what? A new guy came to our school. He is so handsome! I think every girl will be into him." squealed Jessica.
"Really? What's his name?" I asked as I began to drink water.
"Dennis Morison."
I suddenly gasped at the mention of his name and started coughing as some of the water accidentally went into my windpipe.
"Wha-are you okay Cathy?"
"Yeah, yeah I am good," I said after coughing.
" I think I am feeling better," I mumbled.
"What did you say?"
Nothing, when did he come?"
"On Monday and one more thing, the singing competition is being held again on Saturday from 7:00 pm-9:00 pm. Only three more days to go, so get well soon and Thursday is the last day for submitting our names."
"Okay, thank you so much," I said, then hung up.
Later on in the day, dad entered my room.
"Dad, I am going to school tomorrow."
"What suddenly made you say that?" asked Dad bewildered.
"Aaaa... Jessica called me, and she said that the singing competition is being held on Saturday, and Thursday is the last day of submitting our names."
"Ok, suit yourself then." He said. I began to blush as a smile played on my face like crazy with excitement thinking about Dennis.
Saturday arrived pretty quickly, and everybody was excited and mad like crazy. I peered out of the backstage door to check out the huge crowd. At the end of the stage, sat the same judges that I saw at a previous event.
The audience was completely pumped.
"Oh God...the house is full." I sighed as I sat on the sofa. Later on, I saw Dennis walking across the room, heading towards the backstage door. He was wearing a charcoal shirt and black pants. Dennis looked around then got busy on his mobile phone. He was way too handsome that I couldn't look away from him.
A few minutes later, the host arrived on the stage
"Hello, folks."
"What a wonderful event this is! This event will be more downright and joyously amazing. Not only the singing, but there will also be skits, comedy shows, dance and magic shows." stated the host.
The audience erupted in applause and whistles of anticipation.
"All right then! Let's get started!"
At first, Jessica's name was called. She sang a song by Demi Lovato called "Give you heart a break."
Then some people performed skits and comedy, then a boy from our class showed a magic trick, and it was outstandingly amazing.
Dennis was next to be called. He sang a song by LTGTR called " No games."
At the starting of the song, he raised both hands and began to clap according to the beats.
Then he began to sing, and he was giving short moves of dance steps. He was singing just like a singer of that song track and amazingly splendid.
Then some people danced. It was awesome. After that, a skit began. Unfortunately, the skit was so long and tedious that some people started leaving the auditorium. Stress was piling up inside my heart as I just wanted to interrupt to make them stop.
Even Dennis got up and began to walk towards the exit of the auditorium. A few seconds later, the skit closed their act.
"Thank God," I thought.
Finally, my name was called out, and I started making my way to the stage. As soon as I appeared on the stage, some people began to laugh. Someone in the audience whistled loudly. I think they remember my past performance.
The music began, and I started to sing " I could be the one" by Avicci and Nickey Romeo while playing electric guitar. I noticed out of the corner of my eye that Dennis had stopped walking and slowly turned forward. He seemed astounded by my voice. I let out a small smile as he slowly walked forward and reached near the stage.
Those people who were making fun of me make their mouth shut with astonishment. I smiled wide as the audience was hooting and cheering.
As soon as I finished the last note, I received a huge and fantastic response from the audience and judges as they stood up and began to clap. I covered my face as I burst into tears with elation.
"Is that, you, Catherine? Your voice showed good improvement to me. Much better than before. Keep it up, girl!" stated Mellissa with a smile. At this statement, everyone in the audience whooped.
Adam nodded,
"This time, your voice made me feel as if sugar was mixed somewhere, and soon it will turn me into a person with diabetes. However, I won't stop adding sugar. You earned it! You sang much better than the previous audition."
I laughed wiping my tears of joy, but I could feel them rolling down my cheeks again.
"Thank you," I said,
"You improved a lot. Your voice so damn good."
"Well, I want to say that you have a unique rock star voice. I enjoyed the song, and your voice is wow!. This time you were taking care of pitch, rhythm, and you started with impressive low notes. Keep going!"
I laughed as everybody cheered, the whistles almost deafening to my ears.
I came home to find my parents with tears in their eyes. I hugged them tightly.
Dad smiled and hugged me tightly.
The next morning after having breakfast , Jessica gave me a call.
"Hey, Jess!" I greeted.
"So any plan to watch horror movie today? " asked Jessica.
"Sure, why not."
"Yes! Okay, at 8:30 pm I will be waiting for you."
The day went by pretty quickly, and soon I found myself getting dressed to go to Jessica's house. I threw on a pair of tights and an adorned hoody shrug over high neck shirt. I let out a small shiver as I stepped outside. It was freezing.
I closed the door and turned to face the driveway only to find Dennis locking his door. As he turned forward, our eyes met each other with astonishment.
We stood there for a couple of seconds, unable to pull our gazes away from each other.
"Is this a dream?" I thought, completely dazed
"Hello." I managed to say.
"Hey." greeted Dennis, a broad smile on his face.
I blushed.
"Catherine. Right?"
"I never knew you were also living in this same apartment," remarked Dennis in surprise.
"Well, I have been living here for many years. What about you?"
"Its been three days after being shifted into this apartment."
"Oh..I see."
"So where are you going?" asked Dennis
"I am heading towards my friend's house to watch a horror movie."
"Oh, great! I am heading out somewhere as well, should I drop you off at her house?"
"No it's okay, I can walk towards her home by myself, it's near."
"There is no problem for me to drop you off."
"Uh...Okay, then."
We both headed downstairs to the garage. I let out a small whistle as Dennis brought me to his car, a Mercedes. He chuckled at my reaction and opened the door.
"Thank you," I said as I sat inside.
"So which horror movie will you be watching tonight?"
" I genuinely don't know. We will have to decide in her place."
We then became quiet for a few seconds.
"Uh...Catherine," said Dennis
"Mhm..." I responded as I looked at him.
"I just wanted to say that your voice is beautiful. I have never heard anything like it."
I blushed out at his sudden statement
"Thank you." I smiled.
"Umm... I wanted to request you, can I ?"
"For three years, my band has not got any recognition. We have been auditioning at talent shows, but no one is ready to accept us. You are extremely talented, and I am in awe at your voice. So I want to ask you if you would like to join my band."
I stared at Dennis in shock as elation engulfed my heart. I was so pleased by his offer that it felt like anytime I will faint.
I couldn't believe my luck as I knew that if everything worked well, no doubt this band will become famous.
"Catherine." He said, but I couldn't hear, I was star struck. "Catherine!" I looked Dennis in the eyes as he shook me.
"Yes, what?" I asked as I came back to consciousness.
"Are you all right?"
"Yeah, I am all right."
"So what did you decide? Do you want to be a member of my band?" He paused "Because I think a talented singer like you can bring fame to our band. What do you say?"
"Uh...Sure, why not." I said, "But Dennis, my enrollment into your band will not bring fame unless you guys work on composing music."
"How come you already know about our performance?" inquired Dennis raising an eyebrow in curiosity
"Well, I saw your audition on TV," I replied meekly.
Suddenly my mobile phone started ringing.
"Hello, have you reached, Cathy?" asked Jessica.
"Yeah, I have reached your place."
"Thank you for dropping me here." I smiled as I got out of his car.
"No prob." He said, smiling at me.
The following week Dennis called me over to his house to remake the songs.
"So tell me, Dennis, how did you form your band?" I asked as we headed towards his garage.
"Well I used to go to music school to learn the guitar, and of course, there were other students too who used to come to the lessons. There I made friends, and that's how we grouped to be a band."
As Dennis unlocked the garage and pushed up the shutter, I saw many instruments inside such as a piano, drum, electric guitar, bass guitar and several others.
"Here, we used to practice but not as frequently now."
He then took the guitar from the hook and sat on a chair,
"Do you want me to sing the first song that I played acoustically at the first music class?"
I took a chair and sat in front of him. He then began to play by closing his eyes, and he sang a song called "See you again" by Whiz Khalifa. His voice was remarkably outstanding. He was singing downright amazing, better than the original one.
As soon as he stopped singing, I began to clap,
"Thank you.." He said, bowing his head down.
"My words are failed to describe your voice." I complimented in awe.
"Same goes to you when I heard your voice for the first time." teased Dennis with a smile.
"By the way, why did you choose my voice? Others can sing way much better." I asked.
"Because I found something different in your voice and I love it." At this, I looked down smiling as I blushed.
Suddenly I heard his stomach growling.
"Okay...I guess my stomach is saying to stop talking, resume it after eating something."
We both laughed.
Dennis took out two chocolate granola bars from his jean pocket. "Do you want one?"
"yeah," I said, and he gave one to me.
"Granola bars are my favourite, although at first, I don't like it at all," said Dennis as he opened it and took a bite.
"One day I was talking with Chase as he was doing his maths homework."
He took another bite of the granola bar.
" A few seconds later I noticed that he was unable to solve the maths equation, so he took out this type of granola bar from his pocket, broke it in half and shoved it into my mouth. It was so good that I was engrossed in eating."
Dennis continued " He gave me a whole bar to eat to stop me from talking. Chase started muttering about how he can finally concentrate"
Dennis smiled as I laughed.
" That's very clever of him," I said as I took a bite of the bar.
A few seconds later, five boys arrived at the garage.
"Hey!" greeted Dennis as he got up, giving high fives to the boys and hugged Chase
"what's up, bro!"
"Good," replied Chase, peeking his face away from Dennis staring at me.
"Oh, so this the girl you were telling me about?" asked Chase tilting his head in my direction.
"Yup! Guys, this is Catherine Joseph, a new singer of our band and a music composer. Catherine these are my bandmates." explained Dennis proudly.
"Hey!" I greeted as I shook hand with all of them, "pleasure to meet you guys."
"So, you are a music composer as well as a singer?" questioned Chase, while shaking my hand.
"Yes." I smiled.
After one week.
I called Jessica to see if she could come over to make a video of us. "Okay, let's go! " announced Jessica,
Dennis and I began to tap our feet, producing a tune. Our genre of music was pop. Mike, one of the bandmates, started to play electric piano along with the song to which we were tapping our feet. I looked over at David as he gave his signature smile and nodded for me to sing.
I started to sing the first verse, while Dennis accompanied with the guitar. He sang the second verse, and as Joey began to play the drums, Chase went ahead to play rock guitar. Our genre of music was pop.
On Friday I was tired of composing a song, so I went to the fridge to have some chocolates. I opened the refrigerator but unfortunately didn't find anything, so I closed it tiredly. I looked around the lounge and noticed a red box of chocolates on the divider table. My mouth watered as I quickly walked towards it.
Ugh! It was Vanessa's jewellery box!
Monday morning came by quickly, and I was having lunch in the cafeteria with Jessica. I was showing her some laughter therapy clips that helped people with cancer. A few seconds later, Jessica wanted to go to the washroom, and she left.
I was eating my lunch peacefully until Andrew threw my handmade water pump project on the table. I stood up, looking at him in shock.
"Catherine, what is this? It's pathetic!" thundered Andrew.
"What is wrong with this project, sir?"
"Where is the turbine? Also, the pump is not giving full pressure." gestured Andrew angrily towards the broken project on the table.
"Sir, I tried my best but couldn't figure it out." I stammered, trying to stand my ground.
"The answer is straightforward, Catherine. You are an idiot! " yelled Andrew, raising his hands in the air in exasperation.
Andrew continued yelling,
" Why would you use casing when you know that it isn't leakproof?" Do you even pay attention in my class? It appears you were daydreaming when I told you to use a 12 V battery to rotate the motor! "
I noticed some students looking at us, covering their mouths, whispering and tried to ignore the sense of humiliation. I decided to take in more air into my lungs quietly as I felt like I was going got pass out. This is my first time being humiliated in school. Nobody had ever scolded other students in the cafeteria like this.
"I am sorry, sir." my voice quivering.
"You have to make it again!" ordered Andrew giving me a dark glare. He picked up my project, threw it into the trash can and walked away.
I stared in shock at my project and slowly sat down at my table, putting my head down, my face covered between my arms. I tightened my fist around each opposite arm as I tried to hold back my tears but could feel them trickling rapidly down my cheeks.
Dennis was watching the whole scene unravel itself from the back. He got up abruptly and walked towards Andrew outraged. He tapped Andrew on the shoulder. As soon as Andrew turned around, Dennis's fist made contact with his face. Dennis grabbed Andrews hair and slammed his head onto the glass table. Andrew let out a loud groan as blood came oozing down his forehead.
"How dare you speak to her like that, Andrew!" raged Dennis.
Andrew regained his balance and grabbed Dennis by his collar.
"I am your teacher right now, not your cousin!"
I quickly got out of my surprised state and ran to Dennis, wrapping my arms around him.
" Dennis, please, calm down, he is hurt pretty badly" I whispered gently against his back.
"There was no need to humiliate her like that! " retaliated Dennis and forcefully shoved Andrew off him. Andrew lost his balance and fell to the ground.
I squeezed my eyes shut and tightened my hold against Dennis as he tried to move forward. After a few minutes, Dennis stood still as if he was rooted to the spot, his hand tracing patterns on my hands, slowly calming down.
"Don't you dare harm her feelings!" threatened Dennis, his eyes transmitting waves of anger towards Andrews direction.
Seeing the fear in Andrew's eyes, Dennis grabbed my hands and walked me to my table. He sat down beside me and hugged me. I tried to give him a reassuring smile, but I started feeling nauseous.
Everyone in the cafeteria was watching us, whispering.
Dennis must have sensed my anxiety because he started stroking my back comfortingly.
"I am sorry, Cathy. It's okay. Shhhhh, calm down. You know he is an ill-mannered, arrogant person. He deserves it."
I wanted to laugh at Dennis's determination, but everything around me started spinning. I tried to pinpoint Dennis's face in the dizziness, but my eyes began to water. I squeezed Dennis's hand, which was still in mine. I felt as if I couldn't breathe.
Dennis stared worryingly at Catherine as she squeezed his hand, her face full of panic. Suddenly he leapt forward catching her body as it fell from the chair to floor. Dennis held onto her, giving her support as he knelt with her. Catherine had fallen
unconscious. Everyone stayed silent that you could hear a pin drop.
A whole crowd of students had gathered around Dennis.
Dennis pressed against her chest, forcefully, supplying his air to her mouth. He did it continuously. A few seconds later, I woke up inhaling as much air into my system. I tried to sit up by myself, but my knees were asleep, so he pulled me onto his lap.
Dennis held my face gently and wiped my tears with his thumb.
"I worked hard on that project from day to night," I said in a quivery voice.
" No need to get worry my dear. I promise I am going to help you with that project. Okay? "
I nodded.
He handed me my glass of juice that was on the table.
"Drink it, and you will feel much better,"
I gave him a small smile and took a sip of it.
Dennis looked at the crowd with a question in his eyes.
"Well? This is the end of the show. Cathy is okay now."
He lifted me, put me on a chair and handed me the glass of juice again. Dennis began to tell me about Andrew and their relationship.
Andrew is Dennis's cousin and used to bully others. As a punishment for the disrespect, the director of our school made Andrew teach the social studies unit.
In the evening, I went to Dennis's house, and he helped me do my project all over again. Dennis looked out the window as night had fallen and smiled.
"Come on, let's go out."
Dennis took me to different amusing places. He took me to an arcade, and we tried some games, including the dance revolution.
Dennis rose an eyebrow towards me, his eyes containing a sense of competition. I smirked and patted his back, wishing him luck. Dennis laughed.
"I'll have to warn you. I am very competitive."
" I'll handle it" I responded with a smile. We both took a harder one. However, this time was different as I wasn't wearing sneakers, I had heels on, but I still managed to do it. Halfway throughout the dance, Dennis stopped, leaned against the rail, with his arms folded. I could feel his gaze on me, watching my every move. I smiled at him, my cheeks warm.
I finished the dance and rested against the rail, slightly out of breath. David walked towards me, clapping.
"You're amazing." beamed David, giving me a high five.
"Thank you," I replied shyly, tucking the strands of hair in my face behind my ear.
" What's next?" I asked curiously, adrenaline-pumping throughout my veins.
"Disco?" questioned Dennis.
"Okay." I nodded and took Dennis's outstretched hand and headed towards the disco club.
As soon as we entered, it was by luck that my favourite song "Carnival by Spektor" began to play.
"It's not a song. It's one of a kind heart-throbbing music."
"Oh, my God. My favourite song! " I exclaimed, pulling Dennis towards the centre of the dance floor, taking his hands in mine and swayed to the beat.
"I think the DJ knows what happened at the cafeteria today," chuckled Dennis while dancing. At this, we both laughed.
He made my day, and I felt like nothing happened in the cafeteria.
On Saturday Dennis and I headed to the cinema. After the forty-five-minute drive, the cinema came into view. We bought the tickets and walked inside without any snacks as we weren't hungry. The trailers of several popular movies were showing on the screen.
Meanwhile, Dennis fished out his mobile phone from his jean pocket.
I looked over at him with a smile only to find my face on his mobile screen. He took a few selfies of us, the cute smile never leaving his face as he looked over them.
After 10 minutes, the movie began. The film was very mirthful as we were laughing too hard, holding our stomach's as they ached. Dennis looked over at me and gently wiped away the tears of laughter that rolled down my cheeks. He chuckled as he noticed the blazing blush on my cheeks. As the movie was reaching to its happy ending, Dennis hung an arm around my back, as I rested my head on his shoulder. My heart started pounding so fast when he leaned his head against mine. He also joined his head with mine.
"Woah! The movie was amazing, wasn't it? " concluded Dennis as we walked out of the cinema holding each other's hand.
"Yeah! It was outstanding. It was a blend of struggle and comedy." I answered.
"I like this type of movies. I will rate the movie 4/5. What about you? " asked Dennis.
"Me, too," I replied with a laugh.
"It will be your turn to pick the movie next time we go out."
"Really? " I asked incredulously.
Suddenly he picked me up in a horizontal position.
"Woah! " I yelped by his sudden act
Dennis spun me around, chuckling at my squeals of laughter and placed a kiss on my cheeks, putting me down.
Dennis stared at me with an unreadable expression and pulled me into a hug.
As we were having a coffee at Dennis's house, I got a call.
"Is this Catherine Russo talking?" inquired a manly voice.
"I am talking from the manager of Nikkon at Jhones Beach Theatre."
"Okay," I responded, feeling nervous.
"I would like to invite you to perform a live concert on Saturday from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm."
I felt my jaw drop to the floor, and a broad smile crept on my face. "Oh, my God! Seriously? " I exclaimed as Dennis looked at me in astonishment.
"Yes. The public loves the music videos covered by the band, and you guys are in high demand. So, we decided to invite all of you to perform a live concert."
"Thank you, sir. Thank you so much. It is a huge compliment for all of us."
"Well, you guys deserve it."
"Thank you, sir... Ok bye " I stammered as I ended the call.
I looked at Dennis in shock. Dennis stared right back at me, excited but perplexed as he stood up and walked me. Suddenly he pulled me into his tight embrace.
" You have got to be our good luck charm,"
Dennis and I were sitting on a sofa out on the terrace. His arm hung on my back, and I was lying on his shoulder. We both were watching sky cluttered with stars.
"We never knew that one day we would shoot across the sky full of stars." whispered Dennis, "And the credit goes to you."
"Mhm," I agreed, not feeling good. Dennis turned curiously towards me
"What's wrong Cathy? Are you all right?" asked Dennis gently.
"Yeah, I am good." I sniffed as I moved my head off from his shoulder.
"You look very upset," stated Dennis worryingly.
I shook my head and didn't say anything as I heaved a sigh moving back, looking at the stars.
"Share with me, Cathy. You will feel much better if you share with me what is bothering you. "
"I got a call from Australia from a music director for recording two or three songs," I replied.
"Really? That's terrific news. It doesn't make sense to be sad."
"Before going to Australia, my Dad said....." My voice quivered "That- that you will come to Australia for some reason and...." I burst into tears, moving forward covering my face with both hands. Dennis was a bit perplexed of my sudden reaction as he was watching me.
"I was waiting to know what plan he has made for me, but he didn't respond. All I heard were screams of agony. I found out later that he died in the plane crash" I said sobbing.
Dennis didn't say anything for a while but held me tightly as I cried my eyes out. He then picked up the guitar leaning against the wall. My face covered with both hands.
Dennis then began to play it with his captivating voice. A song called "Too many times" by Rob Humphrey. I turned my face toward him. He wiped my tears, giving me an encouraging smile. We stared at each other, unable to pull away. Dennis gently caressed my face as if in awe. He then held my face,
"Love, don't cry. You don't know that you are hurting your deceased father's soul. Whenever you are feeling sad, recall all the fun memories that we had spent together. Ok? You will feel much better."
I nodded. Dennis lifted my hand towards his and intertwined our hands. He placed his forehead against mine.
"Don't be upset, Cathy. I am with you forever" said Dennis as he squeezed my hand in reassurance. I giggled and pulled him close, letting my eyes droop to a close.
Early next morning Dennis and I went to the airport, and he was carrying my luggage. Dennis held my face before he saw me off.
"Remember my words?"
"Yes. " I replied with a smile.
"Good! I love you."
"I love you too," I smiled and let out a giggle when he bent down and pecked my cheeks. He handed me my luggage while staring at me with an unrecognisable expression on his face. I stared right back and pulled him close as I hugged him. I hugged him tightly, afraid that we will never meet again.
I gave him a last wave of goodbye and smiled before going inside the boarding.
After some hours.
I arrived at Australia's airport. As I entered the arrival hall, I noticed a man who faces resembled my father. He was holding a board with my name written on it. I walked to him.
"Catherine Russo?" asked the man.
He then took my luggage and walked towards his car. I followed him, thanking him when he opened the door for me. As soon as I sat in the car, I tried to find a comfortable position.
After forty-five minutes of driving a building came into view. In the middle of the building was a sign that said " Embarkshire Criptoss hostel". I got out of the car, and the driver opened up the boot of the car to take out my luggage.
A guy was coming out from the building a He had messy golden hair and dark brown eyes.
"Catherine, right? "
"Yes. " I replied.
"Oh.. So did you have a well and safe journey?"
"Yeah, it was good." I then picked up my heavy luggage from the driver, but that guy took it instead.
"I will get it."
"Thank you."
We both walked inside that place.
"My name is Robert Sky, and I am the music director."
"When will I have to come to the recording studio?" I questioned curiously.
"Well, I will tell you when I will get the time."
I nodded in understanding.
"Do I need to stay alone in the room? "
"No.. Um... You have to stay with five other people inside."
I stilled as hesitation and nervousness engulfed my heart.
"Okay... " I said slowly, my heart pounding of nervousness.
Soon we stood before a brown closed door,
"room 584." stated Robert as he handed me a key with my name on it.
"Have a nice day."
"Thanks. "
He nodded and walked away whistling. As I opened the door with hesitation, I noticed that the room was humungous and very appealing. There were five beds, and it appeared that each person could control the air conditioning system.
I froze as I locked eyes with a guy on the third bed. He was reading a book. He looked at me,
"Hey... " I said in a low voice. Then he got up and walked towards me.
"Hey, I am Jason. " greeted Jason as he shook my hand.
"I am Cathy... Oops, Catherine." I said, smiling.
"Oh, I see... So people call you Cathy, right?"
"Yes. "
As he gave me a way to come in, I made the two pieces of luggage stand in the corner.
"No.. Um..the luggage area is there. " He pointed towards the line of a vertically extended rectangular shape shelves along with other items of luggage kept there.
I nodded and moved them over it. I looked around the room and sat on the bed tiringly.
"So, for which purpose you came here? "
asked Jason with curiosity.
"I came here to record some songs."
Suddenly, some people entered inside.
"Hey! How are you?" exclaimed one girl
"I am okay. " I smiled. Everybody gathered around me.
" These are my bandmates." Jason introduced them. "Laura, Alexandria, Shawn and Andrew.
" I am a huge fan of yours." squealed Laura
"Me too. " laughed Shawn.
"I love to listen to your music. The songs are so good that I can't stop listening. It makes my day." Shawn said.
"Thanks. " I said.
"So, for which purpose are you guys living here?" I asked.
"We are here to recording our songs..."
A few seconds later, we were doing our own thing. Laura was playing the guitar. Jason was on his mobile phone. I went to the kitchen to drink water and saw that Alexandria was making a salad.
I stood beside her as I pour water from a jug into the glass.
"So how did you guys form a band? " I asked.
"We all used to go to the Alesso Smith music school in America."
"Alesso Smith? That's where Dennis went. "
"Yeah, we know that. All of us went to the same music school. There is the main lead of the band Jasper who just went to Canada yesterday for some purpose."
" When will he come back?" I said, taking another sip of water.
"Saturday as it is the day of the recording," informed Alexandria as she mixed some mayonnaise into the salad.
On Wednesday, I came back from the recording studio and saw all of them sitting down with their shocked faces.
I felt inquisitive to know what happened, so I asked what happened.
"Guys? Is everything all right?" I asked, feeling quite inquisitive about this whole situation.
Nobody said anything as Laura wiped her tears.
"Why are all you upset?"
"A call came from Canada," choked Jason.
"So? "
"The main lead singer of our band has died. "
"Oh, my God! How? "
" Car accident," cried Laura, "He was good at singing. It was only because of him that our band got so much fame. "
"Now, he is gone, and I don't know how our band is going to rise again," murmured Andrew.
We all went quiet then.
"Cathy. Can you become part..." whispered Jason, breaking the silence.
"I am sorry, Jason, I have my band. I can't leave it like that." I interrupted before he could complete his sentence.
"Please Cathy. You have to understand our condition. We are not good at music composing."
"I am sorry, Jason, but you will have to find another person. I can't become part of your band."
The very next day, I found out that Jason had tried to kill himself.
He was admitted in the hospital as his cut was severe. I went to the hospital and saw him lying on the bed with his wrist bandaged.
Laura told me that Jason was depressed and all of the stress had taken a toll on him that he tried to cut his hand with a knife.
I felt confused about what I should do as I sat on a chair beside Jason's hospital bed. It was either I help them by being a member of their band or be a member of "The Mist" band.
I was utterly double-minded.
On Friday, Jason got discharged, and we brought him back to the hostel. I went to the recording studio with a new song that Robert gave me to learn. I was at studio waiting for Robert. I felt as if my head was going to explode. I couldn't even revise the lyrics as I was so tensed and perplexed.
After recording, I shared my confusion with Robert. Robert told me to follow my gut instinct.
I entered the room.
"Hey. " greeted Andrew. However, I didn't respond as I tried to come up with the best way to mention my decision to them.
"Are you okay? " asked Laura
"No... "
"What happened? "
"I am so sorry guys, but my gut feeling is saying that " I paused,
"I can't be part of your band."
Everyone was shocked.
"What the hell are you saying? " questioned Alexandria with anger.
"I have a band. I can't leave my band like that." I replied, standing my ground.
"Have some mercy on us, Cathy. Jason has cut his hand because of this whole situation. When will you realise that this is a serious matter and we need you."
"Why are you guys forcing me to leave that band?" I paused, "I am sorry guys I can't...."
"It's okay guys. " stated Jason as he stood up, "I think I have to end my life. I am done with all of this. "
He rushed out of the room. He went to the top of the roof. As he walked towards the boundary, I ran after him "Stop!" I screamed as I bent down panting hard, but he climbed up on the top of the edge.
"Stop Jason! " I shouted, but he didn't listen. I ran towards him just as he was about to jump off. He was about to lean forward and -
"No...!! " I screamed as I held onto his shirt and brought him down to the ground. Jason hissed in pain as he hit the ground.
Okay" I paused to catch a breath, "I want to be a member of your band."
After recording some of their songs, all of them seemed super happy, except me. A week later, an invitation came from New York, my homeland. They were inviting us to perform a concert at a carnival. Beach Park was holding a grand event.
Dennis and Chase were sitting on the grass having a Pepsi. "Dennis, don't you think we should start making songs by ourselves? How long are we going to wait for her?" asked Chase hesitantly.
"Well, we are not very good at it. When Cathy comes back, we will get everything on track. There won't be any more problems" replied Dennis.
"I think your thoughts are being dependent upon Cathy, aren't they?"
Dennis took a sip from his Pepsi can.
"No. I am not. We can wait for a little while after all Cathy is coming back in just a few days."
A few minutes later, the sound of a guitar playing on the stage began attracting a crowd. Slowly and steadily, people were gathering to form a cluster.
Dennis and Chase were still talking to each other until they heard a similar voice. They stared at each other in shock and quickly got up. There was quite a big crowd, and many of the people were whooping and cheering. The air was full of exhilaration.
Dennis slightly started pushing others to get near the stage. A cameraman was standing in the middle, taking shots of the performance. He was utterly shocked, and his heartfelt as if she stabbed it with a knife. Dennis couldn't believe that she was here.
On Sunday afternoon, I was scrolling through channels on the TV when I suddenly saw a news reporter, talking about the fantastic performance the audience saw at the carnival yesterday.
I reached for my mobile phone as it started to ring. Then my mobile beeped.
It was Chase, and he told me that Daniel was in the hospital, diagnosed with cancer. He said to me that Daniel was in the last stage of cancer. Chase also told me about the recent event, which was Daniel regurgitating blood as he was sitting in the front seat of his car.
As soon as the call ended, I rushed to the hospital. As soon as I entered, I asked the man at the counter which ward Daniel was in.
When I entered that ward's pathway, I saw Joey, Chase and Dennis. Joey and Chase were sitting on a bench looking stressed however Dennis was leaning against the wall with crossed arms, one foot against the wall, as he was looking upward.
Knowing that someone has come, Chase looked at me.
Dennis glanced at me, then turned his face away from me. I ignored the pain in my chest and walked into the room. Daniel was lying on a bed, sleeping, so I sat on a chair beside his bedside with a million questions running through my mind.
A few minutes later, I came out of the room and saw Dennis sitting on a chair, head facing down, his hair grabbed by both hands.
I walked towards him and slowly sat beside him,
"Dennis," I said timidly knowing that he might know the biggest mistake I have ever made.
Dennis didn't respond. I gulped in nervousness.
"Dennis, where are the others?" I asked hesitatingly, but he still didn't respond. I stay quiet for a couple of minutes while my heart was erupting in pain.
"I....uh... I am sorry " I stuttered my heart was pounding as I gently put my hand on his shoulder.
"Move your hand from my shoulder Catherine," growled Dennis in anger.
I moved my hand off his shoulder and let the silence start all over again.
A couple of minutes passed, and I finally got the courage to start talking again.
"Dennis, I......uh... I got deliberately and immediately forced to make this decision and....."
" What about us? " interrupted Dennis, "You did not think of us when you took that decision. Huh?"
"That guy was about to commit suicide!"
"So? "
I stared at Dennis in shock, while anger started to boil in my veins.
"What do you mean so? He had to go to the hospital because he cut his hand with a knife."
"He was my enemy. He was my classmate since when we used to learn music lessons. He would always compete against me, always. He used to give me such a hard time you wouldn't believe. He was a sadist! And now you have made them win this competition. Congratulations! Didn't know that you would play this game so stupidly!"
"I swear I didn't know," I said.
" Right now, I just want you to get the hell out of here!" snapped Dennis, his eyes full of anger.
I stared at him for a second before standing up. The way he said it to me left scars of pain in my soul. I sniffed as grief and sorrow engulfed my heart. I then left him and went out of the hospital, wiping away my tears.
Throughout the whole week, all that I felt was a pain. I wanted to see Dennis so bad and to explain as to why I joined that band, but I knew he wasn't going to accept it.
Saturday arrived pretty slowly, and it was departure time from America to Australia. Chase called me to convince me to reunite the band. I told him about our fight.
"Cathy, don't do that. Please don't go. We need you desperately." pleaded Chase.
"I am sorry Chase, it's too late now. Nothing can change this. It's finished" I said while I packed up my things.
"Cathy, don't say that. It's never too late. Your presence is going to bring our band back."
We both stayed quiet for a few seconds.
"I am sorry Chase. I am going to be late for my flight. "
"Cathy...." Chase began to say, but I end the call feeling hopeless.
I left for the airport with a heavy heart. Chase grabbed his car's key and rushed to his car. When he reached there, he ran inside the airport but saw me going inside. I tried to ignore the ache in my chest when I saw his sad face.
At exactly 5:30 pm I was boarded on the plane. After a few hours, the plane landed. I entered the arrival hall, and I saw Dennis was smiling at me. I ran towards him and hugged him tightly as I began to weep.
"I am sorry, Cathy." He said while stroking my hair.
"Excuse me m' am? " A female voice boomed into my ear. I opened my eyes and realised that it was a dream.
"Which drink you want? " asked the hostess standing beside a trolly.
"Yes...? " I asked, feeling groggy.
" Do you want any drinks? "
"No.. Thanks."
I felt so upset after watching that dream that tears rolled down my cheeks.
I reached the hostel. One of the music directors told me that I would have to leave the area after I finish recording my songs.
I walked towards my room's door when all of a sudden, I heard a guy's voice scolding someone. I put my hand against the handle to open the door but immediately pulled away when the guy started shouting. I listened quietly at the steamed argument inside my room.
" I told you that the time of my arrival got postponed for a personal reason, so why did you go out and choose that girl as the main lead. I told you, Jason, to tell Robert to book me a flight on 29th April. You didn' tell him, in fact, you even went as far as lying to him."
I didn't hear Jason say a single word.
"Seriously Jason I swear, you are a big fat liar! I can't trust you, and I don't want to continue with you now anymore."
I immediately pulled away from the door and watched the guy leave my room with a furious expression.
I stared at the opened door for my room as I recalled the argument. I remembered how I destroyed the relationship Dennis and I had built and how I destroyed it. I had betrayed him. Why? Because of Jason.
I stomped inside the room, hot anger raging through my bones and slapped his face with both hands on each side.
"I agree with him! You are a big fat liar! I don't want to continue with you guys either."
Jason stared at me in shock as I walked out to take a breath of fresh air.
I went to the farmhouse and stayed there.
Daniel got discharged from the hospital, so Chase and Dennis were at his house. He was sitting on a bed feeling depressed and down.
"I am sorry guys. I am not going to be any use to you guys. I am sorry that I didn't take care of my health," said Daniel in a feeble voice.
"Yeah, Daniel, I am also feeling glum about you," announced Chase as Daniel looked at him in astonishment that he was agreeing instead of consoling him.
"That you just wasted your energy saying these words."
Daniel and Dennis looked at him, puzzled.
"I found an amazing remedy for your health," stated Chase proudly.
Daniel and Dennis exchanged their glances.
"Yesterday, Catherine sent a message that laughter therapy can heal cancer patients. She also sent me some funny videos. I had a look at them. I got cramps on my stomach."
"Really? " questioned Daniel, feeling hopeful.
"I am sending you those clips."
Three weeks later.
I was doing some gardening at my home when all of a sudden, my mobile beeped. I left the work and took out the mobile from my pocket.
"Hey...Cathy." boomed a familiar voice into my ear.
"May I know who's speaking?"
"Umm... It's Dennis."
I couldn't believe my ears.
"Can you come to my house? "
I felt that a big blossom bloomed into my heart and a tear of happiness rolled down my cheeks.
"Hello?... Hello Cathy? Are you there? "
"No.. " It spurted out mistakenly.
" Oh, sorry....yes, I am here."
I reached his house. Dennis opened up the door.
"Hey." greeted Dennis, "Come in."
I sat on a sofa and Dennis also sat beside me.
"I... I want to say thank you."
"About what? " I inquired.
"About saving Daniel's life."
I smiled as I looked down
"No problem Dennis, it was all God's will. He selected me to save his life. "
"You are truly his lifesaver."
"My pleasure." I smiled.
He held my face and joined his head with mine. "You are, were and will be my true soul mate too." Whispered Dennis lovingly, "I love you. "
"I love you too, " I said.
On Saturday we attended a concert. We sang a song called "Miraculous life. " Everyone was whooping energetically with high spirit. After singing Dennis and I looked at each other smiling.
We both came close. We hung an arm around each other ans raised our hand in triumph holding the mike.
The End.
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