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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Adults
- Theme: Family & Friends
- Subject: Novels
- Published: 04/04/2020
Chapter 1
Pine Ridge South Dakota, there was a family who was expecting. They both had good jobs, and a nice trailer home, life was good. The woman was home doing the dishes when she went into labor, her husband just came in and they went to the hospital. When they arrived, they put her in a room and she gave birth to a boy. They named him Jesse, but his Native Name is
"Takoda" (friend to everyone).
"He's beautiful sweetheart, he's the best thing that has ever happened to us," said Grey Owl.
"Yes, he is," said White Dove.
Then they took him home and they became a family. Then when he turned seven he noticed his parents acting differently than when he was little. He thought it was kind of strange. One morning he woke up and went to the kitchen and sat at the table, he noticed both parents weren't in the kitchen, he didn't smell coffee, the stove was not on, nothing was cooking, he didn't hear any talking, just like yesterday, so he pushed his glasses up further on his nose and got up from the table and went to their bedroom. He opened the door and found them both passed out on the bed. He walked towards his mom and shook her, trying to wake her up, but she didn't even move.
So, he walked out and opened the fridge, he grabbed an egg and went and got a plastic bowl, because he couldn't quite reach the cabinet with the other plates and bowls, and he cracked the egg into the plastic bowl and he whisked the egg in the plastic tub, then he pulled a small iron skillet out and grabbed a step stool and put the skillet on the stove and turned it on low, then he poured his egg in the skillet and he started cooking it. When it was finished he grabbed a glove and put on the other side of the burner and turned the stove off. He put the egg back in the plastic container and a piece of bread and went to his room, he sat down at his little table and ate his egg and a piece of bread. Then he got up and dressed, he took his dishes back to the sink, he pulled the step stool in front of the sink and did his dishes and what else was left in the sink, and left them out to dry. Went back to his room, put his coat and his backpack on, he went to his parent's room and kissed them both goodbye and told them he loves them, and he'll see them when he gets home from school.
So, he grabbed the extra key hanging on the key rack and locked the door from behind him. Then he jumped off the step and ran towards the bus stop. So, he sat down on the bench to wait for the bus. As he was waiting more kids came over, including his three friends, plus one new friend named Lisa.
"Aho kola" (hello friend)," said Richard Grey Eyes.
"Aho" (hello)," smiled Jesse.
"How's it going?" asked Alvina.
"Good, good, what about yourself?" asked Jesse.
"Same here, everything is good," said Alvina.
"I heard your parents threw a big party last weekend at your house," said Richard.
"Yea, there were a lot of people there, that could explain the yelling and shouting when it was all done," said Jesse.
"Your parents were fighting again," said Lisa.
"Yeah, but it got quiet around 1:30 am," said Jesse.
"Really, how'd you know, what were you doing up at 1:30 in the morning?"
asked Alvina.
"Well I don't sleep when I am home," said Jesse.
"Why?" worried Lisa.
"Well, the truth," said Jesse.
"Yes," said Lisa.
"I'm afraid…" said Jesse.
"Afraid, you're afraid?" asked William concerned.
"I'm afraid to go to sleep because I don't know what will happen if I do," said Jesse.
"Your parents haven't beaten you, have they?" asked Alvina.
"No, they wouldn't do that," said Jesse.
"You never know bro, drunks will do anything, just be careful," said Richard.
"I know," said Jesse.
Then the bus starts pulling up. All the kids get on the bus and head to school. Back at the house, Jesse's parents were just not getting up. They got dressed and started walking, stumbling, of course, they were still drunk. They walked to White Clay and went and bought more beer and sat on the curb and started drinking with the other people that were there. Then a patrol car pulled up to the general store and got out.
"Oh no it's the cops, what are you doing here, are going to arrest us from drunken desertedness," laughed Grey Owl.
"You no better Grey Owl," said Walker.
"Aw come on Walker, were just having a little fun," laughed Grey Owl.
"Why don't you guys go home and take care of your son, that's if you remember you have one, what happened to you both?" asked Walker walking towards them.
"Life bro, that's what happened, we couldn't face reality so we drink because there is nothing there, there's nothing here," angered Grey Owl.
"So you can't face reality, you can't wake up and notice how your living, there is more in South Dakota than anything, you can leave to know, go further up and get a job like you had a long time ago before they let you go, you could have applied at another job there, but you just gave up too easily, and so did you White Dove, your drinking yourself to death because of your sisters death do you even love your son, do you even know he is there half the time?" asked Walker.
"What son? We disown him, he has brought us the shame to our people," angered Grey Owl.
"No, you brought shame to your people, go home," said Walker walking away.
"Where are you going, come back and fight me like a man," said Grey Owl.
"Go home, "said Walker going inside the store.
At the school, kids were playing outside until it was time for them all to go home.
"Hey Jesse, do you want to come over to my house, I'm having a sleepover?" asked Richard Grey Eyes.
"Sure, I just have to ask my parents when I get home," said Jesse.
"Cool, I'll see then, Alvina, Lisa and William are coming as well," said Richard.
"Sweet, I'll be there," said Jesse.
"Good," said Richard.
Then the bell rang, and everyone got in line and went inside. They all went to their classrooms and grabbed their stuff and ran out of the school to get on the busses. The bus drove them home and stopped at the bus stop and all the kids got off.
"I'll see you tonight?" Richard.
"Yes," said Jesse.
"Okay bye," said Richard.
"Bye, "said Jesse walking home.
When he was walking home he saw a cop car driving upon him slowly, so he stopped and the cop car rolled down his window. It was Walker. His face lit up with excitement. He hasn't seen him since he was born.
"Hey kiddo, how's it going," smiled Walker.
"Good, how are you, it's been a long time," said Jesse.
"Yes, too long, last time I saw you I was holding you," smiled Walker.
"Yeah, I have a picture of you holding me, mom gave it to me," said Jesse.
"So how are things at home?" asked Walker.
Then he paused and then said.
"Oh, things are fine," smiled Jesse.
"You don't have to lie to me sonny, I know," said Walker.
"You do," said Jesse.
"Yes, I do, if you need anything or help, here is my card it has my number if you can't get a hold me, my uncle Red Cloud will answer the phone," said Walker.
"Okay, thank you, but I'm doing fine, my parents need help I know now, they're not the same anymore," said Jesse.
"I know sonny, just remember you're not alone kiddo," said Walker.
"I know, goodbye," said Jesse walking up to his house.
When he got home, again he was alone, his parents weren't home. So again, he went into his room, sat at his little table and did his homework. Then he grabbed a piece of paper and wrote a note saying he was going to a sleepover and he'll be back Saturday, and he stuck the note on their bed. And grabbed his bag of clothes and walked to Richard's house.
Chapter 2
When he arrived Alvina, William, Lisa, were already at Richards's house when he came in.
"Hey, Jesse," said William.
"Hello Jesse, come on in, "said Richard Grey Eyes.
"Thank you," said Jesse.
He came in and sat on the floor with the rest.
"Okay, we're going to play pick up sticks, the one with the most sticks wins, we'll take turns," said Alvina.
So, they started playing the game. When they were finished they, all went into the kitchen and started getting snacks to take back to the room. They sat down on the floor and started eating their snacks, then they started playing video games until Richards's mom came in and said it was time to go to sleep. So, they turned the game off. They made a palate on the floor and they laid down.
"You can go to sleep now, you don't need to be afraid here, nobody is going to hurt you here," said Richard looking at Jesse.
"I know," said Jesse.
"Promise you'll sleep?" asked Richard.
"I promise," said Jesse.
"Good," Richard turns over on the other side and closed his eyes.
Jesse smiled and then he slowly started to close his eyes, and then he fell asleep. Saturday morning, they all woke up. And went to the kitchen, everybody sat at the table, and Jesse walked up to the fridge.
"What are you doing?" asked Richard.
"Making breakfast for us, I know how to make breakfast," said Jesse.
"Jesse, what are you talking about," worried Alvina.
"I make my breakfast in the morning when I get up," smiled Jesse.
"Jesse come here and sit down, my mom will make us breakfast, she's up getting dressed," said Richard.
"Oh, okay," said Jesse walking back to the table.
"You mean your parents don't feed you?" asked Lisa.
"No, they do, it's just sometimes they forget," said Jesse.
"No, Jesse, parents don't forget to feed their kids, how often do they supposedly forget?" asked William crossing his arms.
"The truth this time," said Richard.
"Okay, okay, I've been making food for myself since I was five years old, and getting dressed for school by myself," said Jesse.
"Jesse, you have to tell someone, that is child abuse," said Alvina.
"No, no, I can't, you have to promise not to say anything, please," said Jesse.
Then Richards's mom comes out and starts making breakfast. It was quiet.
"What are wrong guys, are you still trying to wake up," asked Richard's mother.
"Um, yeah, we're not quite awake yet, but when we get breakfast we'll be awake," smiled Richard.
Richards mother finished cooking and brought it over, she sat down and so did Richards father and they all ate breakfast at the table. It brought good memories to Jesse when his family ate at the table, and now he eats alone in his room on his little table. Then the morning came and gone, and it was about 4:00 pm.
"Oh, I better go home now," said Jesse.
"Do you have to go home," worried Lisa.
"Yes, I do, my parents need my help," said Jesse.
"Just be careful, and watch your step," said William.
"I know, goodbye, I'll see you all at school Monday," said Jesse.
"Goodbye and good luck," said Richard Grey Eyes.
Jesse started walking home, when he arrived, he went to his room and put his stuff up and started doing their laundry and his laundry, because his parents were still passed out on the bed, they didn't even know he was gone, the note was still where he left it. So, he did their laundry, folded their clothes, hung them in the closet with the step stool and folded some of their clothes and put them in the drawer. Then he waited for his clothes to get done, so he sat at the table and started to read a book.
Then his father woke up and came in the kitchen, he didn't even notice Jesse sitting there until he spoke.
"Hey dad," smiled Jesse.
"Hey kiddo," said Jesse's father walking towards the table and sitting down drinking a can of beer.
"Dad, do you remember how we use to be?" asked Jesse.
Jesse's father took another drink and walked away, he went back to the room and closed the door. Leaving Jesse alone once again. So, he went back to reading, then the buzzer went off and he got his clothes out and threw them in the dryer to dry. While that was going, Jesse went into the fridge and grabbed mayo, lunch meat and a piece of cheese, and lettuce. Then went to the table and made a sandwich with a glass of water and ate at the table. Then he cleaned up his mess and did the dishes. He walked back to the table to read until his clothes were dry. When the buzzer went off he grabbed a basket and folded his clothes on the table and put them in the basket and took it to his room to put away. He grabbed the clothes he's going to wear Monday and Sat them out.
He sat on his bed and started looking at pictures of him and his family, and saw how happy they were, going on trips, dancing together in the pow wows, and visiting Walker on his ranch and riding the horses. Then he started to cry, always wondering what happened, why did things go wrong in his life, he often wandered was it him, or was it just part of life?
Chapter 3
The years have come and gone, and now things have gone bad, they started beating him when he was 10 years old, missed 15 days of school one time, because his parents nearly beat him to death. Even Jesse's friends were trying to contact him but no answer. He's older now a young teen he's 15 years old now, Jesse loved his parents, he didn't want to tell anybody what has been going on in his life, even to Walker, so he didn't go to school, because if he went they would ask questions. If the teacher saw him or his friends, he told them he fell, or someone tripped him and he fell. So, he waited by the bus stop, his friends saw him and came running up.
"Jesse, we were so worried about you all month, are you all right, the teacher told us you had another accident," said Alvina.
"Yea, I'm all right, it's all good," said Jesse.
"Who gave you that?" William pointed above his eyebrow.
"Oh, I ran into the door, and had to go and get stitches," said Jesse. But Jesse didn't go to the hospital to get stitches he did it himself.
"Sure, you did, I'm telling you, Jesse, you need to tell someone, they're getting violent all of sudden, aren't they?" asked Richard.
"No, they're not, just, just let me be," angered Jesse.
"Jesse, there's no need in getting mad at us, we're just trying to help," said Lisa.
"I'm sorry, I know you're looking out for me, it's just, there my parents, and I love them," said Jesse.
"We know you do, but this is dangerous," said William.
"I know, here comes the bus," said Jesse.
It got quiet. They all got on the bus. Jesse sat down slowly and looked out the bus window.
"I'm concerned, I have a gut feeling the reason he missed those 15 days of school was, his parents beat him bad, and I don't think he ran into a door or had another accident," said Alvina.
"I know he's hurt bad, and he's trying not to show it, but we promised a long time ago that we weren't going to say anything when we heard he made his food, and we're not going to start now," said Richard.
"But Richard, he's our friend, I don't want to wait too long and then it be too late, I hope we don't wait until he's dead," said Lisa.
"No, it's going to be all right, "said Richard Grey Eyes.
So, they arrived at the school and everybody got off the bus and walked into the building.
"Welcome back Jesse," said the teacher.
"Thank you," smiled Jesse.
When he got to his desk, he found stickers, balloons, get well cards and candy.
"Oh, thank you, everyone, thank you so much, this means a lot to me, thank you," smiled Jesse.
"Well were classmates, and we were worried about you, so we thought we would give back, "said one of the kids.
"Thank you all thank you," said Jesse.
"Your welcome, all right class get your books and turn to page 143, we're going to learn about plants," said the teacher.
Jesse was putting all the stuff in his bag, he started to tear up as he was reading some of the cards and putting them in his bag. Then he pulled his books out and started to listen to the teacher about plants. Then the bell rang and all the kids got up and started putting their belongings in their bags, and left the class. Jesse was the last one out. They were all waiting on the bus to arrive. The bus came and picked up all the kiddos and took them to their homes. They all got off at the bus stop and walked home. As he was walking home he saw the door wide open, and he heard screaming and shouting. He was afraid to go inside because he knew he would get it if did go inside. But he took a deep breath and walked in. His parents were drunk again, and fighting, so he just shook his head and walked towards his bedroom.
"There you are, look at him, he's so good, he thinks he's better than we are, he thinks he knows what is best," said Grey Owl taunting him.
Jesse closed his door and started to cry, he went over to the corner and sat down, his head in his hands and he started crying. He never sleeps so he was tired, exhausted and he just couldn't take it anymore and just started to cry. He dozed off and then woke back up, it was quiet too quiet, so he walked out of his bedroom and nobody was in the living room or the kitchen, so he walked back to his parents' bedroom and found them past out on the bed. So, he went to the fridge and started to find something to eat. So, he sat at the table alone and started to eat, when he was finished he went back to his room and started to read a book until he finally went to sleep because his family was passed out so he could sleep without worrying but not waking up again.
Chapter 4
The next day he woke up early to get ready for school, again his parents were still asleep on the bed, in the clothes they wore yesterday. So, he got dressed and grabbed his backpack and walked towards the bus stop. His friends were there as well.
"Hey, how are you feeling?" asked Richard.
"Sore, but I'll be all right, "said Jesse.
"Good, we worried for you," said Alvina.
"I know you are and thank you for caring," said Jesse.
Then the bus started to come down the street, and once again, they got on the bus and headed towards the school. Back at Jesse's house, his parents finally woke up, and stumbled toward the kitchen, and opened the refrigerator to get a beer, and there was no beer. So, Jesse's father slammed the door, and told his wife, they were out.
"Honey we are out of beer, let's go-to white clay," said Grey Owl.
So, they both left and walked to the edge of white clay where they do serve alcohol, so they walked and went into the liquor store and bought some beers and walked out and sat down on the sidewalk with other drunk Indians and started drinking, laughing, staggering, laughing at other Indians falling over and stumbling. Some Indians getting arrested and spending the night in jail until sober, so they can get out and get drunk again. T.V reporters come to white clay and interview the natives on how drinking as affected their ways, and how alcohol is banned on the reservation.
"How do you think drinking alcohol has affected our people," asked the reporter.
A sober man came up to the reporter and answered her question.
"Our cultural disconnection plays a large part in alcoholism for Native
Americans. The shame and abuse from historical trauma suffered by Native people, and the forced disconnection from culture and our heritage, is a perfect setup that can lead to alcohol abuse to ease the pain. Most of the United States will never understand how damaging alcohol has been for Native people. 12% of death among Native's and Alaska Natives are alcohol-related. The people young and old drink because they don't want to face reality, they have low self-esteem about themselves, and most drink because they don't want to see where they live, because they all live poorly, poor housing, so they drink because they don't want to be reminded," said the elderly man.
"Well there you have it guys, I think we're done here," said the reporter.
So, the reporter and her crew got back in the van and drove away. Back at the school, they were all having lunch in the cafeteria,
"So, summer is around the corner, what say we all hang out this summer, and go to the park and have a picnic and just hang out," said Alvina.
"Hey, that sounds like a great idea," said Lisa.
"Yeah, we could do crazy stuff," laughed William.
"Not too crazy, because this summer I need to practice my hand drum songs with the boy's this summer, so I can sing and play with them at the pow wows," said Richard.
"That's cool, my dad was a part of that group," said Jesse.
"I know, my dad was a part of the group and he loved it, I can't wait to be a part of it," said Richard.
"I wish I was a part of it, but I'm too ashamed," said Jesse.
"To ashamed to be part of the group, look we can't help who are parents are, and what they do, but we're not our parents, were us, I know seeing your parents makes you feel ashamed to be called Indian, we all fill that way, even if our parents don't drink, we look around and see other's, and go wow, they make me feel ashamed to be called Native because people think all natives are drunks, all natives are stuck in the past, but it was not their past, it was their ancestors past, half of these natives didn't live in the past, but yet they still blame the whites, they weren't even born at the time, they just hear the stories. So the stories is what makes them mad and hate the white's because they were never told the truth about whites, some whites actually fought for us, not against us, they learned everything we taught them, even today the whites want to learn and get educated about us, and they were told that not all natives are drunks, or poor, but it is society telling everybody that all natives are no good, all natives are drunks, all natives have hatred, all natives are racists, but that is not true, so you really shouldn't be ashamed to be a native, we have our good points as well," said Richard Greyeyes.
"Are you sure?" asked Jesse.
"Yes, I am sure, we are natives, and we should be proud," said Richard.
"If you say so," said Jesse.
"I know so," said Richard.
The bell rang, and it was time for everybody to go back to his or her class. When they got to their glass everybody had to do vocabulary and a worksheet about the plants. So, they did that until it was time to go. The bell rang, and everybody got up and went out to wait for the bus to show up. As the bus arrived all the kids got on and went home.
Chapter 5
Summer is here, and everybody is in joying his or her day out of school, the kids are out playing, and hanging out, and going to Batty's Station to get a coke. Jesse and his friends hung out quite a bit. Then one-day Jesse stopped hanging out with his friends, they started to get worried. So, they went over to his house to check up on him and nobody was home, they knocked on the door, nobody answered, the blinds were closed, the door was locked, but Jesse was inside, he didn't answer the door.
"Jesse, are you home, it's us," said Richard.
"Jesse are you all right," said Alvina.
Jesse didn't make a sound, didn't even come to the door, he just stayed in his room. He was hurt badly, he had to give himself stitches above his eyebrow again, one side of his ribs were cracked, which his father used an object, surprisingly he didn't shatter his ribs, or pierced his lung, he had a bruise on his jawline, his back was red, from the kicking and stomping on him, and throwing him around like a rag doll, his abdomen was red and bruised from them kicking and punching him. Then again, he let them because he loved them, they were his parents. His friends called Walker right away, and Walker sped down to Jesse's house and banged on the door.
"Jesse, it's me, Walker, open the door son," said Walker.
Jesse had relief in his eyes but he still didn't answer the door, he loved Walker, Walker was like the father he wished he had. But he still stayed in his room laying on his bed, he didn't want to get up, because the slightest movement was very painful for him, so he chose to stay on his bed. Finally, Walker stepped down and looked and saw Jesse's parents walking towards the house.
"Where's Jesse!" demanded Walker.
"Hello Walker, he's inside in his room," said Grey Owl.
"I'm taking him with me, this has to stop, or I'll arrest you," said Walker.
"Walker, you forget, this is the reservation, you have no power over here, and what we do is none of your business," said White Dove.
"When it comes to these kids, it is my business, now let me inside," said Walker.
"Nope, you're not coming in my house," Grey Owl unlocking the door and opening.
"Jesse!" shouted Walker.
"He's not going to come to you Walker, he locks himself in his room, so I suggest you better get off my property, all of you," said Grey Owl slamming the door and locking it.
"Come on guys, go home," said Walker.
"But Walker…," said Lisa.
"I know, there's nothing I can do unless I get the reservation police involved, which I know will help me," said Walker.
"I just don't want to wait too long," said Alvina.
"I know guys, I know you care for him, but this takes time and patience," said Walker.
So, they all looked at Jesse's house and walked away. Never seen him again.
Chapter 6
Well, summer has come and gone, and now Jesse and his friends are all teenagers, 17,18 years old. School started back up again, and once again Jesse missed 15 days of school because he had another accident.
This time he had to go to the hospital because he tore his knee up, his father hit him in the knee with a bat. He didn't tell the doctor what happened, he just said his friend accidentally hit him in the knee while trying to hit a baseball, the doctor didn't quite believe that story, he's heard it a thousand times from abusive kids, but he knows what happened, so when they leave he always calls the police. Besides the doctor and Jesse go way back, he was the same doctor that delivered him from his mother.
Jesse knew if he told the truth, his parents will beat him again, and then they will be taken away and he would be in foster care, he didn't want that, because he heard kids got shipped all over the world and he didn't want that at all. So, he was in the hospital for a couple of days and then he went home. When his knee was healing he went to school. He walked to school, to help his knee heal faster and get stronger. He arrived and everybody was glad to see him even his friends.
"Oh Jesse, it's good to see you, we've been praying that you would be all right and that we would see you again soon," said Alvina.
"Yeah, when Walker told us to go home, I almost wanted to kick that door down, I knew Walker could, but I was so mad at your dad I could have kicked him as well," said Richard.
"I know, but thanks guys for coming to my house," said Jesse.
"You heard us," said William.
"Yes, I did, I was in bed, I wanted to answer it, but I couldn't get out of bed because I was in so much pain, that the slightest movement it hurt, so I just stayed still and silent," said Jesse.
"Well I'm glad you're here, we all are," said Lisa.
"Thanks, guys, group hug," smiled Jesse.
"Group hug," smiled Alvina.
So, they all hugged each other and went inside to their classes. They got their books and started studying for a test when the principal came inside the class.
"Sorry to interrupt, but I need to see Jesse please?" asked the principal.
"All right, Jesse," said the teacher.
Jesse had a worried look in his eyes, so he put his pencil down and got up and walked out with the principal. He sat down in the principal's office.
"What did I do?" asked Jesse.
"Jesse, your doctor called me and told me what happened, I've also seen a pattern here over the years sonny, when you were in elementary you missed 10 days of school, then in middle school you missed 15 days, and now you've missed 15 days again, I've seen this before from children in broken home, abusive parents, I can help, I knew your parents since I was a kid, we went to school together, and I know the bottle robbed them, and I know what you have been going through all these years, let me help you before it's too late," said the principal.
"No, I'm not a child from a broken home, everything is all right, I just had another accident, I'm accident prone," said Jesse.
"Son, yes you are, you can't hide it anymore, I know what's been going on, I want to help," said the Principal.
"You can't help, I'm sorry, my doctor shouldn't have told you, now my folks will think I told somebody because on the reservation everybody knows everybody and everything, may I be excused," said Jesse.
"Alright, son, the next time I don't see you again, I'm calling the police and Walker if the doctor doesn't, because no child has to go through this, I know you're afraid, I know you love your parents very much, you want them to get better, but they're not going to get better unless they do time in jail, and I know you don't want to be in the system, I know this is your home, but this will be for your safety," said Principal.
"I have to go," Jesse running out of the principal's office, and out of the school building, and walked out.
He walked to the site where the Battle of Wounded Knee took place and sat down in the long grass. He was gathering his thoughts. "What should I do Wanka-Tanka? I love my parents, and I know they hurt me, but they are my parents, and this is my home, I don't want to leave the reservation? I don't know what to do." Then he started on the open plains again, he got up and walked home, as always, nobody was home and we walked in and went to the fridge and it was empty, so he went to the cupboards and found some cereal, so he grabbed the cereal down, and put in a bowl and added water to it and took it back to his room and ate it.
He got into bed and sat up thinking about his parents. "what if my parents never drank or abused me, maybe my life would have been better." Then he looked over at the clock and it was 10:00 pm and his parents were probably still out partying getting drunk somewhere. So, he turned out the light and laid down on his bed and looked at the ceiling and finally he went to sleep.
Chapter 7
The next morning the alarm went off at 6:00 am, so he got up and got dressed and went to his parent's room and they still weren't' home.
"Must have been some party," said Jesse.
So, he locked the house and walked to the school and met up with his friends and went to class. They started doing worksheets. Then the bell rang and they all went to lunch and sat next to each other in the cafeteria.
"So, since were seniors this year what say we go out and see a movie together," said Lisa.
"That sounds like a good idea," said William.
"Okay, Saturday at seven, we'll meet at the bus stop and go from there," said Lisa.
"Sounds great," said Jesse.
They started eating and the bell rang for dismissal. So, they all got up and threw their things in the trash and walked out of the school and walked home.
"Remember, Saturday were all going to the movies," said Lisa.
"We know, we'll see you at the bus stop at 7:00 pm," said William.
"Sounds like a plan, see you all tomorrow night," said Jesse.
They all went home. As Jesse was walking home he saw two police cars at his house, so he ran to the house.
"What's going on? asked Jesse.
"We got a call from someone to come out and investigate," said one Indian police.
"Investigate what? Please leave right now," said Jesse.
"I'm sorry Jesse," said the 2nd police who was there.
"You don't understand, my parents are not home, they are out working, everything is fine here," said Jesse looking around the corner, because he knew he would get it bad.
"Okay call us if there is a problem," said the first police officer.
"I will, thank you," said Jesse.
The officers stepped out and drove away. Jesse watched them drive away, and he quickly closed the door. Meanwhile, in white clay, his parents were drinking when another Indian came up to them.
"Hey, I saw the police at your house," said the Indian man.
"Did he say anything to them?" asked Grey Owl.
"No, I don't think so, he made them leave quick though," said the man.
"All right, we better go home, he's been alone too long, we better make sure he never gets out of the house," said Grey Owl.
"We can't trust him," said White Dove.
So, they found a way to get home faster. Jesse went to the window and pulled the curtain back and his parents drove up to the house, Jesse opened the door for them, and his father pushed him out of the way.
"So, what have you been up to?" asked White Dove.
"Nothing, just hanging around this place," said Jesse.
"Sure, you have," said Grey Owl.
Jesse just shook his head and walked away.
"Don't walk away from me boy, I'm not finished," angered Grey Owl.
Jesse rolled his eyes and turned around.
"A friend of ours came and told us they saw police cars at your house, what did you tell them," asked White Dove.
"I didn't tell them anything I promise, I told them to leave," said Jesse.
White Dove walked up to him and slapped him in the face. Something came over Jesse, something he's never felt before.
"Don't lie to us, now what did you tell them," asked White Dove.
"Nothing," said Jesse.
Grey Owl went to his room and grabbed a bat and came back out. Jesse saw the bat and once again fear took over, also anger, which he had never felt before.
"Now tell us, what did you tell the police? "asked Grey Owl.
Then he was no longer afraid, he was angry.
"What is the point of telling you the truth, your too drunk to understand it anyway!" angered Jesse.
Grey Owl and White Dove looked at each other in shock.
"Did you just raise your voice at us," said White Dove.
"Yeah, I guess I did, I've been silent and afraid for too long, but no more, I'm not going take any more from you both, I'm done with you," said Jesse pulling his phone out of his pocket.
"What are you doing? "asked White Dove.
"I'm Calling Walker, come to get me out of here," said Jesse, he dialed Walker's number and it starts ringing.
White Dove quickly took the phone from him and threw it on the floor, she didn't know it was still calling, and Finally, Walker answered the phone.
"Hello, Jesse are you all right," worried Walker.
"Jesse!" shouted Walker.
"You're not going anywhere," angered Grey Owl.
Walker was listening as he was speeding down the highway to get to Jesse.
"You don't scare me no more, dad," said Jesse.
"Oh really, you think your man enough to stand up against us now, before you were too scared to step up to us, and now you want to go, well okay let's go then," said Grey Owl.
Walker called the reservation police and was telling them to go to Jesse's house quickly.
"You're not going anywhere, you're staying in this house," said Grey Owl.
"No, I'm not, you can't keep me locked up anymore, I'm not an animal," said Jesse walking to the kitchen and opening the fridge.
"More beer, huh, that's all you need, more beer, well you know what I think of this, this is what I think of it and what I think of you," said Jesse.
So, he started throwing the beer bottles at them and then busting on the tile floor, and he started throwing them at the wall and they were busted. He was angry, he's never been angry like that before, I guess all those years he finally cracked, and couldn't take it anymore. His mother was furious and started yelling at him she ran towards him to hit him, but he put his hand out in front of him and pushed her down on the tile, and she fell and hit her head and was knocked out.
"As I said, I'm not afraid anymore," said Jesse stepping over his mother.
"You're going to pay for that, how dare you push my woman," angered Grey Owl.
"You don't care anyway, your too drunk to care," angered Jesse.
Grey Owl dropped the bat and started throwing punches at Jesse. Then it turned ugly, they were fighting in the house. Pictures were being knocked down and broke, body indentions in the walls from being thrown at the wall. Finally, his father got up and did a football tackle on Jesse, and they both went flying through a glass coffee table. Walker herd all of it and finally he reached Jesse's house and he arrived, the police showed up as well. They were banging on the door.
"You invited the police," angered Grey Owl in pain.
Grey Owl got up and looked at his shirt it was bloody, he had cuts in his arms as well from the glass, and he had a good chunk of glass pocking out of his abdomen. See when Grey Owl pushed Jesse into the glass table, that same glass piece went through Jesse's, back and out of his stomach into his father's stomach. Jesse was so angry he didn't feel anything, so he got up and the fight continued, there was blood everywhere, on the walls, the couch, the floor, the floor tile so you can imagine the blood being smeared on the floor.
Sh all the shattering, and thus, the police finally kicked the door and ran inside and pulled Grey Owl and Jesse apart.
"Grey Owl you're under arrest," said a police officer.
One police officer went to the kitchen and picked White Dove off the floor and handcuffed, and put her in the back of a police car and took her to jail.
"Grey Owl stop fighting," said an officer.
They finally got him down on the ground and handcuffed him and they put him in the ambulance and strapped him down. Then they took Jesse to the other ambulance and rushed them both to the hospital. As they arrived they rushed them inside and started hooking them up to machines, Jesse was coming in and out of consciousness. They both went into surgery; Grey Owl was still handcuffed to the bed during surgery. It took them both 2 hours in surgery.
The nurses were pushing them into separate rooms to recovery, and let them rest, Grey Owl was still handcuffed to the bed.
Chapter 8
The next morning Jesses started to wake up. As he woke up he saw his friends and Walker there.
"How are you feeling?" asked William.
"Sore, but I will be all right," said Jesse.
"We knew something was up when you didn't show," said Richard.
"Yeah, we were worried," said Alvina.
"Thank you, and thank you, Walker, for coming," said Jesse.
"Your welcome," smiled Walker.
"Walker what's going to happen to him now?" asked Lisa.
"Nothing, he's old enough to make his own decision," said Walker.
"You mean he won't be shipped away into foster care?" asked Richard.
"No, he's old enough not to be in the system, once they turn a certain age, they are on their own," said Walker.
"Oh, that's good news," said Lisa.
"Yeah, because I was worried when I was younger because I didn't want to leave, this is my home," said Jesse.
"I'll tell you what, come live with me Jesse, you'll be better off, you will still be able to come to the reservation it's only a two-hour drive from where I live," said Walker.
"That does sound great, I've known you since I was born, and you are like a father to me, okay I'll live with you," smiled Jesse.
"Good, this will be great, you're going to love it, you'll see lots of things, and you will be helping me work on my ranch," said Walker.
"Wow! You live on a ranch?" asked Jesse.
"Dude, that is awesome," said William.
"Yeah, there's a lot of things to explore on a ranch," said Walker.
Jesse was filled with joy and excitement because he always dreamed of living with Walker when he was a kid.
"You guys can come and see him as well, and he'll be back here as well, to see you guys," said Walker.
"We know he will, he'll be just fine, and in a better environment, and he can be somebody," said Richard.
"This is true," said Walker.
Then the doctor came in.
"Hey Jesse, how are you today?" asked the doctor.
"I'm good," said Jesse.
"Are you in any pain, do you need any pain medicine?" asked the doctor.
"No doc, I'm fine," said Jesse.
"Okay, if you're feeling any pain, just call one of the nurses and she'll give you your pain medicine," said the Doctor.
"Hey doc, may see you outside," said Walker.
"Sure, come on," said the doctor.
"When will he be able to go home?" asked Walker.
"He'll have to stay a couple more days, until his wound as healed a little, and then he'll be able to go home," said the Doctor.
"Good, that's great," said Walker.
"When we took x-rays of him the poor kid, I don't know how he managed to get up every day and walk to school and even go to school," said the Doctor.
"Why do you say that?" asked Walker.
"Well he had old fractures, I've known this kid since he was born, and growing up he has been in and out of this hospital with stories that I've heard so many times from other kids just like him. The x-rays showed old bone fractures, from his shoulder, his ribs are just now started to heal properly, his knee, he had a fractured wrist that was coming together in the x-ray, he had an old fracture on his skull, which is healing up nicely, his body was battered up, now with his knee the way it is, he'll be able to tell when the weather changes or if it rains, but he's a strong young boy I give him that," said Doctor.
"I know doc, his parents did a number on him his whole life, now he has to be reminded of that when the weather changes, but he's going to live with me now, so I can give him a better life, and show him what it truly means to be loved, and to be happy, and not to be scared anymore," said Walker.
"Oh, that's good, I'm glad you're taking him in, he'll be much better," said Doctor.
"Thank you, this will be good for him as well," said Walker.
"Yes, well I better get back to work, he'll be able to go home in a couple of days," said Doc.
"Thank you, doctor," said Walker.
"I wonder when you'll be able to go with Walker?" asked Alvina.
"I'm not sure," said Jesse.
"Hey Jesse, I talked to the doc and he said you'll be able to go home in a couple of days, that will give your wound time to heal," said Walker.
"Great, I can't wait to see your place before we go can we go to my old house to get my stuff first," asked Jesse.
"Sure, if you want to," said Walker.
"Yeah, I need to get my clothes, I think that's all I need is just my clothes, and my regalia as well," said Jesse.
"Yeah, sure, whatever you want to take with you because I'll be bringing my truck anyways," said Walker.
"That's cool," said Jesse.
"Yeah, well I better get back to work, I'll come to see you tonight when I get off work," said Walker.
"Okay, I'll be waiting then," smiled Jesse.
So, everybody left the hospital and went home.
Chapter 9
Jesse was in the hospital and he still didn't go to sleep very well, he had trouble sleeping. So, he stayed up most of the night. Some of the nurses came in there to tell him to rest.
"Jesse, you need to sleep, you need your rest," said the nurse.
"I know I do, but I can't seem to go to sleep," said Jesse.
"You don't have to stay up anymore, nobody is going to hurt you anymore, you can rest now, your safe here," said the nurse.
"Okay, I'll try to sleep," said Jesse.
"Good," said the nurse walking out.
He still stayed up a little, he did realize that she was telling the truth, nobody did come in there, he was by himself, so he finally went to sleep. When he woke up the next day, Walker was there sleeping on the couch.
"Morning Walker, what are you doing here so early?" asked Jesse.
"Just came by to see you, how'd you do last night?" asked Walker.
"Not too good, I had trouble sleeping, I still felt like my parents were coming to get me, then the nurse came in and said nobody is going to hurt me, so then finally I went to sleep," said Jesse.
"You should have called me, I would have come up here and sat with you," said Walker.
"I know you would have," said Jesse.
"Hey Jesse, how are you feeling?" asked Richard coming in with a get-well card.
"I'm good, thank you for the card," smiled Jesse.
"Your welcome," said Richard.
Then the doctor came in.
"Hello Doctor," said Walker.
"Hey, good news Jesse, you get to go home tomorrow with Walker," said the Doctor.
"Oh good, thank you, doctor, I can't wait," smiled Jesse.
"Me either, this is going to be great," said Walker.
"This is so cool dude, you get to live with Walker on his ranch," said Richard.
"I know it's going to be great," said Jesse.
"So, are you feeling any pain today?" asked the doctor.
"No, I'm all right for now doc, thank you," said Jesse.
"All right, well I leave you guys then," said the doctor leaving the room.
"See you later doc," said Richard.
"That's great when I do get out, can we stop by my house to get my clothes and notebooks that have all the stories that I've written, also my regalia and family album?" asked Jesse.
"Sure, we can, I'm sure the investigators cleaned the house up, so I'm sure it will be fine to enter and get your stuff," said Walker.
"Great can't wait to get out of here and never come back home," said Jesse.
"One more day and you'll be home for good," said Walker.
"Well I'll be seeing you around Jesse, and I'll let everybody know you're getting out, so we all can meet at your house to help you get all stuff out of there," said Richard.
"Thank you, that would be great," smiled Jesse.
"Your welcome, see you tomorrow," said Richard.
"Bye," said Jesse.
"I'll see you tomorrow morning, I have to go to work now," said Walker.
"Okay, Walker, see you tomorrow, "said Jesse.
So, Walker stepped out and drove to work. Jesse was sitting up in bed watching television and he started to doze off, and finally went to sleep. He woke up around five o'clock and started to get out of bed, he walked around the hospital and sat down at the table in the cafeteria and looked out the window.
Then he got up and started walking around saying hello to all the nurses and the patients, then he went back to his room and watched television, around nine o'clock he turned the television off and went to sleep.
Chapter 10
The next morning, Jesse woke up and started putting his clothes on. Then walks in Walker.
"Hey Jesse, ready to go?" asked Walker.
"Yes, I ‘am let's go," said smiled Jesse.
"All right then, come on let's go, we'll go to your house and get your belongings," said Walker.
"All right," said Jesse.
Everybody was telling him goodbye and wishing him good luck. They got in Walker's pickup and drove to Jesse's house when they arrived his friends were waiting outside.
"Oh, Jesse! It's good to see you again," said Alvina.
"It's good to see you all again," said Jesse.
So, they all went inside and started taking what Jesse wanted and they all loaded it into the back end of the pickup, and Jesse's friends got in the back seat and they went with Jesse to Walkers ranch. When they arrived, they were at amazement at what they saw, it looked like a western movie, white picket fence, a barn, horses, chickens, cattle, the whole works.
"Wow! Jesse, this is going to be great for you, start a new life over, this is going to be a whole new beginning for you Jesse," smiled Lisa.
"Yeah it is, a new life, and I get to see what true love is, and what it feels like to be loved again," smiled Jesse.
"All right let's get started, first I'll show you into your room," said Walker.
So, they went inside.
"Alex, this is Jesse and his friends from the Indian reservation, Jesse is going to live with us now," said Walker.
"I'm glad you're here, I've heard so much about you, you're going to love it here Jesse," smiled Alex.
"Thank you for letting me live here with you all," said Jesse.
"Your very welcome, my home is your home now," smiled Alex.
Then walks in Red Cloud, Walkers uncle.
"Uncle, this is Jesse, he's going to be living with us now, he's a part of our family now," said Walker.
"It's finally nice to meet you, I've been waiting to meet you, I'm glad you're here," smiled Red Cloud.
"Thank you," said Jesse.
"What's your Indian name?" asked Red Cloud.
"Takoda, a friend to everyone, good, strong name," said Red Cloud.
"It's okay I guess," said Jesse.
"Well let's get you settled in I'll show you to your room," said Walker going upstairs.
They all went upstairs and went down the hall to Jesse's new room, it was across the hall from Red Clouds room.
"Here's your new room, and the bathroom is right next door to you," said
"Thanks," smiled Jesse.
"Your very welcome Jesse, you deserve this life," said Walker.
"Thank you, Walker," said Jesse with a tear rolling down his cheek.
"All right I'll let you get unpacked I have to work today, so feel free to roam around and explore," smiled Walker.
"Okay, thank you," said Jesse with excitement.
Walker and Alex both went to work, she was a lawyer and she worked with Walker at work.
"Let's go down and get the rest of your stuff," said William with excitement because he wanted to explore as well.
"But we can't?" asked Jesse.
"Why?" asked Richard.
"It's all in Walker's truck," said Jesse.
"Oh," said Richard.
"No, look out here, he set it on the porch," said Alvina.
"Oh, he did, wow, okay let's keep moving," said Jesse.
So, they started moving stuff inside, and Red Cloud helped them as well, they finally got his belongings into his new room and he was settled in. So, Jesse and his friends started exploring around the ranch and Red Cloud was showing them around as well, as they were exploring Alex came home, she honked the horn and they all went back to the house, they helped her drag the groceries inside and helped her put the stuff away and she started cooking.
Then Walker started coming inside.
"I showed them around the ranch, and then the barn," said Red Cloud.
"Great, did you guys see a lot?" asked Walker.
"Oh yeah we did, it was amazing, we all enjoyed it," smiled Jesse.
"Good, I'm glad you explored," said Walker.
"Do you guys plan on staying and having supper with us, before Walker takes you all back home?" asked Alex.
"Oh, um, sure, that would be great, thank you," said William.
So, they all sat at the table and started eating, when finished Walker, Red Cloud and Jesse took everybody home that night and then drove back to Walker's home, it was dark now, and everybody went to sleep.
Chapter 11
Jesse woke up to the sun shining through his window it was 6:30 am. He almost forgot he was hurt, he got up too quickly and laid back down in pain. When the pain went away he slowly got up and walked towards the window and looked out, he saw a beautiful paint horse, black and white with blue eyes.
"Jesse! Breakfast," shouted Alex from the kitchen.
He put his robe on and went downstairs to the table, Alex was putting it on the table.
"Everything looks good," said Walker.
"Thank you, honey," said Alex.
"yes, everything looks fantastic," said Jesse.
"Thank you," said Alex.
"Your welcome," said Jesse.
Then they started eating. Then they started talking and laughing at jokes.
"Jesse, I talked to the elders, it would be an honor to them to have you a part of the hand drum singers," said Red Cloud.
"I can't," said Jesse.
"Why not, you would be great, you have a hand drum," said Red Cloud.
"Yes, but… I'm ashamed." Said Jesse.
"Ashamed?" asked Alex.
"Of being up there with them, because my father was one of them, I'm ashamed to be a native, let alone a hand drum singer," said Jesse.
"Jesse, you don't need to be ashamed of your parents, that was their choice, not yours, your Jesse, you're not your parents, your better than them, you can be a part of something, you can bring our people back to whom we use to be," said Red Cloud.
"Really," said Jesse.
"Yes, you're better than them, the elders would love to have you on their team, and you'll be with Richard as well," said Red Cloud.
"Oh, that's right, Richards father was also a part of the hand drum singers," said Jesse.
"Yeah, he used to be in it with your father as well, you see it's not bothering Richard," said Red Cloud.
"I guess not, okay I'll do it, it's been a long time since I sang also," smiled Jesse.
"Well all right then, I'll tell the elders now you're coming they will have practice on the reservation at 9:00 am," said Red Cloud.
"Good, I'll be there, um Walker," said Jesse.
"I'll be glad to take you," smiled Walker.
"Great," said Jesse.
"Well we better get our chores done before its time to go," said Walker.
Jesse, Red Cloud and Walker had chores to do, they were in the barn mending the hay and feeding the animals. Walker was attending to the fence.
"Jesse! It's time to go, you don't want to be late on your first day," shouted Alex.
"Oh okay, Walker it's time to go," Jesse walking up to Walker.
"All right let's wash our hands and clean up a bit and then we'll head up to the reservation, Uncle are you going with us?" asked Walker.
"Yes, there are a few people I would like to see again," said Red Cloud.
So, they all went inside to wash up. Then they headed out the door and on their way to the reservation. They arrived at the center, Richard was on stage with the other guys, and the elders sitting in chairs.
"Hey, you made it," said Richard.
"Yeah, I did," smiled Jesse.
"Good," said Richard.
So, Richard introduced Jesse to the guys and the elders.
"You look so much like your father did when he was your age," said the elder.
Then sadness and anger came upon Jesse, but Jesse kept smiling at the elder, then Red Cloud came over and put his hand on Jesse's shoulder and he relaxed.
"All right let's get started," said Richard getting back on stage.
Jesse followed and was on the stage, he still had that feeling of being ashamed when he walked up there. Then the hand drum singers started playing. They played and sang songs, Jesse wasn't singing, he was just playing his drum, he was having flashbacks of when his father uses to sing the same songs. Then the elder raised his hand and they stopped.
"That was awesome as usual, thank you guys, keep up the good work," said the elder.
Then they all stepped down.
"Hey Jesse, you did great," said Richard.
"Thanks," said Jesse.
"But I did see that you weren't singing with us?" asked Richard.
"Yeah, I know, I was thinking about my dad, he sang up here, how do you do it, knowing that your father was a hand drum singer, doesn't that make you feel ashamed to be up there, knowing those guys, the elders, and the people knows about your life and what you went through?" asked Jesse.
"You want to know how I do it, how I overcame everything and doing this and dancing in the powwows again… the answer is I'm not my father, I'm Richard Grey Eyes, I'm a proud Native, who is walking the red road," said Richard.
"Easy for you," said Jesse.
"No Jesse, it's really easy, you are not your parents, you look in the mirror and you see your father yes, but remember, you're not him, your Jesse, you're a proud native who's walking the red road, who wants to make a difference, you shouldn't be ashamed of yourself because of what you are, and what you stand for, or who your parents are, people will see you, the elders will see you, those guys will see you for you, not your parents," said Richard.
"You think so," said Jesse.
"I know so, and yes my father did bad things, that does not make me ashamed of being native, in fact it makes me a better person, because I am doing things that my parents never did, so actually I'm walking the red road for them, something that they left, and gave up on, so you're not only helping but making a difference, you're walking the red road for your parents, for your friends, for everybody on this reservation that gave up, you actually made a difference a couple of days ago," said Richard.
"I did, how?" asked Jesse.
"You just showed that you don't have to stay on the reservation, you can go out and do something in life, go do what you love to do, achieve what you want to achieve, a better home, a job," said Richard.
"I did that?" Jesse.
"Yes, you did," smiled Richard.
"Jesse, are you ready to go?" asked Red Cloud.
"Yes, thank you once again, Richard," said Jesse.
"Your welcome, and remember, never be ashamed of who you are," said Richard.
"I'll remember that, thank you," smiled Jesse.
So, Walker, Jesse, and Red Cloud walked out of the center and left to go home. The whole way home Jesse was thinking about what Richard had said.
"Were home," said Walker.
They walked into the house and all the lights were still on.
"Alex, I told you not to wait up for us, we were going to be late, and here it is, almost midnight and your still up," said Walker.
"Well I was worried," said Alex.
"But we're okay though," said Jesse.
"I know darling," said Alex.
So, they all went upstairs and went to bed.
Chapter 12
The next morning, they went downstairs to eat breakfast.
"So how did it go yesterday at the center?" asked Alex.
"Okay, I did pretty good, for a guy who's been out of practice for a while, I didn't do too bad," smiled Jesse.
"Good, I'm glad you had fun," said Alex.
"So, did you think about what Richard told you?" asked Walker.
"I sure did, I thought about it all the way home yesterday and last night, and he is right, I shouldn't be ashamed of being who I am, I'm walking the red road, something my parents gave up on," said Jesse.
"That's right, they gave up too easily instead of staying on the right path and fighting for their family, they chose alcohol over their family, over their traditions," said Red Cloud.
"They did, and Jesse, you are better than them," said Walker.
"I know that now," smiled Jesse.
"Good," smiled Walker.
"Hey how old are you now?" asked Alex.
"I'm nineteen years old," said Jesse.
"Oh, you can work and earn some cash for yourself," smiled Alex.
"I've never had a job before, I use to steal money from my parent's bedroom," said Jesse.
"Well if you get a job, you won't have to steal any money, they'll pay you to work," said Walker.
"Yes, they will pay you to work," said Walker.
"Wow, but I don't have any experience in the job department, I don't know what I'm good at, never tried," said Jesse.
"Well they'll train you for the job," said Walker.
"Um okay, let's fill out some applications," smiled Jesse.
"All right let's go," said Walker.
So, they drove into town and started filling out applications at the buildings they went to, even Walkers' job. Walker helped Jesse fill out his applications and returned them and drove to the house.
"Okay we should be getting a call from one of these and whoever calls first, well you'll have an interview and then hopefully you'll have the job," said
"Oh, I'm so nervous right now, my very own job," said Jesse.
"Don't be nervous, you're going to do great, "said Walker.
"Then when you get a job and save up some money, we'll get you a phone," smiled Alex.
"Really! My very own phone," Jesse said with excitement.
"Yeah," said Walker.
"Wow," smiled Jesse.
Then the phone starts to ring.
"Hello, this is Alex."
"Hello, this is White Wolf, I was just letting you know tomorrow the hand drum singers will have practice tomorrow," said White Wolf.
"Okay, thank you, around the same time," said Alex.
"Yes, 9:00 am," said White Wolf.
"All right, he'll be there, thank you," said Alex.
"Your welcome, "said White Wolf.
"Who was that?" asked Jesse.
"That was White Wolf, you have practice tomorrow at 9:00 am," said Alex.
"Okay," said Jesse.
"We'll drop you off, and then just hang around the reservation until you're done," said Walker.
"Sound good to me," said Red Cloud.
Alex starts putting supper on the table. The table was set and they all sat around the table eating.
"As usual honey, everything is good," said Walker.
"Thank you, sweetheart," said Alex.
It was getting late so they all finished up and helped Alex clean up, then they all went to bed.
Chapter 13
The next morning the phone rang.
"Hello, this is Walker.
"Walker," said Tyron.
"Tyron, what's up," said Walker.
"Nothing I didn't know I called your phone, this application has your address and number, I'm looking for Jesse?" asked Tyron.
"Oh yeah, Jesse, he lives with me, I'm helping him find jobs here," said Walker.
"Yes, he has an interview training here at the office, and then he'll have training outdoors, on the field," said Tyron.
"That's great, what time is his interview?" asked Walker.
"Well the interview is at 6:00 am tomorrow and the outside training is at 8:00 am out on the field, "said Tyron.
"All right, he'll be there," said Walker.
"I was wondering about this is kid, on his application, does he look that good for his age?" asked Tyron.
"Oh yeah, wait until you see him, is very athletic and built," said Walker.
"Wow, okay, I can't wait to see what this kid can do," said Tyron.
"Me either, "said Walker.
"I'll see you at work today," said Tyron.
"All right, I'll see you then," said Walker.
"Bye," said Tyron.
"Bye," said Walker.
"Who was that?" asked Jesse.
"That was Tyron form the police department, where I work, they might make you a ranger like me," said Walker.
Jesse got excited.
"Well, what did he say?" asked Jesse.
"You have an interview tomorrow morning around 6:00 am and another interview training at 8:00 am," said Walker.
"Okay, great, can't wait to see what I can do," said Jesse.
"Me either kiddo, so today we'll go to the gym to get a work out before your hand drum practice, you're already in shape and toned, but we'll just do a small workout," said Walker.
"I'm in shape?' asked Jesse.
"Yes, you are," said Walker.
"Well, I guess I need to start looking in the mirror more often but thank you,"
said Jesse.
"Your welcome," said Walker.
So, they left the house and drove to the gym. When they arrived inside the gym, Walker saw Tryon getting his workout.
"Hey Tyron!" shouted Walker.
"Hey Walker," Tyron walking up towards Walker.
"Hey Tyron, this is Jesse, he's living with Alex and me, "said Walker.
"I'm Tyron, nice to meet you, wow, Walker, you were right, he is in shape, I think he'll pass the training and be a ranger like us," said Tyron.
"Yes, I hope so, I'm sure he'll be fine," said Walker.
"Well I'll let you guys get started on your work out," said Tyron.
"You too," said Walker.
So, Tyron left to go work out some more. Walker started working out with Jesse. Then Walker looks at his watch and it said 8:00 am
"Well it's time to go to practice, we'll just go like this," smiled Walker.
"Okay, let's go we don't want to be late, "said Jesse.
So, they got in the truck and drove to the reservation to the center. When they arrived, everybody was sitting down snacking and talking. Jesse walks inside with Red Cloud and Walker, he noticed big photos of grandfather's and fathers, when they were hand drum singers, he saw his grandfather whom he never met, and his father when he was in his twenties, now he doesn't want to look in the mirror.
"Hey Jesse," said Richard with excitement.
"Hey, why did they put those photos up there?" asked Jesse.
"It was the elder's idea, that way when we go up there and stand in front of them, they'll see the third or fourth generation of hand drum singers," said Richard.
"Oh," said Jesse.
"Now Jesse, remember, you're not your father, your Jesse," said Richard.
"I know," said Jesse.
"Good, let's go," said Richard.
"Oh, I forgot about his grandfather," said Red Cloud.
"You know Jesse's grandfather?' asked Walker.
"Yes, we go way back, we did a lot of things together, we were in the wounded knee massacre in the '90s.
"I didn't know that?" asked Walker.
"Yeah it was a long time ago, it was before I found you," said Red Cloud.
"Wow, that was a long time ago uncle," said Walker.
So, they started walking up to the stage, they all stood in front of the pictures. Jesse kept looking at the photos, then they faced the elders and started singing. Jesse looked at the elders and finally, he started to sing with the rest. When they finished they, all said a good job to each other and walked off the stage.
"Jesse, you did great, I saw you singing, what made you change your mind?" asked Richard.
"Finally realizing that I'm not my father, I'm me, and since I never met my grandfather, I don't know what he was like," said Jesse.
"Good, you can ask Red Cloud, he and your grandfather go way back," said Richard.
"Really," said Richard.
"Yeah, they both were in the wounded knee in the '90s," said Richard.
"Wow," said Jesse.
"All right Jesse, let's go we better not be late for your interview," said Walker.
"You have a job, wow, good luck," said Richard.
"Yeah, thank you, I might become a ranger," said Jesse.
"Wow, that's good, helping the community, hey maybe you'll start coming here and be a police officer," said Richard.
"No, I won't, I'll still come and visit, and dance in the pow wows and play hand drum songs, but I won't live here anymore, I have a better life now with Walker, things are starting to come together, "said Jesse.
"Well, good for you, you do what makes you feel good," said Richard.
"Thank you, Richard, see you later," said Jesse.
"Bye," said Richard.
Jesse, Walker and Red Cloud got in the pickup and went home. Jesse started doing things around the house and the ranch, attending to the horses and whatever else Red Cloud need help in. Then it started getting dark.
"Jesse, you better come on in, you need rest for tomorrow, you have to get up extra early tomorrow, you have an interview tomorrow morning, "said Alex.
"Yes' ma'am I'm coming," said Jesse.
"I'm excited for you," said Alex.
"Me too, I'm excited that I might become a ranger like Walker, "said Jesse.
"I know, this is going to be great, a lot of people your age does not get an opportunity like this, especially coming from broken home," said Alex.
"I know, most kids on the reservation turn to drugs or alcohol because of hard times, or they don't want to face reality, "said Jesse.
"I know darling, well better get upstairs and go to sleep, and get some rest, big day tomorrow," said Alex.
"Yeah, can't' wait," said Jesse going upstairs.
They were all upstairs in their rooms and turned out the lights and went to sleep, then it started raining and thundering, it woke them up but then they went back to sleep.
Chapter 14
Next morning, they got up at 5:00 am and had a quick breakfast, they got in the pickup and went to Walker's work. When they walked in, Jesse was amazed at everything, he's never been inside a station like that, marble tile floor, wooden walls, it was nice.
"Alex this is so cool," smiled Jesse.
"I know welcome aboard, you're going to do great I'll see you guys later, good luck," said Alex.
"Thank you," said Jesse.
"You will be fine, here comes Tyron, he'll take you to the shooting range," said Walker.
"Okay," said Jesse.
"I'll see you in a little while," said Walker going to his office.
So, Tyron took Jesse to the back for shooting lessons, as they arrived Tyron sat him down at the table, he put an unloaded handgun on the table, Tyron was telling him about the gun and showing the safety button and standing up and pointing it at the wall and firing. So, he set the gun down on the table again and Jesse picked it up.
"Okay, put it on safety, good, now put it back on the table. Okay now pick it up again and take it off the safety, then cock it back, now aim at the wall and fire, you can also find a small hole on the wall and put the sight on that hole and fire," said Tyron.
So, Jesse aimed at the wall and fired.
"Good, now let's see how you do with it loaded, so sit down, put the gun on safety first, good, then put it back on the table. See this button here, you push that and outcomes the clip see, now, what I want you to do is load it with these bullets, but first I'm going to put the clip back in and you take the clip back out, by what I showed you," said Tyron.
So, Jesse, took the gun, and pushed that button on the side, and popped out the clip, he put the gun down and started to load it. When it was loaded that both got up and went over to the shooting area.
"Okay now, you have a target up ahead, so take the gun off safety, cock it back and aim, relax the shoulders, take a deep breath and let it out, relax and fire," said Tyron.
So, Tryon put his safety glasses on as did Jesse. So, Jesse aimed at the target and pulled the trigger.
"Wow, good job, you're a natural, I tell you what, I'll point with my laser and you shoot where my laser is pointing, right now I'm going over to circle the hole in red because that was your first shot and that was amazing, and then the rest I will circle in white because that will show where I aimed for you to shoot," smiled Tyron.
Tyron was liking what Jesse did the first try. Where ever Tyron pointed with the laser Jesse shot, like targets I guess. When finished, Jesse unloaded the gun and made sure there was not an extra bullet in the gun barrel so he fired it and nothing came out. So, he put the gun on safety and made the clip come out and took the bullets out, and laid the gun on the table with the safety on. Tyron went over and ripped the paper off the wall, and showed it to Jesse.
"Now Jesse, you take this home, so you can see how well you did, this will be your souvenir," said Tyron.
"Thank you, I enjoyed that," said Jesse.
"Yeah, most rookies do," laughed Tryon.
"Yeah, I am sure," said Jesse.
"Now begins the real training, you passed the gun training, now is the physical training, I'll take you to it, and I'll be watching with the other officers," said Tyron.
"Okay," said Jesse.
"Follow me, I can't wait to see what you truly can do, and what your strength is," said Tyron.
"Thank you, I hope I pass this training," said Jesse.
So, Tyron took Jesse to train, then he went back inside to sit with the other training officers and watched through a big long glass window. Then he walks in Walker and Alex.
"Hey, how's he doing?" asked Walker.
"Oh, this kid is amazing, look at his target," said Tyron.
"Wow, what are the circles for?" asked Alex.
"Oh, the red circle, was his first try, his first shot right in the head, then the blue circles are where I used my laser and I pointed and he shot, and he got every single one, he's good at shooting," said Tyron.
"That's great to hear, let's see if he's good at the physical training," said Walker.
"I hope he doesn't hurt himself, "said Alex.
"He'll be fine, if he's the kid I think he is, he'll do great and pass," smiled Tyron.
"You have high hopes for him, don't you?" asked Walker.
"Oh yeah, he's great, he's the best I've seen in a long time," said Tyron.
The training began, obstacle course's climbing up walls, swimming in a
pool with heavyweights to see who can stay in the longest. They even had a rubber chicken, if they had a slight smile or giggle they had to stop and do pushups. Then when it was all over they were dismissed, they walked inside the building and sat down in a big classroom.
"As you can see there are only a few lefts, you guys made it, most people can't make this course, it's a lot of physical and mental training. A lot of young police officers and rangers can't handle when they finally go out and start working, they bring it home to their family's and it treats them apart, starts violent, because most younger people like yourselves commit suicide because of all the things they see, so if you think you can handle this job come and sign this paper, if you can't your more than welcome to leave," said Tyron.
So, all the young men and women walked up to the table and signed the paper. Tyron smiled when he saw Jesse come up and sign.
"All right I'll see you all when we call you," said Tyron.
So, they all left the classroom, Jesse walked out.
"Jesse, you did great, we saw you," said Walker.
"You did, I was using muscles I didn't know I had," Jesse.
"Yeah, you'll probably feel it tomorrow," said Walker.
"I know I will," smiled Jesse.
"All right let's go home," said Walker.
So, they walked out and went home. When they arrived, they walked into the house and Alex went to the kitchen and made lemonade and sat it out on the porch.
"It's beautiful out here," said Jesse.
"Yes, it is, Jesse, I'm glad you're living with us, you've come along way, we're so proud of you," said Walker.
"Thank you, I have, I can't wait to be a ranger like you," Said Jesse.
"I can't wait either," smiled Walker.
They all were sitting out watching the sun go down.
"Well we better get some sleep, Jesse you to, you have a big day tomorrow," smiled Alex.
"Yeah, I can't wait," said Jesse.
So, they carried the lemonade stuff inside and cleaning up, then they headed upstairs and went to bed.
Chapter 15
The next day everybody was getting up and getting ready to go to work. Red Cloud does not have a job but Walker pays him to take care of the ranch, while they are gone. So, they all loaded up in the truck and headed to work. As they arrived Tyron was waiting for Jesse.
"Hey Tyron, been waiting long?' asked Walker.
"No, just hanging out having coffee, I can't wait to see what this kid can do," smiled Tyron.
"All right let's get a case going," said Walker.
"All right let's go," said Tyron.
They gave Jesse a gun and he made sure it was on safety and put it in his holster and they gave him a badge, it was cool looking, it was kind of like the ones they had out in the John Wayne movies as sheriff deputies. So, they got a case from the other day.
"We got a call from this kid's mother, she says that he might be involved in a robbery that happened two days ago, we caught the other guys, but we can't seem to catch or find this kid. He lives here with his adopted parents, I believe he is around seventeen years of age or nineteen years of age. This is the picture she gave us," said Tryon hanging it on the whiteboard.
Jesse was staring at it for a while.
"You say you can't find him?" asked Jesse.
"That's right, he's been missing for a while now," said Tyron.
"He's a native, isn't he?" asked Jesse.
"Yes, yes, he is," said Tyron.
"Well it takes a native to find a native," said Jesse.
"That's right, Tyron, remember that white little boy that got lost in the forest, and nobody could ever find him, well Red Cloud my uncle did a healing ceremony for me, I went in his sweat loaded and had a vision of the kid, and then an eagle came soaring in and showed me where he was in my vision," said Walker.
"Oh yeah, I remember that, after your vision quest was over, we all followed you into the woods and you found the kid, by following an eagle," said Tyron.
"That's right," said Walker.
"So, do you think we can find this kid and bring him in?" asked Tyron.
"Yes, we will all work as a team," said Walker.
"Great, let's do this," said Tyron giving everyone a picture of the kid to pass around and ask the people if they have seen him.
So, they started around where these kids usually hang out. They parked the cars in a parking lot and started looking on foot, they each went in different directions. Jesse stopped and started looking around, then for some reason he stared at a convenient store, then started to walk over towards it. When he walked inside he started to look and pretend to shop as he did this he glanced for a moment and saw the kid. Jesse slowly walked to the chip aisle and started looking at the chips, the kid's new Jesse was a ranger, but the kid figure he was just there looking for a bag of chips and then he'll leave.
"So what chips are good here, I'm new town and quite not familiar with the customs here?" asked Jesse.
"Where's Jesse, last I've seen him went into that convenience store," said a deputy.
"Let's go maybe he found the kid," said Walker.
So, they all slowly walked over towards the store, the kid did not see them coming, his back was facing the window while Jesse was talking to him.
"Your ranger, a rookie," said the kid.
"Yeah, just started working, so what about you," said Jesse.
"Oh, same I guess, trying to make money, um here, these bags of chips are good, I like them, "said the kid handing Jesse a bag of chips.
While Jesse was still talking to him Walker and Tryon slowly moved in, Walker walked up to the kid and grabbed his arms from behind and handcuffed him.
"What are you doing, let me go," said the kid in anger.
"I'm sorry, we're going to have to take you downtown, and we'll call your mother, she's worried about you," said Walker.
So, they put him in the police car and drove to the station. As they arrived, he was putting up a fight, giving the police officers had a hard time getting him out of the car, they had to force him out. He was still fighting them, and finally, Jesse pulled his tazze gun on him and hit him in the stomach and he went down. Then they picked him up and led him inside the building. Still handcuffed and sat him in the chair, to book him in in jail for a week.
"Now we're going to put the orange suit on and pick up trash for a week," said Tyron.
"Then I'll be out?" asked the kid.
"We'll see, but I don't want to see you in here again, you understand me," said Tyron.
"Yes sir, "said the kid.
"All right, now officer takes him to the back and lock him up," said Tyron.
"Yes sir, come on kiddo, let's go," said the officer.
So, the officer took the kid to the back and locked him up.
"You did awesome Jesse, I was surprised," smiled Tyron.
"Thank you," said Jesse.
"You did great Jesse, I'm proud of you," smiled Walker.
"Thank you," smiled Jesse.
"Now we must do paperwork now," said Tyron.
"Okay, I heard it's not fun, and it's a lot I heard about it when I was in school," said Jesse.
"Yeah, it is a lot, and it's not fun, but it must be done, so let's get started, so this will be your desk here, and I'll show how to do the paperwork stuff," said Tryon.
"Okay, cool, my very own desk," smiled Jesse.
So, Tyron was showing Jesse the paperwork, what to do and how to fill it out. Then it was 5:30 pm. Walker and Alex came walking up.
"Jesse, Walker told me what happened, I'm so proud of you, and this must be your workstation now," smiled Alex.
"Yeah, I get my desk," said Jesse.
"That's great," said Alex.
"Well you ready to go home," said Walker.
"But I've only finished 6 paperwork," said Jesse.
"That's okay sonny, nobody ever really finishes paperwork, they usually come in tomorrow anyway to finish," said Tyron.
"Oh, well I guess I am ready to go home then," said Jesse.
"All right, and I'll cook us something to eat, and tomorrow we will celebrate," said Alex.
"What's to celebrate?" asked Jesse.
"You, silly, and we'll invite all your friends as well," said Alex.
"Really," smiled Jesse.
"Yeah, I'll call them tonight and tell them what we are doing," said Alex.
"Okay," said Jesse.
So, they got into Walker's pickup and drove home, as they arrived Red Cloud was sitting on the couch reading a book.
"Hey uncle how was things here," asked Walker?
"Everything is fine, I think we will have a new member, one of our cow's is going to have a calf, she attends to stay alone, out under the tree," said Red Cloud.
"Oh, how sweet, I love baby calf's there so cute," said Alex.
"Yeah, well we will have to keep an eye on her then," said Walker.
"I'll get supper ready," said Alex.
So, Walker and Jesse went to their rooms to change their clothes for supper. They came back down and turned the television on and started to watch a football game with Red Cloud.
"Supper is ready," said Alex.
"Smells good, we're coming," said Walker.
So, they headed towards the kitchen and sat down at the table. They didn't talk about work stuff they left it there. So, they started talking about other stuff and ideas. When they were finished they started to clean up and getting ready to go to bed. Then the phone rang.
"Hello, this is Walker."
"Hey, it's Tyron, just let you know, I'm giving Jesse a day off, so he can rest up for the next day," said Tyron.
"Well that's nice of you," said Walker.
"Well, you know, tomorrow is Saturday," said Tyron.
"Yes, I know tomorrow is Saturday, what's going on?" said Walker.
"Well, Red Cloud called me while you guys were living, and he said he needs Saturday's off, because he is a hand drum singer for the powwows and other gatherings they do on the reservation, and I understand that, tradition," said Tyron.
"Oh, he did, did he," said Walker.
"Yeah, you know how them traditional Natives are about their young," laughed Tyron.
"Boy do I know, I have one living at home," laughed Walker.
"Well I'll let you go so you can rest," said Tyron.
"Thanks' Tyron for calling," said Walker.
"Your welcome," said Tyron.
"Bye." Said Tyron.
"Who was that Walker?" asked Jesse.
"It was Tyron, he was calling you to tell you that you have Saturday off," said Walker.
"I do, that was nice of him, I thought I was going to miss practice," said Jesse.
"Yeah, my uncle made a call to Tryon, so I'm thinking from now on you will have Saturday's off," said Walker.
"Cool, thank you, Tyron," smiled Jesse.
"All right, let's go and go to bed, "said Walker.
Chapter 16
Next morning, they started to wake up by the smell of breakfast, Alex was cooking. So, they started walking down the stairs and into the kitchen, Walker grabbed a cup and poured himself some coffee.
"Smells good Alex," said Jesse walking over to get him some coffee as well.
"Thank you," said Alex.
"Your welcome," said Jesse.
So, they started eating breakfast.
"So how do you like your new job?" asked Red Cloud.
"I love it, I do," said Jesse.
"Good, I'm glad," said Red Cloud.
"Well you better hurry and finish eating, you don't want to be late for your practice today," said Alex.
"Oh, did you call my friends last night?" asked Jesse.
"I sure did, and they loved the idea of throwing a celebration party for you," said Alex.
"Sweet, so they will be here awesome," smiled Jesse.
"yes," Said Alex.
"Come on Jesse you don't want to be late," said Walker.
So, they started heading towards the truck and drove to the reservation to practice. When they arrived, everybody greeted Jesse once again.
"Jesse it's good to see you, you look good, we'll see you this afternoon," said Richard.
"Yeah, I'll see you then, this is going to be great, I can't wait to see everybody," said Jesse.
"And they can't wait to see you either, "said Richard.
So, they went on stage and started singing and playing their hand drums. Once again, they did awesome as usual. When they were finished Jesse, Walker, and Red Cloud started headed towards the house.
"Are we going to Jesse's party? Asked Alvina.
"Of course, we are, we just need to see if William will drive all of us to Jesse's house," said Lisa.
"Yeah, let me call him and ask," said Alvina.
"Okay and I'll tell Richard we can go to the center, where Richard is and you can call William from the center and have him come by and pick us up at the center," said Lisa.
"Sounds good, let's go and I'll call William from the center," said Alvina.
So they walked to the center and let Richard know what they were doing and Alvina called William.
"Hey William, we're all here at the center, I was wondering if we all go together to Jesse's party at Walker's house on the ranch," said Alvina.
"Oh okay, yeah I'll drive by and pick you all up and we'll go together," said William.
"Great, thank you, William," said Alvina.
"Your welcome," said William.
"Okay, William is going to come by here and pick us all up for Jesse's party," said Alvina.
"Good," said Richard.
So, they waited at the center for William to pick them up. William showed up and honked his horn and they all came out and got in the car and drove to Walker's house. When they arrived at the party they saw Alex carrying the food out and putting it on the long picnic table outside under the willow tree.
"Oh Alex, everything looks so beautiful," said Lisa.
"Thank you, Lisa," smiled Alex.
"Your welcome," said Lisa.
"Hey guys, I'm glad you came," smiled Jesse.
"Your welcome, we wouldn't miss it for anything," said Alvina.
"Thank you," smiled Jesse.
So, they all gathered around the picnic table and some of the new rookies were invited along with Tyron. They had music, games, and they all got to ride on horses and had a blast. Jesse took Lisa to his favorite spot on the ranch. It was on top of a cliff, it was a flat top, you can see for miles.
"Wow, this is amazing, how did you find this spot?" asked Lisa.
"I know, it's great, this is my favorite spot, I found it when I was riding up here by myself, I asked Walker if I could go explore on horseback, he said yes. So, whenever I feel down, or sad, or even angry, I ride up here and just sit on the horse, or even sit on the ground," said Jesse.
"Wow, this is amazing," Lisa said with amazement.
"Yeah, it is amazing," Jesse looking at Lisa.
Lisa looked back at Jesse and smiled.
"Come on, we better get back to the party," smiled Lisa.
"Right, we should be getting back," said Jesse.
So, they decided to walk down instead of riding the horse.
"Be careful, it's a little rocky here," said Jesse looking back at her.
So, they started walking down the hill. Well, she tripped over a rock and went over. He quickly ran and slid to the edge and grabbed both of her writs before she fell further, he scrapped his side.
"Please, don't let me go," frightened Lisa.
"I won't I promise, I have you, now, I want you to breathe and stay calm, now I know there is a ledge, you're not touching it yet because I have you. I'm going to lower you down, and when you feel the ledge let me know and I will let go, and then I'll toss a rope to you, and you grab it and I'll pull up from my horse, do you trust me?" asked Jesse.
"Yes," frightened Lisa.
So, he lowered her down, she felt the edge, "I feel the edge," he smiled and he still had a hold of her wrists.
"Do you want me to let go?" said Jesse.
"Yes, I trust you," Lisa looking up at Jesse.
So, he let go, she gasped when he let go, but she was still there standing on the edge, so went over to his horse and grabbed the rope and he tied the rope to his horse, and then the slowly lowered the other end of the rope down to her so he wouldn't scare her even more. Her shaking hands grabbed the rope.
"Okay, now I'm going to lead my horse to pull you up," said Jesse.
"Okay," said Lisa in a shaking voice.
"All right boy, easy does it," said Jesse.
So, the horse started going forward, pulling Lisa up.
"Whoa boy," said Jesse. He ran toward her side and held her tightly to calm her down. When she stopped shaking a little he gently picks her up and looked deep into her eyes.
"Are you all right," said Jesse.
"Now I ‘am, thank you for saving me," said Lisa.
"Your welcome, come on let's go, you go first and I'll stay behind and keep an eye out for you," said Jesse.
"Okay, thank you, Jesse," said Lisa.
" Your welcome," said Jesse.
So, they slowly headed down the mountain and finally got on the flat ground, they jumped on the horse's and rode into the ranch. Walker, Red Cloud and Jesse's friends were all sitting at the table eating watermelon and drinking pink lemonade.
"Hey, you guys, come to have some watermelon!" shouted Tyron.
So, they jumped off their horses and walked up to the table.
"Something happened?" said Red Cloud.
Jesse and Lisa looked at each other.
"What happened? Are you guys all right?" asked Alex jumping up and walking towards them.
"Yes, we're fine now, we're riding up the ridge, I was showing her my favorite spot on the ridge, we didn't have a problem going up, but coming back down we decided to walk down, when we were walking down the slipped and fell, but I caught her before she went over," said Jesse.
"Oh my gosh, sweetheart are you all right, come on have some lemonade," said Alex.
"Yes, I'm fine, still a little shook up is all, thank you for the lemonade," said Lisa.
Jesse went over and sat down next to Red Cloud and drank some lemonade as well and they started to eat a piece of watermelon.
"How'd you know something happened?" asked Jesse.
"The look on her face and your clothes are dirty, and the side of your shirt is soaked and you have a tear," said Red Cloud.
"Oh yeah," said Jesse.
"Are you hurt nephew?" asked Red Cloud.
"Not really, it's just a scrape, I'll live," said Jesse.
"Come on," said Red Cloud.
"Where you off to?" asked Walker.
"Inside, I'm going to change clothes, this one is all torn up," said Jesse.
"All right," said Walker.
So Red Cloud and Jesse went into the house.
"Sit down my nephew," said Red Cloud.
"Okay," Jesse confused.
Red Cloud goes upstairs and went into the bathroom, grabbed a basket to put the stuff he needed into it, he grabbed peroxide, gauze pads, small scissors, cotton balls, and went to Jesse's room and grabbed a clean t-shirt, then he went into his room and grabbed some sage. He went downstairs into the kitchen and sat everything on the table. Jesse just smiled, and slowly started to take his shirt off. So Red Cloud put two to three cotton balls together and soaked them into a bowl of peroxide, then he began to dab Jesse's side.
"I may have to put on a clean pair of jeans when we're finished," said Jesse.
"Yeah you will, cause now it's dripping blood on your jeans now," said Red Cloud.
"What are the scissors for?" asked Jesse.
"To cut the skin that is loose," said Red Cloud.
"Oh," said Jesse.
So Red Cloud started to cut the skin that was hanging. Then he grabbed some sage and put it on the wound, then he grabbed gauze and laid it on the sage and then he taped the gauze on each side. Then he soaked a cotton ball and used Alcohol rub to wipe around the tape and clean up any blood. When finished Jesse grabbed his clean shirt and went upstairs to change is jeans out as well.
"Hey what's going on uncle?" asked Walker.
"I just had to doctor him up, but he is fine," said Red Cloud.
"Really, what happened, why do you have all this stuff out?" asked Walker.
"I was cleaning his wound, he got a scrape on his side from leaning over to grab Lisa," said Red Cloud.
"But he's all cleaned up, and putting on new clothes, he had a hole on the side of his shirt and blood was soaked to his shirt and his jeans had blood on them as well," said Red Cloud.
"Jesse, are you all right?" asked Walker.
"Yeah, I ‘am now," said Jesse.
Come on let's get back to the party," smiled Walker.
So Red Cloud cleaned up and followed them back outside to the party. It continued for another hour to two, and then everybody started to leave and go home.
"I'll help you clean up," said Lisa.
"No, it's okay, you go ahead and go with William, we got this, thank you all for coming," said Jesse.
"Your welcome," said Richard.
"Thank you again, Jesse, for saving me, I hope we can see more of each other again," smiled Lisa.
"We will, don't worry, bye," said Jesse.
Lisa smiled and walked to Williams's car, and they drove off, back to the reservation.
"Well that was wonderful, it turned out great," said Alex cleaning up.
"Yeah it was, thank you for throwing for me Alex, I had a great time, other than the mountain incident, I had fun," said Jesse.
"I'm glad your both were okay, this was so much fun, we should do it again sometime," said Alex.
"Yeah, that would be nice," said Jesse picking up the glasses.
They got everything inside, Jesse was helping Alex was the dishes.
"I think Lisa likes you, Jesse," smiled Alex.
"Alex, we're just friends," said Jesse.
"Okay… So, do you like her or have a crush on her?" asked Alex.
"No, I don't, we're just friends that's all," smiled Jesse.
"Okay," said smiled Alex.
So, they went on to wash the dishes, it was getting late when Alex and Jesse finished washing the dishes, Red Cloud and Walker were just finishing up cleaning outside and came in.
"We all better be going to bed, it's late," said Alex.
"Your right, it's ten o'clock," said Walker.
So, they all went upstairs and went to bed.
Chapter 17
The next morning, they all woke up early to get ready to go to work. They jumped in Walker's pick up and drove to the station.
"I'll see you two later," said Alex going into the courtroom.
"Hey Tyron, what is on the agenda today?" asked Tyron.
Then Tyron's phone starts to ring.
"Hello, this is Tyron?"
"Ranger Tyron, this is Karla, it's my husband again, he's drunk and trying to
pick fights with our neighbors."
"All right, I'll send a couple of my rangers to go down and resolve the issue," said Tryon.
"Thank you, Sir," said Karla.
"Jesse, take three officers with you and go to this address, we've been at this same place for a while now, with the same call from her about her husband," said Tyron.
"All right, let's go, guys," said Jesse.
Jesse and three other rangers left the station and went to that address. When they arrived, a window was broken, and the wife was sitting down on the porch, her husband was still inside yelling and throwing things.
"Ma'am are you all right?" asked the female officer.
"Yes, I am, thank you," said Karla.
"Well we're just going to make sure that you are all right, the ambulance is on its way," said the female officer.
"Thank you," said Karla.
"Sir?" asked a male officer.
"Sir? You're going to have to calm down, so we can talk to you," said Jesse.
He kept throwing things and yelling at the officers to mind their business, the female officer shouted "Gun!" the man aimed it, Jesse quickly responded by shooting the man in the arm and dropping the gun. The other officers tackled him down and handcuffed him.
"The ambulance is here guys," said the female officer.
So, they put Karla's husband in the ambulance and handcuffed him to the bed.
"Nice work guys, nice work girly," said the male officer.
"Your welcome, I saw it through the window," said the female officer.
"Thank you, Jesse, for your quick thinking, nobody got severely injured today, thank you," said the male officer.
"Your welcome," said Jesse.
So they went back to the office and did paperwork. Tyron came out walking towards Jesse's desk.
"Hey, good job today, I heard what took place," said Tyron.
"Yeah, he was drunk, but we took care of it, and we sent the woman to the hospital as well to get check out," said Jesse.
"Well good job, you did good," said Tryon.
"Thank you," said Jesse going back to his paperwork.
So he finally finished his paperwork. Alex and Walker came walking up and they went home. As the years have come and gone Jesse was still a part of the police force, and he was very good at his job. He and Lisa got together long ago and got married and had two children, a son and a daughter who are both in school.
At first, he told Lisa that he didn't want any children because he was afraid he would end up like his father, but he never did, he did just fine. He finally moved out of Walker's home and moved next door to him, he never did go back on the reservation, he just went to the powwows and did the hand drum songs, he did not stay long. Both his parents were out of jail and they were old and lived in a nursing home, they apologized to Jesse on how they treated him, and he excepted that. Life was good for Jesse, he likes the life he always wanted, loving parents and a loving family. What more could you ask for?
The Forgotten Children(Whitney Shaw)
Chapter 1
Pine Ridge South Dakota, there was a family who was expecting. They both had good jobs, and a nice trailer home, life was good. The woman was home doing the dishes when she went into labor, her husband just came in and they went to the hospital. When they arrived, they put her in a room and she gave birth to a boy. They named him Jesse, but his Native Name is
"Takoda" (friend to everyone).
"He's beautiful sweetheart, he's the best thing that has ever happened to us," said Grey Owl.
"Yes, he is," said White Dove.
Then they took him home and they became a family. Then when he turned seven he noticed his parents acting differently than when he was little. He thought it was kind of strange. One morning he woke up and went to the kitchen and sat at the table, he noticed both parents weren't in the kitchen, he didn't smell coffee, the stove was not on, nothing was cooking, he didn't hear any talking, just like yesterday, so he pushed his glasses up further on his nose and got up from the table and went to their bedroom. He opened the door and found them both passed out on the bed. He walked towards his mom and shook her, trying to wake her up, but she didn't even move.
So, he walked out and opened the fridge, he grabbed an egg and went and got a plastic bowl, because he couldn't quite reach the cabinet with the other plates and bowls, and he cracked the egg into the plastic bowl and he whisked the egg in the plastic tub, then he pulled a small iron skillet out and grabbed a step stool and put the skillet on the stove and turned it on low, then he poured his egg in the skillet and he started cooking it. When it was finished he grabbed a glove and put on the other side of the burner and turned the stove off. He put the egg back in the plastic container and a piece of bread and went to his room, he sat down at his little table and ate his egg and a piece of bread. Then he got up and dressed, he took his dishes back to the sink, he pulled the step stool in front of the sink and did his dishes and what else was left in the sink, and left them out to dry. Went back to his room, put his coat and his backpack on, he went to his parent's room and kissed them both goodbye and told them he loves them, and he'll see them when he gets home from school.
So, he grabbed the extra key hanging on the key rack and locked the door from behind him. Then he jumped off the step and ran towards the bus stop. So, he sat down on the bench to wait for the bus. As he was waiting more kids came over, including his three friends, plus one new friend named Lisa.
"Aho kola" (hello friend)," said Richard Grey Eyes.
"Aho" (hello)," smiled Jesse.
"How's it going?" asked Alvina.
"Good, good, what about yourself?" asked Jesse.
"Same here, everything is good," said Alvina.
"I heard your parents threw a big party last weekend at your house," said Richard.
"Yea, there were a lot of people there, that could explain the yelling and shouting when it was all done," said Jesse.
"Your parents were fighting again," said Lisa.
"Yeah, but it got quiet around 1:30 am," said Jesse.
"Really, how'd you know, what were you doing up at 1:30 in the morning?"
asked Alvina.
"Well I don't sleep when I am home," said Jesse.
"Why?" worried Lisa.
"Well, the truth," said Jesse.
"Yes," said Lisa.
"I'm afraid…" said Jesse.
"Afraid, you're afraid?" asked William concerned.
"I'm afraid to go to sleep because I don't know what will happen if I do," said Jesse.
"Your parents haven't beaten you, have they?" asked Alvina.
"No, they wouldn't do that," said Jesse.
"You never know bro, drunks will do anything, just be careful," said Richard.
"I know," said Jesse.
Then the bus starts pulling up. All the kids get on the bus and head to school. Back at the house, Jesse's parents were just not getting up. They got dressed and started walking, stumbling, of course, they were still drunk. They walked to White Clay and went and bought more beer and sat on the curb and started drinking with the other people that were there. Then a patrol car pulled up to the general store and got out.
"Oh no it's the cops, what are you doing here, are going to arrest us from drunken desertedness," laughed Grey Owl.
"You no better Grey Owl," said Walker.
"Aw come on Walker, were just having a little fun," laughed Grey Owl.
"Why don't you guys go home and take care of your son, that's if you remember you have one, what happened to you both?" asked Walker walking towards them.
"Life bro, that's what happened, we couldn't face reality so we drink because there is nothing there, there's nothing here," angered Grey Owl.
"So you can't face reality, you can't wake up and notice how your living, there is more in South Dakota than anything, you can leave to know, go further up and get a job like you had a long time ago before they let you go, you could have applied at another job there, but you just gave up too easily, and so did you White Dove, your drinking yourself to death because of your sisters death do you even love your son, do you even know he is there half the time?" asked Walker.
"What son? We disown him, he has brought us the shame to our people," angered Grey Owl.
"No, you brought shame to your people, go home," said Walker walking away.
"Where are you going, come back and fight me like a man," said Grey Owl.
"Go home, "said Walker going inside the store.
At the school, kids were playing outside until it was time for them all to go home.
"Hey Jesse, do you want to come over to my house, I'm having a sleepover?" asked Richard Grey Eyes.
"Sure, I just have to ask my parents when I get home," said Jesse.
"Cool, I'll see then, Alvina, Lisa and William are coming as well," said Richard.
"Sweet, I'll be there," said Jesse.
"Good," said Richard.
Then the bell rang, and everyone got in line and went inside. They all went to their classrooms and grabbed their stuff and ran out of the school to get on the busses. The bus drove them home and stopped at the bus stop and all the kids got off.
"I'll see you tonight?" Richard.
"Yes," said Jesse.
"Okay bye," said Richard.
"Bye, "said Jesse walking home.
When he was walking home he saw a cop car driving upon him slowly, so he stopped and the cop car rolled down his window. It was Walker. His face lit up with excitement. He hasn't seen him since he was born.
"Hey kiddo, how's it going," smiled Walker.
"Good, how are you, it's been a long time," said Jesse.
"Yes, too long, last time I saw you I was holding you," smiled Walker.
"Yeah, I have a picture of you holding me, mom gave it to me," said Jesse.
"So how are things at home?" asked Walker.
Then he paused and then said.
"Oh, things are fine," smiled Jesse.
"You don't have to lie to me sonny, I know," said Walker.
"You do," said Jesse.
"Yes, I do, if you need anything or help, here is my card it has my number if you can't get a hold me, my uncle Red Cloud will answer the phone," said Walker.
"Okay, thank you, but I'm doing fine, my parents need help I know now, they're not the same anymore," said Jesse.
"I know sonny, just remember you're not alone kiddo," said Walker.
"I know, goodbye," said Jesse walking up to his house.
When he got home, again he was alone, his parents weren't home. So again, he went into his room, sat at his little table and did his homework. Then he grabbed a piece of paper and wrote a note saying he was going to a sleepover and he'll be back Saturday, and he stuck the note on their bed. And grabbed his bag of clothes and walked to Richard's house.
Chapter 2
When he arrived Alvina, William, Lisa, were already at Richards's house when he came in.
"Hey, Jesse," said William.
"Hello Jesse, come on in, "said Richard Grey Eyes.
"Thank you," said Jesse.
He came in and sat on the floor with the rest.
"Okay, we're going to play pick up sticks, the one with the most sticks wins, we'll take turns," said Alvina.
So, they started playing the game. When they were finished they, all went into the kitchen and started getting snacks to take back to the room. They sat down on the floor and started eating their snacks, then they started playing video games until Richards's mom came in and said it was time to go to sleep. So, they turned the game off. They made a palate on the floor and they laid down.
"You can go to sleep now, you don't need to be afraid here, nobody is going to hurt you here," said Richard looking at Jesse.
"I know," said Jesse.
"Promise you'll sleep?" asked Richard.
"I promise," said Jesse.
"Good," Richard turns over on the other side and closed his eyes.
Jesse smiled and then he slowly started to close his eyes, and then he fell asleep. Saturday morning, they all woke up. And went to the kitchen, everybody sat at the table, and Jesse walked up to the fridge.
"What are you doing?" asked Richard.
"Making breakfast for us, I know how to make breakfast," said Jesse.
"Jesse, what are you talking about," worried Alvina.
"I make my breakfast in the morning when I get up," smiled Jesse.
"Jesse come here and sit down, my mom will make us breakfast, she's up getting dressed," said Richard.
"Oh, okay," said Jesse walking back to the table.
"You mean your parents don't feed you?" asked Lisa.
"No, they do, it's just sometimes they forget," said Jesse.
"No, Jesse, parents don't forget to feed their kids, how often do they supposedly forget?" asked William crossing his arms.
"The truth this time," said Richard.
"Okay, okay, I've been making food for myself since I was five years old, and getting dressed for school by myself," said Jesse.
"Jesse, you have to tell someone, that is child abuse," said Alvina.
"No, no, I can't, you have to promise not to say anything, please," said Jesse.
Then Richards's mom comes out and starts making breakfast. It was quiet.
"What are wrong guys, are you still trying to wake up," asked Richard's mother.
"Um, yeah, we're not quite awake yet, but when we get breakfast we'll be awake," smiled Richard.
Richards mother finished cooking and brought it over, she sat down and so did Richards father and they all ate breakfast at the table. It brought good memories to Jesse when his family ate at the table, and now he eats alone in his room on his little table. Then the morning came and gone, and it was about 4:00 pm.
"Oh, I better go home now," said Jesse.
"Do you have to go home," worried Lisa.
"Yes, I do, my parents need my help," said Jesse.
"Just be careful, and watch your step," said William.
"I know, goodbye, I'll see you all at school Monday," said Jesse.
"Goodbye and good luck," said Richard Grey Eyes.
Jesse started walking home, when he arrived, he went to his room and put his stuff up and started doing their laundry and his laundry, because his parents were still passed out on the bed, they didn't even know he was gone, the note was still where he left it. So, he did their laundry, folded their clothes, hung them in the closet with the step stool and folded some of their clothes and put them in the drawer. Then he waited for his clothes to get done, so he sat at the table and started to read a book.
Then his father woke up and came in the kitchen, he didn't even notice Jesse sitting there until he spoke.
"Hey dad," smiled Jesse.
"Hey kiddo," said Jesse's father walking towards the table and sitting down drinking a can of beer.
"Dad, do you remember how we use to be?" asked Jesse.
Jesse's father took another drink and walked away, he went back to the room and closed the door. Leaving Jesse alone once again. So, he went back to reading, then the buzzer went off and he got his clothes out and threw them in the dryer to dry. While that was going, Jesse went into the fridge and grabbed mayo, lunch meat and a piece of cheese, and lettuce. Then went to the table and made a sandwich with a glass of water and ate at the table. Then he cleaned up his mess and did the dishes. He walked back to the table to read until his clothes were dry. When the buzzer went off he grabbed a basket and folded his clothes on the table and put them in the basket and took it to his room to put away. He grabbed the clothes he's going to wear Monday and Sat them out.
He sat on his bed and started looking at pictures of him and his family, and saw how happy they were, going on trips, dancing together in the pow wows, and visiting Walker on his ranch and riding the horses. Then he started to cry, always wondering what happened, why did things go wrong in his life, he often wandered was it him, or was it just part of life?
Chapter 3
The years have come and gone, and now things have gone bad, they started beating him when he was 10 years old, missed 15 days of school one time, because his parents nearly beat him to death. Even Jesse's friends were trying to contact him but no answer. He's older now a young teen he's 15 years old now, Jesse loved his parents, he didn't want to tell anybody what has been going on in his life, even to Walker, so he didn't go to school, because if he went they would ask questions. If the teacher saw him or his friends, he told them he fell, or someone tripped him and he fell. So, he waited by the bus stop, his friends saw him and came running up.
"Jesse, we were so worried about you all month, are you all right, the teacher told us you had another accident," said Alvina.
"Yea, I'm all right, it's all good," said Jesse.
"Who gave you that?" William pointed above his eyebrow.
"Oh, I ran into the door, and had to go and get stitches," said Jesse. But Jesse didn't go to the hospital to get stitches he did it himself.
"Sure, you did, I'm telling you, Jesse, you need to tell someone, they're getting violent all of sudden, aren't they?" asked Richard.
"No, they're not, just, just let me be," angered Jesse.
"Jesse, there's no need in getting mad at us, we're just trying to help," said Lisa.
"I'm sorry, I know you're looking out for me, it's just, there my parents, and I love them," said Jesse.
"We know you do, but this is dangerous," said William.
"I know, here comes the bus," said Jesse.
It got quiet. They all got on the bus. Jesse sat down slowly and looked out the bus window.
"I'm concerned, I have a gut feeling the reason he missed those 15 days of school was, his parents beat him bad, and I don't think he ran into a door or had another accident," said Alvina.
"I know he's hurt bad, and he's trying not to show it, but we promised a long time ago that we weren't going to say anything when we heard he made his food, and we're not going to start now," said Richard.
"But Richard, he's our friend, I don't want to wait too long and then it be too late, I hope we don't wait until he's dead," said Lisa.
"No, it's going to be all right, "said Richard Grey Eyes.
So, they arrived at the school and everybody got off the bus and walked into the building.
"Welcome back Jesse," said the teacher.
"Thank you," smiled Jesse.
When he got to his desk, he found stickers, balloons, get well cards and candy.
"Oh, thank you, everyone, thank you so much, this means a lot to me, thank you," smiled Jesse.
"Well were classmates, and we were worried about you, so we thought we would give back, "said one of the kids.
"Thank you all thank you," said Jesse.
"Your welcome, all right class get your books and turn to page 143, we're going to learn about plants," said the teacher.
Jesse was putting all the stuff in his bag, he started to tear up as he was reading some of the cards and putting them in his bag. Then he pulled his books out and started to listen to the teacher about plants. Then the bell rang and all the kids got up and started putting their belongings in their bags, and left the class. Jesse was the last one out. They were all waiting on the bus to arrive. The bus came and picked up all the kiddos and took them to their homes. They all got off at the bus stop and walked home. As he was walking home he saw the door wide open, and he heard screaming and shouting. He was afraid to go inside because he knew he would get it if did go inside. But he took a deep breath and walked in. His parents were drunk again, and fighting, so he just shook his head and walked towards his bedroom.
"There you are, look at him, he's so good, he thinks he's better than we are, he thinks he knows what is best," said Grey Owl taunting him.
Jesse closed his door and started to cry, he went over to the corner and sat down, his head in his hands and he started crying. He never sleeps so he was tired, exhausted and he just couldn't take it anymore and just started to cry. He dozed off and then woke back up, it was quiet too quiet, so he walked out of his bedroom and nobody was in the living room or the kitchen, so he walked back to his parents' bedroom and found them past out on the bed. So, he went to the fridge and started to find something to eat. So, he sat at the table alone and started to eat, when he was finished he went back to his room and started to read a book until he finally went to sleep because his family was passed out so he could sleep without worrying but not waking up again.
Chapter 4
The next day he woke up early to get ready for school, again his parents were still asleep on the bed, in the clothes they wore yesterday. So, he got dressed and grabbed his backpack and walked towards the bus stop. His friends were there as well.
"Hey, how are you feeling?" asked Richard.
"Sore, but I'll be all right, "said Jesse.
"Good, we worried for you," said Alvina.
"I know you are and thank you for caring," said Jesse.
Then the bus started to come down the street, and once again, they got on the bus and headed towards the school. Back at Jesse's house, his parents finally woke up, and stumbled toward the kitchen, and opened the refrigerator to get a beer, and there was no beer. So, Jesse's father slammed the door, and told his wife, they were out.
"Honey we are out of beer, let's go-to white clay," said Grey Owl.
So, they both left and walked to the edge of white clay where they do serve alcohol, so they walked and went into the liquor store and bought some beers and walked out and sat down on the sidewalk with other drunk Indians and started drinking, laughing, staggering, laughing at other Indians falling over and stumbling. Some Indians getting arrested and spending the night in jail until sober, so they can get out and get drunk again. T.V reporters come to white clay and interview the natives on how drinking as affected their ways, and how alcohol is banned on the reservation.
"How do you think drinking alcohol has affected our people," asked the reporter.
A sober man came up to the reporter and answered her question.
"Our cultural disconnection plays a large part in alcoholism for Native
Americans. The shame and abuse from historical trauma suffered by Native people, and the forced disconnection from culture and our heritage, is a perfect setup that can lead to alcohol abuse to ease the pain. Most of the United States will never understand how damaging alcohol has been for Native people. 12% of death among Native's and Alaska Natives are alcohol-related. The people young and old drink because they don't want to face reality, they have low self-esteem about themselves, and most drink because they don't want to see where they live, because they all live poorly, poor housing, so they drink because they don't want to be reminded," said the elderly man.
"Well there you have it guys, I think we're done here," said the reporter.
So, the reporter and her crew got back in the van and drove away. Back at the school, they were all having lunch in the cafeteria,
"So, summer is around the corner, what say we all hang out this summer, and go to the park and have a picnic and just hang out," said Alvina.
"Hey, that sounds like a great idea," said Lisa.
"Yeah, we could do crazy stuff," laughed William.
"Not too crazy, because this summer I need to practice my hand drum songs with the boy's this summer, so I can sing and play with them at the pow wows," said Richard.
"That's cool, my dad was a part of that group," said Jesse.
"I know, my dad was a part of the group and he loved it, I can't wait to be a part of it," said Richard.
"I wish I was a part of it, but I'm too ashamed," said Jesse.
"To ashamed to be part of the group, look we can't help who are parents are, and what they do, but we're not our parents, were us, I know seeing your parents makes you feel ashamed to be called Indian, we all fill that way, even if our parents don't drink, we look around and see other's, and go wow, they make me feel ashamed to be called Native because people think all natives are drunks, all natives are stuck in the past, but it was not their past, it was their ancestors past, half of these natives didn't live in the past, but yet they still blame the whites, they weren't even born at the time, they just hear the stories. So the stories is what makes them mad and hate the white's because they were never told the truth about whites, some whites actually fought for us, not against us, they learned everything we taught them, even today the whites want to learn and get educated about us, and they were told that not all natives are drunks, or poor, but it is society telling everybody that all natives are no good, all natives are drunks, all natives have hatred, all natives are racists, but that is not true, so you really shouldn't be ashamed to be a native, we have our good points as well," said Richard Greyeyes.
"Are you sure?" asked Jesse.
"Yes, I am sure, we are natives, and we should be proud," said Richard.
"If you say so," said Jesse.
"I know so," said Richard.
The bell rang, and it was time for everybody to go back to his or her class. When they got to their glass everybody had to do vocabulary and a worksheet about the plants. So, they did that until it was time to go. The bell rang, and everybody got up and went out to wait for the bus to show up. As the bus arrived all the kids got on and went home.
Chapter 5
Summer is here, and everybody is in joying his or her day out of school, the kids are out playing, and hanging out, and going to Batty's Station to get a coke. Jesse and his friends hung out quite a bit. Then one-day Jesse stopped hanging out with his friends, they started to get worried. So, they went over to his house to check up on him and nobody was home, they knocked on the door, nobody answered, the blinds were closed, the door was locked, but Jesse was inside, he didn't answer the door.
"Jesse, are you home, it's us," said Richard.
"Jesse are you all right," said Alvina.
Jesse didn't make a sound, didn't even come to the door, he just stayed in his room. He was hurt badly, he had to give himself stitches above his eyebrow again, one side of his ribs were cracked, which his father used an object, surprisingly he didn't shatter his ribs, or pierced his lung, he had a bruise on his jawline, his back was red, from the kicking and stomping on him, and throwing him around like a rag doll, his abdomen was red and bruised from them kicking and punching him. Then again, he let them because he loved them, they were his parents. His friends called Walker right away, and Walker sped down to Jesse's house and banged on the door.
"Jesse, it's me, Walker, open the door son," said Walker.
Jesse had relief in his eyes but he still didn't answer the door, he loved Walker, Walker was like the father he wished he had. But he still stayed in his room laying on his bed, he didn't want to get up, because the slightest movement was very painful for him, so he chose to stay on his bed. Finally, Walker stepped down and looked and saw Jesse's parents walking towards the house.
"Where's Jesse!" demanded Walker.
"Hello Walker, he's inside in his room," said Grey Owl.
"I'm taking him with me, this has to stop, or I'll arrest you," said Walker.
"Walker, you forget, this is the reservation, you have no power over here, and what we do is none of your business," said White Dove.
"When it comes to these kids, it is my business, now let me inside," said Walker.
"Nope, you're not coming in my house," Grey Owl unlocking the door and opening.
"Jesse!" shouted Walker.
"He's not going to come to you Walker, he locks himself in his room, so I suggest you better get off my property, all of you," said Grey Owl slamming the door and locking it.
"Come on guys, go home," said Walker.
"But Walker…," said Lisa.
"I know, there's nothing I can do unless I get the reservation police involved, which I know will help me," said Walker.
"I just don't want to wait too long," said Alvina.
"I know guys, I know you care for him, but this takes time and patience," said Walker.
So, they all looked at Jesse's house and walked away. Never seen him again.
Chapter 6
Well, summer has come and gone, and now Jesse and his friends are all teenagers, 17,18 years old. School started back up again, and once again Jesse missed 15 days of school because he had another accident.
This time he had to go to the hospital because he tore his knee up, his father hit him in the knee with a bat. He didn't tell the doctor what happened, he just said his friend accidentally hit him in the knee while trying to hit a baseball, the doctor didn't quite believe that story, he's heard it a thousand times from abusive kids, but he knows what happened, so when they leave he always calls the police. Besides the doctor and Jesse go way back, he was the same doctor that delivered him from his mother.
Jesse knew if he told the truth, his parents will beat him again, and then they will be taken away and he would be in foster care, he didn't want that, because he heard kids got shipped all over the world and he didn't want that at all. So, he was in the hospital for a couple of days and then he went home. When his knee was healing he went to school. He walked to school, to help his knee heal faster and get stronger. He arrived and everybody was glad to see him even his friends.
"Oh Jesse, it's good to see you, we've been praying that you would be all right and that we would see you again soon," said Alvina.
"Yeah, when Walker told us to go home, I almost wanted to kick that door down, I knew Walker could, but I was so mad at your dad I could have kicked him as well," said Richard.
"I know, but thanks guys for coming to my house," said Jesse.
"You heard us," said William.
"Yes, I did, I was in bed, I wanted to answer it, but I couldn't get out of bed because I was in so much pain, that the slightest movement it hurt, so I just stayed still and silent," said Jesse.
"Well I'm glad you're here, we all are," said Lisa.
"Thanks, guys, group hug," smiled Jesse.
"Group hug," smiled Alvina.
So, they all hugged each other and went inside to their classes. They got their books and started studying for a test when the principal came inside the class.
"Sorry to interrupt, but I need to see Jesse please?" asked the principal.
"All right, Jesse," said the teacher.
Jesse had a worried look in his eyes, so he put his pencil down and got up and walked out with the principal. He sat down in the principal's office.
"What did I do?" asked Jesse.
"Jesse, your doctor called me and told me what happened, I've also seen a pattern here over the years sonny, when you were in elementary you missed 10 days of school, then in middle school you missed 15 days, and now you've missed 15 days again, I've seen this before from children in broken home, abusive parents, I can help, I knew your parents since I was a kid, we went to school together, and I know the bottle robbed them, and I know what you have been going through all these years, let me help you before it's too late," said the principal.
"No, I'm not a child from a broken home, everything is all right, I just had another accident, I'm accident prone," said Jesse.
"Son, yes you are, you can't hide it anymore, I know what's been going on, I want to help," said the Principal.
"You can't help, I'm sorry, my doctor shouldn't have told you, now my folks will think I told somebody because on the reservation everybody knows everybody and everything, may I be excused," said Jesse.
"Alright, son, the next time I don't see you again, I'm calling the police and Walker if the doctor doesn't, because no child has to go through this, I know you're afraid, I know you love your parents very much, you want them to get better, but they're not going to get better unless they do time in jail, and I know you don't want to be in the system, I know this is your home, but this will be for your safety," said Principal.
"I have to go," Jesse running out of the principal's office, and out of the school building, and walked out.
He walked to the site where the Battle of Wounded Knee took place and sat down in the long grass. He was gathering his thoughts. "What should I do Wanka-Tanka? I love my parents, and I know they hurt me, but they are my parents, and this is my home, I don't want to leave the reservation? I don't know what to do." Then he started on the open plains again, he got up and walked home, as always, nobody was home and we walked in and went to the fridge and it was empty, so he went to the cupboards and found some cereal, so he grabbed the cereal down, and put in a bowl and added water to it and took it back to his room and ate it.
He got into bed and sat up thinking about his parents. "what if my parents never drank or abused me, maybe my life would have been better." Then he looked over at the clock and it was 10:00 pm and his parents were probably still out partying getting drunk somewhere. So, he turned out the light and laid down on his bed and looked at the ceiling and finally he went to sleep.
Chapter 7
The next morning the alarm went off at 6:00 am, so he got up and got dressed and went to his parent's room and they still weren't' home.
"Must have been some party," said Jesse.
So, he locked the house and walked to the school and met up with his friends and went to class. They started doing worksheets. Then the bell rang and they all went to lunch and sat next to each other in the cafeteria.
"So, since were seniors this year what say we go out and see a movie together," said Lisa.
"That sounds like a good idea," said William.
"Okay, Saturday at seven, we'll meet at the bus stop and go from there," said Lisa.
"Sounds great," said Jesse.
They started eating and the bell rang for dismissal. So, they all got up and threw their things in the trash and walked out of the school and walked home.
"Remember, Saturday were all going to the movies," said Lisa.
"We know, we'll see you at the bus stop at 7:00 pm," said William.
"Sounds like a plan, see you all tomorrow night," said Jesse.
They all went home. As Jesse was walking home he saw two police cars at his house, so he ran to the house.
"What's going on? asked Jesse.
"We got a call from someone to come out and investigate," said one Indian police.
"Investigate what? Please leave right now," said Jesse.
"I'm sorry Jesse," said the 2nd police who was there.
"You don't understand, my parents are not home, they are out working, everything is fine here," said Jesse looking around the corner, because he knew he would get it bad.
"Okay call us if there is a problem," said the first police officer.
"I will, thank you," said Jesse.
The officers stepped out and drove away. Jesse watched them drive away, and he quickly closed the door. Meanwhile, in white clay, his parents were drinking when another Indian came up to them.
"Hey, I saw the police at your house," said the Indian man.
"Did he say anything to them?" asked Grey Owl.
"No, I don't think so, he made them leave quick though," said the man.
"All right, we better go home, he's been alone too long, we better make sure he never gets out of the house," said Grey Owl.
"We can't trust him," said White Dove.
So, they found a way to get home faster. Jesse went to the window and pulled the curtain back and his parents drove up to the house, Jesse opened the door for them, and his father pushed him out of the way.
"So, what have you been up to?" asked White Dove.
"Nothing, just hanging around this place," said Jesse.
"Sure, you have," said Grey Owl.
Jesse just shook his head and walked away.
"Don't walk away from me boy, I'm not finished," angered Grey Owl.
Jesse rolled his eyes and turned around.
"A friend of ours came and told us they saw police cars at your house, what did you tell them," asked White Dove.
"I didn't tell them anything I promise, I told them to leave," said Jesse.
White Dove walked up to him and slapped him in the face. Something came over Jesse, something he's never felt before.
"Don't lie to us, now what did you tell them," asked White Dove.
"Nothing," said Jesse.
Grey Owl went to his room and grabbed a bat and came back out. Jesse saw the bat and once again fear took over, also anger, which he had never felt before.
"Now tell us, what did you tell the police? "asked Grey Owl.
Then he was no longer afraid, he was angry.
"What is the point of telling you the truth, your too drunk to understand it anyway!" angered Jesse.
Grey Owl and White Dove looked at each other in shock.
"Did you just raise your voice at us," said White Dove.
"Yeah, I guess I did, I've been silent and afraid for too long, but no more, I'm not going take any more from you both, I'm done with you," said Jesse pulling his phone out of his pocket.
"What are you doing? "asked White Dove.
"I'm Calling Walker, come to get me out of here," said Jesse, he dialed Walker's number and it starts ringing.
White Dove quickly took the phone from him and threw it on the floor, she didn't know it was still calling, and Finally, Walker answered the phone.
"Hello, Jesse are you all right," worried Walker.
"Jesse!" shouted Walker.
"You're not going anywhere," angered Grey Owl.
Walker was listening as he was speeding down the highway to get to Jesse.
"You don't scare me no more, dad," said Jesse.
"Oh really, you think your man enough to stand up against us now, before you were too scared to step up to us, and now you want to go, well okay let's go then," said Grey Owl.
Walker called the reservation police and was telling them to go to Jesse's house quickly.
"You're not going anywhere, you're staying in this house," said Grey Owl.
"No, I'm not, you can't keep me locked up anymore, I'm not an animal," said Jesse walking to the kitchen and opening the fridge.
"More beer, huh, that's all you need, more beer, well you know what I think of this, this is what I think of it and what I think of you," said Jesse.
So, he started throwing the beer bottles at them and then busting on the tile floor, and he started throwing them at the wall and they were busted. He was angry, he's never been angry like that before, I guess all those years he finally cracked, and couldn't take it anymore. His mother was furious and started yelling at him she ran towards him to hit him, but he put his hand out in front of him and pushed her down on the tile, and she fell and hit her head and was knocked out.
"As I said, I'm not afraid anymore," said Jesse stepping over his mother.
"You're going to pay for that, how dare you push my woman," angered Grey Owl.
"You don't care anyway, your too drunk to care," angered Jesse.
Grey Owl dropped the bat and started throwing punches at Jesse. Then it turned ugly, they were fighting in the house. Pictures were being knocked down and broke, body indentions in the walls from being thrown at the wall. Finally, his father got up and did a football tackle on Jesse, and they both went flying through a glass coffee table. Walker herd all of it and finally he reached Jesse's house and he arrived, the police showed up as well. They were banging on the door.
"You invited the police," angered Grey Owl in pain.
Grey Owl got up and looked at his shirt it was bloody, he had cuts in his arms as well from the glass, and he had a good chunk of glass pocking out of his abdomen. See when Grey Owl pushed Jesse into the glass table, that same glass piece went through Jesse's, back and out of his stomach into his father's stomach. Jesse was so angry he didn't feel anything, so he got up and the fight continued, there was blood everywhere, on the walls, the couch, the floor, the floor tile so you can imagine the blood being smeared on the floor.
Sh all the shattering, and thus, the police finally kicked the door and ran inside and pulled Grey Owl and Jesse apart.
"Grey Owl you're under arrest," said a police officer.
One police officer went to the kitchen and picked White Dove off the floor and handcuffed, and put her in the back of a police car and took her to jail.
"Grey Owl stop fighting," said an officer.
They finally got him down on the ground and handcuffed him and they put him in the ambulance and strapped him down. Then they took Jesse to the other ambulance and rushed them both to the hospital. As they arrived they rushed them inside and started hooking them up to machines, Jesse was coming in and out of consciousness. They both went into surgery; Grey Owl was still handcuffed to the bed during surgery. It took them both 2 hours in surgery.
The nurses were pushing them into separate rooms to recovery, and let them rest, Grey Owl was still handcuffed to the bed.
Chapter 8
The next morning Jesses started to wake up. As he woke up he saw his friends and Walker there.
"How are you feeling?" asked William.
"Sore, but I will be all right," said Jesse.
"We knew something was up when you didn't show," said Richard.
"Yeah, we were worried," said Alvina.
"Thank you, and thank you, Walker, for coming," said Jesse.
"Your welcome," smiled Walker.
"Walker what's going to happen to him now?" asked Lisa.
"Nothing, he's old enough to make his own decision," said Walker.
"You mean he won't be shipped away into foster care?" asked Richard.
"No, he's old enough not to be in the system, once they turn a certain age, they are on their own," said Walker.
"Oh, that's good news," said Lisa.
"Yeah, because I was worried when I was younger because I didn't want to leave, this is my home," said Jesse.
"I'll tell you what, come live with me Jesse, you'll be better off, you will still be able to come to the reservation it's only a two-hour drive from where I live," said Walker.
"That does sound great, I've known you since I was born, and you are like a father to me, okay I'll live with you," smiled Jesse.
"Good, this will be great, you're going to love it, you'll see lots of things, and you will be helping me work on my ranch," said Walker.
"Wow! You live on a ranch?" asked Jesse.
"Dude, that is awesome," said William.
"Yeah, there's a lot of things to explore on a ranch," said Walker.
Jesse was filled with joy and excitement because he always dreamed of living with Walker when he was a kid.
"You guys can come and see him as well, and he'll be back here as well, to see you guys," said Walker.
"We know he will, he'll be just fine, and in a better environment, and he can be somebody," said Richard.
"This is true," said Walker.
Then the doctor came in.
"Hey Jesse, how are you today?" asked the doctor.
"I'm good," said Jesse.
"Are you in any pain, do you need any pain medicine?" asked the doctor.
"No doc, I'm fine," said Jesse.
"Okay, if you're feeling any pain, just call one of the nurses and she'll give you your pain medicine," said the Doctor.
"Hey doc, may see you outside," said Walker.
"Sure, come on," said the doctor.
"When will he be able to go home?" asked Walker.
"He'll have to stay a couple more days, until his wound as healed a little, and then he'll be able to go home," said the Doctor.
"Good, that's great," said Walker.
"When we took x-rays of him the poor kid, I don't know how he managed to get up every day and walk to school and even go to school," said the Doctor.
"Why do you say that?" asked Walker.
"Well he had old fractures, I've known this kid since he was born, and growing up he has been in and out of this hospital with stories that I've heard so many times from other kids just like him. The x-rays showed old bone fractures, from his shoulder, his ribs are just now started to heal properly, his knee, he had a fractured wrist that was coming together in the x-ray, he had an old fracture on his skull, which is healing up nicely, his body was battered up, now with his knee the way it is, he'll be able to tell when the weather changes or if it rains, but he's a strong young boy I give him that," said Doctor.
"I know doc, his parents did a number on him his whole life, now he has to be reminded of that when the weather changes, but he's going to live with me now, so I can give him a better life, and show him what it truly means to be loved, and to be happy, and not to be scared anymore," said Walker.
"Oh, that's good, I'm glad you're taking him in, he'll be much better," said Doctor.
"Thank you, this will be good for him as well," said Walker.
"Yes, well I better get back to work, he'll be able to go home in a couple of days," said Doc.
"Thank you, doctor," said Walker.
"I wonder when you'll be able to go with Walker?" asked Alvina.
"I'm not sure," said Jesse.
"Hey Jesse, I talked to the doc and he said you'll be able to go home in a couple of days, that will give your wound time to heal," said Walker.
"Great, I can't wait to see your place before we go can we go to my old house to get my stuff first," asked Jesse.
"Sure, if you want to," said Walker.
"Yeah, I need to get my clothes, I think that's all I need is just my clothes, and my regalia as well," said Jesse.
"Yeah, sure, whatever you want to take with you because I'll be bringing my truck anyways," said Walker.
"That's cool," said Jesse.
"Yeah, well I better get back to work, I'll come to see you tonight when I get off work," said Walker.
"Okay, I'll be waiting then," smiled Jesse.
So, everybody left the hospital and went home.
Chapter 9
Jesse was in the hospital and he still didn't go to sleep very well, he had trouble sleeping. So, he stayed up most of the night. Some of the nurses came in there to tell him to rest.
"Jesse, you need to sleep, you need your rest," said the nurse.
"I know I do, but I can't seem to go to sleep," said Jesse.
"You don't have to stay up anymore, nobody is going to hurt you anymore, you can rest now, your safe here," said the nurse.
"Okay, I'll try to sleep," said Jesse.
"Good," said the nurse walking out.
He still stayed up a little, he did realize that she was telling the truth, nobody did come in there, he was by himself, so he finally went to sleep. When he woke up the next day, Walker was there sleeping on the couch.
"Morning Walker, what are you doing here so early?" asked Jesse.
"Just came by to see you, how'd you do last night?" asked Walker.
"Not too good, I had trouble sleeping, I still felt like my parents were coming to get me, then the nurse came in and said nobody is going to hurt me, so then finally I went to sleep," said Jesse.
"You should have called me, I would have come up here and sat with you," said Walker.
"I know you would have," said Jesse.
"Hey Jesse, how are you feeling?" asked Richard coming in with a get-well card.
"I'm good, thank you for the card," smiled Jesse.
"Your welcome," said Richard.
Then the doctor came in.
"Hello Doctor," said Walker.
"Hey, good news Jesse, you get to go home tomorrow with Walker," said the Doctor.
"Oh good, thank you, doctor, I can't wait," smiled Jesse.
"Me either, this is going to be great," said Walker.
"This is so cool dude, you get to live with Walker on his ranch," said Richard.
"I know it's going to be great," said Jesse.
"So, are you feeling any pain today?" asked the doctor.
"No, I'm all right for now doc, thank you," said Jesse.
"All right, well I leave you guys then," said the doctor leaving the room.
"See you later doc," said Richard.
"That's great when I do get out, can we stop by my house to get my clothes and notebooks that have all the stories that I've written, also my regalia and family album?" asked Jesse.
"Sure, we can, I'm sure the investigators cleaned the house up, so I'm sure it will be fine to enter and get your stuff," said Walker.
"Great can't wait to get out of here and never come back home," said Jesse.
"One more day and you'll be home for good," said Walker.
"Well I'll be seeing you around Jesse, and I'll let everybody know you're getting out, so we all can meet at your house to help you get all stuff out of there," said Richard.
"Thank you, that would be great," smiled Jesse.
"Your welcome, see you tomorrow," said Richard.
"Bye," said Jesse.
"I'll see you tomorrow morning, I have to go to work now," said Walker.
"Okay, Walker, see you tomorrow, "said Jesse.
So, Walker stepped out and drove to work. Jesse was sitting up in bed watching television and he started to doze off, and finally went to sleep. He woke up around five o'clock and started to get out of bed, he walked around the hospital and sat down at the table in the cafeteria and looked out the window.
Then he got up and started walking around saying hello to all the nurses and the patients, then he went back to his room and watched television, around nine o'clock he turned the television off and went to sleep.
Chapter 10
The next morning, Jesse woke up and started putting his clothes on. Then walks in Walker.
"Hey Jesse, ready to go?" asked Walker.
"Yes, I ‘am let's go," said smiled Jesse.
"All right then, come on let's go, we'll go to your house and get your belongings," said Walker.
"All right," said Jesse.
Everybody was telling him goodbye and wishing him good luck. They got in Walker's pickup and drove to Jesse's house when they arrived his friends were waiting outside.
"Oh, Jesse! It's good to see you again," said Alvina.
"It's good to see you all again," said Jesse.
So, they all went inside and started taking what Jesse wanted and they all loaded it into the back end of the pickup, and Jesse's friends got in the back seat and they went with Jesse to Walkers ranch. When they arrived, they were at amazement at what they saw, it looked like a western movie, white picket fence, a barn, horses, chickens, cattle, the whole works.
"Wow! Jesse, this is going to be great for you, start a new life over, this is going to be a whole new beginning for you Jesse," smiled Lisa.
"Yeah it is, a new life, and I get to see what true love is, and what it feels like to be loved again," smiled Jesse.
"All right let's get started, first I'll show you into your room," said Walker.
So, they went inside.
"Alex, this is Jesse and his friends from the Indian reservation, Jesse is going to live with us now," said Walker.
"I'm glad you're here, I've heard so much about you, you're going to love it here Jesse," smiled Alex.
"Thank you for letting me live here with you all," said Jesse.
"Your very welcome, my home is your home now," smiled Alex.
Then walks in Red Cloud, Walkers uncle.
"Uncle, this is Jesse, he's going to be living with us now, he's a part of our family now," said Walker.
"It's finally nice to meet you, I've been waiting to meet you, I'm glad you're here," smiled Red Cloud.
"Thank you," said Jesse.
"What's your Indian name?" asked Red Cloud.
"Takoda, a friend to everyone, good, strong name," said Red Cloud.
"It's okay I guess," said Jesse.
"Well let's get you settled in I'll show you to your room," said Walker going upstairs.
They all went upstairs and went down the hall to Jesse's new room, it was across the hall from Red Clouds room.
"Here's your new room, and the bathroom is right next door to you," said
"Thanks," smiled Jesse.
"Your very welcome Jesse, you deserve this life," said Walker.
"Thank you, Walker," said Jesse with a tear rolling down his cheek.
"All right I'll let you get unpacked I have to work today, so feel free to roam around and explore," smiled Walker.
"Okay, thank you," said Jesse with excitement.
Walker and Alex both went to work, she was a lawyer and she worked with Walker at work.
"Let's go down and get the rest of your stuff," said William with excitement because he wanted to explore as well.
"But we can't?" asked Jesse.
"Why?" asked Richard.
"It's all in Walker's truck," said Jesse.
"Oh," said Richard.
"No, look out here, he set it on the porch," said Alvina.
"Oh, he did, wow, okay let's keep moving," said Jesse.
So, they started moving stuff inside, and Red Cloud helped them as well, they finally got his belongings into his new room and he was settled in. So, Jesse and his friends started exploring around the ranch and Red Cloud was showing them around as well, as they were exploring Alex came home, she honked the horn and they all went back to the house, they helped her drag the groceries inside and helped her put the stuff away and she started cooking.
Then Walker started coming inside.
"I showed them around the ranch, and then the barn," said Red Cloud.
"Great, did you guys see a lot?" asked Walker.
"Oh yeah we did, it was amazing, we all enjoyed it," smiled Jesse.
"Good, I'm glad you explored," said Walker.
"Do you guys plan on staying and having supper with us, before Walker takes you all back home?" asked Alex.
"Oh, um, sure, that would be great, thank you," said William.
So, they all sat at the table and started eating, when finished Walker, Red Cloud and Jesse took everybody home that night and then drove back to Walker's home, it was dark now, and everybody went to sleep.
Chapter 11
Jesse woke up to the sun shining through his window it was 6:30 am. He almost forgot he was hurt, he got up too quickly and laid back down in pain. When the pain went away he slowly got up and walked towards the window and looked out, he saw a beautiful paint horse, black and white with blue eyes.
"Jesse! Breakfast," shouted Alex from the kitchen.
He put his robe on and went downstairs to the table, Alex was putting it on the table.
"Everything looks good," said Walker.
"Thank you, honey," said Alex.
"yes, everything looks fantastic," said Jesse.
"Thank you," said Alex.
"Your welcome," said Jesse.
Then they started eating. Then they started talking and laughing at jokes.
"Jesse, I talked to the elders, it would be an honor to them to have you a part of the hand drum singers," said Red Cloud.
"I can't," said Jesse.
"Why not, you would be great, you have a hand drum," said Red Cloud.
"Yes, but… I'm ashamed." Said Jesse.
"Ashamed?" asked Alex.
"Of being up there with them, because my father was one of them, I'm ashamed to be a native, let alone a hand drum singer," said Jesse.
"Jesse, you don't need to be ashamed of your parents, that was their choice, not yours, your Jesse, you're not your parents, your better than them, you can be a part of something, you can bring our people back to whom we use to be," said Red Cloud.
"Really," said Jesse.
"Yes, you're better than them, the elders would love to have you on their team, and you'll be with Richard as well," said Red Cloud.
"Oh, that's right, Richards father was also a part of the hand drum singers," said Jesse.
"Yeah, he used to be in it with your father as well, you see it's not bothering Richard," said Red Cloud.
"I guess not, okay I'll do it, it's been a long time since I sang also," smiled Jesse.
"Well all right then, I'll tell the elders now you're coming they will have practice on the reservation at 9:00 am," said Red Cloud.
"Good, I'll be there, um Walker," said Jesse.
"I'll be glad to take you," smiled Walker.
"Great," said Jesse.
"Well we better get our chores done before its time to go," said Walker.
Jesse, Red Cloud and Walker had chores to do, they were in the barn mending the hay and feeding the animals. Walker was attending to the fence.
"Jesse! It's time to go, you don't want to be late on your first day," shouted Alex.
"Oh okay, Walker it's time to go," Jesse walking up to Walker.
"All right let's wash our hands and clean up a bit and then we'll head up to the reservation, Uncle are you going with us?" asked Walker.
"Yes, there are a few people I would like to see again," said Red Cloud.
So, they all went inside to wash up. Then they headed out the door and on their way to the reservation. They arrived at the center, Richard was on stage with the other guys, and the elders sitting in chairs.
"Hey, you made it," said Richard.
"Yeah, I did," smiled Jesse.
"Good," said Richard.
So, Richard introduced Jesse to the guys and the elders.
"You look so much like your father did when he was your age," said the elder.
Then sadness and anger came upon Jesse, but Jesse kept smiling at the elder, then Red Cloud came over and put his hand on Jesse's shoulder and he relaxed.
"All right let's get started," said Richard getting back on stage.
Jesse followed and was on the stage, he still had that feeling of being ashamed when he walked up there. Then the hand drum singers started playing. They played and sang songs, Jesse wasn't singing, he was just playing his drum, he was having flashbacks of when his father uses to sing the same songs. Then the elder raised his hand and they stopped.
"That was awesome as usual, thank you guys, keep up the good work," said the elder.
Then they all stepped down.
"Hey Jesse, you did great," said Richard.
"Thanks," said Jesse.
"But I did see that you weren't singing with us?" asked Richard.
"Yeah, I know, I was thinking about my dad, he sang up here, how do you do it, knowing that your father was a hand drum singer, doesn't that make you feel ashamed to be up there, knowing those guys, the elders, and the people knows about your life and what you went through?" asked Jesse.
"You want to know how I do it, how I overcame everything and doing this and dancing in the powwows again… the answer is I'm not my father, I'm Richard Grey Eyes, I'm a proud Native, who is walking the red road," said Richard.
"Easy for you," said Jesse.
"No Jesse, it's really easy, you are not your parents, you look in the mirror and you see your father yes, but remember, you're not him, your Jesse, you're a proud native who's walking the red road, who wants to make a difference, you shouldn't be ashamed of yourself because of what you are, and what you stand for, or who your parents are, people will see you, the elders will see you, those guys will see you for you, not your parents," said Richard.
"You think so," said Jesse.
"I know so, and yes my father did bad things, that does not make me ashamed of being native, in fact it makes me a better person, because I am doing things that my parents never did, so actually I'm walking the red road for them, something that they left, and gave up on, so you're not only helping but making a difference, you're walking the red road for your parents, for your friends, for everybody on this reservation that gave up, you actually made a difference a couple of days ago," said Richard.
"I did, how?" asked Jesse.
"You just showed that you don't have to stay on the reservation, you can go out and do something in life, go do what you love to do, achieve what you want to achieve, a better home, a job," said Richard.
"I did that?" Jesse.
"Yes, you did," smiled Richard.
"Jesse, are you ready to go?" asked Red Cloud.
"Yes, thank you once again, Richard," said Jesse.
"Your welcome, and remember, never be ashamed of who you are," said Richard.
"I'll remember that, thank you," smiled Jesse.
So, Walker, Jesse, and Red Cloud walked out of the center and left to go home. The whole way home Jesse was thinking about what Richard had said.
"Were home," said Walker.
They walked into the house and all the lights were still on.
"Alex, I told you not to wait up for us, we were going to be late, and here it is, almost midnight and your still up," said Walker.
"Well I was worried," said Alex.
"But we're okay though," said Jesse.
"I know darling," said Alex.
So, they all went upstairs and went to bed.
Chapter 12
The next morning, they went downstairs to eat breakfast.
"So how did it go yesterday at the center?" asked Alex.
"Okay, I did pretty good, for a guy who's been out of practice for a while, I didn't do too bad," smiled Jesse.
"Good, I'm glad you had fun," said Alex.
"So, did you think about what Richard told you?" asked Walker.
"I sure did, I thought about it all the way home yesterday and last night, and he is right, I shouldn't be ashamed of being who I am, I'm walking the red road, something my parents gave up on," said Jesse.
"That's right, they gave up too easily instead of staying on the right path and fighting for their family, they chose alcohol over their family, over their traditions," said Red Cloud.
"They did, and Jesse, you are better than them," said Walker.
"I know that now," smiled Jesse.
"Good," smiled Walker.
"Hey how old are you now?" asked Alex.
"I'm nineteen years old," said Jesse.
"Oh, you can work and earn some cash for yourself," smiled Alex.
"I've never had a job before, I use to steal money from my parent's bedroom," said Jesse.
"Well if you get a job, you won't have to steal any money, they'll pay you to work," said Walker.
"Yes, they will pay you to work," said Walker.
"Wow, but I don't have any experience in the job department, I don't know what I'm good at, never tried," said Jesse.
"Well they'll train you for the job," said Walker.
"Um okay, let's fill out some applications," smiled Jesse.
"All right let's go," said Walker.
So, they drove into town and started filling out applications at the buildings they went to, even Walkers' job. Walker helped Jesse fill out his applications and returned them and drove to the house.
"Okay we should be getting a call from one of these and whoever calls first, well you'll have an interview and then hopefully you'll have the job," said
"Oh, I'm so nervous right now, my very own job," said Jesse.
"Don't be nervous, you're going to do great, "said Walker.
"Then when you get a job and save up some money, we'll get you a phone," smiled Alex.
"Really! My very own phone," Jesse said with excitement.
"Yeah," said Walker.
"Wow," smiled Jesse.
Then the phone starts to ring.
"Hello, this is Alex."
"Hello, this is White Wolf, I was just letting you know tomorrow the hand drum singers will have practice tomorrow," said White Wolf.
"Okay, thank you, around the same time," said Alex.
"Yes, 9:00 am," said White Wolf.
"All right, he'll be there, thank you," said Alex.
"Your welcome, "said White Wolf.
"Who was that?" asked Jesse.
"That was White Wolf, you have practice tomorrow at 9:00 am," said Alex.
"Okay," said Jesse.
"We'll drop you off, and then just hang around the reservation until you're done," said Walker.
"Sound good to me," said Red Cloud.
Alex starts putting supper on the table. The table was set and they all sat around the table eating.
"As usual honey, everything is good," said Walker.
"Thank you, sweetheart," said Alex.
It was getting late so they all finished up and helped Alex clean up, then they all went to bed.
Chapter 13
The next morning the phone rang.
"Hello, this is Walker.
"Walker," said Tyron.
"Tyron, what's up," said Walker.
"Nothing I didn't know I called your phone, this application has your address and number, I'm looking for Jesse?" asked Tyron.
"Oh yeah, Jesse, he lives with me, I'm helping him find jobs here," said Walker.
"Yes, he has an interview training here at the office, and then he'll have training outdoors, on the field," said Tyron.
"That's great, what time is his interview?" asked Walker.
"Well the interview is at 6:00 am tomorrow and the outside training is at 8:00 am out on the field, "said Tyron.
"All right, he'll be there," said Walker.
"I was wondering about this is kid, on his application, does he look that good for his age?" asked Tyron.
"Oh yeah, wait until you see him, is very athletic and built," said Walker.
"Wow, okay, I can't wait to see what this kid can do," said Tyron.
"Me either, "said Walker.
"I'll see you at work today," said Tyron.
"All right, I'll see you then," said Walker.
"Bye," said Tyron.
"Bye," said Walker.
"Who was that?" asked Jesse.
"That was Tyron form the police department, where I work, they might make you a ranger like me," said Walker.
Jesse got excited.
"Well, what did he say?" asked Jesse.
"You have an interview tomorrow morning around 6:00 am and another interview training at 8:00 am," said Walker.
"Okay, great, can't wait to see what I can do," said Jesse.
"Me either kiddo, so today we'll go to the gym to get a work out before your hand drum practice, you're already in shape and toned, but we'll just do a small workout," said Walker.
"I'm in shape?' asked Jesse.
"Yes, you are," said Walker.
"Well, I guess I need to start looking in the mirror more often but thank you,"
said Jesse.
"Your welcome," said Walker.
So, they left the house and drove to the gym. When they arrived inside the gym, Walker saw Tryon getting his workout.
"Hey Tyron!" shouted Walker.
"Hey Walker," Tyron walking up towards Walker.
"Hey Tyron, this is Jesse, he's living with Alex and me, "said Walker.
"I'm Tyron, nice to meet you, wow, Walker, you were right, he is in shape, I think he'll pass the training and be a ranger like us," said Tyron.
"Yes, I hope so, I'm sure he'll be fine," said Walker.
"Well I'll let you guys get started on your work out," said Tyron.
"You too," said Walker.
So, Tyron left to go work out some more. Walker started working out with Jesse. Then Walker looks at his watch and it said 8:00 am
"Well it's time to go to practice, we'll just go like this," smiled Walker.
"Okay, let's go we don't want to be late, "said Jesse.
So, they got in the truck and drove to the reservation to the center. When they arrived, everybody was sitting down snacking and talking. Jesse walks inside with Red Cloud and Walker, he noticed big photos of grandfather's and fathers, when they were hand drum singers, he saw his grandfather whom he never met, and his father when he was in his twenties, now he doesn't want to look in the mirror.
"Hey Jesse," said Richard with excitement.
"Hey, why did they put those photos up there?" asked Jesse.
"It was the elder's idea, that way when we go up there and stand in front of them, they'll see the third or fourth generation of hand drum singers," said Richard.
"Oh," said Jesse.
"Now Jesse, remember, you're not your father, your Jesse," said Richard.
"I know," said Jesse.
"Good, let's go," said Richard.
"Oh, I forgot about his grandfather," said Red Cloud.
"You know Jesse's grandfather?' asked Walker.
"Yes, we go way back, we did a lot of things together, we were in the wounded knee massacre in the '90s.
"I didn't know that?" asked Walker.
"Yeah it was a long time ago, it was before I found you," said Red Cloud.
"Wow, that was a long time ago uncle," said Walker.
So, they started walking up to the stage, they all stood in front of the pictures. Jesse kept looking at the photos, then they faced the elders and started singing. Jesse looked at the elders and finally, he started to sing with the rest. When they finished they, all said a good job to each other and walked off the stage.
"Jesse, you did great, I saw you singing, what made you change your mind?" asked Richard.
"Finally realizing that I'm not my father, I'm me, and since I never met my grandfather, I don't know what he was like," said Jesse.
"Good, you can ask Red Cloud, he and your grandfather go way back," said Richard.
"Really," said Richard.
"Yeah, they both were in the wounded knee in the '90s," said Richard.
"Wow," said Jesse.
"All right Jesse, let's go we better not be late for your interview," said Walker.
"You have a job, wow, good luck," said Richard.
"Yeah, thank you, I might become a ranger," said Jesse.
"Wow, that's good, helping the community, hey maybe you'll start coming here and be a police officer," said Richard.
"No, I won't, I'll still come and visit, and dance in the pow wows and play hand drum songs, but I won't live here anymore, I have a better life now with Walker, things are starting to come together, "said Jesse.
"Well, good for you, you do what makes you feel good," said Richard.
"Thank you, Richard, see you later," said Jesse.
"Bye," said Richard.
Jesse, Walker and Red Cloud got in the pickup and went home. Jesse started doing things around the house and the ranch, attending to the horses and whatever else Red Cloud need help in. Then it started getting dark.
"Jesse, you better come on in, you need rest for tomorrow, you have to get up extra early tomorrow, you have an interview tomorrow morning, "said Alex.
"Yes' ma'am I'm coming," said Jesse.
"I'm excited for you," said Alex.
"Me too, I'm excited that I might become a ranger like Walker, "said Jesse.
"I know, this is going to be great, a lot of people your age does not get an opportunity like this, especially coming from broken home," said Alex.
"I know, most kids on the reservation turn to drugs or alcohol because of hard times, or they don't want to face reality, "said Jesse.
"I know darling, well better get upstairs and go to sleep, and get some rest, big day tomorrow," said Alex.
"Yeah, can't' wait," said Jesse going upstairs.
They were all upstairs in their rooms and turned out the lights and went to sleep, then it started raining and thundering, it woke them up but then they went back to sleep.
Chapter 14
Next morning, they got up at 5:00 am and had a quick breakfast, they got in the pickup and went to Walker's work. When they walked in, Jesse was amazed at everything, he's never been inside a station like that, marble tile floor, wooden walls, it was nice.
"Alex this is so cool," smiled Jesse.
"I know welcome aboard, you're going to do great I'll see you guys later, good luck," said Alex.
"Thank you," said Jesse.
"You will be fine, here comes Tyron, he'll take you to the shooting range," said Walker.
"Okay," said Jesse.
"I'll see you in a little while," said Walker going to his office.
So, Tyron took Jesse to the back for shooting lessons, as they arrived Tyron sat him down at the table, he put an unloaded handgun on the table, Tyron was telling him about the gun and showing the safety button and standing up and pointing it at the wall and firing. So, he set the gun down on the table again and Jesse picked it up.
"Okay, put it on safety, good, now put it back on the table. Okay now pick it up again and take it off the safety, then cock it back, now aim at the wall and fire, you can also find a small hole on the wall and put the sight on that hole and fire," said Tyron.
So, Jesse aimed at the wall and fired.
"Good, now let's see how you do with it loaded, so sit down, put the gun on safety first, good, then put it back on the table. See this button here, you push that and outcomes the clip see, now, what I want you to do is load it with these bullets, but first I'm going to put the clip back in and you take the clip back out, by what I showed you," said Tyron.
So, Jesse, took the gun, and pushed that button on the side, and popped out the clip, he put the gun down and started to load it. When it was loaded that both got up and went over to the shooting area.
"Okay now, you have a target up ahead, so take the gun off safety, cock it back and aim, relax the shoulders, take a deep breath and let it out, relax and fire," said Tyron.
So, Tryon put his safety glasses on as did Jesse. So, Jesse aimed at the target and pulled the trigger.
"Wow, good job, you're a natural, I tell you what, I'll point with my laser and you shoot where my laser is pointing, right now I'm going over to circle the hole in red because that was your first shot and that was amazing, and then the rest I will circle in white because that will show where I aimed for you to shoot," smiled Tyron.
Tyron was liking what Jesse did the first try. Where ever Tyron pointed with the laser Jesse shot, like targets I guess. When finished, Jesse unloaded the gun and made sure there was not an extra bullet in the gun barrel so he fired it and nothing came out. So, he put the gun on safety and made the clip come out and took the bullets out, and laid the gun on the table with the safety on. Tyron went over and ripped the paper off the wall, and showed it to Jesse.
"Now Jesse, you take this home, so you can see how well you did, this will be your souvenir," said Tyron.
"Thank you, I enjoyed that," said Jesse.
"Yeah, most rookies do," laughed Tryon.
"Yeah, I am sure," said Jesse.
"Now begins the real training, you passed the gun training, now is the physical training, I'll take you to it, and I'll be watching with the other officers," said Tyron.
"Okay," said Jesse.
"Follow me, I can't wait to see what you truly can do, and what your strength is," said Tyron.
"Thank you, I hope I pass this training," said Jesse.
So, Tyron took Jesse to train, then he went back inside to sit with the other training officers and watched through a big long glass window. Then he walks in Walker and Alex.
"Hey, how's he doing?" asked Walker.
"Oh, this kid is amazing, look at his target," said Tyron.
"Wow, what are the circles for?" asked Alex.
"Oh, the red circle, was his first try, his first shot right in the head, then the blue circles are where I used my laser and I pointed and he shot, and he got every single one, he's good at shooting," said Tyron.
"That's great to hear, let's see if he's good at the physical training," said Walker.
"I hope he doesn't hurt himself, "said Alex.
"He'll be fine, if he's the kid I think he is, he'll do great and pass," smiled Tyron.
"You have high hopes for him, don't you?" asked Walker.
"Oh yeah, he's great, he's the best I've seen in a long time," said Tyron.
The training began, obstacle course's climbing up walls, swimming in a
pool with heavyweights to see who can stay in the longest. They even had a rubber chicken, if they had a slight smile or giggle they had to stop and do pushups. Then when it was all over they were dismissed, they walked inside the building and sat down in a big classroom.
"As you can see there are only a few lefts, you guys made it, most people can't make this course, it's a lot of physical and mental training. A lot of young police officers and rangers can't handle when they finally go out and start working, they bring it home to their family's and it treats them apart, starts violent, because most younger people like yourselves commit suicide because of all the things they see, so if you think you can handle this job come and sign this paper, if you can't your more than welcome to leave," said Tyron.
So, all the young men and women walked up to the table and signed the paper. Tyron smiled when he saw Jesse come up and sign.
"All right I'll see you all when we call you," said Tyron.
So, they all left the classroom, Jesse walked out.
"Jesse, you did great, we saw you," said Walker.
"You did, I was using muscles I didn't know I had," Jesse.
"Yeah, you'll probably feel it tomorrow," said Walker.
"I know I will," smiled Jesse.
"All right let's go home," said Walker.
So, they walked out and went home. When they arrived, they walked into the house and Alex went to the kitchen and made lemonade and sat it out on the porch.
"It's beautiful out here," said Jesse.
"Yes, it is, Jesse, I'm glad you're living with us, you've come along way, we're so proud of you," said Walker.
"Thank you, I have, I can't wait to be a ranger like you," Said Jesse.
"I can't wait either," smiled Walker.
They all were sitting out watching the sun go down.
"Well we better get some sleep, Jesse you to, you have a big day tomorrow," smiled Alex.
"Yeah, I can't wait," said Jesse.
So, they carried the lemonade stuff inside and cleaning up, then they headed upstairs and went to bed.
Chapter 15
The next day everybody was getting up and getting ready to go to work. Red Cloud does not have a job but Walker pays him to take care of the ranch, while they are gone. So, they all loaded up in the truck and headed to work. As they arrived Tyron was waiting for Jesse.
"Hey Tyron, been waiting long?' asked Walker.
"No, just hanging out having coffee, I can't wait to see what this kid can do," smiled Tyron.
"All right let's get a case going," said Walker.
"All right let's go," said Tyron.
They gave Jesse a gun and he made sure it was on safety and put it in his holster and they gave him a badge, it was cool looking, it was kind of like the ones they had out in the John Wayne movies as sheriff deputies. So, they got a case from the other day.
"We got a call from this kid's mother, she says that he might be involved in a robbery that happened two days ago, we caught the other guys, but we can't seem to catch or find this kid. He lives here with his adopted parents, I believe he is around seventeen years of age or nineteen years of age. This is the picture she gave us," said Tryon hanging it on the whiteboard.
Jesse was staring at it for a while.
"You say you can't find him?" asked Jesse.
"That's right, he's been missing for a while now," said Tyron.
"He's a native, isn't he?" asked Jesse.
"Yes, yes, he is," said Tyron.
"Well it takes a native to find a native," said Jesse.
"That's right, Tyron, remember that white little boy that got lost in the forest, and nobody could ever find him, well Red Cloud my uncle did a healing ceremony for me, I went in his sweat loaded and had a vision of the kid, and then an eagle came soaring in and showed me where he was in my vision," said Walker.
"Oh yeah, I remember that, after your vision quest was over, we all followed you into the woods and you found the kid, by following an eagle," said Tyron.
"That's right," said Walker.
"So, do you think we can find this kid and bring him in?" asked Tyron.
"Yes, we will all work as a team," said Walker.
"Great, let's do this," said Tyron giving everyone a picture of the kid to pass around and ask the people if they have seen him.
So, they started around where these kids usually hang out. They parked the cars in a parking lot and started looking on foot, they each went in different directions. Jesse stopped and started looking around, then for some reason he stared at a convenient store, then started to walk over towards it. When he walked inside he started to look and pretend to shop as he did this he glanced for a moment and saw the kid. Jesse slowly walked to the chip aisle and started looking at the chips, the kid's new Jesse was a ranger, but the kid figure he was just there looking for a bag of chips and then he'll leave.
"So what chips are good here, I'm new town and quite not familiar with the customs here?" asked Jesse.
"Where's Jesse, last I've seen him went into that convenience store," said a deputy.
"Let's go maybe he found the kid," said Walker.
So, they all slowly walked over towards the store, the kid did not see them coming, his back was facing the window while Jesse was talking to him.
"Your ranger, a rookie," said the kid.
"Yeah, just started working, so what about you," said Jesse.
"Oh, same I guess, trying to make money, um here, these bags of chips are good, I like them, "said the kid handing Jesse a bag of chips.
While Jesse was still talking to him Walker and Tryon slowly moved in, Walker walked up to the kid and grabbed his arms from behind and handcuffed him.
"What are you doing, let me go," said the kid in anger.
"I'm sorry, we're going to have to take you downtown, and we'll call your mother, she's worried about you," said Walker.
So, they put him in the police car and drove to the station. As they arrived, he was putting up a fight, giving the police officers had a hard time getting him out of the car, they had to force him out. He was still fighting them, and finally, Jesse pulled his tazze gun on him and hit him in the stomach and he went down. Then they picked him up and led him inside the building. Still handcuffed and sat him in the chair, to book him in in jail for a week.
"Now we're going to put the orange suit on and pick up trash for a week," said Tyron.
"Then I'll be out?" asked the kid.
"We'll see, but I don't want to see you in here again, you understand me," said Tyron.
"Yes sir, "said the kid.
"All right, now officer takes him to the back and lock him up," said Tyron.
"Yes sir, come on kiddo, let's go," said the officer.
So, the officer took the kid to the back and locked him up.
"You did awesome Jesse, I was surprised," smiled Tyron.
"Thank you," said Jesse.
"You did great Jesse, I'm proud of you," smiled Walker.
"Thank you," smiled Jesse.
"Now we must do paperwork now," said Tyron.
"Okay, I heard it's not fun, and it's a lot I heard about it when I was in school," said Jesse.
"Yeah, it is a lot, and it's not fun, but it must be done, so let's get started, so this will be your desk here, and I'll show how to do the paperwork stuff," said Tryon.
"Okay, cool, my very own desk," smiled Jesse.
So, Tyron was showing Jesse the paperwork, what to do and how to fill it out. Then it was 5:30 pm. Walker and Alex came walking up.
"Jesse, Walker told me what happened, I'm so proud of you, and this must be your workstation now," smiled Alex.
"Yeah, I get my desk," said Jesse.
"That's great," said Alex.
"Well you ready to go home," said Walker.
"But I've only finished 6 paperwork," said Jesse.
"That's okay sonny, nobody ever really finishes paperwork, they usually come in tomorrow anyway to finish," said Tyron.
"Oh, well I guess I am ready to go home then," said Jesse.
"All right, and I'll cook us something to eat, and tomorrow we will celebrate," said Alex.
"What's to celebrate?" asked Jesse.
"You, silly, and we'll invite all your friends as well," said Alex.
"Really," smiled Jesse.
"Yeah, I'll call them tonight and tell them what we are doing," said Alex.
"Okay," said Jesse.
So, they got into Walker's pickup and drove home, as they arrived Red Cloud was sitting on the couch reading a book.
"Hey uncle how was things here," asked Walker?
"Everything is fine, I think we will have a new member, one of our cow's is going to have a calf, she attends to stay alone, out under the tree," said Red Cloud.
"Oh, how sweet, I love baby calf's there so cute," said Alex.
"Yeah, well we will have to keep an eye on her then," said Walker.
"I'll get supper ready," said Alex.
So, Walker and Jesse went to their rooms to change their clothes for supper. They came back down and turned the television on and started to watch a football game with Red Cloud.
"Supper is ready," said Alex.
"Smells good, we're coming," said Walker.
So, they headed towards the kitchen and sat down at the table. They didn't talk about work stuff they left it there. So, they started talking about other stuff and ideas. When they were finished they started to clean up and getting ready to go to bed. Then the phone rang.
"Hello, this is Walker."
"Hey, it's Tyron, just let you know, I'm giving Jesse a day off, so he can rest up for the next day," said Tyron.
"Well that's nice of you," said Walker.
"Well, you know, tomorrow is Saturday," said Tyron.
"Yes, I know tomorrow is Saturday, what's going on?" said Walker.
"Well, Red Cloud called me while you guys were living, and he said he needs Saturday's off, because he is a hand drum singer for the powwows and other gatherings they do on the reservation, and I understand that, tradition," said Tyron.
"Oh, he did, did he," said Walker.
"Yeah, you know how them traditional Natives are about their young," laughed Tyron.
"Boy do I know, I have one living at home," laughed Walker.
"Well I'll let you go so you can rest," said Tyron.
"Thanks' Tyron for calling," said Walker.
"Your welcome," said Tyron.
"Bye." Said Tyron.
"Who was that Walker?" asked Jesse.
"It was Tyron, he was calling you to tell you that you have Saturday off," said Walker.
"I do, that was nice of him, I thought I was going to miss practice," said Jesse.
"Yeah, my uncle made a call to Tryon, so I'm thinking from now on you will have Saturday's off," said Walker.
"Cool, thank you, Tyron," smiled Jesse.
"All right, let's go and go to bed, "said Walker.
Chapter 16
Next morning, they started to wake up by the smell of breakfast, Alex was cooking. So, they started walking down the stairs and into the kitchen, Walker grabbed a cup and poured himself some coffee.
"Smells good Alex," said Jesse walking over to get him some coffee as well.
"Thank you," said Alex.
"Your welcome," said Jesse.
So, they started eating breakfast.
"So how do you like your new job?" asked Red Cloud.
"I love it, I do," said Jesse.
"Good, I'm glad," said Red Cloud.
"Well you better hurry and finish eating, you don't want to be late for your practice today," said Alex.
"Oh, did you call my friends last night?" asked Jesse.
"I sure did, and they loved the idea of throwing a celebration party for you," said Alex.
"Sweet, so they will be here awesome," smiled Jesse.
"yes," Said Alex.
"Come on Jesse you don't want to be late," said Walker.
So, they started heading towards the truck and drove to the reservation to practice. When they arrived, everybody greeted Jesse once again.
"Jesse it's good to see you, you look good, we'll see you this afternoon," said Richard.
"Yeah, I'll see you then, this is going to be great, I can't wait to see everybody," said Jesse.
"And they can't wait to see you either, "said Richard.
So, they went on stage and started singing and playing their hand drums. Once again, they did awesome as usual. When they were finished Jesse, Walker, and Red Cloud started headed towards the house.
"Are we going to Jesse's party? Asked Alvina.
"Of course, we are, we just need to see if William will drive all of us to Jesse's house," said Lisa.
"Yeah, let me call him and ask," said Alvina.
"Okay and I'll tell Richard we can go to the center, where Richard is and you can call William from the center and have him come by and pick us up at the center," said Lisa.
"Sounds good, let's go and I'll call William from the center," said Alvina.
So they walked to the center and let Richard know what they were doing and Alvina called William.
"Hey William, we're all here at the center, I was wondering if we all go together to Jesse's party at Walker's house on the ranch," said Alvina.
"Oh okay, yeah I'll drive by and pick you all up and we'll go together," said William.
"Great, thank you, William," said Alvina.
"Your welcome," said William.
"Okay, William is going to come by here and pick us all up for Jesse's party," said Alvina.
"Good," said Richard.
So, they waited at the center for William to pick them up. William showed up and honked his horn and they all came out and got in the car and drove to Walker's house. When they arrived at the party they saw Alex carrying the food out and putting it on the long picnic table outside under the willow tree.
"Oh Alex, everything looks so beautiful," said Lisa.
"Thank you, Lisa," smiled Alex.
"Your welcome," said Lisa.
"Hey guys, I'm glad you came," smiled Jesse.
"Your welcome, we wouldn't miss it for anything," said Alvina.
"Thank you," smiled Jesse.
So, they all gathered around the picnic table and some of the new rookies were invited along with Tyron. They had music, games, and they all got to ride on horses and had a blast. Jesse took Lisa to his favorite spot on the ranch. It was on top of a cliff, it was a flat top, you can see for miles.
"Wow, this is amazing, how did you find this spot?" asked Lisa.
"I know, it's great, this is my favorite spot, I found it when I was riding up here by myself, I asked Walker if I could go explore on horseback, he said yes. So, whenever I feel down, or sad, or even angry, I ride up here and just sit on the horse, or even sit on the ground," said Jesse.
"Wow, this is amazing," Lisa said with amazement.
"Yeah, it is amazing," Jesse looking at Lisa.
Lisa looked back at Jesse and smiled.
"Come on, we better get back to the party," smiled Lisa.
"Right, we should be getting back," said Jesse.
So, they decided to walk down instead of riding the horse.
"Be careful, it's a little rocky here," said Jesse looking back at her.
So, they started walking down the hill. Well, she tripped over a rock and went over. He quickly ran and slid to the edge and grabbed both of her writs before she fell further, he scrapped his side.
"Please, don't let me go," frightened Lisa.
"I won't I promise, I have you, now, I want you to breathe and stay calm, now I know there is a ledge, you're not touching it yet because I have you. I'm going to lower you down, and when you feel the ledge let me know and I will let go, and then I'll toss a rope to you, and you grab it and I'll pull up from my horse, do you trust me?" asked Jesse.
"Yes," frightened Lisa.
So, he lowered her down, she felt the edge, "I feel the edge," he smiled and he still had a hold of her wrists.
"Do you want me to let go?" said Jesse.
"Yes, I trust you," Lisa looking up at Jesse.
So, he let go, she gasped when he let go, but she was still there standing on the edge, so went over to his horse and grabbed the rope and he tied the rope to his horse, and then the slowly lowered the other end of the rope down to her so he wouldn't scare her even more. Her shaking hands grabbed the rope.
"Okay, now I'm going to lead my horse to pull you up," said Jesse.
"Okay," said Lisa in a shaking voice.
"All right boy, easy does it," said Jesse.
So, the horse started going forward, pulling Lisa up.
"Whoa boy," said Jesse. He ran toward her side and held her tightly to calm her down. When she stopped shaking a little he gently picks her up and looked deep into her eyes.
"Are you all right," said Jesse.
"Now I ‘am, thank you for saving me," said Lisa.
"Your welcome, come on let's go, you go first and I'll stay behind and keep an eye out for you," said Jesse.
"Okay, thank you, Jesse," said Lisa.
" Your welcome," said Jesse.
So, they slowly headed down the mountain and finally got on the flat ground, they jumped on the horse's and rode into the ranch. Walker, Red Cloud and Jesse's friends were all sitting at the table eating watermelon and drinking pink lemonade.
"Hey, you guys, come to have some watermelon!" shouted Tyron.
So, they jumped off their horses and walked up to the table.
"Something happened?" said Red Cloud.
Jesse and Lisa looked at each other.
"What happened? Are you guys all right?" asked Alex jumping up and walking towards them.
"Yes, we're fine now, we're riding up the ridge, I was showing her my favorite spot on the ridge, we didn't have a problem going up, but coming back down we decided to walk down, when we were walking down the slipped and fell, but I caught her before she went over," said Jesse.
"Oh my gosh, sweetheart are you all right, come on have some lemonade," said Alex.
"Yes, I'm fine, still a little shook up is all, thank you for the lemonade," said Lisa.
Jesse went over and sat down next to Red Cloud and drank some lemonade as well and they started to eat a piece of watermelon.
"How'd you know something happened?" asked Jesse.
"The look on her face and your clothes are dirty, and the side of your shirt is soaked and you have a tear," said Red Cloud.
"Oh yeah," said Jesse.
"Are you hurt nephew?" asked Red Cloud.
"Not really, it's just a scrape, I'll live," said Jesse.
"Come on," said Red Cloud.
"Where you off to?" asked Walker.
"Inside, I'm going to change clothes, this one is all torn up," said Jesse.
"All right," said Walker.
So Red Cloud and Jesse went into the house.
"Sit down my nephew," said Red Cloud.
"Okay," Jesse confused.
Red Cloud goes upstairs and went into the bathroom, grabbed a basket to put the stuff he needed into it, he grabbed peroxide, gauze pads, small scissors, cotton balls, and went to Jesse's room and grabbed a clean t-shirt, then he went into his room and grabbed some sage. He went downstairs into the kitchen and sat everything on the table. Jesse just smiled, and slowly started to take his shirt off. So Red Cloud put two to three cotton balls together and soaked them into a bowl of peroxide, then he began to dab Jesse's side.
"I may have to put on a clean pair of jeans when we're finished," said Jesse.
"Yeah you will, cause now it's dripping blood on your jeans now," said Red Cloud.
"What are the scissors for?" asked Jesse.
"To cut the skin that is loose," said Red Cloud.
"Oh," said Jesse.
So Red Cloud started to cut the skin that was hanging. Then he grabbed some sage and put it on the wound, then he grabbed gauze and laid it on the sage and then he taped the gauze on each side. Then he soaked a cotton ball and used Alcohol rub to wipe around the tape and clean up any blood. When finished Jesse grabbed his clean shirt and went upstairs to change is jeans out as well.
"Hey what's going on uncle?" asked Walker.
"I just had to doctor him up, but he is fine," said Red Cloud.
"Really, what happened, why do you have all this stuff out?" asked Walker.
"I was cleaning his wound, he got a scrape on his side from leaning over to grab Lisa," said Red Cloud.
"But he's all cleaned up, and putting on new clothes, he had a hole on the side of his shirt and blood was soaked to his shirt and his jeans had blood on them as well," said Red Cloud.
"Jesse, are you all right?" asked Walker.
"Yeah, I ‘am now," said Jesse.
Come on let's get back to the party," smiled Walker.
So Red Cloud cleaned up and followed them back outside to the party. It continued for another hour to two, and then everybody started to leave and go home.
"I'll help you clean up," said Lisa.
"No, it's okay, you go ahead and go with William, we got this, thank you all for coming," said Jesse.
"Your welcome," said Richard.
"Thank you again, Jesse, for saving me, I hope we can see more of each other again," smiled Lisa.
"We will, don't worry, bye," said Jesse.
Lisa smiled and walked to Williams's car, and they drove off, back to the reservation.
"Well that was wonderful, it turned out great," said Alex cleaning up.
"Yeah it was, thank you for throwing for me Alex, I had a great time, other than the mountain incident, I had fun," said Jesse.
"I'm glad your both were okay, this was so much fun, we should do it again sometime," said Alex.
"Yeah, that would be nice," said Jesse picking up the glasses.
They got everything inside, Jesse was helping Alex was the dishes.
"I think Lisa likes you, Jesse," smiled Alex.
"Alex, we're just friends," said Jesse.
"Okay… So, do you like her or have a crush on her?" asked Alex.
"No, I don't, we're just friends that's all," smiled Jesse.
"Okay," said smiled Alex.
So, they went on to wash the dishes, it was getting late when Alex and Jesse finished washing the dishes, Red Cloud and Walker were just finishing up cleaning outside and came in.
"We all better be going to bed, it's late," said Alex.
"Your right, it's ten o'clock," said Walker.
So, they all went upstairs and went to bed.
Chapter 17
The next morning, they all woke up early to get ready to go to work. They jumped in Walker's pick up and drove to the station.
"I'll see you two later," said Alex going into the courtroom.
"Hey Tyron, what is on the agenda today?" asked Tyron.
Then Tyron's phone starts to ring.
"Hello, this is Tyron?"
"Ranger Tyron, this is Karla, it's my husband again, he's drunk and trying to
pick fights with our neighbors."
"All right, I'll send a couple of my rangers to go down and resolve the issue," said Tryon.
"Thank you, Sir," said Karla.
"Jesse, take three officers with you and go to this address, we've been at this same place for a while now, with the same call from her about her husband," said Tyron.
"All right, let's go, guys," said Jesse.
Jesse and three other rangers left the station and went to that address. When they arrived, a window was broken, and the wife was sitting down on the porch, her husband was still inside yelling and throwing things.
"Ma'am are you all right?" asked the female officer.
"Yes, I am, thank you," said Karla.
"Well we're just going to make sure that you are all right, the ambulance is on its way," said the female officer.
"Thank you," said Karla.
"Sir?" asked a male officer.
"Sir? You're going to have to calm down, so we can talk to you," said Jesse.
He kept throwing things and yelling at the officers to mind their business, the female officer shouted "Gun!" the man aimed it, Jesse quickly responded by shooting the man in the arm and dropping the gun. The other officers tackled him down and handcuffed him.
"The ambulance is here guys," said the female officer.
So, they put Karla's husband in the ambulance and handcuffed him to the bed.
"Nice work guys, nice work girly," said the male officer.
"Your welcome, I saw it through the window," said the female officer.
"Thank you, Jesse, for your quick thinking, nobody got severely injured today, thank you," said the male officer.
"Your welcome," said Jesse.
So they went back to the office and did paperwork. Tyron came out walking towards Jesse's desk.
"Hey, good job today, I heard what took place," said Tyron.
"Yeah, he was drunk, but we took care of it, and we sent the woman to the hospital as well to get check out," said Jesse.
"Well good job, you did good," said Tryon.
"Thank you," said Jesse going back to his paperwork.
So he finally finished his paperwork. Alex and Walker came walking up and they went home. As the years have come and gone Jesse was still a part of the police force, and he was very good at his job. He and Lisa got together long ago and got married and had two children, a son and a daughter who are both in school.
At first, he told Lisa that he didn't want any children because he was afraid he would end up like his father, but he never did, he did just fine. He finally moved out of Walker's home and moved next door to him, he never did go back on the reservation, he just went to the powwows and did the hand drum songs, he did not stay long. Both his parents were out of jail and they were old and lived in a nursing home, they apologized to Jesse on how they treated him, and he excepted that. Life was good for Jesse, he likes the life he always wanted, loving parents and a loving family. What more could you ask for?
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