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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Teens
- Theme: Drama / Human Interest
- Subject: Philosophy/Religion/Spirituality
- Published: 06/14/2020
The True Religion
Born 2004, M, from Jalgaon, Maharashtra, India.jpeg)
Hinduism: Ours is the true religion. Rest all are fake!
Islam: Ours is the true religion. Rest all are fake!
Christianity: Ours is the true religion. Rest all are fake!
Buddhism: Ours is the true religion. Rest all are fake!
Sikhism: Ours is the true religion. Rest all are fake!
Jainism: Ours is the true religion. Rest all are fake!
Other 3994 Religions: Ours is the true religion. Rest all are fake!
*All the religions start fighting with each other*
Reality: Well, well, calm down kids! We can solve this matter peacefully. I have this box, which has small chits. Each chit bears the name of a religion. Total- 4200 chits.
Islam: So?
Reality: So, one of you has to come here to take out one chit. That Chit would contain the name of the truest religion of mankind. Cool?
Religions: Cool!
Reality: So, as Hinduism is oldest of you all, he’ll take out the chit.
*Hinduism goes on the stage*
“Wait, I am the oldest religion”, someone shouts from the back.
Everyone looks back. Humanity is standing!
Religions: Lol, Humanity? You’re long dead bro! We are ruling the mind of Humans presently. It’s so easy to divide Humans. We have our own followers! You can sit back and relax!
Humanity: But….
Religions: Our business is our business! None of your business!
Reality: Okay Hinduism, go ahead with chits!
*Hinduism takes out one chit and opens it*
Other Religions: Hinduism bro, what’s written on it?
Hinduism: H..H..Humanity.
Religions: No, this can’t happen! If Humanity would rule Human mind; love, peace and happiness would be there among every Human being and we can’t let this happen!!!
Reality: Well, that’s the reality.
Religions: Shut up! You’re doing it deliberately. And by the way, we all have our own Gods, but where does the God of Humanity live?
Humanity: He lives inside each and every Human.
(Everyone is gone and only Christianity is standing there, alone.)
Christianity: Let’s check other chits!
*Picks the second chit*
*Third chit*
“HUMANITY, again!” (-_-)
*Picks the 4200th chit*
The True Religion(Pratik)
Hinduism: Ours is the true religion. Rest all are fake!
Islam: Ours is the true religion. Rest all are fake!
Christianity: Ours is the true religion. Rest all are fake!
Buddhism: Ours is the true religion. Rest all are fake!
Sikhism: Ours is the true religion. Rest all are fake!
Jainism: Ours is the true religion. Rest all are fake!
Other 3994 Religions: Ours is the true religion. Rest all are fake!
*All the religions start fighting with each other*
Reality: Well, well, calm down kids! We can solve this matter peacefully. I have this box, which has small chits. Each chit bears the name of a religion. Total- 4200 chits.
Islam: So?
Reality: So, one of you has to come here to take out one chit. That Chit would contain the name of the truest religion of mankind. Cool?
Religions: Cool!
Reality: So, as Hinduism is oldest of you all, he’ll take out the chit.
*Hinduism goes on the stage*
“Wait, I am the oldest religion”, someone shouts from the back.
Everyone looks back. Humanity is standing!
Religions: Lol, Humanity? You’re long dead bro! We are ruling the mind of Humans presently. It’s so easy to divide Humans. We have our own followers! You can sit back and relax!
Humanity: But….
Religions: Our business is our business! None of your business!
Reality: Okay Hinduism, go ahead with chits!
*Hinduism takes out one chit and opens it*
Other Religions: Hinduism bro, what’s written on it?
Hinduism: H..H..Humanity.
Religions: No, this can’t happen! If Humanity would rule Human mind; love, peace and happiness would be there among every Human being and we can’t let this happen!!!
Reality: Well, that’s the reality.
Religions: Shut up! You’re doing it deliberately. And by the way, we all have our own Gods, but where does the God of Humanity live?
Humanity: He lives inside each and every Human.
(Everyone is gone and only Christianity is standing there, alone.)
Christianity: Let’s check other chits!
*Picks the second chit*
*Third chit*
“HUMANITY, again!” (-_-)
*Picks the 4200th chit*
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10/20/2021Thanks for sharing your sinceere opinion about religious claiming to be the only true ones. Yes, In many cases, religions do tend to see themselves as the right one. For example, the Aztecs and the Cannanites believed that their religion, which involved human sacrifice, was the right one. Of course, religions that view human life in that way, are obviously morally corrupted and are rightly evaluated as such by most human beings. Religions that advocate the trampling of human rights or involve cruel and unusual punishments whipping them savagely in public, such as burning people alive, are condemned by the United Nations for a good reason. So no, fortunately, we need not be baffled by such claims since ethical principles provide us with guidelines needed for any person of normal intelligence to properly evaluate whatever claim is being made.
Yes , Christianity did claim, and still claims to be the only true religion. Why? Well, Jesus told his followerrs to proclaim that message to others, and that is what many Christians do in obedience to his mandate. That some might consider it as wrong, is really nothing new. Neither is the idea that Christians are inprisoned by ignorance and firing salvos at others because they are heeding Jesus's instructions anything unusual. The Apostles met with the same stubborn opposition, and responded that they must obey God as ruler rather than men. So I guess our opinions differ in that area. In any case, thabnks for sharing your view. At your age, I was just interested in hanging out on a street corner singing. So you are to be commended for delving into the deeper things of life.
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09/13/2023According to the Genesis account, the preflood human population had been genetically contaminated.
What percentage? It doesn't say. But it was significant enough to have the creator take drastic actions to give mankind a new start. So it was not an extermination of humans alone that was being attempted.
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06/01/2023Not to forget how god caused a genocide with that flood. I agree with you on everything mentioned. Has been a few years since I stopped writing, and I am an atheist now.
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Bethlehem Eisenhour
06/26/2020Religion is man made, trying to tell people what God is saying, adding compromise and lies to his holy word, and religions of false god's as well, as you show. God is not religion, but our Father, our Lord and Savior. To walk with God and know his word is the best. God looks at the heart, not the color, for he made all colors, and JESUS said, follow me. Have a NICE DAY.
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Bethlehem Eisenhour
06/27/2020That's right. Religion destroys the word of God, 1 word of God, and many religions with many laws, things God did not tell people to do.
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06/26/2020You are true, Bethlehem. There's nothing wrong to believe in God. But the only problem is religions.
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06/24/2020All I could say is that your approach to delicate matters like religion was awesome. Your Story sends out the actual meaning of humanity without poking the religious influences of people. Good Job Pratik! Anyway we are Indians and only what matters is as long as we make our nation proud!
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06/24/2020Exactly! India is such an awesome country and living together is the greatest thing of our country...
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06/24/2020Thanks Helsa. India is a country where people of different religions live together. There's no discrimination on the basis of religion. I just hope the same happens in every country.
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Hafsa bint-e-rashid
06/16/2020CONGRATS, PRATIK!!!!!!
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06/15/2020Religiin has been a complicated topic and brings about misunderstanding and violence. Religion is innocent but maybe the human insights and personal interests that spolit the perception of religion among the public. Everyone is free in one's believes and convictions and should be respected.
Good job.
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06/15/2020That was a lot of wisdom and insight for someone so young. Most people never reach that level of clarity but remain stuck in their own religious box for their entire life. It is same with the various philosophies and politics as well. People get stuck in a particular mindset that becomes their prison from which they never even try to escape... they just shoot their guns at everyone else through the bars....
Thank you for sharing your thoughts on religion and belief systems with us, Pratik. Well done.
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06/15/2020Be proud to be a Hindu
1. Hinduism, a religion that won’t accuse you even if you say there is no god.
2. A religion that won’t expect you or compel you to pray at a particular time or on a particular day. You may pray whenever you like and wherever you want.
3. Hinduism doesn’t expect you to go to a particular temple to worship.
4. A religion that doesn’t expect you to go on pilgrimage to the holy cities like Kaasi or Rameshwaram
5. It doesn’t expect you to lead a life according to a holy book.
6. A religion that doesn’t stipulate you to wear religious signs or symbols
6. Overall there is no one religious leader as such to control Hindu religious community.
7. If you do wrong, Hindus have a clear idea of spitting at your face even if you are a saint.
8. There is no low birth among god’s creation.
Tree is god. Stone is god. Water or river is god. Air is god.
Monkey is god. Dog is god. Pig is god.
You are god and god.
9. A religion that gave countless Vedas and twelve volumes of Thirumurai, the most ancient sacred texts of the Hindu religion Vedas are written in Sanskrit. Hinduism does not just have one sacred book but several scriptures.
10. The Vedic scriptures guide Hindus in their daily life and they help them to preserve the religious dimensions of family and society
11. A religion never controlled anyone or engaged in wars to spread the religion.
12. Guidance for unmanned aura called Mukti.
13. A religion that preaches tolerance and peace.
14. A holy religion that built something called temple and gave the logic of life and the secrets of the world
15. You can keep on saying about Hinduism……………
It is difficult to consider a specific book or scripture as holy book of Hindus because all the books/scriptures offered by the elders are sacred.
To eradicate desire for woman Raamaayanaa.
To eradicate desire for power Mahabharatham
To understand the importance of duty, Bhagavatgita,
for politics ‘Arthashastra’
for marriage ‘Kaama sutra’
For medicine, ‘Sittha Ayurveda’
For education Vedic Math.
For health Yoga
For architecture, ‘Vastu shastra’
Hinduism is the religion of discipline and vegetarianism. "Refuse" from the diet of killing anything (Jivakarunya).
Buddhists, Jains, Sikhs and Hindus abstain from eating meat and fish (basically, all living animals) on the grounds both of health and of reverence for all sentient forms of life. Total abstinence from feeding on the flesh of cows is a hallmark of Hinduism.
In addition, lay and monastic Buddhists refrain from killing any living creature and from consuming intoxicants, and bhikkhus keep vows of chastity.
Be proud to be a Hindu by living a naturalist.
In Hinduism, the avatar appears to the devotee in whatever form the worshipper envisions, which, according to Hindu belief could be Mohammed, Krishna, Jesus, Buddha or any other god.
An “unqualified” person would take the avatar to be an ordinary human.
Hinduism is the oldest organized, the third largest, and the major religion of India.
It has no known founder, as it was organized from a variety of traditional beliefs from different cultures and mythologies. The roots of Hinduism are thought to date back about 5,000 years.
Hinduism has two great theistic movements: the cult of Vishnu called Vaishnavism, and the cult of Shiva or Shaivism.
It advocates commitment to dharma, an ideal way of life.
Hindus, or believers of Hinduism, believe in karma, or the force of one's actions, and reincarnation, or the passage of a soul from one body to another body.
This principle of order is also paramount in the world's oldest religion still being practiced today:
Hinduism is known to adherents as Sanatana Dharma or, 'Eternal Order')
What is the Oldest Religion in the World?
Rank Religion
Approximate Year of Founding
1 Hinduism 2300 BCE
2 Judaism 640 BCE
3 Zoroastrianism 600 BCE
4 Buddhism 563 BCE
5 Confucianism 551 BCE
6 Jainism 527 BCE
7 Shinto 300 BCE
8 Christianity 1 CE
9 Taoism 142 CE
10 Islam 570 CE
This information is sent not to convert anyone to Hinduism as Hindus believe that all human beings in this world are Hindus.
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06/15/2020Okay Pratik and Vinnie. You have both provided a lot of information and things to think about. Thank you.
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06/15/2020You are correct. But a Christian will say that there is nothing like Lord Shiva or Lord Vishnu. There is a single god. Someone from an other religion will say that air, water and such things aren't t god. They are non living. That's the reason we can't believe a certain religion. You are correct according to you but wrong according to people of other religions. This applies to every religion. You know that there are still Hindu-Muslim wars. To solve this dispute we need to create a universal religion. A single religion for everyone. But then people won't agree as they'll say "This is against the right to freedom. We have freedom to follow the religion which we like. You can't tell us to follow yours." To solve this problem I considered humanity as a religion. We all are humans and we all believe humanity.
Everything is solved!
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06/15/2020Your religious epistle is merely proving the point of Pratik's story. You/Hindu's believe you are right and everyone else is wrong. Period. Same as ALL religions. I think you will find a LOT of people in the world disagree with you about Hinduism. But no one can disagree about humanity.
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Kevin Hughes
I agree with everyone on this thread! I have the greatest children and they gave me the greatest grandchildren...and I bet if I asked your Father and Mother, they would say the same thing. So just like Religion, we would all be right, and wrong, at the same time. But loving it.
Great Job!
Smiles, Kevin
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06/15/2020Thank you Chaitali. I am writing my next story right now: PUBG Addiction. I'll publish it tomorrow or day after that. By the way, I loved your stories 'Abandoned Hills' and 'Who Was On The Other Side? '.
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Georgette A.S.D. Ocloo
06/14/2020Christianity is the true religion (because I'm a Christian)...everyone thinks the religion he or she belongs to is the true religion.I enjoyed reading and I love it. Keep it up!!
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06/14/2020You are correct. That's the reason why we should consider Humanity as a religion. We all are humans, so this will never lead to disputes.
Thank you for commenting George. Why can't I see your profile by the way?
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Hafsa bint-e-rashid
06/14/2020BY THE WAY
you were waiting for the next part of that story
just telling
i've uploaded it
waiting for your comments and suggestions!!
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Hafsa bint-e-rashid
06/14/2020I feel like i've praising every of yours so much that now my comments or suggestions won't matter any more
but once again
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