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- Story Listed as: True Life For Teens
- Theme: Inspirational
- Subject: Faith / Hope
- Published: 07/22/2010
A Parent to a Teen Parent / Dust in the Wind
Born 1967, F, from Pangburn, AR, United States.jpg)
It all started out as a normal day. It was in the month of March when Sarah learned that her 15 year old Daughter, Jane, was pregnant. Sarah had taken Jane to the Doctor for a checkup but was not expecting this kind of news at all. The Doctor came into the room and told them. Jane Honey, You're pregnant! Sarah’s mouth hit the floor. She could not speak for a while because she was in shock. Jane had everything going for her, She was a beautiful girl and she looked just like her Dad. She had the darkest black hair that would you ever see. She had beautiful blue eyes and then a face that looked like an angel. She was a beautiful child any mother would be proud of. Jane was the type that just would not go along with the everyday life that her friends were going through. She wanted to stand out from everyone else and not follow in everyone else's foot steps. She was indeed a Leader instead of a follower.
As she sat there listening to the Doctor talk to Jane, Sarah began to cry. She interrupted the doctor and asked Jane a question. She said, Jane who is the Father? Jane looked at her Mother, Sarah, and said, "Momma". Jane just looked at Sarah and did not answer at first. After a few seconds Jane began to cry uncontrollably.
As the tears were falling from her eyes Sarah remembered the day Jane was born. It was in Late August and very hot. Sarah was having contractions all day when she finally decided to go to the hospital. Sarah’s Dad jumped off the porch and broke his ankle because he was so worried because the hospital was 30 minutes away.
Now Sarah was hoping that this was just some kind of ugly nightmare and she would wake up soon. But reality set in and then Sarah when she asked Jane, "Who is the Father?" And Jane said "Momma I have not had sex". Sarah rolled her eyes in disgust and started to become angry because she thought Jane was hiding something.
Sarah looked at her daughter and realized that Jane was feeling the same thing she was feeling. She saw fear and confusion in Jane’s eyes. Sarah just stopped and got up and just held Jane and said, "Honey, it will be okay. Daddy and I will always love you no matter what. We will stand behind whatever you decide". So Jane just looked up and said, I created this and I will keep it.
Deep down Sarah was unsure if Jane was ready to be Mom. Sarah thought, 'She is still a baby herself. How is she going to handle a baby and juggle everything that life throws at her?' Sarah wondered, 'How can I do this, I am not even 40 years old yet. I don't want to be grandma yet. If she keeps this baby, I am going to be the one who takes care of it'. Then Sarah became angry and bitter towards the situation.
Sarah began to pray, 'Lord this new adventure is going to be the death of me. I can't do this Lord. I just can't'. All of a sudden Sarah began to laugh and before she knew it she found herself beginning to get excited about becoming a Grandmother after all.
Sarah cried for days about this. Then she would feel angry, then bitter, then it would start all over again. It was worse than a merry go round. Sarah felt as though she was in a row boat in the middle of a sea storm and just as she started feeling comfortable about things it was like the boat would rock against the waves and then she would loose the boat paddles. She would lose all hope.
She felt like something had been taken from her. Like her daughter was stolen. Jane’s childhood was forever gone. Sarah could no longer protect Jane from the sea storms of life. This was just sort of thrown at Sarah. She just did not know what to do. This really tortured Sarah because she always relied on God for everything. She felt like even God could not help her out of this one. She knew deep down that God could do anything. But Sarah was just not ready to accept the change that her whole family was facing.
Sarah just knew that this could tear her family apart. She started to rely on God to fix it because she knew he was the only one who could. Sarah’s Husband, John, seemed to be taking the news pretty well. But at times he showed signs of difficulties. At times she felt like screaming at him or pinching him just to see if he was still with her.
Then Jane went into labor and had a bouncing baby boy she named, Martin. He was a healthy baby, 9 lbs / 7 oz. and was 21 inches long. He was perfect. It was not until the baby was born that Sarah’s heart melted and she began to accept the facts. It was not Martin's fault. All he wanted is to be loved. Sarah made a promise that night to her first Grandson, Martin, that she would always be there for him because Sarah knew that he was going to need her help, because his Mommy was just a child a herself.
All that fear of worry about whether or not Jane was ready was just dust in the wind. Jane took good care of her son and would not let Sarah do anything for him except to give Jane a break once in a while. So all the fears and all the crying and anxious anticipation of the past year was just dust in the wind.
A Parent to a Teen Parent / Dust in the Wind(Sherry)
It all started out as a normal day. It was in the month of March when Sarah learned that her 15 year old Daughter, Jane, was pregnant. Sarah had taken Jane to the Doctor for a checkup but was not expecting this kind of news at all. The Doctor came into the room and told them. Jane Honey, You're pregnant! Sarah’s mouth hit the floor. She could not speak for a while because she was in shock. Jane had everything going for her, She was a beautiful girl and she looked just like her Dad. She had the darkest black hair that would you ever see. She had beautiful blue eyes and then a face that looked like an angel. She was a beautiful child any mother would be proud of. Jane was the type that just would not go along with the everyday life that her friends were going through. She wanted to stand out from everyone else and not follow in everyone else's foot steps. She was indeed a Leader instead of a follower.
As she sat there listening to the Doctor talk to Jane, Sarah began to cry. She interrupted the doctor and asked Jane a question. She said, Jane who is the Father? Jane looked at her Mother, Sarah, and said, "Momma". Jane just looked at Sarah and did not answer at first. After a few seconds Jane began to cry uncontrollably.
As the tears were falling from her eyes Sarah remembered the day Jane was born. It was in Late August and very hot. Sarah was having contractions all day when she finally decided to go to the hospital. Sarah’s Dad jumped off the porch and broke his ankle because he was so worried because the hospital was 30 minutes away.
Now Sarah was hoping that this was just some kind of ugly nightmare and she would wake up soon. But reality set in and then Sarah when she asked Jane, "Who is the Father?" And Jane said "Momma I have not had sex". Sarah rolled her eyes in disgust and started to become angry because she thought Jane was hiding something.
Sarah looked at her daughter and realized that Jane was feeling the same thing she was feeling. She saw fear and confusion in Jane’s eyes. Sarah just stopped and got up and just held Jane and said, "Honey, it will be okay. Daddy and I will always love you no matter what. We will stand behind whatever you decide". So Jane just looked up and said, I created this and I will keep it.
Deep down Sarah was unsure if Jane was ready to be Mom. Sarah thought, 'She is still a baby herself. How is she going to handle a baby and juggle everything that life throws at her?' Sarah wondered, 'How can I do this, I am not even 40 years old yet. I don't want to be grandma yet. If she keeps this baby, I am going to be the one who takes care of it'. Then Sarah became angry and bitter towards the situation.
Sarah began to pray, 'Lord this new adventure is going to be the death of me. I can't do this Lord. I just can't'. All of a sudden Sarah began to laugh and before she knew it she found herself beginning to get excited about becoming a Grandmother after all.
Sarah cried for days about this. Then she would feel angry, then bitter, then it would start all over again. It was worse than a merry go round. Sarah felt as though she was in a row boat in the middle of a sea storm and just as she started feeling comfortable about things it was like the boat would rock against the waves and then she would loose the boat paddles. She would lose all hope.
She felt like something had been taken from her. Like her daughter was stolen. Jane’s childhood was forever gone. Sarah could no longer protect Jane from the sea storms of life. This was just sort of thrown at Sarah. She just did not know what to do. This really tortured Sarah because she always relied on God for everything. She felt like even God could not help her out of this one. She knew deep down that God could do anything. But Sarah was just not ready to accept the change that her whole family was facing.
Sarah just knew that this could tear her family apart. She started to rely on God to fix it because she knew he was the only one who could. Sarah’s Husband, John, seemed to be taking the news pretty well. But at times he showed signs of difficulties. At times she felt like screaming at him or pinching him just to see if he was still with her.
Then Jane went into labor and had a bouncing baby boy she named, Martin. He was a healthy baby, 9 lbs / 7 oz. and was 21 inches long. He was perfect. It was not until the baby was born that Sarah’s heart melted and she began to accept the facts. It was not Martin's fault. All he wanted is to be loved. Sarah made a promise that night to her first Grandson, Martin, that she would always be there for him because Sarah knew that he was going to need her help, because his Mommy was just a child a herself.
All that fear of worry about whether or not Jane was ready was just dust in the wind. Jane took good care of her son and would not let Sarah do anything for him except to give Jane a break once in a while. So all the fears and all the crying and anxious anticipation of the past year was just dust in the wind.
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