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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Teens
- Theme: Science Fiction
- Subject: Science / Science Fiction
- Published: 09/27/2020
Dimension X
Born 2005, M, from Muscat, Oman.jpeg)
1. Prologue.
It was the era of 2309. The machinery was much more advanced than it was with the arrival of John Abraham. He was a brilliant scientist who invented amazing inventions like The Print-X, M-Jet, etc... But the one which gave him a spot on the government’s “potential evil guy” list was the Dimension Cube. It was a cube far more complicated than anything else. What he was working on was far more classified than anything else. The only other person who knew about it was John’s only son, Justin. To his dad, Justin was an average government-used worker who earned a princely sum of $140,000 per year. But he was a part of The Wilders. The Wilders were the remnants of The Black Market after The Great Raid in 2198. They operated under the SuperGrid (Upgraded after The Cyber War of 2174). Wilders were also skilled fighters. The newest bid in the market was the Dimensional Cube. Whoever got the Cube first would be the new Operator of the market. This means that they would have to steal the Cube from his dad. But it was difficult to trick John. So they had to improvise. The only way they could fool him was by 3D-printing a replica and the nearest 3D-printer they could find which will print within a short time-span was with John. John had all the greatest tech there was. He invented most of them, and most were store-bought. It was a tremendous deal. Justin, along with his best friend/Wilder, Megan decided to one day. They set their plan, which guaranteed them success. Megan distracted John out of his lab and Justin sneaked in and printed a Fake Cube. Megan convinced John that he had been spending a lot of time in the lab and should keep a break. And That’s what John did. Justin ran out just in time and left off along with Megan. But instead of selling it, they preferred to know more about it. They tweaked some buttons and a brutal gust rushed around them, and within a blink of their eye, they were not in Washington anymore. This looked a lot more like WW2-era Germany. Upon roaming around, they found the Nazi flag soaring on top of the White House instead of the American Flag. They couldn’t believe it. At first, Megan thought it was a holographic training simulation on a broad scale. But Justin realized that they were in an alternate dimension!! He had overheard his Dad talking about rifts capable of traveling to an alternate dimension. These rifts were everywhere. It’s just that our eyes cannot perceive them. Other Dimensions are way crazier than the originals. Some are exact in one aspect but with minor modifications and others are contrasting… A Nazi soldier spotted them and alarmed the others. He and Megan bolted and amid running, Megan tweaked some buttons on the Cube and what followed them was the same violent wind. This time, they were in a world that looked Retro. It was like a world that had been ripped out from a game. Everything was glitching. Megan wasn’t a big fan of video games. So she tweaked the buttons, but this time, things were different. This Dimension was eerie. The skies were bruised purple and red. Roads were paved with bones and skulls. The cry of millions, if not, billions soared in the dark air. Justin urged Megan to teleport them somewhere else. Just Then, a dark hooded figure spotted us. He came closer and closer. He didn’t stop and They weren’t going to stand idle. They dashed and the hooded figure ran to catch up with them. By then, Megan managed to open a portal and the two escaped from there, unaware that someone/something had followed them too.
2. Decay Apocalypse.
Two Days Later. Justin woke up to find a monstrous sight awaiting him. Justin’s Left hand was sky black. He reached to grab his coat, but it decayed.
He didn’t know what was going on. It petrified him. The major problem was not the hand. It was what the hand did! Anything he touched would decay within a second. And it was tough for him to not keep touching things as he was a left-hander. He went to his dad, seeking help. John, surprisingly, had a cure for this. He briefed that during a test run, this “d-cay virus” had already created a scene. But the thing he couldn’t understand was how it had managed to re-animate itself. John made sure that he had obliterated its entire existence and the chance of it revitalizing itself was near impossible. This is where Justin filled in the gap. When he revealed what had happened and who he was covert, it infuriated John. He understood why Megan had suggested that he take a break for a few days. John, putting his anger aside, injected a serum which he termed as the “d-cay shot”. There was only a handful. Justin’s hand was still a blight, but the decaying stopped. As they got out, a bewildering sight caught their attention. The entire city was decaying. and the virus spread from object to object. The last thing Justin touched was his garden hose, on which he had tripped while going to his father’s lab. John was so irked by now but had kept it inside. He went back into his lab and took an atomizer (a device used to disintegrate). He reverse-programmed it, infused it with the remaining batch of the d-cay serum. Megan came running. Her face showed the purest form of fear. Her jacket decayed. The decay spread down to her body. John, without thinking further, shot Megan with his atomizer. The results were amazing. The Serum worked, and the decaying stopped and Megan’s body reimposed. So terrified was she that she had fainted. Justin grabbed her and placed her on his bed. John and Justin then entered the city and fought the virus. But to their avail, the serum wasn’t strong enough to eradicate the enormous swarm. It showed the traits of a parasite.
They were growing stronger by the minute while Justin weakened. John got a precise idea of what’s going on. The virus seized Justin’s Left Hand, making him their host. When John destroyed the fragments of the virus in Justin’s Hand, The virus had already weakened. But by then, it was too late as it spread to the city, thus increasing its proportions while still maintaining contact with Justin. So summing it all up, the only way to get rid of the virus was by cutting off Justin’s Left Hand. At first, Justin showed resistance but he agreed as he knew this entire mess was his fault. And so, John cut off his own son’s hand, thus stopping the virus. Soon enough, constructions began. The citizens considered John and Justin as heroes. Justin got a new bionic hand. Everyone was safe.
3. Danger At Your Doorstep.
Megan was getting ready to leave for work. As she stepped outside, a hooded figure met her. He had a black cloak. Megan wasn’t able to get a glimpse of who he was because of the hood. She cautiously asked him who he was. The figure slowly raised his head and took off his hood. He spoke about imminent danger, and it was all Megan’s and Justin’s fault. The man’s voice was very familiar with Megan. Megan asked him who he was in a distressed voice. The man raised his head. It shocked Megan. It was Justin!! But something was off. He looked older, had a streak of grey hair, and had scars up his forehead. His eyes watered. Megan wanted to know why he had teary eyes. He replied by saying that she wouldn’t understand. He then asked where “her world’s Justin is”. Megan asked one last question. She asked him where he was from. He retorted by saying that he was from “Dimension X”...
4. Dimension X.
Narration Of Justin X…
“Dimension X” or my world was very much like yours. Except we had far more advanced tech than you guys. My father was the brains behind it. There were many similarities between our worlds. But I wasn’t a Wilder like you. I was a White Knight Commander. The White Knights were a part of the Interpol for carrying out Dangerous and near-impossible missions. In one mission, we had to rescue the Red Cross doctors who were being held hostage in Zimbabwe. That’s where I met Megan. After the mission, Megan and I got engaged. She joined the Medical Corps. Our life was perfect until my dad screwed everything up. John was developing an evolutionary fuel with an integrated mind to guide astronauts and conserve fuel. But something went wrong, and one day, the fuel was missing. Since then, John started acting weird. He wrote runic scriptures in some of his researches and talked in a made-up language sometimes. I felt that someone drugged him during work. So for fun, one night after he dozed off, I took his blood. He didn’t even notice it. That surprised me. But what I saw next perplexed me even more. What I took wasn’t blood. It looked like a mixture of blood and a black liquid. I had Megan send it to test it. We waited for a few days. When the report arrived, I hid it from John.
I read it and what I read confused me there for a moment. The report says what I sent wasn’t blood! The reports say that it was an oil that I sent. For a second, it startled me. But then I looked at the facts. John went nuts when the fuel went missing. The reports show that what I sent wasn’t blood, but oil!
It didn’t take an idiot to figure out where the blood was.
The oil was in John’s body. And now, it looks like the oil has corrupted it. The next day, John was missing. I searched for him in all the places he would go but failed. I went back home and switched on the news. There I saw him. The headlines read “Breaking News: Famous scientist and inventor John Abraham breaks into The Hexagon and kills the officials brutally. Here, we have footage of him heading for the Emergency room.” I saw the footage. He was berserk. Security guards shot him, but the bullets didn’t affect him. He entered the Emergency Room minutes later, I heard a loud bang. The sky had huge streaks of smoke. Minutes later, after the bang, The news reported the total annihilation of Eurasia. 5 Billion people perished. That was half of the population of the entire world, excluding Mars and The Moon. Soon, John became a one-man army. Literally. It was him against the entire world. He prevailed against the odds, which were in favor of him.
A handful of soldiers and agents got together to form the resistance. Me and Megan were also a part of this. During one mission, something went wrong. We were all caught. John spared me but made me kill others, or else he would kill Megan. I did like I was told to, but it wasn’t over. John wanted one of us dead. Either I had to kill Megan, or she had to kill me. I resisted. I thought she would too. But she was ready to die.
“It’s fine. Do it,” said Megan.
“No, I can’t,”
“You have to. You should be alive to stop him.”
“You know what, I’ll kill both of you,” said John.
I took the blade which was clenched in her arm.
“Kill John”-those were her last words. John kept his word and left me. But I didn’t wanna live in a world where Megan was killed… by me. I rested her body on the ground and closed her eyes. I was fueled with rage. I freed slaves, gathered rebels and soldiers.
From then on, all I did was battle, John. That’s when you guys came in. Your arrival alerted John and me. The d-cay virus was just a precaution taken by him. He has arrived and will do anything to conquer this Earth.
5. Death Or Me.
John of Prime Earth was startled to hear about his evil self. It’s not something that you hear every day. He started to prepare for it. Meanwhile Justin of Prime Earth and Megan had a big talk. They still weren’t convinced. Megan suggested that maybe this was all a cover by the Wilders for not returning the Cube. Minutes after their conversation, The sky turned purple. The air was filled with screams. People started to panic and ran from the streets. Soon, All the billboards showed a message from John-X- “Citizens of this Earth, I come from a world not too different from yours. I won’t bore you with a speech. All I’ve got to say is Death or Me.” Soon, John-X’s soldiers swarmed and captured the citizens. Meanwhile, The military, believing it to be their John immediately arrests him from his house. He tried to explain, but they wouldn’t listen. It was up to Megan, Justin, and Justin-X to save him.
6. The End.
Breaking John from The Hexagon was no easy task. It was near impossible. The Hexagon is the most secure prison on the planet. Thankfully, Justin-X had experience in the Hexagon. It was where he rescued slaves from and lost Megan. Justin-X gave Megan a No-Limit Cloak(It stores whatever you put in its pocket into a pocket dimension). Using a 4D Hologram and an inanimate animator, they broke John out. They, along with the remaining White Knights and the Wilders. They went to The Great Canyon in Mexico to fight John-X. John-X was accompanied by thousands of blood-thirsty mutated soldiers. The odds of them winning against thousands of mutants and a tyrant from an alternate dimension who just so happens to be the equal of John from prime earth is 1 in a trillion. But they didn’t care. They fought. A brutal, bloody battle was sown into history. Just as they were closing in on John-X, He killed the White Knights and with one slash, decapitated the Wilders. John, Megan, and the Justins were left alone on the battlefield. They fought their best. Just then, John-X shot decay pellets at them and the only thing that protected them was a carbon shield that could break any time. Finally the shield broke. John-X was down to his last pellet. He aimed his last one directly at his alternate self and shot. John was caught off-guard. But he didn’t receive it. Justin-X took the shot, sacrificing his life for another world. Within seconds, he decayed. His last words were:-
“Justin, you are destined for great things. Neither you nor John can’t die. He is your glue. Take good care of Megan. She is truly rare.”
He breathed his last and disappeared into the ground. John was infuriated. He lost a son that day. So was Justin and Megan. Together, they attacked John-X and caught him off-guard. John still had one shot of The D-cay serum. He injected the serum on John-X’s neck. John-X screamed with pain. A horrible sight awaited them. The synthetic oil/his blood started to come out of his body, forming a pool of blood and oil mixture. The oil was his blood. Without it, he can’t live.
He succumbed to death in just a short moment. Thus, a crisis was averted. John, Megan, and Justin were praised all over the world for their heroic achievement. Justin and Megan left the Wilders and joined the White Knights. John continued to impress the world with his inventions, only if they were approved by the government. The dimension cube was disintegrated. In honor of Justin-X, a statue was put in front of the city hall, commemorating the great hero from another world. And so, the world moved on having a new war written into history.
The End
Dimension X(Alwin Baiju)
1. Prologue.
It was the era of 2309. The machinery was much more advanced than it was with the arrival of John Abraham. He was a brilliant scientist who invented amazing inventions like The Print-X, M-Jet, etc... But the one which gave him a spot on the government’s “potential evil guy” list was the Dimension Cube. It was a cube far more complicated than anything else. What he was working on was far more classified than anything else. The only other person who knew about it was John’s only son, Justin. To his dad, Justin was an average government-used worker who earned a princely sum of $140,000 per year. But he was a part of The Wilders. The Wilders were the remnants of The Black Market after The Great Raid in 2198. They operated under the SuperGrid (Upgraded after The Cyber War of 2174). Wilders were also skilled fighters. The newest bid in the market was the Dimensional Cube. Whoever got the Cube first would be the new Operator of the market. This means that they would have to steal the Cube from his dad. But it was difficult to trick John. So they had to improvise. The only way they could fool him was by 3D-printing a replica and the nearest 3D-printer they could find which will print within a short time-span was with John. John had all the greatest tech there was. He invented most of them, and most were store-bought. It was a tremendous deal. Justin, along with his best friend/Wilder, Megan decided to one day. They set their plan, which guaranteed them success. Megan distracted John out of his lab and Justin sneaked in and printed a Fake Cube. Megan convinced John that he had been spending a lot of time in the lab and should keep a break. And That’s what John did. Justin ran out just in time and left off along with Megan. But instead of selling it, they preferred to know more about it. They tweaked some buttons and a brutal gust rushed around them, and within a blink of their eye, they were not in Washington anymore. This looked a lot more like WW2-era Germany. Upon roaming around, they found the Nazi flag soaring on top of the White House instead of the American Flag. They couldn’t believe it. At first, Megan thought it was a holographic training simulation on a broad scale. But Justin realized that they were in an alternate dimension!! He had overheard his Dad talking about rifts capable of traveling to an alternate dimension. These rifts were everywhere. It’s just that our eyes cannot perceive them. Other Dimensions are way crazier than the originals. Some are exact in one aspect but with minor modifications and others are contrasting… A Nazi soldier spotted them and alarmed the others. He and Megan bolted and amid running, Megan tweaked some buttons on the Cube and what followed them was the same violent wind. This time, they were in a world that looked Retro. It was like a world that had been ripped out from a game. Everything was glitching. Megan wasn’t a big fan of video games. So she tweaked the buttons, but this time, things were different. This Dimension was eerie. The skies were bruised purple and red. Roads were paved with bones and skulls. The cry of millions, if not, billions soared in the dark air. Justin urged Megan to teleport them somewhere else. Just Then, a dark hooded figure spotted us. He came closer and closer. He didn’t stop and They weren’t going to stand idle. They dashed and the hooded figure ran to catch up with them. By then, Megan managed to open a portal and the two escaped from there, unaware that someone/something had followed them too.
2. Decay Apocalypse.
Two Days Later. Justin woke up to find a monstrous sight awaiting him. Justin’s Left hand was sky black. He reached to grab his coat, but it decayed.
He didn’t know what was going on. It petrified him. The major problem was not the hand. It was what the hand did! Anything he touched would decay within a second. And it was tough for him to not keep touching things as he was a left-hander. He went to his dad, seeking help. John, surprisingly, had a cure for this. He briefed that during a test run, this “d-cay virus” had already created a scene. But the thing he couldn’t understand was how it had managed to re-animate itself. John made sure that he had obliterated its entire existence and the chance of it revitalizing itself was near impossible. This is where Justin filled in the gap. When he revealed what had happened and who he was covert, it infuriated John. He understood why Megan had suggested that he take a break for a few days. John, putting his anger aside, injected a serum which he termed as the “d-cay shot”. There was only a handful. Justin’s hand was still a blight, but the decaying stopped. As they got out, a bewildering sight caught their attention. The entire city was decaying. and the virus spread from object to object. The last thing Justin touched was his garden hose, on which he had tripped while going to his father’s lab. John was so irked by now but had kept it inside. He went back into his lab and took an atomizer (a device used to disintegrate). He reverse-programmed it, infused it with the remaining batch of the d-cay serum. Megan came running. Her face showed the purest form of fear. Her jacket decayed. The decay spread down to her body. John, without thinking further, shot Megan with his atomizer. The results were amazing. The Serum worked, and the decaying stopped and Megan’s body reimposed. So terrified was she that she had fainted. Justin grabbed her and placed her on his bed. John and Justin then entered the city and fought the virus. But to their avail, the serum wasn’t strong enough to eradicate the enormous swarm. It showed the traits of a parasite.
They were growing stronger by the minute while Justin weakened. John got a precise idea of what’s going on. The virus seized Justin’s Left Hand, making him their host. When John destroyed the fragments of the virus in Justin’s Hand, The virus had already weakened. But by then, it was too late as it spread to the city, thus increasing its proportions while still maintaining contact with Justin. So summing it all up, the only way to get rid of the virus was by cutting off Justin’s Left Hand. At first, Justin showed resistance but he agreed as he knew this entire mess was his fault. And so, John cut off his own son’s hand, thus stopping the virus. Soon enough, constructions began. The citizens considered John and Justin as heroes. Justin got a new bionic hand. Everyone was safe.
3. Danger At Your Doorstep.
Megan was getting ready to leave for work. As she stepped outside, a hooded figure met her. He had a black cloak. Megan wasn’t able to get a glimpse of who he was because of the hood. She cautiously asked him who he was. The figure slowly raised his head and took off his hood. He spoke about imminent danger, and it was all Megan’s and Justin’s fault. The man’s voice was very familiar with Megan. Megan asked him who he was in a distressed voice. The man raised his head. It shocked Megan. It was Justin!! But something was off. He looked older, had a streak of grey hair, and had scars up his forehead. His eyes watered. Megan wanted to know why he had teary eyes. He replied by saying that she wouldn’t understand. He then asked where “her world’s Justin is”. Megan asked one last question. She asked him where he was from. He retorted by saying that he was from “Dimension X”...
4. Dimension X.
Narration Of Justin X…
“Dimension X” or my world was very much like yours. Except we had far more advanced tech than you guys. My father was the brains behind it. There were many similarities between our worlds. But I wasn’t a Wilder like you. I was a White Knight Commander. The White Knights were a part of the Interpol for carrying out Dangerous and near-impossible missions. In one mission, we had to rescue the Red Cross doctors who were being held hostage in Zimbabwe. That’s where I met Megan. After the mission, Megan and I got engaged. She joined the Medical Corps. Our life was perfect until my dad screwed everything up. John was developing an evolutionary fuel with an integrated mind to guide astronauts and conserve fuel. But something went wrong, and one day, the fuel was missing. Since then, John started acting weird. He wrote runic scriptures in some of his researches and talked in a made-up language sometimes. I felt that someone drugged him during work. So for fun, one night after he dozed off, I took his blood. He didn’t even notice it. That surprised me. But what I saw next perplexed me even more. What I took wasn’t blood. It looked like a mixture of blood and a black liquid. I had Megan send it to test it. We waited for a few days. When the report arrived, I hid it from John.
I read it and what I read confused me there for a moment. The report says what I sent wasn’t blood! The reports say that it was an oil that I sent. For a second, it startled me. But then I looked at the facts. John went nuts when the fuel went missing. The reports show that what I sent wasn’t blood, but oil!
It didn’t take an idiot to figure out where the blood was.
The oil was in John’s body. And now, it looks like the oil has corrupted it. The next day, John was missing. I searched for him in all the places he would go but failed. I went back home and switched on the news. There I saw him. The headlines read “Breaking News: Famous scientist and inventor John Abraham breaks into The Hexagon and kills the officials brutally. Here, we have footage of him heading for the Emergency room.” I saw the footage. He was berserk. Security guards shot him, but the bullets didn’t affect him. He entered the Emergency Room minutes later, I heard a loud bang. The sky had huge streaks of smoke. Minutes later, after the bang, The news reported the total annihilation of Eurasia. 5 Billion people perished. That was half of the population of the entire world, excluding Mars and The Moon. Soon, John became a one-man army. Literally. It was him against the entire world. He prevailed against the odds, which were in favor of him.
A handful of soldiers and agents got together to form the resistance. Me and Megan were also a part of this. During one mission, something went wrong. We were all caught. John spared me but made me kill others, or else he would kill Megan. I did like I was told to, but it wasn’t over. John wanted one of us dead. Either I had to kill Megan, or she had to kill me. I resisted. I thought she would too. But she was ready to die.
“It’s fine. Do it,” said Megan.
“No, I can’t,”
“You have to. You should be alive to stop him.”
“You know what, I’ll kill both of you,” said John.
I took the blade which was clenched in her arm.
“Kill John”-those were her last words. John kept his word and left me. But I didn’t wanna live in a world where Megan was killed… by me. I rested her body on the ground and closed her eyes. I was fueled with rage. I freed slaves, gathered rebels and soldiers.
From then on, all I did was battle, John. That’s when you guys came in. Your arrival alerted John and me. The d-cay virus was just a precaution taken by him. He has arrived and will do anything to conquer this Earth.
5. Death Or Me.
John of Prime Earth was startled to hear about his evil self. It’s not something that you hear every day. He started to prepare for it. Meanwhile Justin of Prime Earth and Megan had a big talk. They still weren’t convinced. Megan suggested that maybe this was all a cover by the Wilders for not returning the Cube. Minutes after their conversation, The sky turned purple. The air was filled with screams. People started to panic and ran from the streets. Soon, All the billboards showed a message from John-X- “Citizens of this Earth, I come from a world not too different from yours. I won’t bore you with a speech. All I’ve got to say is Death or Me.” Soon, John-X’s soldiers swarmed and captured the citizens. Meanwhile, The military, believing it to be their John immediately arrests him from his house. He tried to explain, but they wouldn’t listen. It was up to Megan, Justin, and Justin-X to save him.
6. The End.
Breaking John from The Hexagon was no easy task. It was near impossible. The Hexagon is the most secure prison on the planet. Thankfully, Justin-X had experience in the Hexagon. It was where he rescued slaves from and lost Megan. Justin-X gave Megan a No-Limit Cloak(It stores whatever you put in its pocket into a pocket dimension). Using a 4D Hologram and an inanimate animator, they broke John out. They, along with the remaining White Knights and the Wilders. They went to The Great Canyon in Mexico to fight John-X. John-X was accompanied by thousands of blood-thirsty mutated soldiers. The odds of them winning against thousands of mutants and a tyrant from an alternate dimension who just so happens to be the equal of John from prime earth is 1 in a trillion. But they didn’t care. They fought. A brutal, bloody battle was sown into history. Just as they were closing in on John-X, He killed the White Knights and with one slash, decapitated the Wilders. John, Megan, and the Justins were left alone on the battlefield. They fought their best. Just then, John-X shot decay pellets at them and the only thing that protected them was a carbon shield that could break any time. Finally the shield broke. John-X was down to his last pellet. He aimed his last one directly at his alternate self and shot. John was caught off-guard. But he didn’t receive it. Justin-X took the shot, sacrificing his life for another world. Within seconds, he decayed. His last words were:-
“Justin, you are destined for great things. Neither you nor John can’t die. He is your glue. Take good care of Megan. She is truly rare.”
He breathed his last and disappeared into the ground. John was infuriated. He lost a son that day. So was Justin and Megan. Together, they attacked John-X and caught him off-guard. John still had one shot of The D-cay serum. He injected the serum on John-X’s neck. John-X screamed with pain. A horrible sight awaited them. The synthetic oil/his blood started to come out of his body, forming a pool of blood and oil mixture. The oil was his blood. Without it, he can’t live.
He succumbed to death in just a short moment. Thus, a crisis was averted. John, Megan, and Justin were praised all over the world for their heroic achievement. Justin and Megan left the Wilders and joined the White Knights. John continued to impress the world with his inventions, only if they were approved by the government. The dimension cube was disintegrated. In honor of Justin-X, a statue was put in front of the city hall, commemorating the great hero from another world. And so, the world moved on having a new war written into history.
The End
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