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- Story Listed as: True Life For Adults
- Theme: Inspirational
- Subject: Philosophy/Religion/Spirituality
- Published: 11/01/2020
The Secret
Born 1969, M, from Herten, NRW, GermanyThe Secret
By Charles E.J. Moulton
The truth is told in secret. Always. I think it is a universal law. Maybe the only law. At least it is the most important one. Perhaps even the most forgotten one. I do remember seeing “Titanic” and Rose’s words of a woman’s heart being an ocean of secrets. I really could identify with that, although I am not a woman.
I do believe, however, that the conscious energy, awareness, soul, whatever you might call it, indeed is genderless and that everyone has a secret. So when you see that beautiful woman on the street, try to imagine being her, try to see the world from viewpoint, coming from flat, going to her job, eating her meal, having her period, fighting with her boyfriend, drinking her evening wine. Maybe then you will stop seeing her merely as a sex object.
Every person is an ocean of memories ands secrets. Every soul has a whole library of experiences.
In a world so obsessed with blowing out every millisecond of every life and turning it into a major motion picture movie, I think the really forgotten truth is the personal secret. The small rose that grows in a forgotten alleyway. The kiss that turned into the greatest romantic novel of all time. The handshake that made history. The old woman sitting in her garden one summer day, smiling, sighing and just dying away in her rocking chair after 96 years of love, her brandy still in her hand, the piano music still playing on her old 1946 phonograph grammophone. The feelings the teenage girl had that she never told anyone about back when she met the first boy she fell in love with back in 7th grade.
What is more important is that we forget to value the secret. We regard the big and huge with reverence and forget the butterfly effect. This effect is not just negative. It’s also positive and that’s our secret. Even today, with the world splitting entwine, we can through our eternal energy influence the world by staying true to who we are and what we believe in. Our bodies will eventually die, but our truth keeps marching on.
What makes the big possible is the small. Mona Lisa started with one brushstroke. St. Paul’s Cathedral started with one first stone. The Roman Empire started as one single house. The Gizeh Pyramids had one first block of stone. And so the small structrures we build today will become the monuments of tomorrow. And there are secrets in our hearts that will never ever be revealed. And that, my dear, is God’s greatest gift to you. He will never gossip. Your best friend will never reveal your secret. And you know what? His energy is also inside the most important people in your life.
The secret matters. Everything else follows the secret. Family, togetherness, truth, honesty, all of that is part of the secret. It is the foundation of everything that follows. Everything does not have to be made public. Some things are good as they are. When Sean Connery died earlier today, he went back to the source and chose to do so, but he was Thomas, the private Scotsman and previous model, who married his Micheline in Gibraltar, loved to drink Jim Beam and donated money to Sea Shepherd.
We are obsessed with fame. We think that fame and fortune actually will solve all of problems. Cameron Diaz and Brad Pitt have it made, we say. They have the money. They have the fame. They have their houses, the financial security. We believe they are happier. But we are never ever happy where we are, are we? I mean, we humans.
We all think other people are happier, but guess what? They are all pretending.
We all wish upon a star and hope that the star some day falls and that we catch it and turn it into a rainbow. We look up at the stars and try to find God there. We look down and hope the devil doesn’t swallow us. But we forget that everything in existence is 99,9 % empty space and that the rest of matter vibrates, We forget that this vibrating matter is intelligent and conscious and follows what we do and feel and think. Our electrons can be in several places at once. Yes, God IS with us. Yes, God DOES exist, but he conscious energy and has left US in charge. We forget that life is reflective, always more of what already is there. We forget that God will help us, because he is in that consciously vibrating matter. We forget that the main word in his vocabulary, his main word is “Yes!” and that feelings and thoughts have the ability to multiply. We forget that there will always be more of what already is there. We forget that reality is an illusion and that science today can prove that. We forget that science and spirituality now are connected. Max Planck proved that.
Some of us still believe that we have to take the world seriously.
William Phillips taught us otherwise.
So, we believe that the grass is greener on the other side of the hill. We believe the Queen of England has her tea cooked with golden water or that the movie star laughs all the time. We forget that Elton John tried to kill himself at the height of his fame. And we hear about “The Sopranos”-star Tony Hale, who aimed to have his own sitcom and his million dollar villa by age 35 and that fancy car in Hollywood in order to be happy. We hear about how he sat in his huge house, realizing that he had reached all of his dreams and now had nothing to dream about anymore. He realized that he now was not happier than before and that his fame and fortune had not solved any of his problems. That fashion model that told us her Vogue cover was the creation of the designers, did we take her seriously?
That, of course, does not mean we should stop trying to achieve our goals. The world needs dreamers with big goals who aim to achieve them. Just remember one thing: the human being is a social animal deeply in need of companionship. We need to give and receive love. That need, regardless if we admit it or not, is at the core of everything. Take away all love (all of it, not just amorous love) and see what it does to a person. Without it, we are lost. People spend years chasing their dreams, ending up sitting alone in million dollar houses alone, crying. They have everything money can buy, but absolutely no one to share it with. Elvis sat in Graceland after huge shows – hoards of fans screaming his name - with only his cousin to keep him company after he came home. Millions of fans loved his voice, but when he came home, no one was there to hold him. Pretty simple, right?
The secret is that we are not all that different.
We think your cash solves your depression? Guess again.
We all need someone to lean our head against when times are rough.
And you know what? During the quarantine of 2020, I found out that I had been successful in two previous lives, but that both lives ended in cataclysm: once in a public lynching on a royal Swedish courtyard, once on the Titanic. I found out that my soul chose to be stillborn sometime in the 1930s just to help a twin soul to achieve fame.
And you know what? As unable as I was to let go of possessions and circumstances in the past, as peaceful am I now about being able to let go now. I am sitting here by my computer in a beautiful house, writing an article about a topic I love: spirituality. I am happily married to a soul I knew in at least two previous lives. I have an incredibly beautiful daughter. There’s whiskey and wine by my side. I teach voice and drama. I have 20 books published. I am somewhat of a local celebrity. I go to bed every blesssed night, thanking the good Lord that he has helped me get here.
There’s another secret. He has led me here every step of the way. If you knew all the hints and signs I’ve gotten through the years, you would be astonished. This time during the lockdown/ quarantine/whatchamacallit has been spiritually so valuable, because I have had time to figure things out.
I am still walking the road, by the way. This is the walker preaching.
I know that I have had trouble with diversity in the past, contradicting opinions, one thing that these times definately have had loads of. I know that this time has forced me to take a neutral stand between the contradictions, finding my centre. That all leads me to the fact that I know the good Lord has not lead me here in vain, having me conquer a thousand fears to drop me. He has not dropped me before, so why now?
But God is not religion. He is also not robes or temples. He is the secret kiss. He is the good friend in the sunshine. He is the understanding companion. He is love. He is your deepest self. He is the energy you feel in the spring.
Life is the secret.
Don’t take this reality too seriously.
Gluttony and chaos are illusions.
Love has the last laugh.
If your photons and electrons can exist in two places at once, so can you.
You are eternal.
The matrix has the hiccups.
Find ways to be happy.
Collect the miracles.
Love is the secret.
The Secret(Charles E.J. Moulton)
The Secret
By Charles E.J. Moulton
The truth is told in secret. Always. I think it is a universal law. Maybe the only law. At least it is the most important one. Perhaps even the most forgotten one. I do remember seeing “Titanic” and Rose’s words of a woman’s heart being an ocean of secrets. I really could identify with that, although I am not a woman.
I do believe, however, that the conscious energy, awareness, soul, whatever you might call it, indeed is genderless and that everyone has a secret. So when you see that beautiful woman on the street, try to imagine being her, try to see the world from viewpoint, coming from flat, going to her job, eating her meal, having her period, fighting with her boyfriend, drinking her evening wine. Maybe then you will stop seeing her merely as a sex object.
Every person is an ocean of memories ands secrets. Every soul has a whole library of experiences.
In a world so obsessed with blowing out every millisecond of every life and turning it into a major motion picture movie, I think the really forgotten truth is the personal secret. The small rose that grows in a forgotten alleyway. The kiss that turned into the greatest romantic novel of all time. The handshake that made history. The old woman sitting in her garden one summer day, smiling, sighing and just dying away in her rocking chair after 96 years of love, her brandy still in her hand, the piano music still playing on her old 1946 phonograph grammophone. The feelings the teenage girl had that she never told anyone about back when she met the first boy she fell in love with back in 7th grade.
What is more important is that we forget to value the secret. We regard the big and huge with reverence and forget the butterfly effect. This effect is not just negative. It’s also positive and that’s our secret. Even today, with the world splitting entwine, we can through our eternal energy influence the world by staying true to who we are and what we believe in. Our bodies will eventually die, but our truth keeps marching on.
What makes the big possible is the small. Mona Lisa started with one brushstroke. St. Paul’s Cathedral started with one first stone. The Roman Empire started as one single house. The Gizeh Pyramids had one first block of stone. And so the small structrures we build today will become the monuments of tomorrow. And there are secrets in our hearts that will never ever be revealed. And that, my dear, is God’s greatest gift to you. He will never gossip. Your best friend will never reveal your secret. And you know what? His energy is also inside the most important people in your life.
The secret matters. Everything else follows the secret. Family, togetherness, truth, honesty, all of that is part of the secret. It is the foundation of everything that follows. Everything does not have to be made public. Some things are good as they are. When Sean Connery died earlier today, he went back to the source and chose to do so, but he was Thomas, the private Scotsman and previous model, who married his Micheline in Gibraltar, loved to drink Jim Beam and donated money to Sea Shepherd.
We are obsessed with fame. We think that fame and fortune actually will solve all of problems. Cameron Diaz and Brad Pitt have it made, we say. They have the money. They have the fame. They have their houses, the financial security. We believe they are happier. But we are never ever happy where we are, are we? I mean, we humans.
We all think other people are happier, but guess what? They are all pretending.
We all wish upon a star and hope that the star some day falls and that we catch it and turn it into a rainbow. We look up at the stars and try to find God there. We look down and hope the devil doesn’t swallow us. But we forget that everything in existence is 99,9 % empty space and that the rest of matter vibrates, We forget that this vibrating matter is intelligent and conscious and follows what we do and feel and think. Our electrons can be in several places at once. Yes, God IS with us. Yes, God DOES exist, but he conscious energy and has left US in charge. We forget that life is reflective, always more of what already is there. We forget that God will help us, because he is in that consciously vibrating matter. We forget that the main word in his vocabulary, his main word is “Yes!” and that feelings and thoughts have the ability to multiply. We forget that there will always be more of what already is there. We forget that reality is an illusion and that science today can prove that. We forget that science and spirituality now are connected. Max Planck proved that.
Some of us still believe that we have to take the world seriously.
William Phillips taught us otherwise.
So, we believe that the grass is greener on the other side of the hill. We believe the Queen of England has her tea cooked with golden water or that the movie star laughs all the time. We forget that Elton John tried to kill himself at the height of his fame. And we hear about “The Sopranos”-star Tony Hale, who aimed to have his own sitcom and his million dollar villa by age 35 and that fancy car in Hollywood in order to be happy. We hear about how he sat in his huge house, realizing that he had reached all of his dreams and now had nothing to dream about anymore. He realized that he now was not happier than before and that his fame and fortune had not solved any of his problems. That fashion model that told us her Vogue cover was the creation of the designers, did we take her seriously?
That, of course, does not mean we should stop trying to achieve our goals. The world needs dreamers with big goals who aim to achieve them. Just remember one thing: the human being is a social animal deeply in need of companionship. We need to give and receive love. That need, regardless if we admit it or not, is at the core of everything. Take away all love (all of it, not just amorous love) and see what it does to a person. Without it, we are lost. People spend years chasing their dreams, ending up sitting alone in million dollar houses alone, crying. They have everything money can buy, but absolutely no one to share it with. Elvis sat in Graceland after huge shows – hoards of fans screaming his name - with only his cousin to keep him company after he came home. Millions of fans loved his voice, but when he came home, no one was there to hold him. Pretty simple, right?
The secret is that we are not all that different.
We think your cash solves your depression? Guess again.
We all need someone to lean our head against when times are rough.
And you know what? During the quarantine of 2020, I found out that I had been successful in two previous lives, but that both lives ended in cataclysm: once in a public lynching on a royal Swedish courtyard, once on the Titanic. I found out that my soul chose to be stillborn sometime in the 1930s just to help a twin soul to achieve fame.
And you know what? As unable as I was to let go of possessions and circumstances in the past, as peaceful am I now about being able to let go now. I am sitting here by my computer in a beautiful house, writing an article about a topic I love: spirituality. I am happily married to a soul I knew in at least two previous lives. I have an incredibly beautiful daughter. There’s whiskey and wine by my side. I teach voice and drama. I have 20 books published. I am somewhat of a local celebrity. I go to bed every blesssed night, thanking the good Lord that he has helped me get here.
There’s another secret. He has led me here every step of the way. If you knew all the hints and signs I’ve gotten through the years, you would be astonished. This time during the lockdown/ quarantine/whatchamacallit has been spiritually so valuable, because I have had time to figure things out.
I am still walking the road, by the way. This is the walker preaching.
I know that I have had trouble with diversity in the past, contradicting opinions, one thing that these times definately have had loads of. I know that this time has forced me to take a neutral stand between the contradictions, finding my centre. That all leads me to the fact that I know the good Lord has not lead me here in vain, having me conquer a thousand fears to drop me. He has not dropped me before, so why now?
But God is not religion. He is also not robes or temples. He is the secret kiss. He is the good friend in the sunshine. He is the understanding companion. He is love. He is your deepest self. He is the energy you feel in the spring.
Life is the secret.
Don’t take this reality too seriously.
Gluttony and chaos are illusions.
Love has the last laugh.
If your photons and electrons can exist in two places at once, so can you.
You are eternal.
The matrix has the hiccups.
Find ways to be happy.
Collect the miracles.
Love is the secret.
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