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- Story Listed as: True Life For Adults
- Theme: Inspirational
- Subject: Philosophy/Religion/Spirituality
- Published: 03/28/2021
Breaking the Spiritual Barriers
Born 1969, M, from Herten, NRW, GermanyBreaking the Spiritual Barriers
By Charles E.J. Moulton
I have always been guided through life, even in the hardest of times. Perhaps especially in the hardest of times I have felt this presence around me, invisible, energetic, as if there is someone in the room behind me or around me, looking over my shoulder, even sitting next to me, holding my hand. Angels have even woken me up in the middle of the night, saving me from blood sugar attacks. I have contacted angels and suddenly felt an actual warmth on my hand or my leg, a place where the temperature gets very hot and I don’t know why.
Good spirits channel me and give me loving advice.
There has always been a guide around me, a feeling of a presence that has been there even before birth. And there are things that are so gloriously huge that, in a spiritual sense, trying to explain them would be totally inadequate. I could try to explain these things, but the words would always be insufficient. I keep trying, in stories, paintings, songs, articles, poems and the like. Reality, however, is that nothing is big enough to explain the sheer magnitude of this reality. I believe we actually strive for big money or big fame or big anything because we know we come from somewhere else, spiritually, and we are trying to find back there. Some of us chase money, booze, addictions or the rest of the stuff, but actually we are lost sheep. The conscious universe is patient with us. We can’t get lost. Reality is an illusion, anyway. We are inside this maze for a bit, but at some point the conscious universe picks us up, takes us out of the labyrinth and we stand there, happily smiling at our creator, who says: “Hey, kiddo, nice to have you back!”
The older I get, the more amazing does this journey become. The reasons are multiple. Mostly, though, it’s the connections that I see that astound me. Things nowadays make so much sense that I have to laugh. When some strange events occurred, years ago, they were like weird puzzles that made no sense at all. Today, I get it. I really honestly get it.
Where do I begin? Well, every place is wrong, because beginning anywhere is wrong anyway. It’s the big picture that counts, not the small stuff. And yet, in every detail there is a big reality. And that was my problem as a younger fellah. I couldn’t see the forest for the trees. There was just too much contradiction.
I realize that I shouldn’t chase likes or being liked by everyone. I realize I should surpass the indoctrination my sociological past has pushed upon my brain. My brain has, in turn, tried to indoctrinate my soul to believe its own agenda. This is not only a metaphor for what people have done to me. It also has other reflections in my life, which I will get to in a moment. I have to get to the emotion of what I really want, to my energy, to the core of my being and why I am here. I should walk past the agendas other people have pushed on me, liking what they like and what not to like, and go right to where I am in my middle, what the Chinese call the centre of the lotus flower, the Chi, the life force from which we all come and to which we all go. If fame or riches result from my actions or creativity, that is fantastic, but my life choices have to come from love, not from the will to become famous or pushing an ancestral agenda or what someone wanted me to do. I have to do what my soul is here to do. And with that I mean long term missions I have been working on as an energy for many lifetimes. And believe me, my spiritual guides have proved to me that these lifetimes have been as real as my own current one. Events have occurred that were so poignant that I have had to stop many times and wonder.
I wondered why I deliberately fell asleep on the toilet seat in the bathroom one Christmas morning in 2013, knowing I had extremely low blood sugar. I had a big smile on my lips while falling asleep. I did it on purpose. I was scared shitless. But then I was guided to understand that the man I had impersonated for years, Elvis, also had diabetes and fell off the toilet seat and died. I fell off the toilet seat and survived, breaking three vertebrae, but living. I was guided to understand, furthermore, that I had been born at 3:30 a.m. on September 8th, 1969, barely surviving. Jesse Garon Presley was stillborn on January 8th, 1935, at 3:30 a.m. dying of the same causes that I survived almost 35 years later (half of a karmic cycle as I was the half of one duo of twins). Elvis had dreams that he had his brother had been standing on stage together in white jumpsuits with guitars around their shoulders and that his twin had a better voice than him.
I was guided by my soul to meet my twin.
Knowing I was Jesse explains why I first discovered Elvis after he died on August 16th, 1977, immediately feeling an almost magical affection for him, all his movies somehow familiar. It explains why I was drawn into becoming an impersonator by chance and why people called me “Elvis's brother”. Believe me, I never suggested that name. It also explains why I, one year after my accident in 2014, was woken up at 3:30 a.m. in the morning, saved from a low blood sugar attack, with the feeling that someone was in the room who wanted me to go down and check how I died in my past life. See the connections.
That all explains why I was conceived as Charles during my current parents’ tour in Ireland shortly after Elvis' comeback in 1968. I had been guiding my twin as an angel up until then. After I left him to incarnate as Charles, Elvis years in Las Vegas were among the most successful, but also among the loneliest in his life.
That all guided me to spontaneous regression memories. I remembered that the dahlia and blue rain plants were the favorite flowers of my former mistress Marie Antoinette back in the 1780s. I remembered that we danced to numerous minuets, because it was the “Queen of All Dances”. I remembered being in the Versailles at the Petite Trianon when the French Revolution began. That all proved to be true, as I found out in my research. I was even visited by Marie’s favorite bird, the crane, after one of these spontaneous regressions, and Marie appeared to me personally in a vision.
It all explains why I have a panic for saying good bye to people, having tried to save her but failing, why I feel guilty for things I never was guilty of. Why? I was murdered by an angry crowd as Axel von Fersen, Marie Antoinette’s former lover, in 1810, wrongly accused of poisoning the heir to the throne. Because I never was able to defend myself in that life, my soul has carried with that pain through all these lifetimes.
All this is part of my spiritual awakening. Syncronities are part of my daily life. It is sometimes amazing for me to comprehend all of that. At the moment, my diabetic insulin pump is a syncronicity catalyst. I stood in front of my bathroom mirror this morning, telling myself how happy I was God is always with me and that I can be sure that my twin Elvis and my mistress Marie have reached me here. I lift up my pump and see a syncronized sugar level with remaining insulin. 133 sugar level with 1,3 insulin. These consistancies prove I am at one with reality.
That always happens. I have a vision, I get this feeling of an angel standing next to me and I look at my pump: 339 sugar, 3,9 units remaining sugar. 170 sugar level, 1.7 units remaining insulin. And so on.
I buy a tiger-bun at the bakery and see a tiger sticker on a car. I speak about “Dancing in the Streets” with Bowie and Jagger with a colleague and hear it by chance in the radio the next day. I say words to myself that appear on a billboard by chance an hour later.
That is my reality. Someone is always guiding me. This is beyond religion. God was there before the dawn of time. Religion is just an interpretation of something that was always there. God lives within me and believe me, he is the greatest friend you will ever have. If God was one of us, just a stranger on a bus? He is.
I realize also, through circumstance, that God has tried to tell me that he was there before religion, that I knew Jesus in a former life. I have found God while making love to my wife. I see God while looking at a sunset. I feel God while writing stories. We are 99,9 % empty space and the rest is vibrating matter. Electron particles connect over long distances. We connect over long distances through our living particles, electromagnetic particles that prove to us that we attract where we are. Feelings are the languages of these vibrations and we draw similar feelings to what we already feel. That’s why positive thinking really works. The electromagnetic energy of souls are picked up by satillites. The Institute of Heart Math works on reading these signs on a daily basis. This is real and scientific and the fact that we are connecting spirituality and science is huge. Michio Kaku has found the God particle. We can trust that God is with us. And yet that is not the point. We need no proof for this.
God is more than Buddhism, Christianity, Islam and Hinduism and all the other religions put together. If reality is an illusion, then God is our guide to understand that everything is possible. I have always been guided to understand that things are never what they seem.
The chakra centres of the spiritual energy body are to me linked to quantum physics, to the electromagentic radiance with the colors of the rainbow. We meditate over our energies, trying to patiently await what pictures come into our heads when we focus on one of the seven centres. During an online seminar I attended recently, I saw myself under a huge colorful oak with people in rococo clothing. There was a squirrel there, jumping around. This same squirrel under that same tree returned in another chakra weeks later.
Today, though, I was reminded of the fact that I had spoken to friends, weeks ago, about the Cherokee tradition of contacting spiritual animal guides. My friend told me that my animal guide would appear to me when I least expected it. It did.
My wife and I have our 13th wedding anniversary today. She gave me a book about spirit guides. And, indeed, in the book it says the squirrel is there to bring harmony to between brain and heart, soul and body, between extremes, through its jumping between branches. The squirrel lives under the mythological tree Yggdrasil.
I was always torn between my mother and my father, my mother’s prude attitudes and my own strong sexuality, between a friend’s atheism and my own deep faith. Indeed, the magazine of my school in Sweden was called “Yggdrasil” and the tree I saw in my chakra seminar vision was exactly the big oak that is described in the mythological tales.
Everything in my life points to the fact that I am here to solve past mistakes, here to inspire, here to trust, here to show love, here to find faith and hope even in the hardest of times.
During this Corona craze, my spiritual awakening has taken a surging and soaring leap up into spheres I never imagined possible.
God is with me and I am breaking the spiritual barriers and seeing the light. For the first time, I see the light. And it is incredibly beautiful.
Breaking the Spiritual Barriers(Charles E.J. Moulton)
Breaking the Spiritual Barriers
By Charles E.J. Moulton
I have always been guided through life, even in the hardest of times. Perhaps especially in the hardest of times I have felt this presence around me, invisible, energetic, as if there is someone in the room behind me or around me, looking over my shoulder, even sitting next to me, holding my hand. Angels have even woken me up in the middle of the night, saving me from blood sugar attacks. I have contacted angels and suddenly felt an actual warmth on my hand or my leg, a place where the temperature gets very hot and I don’t know why.
Good spirits channel me and give me loving advice.
There has always been a guide around me, a feeling of a presence that has been there even before birth. And there are things that are so gloriously huge that, in a spiritual sense, trying to explain them would be totally inadequate. I could try to explain these things, but the words would always be insufficient. I keep trying, in stories, paintings, songs, articles, poems and the like. Reality, however, is that nothing is big enough to explain the sheer magnitude of this reality. I believe we actually strive for big money or big fame or big anything because we know we come from somewhere else, spiritually, and we are trying to find back there. Some of us chase money, booze, addictions or the rest of the stuff, but actually we are lost sheep. The conscious universe is patient with us. We can’t get lost. Reality is an illusion, anyway. We are inside this maze for a bit, but at some point the conscious universe picks us up, takes us out of the labyrinth and we stand there, happily smiling at our creator, who says: “Hey, kiddo, nice to have you back!”
The older I get, the more amazing does this journey become. The reasons are multiple. Mostly, though, it’s the connections that I see that astound me. Things nowadays make so much sense that I have to laugh. When some strange events occurred, years ago, they were like weird puzzles that made no sense at all. Today, I get it. I really honestly get it.
Where do I begin? Well, every place is wrong, because beginning anywhere is wrong anyway. It’s the big picture that counts, not the small stuff. And yet, in every detail there is a big reality. And that was my problem as a younger fellah. I couldn’t see the forest for the trees. There was just too much contradiction.
I realize that I shouldn’t chase likes or being liked by everyone. I realize I should surpass the indoctrination my sociological past has pushed upon my brain. My brain has, in turn, tried to indoctrinate my soul to believe its own agenda. This is not only a metaphor for what people have done to me. It also has other reflections in my life, which I will get to in a moment. I have to get to the emotion of what I really want, to my energy, to the core of my being and why I am here. I should walk past the agendas other people have pushed on me, liking what they like and what not to like, and go right to where I am in my middle, what the Chinese call the centre of the lotus flower, the Chi, the life force from which we all come and to which we all go. If fame or riches result from my actions or creativity, that is fantastic, but my life choices have to come from love, not from the will to become famous or pushing an ancestral agenda or what someone wanted me to do. I have to do what my soul is here to do. And with that I mean long term missions I have been working on as an energy for many lifetimes. And believe me, my spiritual guides have proved to me that these lifetimes have been as real as my own current one. Events have occurred that were so poignant that I have had to stop many times and wonder.
I wondered why I deliberately fell asleep on the toilet seat in the bathroom one Christmas morning in 2013, knowing I had extremely low blood sugar. I had a big smile on my lips while falling asleep. I did it on purpose. I was scared shitless. But then I was guided to understand that the man I had impersonated for years, Elvis, also had diabetes and fell off the toilet seat and died. I fell off the toilet seat and survived, breaking three vertebrae, but living. I was guided to understand, furthermore, that I had been born at 3:30 a.m. on September 8th, 1969, barely surviving. Jesse Garon Presley was stillborn on January 8th, 1935, at 3:30 a.m. dying of the same causes that I survived almost 35 years later (half of a karmic cycle as I was the half of one duo of twins). Elvis had dreams that he had his brother had been standing on stage together in white jumpsuits with guitars around their shoulders and that his twin had a better voice than him.
I was guided by my soul to meet my twin.
Knowing I was Jesse explains why I first discovered Elvis after he died on August 16th, 1977, immediately feeling an almost magical affection for him, all his movies somehow familiar. It explains why I was drawn into becoming an impersonator by chance and why people called me “Elvis's brother”. Believe me, I never suggested that name. It also explains why I, one year after my accident in 2014, was woken up at 3:30 a.m. in the morning, saved from a low blood sugar attack, with the feeling that someone was in the room who wanted me to go down and check how I died in my past life. See the connections.
That all explains why I was conceived as Charles during my current parents’ tour in Ireland shortly after Elvis' comeback in 1968. I had been guiding my twin as an angel up until then. After I left him to incarnate as Charles, Elvis years in Las Vegas were among the most successful, but also among the loneliest in his life.
That all guided me to spontaneous regression memories. I remembered that the dahlia and blue rain plants were the favorite flowers of my former mistress Marie Antoinette back in the 1780s. I remembered that we danced to numerous minuets, because it was the “Queen of All Dances”. I remembered being in the Versailles at the Petite Trianon when the French Revolution began. That all proved to be true, as I found out in my research. I was even visited by Marie’s favorite bird, the crane, after one of these spontaneous regressions, and Marie appeared to me personally in a vision.
It all explains why I have a panic for saying good bye to people, having tried to save her but failing, why I feel guilty for things I never was guilty of. Why? I was murdered by an angry crowd as Axel von Fersen, Marie Antoinette’s former lover, in 1810, wrongly accused of poisoning the heir to the throne. Because I never was able to defend myself in that life, my soul has carried with that pain through all these lifetimes.
All this is part of my spiritual awakening. Syncronities are part of my daily life. It is sometimes amazing for me to comprehend all of that. At the moment, my diabetic insulin pump is a syncronicity catalyst. I stood in front of my bathroom mirror this morning, telling myself how happy I was God is always with me and that I can be sure that my twin Elvis and my mistress Marie have reached me here. I lift up my pump and see a syncronized sugar level with remaining insulin. 133 sugar level with 1,3 insulin. These consistancies prove I am at one with reality.
That always happens. I have a vision, I get this feeling of an angel standing next to me and I look at my pump: 339 sugar, 3,9 units remaining sugar. 170 sugar level, 1.7 units remaining insulin. And so on.
I buy a tiger-bun at the bakery and see a tiger sticker on a car. I speak about “Dancing in the Streets” with Bowie and Jagger with a colleague and hear it by chance in the radio the next day. I say words to myself that appear on a billboard by chance an hour later.
That is my reality. Someone is always guiding me. This is beyond religion. God was there before the dawn of time. Religion is just an interpretation of something that was always there. God lives within me and believe me, he is the greatest friend you will ever have. If God was one of us, just a stranger on a bus? He is.
I realize also, through circumstance, that God has tried to tell me that he was there before religion, that I knew Jesus in a former life. I have found God while making love to my wife. I see God while looking at a sunset. I feel God while writing stories. We are 99,9 % empty space and the rest is vibrating matter. Electron particles connect over long distances. We connect over long distances through our living particles, electromagnetic particles that prove to us that we attract where we are. Feelings are the languages of these vibrations and we draw similar feelings to what we already feel. That’s why positive thinking really works. The electromagnetic energy of souls are picked up by satillites. The Institute of Heart Math works on reading these signs on a daily basis. This is real and scientific and the fact that we are connecting spirituality and science is huge. Michio Kaku has found the God particle. We can trust that God is with us. And yet that is not the point. We need no proof for this.
God is more than Buddhism, Christianity, Islam and Hinduism and all the other religions put together. If reality is an illusion, then God is our guide to understand that everything is possible. I have always been guided to understand that things are never what they seem.
The chakra centres of the spiritual energy body are to me linked to quantum physics, to the electromagentic radiance with the colors of the rainbow. We meditate over our energies, trying to patiently await what pictures come into our heads when we focus on one of the seven centres. During an online seminar I attended recently, I saw myself under a huge colorful oak with people in rococo clothing. There was a squirrel there, jumping around. This same squirrel under that same tree returned in another chakra weeks later.
Today, though, I was reminded of the fact that I had spoken to friends, weeks ago, about the Cherokee tradition of contacting spiritual animal guides. My friend told me that my animal guide would appear to me when I least expected it. It did.
My wife and I have our 13th wedding anniversary today. She gave me a book about spirit guides. And, indeed, in the book it says the squirrel is there to bring harmony to between brain and heart, soul and body, between extremes, through its jumping between branches. The squirrel lives under the mythological tree Yggdrasil.
I was always torn between my mother and my father, my mother’s prude attitudes and my own strong sexuality, between a friend’s atheism and my own deep faith. Indeed, the magazine of my school in Sweden was called “Yggdrasil” and the tree I saw in my chakra seminar vision was exactly the big oak that is described in the mythological tales.
Everything in my life points to the fact that I am here to solve past mistakes, here to inspire, here to trust, here to show love, here to find faith and hope even in the hardest of times.
During this Corona craze, my spiritual awakening has taken a surging and soaring leap up into spheres I never imagined possible.
God is with me and I am breaking the spiritual barriers and seeing the light. For the first time, I see the light. And it is incredibly beautiful.
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- 14
04/03/2021Definitely a lot of thought provoking depth to your belief system, Charles. I was 'into it' until you started talking about being the reincarnation of Elvis's twin brother, and also Marie Antoinette's executed lover, etc..... But I can certainly imagine how believing those things about yourself gives you a greater sense of purpose and wonder regarding your place in the universe. Thanks for sharing your 'reality' and 'spirituality' with us.
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03/29/2021BEN BROWN
A superb piece of writing. I myself have been influenced in the ways of spirituality too. Past lives is something, which I delve into - especially those on Atlantis. I see very vivid visions of places underground. I see luminous underground caverns and passages and a realm at the centre of the Earth called Agartha - also known as the Hollow Earth. Well done.