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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Teens
- Theme: Family & Friends
- Subject: Novels
- Published: 01/23/2022
“Who do we have here?” Come, children. Gather up your pets and follow me. We need to get to know one another. I see we have a couple of you who were crying. Here is some tissue. We will get everything sorted out and there will be no more tears.
“I am Jane. I want each of you to introduce yourselves and then sit down until everyone has been introduced.
I am Rufus and this is my sister Red. My best friend is my Redheaded Woodpecker named Knock, Knock. My sister’s best friend is a tiny elephant shrew, who is also red headed like us.
“Red, do you want to say anything?”
“No, Rufus, talks.”
“Look up at me Red, I can hear you better when you look up at me. I know Rufus talks but I would love to hear you say something.”
“Oh, My.” What was that?
The elephant shrew stuck out his tongue and gave us all a wet raspberry sound. Red repeated his answer.
We all had a laugh. “That was a very good and funny sound. Maybe you will feel more like talking later.
“Hi, I am Lucas.”
“Hi, I am Luna. Lucas is my brother. My best friend is a feathered hen. Lucas likes his beaded goat.”
“I, have a blue duiker. My name…Kipke. My sister is Chebet. She has a bat-eared fox. We sing.”
“That is wonderful Kipke. I am sure you will get to sing for us if you want to, at another time. It would also help if you would speak up just a little. Sometimes I don’t hear too good.” Good, he is grinning back at my wink.
“This is Chiquita. She is a good swimmer and a good dog. She loves me. I am Aimee. My brother is Alejandro. His buddy is Lopez, an iguana.”
“Now that we have everyone’s names we can talk and get to know one another. Does anyone know why you are here together?”
“The boat we were working on went down in the last storm. Someone put us on another longboat with our animals and covered us with a huge cloth. This is where we washed up.”
“That is right, Rufus. We will have to set up camp and build a fire to let any rescuer know where we are. Then we will each have to find a way to confine our pets so they can be fed and watered. Does anyone know what happened to your parents?”
“I saw the stage get hit with the big stack from the ship. All our parents were on stage at the time. I do not think we have parents anymore.”
“That is what I saw as well, Red. I am truly sorry about that. It is a sad day. But we are here together. We need shelter, food, and some time to figure out what to do. Can we do that?”
“Yes, Lucas.”
“Do, you have a best buddy? We all do. Are you alone?”
“No, I am not alone. I have a miniature donkey named Daisy, a squirrel named Rosey, a Parrot named Sebastian, and A tree frog named Freddie.
I pulled Aimee into my lap and gave her another tissue. “They are safely on the other side of the shed over there. I wanted to make sure none of your pets would eat one of mine, so I left them other there until we got the introductions out of the way.
“Are there any other grown-ups that got off the boat?”
“We don’t know that yet, Kipke. That is why we need to visit each side of this little island and figure out if anyone else has washed ashore.”
“Why are you here?”
“Well, my pets had an act in the show too. I am an animal trainer and helped book this show on cruise lines around the world. This is the first time I left with more questions than answers.”
“We will have to figure it out as we go.”
“That is right, Chebet.”
“I do not want anyone to go off alone. Everyone must keep their pets with them and at least one other person. I have gathered noise makes for all of us. We will all hear the noise each one makes then when we hear that noise, we will follow it to wherever you are.”
“Good idea, you clever for an old person, Jane.”
I grinned at the brood before me. Hoping they did not hear my knees knocking and my hips creaking. I just did not have time for arthritis today. “I have my moment.”
“Let’s hear some noises.”
“Kipke, that was beautiful. Wow, you and Chebet can surely sing. I can hear those notes just a clear as a bell. I don’t think you need a noisemaker.”
“Jane, I think if I had a block of wood, Knock, Knock could make a pecking noise real loud too.”
“Wow, he sure can. Rat-a-tatt, Rat-a-tatt. Can everyone hear that?”
“Feathered hens don’t make much noise. But I can use this old bell and a rock. The clapper inside is gone but I think with a shoestring, I can make one.”
I sat there and watched these wonderful children work together to find solutions and to help each other. Before the day was half gone the kids were holding hands and making their way around to where the boat was washed ashore. The Iguana was riding the bearded goat and the Blue Duiker was following the bat-eared fox. The elephant shrew was in Red’s shirt pocket. Rufus held his block of wood upon his shoulder so Knock, Knock could peck away at it.
Here I am one lone grandmother. I laugh when I say that. I never gave birth to a child. My last husband had all the kids. I did not get to be a grandmother until I married him. That was such fun. I did enjoy my school teaching years though. It looks like it was good training for whatever it is I am in the middle of now. One day at a time. One thing is for sure. Hope is alive and well… so far.
The bell, I hear the bell… Knock, Knock is making his noise. Here we go…. Such much noise.
Daisy, saw me coming and slowly made her way to me. She let me lean on her as we worked our way towards the noise that had now escalated into dog barks, Sebastian’s whistle, and some sort of squeal.
“What is this.” I stood there as two men pulled themselves to shore. One with a rifle and another with a hatchet. Their clothes were half torn from them. I recognized them from the gally of the ship. I glanced behind them and saw two women pulling a tarp with things piled upon it. “Who are you? What do you think you are going to do with that gun?
“We are going to eat something lady. One of these kids will do or one of the critters. We do not care. We have been trailing water for miles.”
“Shouted as loud as I could. DAISY, NOW, DAISY HARD.”
Daisy trotted around the outside of the now circle made by the other adults. She turned her back and kick the man with the gun as hard as she could. When it fell to the ground, the dog grabbed it. I took it from the dog. I then smashed it as hard as I could on the ground.
The man was still unconscious on the ground. I looked at the other man and decided he was too weak to be a threat. The two ladies were maids, but they had gathered pots, pans, and things from the galley before getting into the boat they used to escape. “We were just hungry mom. We weren’t goin’ ta eat no kid. Really.”
“Well, you best tie this guy up until we can educate him on surviving without eating anyone we know.”
I was glad to see other adults but am not sure my task is any lighter. We now have two women, two men, and me. Eight children and twelve pets. I chucked. Sounds like the beginning of a new village. Who knows?
“We continue to work on shelter and food. Let’s all meet over by the only shed on the island. We can look around to see how we can expand it. Then we need to gather firewood and build a large pit to use for signal fires and cooking. We need someone to look for other vegetations.”
We found logs. Daisy and the goat helped drag them to a makeshift campsite. We found some coconuts, bananas, and other assorted melons and fruits. The kids had fun creating fishing poles and searching for the crawdads to use as bait.
I hear Sebastian’s whistle and knock, knock at it again. You would not believe what just floated ashore. A stage. Complete with curtains, ropes, flooring, and all. It had been blown away from the ship and landed in a lifeboat all by itself. There were no people on board, just the stage.
Our two men finally came around. The knot on the back of his head pretty much told him how he came to be unconscious. He did not apologize for his remarks or his attitude. I could see there were some more battles ahead with this one.
I looked around. The sun was setting and streaked the water with reds and purples. We were all safe and sound sitting on the logs that surrounded a huge fire. We were all full of fish, bananas, fruit. We were all dry. As I gave a little prayer to the powers that be I took a deep breath. The animals were all with their respective keepers. Then each and every brother and sister did a number on the stage as if it were supposed to be that way. We did eight curtain calls. They sang, they danced, performed with their pets. Separately and together. I could see new acts beginning and friendships forging.
Our life cycle takes us through at least six stages of life. From the fetus, baby, child, adolescent adult, and elderly. I looked at one of the maids and knew we had the fetus stage with us too. All six stages in life were accounted for right here.
We are all going into a stage or coming out of a stage. We are all preparing for our next stage. We are here to prepare each one for its next stage.
Just think… eight curtain calls. Right here in one little village. The adventure will continue until our little group is ready to perform for the world. We are going to have some acts that will knock your socks off….
I think there is enough love and hope to keep it all working together. We have a good smattering of nationalities as well. We have redheads from Ireland, blonds from Sweden, Brown-haired from Cuba, and Hazel eyes from Kenya. No one has said a single word about their differences. They seem to be excited about how much they can teach one another.
“I have to laugh out loud right now.” The elephant shrew is at the front of the stage… Tongue sticking out… doing his best balloon fart he can.” Red has made him a mega-phone with a cone she made. It makes it louder. Oh, what fun. Now everyone is doing raspberries.
Even the cannibal among us is now laughing and doing one too. “I hope that is a sign that things will be fine.”
I noticed some odd trails in the sand when we were gathering those logs. Someone else is either on the island and either still here or long gone. I will let my curiosity work on that one overnight. We still have oodles to explore. Even more to discover. There the kids go. Singing again. It sure is pretty. What good sports they all are. Orphans all of us. All at different stages in our lives. All in this together. I am so sleepy.
Hope Village of The Performing Arts. Already had eight curtain calls. I know now we will all be rescued eventually. When the acts are ready to take another stage and even more curtain calls. This short story will be expanding to document the adventure. Come follow us as we grow.
CHAPTER 2: Personalities, Family, and Discoveries
Not knowing who everyone is will make the first night a little ticklish. The cannibal turns out to be a little gruff around the edges, but I think we can trust him. He did not impress me as one who could handle an emergency too well.
I must assess the ages we have, what each one can contribute, and then move forward with some sort of decision-making routine. I think Rufus and Red being the two oldest of the children will help in that department. My one and only concern is the safety of the children. I do not really care about anything else right now.
We have two younger women. One of them is going to have a baby, I need to find out about when. Housing and bedding. Right now, the two men have made campsite beds from gathered leaves within the log circular we created around the fire pit. It seemed to be the best way to keep all safe.
I wonder if there are any more animals on the island. How big is the island? So many questions. I am sure the morning will bring its own questions. For now, I am going to try and rest my eyes at least. Everyone has their noisemakers. I sure am glad Kipke and Chebet knew how to make take seawater and distill it into freshwater. It is amazing how it works. My scouting days are long gone, and I would not have remembered. Those two kids are amazing. The voices are so pure. They gathered all the materials they would need. Showed the other kids what to do. We have four stations now that condense water into a trough that has spigots we can open and close as needed for drinking fresh water.
The other little man seems to think he can hollow out some of the fallen logs for using either as boats to fish from or beds to sleep in.
The kids really like the coconut milk. It was so hard to get into them. Now we collect and clean out the meat inside then recycle the containers… Yeah!! We get to wash dishes again. I bet we can make some sort of plates out of some stuff.
Discovering a new world is much easier when you have something to compare it with. BOOM, BOOM,
“What in the world?” All the sound makers. I could almost feel the ground shake. The kids are screaming.
“What are you doing?” The nasty man has Luna and Lucas slung over his shoulder.
“Sorry, lady. I did not have time to ask your permission. That is quicksand there. I had to snatch them afore they got too far inside. Too big to swim across. Had to throw a big log into stop’em. They would have drowned for sure.”
The other kids had surrounded the man and were ready to do battle. “I appreciate you helping them. I think it is time for you to tell us why you wanted to eat one of the children when you first saw us. They are afraid of you because of the gun and what you said.”
“I was out of my mind. We had not eaten or had any water since the ship went down. We caught some rainwater with some of them pots and pans that gal took from the ship. That is the only reason we survived like we did. I did not know if you were not goin’ ta try and eat me. The gun did not even have bullets. I am sorry I scared everyone. I think I scared myseff more. Name is Boyd, Boyd Alister. Ship steward to the captain. I helped the Capitan when he needed to deliver orders for the day and such like that.”
“I am Jane, Boyd. It is very nice to meet you. We are very glad to know you are not a cannibal.”
“You two kids need to be careful where you go running. We need to mark all traps like this so none of ya’ falls in and drowns. Okay?”The skinny man with the strength of a goliath gently put the two frightened kids back on the ground. His gentleness is what we saw this time. I wonder how tall he is. I started to walk back towards the campsite when he must have seen the expression on my face.
“I am six feet five inches, in case you needs to know.”
Thank you, Boyd, I was curious. Do you know?
“He was the captain’s cabin boy. He was a little too ole for job, but he needed it. He is a good carpenter and will contribute to the group we have here. He and that maid been keepin company a bit. I think they might be goin’ to have a baby.”
“I bet you are right Boyd.”
“That is okay, I worked for a doc for a while. What we don’t know the animals will show us. Ha, Ha.”
I could feel Boyd relaxing a bit. We were now in the “grown-up category”.
“I wonder. I am not sure what the story is with that other maid. I don’t think she is a maid at all. Her outer clothes are that of a maid, but she has on silk petticoats under that rag of a dress. She has real hairpins in her hair. I saw her stroking a very fine-looking leather case-type box. She closed it and hid it real fast when she saw me coming up. I am very curious.”
Boyd stopped talking and I could see he was studying my face. “I noticed some tracks I cannot explain. What else have you noticed Boyd?”
“I noticed you are getting tired but have been trying to stay awake in case you ah, needed.”
‘I got this Jane; I’ll get one of the kids to spell me and we will keep watch until sunlight. You catch you 40 winks.”
“I am going to take you up on that one Boyd. I will see you in a bit. See if you can find out if any of the special animals have special needs. I am not sure about the African critters or the hen. I want to keep her safe.”
“Jane, I got this covered. No one is going eat that chicken while you catch a nap.”
Somehow it feels a little better to be able to share some of the responsibility. I knew the leaf bed would be just perfect and much needed. Oh, I was right too. That breeze coming across the ocean is so gentle. I am so glad it is not raining….
“Give it back. That be mine. You got no right to it. You little brat, leave my stuff alone.” I opened my eyes to screams penetrating my ears. The other maid was chasing the kids. They had a small suitcase they kept passing back and forth between them. “Stop this instant. That be mine.” She had caught up with them. I shook my head to clear my mind. She snatched the bag from Lucas and slapped him right in the face. I instantly made my way to the scene.
“What is going on here? I put my hand up in front of the girl’s face. “There will be no hitting any of the children on my watch.” I took the case and gave her my best grandmother-is-in-charge look. “You get this back when we have established it does indeed belong to you and it is not needed by the group. I know that sounds like a dictatorship but for now, it is all we have.”
“See the writing on the side of the case.Zheng Yi Sao, my great, great, grandmother. She used to travel these waters. I have been sent by what is left of our family to find anything she might have buried or left behind for any of us.”
“You look oriental? Was she also? What is your name, dear?”
“I was named after her, Zheng.” She tapped the little case I now held. “Look inside. It will give you the history of my namesake. She was a notorious pirate and at one time one of the most feared. She commanded a fleet of at least 1500 ships. Hers was called Red Flag Fleet.”
I am listening to this and not believing my ears. I opened the case and there were all the clippings and stories all organized by year, country, and ancestry documents. “There is nothing for us here, unless it is just curiosity.”
“Children, you should not just take something without permission. I do think you owe you an apology.” I turned to her. I am sure my mouth was still wide open. I shook my head. “I would love to hear about your family sometime.”
“I would be happy to share with those who have helped save me. Maybe you can help me figure out where we are and if this island was one, she might have used to hide some of her bounties. If she commanded a fleet of 1500 ships, there must be more buried on the island. I bet we could turn this into a scavenger hunt.”
“That sounds like some fun. I am sure it is getting to be about time to eat so let’s see what we got to feed these scavengers…” We all laughed and headed towards the fire pit. Boyd was already gathering the firewood and gathering the stones to set pots upon. The resident carpenter had been busy as well. It looked like he had fashioned a table out of some of the fallen trees. The surface on one side was smooth; the planks strapped together and place on top of cross beams. It would be a fine table. The other long logs were smoothed out on one side as well and were serving as benches. Rufus and Red were trying to drape a thing they had made from weaving leaves together. They put it on four corners, and we had instant shade. I wondered how long it would last in the rain. It did not matter. We were going into another stage of this adventure for sure. I glanced over at the abandoned stage all cockeyed in the corner, leaning against the shed. I wonder when our next performance will be and who will the star be. One thing for sure… with a notorious pirate as the subject matter it would guarantee more curtain calls.
Somehow the routine of getting together after the evening meal to see who wanted to be “on stage” was just accepted. Woven baskets now held the coconuts turned into drinking vessels, wooden platters turned into dishes, wooden sticks turned into flatware… you got it… It was time to do the dishes.
I was trying to figure out how we would mark the passage of time. I guested we had been here for about two weeks.So far, the weather was holding up. No treasures uncovered yet….
All the alarms again…
“Treasures, we found gold. Lots of it… Look at all that.”
I am making my way to the source of the noise. There under the huge flooring of the shed…. Gold. Just what we need. Everyone’s eyes getting bigger.”
“Look how rich we are, Jane.Zheng said she would share… We are rich.” Boyd continued to dance across the flooring. Picking up gold plates, cups, flatware. Putting one piece down and another up.”
“Where are you going to spend it?”
Everyone stopped. They put down whatever they had in their hands and started laughing. “Where are we going to spend it? What if someone comes on the island. We gotta hide this….
Yep, I thought to myself… we are entering another stage in this adventure.
CHAPTER 3: Then There was Music
I am not sure which came first. The ache in my left hip for being on the ground for so long or the baritone drifting across the soft breeze. I sat up and looked around. I could not see anyone at first. I did not think anything about reaching over to take a bite of some melons that had been sliced up and left for me.
I looked over at the stage. It was cockeyed and leaning against the shed. I guess all the commission last night about finding the pirate’s gold insured the fact that the floor in the shed was coming up. The voice was coming from beyond that point.
I got to my feet and started to investigate. I looked around and saw no one. Not one child. To all outwards appearances, I was here alone. I spoke too soon. The animals were all gathering towards me and also following
“Molly, I love you so very much. Please say, you will marry me.”
“If I were a carpenter, and you were a lady, would you marry me anyway, would you have my baby?”
“You are a carpenter. A wonderful carpenter too. I am going to have your baby even if we are not married. Saying the words to a preacher will not make any difference. I love you too. When we are rescued we can just say we are going to renew our vows.”
“We will check with Jane and make sure she likes the idea. She seems to be in charge around here.”
“Molly, I want to show you something. I worked on it all last night. I hope it is the beginning of more for all of us.”
“Show me.”
I could hardly contain my joy. I felt bad for eves dropping on their conversation. Maybe this would be a good time to let them know…
“That wonderful voice of yours led me here. You have a golden throat.”
“Good morning, Jane.”
“Look what Bruce has made. Is it not wonderful?”
“I still have some more work to do on it before I think it will play a note. I worked on musical instruments back in the states. There was more money in carpentry, so I decided to give it up. But, with all that gold. Gold makes as good an instrument as brass. So, I thought I would try to make myself a trumpet. I melted some of the gold from last night and kept working with this until I could mold it right. I also make us this.”
He pulled out a funny-looking bell. It was huge. The clacker inside was made from leather straps and a solid gold ball. The wood top brace made it perfect to hang off the edge of the shed. Now, we could call all to the camp or sound an alarm if we needed to.
“Both of these are wonderful. How do you think Zheng feels about everyone getting what belongs to her family? Although, I think for the present time this could be the best use of the gold. It has no monetary value here. Gold is a valuable metal because it does not rust, can be molded. It is heavy.”
“Bruce, what other instruments do you think you could make?”
“I think I can make some kettle drums. A few more horns, like a French horn or trumpet. Those would be the hardest. The molding would be the hardest part.”
“Do you think one of the kids would enjoy helping you?”
“I think what we will do, if it is okay with you, Jane, is tell everyone what I have plans to do and then let anyone who wants to help do so. I can teach them what they need to make the instruments. We will have to figure out how to play them ourselves. I know only the basics. I have no sheet music of any kind.
“You have that wonderful voice. I bet the kids know the notes. They could write down the notes as you sing then we could make copies of each piece of work and try to copy it with the instrument. I bet we at least make a lot of noise trying and have a lot of fun as well. Being productive will be a key to our surviving and surviving well.”
I left the young lovers chatting away about their plans to make golden instruments. My morning walk had begun but I had no idea what was in store for me.
We all heard the blood-curdling scream. We also recognized it as Lucas. Everyone was running towards the sounds. Clucking and screaming.
I am coming up close enough to see Boyd with feathered hen, upside down, dangling over the head of a very upset three-year-old.
“Boyd, what are you doing? That belongs to Lucas. She does not belong to anyone else.”
“I gotta show you what Z and I found this morning. You are not going to believe it. Come, please, come.”
“Give Lucas back his feathered hen.”
I scooped up Lucas as he held tightly to his precious chicken. The bat-eared fox had been trying to do battle with Boyd’s shoes but no damage had been done. “Boyd, I told you about frightening the children. These animals are their pets. Not to be eaten or harmed in any way. Do you understand me? I will box your ears if you pull a stunt like this again.”
“Jane, you don’t understand. Hurry.” I looked behind us and the residents were walking in ribbon formation up towards a small bluff further inland away from the beach. There were large rocks and then suddenly a clearing.
“Wow, Oh, Wow.”
It looked like an old Buddhist temple that had been abandoned for a very long time. There were peacocks, strutting around. Some nesting along the cliffs that overlooked a lake. A freshwater lake. It was beautiful. The best is yet to come. The docking area leading from the water to the sanctuary was covered with wild chickens. They were everywhere. Freshwater, chickens, and peacocks. Now that is a new one for the, (dare I say it)… for the birds. There were several large areas with stone tables set up. Stone steps that led inside the stones that had been hollowed out. There was enough room for everyone to have a space. No more being scattered.
“We need to move from the campsite to here. What do you all think?”
“We ganna eat ens?” Lucas was still holding onto his hen.
I patted him on the head. “No, we are not. We might eat a lot of eggs though… would that be okay with you?”
“Their eggs, as he pointed to the wild chickens, not ers’ as he gave his hen a kiss on the beak.” We all had to laugh. I guess things will be changing a bit.
“NO, NO, NO. You missed the point, Jane. We stay at our camp and hide the gold here. No one can find it here. We can set up booby traps that would kill anyone who tried to take.”
“Boyd, do you hear yourself. What good is it to have all the gold in the world if you have to hide it and never spend it?”
It is best to utilize the protection these stones would give us when the weather, turns bad or we have a storm. Remember, it was a storm that got us caught and threw us onto these beaches. Think Boyd. You are so overcovered by greed you cannot see that it could cost you your life as well as the rest of us. Let go. I am sure you will have enough gold to do whatever you want. Just do not deny us the opportunity to do more with the gold than you have thought of. I am grinning now.
Boyd’s expression told me we had totally confused him.
“Bruce, show the group what you have made.”
He brought out his horn and talked about building the instruments out of the gold. Everyone was excited.
“Jane, Rufus, and I would be glad to help. We could use these big tables to work upon. I know we could do it.”
“We can make a saddle-type jacket for the dog and let her help bring stuff up from the camp. We can transport the cookware. If we drag the logs a little at a time, we can eventually bring the campsite here.”
“Can I help you too, Rufus and Red? Kipke and Chebet are good helpers.”
“Me too, Aimee and Alejandro too. We can pull baskets up and take care of critters.”
“Rufus, are you sure you want to take on so much responsibility yourself? You are only eight years old yourself. Lucus and Luna are 3 and 4, Kepke and Chebet are both four, and Aimee and Alejandro are five. You will have your hands full.”
“I will have it easier than the others, I can just send them running when I need help.”
“I am a good runner. I can run very fast. So can Chebet.”
“I know you can. I have seen you both.”
“He ran fast enough to catch my en. She is very fast. When she was getting lost, he caught her first.” Lucas grinned and gave her another peck on her beak.
“I guess you want me to haul that stupid stage up here. Boy, this is not turning out the way I thought it was going to be. If I had a pen I would write a letter to anyone who cared.” Boyd stomped off down the trail back to camp. I notice Z was following him. Suddenly, a feather from one of the peacocks landed on his arm. She grabbed it.
“You want me to show you how to make a pen out of that?” He laughed and realized what he had said. They held hands and continued their quest to haul the stage up to the new site.
The freshwater lake was a Godsend to us. We were doing fine with our watering stations, but this was so much easier. It seemed to be fed by an underground spring of some sort. It was sweet but best of all… no salt.
I just thought of something. “Bruce. I gotta have a word?”
“Do you think you could fashion some sort of cart with wheels out of the planks from the flooring in the old shed? It would make hauling things from there to here easier and it might help with transport if we need it.”
“If I can make a golden horn, Jane, I can make a cart with a wheel.” Molly gave her man a big hug. She was very proud of his contribution to the group.
“I think if you catch Bruce and Z; let them know what you have in mind, maybe he will feel better about not just hiding ‘his ‘gold.”
“Sure thing, Jane. Look, the kids were all making their way back to camp. The little ones seemed very comfortable on top of Daisy. The bat-eared fox was busy looking for insects and cashing in on all the wonderful bugs. Even the blue duiker was scarfing up the bounty. We had to laugh. Everyone was giggling at the thought of creating golden instruments, dragging an old stage up a hill, so we could perform for a bunch of wild peacocks and chickens. I see a lot of laughter ahead. I can’t help but think about all the wonderful eggs we can have. I hope Boyd does not eat one of those chickens. Lucas would be sure it was his hen.
I do wonder about the bond they are making. Where will that lead us?
So many stages in life. Going into one and coming out of another. Always preparing for the next one. Somehow, this little group of orphans has been supplied with everything they need to keep growing. I guess now we get to start in on the seven deadly sins. Boyd will eventually get over greed. I mean… where is he going to spend the gold? I don’t need more questions. I need some lunch.
I spotted a melon vine growing up on one side of the hill I was going down. I sat down, hit it with a rock, and scooped the insides out with my hands. I ate it just like I had been doing it that way all my life. Who would have thought I would find a new way to eat a melon at the age of seventy? Shhhh…. I ain't telling anyone anything. They are still trying to guess my age. I am old enough to know better and too young to try. One thing is for sure.
Those birds think they make beautiful music. They ain't heard nothing yet.
We are going to be making music… golden music.
Oh, I just had a shiver go down my spine. It has been a long time since I had one of those. I am just not in the mood to think about what it means. I guess someone is going to die. I also know worrying about it will not change the outcome.
I have to laugh. There is Kipke coming up towards me. He has the iguana on one arm, the elephant shrew on his shoulder, my squirrel on his other shoulder, the parrot on top of his head, and the tree frog in one hand. He is laughing because their wiggles tick him. “What are you doing, Kipke?”
“Rufus said if you would be in charge of small things he could take care of the bigger small things. Kay?”
“That sounds like a good idea. Hey, you want to ride up here and help me. We can be in charge of small things together. Here. Let me hold your hen while you get on board. Ride up on my shoulder. Here we go… we can slip on a banana peel and go to town now. Sing for me Kipke.”
“There was an old lady who swallowed a fly. It wiggled and jiggled inside her.”
“I don’t want to do that one. Do one of your pretty ones like you did the other night on stage. You have such a wonderful voice.”
“Jane.” I stopped cause I could hear him sniffling. “Are you my Nanna now?”
“I guess for now I am. I think you are very special and will take care of you the best way I know how.”
“I love you, Nanna.” He gave me a big hug with his legs around my neck and a kiss on the back of my head. Now that has got to be the best reward of all. I quickly wiped the happy tear from my cheek and listened as he sang a song about love and hope.
This stage of my life is what I would call the golden years, complete with golden music… on its way.
CHAPTER 4: Great Expectations
Preparing for the move to the stone walls took a lot longer than anyone anticipated. Bruce made two carts on wheels to help with the gathering of eggs, melons, coconuts, and then spent a lot of time making the tools he will need to make the instruments.
Rufus and Red have become the leaders of the children. Bruce made them both tiny wooden whistles that they blow through as they walk. A parade of children follows Rufus and Red brings up the rear. No one gets lost. I do see a lot of stops and starts. The hugs are given frequently.
I do believe I have lost some weight during the time we have been here. I figure it has been about a month. It is so easy to get that one mixed up. I have tried to maintain some sort of timetable, but it is hard when there are no clocks or calendars.
Boyd has had his nose out of joint ever since we did not immediately hide his gold. He seemed to calm down a bit on that one when I reminded him that he still had his gold but eventually it would be in a different form. It had not gone anywhere it was just shaped differently.
The morning started out with me trying to understand the relationship that had developed between Boyd and Zheng. There was something a little out of kilter with the whole thing. I just could not put my finger on it. They acted more like cousins and not lovers. The only time they held hands was when they walked off together. I think they are scheming to do something with the gold. They are pretending to be an item when it is just a business arrangement.
I guess I will find out more today. Here comes Zheng now. “Jane. We have visitors at the peacock pond. We do not know who they are. There are several people. It looks like two are planning a wedding and the rest of the family members are counting steps and stuff.
“Did you find out if anyone has a means of contacting the outside world? Maybe we can get to a radio or a phone to let someone know we are alive and where we are. Did you ask where we are? Well, I guess I should shut up. You will tell me what was said.”
“We did not say a word to them. We hid behind the first big boulder leading to the pond. We did not want anyone to know we were here. Remember, the gold. Boyd is right, we gotta protect it.”
“You two baffle me. You cannot do anything with the gold until we get rescued and yet you won’t do anything to help us get rescued. Does that not sound a little crazy?”
“We would not have said anything to you, but the kids were headed up to the pond, so we told them there were cannibals up there and to not go back. We told them to hide in the shed.”
“I cannot believe you can be so mean. I am going to fix this right now.”
I started down the path towards the pond then I felt the blow.
I opened my eyes, and I was stretched out across a bed of leaves on the floor of the shed. The kids were stroking my head with a damp cloth. Bruce and Molly were there as well. I had to think for a second. How did I get here?
Everyone got excited when I opened my eyes. Zheng must have hit me on the head. Oh, my head hurts.
“Are you okay, Nanna?” Kipke and Chebet were trying to hug me. Lucas and Luna were snuggling up next to me on the bed. Aimee and Alejandro were bringing me some coconut milk. Where did Rufus and Red Go?”
“They will be back. They went with Boyd to fight off the cannibals.”
“Oh, My God, NO. Bruce, you must listen to me. Help me get up and let’s get the fastest cart to carry me up that hill. Those are not cannibals; they are from another island. It is about a Hindu wedding ceremony. Zheng hit me on the head to stop me from warning them. They want to run them off, so they won’t find out about the gold. I want them to help us get rescued. Please, help me get into a cart.”
“Children, I need for you to stay here where you will be safe. I have no idea what will happen at the pond. I am hoping I will be able to put an end to this rampage of greed Boyd and Zheng are on now. Rufus and Red, I am counting on you to take care of our precious babies and that includes yourself. We will be back as soon as we can. Keep the critter safe too. I will take Daisy with me so she can pull the cart.”
Bruce’s face showed surprise at the suggestion of putting Daisy on the cart. Like it was inspired. “Great idea.”
“Let’s go. Molly, do you want to stay here with the children in your condition?”
“I want to be with Bruce and help if I can. I will not put myself or our baby in danger.”
“Let’s go.”
The hill seemed a lot steeper as we tried to climb it in a hurry. Just as we topped the crest, we saw Boyd take a large blank and hit a huge man in the back with it. The peacocks were everywhere. The chickens had scattered and were trying to stay out of the way of the fighting. I saw a very young girl, in her wedding gown. She was crying as she looked down at her wonderful white dress now all filthy with mud all down the front. There were several people at the wedding party. Another larger man was also fighting with the man Boyd had attacked.
“I took a very deep breath and let out a scream that all could hear. I did not know that scream would also alert my parrot who showed up within seconds and started a siren sound. Then I took the half-made horn Bruce had made and blew in it as hard as I could. Bruce took the same cue from me. Molly got in on it too. Thank goodness they all worked and were loud even if not exactly on key.
Suddenly, everyone froze. “This must stop now. I made my way down to the wedding party.I also handed the ropes that were used to secure the stage in place out of the cart. I handed them to Bruce. He yanked Boyd’s arms crossing them from behind. He tied him up there Zheng tried to fight too, but Molly was too quick.”
I introduced myself. I apologized for the trouble caused by one of our members. I was able to communicate rather easily. I was surprised. They were a Hindu family. The oldest son was getting married. The youngest son had come home from college to attend. It seemed from the undertones that the younger son was in love with the bride. Hindu tradition in their family meant the eldest son must marry first. The marriage had been arranged to benefit the families. I understood. When I told them about our shipwreck, they said they had encountered a few more of the ship’s survivors on both of the other two islands that made up this group of three islands. This island had been a place for was known as Peacock Island. One thing that made me think was when I was listening to the bride’s father. There were more survivors from our shipwreck on both the other islands. I wonder who else survived?
The families used Peacock Island for all ceremonial purposes. They also took care of the peacocks in exchange for the wild melon patches we had encountered. It was sort of a barter system they had worked out hundreds of years ago between the Buddhist who had brought the peacocks and chickens in and the Hindu who maintained them. It looked like a good arrangement. None of them ate meat. The animals thrived and the people flourished as well.
One family was from Smith Island the other from Tatle Island. I was still curious as to why the man Boyd attacked was also attacked by his younger brother.
He had been going to school in the states to become a doctor so he could return to his village and care for his people. He held his head down low.
“Would it be okay, if you complete your marriage ceremony and then you stay here to take care of our little group? As you can see, we have some turmoil among us and need someone who is willing to help.”
The families all left together and let us know they would let us know about their decision.
My attention was once again drawn to our two villains. “Really. You were going to beat them up, kill them, all for the gold they might discover?”
“Jane, I have always wanted to be rich, this is my chance to do just that. Zheng has a plan. It will work. We knock these guys out and then load their boats with the gold and then we are all saved.”
“It will work.” Zheng had a weird grin coming across her face. I knew she was not telling Boyd all her plans. I decided to allow them to think their plans were being carried out.
“I will ask if one of the families will let us have one of their boats to get away from the island. They could send word back to one of their islands to bring another boat. That way they will not suspect a thing.”
Boyd is delighted that I seem to be going along with their scheme. I did not, however, untie either one of them.
“I will be back as soon as I talk to one of the families.” I made my way down the other side of the boulders. I caught the eye of the younger brother.
I filled him in on what the others were planning. I was also surprised to find out they knew about all the gold. They had no use for it, that is why it was on the floor of the shed… they put it there. It was the bounty of the Buddhists, and they wanted no part of it. It was tainted.
I asked him to help us. I did not want any harm to come to any of his people. I just wanted to get my little troupe of children to safety. My legs were getting very tired. I kind of stumbled when I tried to walk. His big strong arms caught me.
“Let me help you, Jane. I have a grandmother back in the village. I adore her. I think we can both help each other. I will be excommunicated from the family because I tried to harm my brother. I need a new place to call home. I would gladly defend you and did you say, eight children?”
“Yes, eight children. They are also performers and very gifted. Bruce, whom you met, and Molly are going to have a baby themselves. Bruce is an excellent carpenter, and he was going to make instruments out of the gold.”
“That sounds wonderful. Why are you upset?”
“If they take all the gold, we will have to give up the idea of doing that. We can do a lot with wood instruments…
“Jane, Jane. Please trust me. I promise you. I am so excited. I must calm down. Let us please just tell those two they can have the boat and we will help load it for them and send them on their way.”
“Are you sure?” I am watching the huge, gentle giant of a man turn boyish and almost child-like himself. He was rubbing his hands together. I hoped I was not backing the wrong horse on this one.
I finally got back to Boyd and the others. “I have made an agreement with the families. They will give you two one longboat. They will help you load it according to whatever you want to take. Then they want you to leave immediately and promise never to return.
Boyd was almost drooling. “Did you tell them we would do it?”
“Yes, but you must not harm them. Please.”
Zheng grinned. “They will not feel a thing.”
“Zheng, they do not care about the gold. They see it as tainted because it was used by the Buddhist… your great, great, grandmother to be exact. They want no part of it. Take it with their blessing and go.”
Zheng starts dancing around and grinning. “Untie us. We promise not to harm a hair on their stupid heads.”
I signaled for Bruce to untie them. They head off in the direction I had promised the boat would be tied down.
Both families loaded up the longboat with all gold. We provided food and water for their journey. We all watched onshore as they seemed to sail away.
I took one last look as they seemed to be almost out of sight. I saw Zheng hit Boyd over the head with a big block of gold just before the weight of the gold sunk the ship and they all went down together. I was horrified. There was no way to save them. They were too far away. Their greed had devoured them. Wow. I did not see that one coming.
We did get to attend the wedding ceremony. It was beautiful. There are seven steps that the couple goes up into the wedding chamber. They are alone until morning. Until that time the rest of the family makes sure no one disturbs the union. When dawn comes up the families are gone, and one boat is left for the couple to use to go home.
When the dawn came this morning, I got the surprise of my life.
“Jane. Are you up yet? It is me, Veer. I have come with your morning meal.”
I was so surprised when heard the voices all start at once. “Nanna, who.. “
“It is okay, children. This is a very brave man. His name is Veer. He will be staying with us now. Boyd and Zheng are both gone.”
“The gold?”
“I am afraid it is gone too. We will have to make music with things made of wood. We always have your beautiful voices.”
“Bruce you and Molly come here a minute.” Veer shouted out the door.
Bruce and Molly came inside. Veer scooped me up in his big arms and stepped forward. “Let’s get Jane into the cart and then let’s go on a new adventure. He was like a kid in a candy store. The children seem to fall in love with him. What did we do? We did exactly what the giant told us to do… we went on an adventure.
We followed him to what seemed to be a huge underground cavern just behind the shed. No one had ever gone back there because it did not seem to have a way out.
“There, you see.”
Before our eyes were more treasure than any of us had ever seen in our lives. Gold, brass, silver, crystals, diamonds, rubies. Glassware, flatware. Huge melting pots to make more of whatever we wanted. Even saws and planning tools. It was a treasure big enough to build an orchestra. I pinched myself.
The children all at once started singing "Halleluiah. This is the day the Lord had made. This is the day." An old hymn but a good one.
I am in the cart with Daisy pulling me to the melon patches. I thought about the salty end greed had led Boyd and Zheng to. I hope the children understand it was the greed that killed them both. I will make sure to record that story so they will remember.
Everyone calls me Nanna. I guess I am fulfilling my long-time dream of being a grandmother. How am I going to lead a performance team? I can’t even carry a single note on key. Then I put my finger to my lips. Since when was I in charge? I think I will copy the kids. Out here no one needs to know it is off-key. “Halleluiah, Halleluiah.”
Sorry, I must stop and laugh. That stage is making its way up the hill. I guess we will be having some curtain calls tonight.
CHAPTER 5: Growing and Sharing
I wish I had known when I went to sleep last night that Veer would be gone by morning. I woke up alone in the camp. No children. Bruce and Molly were also gone. I woke up in a room full of critters all in their usual spots waiting for me to wake up.
It was an eerie feeling. I was not alarmed but curious. I noticed the bathing basin had been filled for me, so I proceeded to bathe and dress. I ate the sliced melons, drank the coconut milk, and then slowly walked outside.
I was still not concerned. I checked the treasure room behind the shed. Lots of partially made instruments laying around. Looks like we are about to have a few horns before long.
I decided they must have gone to the peacock pond, maybe to fetch more eggs. I slowly walked with Daisy up the hill. No one was there. I was indeed alone on the island. I looked out on the beach and no boats of any kind. The children were gone, everyone was gone. I decided that even though I was upset I had to try and look around and see if I could figure out what happened. I saw.all sorts of footprints at the beach. The white sand showed that boats had been there.
The children must have gone in the boats with Veer somewhere. I then went back to the campsite trying to find a note, something that would tell me where everyone was. Nothing.
I don’t think I ever felt more alone than I did at that moment. I started to cry and could not seem to stop. My mind pictures of each one of those dear sweet children in my charge. I could almost hear them calling me Nanna instead of Jane.
I would go to the beach and await their return. I just know they will be okay. I guess I was in too big a hurry to get to the beach. I fell and rolled back down the hill a little too far. I have no idea how I got behind this boulder but here I am. Alone and stuck.
I am too angry at myself for not being more careful. I will eventually get up; I just cannot seem to manage it right now.
I rested a bit and decided if I screamed really loud like I had done before that the parrot would show up or even Daisy. It would be worth a try.
I screamed as loud as I could. I waited.That was a silly thing to say, of course, I waited… I could not get up. Anyway, as I sat there, I tried to imagine what in the world would make them think to leave me alone like this. It was as if I had just asked the question and then he answered it.
“Madam, may I be of help to you?” I looked up. A man, an older man stood there with flowers, a cart, and two helpers to literally pick me up gently and place me in a cart with a padded seat. He smiled and slipped in beside me. “My name is Advik Senior. I am Veer’s grandfather. He has taken the children on an all-day adventure on the Smith Island so that I could come and chat with you.”
“I am called Jane.” I do appreciate you helping me. I was in a hurry and fell. I wish someone had told me I would wake up alone or left me a note so I would not worry about the children.”
“I will make sure everyone knows you want to know about the children at all times.”
“Please, Veer Senior, is there a reason for you to speak with me privately and alone?”
“Yes. Veer was right you are very pretty and of good nature. I would like to, what do you call it, court you? I would like to call on you from time to time and see you romantically.”
He waited. He did not say a word more. I watched his face. I could tell he had rehearsed the speech and was hoping I would at least give him a smile.
“I have been a widow four times. I am not sure I want to go through another romantic type of relationship. I am sure your intentions are honorable. I cannot say if any of it would lead to something deeper between us.”
“I was also told of you’re being an honest woman. That I admire. Let us say we learn to share our world first and then see if it spawns anything further.”
“That would be wonderful. Let’s get back to the campsite and have a chat. Tell me more about your family and then I will tell you about me before the shipwreck.”
“Yes. Dear. We can do that. By the way. I have a nickname… A-Dash. I used to be a runner. My teammates called me that and it’s kind of stuck. I would be please if you too would call me that.”
We spent the entire afternoon talking about our worlds. He was a soft-spoken man that was clearly on a mission. I must say I was most flattered. I had never really been around anyone from India before. I liked it. Who knows?
We heard the squeals from the beach just faintly traveling with the breeze. Without saying a word, we got up and started walking towards the peacock pond. The children spotted us just as we topped the crest of the first boulder.
Suddenly, two peacocks were in the middle of doing their dance for a peahen. We all stopped to watch the spectacle. Then the magic happened.
Lucas pulled out a flute and started playing it in rhythm with the dance of the larger of the two peacocks. It was like watching the ballet. Luna joined in and played in step with the other peacock. Everyone was just watching. When the dance ended and the peahen left the scene with the larger of the two, we all clapped.
A-Dash was impressed. Here this tiny three-year-old plays the flute as if he were born with it in his mouth. His sister, also three, doing the same thing. “You know I bet if we could get some video of the Peacocks doing that the children could play music to the dances. Would make for some fun videos.”
“Good idea. I think it would be wonderful. But I must tell you. All these children lost their parents, and I must make it back to my office in the states to find the next guardian in their respective families. I can’t just turn them over to anyone. They are far too special, and I have gone through too much to do anything that might harm them at this point. If you could help me get some videos made maybe you could send them to some addresses and we can get rescued from here.”
“Jane, you are rescued but due to the situation with Veer and the family, we have to be cautious. What he did at his brother’s wedding is not tolerated. He will have to stay here for a long time to come. He loves the children and will help you care for them. Please, don’t be in such a hurry to make a move just yet.”
“A-Darsh I have to agree with you except for one thing. Someone is looking for these kids, they have to be. Their parents always book top billing and were performers known all over the world. I want to be careful, but I also want to be satisfied that I do the right thing.”
“Hello, children. That was something. Luas and Luna, you played so well. I did not know you knew how to play the flute.”
“We do? We play these sticks Bruce made us…”
We all laughed. “They are naturals, Jane. They do not know one note from another… they just hear something and then search for the note and copy it until they find the notes on the sound itself. It is amazing to watch them function in two worlds.”
“Did you children have fun today? I missed you so much. I woke up and you were gone. All my joy left. All is better now. Let us go to the camp and you can all tell me about your day.”
“Jane, I am afraid we came to get you to help us. Remember I told you that we had heard that there were some survivors from the shipwreck?” Well, we went to the hospital on Smith Island. Lucas and Luna say they saw their father there. I thought if you came back with me, you could at least find out if any of the other parents also survived.”
“Ho, that is amazing. Of course, I will go right away.” I looked at A-Dash, I guess my expression told him what to do next.
“Jane, I will stay here with the children as well. Bruce and Molly have their hands full. You will need the boat space in case you bring anyone back with you.”
My head was swimming thing about reuniting the parents of these wonderful children. We all said our goodbyes at the boat, and I took off for Smith Island. It felt somewhat strange to leave the children behind. I felt like I was abandoning them. I was excited but very apprehensive at the same time.
Smith Island was beautiful. The hospital was small but clean. The wards were only large enough for three people to a room. When I entered the last ward, I knew we had indeed found Mr. Andersson. He was loud and his baritone rang out even in conversation. He had some bandages around his eyes. His face was painful to look upon. “Mr. Andersson, how are you?”
“What did you call me? I don’t know who that is. Who are you?”
“I am Jane. You were entertaining onboard a cruise liner., Do you remember? Why would I remember something that never happened?”
“What about your two children. Lucas and Luna. About 3 years old. They are very talented singers themselves. I do not have any children, nor do I want children.”
“Besides what was I doing on a stage. I don’t sing or dance.”
“Yes, you can Mr. Andersson. You are a very gifted singer. You sing on stage with a small group called…
“Don’t tell me that. Where are my so-called backup singers?”
“I am not sure where everyone is, but I will keep investigating until I have located you all.” I looked at the anger in this man. He was frightened it was very plane. By denying everything he did not have to face not knowing. Amnesia is a tough one. I am going to have to talk to the doctors here.
“Veer we need to talk and quickly. I have a list of all the people I oversaw on the ship. I do not know everyone that was on the ship, but I do know my group. Can you help me locate the rest of them if they are alive?”
“I told my grandfather you would do what was right. Yes, we have two more patients here that might be parents and we also have someone else at the clinic in Tatle Island. I hope you can reunite these families. I am not sure about long-term care though.”
“You can see how small our little facility is here. We do not have the room to care for them here. I suggest that Grandfather and I transfer all of them to Peacock Island, in other words, come back with you.”
“Vee, I am not a doctor. I do not know anything about taking care of patients with such injuries.” I saw him holding his palm up to stop me...”
I am a doctor and so is my grandfather. We come back with you and your charges, and we get them back to their children while they are recovering.”
Once again, my head is swimming. I guess it is the only thing we can do. We will need help. There are not enough shelters on Peacock Island to house the increase in population.
“We can get a hold of a contractor here and have several prefab buildings brought over in boats. We can literally use them and some ingenuity to make a small hospital ward over there. There is one thing. It may cost you some of your treasure to pay for it all.”
“The treasure is not mine. I see no reason why we cannot use it for this purpose. I can’t believe it. All four sets of parents are alive. The families will be reunited. It is going to be a hard road. The children will have to watch their parents suffer through their recoveries. But I know we can do it.”
One cannot grow if one does not share. My grandmother told me that one. That is true on any stage and in any stage. If you do not it is stagnant. I am sure we are on the right path. I am sure the curtain calls will also multiply. Love will show us the way.
Turning Peacock Island into a hospital facility… kind of sad when you say it like that. But what a place to get well in… Okay. Like I said before, I ain’t the one in charge.
CHAPTER 6: Strangers Meet Again
“Children, I want you to pay very close attention to what we are going to tell you. You must, behave and do exactly as we say. It is very important. Do you understand?”
“You find my pa?” Lucas was wiggling around with anticipation. His grin made the picture of his father not knowing who he was much less than he had children haunted me.
“Yes. We have found all your parents. They are all very sick and need medical attention. You cannot see them yet. You know how when you get sick, you have healed before you can be with people. Your parents are all in that situation right now. I am going, to be honest with you. We are not sure at this point if all of them will live so prayers are the best thing you can do now.”
“Can we help take care of them? Can’t we at least see them through a window or something? To think all this time that they are dead and suddenly you say they are alive… please, Nanna, we want to at least see them even if we do not talk to them.”
“Rufus, you are right. However, we must do what is best for them, so they have the best chance of recovery. Dr. Advik Devi and his grandson, Dr. Veer Devi are going to help us get them better. We are going to have some buildings brought into our encampment here so they can recover here. There will be a lot going on so you must stay safe but try to stay out of the way so the workers can work.
“Are they going to bring in solar panels so we can have electricity?”
“Bruce that is an excellent question. I will put you in touch with the contractor on this project so you can work with them. You will be a very busy carpenter.”
I think back on that first day as I was trying to curb the children’s excitement over the fact that their parents were alive and the fact that they would be able to see them, but not be able to communicate with them.
It was very difficult those first few days. They seemed to realize the best thing they could do was just watch and pray. The injuries are extensive.
Mr. and Mrs. Murphy, also have amnesia. Theirs is somewhat odd. The Irish accent they used to have is gone. They speak like they are from Indiana now. At least that is what Bruce says. He is from Indiana. Mrs. Murphy is dealing with an odd memory problem in that she had two children that died during childbirth many years ago. Rufus and Red were born after. She keeps crying over the ones who died but cannot remember the ones who lived. It is so sad. I have allowed Rufus and Red to sing to them. They enjoy the music but are strangers to the voices. The children end up crying each time. It is a hard thing for anyone to go through.
Mr. Andersson still does not know he has two children or even a wife. She has not said a word since they brought her over. She is comatose right now. Her legs are in casts and her right hand is missing three fingers. Their cabin is watched continually. We have them in the same cabin but in completely separated rooms. Mr. Andersson is still frightened and angry.
Kipke and Chebet are the bravest four-year-olds I have ever known.Kipke said he is a runner. He will run for his father and honor his mother by running fast. It is amazing. I do feel there is hope there. Neither one can speak yet, and both still dealing with some balance issues. They do respond when they hear the children singing at night. The Mwangi family was strong before the shipwreck, so I feel strongly about them recovering completely. It is just going to take a lot of time.
Mr. and Mrs. Martinez are both without memories, voice, and sight right now. Their bodies are both in traction. They scream in pain and reach out. The children watch, cry, and wait. They watch from the outside steps
Solar panels have brought us electricity which has made sterilization easier. We have lights at night.
The old stage is in the center of the complex. The cabins all encircle it. At night the children play, sing, and entertain themselves and others. It is their way of saying they love their parents before going to bed each night.
“Jane, we brought you some lunch. We also thought we would give you a break. I have seen you and Daisy haul three carts of melons and coconuts down the hill so far today.”
“Bruce, you are right. I need a bit of a break.” I could tell there was something on his mind. “What is it “?”
“Molly and I were thinking that if we got a few more donkeys over here it would be easier to gather the food needed and to provide transport when we need it. I think it might also be a good idea to check with the doctors about maybe taking one or two of the patients to the peacock pond and letting them wade in the water a bit. There are minerals in that water. It might help.”
“Molly, that is an excellent idea… I laughed… both ideas are good. See if you can find the doctors and let them know I will be glad to contribute whatever is needed to get it done.”
The last two months have been challenging to say the least. The parents and the children have changed roles. The children are the grown-ups, and their parents are the babies.
Tonight, we are going to have the stage and a spotlight. Yes, electricity on the stage thanks to the solar panels. It should give us all a thrill. I have set up each cabin so that they can all see the courtyard and the stage. The children have practiced for so many hours. I just know it will be a very good night.
More donkeys? Oh, boy. I think it will give Daisy a much-needed rest for sure. I remember thinking that just before what we thought was a catastrophe hit the camp.
I glanced out the window and Kipke was running as hard as he could through the camp stark naked and crying his eyes out. His sister was running after him. “. wait, wait…. I promise it won’t hurt. Kipke, wait…”
I had to laugh because no one had been known to catch the little guy when he was on a run. I stepped outside and then heard the scream. Racing to the scene expecting catastrophe and arriving just in time to burst into laughter is kind of hard on the old heart. Chebet was tackling Kipke to the ground trying to put underwear on him. He had never worn any before. One of the doctors had brought some over for the children along with some clothes. It scared Kipke. ‘We don’t wear that in Kenya… Get it off. He then screams again. We had been so used to him wearing the little banana leaf wrapping we had never really thought about it much. I decided I would try and reason with him and then we could at least make it a private decision for him. Everyone was staring at him now.
He looked up and saw he was the center of attention and took off running again. “Kipke, please come help your nanna. I need you, sweetie.”
I had to chuckle to myself because the ploy I used worked. He instantly stopped and came back to help me. I explained that in other places in the world people do other things when it comes to dressing. It was during this conversation that I learned that today was his and Chebet’s birthday. They were turning five today. I had to think quickly. I then told a lie to him but hoped I would be forgiven.
“The underwear is so that you will not hurt yourself when you ride your new donkey. You need it to protect yourself. You are getting a donkey for your birthday. One that belongs to you. Your bearded goat will have a friend as well.” I stopped talking for a few minutes. Bruce had been listening and held up a finger and winked at me. He then took off to make the arrangements. I guess it was not a lie if we make it come true. I felt the arms come around my neck.
“I love you, Nanna. You always make it better. I will put on donkey cloth for you.”
Later that evening the wonder of it all came full circle.
The testing on the new spotlight had been very successful. The donkeys had been delivered and were being fed in a shed between the peacock pond and the camp.
The children were backstage getting ready for their cues to go on stage. It was just about dusk. One spotlight came on and there stood Kipke on stage with his new underwear on and he is bowing.
“Kipke, is that you?” We all turned and there was his mother coming out of her cabin and over to the stage where her son stood alone in the spotlight. Chebet came on stage with their bearded goat and the blue duiker. All was quiet. “Oh, Baby, you are alive. Momma thought you had gone to heaven. I thought I was seeing you as an angel here under this light. The door to their cabin opened again and his father came out.There in the spotlight, we got to witness the reunion of a family that had thought all were gone. It was so wonderful. Then they all burst into a wonderful song. The two little ones were put on their parent's shoulders, and they sang Happy Birthday.
I gave them both a hug. I could not help crying. It was a beautiful moment. His mother said she was sitting in her bed and looked out the window. She saw Kipke and everything came back, she suddenly woke up. It was no longer a nightmare or dream. It was celebration time right now. We can catch up on all that has happened tomorrow. This is a curtain call I don’t want to cut short.
We all got to laugh when Kipke showed his new underwear to his father. He expected his father to be surprised until he peeked at what his father had on under his bedgown… underwear. All of a sudden... it was accepted to wear it...
The evening ended with the entire Mwangi family under one roof, singing and laughing together. I could not have planned this one any better. What a wonderful bond they had. The music brought them together. The same stage from which they had been ripped apart had brought them all full circle.
I think Kipke learned a little about pride as well. When you let pride take the lead you could miss out on some wonderful blessings. Put pride aside, release vanity.
Just think. We have changed so much about this little island where we landed. I had hoped not to scar it with our changes. I was assured that all was going to be okay.
This morning I saw the entire Mwangi family watching the peacocks dancing at the pond. I realized that Kipke and Chebet had also learned how to play flutes. It was a sight to see. A sight to cherish.
CHAPTER 7: Envy Takes Center Stage
“Children, I want you to pay very close attention to what we are going to tell you. You must, behave and do exactly as we say. It is very important. Do you understand?”
“You find my pa?” Lucas was wiggling around with anticipation. His grin made the picture of his father not knowing who he was much less than he had children haunted me.
“Yes. We have found all your parents. They are all very sick and need medical attention. You cannot see them yet. You know how when you get sick, you have healed before you can be with people. Your parents are all in that situation right now. I am going, to be honest with you. We are not sure at this point if all of them will live so prayers are the best thing you can do now.”
“Can we help take care of them? Can’t we at least see them through a window or something? To think all this time that they are dead and suddenly you say they are alive… please, Nanna, we want to at least see them even if we do not talk to them.”
“Rufus, you are right. However, we must do what is best for them, so they have the best chance of recovery. Dr. Advik Devi and his grandson, Dr. Veer Devi are going to help us get them better. We are going to have some buildings brought into our encampment here so they can recover here. There will be a lot going on so you must stay safe but try to stay out of the way so the workers can work.
“Are they going to bring in solar panels so we can have electricity?”
“Bruce that is an excellent question. I will put you in touch with the contractor on this project so you can work with them. You will be a very busy carpenter.”
I think back on that first day as I was trying to curb the children’s excitement over the fact that their parents were alive and the fact that they would be able to see them, but not be able to communicate with them.
It was very difficult those first few days. They seemed to realize the best thing they could do was just watch and pray. The injuries are extensive.
Mr. and Mrs. Murphy, also have amnesia. Theirs is somewhat odd. The Irish accent they used to have is gone. They speak like they are from Indiana now. At least that is what Bruce says. He is from Indiana. Mrs. Murphy is dealing with an odd memory problem in that she had two children that died during childbirth many years ago. Rufus and Red were born after. She keeps crying over the ones who died but cannot remember the ones who lived. It is so sad. I have allowed Rufus and Red to sing to them. They enjoy the music but are strangers to the voices. The children end up crying each time. It is a hard thing for anyone to go through.
Mr. Andersson still does not know he has two children or even a wife. She has not said a word since they brought her over. She is comatose right now. Her legs are in casts and her right hand is missing three fingers. Their cabin is watched continually. We have them in the same cabin but in completely separated rooms. Mr. Andersson is still frightened and angry.
Kipke and Chebet are the bravest four-year-olds I have ever known.Kipke said he is a runner. He will run for his father and honor his mother by running fast. It is amazing. I do feel there is hope there. Neither one can speak yet, and both still dealing with some balance issues. They do respond when they hear the children singing at night. The Mwangi family was strong before the shipwreck, so I feel strongly about them recovering completely. It is just going to take a lot of time.
Mr. and Mrs. Martinez are both without memories, voice, and sight right now. Their bodies are both in traction. They scream in pain and reach out. The children watch, cry, and wait. They watch from the outside steps
Solar panels have brought us electricity which has made sterilization easier. We have lights at night.
The old stage is in the center of the complex. The cabins all encircle it. At night the children play, sing, and entertain themselves and others. It is their way of saying they love their parents before going to bed each night.
“Jane, we brought you some lunch. We also thought we would give you a break. I have seen you and Daisy haul three carts of melons and coconuts down the hill so far today.”
“Bruce, you are right. I need a bit of a break.” I could tell there was something on his mind. “What is it “?”
“Molly and I were thinking that if we got a few more donkeys over here it would be easier to gather the food needed and to provide transport when we need it. I think it might also be a good idea to check with the doctors about maybe taking one or two of the patients to the peacock pond and letting them wade in the water a bit. There are minerals in that water. It might help.”
“Molly, that is an excellent idea… I laughed… both ideas are good. See if you can find the doctors and let them know I will be glad to contribute whatever is needed to get it done.”
The last two months have been challenging to say the least. The parents and the children have changed roles. The children are the grown-ups, and their parents are the babies.
Tonight, we are going to have the stage and a spotlight. Yes, electricity on the stage thanks to the solar panels. It should give us all a thrill. I have set up each cabin so that they can all see the courtyard and the stage. The children have practiced for so many hours. I just know it will be a very good night.
More donkeys? Oh, boy. I think it will give Daisy a much-needed rest for sure. I remember thinking that just before what we thought was a catastrophe hit the camp.
I glanced out the window and Kipke was running as hard as he could through the camp stark naked and crying his eyes out. His sister was running after him. “. wait, wait…. I promise it won’t hurt. Kipke, wait…”
I had to laugh because no one had been known to catch the little guy when he was on a run. I stepped outside and then heard the scream. Racing to the scene expecting catastrophe and arriving just in time to burst into laughter is kind of hard on the old heart. Chebet was tackling Kipke to the ground trying to put underwear on him. He had never worn any before. One of the doctors had brought some over for the children along with some clothes. It scared Kipke. ‘We don’t wear that in Kenya… Get it off. He then screams again. We had been so used to him wearing the little banana leaf wrapping we had never really thought about it much. I decided I would try and reason with him and then we could at least make it a private decision for him. Everyone was staring at him now.
He looked up and saw he was the center of attention and took off running again. “Kipke, please come help your nanna. I need you, sweetie.”
I had to chuckle to myself because the ploy I used worked. He instantly stopped and came back to help me. I explained that in other places in the world people do other things when it comes to dressing. It was during this conversation that I learned that today was his and Chebet’s birthday. They were turning five today. I had to think quickly. I then told a lie to him but hoped I would be forgiven.
“The underwear is so that you will not hurt yourself when you ride your new donkey. You need it to protect yourself. You are getting a donkey for your birthday. One that belongs to you. Your bearded goat will have a friend as well.” I stopped talking for a few minutes. Bruce had been listening and held up a finger and winked at me. He then took off to make the arrangements. I guess it was not a lie if we make it come true. I felt the arms come around my neck.
“I love you, Nanna. You always make it better. I will put on donkey cloth for you.”
Later that evening the wonder of it all came full circle.
The testing on the new spotlight had been very successful. The donkeys had been delivered and were being fed in a shed between the peacock pond and the camp.
The children were backstage getting ready for their cues to go on stage. It was just about dusk. One spotlight came on and there stood Kipke on stage with his new underwear on and he is bowing.
“Kipke, is that you?” We all turned and there was his mother coming out of her cabin and over to the stage where her son stood alone in the spotlight. Chebet came on stage with their bearded goat and the blue duiker. All was quiet. “Oh, Baby, you are alive. Momma thought you had gone to heaven. I thought I was seeing you as an angel here under this light. The door to their cabin opened again and his father came out.There in the spotlight, we got to witness the reunion of a family that had thought all were gone. It was so wonderful. Then they all burst into a wonderful song. The two little ones were put on their parent's shoulders, and they sang Happy Birthday.
I gave them both a hug. I could not help crying. It was a beautiful moment. His mother said she was sitting in her bed and looked out the window. She saw Kipke and everything came back, she suddenly woke up. It was no longer a nightmare or dream. It was celebration time right now. We can catch up on all that has happened tomorrow. This is a curtain call I don’t want to cut short.
We all got to laugh when Kipke showed his new underwear to his father. He expected his father to be surprised until he peeked at what his father had on under his bedgown… underwear. All of a sudden... it was accepted to wear it...
The evening ended with the entire Mwangi family under one roof, singing and laughing together. I could not have planned this one any better. What a wonderful bond they had. The music brought them together. The same stage from which they had been ripped apart had brought them all full circle.
I think Kipke learned a little about pride as well. When you let pride take the lead you could miss out on some wonderful blessings. Put pride aside, release vanity.
Just think. We have changed so much about this little island where we landed. I had hoped not to scar it with our changes. I was assured that all was going to be okay.
This morning I saw the entire Mwangi family watching the peacocks dancing at the pond. I realized that Kipke and Chebet had also learned how to play flutes. It was a sight to see. A sight to cherish.
CHAPTER 8: Scavengers Love Music
I have my fingers crossed. I finally got a hold of my office in Texas. I let them know I was alive and reported on the rest of the performers in my charge. The cruise line would be notified now. I also ordered several cell phones so I could at least communicate with the outside world. At this point, I am not so sure I should have looked under that rock. Not knowing about getting satellite service left me scavenging for Wi-Fi, a network of some kind.
I wondered if my little families would be getting homesick. What did our future hold… was there one for “US”? Had we done any unrepairable damage to the island? Had we ruined paradise? These are the clouds that seemed to put clouds in my coffee this morning. That is another thing… I finally, got some coffee. The Hindus do a lot of teas. I guess the British influences contributed to that.
The twins were three months old yesterday. They slept through the entire wedding ceremony. Mommy and daddy are doing well. The Andersson family is taking care of the babies until Mr. and Mrs. Graham gets back from their honeymoon.
I was pleased to discover the people I contracted with and sought out when all this started finally remembered who they were, who their children were, and who had retained their talents.
I am on my way to the stage area. The group has some surprises for me. I always love these new acts and things they have put together. We never know who will be in the audience. We don’t really invite anyone, but the hospital personnel talk when they go back to their own islands and so the word of mouth has slowly spread. It is always fun when we have a few new faces.
I was delighted to see they had put some of the animals back in their act. It made it more fun and always unexpected.
Here comes Dr. Devi to escort me. He is turned into a very dear friend.
“You ready?”
“I sure am. Do you know anything about what we are going to see?”
“Sorry, Jane, I have been sworn to secrecy.”
“Not, even a hint?”
“I can tell you it was a project Bruce started before the babies came. He got so far and then the Andersson’s have taken over teaching the kids and now I think you will be surprised at what they have come up with.”
I grabbed a couple of melons on our way to the stage area. I saw the cabin doors open … all except the Martinez. Their injuries were very extensive. Although out of traction, they still have bandages around their eyes and cannot speak. I hear them cry. I think they are still having amnesia problems. It is so sad. Aimee at the age of five cannot understand why his mommy does not want to hold her. Alejandro is six and holds his father’s hand trying to wake him up. He does not know his father is not asleep but cannot speak. Seven months and they have improved at a snail’s pace. Still… improvement is an improvement.
Advik and I walked into the stage area. There before us was a long table. There were trumpets on one side of the table and small harps on the other side. Harps? Table size harps. They were beautiful. Such workmanship. I could not for the life of me imagine how they did all this.
The children all came out and bowed. The boys each stood in front of one trumpet. The girls sat in front of each harp. I expected to hear something soft…
Boom, Boom, Boom, the parents came out with two big kettle drums. Then Knock-Knock flew in and started a rat-a-tat on top of the drums. The iguana was released onto the other drum. My squirrel and the iguana did a swish thing with their tails. It looked like they were dancing together. The elephant shrew joined in along with the bat-eared fox. The drums were the dance floor for the animals and the music was more the Beatles than any classics. It was wonderful. It was amazing.
I clapped and clapped. We were all enjoying ourselves so much we did not hear anyone else come inside.
“Is there someone named Jane here?”
The music stopped. “Yes, I am Jane. How can I help you, gentlemen?”
“I am D. Sheta…with Alang Ship Breaking Corp. We are here to start salvage operations on the cruise liner that went down. We need to get some information from you and anyone else who was on board.”
As I am reading the card, he gave me I started to ask some of my own questions. “What is Bhavnagar district?”
“Bhavnagar District is a district of southeastern Gujarat, India, on the Saurashtra peninsula. It is also known as Gohil war as a major portion of Bhavnagar district was ruled by Gohil Rajput.”
“Please just tell me plainly. What does that mean?”
...“So, ultimately the ownership and responsibility of the vessel would be transferred to the owning entity that would be buying the vessel. The cruise line has nothing to do anymore with the vessel. And thereafter, we are arranging the transportation from point A to point B.”
“All I can tell you is we were in a lifeboat and were washed up here. All that are with me are the musicians who did the entertainment on the cruise liner. A few days later a Mr. Boyd Alister also got washed ashore then came a woman named Zheng. They have since left. I do not know if they are even alive. I saw the boat they were in crest the horizon and then they were out of sight.”
“We will need to chat with each of the members you have survived to so they can sign release forms. Now that we own the ship, we can’t have anyone making a claim against it. If you could call them all together I would appreciate it.
“We have one couple that is suffering from amnesia, and we have another couple who are on a honeymoon. I will be glad to open the doors to this area so you can sit down and chat with the survivors.”
“Jane, I am here to let you know. I do not play games. If you obstruct any of this investigation, I can have you thrown in jail. You took charge so you are responsible for what has happened since that ship went down.”
“Jane is honorable. She has done everything to save these people, their pets, and their very lives. You have no cause to talk to her like that. You sir do not realize who you are talking to here.”
“And who might you be, I am Advik Devi.”
The man’s face turned pale for a second. I watched as he suddenly changed his bullying tactic and spoke a little softer. “I had no idea. We have the proper permits to do what we came here to do. I know as the head of the governing body of this entire island group you can cancel all our permits and make us leave. I do not want to do that. I apologize, Jane. I meant no offense to you. What we have to do here is important.”
“I understand business. You may ask your questions and get whatever wavers you need but I tell you these people were unconscious when the lifeboats were washed up on shore.”
“Yes, mam.”
“I will send out our alarm for the area in about an hour so you can get started.”Veer and Advik escorted the men through the door.
“Governor? You the king around here and did not tell me? What is all that about?”
“I just wanted you to love me for me and not for the influence or power my family has.”
“Sweetie. I adore you but I tell you plainly. I think you just saved my bacon, so I am very please indeed. You are my hero.”
“Your bacon?”
“Sorry, I forget. Hindu do not do bacon. That is okay. Let’s just say you save the waddle in my step.”
We both laughed. “I love the waddle in your step, Jane.”
“The hitch in my get-along- just got up and left… let’s go sound the alarm.”
The clanging of the alert went out. All the resident adults started to gather. We cleared the long table, gave everyone paper and pens.
We reported on what we had been told. Then I asked each one the question. Where do you see us going from here? Do you want to go home? Do you want to build another set of acts and let me find your bookings? What is it you want to do? You are in the driver’s seat for this stage in your life. Which stage do you want to be on? The one out in the courtyard or another one someone else?
“Advik and I are going to leave you all here to discuss and decide. We do not want to influence you in any way. We have all been through a lot.”
The race was on… every adult and child took off running towards the peacock pond. All accept the Martinez of course.
When we got there the scavengers from this morning were trying to catch and kill the peacocks.
I screamed, “Stop this instantly.”
ey, these are pheasant. Good eating birds. We have not had any good pheasant in a very long time.
“I promise you, sir. If you harm one single bird, you will die where you stand.”
“You have to be kidding.” He turned and looked at me. “What about all these chickens…?”
“You going to kill me if I hurt one of these damn chickens?” He sluffed off what I said as if it did not matter. Then he caught sight of the Golden Langur stretched out on the branch of a tree. “What is that? I have not eaten a monkey in ages. Oh, you can have those stupid birds… I want some monkey.”
“Sir, you have no idea how much danger you are in right this minute. Please do not show your ignorance any longer. This is a Golden Langur, one of the most endangered animals on the earth today and revered by all those who surround you including the governor of all you stand upon. I am afraid if you harm one of them you would have to endure international law and not just the law of this land. The peacocks have been as a sacred trust for these Hindu people for well over a hundred years. Do you really want to take on that kind of karma? I would not have to kill you. Karma will do it for me. Your Gluttony would kill you; I promise. First. You want to kill all so you can taste one. You want to consume more than that which you desire. For what? To prove you can. I think you best back away. Pull your men out and go back to where you came from. The threat alone is enough to get you locked up. Please. Your next move will seal your fate.”
I stopped talking. We stood there in silence. “I don’t believe you, lady." He picked up a rock to throw at the monkey and …
“I told you, Jane is an honorable woman. I am afraid you are all under arrest for intentionally threatening the life of the golden langur.” He nodded and his deputies came from everywhere with handcuffs for the would-be scavengers. I then witnessed Karma firsthand. One of his men kicked one of the peacocks on the out. He lost his balance and fell off the boulder. He landed on his neck and died on the spot. Scary to think about.
I glanced at the leader again when we passed by the dead man. He looked up at me a little sheepish. “Sir we do not have jail facilities here so you will have to remain tied up until morning. You will have to attend the show tonight and then stay in one of the cabins until the official boats come for transport.”
“Dr. Devi, believe me, I will not argue with you or Jane. I think I have actually come out pretty good on this adventure. I am not laying below a boulder on a broken neck.”
“I have some reading for you to do as well. I had all the survivors give me statements and sign the waivers you asked for. I did promise you these.”
“You are indeed honorable.”
“I would suggest you pay close attention to my report and statement. You might find it very interesting.
He nodded to me and then followed the deputies towards the stage audience area. It was almost dusk. The banquet was set up like usual. Everyone got their plates and got what they wanted. Then we all sat down. Our prisoners watched everything. The look on their faces when the show started.
They sang along with almost every song. The children were brilliant. As the deputies lead them towards the sleeping cabin for the night, I overheard the leader say. “I have never had so much fun being locked up. I think I have learned more than I bargained for when I came here.” Then I heard him say, “She is right. I have been a glutton…”
The next morning the men were surprised to find out that I had talked to Devi during the night. I had influenced his decision about arresting these men. Instead, I suggested we allow them to leave if they realized it would only be if they guaranteed never to return. The agreement was set and signed. I had an idea that my report might make the suggestion stronger. I had reported on the incident about Boyd Alister and Zheng leaving with a boat so full of gold that it sunk taking them down with it just at the top of the horizon just north of the last island.
I was right. It has been about a month now. I see a huge ship upon that horizon. I had to laugh. I got a tape in the afternoon mail. “Ms. Jane, you are indeed a woman of your word. You have restored my faith where I thought I had none. Thank you for the experience. I am only sad I will never be able to hear your wonderful music. Your group is marvelous. I humbly ask forgiveness and remain your servant. D. Sheta of the Alang Ship Breaking Court.”
I let Devi listen to it too. I still have to find out what the group has decided to do and where they see the future for us. The kids have a new act. I gotta run. When you release gluttony you suddenly have all you need. Amazing how that works.
CHAPTER 9: The Spur of Anger
Anger manifested in an individual who spurns love and opts instead for fury is also known as wrath. Anger that goes that deep can cause mental hallucinations that can in themselves increase the magnitude of the anger.
Much like a slow-burning fire that builds up its heat before finally exploding.
It appears each member of the Martinez family was caught up in their own anger and wrath. Aimee is five and she loves her mother very much but found it very hard to accept that she was right there, and her mother did not respond to her in the least. Alejandro is six but he too had mixed feeling about his father. The frustration built up to the point I was afraid the children would harm their parents so had to stop them from seeing them each day.
Alexandria had extensive injuries as she had broken her collar bone, both her legs, four ribs, her jawbone, and lost the middle, ring, and little fingers of her right hand.Her jaw was wired shut and she had also had a windpipe inserted in her throat so she could breathe. She could not speak. The bandages around her eyes were to help the retinas repair themselves from the burns she received from the explosion that threw her body off the stage the day of the accident. She also had amnesia. She had no idea who she was or why she was here. Everything confused her. Her frustration seemed to grow each day as the bones healed but the mind did not. Her husband, Ivan was in much the same shape. He was not missing any fingers, but his legs were both broken as both arms. His left shoulder was shattered. The only thing either one of them had intact was their hearing. That did very little good since neither one knew who they were or why they were there. His eyes were healing much faster than his wife’s.
Veer and his grandfather Advik had been doing extensive testing on both Alexandria and Ivan to determine the extent of the amnesia. The results of those tests would determine our next step forward. Since they did not remember one another or either one of their children it was decided to separate them. Alexandra moved into the cabin Molly had lived in before she married Bruce. Ivan had moved into the cabin occupied by the male nurses and x-ray techs.
I have been waiting here for what seems to be hours. “Oh, there he comes. Maybe now we...”
“Jane, we have all the research we need. Let me come sit down and I will fill you in on what we have discovered. The bones have all healed. The eyes have been restored to a point. Both will have to wear sunglasses for a while to protect their lenses. I think if we must, we can do Lasik surgery on Alexandria to fix the problem there. Ivan’s is healing very nicely. The tracheostomies we did to help them breathe while their ribs healed did not seem to damage the voice boxes permanently, but there will be a difference in the tone of their voices. I do not know if will either one ever sings again. They will be able to talk within a month. The big thing is that amnesia is permanent.
They both have retrograde amnesia. Retrograde Amnesia: Describes amnesia where you can't recall memories that were formed before the event that caused the amnesia. It usually affects recently stored memories, not memories from years ago. There was hope if they had started regaining memories within the first twenty-four hours. This seems to be more permanent.
We are going to have to introduce them to themselves. Then take it from there.”
“Are you up for all this? I think I know the answer. You will do it even if you are not up to it.”
“Well, it keeps me busy.”
“What do you say we get them in those new fancy wheelchairs and take them down the peacock pond for a picnic. We can introduce them to themselves and each other at the same time. They may not be able to remember who they were, but they can meet who they are today.”
“I’ll get Daisy ready. You head to the cabins, and we will meet you.”
“Okay, my love… you are the boss…”
“You know better than that Advik.”
“I want to have a word with Alexandria before we go. Kind of a woman-to-woman thing. I gotta get her over being mad and into being glad she is alive.”
“See ya’ at the pond dear.”
I had decided to go see Alexandria and push some of her buttons. I may be seventy-but I do remember a little bit about being a girl. “Alexandria, are you dressed?”
“If that who is who I am, I guess I am dressed. I have no idea. Maybe I am an outlaw on the run. Who knows?”
I walked in to find her slumped over a chair, flipping through the pages of a magazine that was laying on the floor. She was still in her pajamas. Her hair was a mess.
“Okay, young lady. You can have your pity party later. We have things to do. You are either going to go in there and bath yourself or I am going to do it for you.”
“Who do you think you are? You old bat. I ain’t goin' anywhere with you and you are not going to bathe me. Got it?”
I walked over to the chair she was laying in. I sat next to her. “Alexandra, I know who you are. I also know you used to be a very nice lady. Now, you are being a cow and if I may be so blunt, you are being worse than a female dog. You have turned into a witch to boot. We have done everything we can to save your life. What do we get from you in return for our efforts?”
I turned her shoulders towards me. “Who am I? I am the old bat that pulled you out of the ocean. I am the old bat that has taken care of you up till now. I am not calling in a debt. I would do what I did for you for anyone. I would like to see some appreciation for the fact that you are still alive to tell me off if nothing else.”
I could tell I was finally getting through to her. She saw herself in the mirror I was holding up. The mental mirror. “I am not saying you have to stay either. You can leave any time you want. You are not the only one I am taking care of so please let me know if you intend to keep draining on our resources or if you intend to at least try to help someone besides yourself.”
“Jane. I am indeed sorry. I should not have said what I said. I am angry. I am angry because I do not know who I am. I do not know you either. I get frustrated and I want to slap someone. I can’t seem to stop being angry.”
“Alexandra, we are going to work on that today. If you bathe yourself it will help. Then I want you to dress. I have put some clothes in your closet for you to choose from. I will be back in about an hour. I will help you do your face and your hair. Then we are going on a picnic. I have a special place I want to show you. It might give you some peace of mind when you need it the most. Let’s get some of that dirt off you first.”
“Okay, I am on my way to the shower now. For an old bat, you are kind of scary just before you turn into my fairy godmother.”
“Tootles. See yaw’ in an hour.”
I got out quickly before anything else got started. I had had similar conversations with her before. She will snap into depression mode without warning. I wanted to leave her in an up mood. Maybe she will follow through. I did not want to have to wrestle her into the bath. I left to meet up with my sweetie to see how far he had gotten with Ivan.
We had arranged for the children to be on an adventure on another island while we got them out of their cabin for the first time in a year and two months.
I saw Advik and Ivan coming out of the cabin. He still looked angry but at least he was dressed and out. I could hear him arguing with the doctor just a bit. “I don’t want to go out.I like it inside. That is why I do not go out.”
“Ivan, I am so sorry. Did Dr. Devi tell you?”
“Tell me what?”
“You are mean and selfish. We are tired of you constantly yelling at us for something. We no longer care what you think. We are going for a picnic today. You are coming with us. You can yell and scream all you want but I think it would be easier on you if you just shut up and put up with it. That is exactly what we have had to do with you since we pulled you out of the ocean. Now shut up. Stop complaining and get moving.”
By this time Dr. Devi was laughing his head off. It caught Ivan by surprise, and he too started laughing.
“I guess we best do what the lady says. I think she is angrier than I am. You want me on a picnic… I am on my way. I promise to be a good boy.”
I decided that angry people only listen to other angry people. Being passive was getting us nowhere with those two.
I got back to Alexandra’s cabin and was pleasantly surprised that she was dressed and working on putting a little makeup on when I came inside. I helped brush her hair and was very pleased with the result.
“Don’t you feel better dear? You are a very handsome woman. I think we are going to enjoy ourselves today. Come on. I have a fancy wheelchair for you. It will help you keep from getting too tired before we get to our picnic spot.
The banquet table was small and loaded with melons, coconuts, fruits, and assorted vegetables. The peacocks were in full dance mode. It was such fun watching the peacocks doing their dances for the peachicks. I had kept Alexandra’s wheelchair just across, on the opposite side of the pond than Ivan’s. I let them observe each other enjoying themselves. Then Advik and I slowly faded away to watch from a distance.
“I am Ivan. Or I should say they call me Ivan. I have amnesia so I do not know.Have you been here long?”
“I do not know. I am Alexandra. That is who they tell me I am. I have amnesia too. I just got my eyes and voice back a few days ago. And you?”
We watched as they slowly maneuvered their chairs closer together. There was no anger. Just chatting about the dance and enjoying the breeze coming off the beach.
This event started a sequence of events. Alexandra and Ivan Martinez have been meeting each other for almost a month. They go to the stage performances every night when “the spot” is playing. They do the picnic thing at least twice a week. I had to giggle a little. I watched as they sat with their chairs next to each other, holding hands and watching the sunset. Yes. A little romance never hurt anyone.
Phase one of putting a family back together had been completed. The spur of anger in the parents was gone now. They no longer hated the world because they did not remember it. Phase two was going to be a bit tricky.
I decided I would have to get the kids to cooperate, or it would not work. They are five and six years old. Trying to understand why mommy and daddy did not know them.
I explained as best I could and told them we were going to have to pretend they did not know them. They would have to call them by their given names and not call them Mommy and daddy. It was amazing how quickly the kids caught onto pretending.
It became a game. One afternoon, I came by with Aimee and asked Alexandra to watch her for a while. I needed to get things ready for a rehearsal at the stage. She agreed. We had also gotten Ivan to babysit Alejandro while we were both out.
A few babysitting assignments later the whole family was hanging out together. Then the magic started taking place right in front of us.
It had been a very difficult rehearsal. The kids were working on a new song. Ivan squirted something into Alejandro’s throat. Then he hummed the tune for him. Alejandro’s eyes popped open wide. “Sir you have such a wonderful voice. Show me how to sing like that.” They practiced together. Aimee turned to Alexandra. “Can you sing?”
“I do not know. She hummed at first then did some scales and suddenly a solid, pitch-perfect soprano rang out. Ivan looked at her. They harmonized. The children were delighted. They gave them both hugs.
That night they all performed together for the first time in over eighteen months.It was magic. No anger… just lots of love.
Right now, I am too excited to think. Alexandra just left here. She and Ivan want to get married and they want to adopt the two children. I am not sure how we will pull it off… but I guarantee you it will be done.
Afterall. It has been almost a week since the peacock pond has had a wedding. It is time for another. I must get that started while Advik gets the adoption papers ready. We decided we could include the kids in the ceremony as if they were all becoming one family at the wedding.
It turns out that Bonnie Murphy is a very good seamster. The bridal gown she has made is beautiful.
“You ready? I am so excited I think I keep pinching myself to make sure I am not dreaming.”
“I know. The bride and groom are the only ones who do not know they are already married.”
“Shahs. Don’t you say that out loud? We do not need any anger today.”
“You are right. I got the kids in Daisy’s cart. They are so excited about all this.”
The wedding took place on stage under the spotlight. Ivan sang his vows to Alexandra and she answered in that beautiful soprano voice. Then the final question came. Do you take this man to your lawful father?”
“Yes, I do.” Alejandro waited until the same question had been asked and answered by Aimee. I kept wiping the happy tears off my cheeks. Then Aimee looked up and grinned at Alexandra and asked, “Can I call you mommy now?”
“You sure can. My little Aimee. You are both our children for now and always.”
The hugs started but I never felt more blessed than to be able to watch the magic unfold. No more angry wrath. Only love was left. A family restored by falling in love with one another all over again.
CHAPTER 10: Fight or Flight
I would like to call this meeting together by discussing the meaning of stewardship. It embodies the responsible planning and management of resources. The concepts of stewardship can be applied to the environment and nature, economics, health, property, information, theology, cultural resources, etc.
Since we came here two years ago, we have gone into and out of every stage in life. From birth to death. I would like to correct that statement. Hat We have yet to experience the adolescent during our stay here. That is why all the parents have not pulled their hair out yet. It is coming… you have been warned.” I got a chuckle from my audience. “In the spirit of community, we have won some battles.
But we have also overcome Pride, Envy, Gluttony, Anger, and Greed. To not take up the stewardship of this island is to give into Sloth and Lust the last of the seven deadly sins. Sloth is the avoidance of physical or spiritual work. Lust is a craving for the pleasures of the body. We have all consumed many pleasures of the body just by being here. This island has made us well. The hospital facility helps all the islands now. It must be allowed to continue.
We have been sent what I would call a ransom demand for this wonderful island we call home.
Some of you may not know that one of the survivors of the shipwreck was a member of a family that had been one of the most notorious pirates in history. They sent her to these islands to find out if any of the treasures they stollen from their ancestors had been left here for them as the descendants of the woman who had a fleet of 1500 ships, defeated the British navy, and used decapitation as a means of controlling her subjects. We also know that this woman left here with a lot of gold from what she found here. She and another man left together with two longboats full of gold.
Her family seems to think there is more treasure because she never showed up with any. So, they have stated that if we do not turn over all the remaining treasure found on Peacock Island, they will release 500 black ship rats on our shores.
The specific rats they are talking about are black or ship rat Rattus. I do not have to tell you what that would do to the ecosystem here. The vegetation would be destroyed, the birds would also slowly die off. The chickens would not last two years. This cannot be allowed to happen. I would like to propose a solution if I may.
I want to make some points while you are making up your minds.
First, I think we can prohibit one of their ships from getting close enough to our waters to deliver the rats. However, these rats can come by canoe or any kind of smaller boat.
I want to give her family every single remaining treasure we have. We have used the funds from these items as we needed money to provide hospital facilities and to take care of the island itself.
They also know that with the Hindu government the rats would not be killed. That is another reason their presence would destroy this wonderful home.
Second, we can find a way to pack up and leave. Let them come get their treasure and we would be out of the whole thing.
I know that we are all healthy now, but this island is the reason we are healthy now. I think we owe it to save if there is any way we can. Those who want to leave may do so. Those who want to stay and fight this horrible thing may do so. The point also to remember is that the treasure will be gone. The golden instruments will have to go as part of the treasure. We can pay the ransom. It is not ours to keep. It is rightfully theirs.
I will sit down and let anyone else who wants to speak do so.”
I watched as the families looked at one another. The Murphy’s, the Andersson’s, the Mwangi, and the Martinez all said at the same time… “Let them have their old treasure. We will fight for the island.”I was so pleased I almost started to cry.
Besides, we are doing two shows three days a week with the stage. We can start charging a little and support ourselves just fine. I want to protect this place not leave it.
“Thank you all. I hoped you would be willing to help us fight this thing. I can control how close they can get to our shores as governor.”
“Dr. Devi, does that mean you will allow us to stay if we want to?” My children and our entire family cherish this place. We have no desire to ever leave.”
“For you to be permanent citizens you will need to apply for citizenship.”
“What about making Jane the Mayor of Peacock Island?”
A round of clapping, as everyone stood up. I smiled and thanked them.
“I am afraid she cannot be Mayor or hold government office since she neither a citizen nor married to a citizen of this province.”
“Silence blanketed the room. Then Veer stood up, “Well, grandfather, I think you can do something about both of those things.”
“Jane, for the sake of this island and the sake of the love I have in my heart…will you marry me?”
I was caught totally off guard. I looked up into the big brown eyes that had been devoted to me since the day he help stand after I had fallen. “Yes, I will marry you, Advik. I will fight for our island.”
Everyone clapped as Advik gave me our first kiss and hugged me. He was such a gentleman. I guess saying “Five is not too many… is not a good idea right now.” I gotta work on my sense of humor a bit. Well, I am getting better. At least I am thinking about it before I blurt it out.
I had to pinch myself as I strolled back into my cabin. How do you go from being a seventy-year-old talent scout and animal trainer to becoming the Major of an island and marrying the governor after the ship you are on sinks? I don’t think this one was my idea. I am just following wherever it leads.
The next few months were going to be hard on everyone. I gotta get some sleep.
Tomorrow I start Rat research. I also think it is time to call in our own investigation team. These people may be cons or scam artists. I mean those shipwreck people could behind all this. Who knows? I will talk to my sweetie about it in the AM. I had no idea, as I was drifting off to sleep that Veer was thinking the exact same thing.
By the time I got up and dressed the entire island was busy with people getting ready to do battle for her.
This little island had turned into a village after all. The medical facility was top drawer. We even had a resident psychologist. She had done wonders to bring the families back together.
I really think her official name should be the Island of Hope. That would not happen. The peacocks belong in the name of this place.
Word had gotten out about my marriage proposal. I was getting salutations from everyone as I made my way down to the medical facility in search of my better half.
The children were in school. As it should be. I spotted a group of scientists here doing their study on the monkey population. I bet they could help us locate and stop this threat…or at least give us some teeth to fight with.
I had my video camera with me. A habit I had developed. I tape things I came across and the kids would write music to it. It was a fun project we all enjoyed. There in the clearing one of the peahens was hatching an egg. It never ceased to amaze me.
“Jane, wait up a second.” I turned to see Veer and the psychologist holding hands trying to catch up with me.
“What are you two lovebirds up to today?”
“We have been doing some research of our own. I think the tape you got, and the ransom note are a hoax. I am going to do some investigation with Interpol to find out if anything like this has been done anywhere in recent years. I may be gone for a few days. Please let my grandfather know I will return with some answers.”
“Why are you in such a hurry?” I noticed he had bags packed and was ready to leave immediately. “I got in contact with a buddy of mine from medical school. He is going to meet met me. I will send you an email and keep you up to date on what I find.
“Okay, you be careful. I am quite fond of you.” He gave me a peck on the cheek and then headed towards the boats waiting at the beach.
Battle plans to save the island were being created daily. I wonder if there are any other solar-powered islands. We Might be worth checking out. We had freshwater underground springs that fed the pond and a couple of wells that supplied the medical facility. We traveled by donkey, cart, or both. We had septic tanks buried to protect the environment. We always discussed the impact any change would make on the island before we implemented it.
The island was healthy. I intended to make sure it stayed that way. I guess I had a little swish in my walk. I got a wolf whistle.
I glanced around. Advik was headed my way with all the other men in single file behind him. “Jane, we have decided that all those who want to apply for citizenship here can do so in one ceremony next Saturday. I can have everyone sworn in and have their citizenship badges ready by then. I think wearing them will keep the spirits high for all those who have agreed to stay.”
What is going on out on the beach? All those boys with their boats. What is up?”I watched as several teen boys were preparing to set sail in about ten different boats.
“They have taken it upon themselves to patrol the waters at last five miles out. No boats will be getting any closer than that.”
“That is amazing. How wonderful. Why have I not seen teen boys before now?”
Then suddenly I started laughing. A group of girls walked by about that time. These boys jumped out of their boats and started doing some sort of Peacock dance around them. “Never mind. I guess I just was not looking.”
“Want to join me for some research later today?”
“I’ll be there. See, yaw in about an hour.” A quick kiss on the cheek and he was gone.
Plans for the citizenship ceremony were finalized. Little did we know then the day would be marked as the most cattywampus day I think I have ever had.
I woke early. All the mothers I had been working with were very busy getting the last-minute touches done on the britches, skirts, and uniforms the children wanted to wear. Let me put it this way. Some of the words used during this process included; Gallivant, Britches, Codger, Rigmarole, Hoodwink, Ragamuffin, Fiddle-faddle, humbug, skullduggery, Kibosh, Bejeebers, and Flibberty.
Food preparations had been accomplished with some real flair as well. These descriptions included a little different vocabulary. Such as Malarkey, Nincompoop, Skedaddle, Shenanigans, Flummoxed, Pumpernickel, Berserk, Periwinkle, Thingamajig, Whatsit, Confuzzled, Kerfuffle, Poppycock, and Bogus.
The husbands on the other end of these conversations also got to hear some new words in reference to gadgets needed to do different things. It was very loud and also included the following: Balderdash, Fuddy-duddy, Thunderation, Whosemegadget, skewwhiff, lambasted, flim-flam, whatchamacallit, concoction, doohickey gossamer, wishy-washy, fiddlesticks, caterwauling, rigmarole, tomfoolery, bodacious, fiddle-dee-dee, Willnilly, Decrepid, Persnickety, Egad, audacity, baloney, kerfuffle, numb-skull,
Why is this worthy of mention? Because I got to chatting with the girls one evening during a sewing circle. I mentioned some of the colorful phrases my grandmother had used when carrying on a conversation with my grandpa…Mrs. Murphy wrote them all down. The girls were using the words. The husbands had no idea what they were talking about, and I am the only one who knows what they said. The clothes were finished, the food got prepared and everyone had a very good time. It was amazing, to say the least.
The crowd was beginning to fill. The stage had been enlarged thanks to Bruce and Molly’s efforts.
We had decided it would be good to hold the ceremony with the doors open because there were so many becoming citizens.
The children had a dance routine that would start the ball rolling… or so we thought.
Kipke did a few flips as he bounced his way into view… followed by two peacocks who were trying to outdo each other for a peahen. Kipke was polite and allow the dance to continue. . twirled a long stick that had fringe on each end. Rufus and Red also came in but a golden monkey clung to the branch they were to use for their part of the routine. Lucas and Luna tapped their way right into the back of another peacock starting his dance. Aimee and Alejandro burst into song without incident and stood proud at the end of the line. These precious eight children have gone through so much and loved their way through it all. Helping their parents regain their health. Their talents expanded with each and every display of love. They shared the love and it healed them all. These eight children are eight singing, dancing, walking, talking miracles themselves.
When they sang the last note we all had to turn and look out to sea. There was a huge explosion that could be seen for at least twenty miles. We saw a ship go into the air and right back into the water and sink instantly. We also saw about twenty longboats scatter in all directions.
We all looked at one another in disbelief. What had happened? Was anyone hurt? Were there survivors? All questions had been answered within an hour. No human was harmed. Everyone had made it to safety. A boiler had exploded and taken everything down with it, including any rats on board. We all said a prayer for the rats. Nothing else was mentioned about that.
These are all questions that would have to be answered.
Veer comes running up from the beach. He had several men with him. They all seemed to be uniformed officers.
They had been on the trail of a group of con artists who had been making ransom demands on several islands throughout the Indian Ocean for years. This was the first time they had had a chance to catch them. The thieves were arrested and the boats with the rats were sunk.
I would call that a catawampus day. We all celebrated for the blessings this little island continued to bring to all who loved her.
They call me Mayor now. That is right. Some questions came upon that subject.I have always been of the Christian faith. I thought Advik also had been of the Hindu faith because the three islands were originally governed by Hindu followers. The British missionaries seemed to have influenced more than some of the language.
I have found that it is not what you do not believe in but what you do believe in that makes the difference. I believe in kindness to others, not judging others, and treating others as I would want them to treat me. Advik and I both are of Christian teachings but even if we were not the union would be based on our love and what that means to us as one. As long as our faith and beliefs are balanced I feel our horizons will expand and grow as well.
However, Advik and I were married shortly before the citizenship ceremony was finished.
We had overcome the seven deadly sins and gone from all human stages of fetus, baby, child, adolescent, adult, and elderly. We brought our own stage and spent a lot of time preparing to either go on or come out of the next one. Our curtain calls are too numerous to count anymore. Now we count our blessings. We have become a loving family of loving families. I guess the blessings were there all along. I hope you enjoyed our adventure and remember to look for the blessings as you go through each stage and every curtain call.
Just think. Tomorrow we get to unpack all of our gold, brass, and wood instruments. Our blessings are still multiplying. I think we got to keep the instruments because the gold was not the value... it was the music. All the kids ever cared about was the music, performing, expanding their talents. A child with love and imagination is the most valuable of all things.
If you ever find yourself lost and, in a group, not knowing which way to go... look around. I bet if you start counting now, the blessing will continue to multiply. Guide each other, give each other strength, every chance you can. Remember you are either on a stage, coming out of a stage, or going into a new stage. Count your curtain calls.
Advik and I look back over the years since that third anniversary of us washing up onshore. So much has happened since that time. The eight children have married each other. They all remain good friends, today. Bruce and Molly have a carpentry business that, you guest it builds stages. They have duplicated the little stage that washed onshore and have transported them all over the world. We also have a drama and performing arts center still here on Peacock Island. We stay busy booking performances, perfecting performances, and of course coming up with new ones. The original instruments are still here but have also been duplicated to ensure quality. Some of the instruments Bruce invented are indeed unusual. Children born with defects or who have a handicap can still make music. It is the music that adds the magic.
When you count your blessings, they multiply. Through every stage in your life... count your blessings. Every sunrise and every sunset are filled with the colors of compassion, love, and sharing. Don't end a day without the gratitude that binds it all together. When you show kindness to someone else you do just that. Payback when you can, however you can. It lays the groundwork for more blessings.
Feel free to read this adventure again. Just in case you find yourself lost and not knowing what to do next.
The end.
Stages and Curtain Calls(Texasjane)
“Who do we have here?” Come, children. Gather up your pets and follow me. We need to get to know one another. I see we have a couple of you who were crying. Here is some tissue. We will get everything sorted out and there will be no more tears.
“I am Jane. I want each of you to introduce yourselves and then sit down until everyone has been introduced.
I am Rufus and this is my sister Red. My best friend is my Redheaded Woodpecker named Knock, Knock. My sister’s best friend is a tiny elephant shrew, who is also red headed like us.
“Red, do you want to say anything?”
“No, Rufus, talks.”
“Look up at me Red, I can hear you better when you look up at me. I know Rufus talks but I would love to hear you say something.”
“Oh, My.” What was that?
The elephant shrew stuck out his tongue and gave us all a wet raspberry sound. Red repeated his answer.
We all had a laugh. “That was a very good and funny sound. Maybe you will feel more like talking later.
“Hi, I am Lucas.”
“Hi, I am Luna. Lucas is my brother. My best friend is a feathered hen. Lucas likes his beaded goat.”
“I, have a blue duiker. My name…Kipke. My sister is Chebet. She has a bat-eared fox. We sing.”
“That is wonderful Kipke. I am sure you will get to sing for us if you want to, at another time. It would also help if you would speak up just a little. Sometimes I don’t hear too good.” Good, he is grinning back at my wink.
“This is Chiquita. She is a good swimmer and a good dog. She loves me. I am Aimee. My brother is Alejandro. His buddy is Lopez, an iguana.”
“Now that we have everyone’s names we can talk and get to know one another. Does anyone know why you are here together?”
“The boat we were working on went down in the last storm. Someone put us on another longboat with our animals and covered us with a huge cloth. This is where we washed up.”
“That is right, Rufus. We will have to set up camp and build a fire to let any rescuer know where we are. Then we will each have to find a way to confine our pets so they can be fed and watered. Does anyone know what happened to your parents?”
“I saw the stage get hit with the big stack from the ship. All our parents were on stage at the time. I do not think we have parents anymore.”
“That is what I saw as well, Red. I am truly sorry about that. It is a sad day. But we are here together. We need shelter, food, and some time to figure out what to do. Can we do that?”
“Yes, Lucas.”
“Do, you have a best buddy? We all do. Are you alone?”
“No, I am not alone. I have a miniature donkey named Daisy, a squirrel named Rosey, a Parrot named Sebastian, and A tree frog named Freddie.
I pulled Aimee into my lap and gave her another tissue. “They are safely on the other side of the shed over there. I wanted to make sure none of your pets would eat one of mine, so I left them other there until we got the introductions out of the way.
“Are there any other grown-ups that got off the boat?”
“We don’t know that yet, Kipke. That is why we need to visit each side of this little island and figure out if anyone else has washed ashore.”
“Why are you here?”
“Well, my pets had an act in the show too. I am an animal trainer and helped book this show on cruise lines around the world. This is the first time I left with more questions than answers.”
“We will have to figure it out as we go.”
“That is right, Chebet.”
“I do not want anyone to go off alone. Everyone must keep their pets with them and at least one other person. I have gathered noise makes for all of us. We will all hear the noise each one makes then when we hear that noise, we will follow it to wherever you are.”
“Good idea, you clever for an old person, Jane.”
I grinned at the brood before me. Hoping they did not hear my knees knocking and my hips creaking. I just did not have time for arthritis today. “I have my moment.”
“Let’s hear some noises.”
“Kipke, that was beautiful. Wow, you and Chebet can surely sing. I can hear those notes just a clear as a bell. I don’t think you need a noisemaker.”
“Jane, I think if I had a block of wood, Knock, Knock could make a pecking noise real loud too.”
“Wow, he sure can. Rat-a-tatt, Rat-a-tatt. Can everyone hear that?”
“Feathered hens don’t make much noise. But I can use this old bell and a rock. The clapper inside is gone but I think with a shoestring, I can make one.”
I sat there and watched these wonderful children work together to find solutions and to help each other. Before the day was half gone the kids were holding hands and making their way around to where the boat was washed ashore. The Iguana was riding the bearded goat and the Blue Duiker was following the bat-eared fox. The elephant shrew was in Red’s shirt pocket. Rufus held his block of wood upon his shoulder so Knock, Knock could peck away at it.
Here I am one lone grandmother. I laugh when I say that. I never gave birth to a child. My last husband had all the kids. I did not get to be a grandmother until I married him. That was such fun. I did enjoy my school teaching years though. It looks like it was good training for whatever it is I am in the middle of now. One day at a time. One thing is for sure. Hope is alive and well… so far.
The bell, I hear the bell… Knock, Knock is making his noise. Here we go…. Such much noise.
Daisy, saw me coming and slowly made her way to me. She let me lean on her as we worked our way towards the noise that had now escalated into dog barks, Sebastian’s whistle, and some sort of squeal.
“What is this.” I stood there as two men pulled themselves to shore. One with a rifle and another with a hatchet. Their clothes were half torn from them. I recognized them from the gally of the ship. I glanced behind them and saw two women pulling a tarp with things piled upon it. “Who are you? What do you think you are going to do with that gun?
“We are going to eat something lady. One of these kids will do or one of the critters. We do not care. We have been trailing water for miles.”
“Shouted as loud as I could. DAISY, NOW, DAISY HARD.”
Daisy trotted around the outside of the now circle made by the other adults. She turned her back and kick the man with the gun as hard as she could. When it fell to the ground, the dog grabbed it. I took it from the dog. I then smashed it as hard as I could on the ground.
The man was still unconscious on the ground. I looked at the other man and decided he was too weak to be a threat. The two ladies were maids, but they had gathered pots, pans, and things from the galley before getting into the boat they used to escape. “We were just hungry mom. We weren’t goin’ ta eat no kid. Really.”
“Well, you best tie this guy up until we can educate him on surviving without eating anyone we know.”
I was glad to see other adults but am not sure my task is any lighter. We now have two women, two men, and me. Eight children and twelve pets. I chucked. Sounds like the beginning of a new village. Who knows?
“We continue to work on shelter and food. Let’s all meet over by the only shed on the island. We can look around to see how we can expand it. Then we need to gather firewood and build a large pit to use for signal fires and cooking. We need someone to look for other vegetations.”
We found logs. Daisy and the goat helped drag them to a makeshift campsite. We found some coconuts, bananas, and other assorted melons and fruits. The kids had fun creating fishing poles and searching for the crawdads to use as bait.
I hear Sebastian’s whistle and knock, knock at it again. You would not believe what just floated ashore. A stage. Complete with curtains, ropes, flooring, and all. It had been blown away from the ship and landed in a lifeboat all by itself. There were no people on board, just the stage.
Our two men finally came around. The knot on the back of his head pretty much told him how he came to be unconscious. He did not apologize for his remarks or his attitude. I could see there were some more battles ahead with this one.
I looked around. The sun was setting and streaked the water with reds and purples. We were all safe and sound sitting on the logs that surrounded a huge fire. We were all full of fish, bananas, fruit. We were all dry. As I gave a little prayer to the powers that be I took a deep breath. The animals were all with their respective keepers. Then each and every brother and sister did a number on the stage as if it were supposed to be that way. We did eight curtain calls. They sang, they danced, performed with their pets. Separately and together. I could see new acts beginning and friendships forging.
Our life cycle takes us through at least six stages of life. From the fetus, baby, child, adolescent adult, and elderly. I looked at one of the maids and knew we had the fetus stage with us too. All six stages in life were accounted for right here.
We are all going into a stage or coming out of a stage. We are all preparing for our next stage. We are here to prepare each one for its next stage.
Just think… eight curtain calls. Right here in one little village. The adventure will continue until our little group is ready to perform for the world. We are going to have some acts that will knock your socks off….
I think there is enough love and hope to keep it all working together. We have a good smattering of nationalities as well. We have redheads from Ireland, blonds from Sweden, Brown-haired from Cuba, and Hazel eyes from Kenya. No one has said a single word about their differences. They seem to be excited about how much they can teach one another.
“I have to laugh out loud right now.” The elephant shrew is at the front of the stage… Tongue sticking out… doing his best balloon fart he can.” Red has made him a mega-phone with a cone she made. It makes it louder. Oh, what fun. Now everyone is doing raspberries.
Even the cannibal among us is now laughing and doing one too. “I hope that is a sign that things will be fine.”
I noticed some odd trails in the sand when we were gathering those logs. Someone else is either on the island and either still here or long gone. I will let my curiosity work on that one overnight. We still have oodles to explore. Even more to discover. There the kids go. Singing again. It sure is pretty. What good sports they all are. Orphans all of us. All at different stages in our lives. All in this together. I am so sleepy.
Hope Village of The Performing Arts. Already had eight curtain calls. I know now we will all be rescued eventually. When the acts are ready to take another stage and even more curtain calls. This short story will be expanding to document the adventure. Come follow us as we grow.
CHAPTER 2: Personalities, Family, and Discoveries
Not knowing who everyone is will make the first night a little ticklish. The cannibal turns out to be a little gruff around the edges, but I think we can trust him. He did not impress me as one who could handle an emergency too well.
I must assess the ages we have, what each one can contribute, and then move forward with some sort of decision-making routine. I think Rufus and Red being the two oldest of the children will help in that department. My one and only concern is the safety of the children. I do not really care about anything else right now.
We have two younger women. One of them is going to have a baby, I need to find out about when. Housing and bedding. Right now, the two men have made campsite beds from gathered leaves within the log circular we created around the fire pit. It seemed to be the best way to keep all safe.
I wonder if there are any more animals on the island. How big is the island? So many questions. I am sure the morning will bring its own questions. For now, I am going to try and rest my eyes at least. Everyone has their noisemakers. I sure am glad Kipke and Chebet knew how to make take seawater and distill it into freshwater. It is amazing how it works. My scouting days are long gone, and I would not have remembered. Those two kids are amazing. The voices are so pure. They gathered all the materials they would need. Showed the other kids what to do. We have four stations now that condense water into a trough that has spigots we can open and close as needed for drinking fresh water.
The other little man seems to think he can hollow out some of the fallen logs for using either as boats to fish from or beds to sleep in.
The kids really like the coconut milk. It was so hard to get into them. Now we collect and clean out the meat inside then recycle the containers… Yeah!! We get to wash dishes again. I bet we can make some sort of plates out of some stuff.
Discovering a new world is much easier when you have something to compare it with. BOOM, BOOM,
“What in the world?” All the sound makers. I could almost feel the ground shake. The kids are screaming.
“What are you doing?” The nasty man has Luna and Lucas slung over his shoulder.
“Sorry, lady. I did not have time to ask your permission. That is quicksand there. I had to snatch them afore they got too far inside. Too big to swim across. Had to throw a big log into stop’em. They would have drowned for sure.”
The other kids had surrounded the man and were ready to do battle. “I appreciate you helping them. I think it is time for you to tell us why you wanted to eat one of the children when you first saw us. They are afraid of you because of the gun and what you said.”
“I was out of my mind. We had not eaten or had any water since the ship went down. We caught some rainwater with some of them pots and pans that gal took from the ship. That is the only reason we survived like we did. I did not know if you were not goin’ ta try and eat me. The gun did not even have bullets. I am sorry I scared everyone. I think I scared myseff more. Name is Boyd, Boyd Alister. Ship steward to the captain. I helped the Capitan when he needed to deliver orders for the day and such like that.”
“I am Jane, Boyd. It is very nice to meet you. We are very glad to know you are not a cannibal.”
“You two kids need to be careful where you go running. We need to mark all traps like this so none of ya’ falls in and drowns. Okay?”The skinny man with the strength of a goliath gently put the two frightened kids back on the ground. His gentleness is what we saw this time. I wonder how tall he is. I started to walk back towards the campsite when he must have seen the expression on my face.
“I am six feet five inches, in case you needs to know.”
Thank you, Boyd, I was curious. Do you know?
“He was the captain’s cabin boy. He was a little too ole for job, but he needed it. He is a good carpenter and will contribute to the group we have here. He and that maid been keepin company a bit. I think they might be goin’ to have a baby.”
“I bet you are right Boyd.”
“That is okay, I worked for a doc for a while. What we don’t know the animals will show us. Ha, Ha.”
I could feel Boyd relaxing a bit. We were now in the “grown-up category”.
“I wonder. I am not sure what the story is with that other maid. I don’t think she is a maid at all. Her outer clothes are that of a maid, but she has on silk petticoats under that rag of a dress. She has real hairpins in her hair. I saw her stroking a very fine-looking leather case-type box. She closed it and hid it real fast when she saw me coming up. I am very curious.”
Boyd stopped talking and I could see he was studying my face. “I noticed some tracks I cannot explain. What else have you noticed Boyd?”
“I noticed you are getting tired but have been trying to stay awake in case you ah, needed.”
‘I got this Jane; I’ll get one of the kids to spell me and we will keep watch until sunlight. You catch you 40 winks.”
“I am going to take you up on that one Boyd. I will see you in a bit. See if you can find out if any of the special animals have special needs. I am not sure about the African critters or the hen. I want to keep her safe.”
“Jane, I got this covered. No one is going eat that chicken while you catch a nap.”
Somehow it feels a little better to be able to share some of the responsibility. I knew the leaf bed would be just perfect and much needed. Oh, I was right too. That breeze coming across the ocean is so gentle. I am so glad it is not raining….
“Give it back. That be mine. You got no right to it. You little brat, leave my stuff alone.” I opened my eyes to screams penetrating my ears. The other maid was chasing the kids. They had a small suitcase they kept passing back and forth between them. “Stop this instant. That be mine.” She had caught up with them. I shook my head to clear my mind. She snatched the bag from Lucas and slapped him right in the face. I instantly made my way to the scene.
“What is going on here? I put my hand up in front of the girl’s face. “There will be no hitting any of the children on my watch.” I took the case and gave her my best grandmother-is-in-charge look. “You get this back when we have established it does indeed belong to you and it is not needed by the group. I know that sounds like a dictatorship but for now, it is all we have.”
“See the writing on the side of the case.Zheng Yi Sao, my great, great, grandmother. She used to travel these waters. I have been sent by what is left of our family to find anything she might have buried or left behind for any of us.”
“You look oriental? Was she also? What is your name, dear?”
“I was named after her, Zheng.” She tapped the little case I now held. “Look inside. It will give you the history of my namesake. She was a notorious pirate and at one time one of the most feared. She commanded a fleet of at least 1500 ships. Hers was called Red Flag Fleet.”
I am listening to this and not believing my ears. I opened the case and there were all the clippings and stories all organized by year, country, and ancestry documents. “There is nothing for us here, unless it is just curiosity.”
“Children, you should not just take something without permission. I do think you owe you an apology.” I turned to her. I am sure my mouth was still wide open. I shook my head. “I would love to hear about your family sometime.”
“I would be happy to share with those who have helped save me. Maybe you can help me figure out where we are and if this island was one, she might have used to hide some of her bounties. If she commanded a fleet of 1500 ships, there must be more buried on the island. I bet we could turn this into a scavenger hunt.”
“That sounds like some fun. I am sure it is getting to be about time to eat so let’s see what we got to feed these scavengers…” We all laughed and headed towards the fire pit. Boyd was already gathering the firewood and gathering the stones to set pots upon. The resident carpenter had been busy as well. It looked like he had fashioned a table out of some of the fallen trees. The surface on one side was smooth; the planks strapped together and place on top of cross beams. It would be a fine table. The other long logs were smoothed out on one side as well and were serving as benches. Rufus and Red were trying to drape a thing they had made from weaving leaves together. They put it on four corners, and we had instant shade. I wondered how long it would last in the rain. It did not matter. We were going into another stage of this adventure for sure. I glanced over at the abandoned stage all cockeyed in the corner, leaning against the shed. I wonder when our next performance will be and who will the star be. One thing for sure… with a notorious pirate as the subject matter it would guarantee more curtain calls.
Somehow the routine of getting together after the evening meal to see who wanted to be “on stage” was just accepted. Woven baskets now held the coconuts turned into drinking vessels, wooden platters turned into dishes, wooden sticks turned into flatware… you got it… It was time to do the dishes.
I was trying to figure out how we would mark the passage of time. I guested we had been here for about two weeks.So far, the weather was holding up. No treasures uncovered yet….
All the alarms again…
“Treasures, we found gold. Lots of it… Look at all that.”
I am making my way to the source of the noise. There under the huge flooring of the shed…. Gold. Just what we need. Everyone’s eyes getting bigger.”
“Look how rich we are, Jane.Zheng said she would share… We are rich.” Boyd continued to dance across the flooring. Picking up gold plates, cups, flatware. Putting one piece down and another up.”
“Where are you going to spend it?”
Everyone stopped. They put down whatever they had in their hands and started laughing. “Where are we going to spend it? What if someone comes on the island. We gotta hide this….
Yep, I thought to myself… we are entering another stage in this adventure.
CHAPTER 3: Then There was Music
I am not sure which came first. The ache in my left hip for being on the ground for so long or the baritone drifting across the soft breeze. I sat up and looked around. I could not see anyone at first. I did not think anything about reaching over to take a bite of some melons that had been sliced up and left for me.
I looked over at the stage. It was cockeyed and leaning against the shed. I guess all the commission last night about finding the pirate’s gold insured the fact that the floor in the shed was coming up. The voice was coming from beyond that point.
I got to my feet and started to investigate. I looked around and saw no one. Not one child. To all outwards appearances, I was here alone. I spoke too soon. The animals were all gathering towards me and also following
“Molly, I love you so very much. Please say, you will marry me.”
“If I were a carpenter, and you were a lady, would you marry me anyway, would you have my baby?”
“You are a carpenter. A wonderful carpenter too. I am going to have your baby even if we are not married. Saying the words to a preacher will not make any difference. I love you too. When we are rescued we can just say we are going to renew our vows.”
“We will check with Jane and make sure she likes the idea. She seems to be in charge around here.”
“Molly, I want to show you something. I worked on it all last night. I hope it is the beginning of more for all of us.”
“Show me.”
I could hardly contain my joy. I felt bad for eves dropping on their conversation. Maybe this would be a good time to let them know…
“That wonderful voice of yours led me here. You have a golden throat.”
“Good morning, Jane.”
“Look what Bruce has made. Is it not wonderful?”
“I still have some more work to do on it before I think it will play a note. I worked on musical instruments back in the states. There was more money in carpentry, so I decided to give it up. But, with all that gold. Gold makes as good an instrument as brass. So, I thought I would try to make myself a trumpet. I melted some of the gold from last night and kept working with this until I could mold it right. I also make us this.”
He pulled out a funny-looking bell. It was huge. The clacker inside was made from leather straps and a solid gold ball. The wood top brace made it perfect to hang off the edge of the shed. Now, we could call all to the camp or sound an alarm if we needed to.
“Both of these are wonderful. How do you think Zheng feels about everyone getting what belongs to her family? Although, I think for the present time this could be the best use of the gold. It has no monetary value here. Gold is a valuable metal because it does not rust, can be molded. It is heavy.”
“Bruce, what other instruments do you think you could make?”
“I think I can make some kettle drums. A few more horns, like a French horn or trumpet. Those would be the hardest. The molding would be the hardest part.”
“Do you think one of the kids would enjoy helping you?”
“I think what we will do, if it is okay with you, Jane, is tell everyone what I have plans to do and then let anyone who wants to help do so. I can teach them what they need to make the instruments. We will have to figure out how to play them ourselves. I know only the basics. I have no sheet music of any kind.
“You have that wonderful voice. I bet the kids know the notes. They could write down the notes as you sing then we could make copies of each piece of work and try to copy it with the instrument. I bet we at least make a lot of noise trying and have a lot of fun as well. Being productive will be a key to our surviving and surviving well.”
I left the young lovers chatting away about their plans to make golden instruments. My morning walk had begun but I had no idea what was in store for me.
We all heard the blood-curdling scream. We also recognized it as Lucas. Everyone was running towards the sounds. Clucking and screaming.
I am coming up close enough to see Boyd with feathered hen, upside down, dangling over the head of a very upset three-year-old.
“Boyd, what are you doing? That belongs to Lucas. She does not belong to anyone else.”
“I gotta show you what Z and I found this morning. You are not going to believe it. Come, please, come.”
“Give Lucas back his feathered hen.”
I scooped up Lucas as he held tightly to his precious chicken. The bat-eared fox had been trying to do battle with Boyd’s shoes but no damage had been done. “Boyd, I told you about frightening the children. These animals are their pets. Not to be eaten or harmed in any way. Do you understand me? I will box your ears if you pull a stunt like this again.”
“Jane, you don’t understand. Hurry.” I looked behind us and the residents were walking in ribbon formation up towards a small bluff further inland away from the beach. There were large rocks and then suddenly a clearing.
“Wow, Oh, Wow.”
It looked like an old Buddhist temple that had been abandoned for a very long time. There were peacocks, strutting around. Some nesting along the cliffs that overlooked a lake. A freshwater lake. It was beautiful. The best is yet to come. The docking area leading from the water to the sanctuary was covered with wild chickens. They were everywhere. Freshwater, chickens, and peacocks. Now that is a new one for the, (dare I say it)… for the birds. There were several large areas with stone tables set up. Stone steps that led inside the stones that had been hollowed out. There was enough room for everyone to have a space. No more being scattered.
“We need to move from the campsite to here. What do you all think?”
“We ganna eat ens?” Lucas was still holding onto his hen.
I patted him on the head. “No, we are not. We might eat a lot of eggs though… would that be okay with you?”
“Their eggs, as he pointed to the wild chickens, not ers’ as he gave his hen a kiss on the beak.” We all had to laugh. I guess things will be changing a bit.
“NO, NO, NO. You missed the point, Jane. We stay at our camp and hide the gold here. No one can find it here. We can set up booby traps that would kill anyone who tried to take.”
“Boyd, do you hear yourself. What good is it to have all the gold in the world if you have to hide it and never spend it?”
It is best to utilize the protection these stones would give us when the weather, turns bad or we have a storm. Remember, it was a storm that got us caught and threw us onto these beaches. Think Boyd. You are so overcovered by greed you cannot see that it could cost you your life as well as the rest of us. Let go. I am sure you will have enough gold to do whatever you want. Just do not deny us the opportunity to do more with the gold than you have thought of. I am grinning now.
Boyd’s expression told me we had totally confused him.
“Bruce, show the group what you have made.”
He brought out his horn and talked about building the instruments out of the gold. Everyone was excited.
“Jane, Rufus, and I would be glad to help. We could use these big tables to work upon. I know we could do it.”
“We can make a saddle-type jacket for the dog and let her help bring stuff up from the camp. We can transport the cookware. If we drag the logs a little at a time, we can eventually bring the campsite here.”
“Can I help you too, Rufus and Red? Kipke and Chebet are good helpers.”
“Me too, Aimee and Alejandro too. We can pull baskets up and take care of critters.”
“Rufus, are you sure you want to take on so much responsibility yourself? You are only eight years old yourself. Lucus and Luna are 3 and 4, Kepke and Chebet are both four, and Aimee and Alejandro are five. You will have your hands full.”
“I will have it easier than the others, I can just send them running when I need help.”
“I am a good runner. I can run very fast. So can Chebet.”
“I know you can. I have seen you both.”
“He ran fast enough to catch my en. She is very fast. When she was getting lost, he caught her first.” Lucas grinned and gave her another peck on her beak.
“I guess you want me to haul that stupid stage up here. Boy, this is not turning out the way I thought it was going to be. If I had a pen I would write a letter to anyone who cared.” Boyd stomped off down the trail back to camp. I notice Z was following him. Suddenly, a feather from one of the peacocks landed on his arm. She grabbed it.
“You want me to show you how to make a pen out of that?” He laughed and realized what he had said. They held hands and continued their quest to haul the stage up to the new site.
The freshwater lake was a Godsend to us. We were doing fine with our watering stations, but this was so much easier. It seemed to be fed by an underground spring of some sort. It was sweet but best of all… no salt.
I just thought of something. “Bruce. I gotta have a word?”
“Do you think you could fashion some sort of cart with wheels out of the planks from the flooring in the old shed? It would make hauling things from there to here easier and it might help with transport if we need it.”
“If I can make a golden horn, Jane, I can make a cart with a wheel.” Molly gave her man a big hug. She was very proud of his contribution to the group.
“I think if you catch Bruce and Z; let them know what you have in mind, maybe he will feel better about not just hiding ‘his ‘gold.”
“Sure thing, Jane. Look, the kids were all making their way back to camp. The little ones seemed very comfortable on top of Daisy. The bat-eared fox was busy looking for insects and cashing in on all the wonderful bugs. Even the blue duiker was scarfing up the bounty. We had to laugh. Everyone was giggling at the thought of creating golden instruments, dragging an old stage up a hill, so we could perform for a bunch of wild peacocks and chickens. I see a lot of laughter ahead. I can’t help but think about all the wonderful eggs we can have. I hope Boyd does not eat one of those chickens. Lucas would be sure it was his hen.
I do wonder about the bond they are making. Where will that lead us?
So many stages in life. Going into one and coming out of another. Always preparing for the next one. Somehow, this little group of orphans has been supplied with everything they need to keep growing. I guess now we get to start in on the seven deadly sins. Boyd will eventually get over greed. I mean… where is he going to spend the gold? I don’t need more questions. I need some lunch.
I spotted a melon vine growing up on one side of the hill I was going down. I sat down, hit it with a rock, and scooped the insides out with my hands. I ate it just like I had been doing it that way all my life. Who would have thought I would find a new way to eat a melon at the age of seventy? Shhhh…. I ain't telling anyone anything. They are still trying to guess my age. I am old enough to know better and too young to try. One thing is for sure.
Those birds think they make beautiful music. They ain't heard nothing yet.
We are going to be making music… golden music.
Oh, I just had a shiver go down my spine. It has been a long time since I had one of those. I am just not in the mood to think about what it means. I guess someone is going to die. I also know worrying about it will not change the outcome.
I have to laugh. There is Kipke coming up towards me. He has the iguana on one arm, the elephant shrew on his shoulder, my squirrel on his other shoulder, the parrot on top of his head, and the tree frog in one hand. He is laughing because their wiggles tick him. “What are you doing, Kipke?”
“Rufus said if you would be in charge of small things he could take care of the bigger small things. Kay?”
“That sounds like a good idea. Hey, you want to ride up here and help me. We can be in charge of small things together. Here. Let me hold your hen while you get on board. Ride up on my shoulder. Here we go… we can slip on a banana peel and go to town now. Sing for me Kipke.”
“There was an old lady who swallowed a fly. It wiggled and jiggled inside her.”
“I don’t want to do that one. Do one of your pretty ones like you did the other night on stage. You have such a wonderful voice.”
“Jane.” I stopped cause I could hear him sniffling. “Are you my Nanna now?”
“I guess for now I am. I think you are very special and will take care of you the best way I know how.”
“I love you, Nanna.” He gave me a big hug with his legs around my neck and a kiss on the back of my head. Now that has got to be the best reward of all. I quickly wiped the happy tear from my cheek and listened as he sang a song about love and hope.
This stage of my life is what I would call the golden years, complete with golden music… on its way.
CHAPTER 4: Great Expectations
Preparing for the move to the stone walls took a lot longer than anyone anticipated. Bruce made two carts on wheels to help with the gathering of eggs, melons, coconuts, and then spent a lot of time making the tools he will need to make the instruments.
Rufus and Red have become the leaders of the children. Bruce made them both tiny wooden whistles that they blow through as they walk. A parade of children follows Rufus and Red brings up the rear. No one gets lost. I do see a lot of stops and starts. The hugs are given frequently.
I do believe I have lost some weight during the time we have been here. I figure it has been about a month. It is so easy to get that one mixed up. I have tried to maintain some sort of timetable, but it is hard when there are no clocks or calendars.
Boyd has had his nose out of joint ever since we did not immediately hide his gold. He seemed to calm down a bit on that one when I reminded him that he still had his gold but eventually it would be in a different form. It had not gone anywhere it was just shaped differently.
The morning started out with me trying to understand the relationship that had developed between Boyd and Zheng. There was something a little out of kilter with the whole thing. I just could not put my finger on it. They acted more like cousins and not lovers. The only time they held hands was when they walked off together. I think they are scheming to do something with the gold. They are pretending to be an item when it is just a business arrangement.
I guess I will find out more today. Here comes Zheng now. “Jane. We have visitors at the peacock pond. We do not know who they are. There are several people. It looks like two are planning a wedding and the rest of the family members are counting steps and stuff.
“Did you find out if anyone has a means of contacting the outside world? Maybe we can get to a radio or a phone to let someone know we are alive and where we are. Did you ask where we are? Well, I guess I should shut up. You will tell me what was said.”
“We did not say a word to them. We hid behind the first big boulder leading to the pond. We did not want anyone to know we were here. Remember, the gold. Boyd is right, we gotta protect it.”
“You two baffle me. You cannot do anything with the gold until we get rescued and yet you won’t do anything to help us get rescued. Does that not sound a little crazy?”
“We would not have said anything to you, but the kids were headed up to the pond, so we told them there were cannibals up there and to not go back. We told them to hide in the shed.”
“I cannot believe you can be so mean. I am going to fix this right now.”
I started down the path towards the pond then I felt the blow.
I opened my eyes, and I was stretched out across a bed of leaves on the floor of the shed. The kids were stroking my head with a damp cloth. Bruce and Molly were there as well. I had to think for a second. How did I get here?
Everyone got excited when I opened my eyes. Zheng must have hit me on the head. Oh, my head hurts.
“Are you okay, Nanna?” Kipke and Chebet were trying to hug me. Lucas and Luna were snuggling up next to me on the bed. Aimee and Alejandro were bringing me some coconut milk. Where did Rufus and Red Go?”
“They will be back. They went with Boyd to fight off the cannibals.”
“Oh, My God, NO. Bruce, you must listen to me. Help me get up and let’s get the fastest cart to carry me up that hill. Those are not cannibals; they are from another island. It is about a Hindu wedding ceremony. Zheng hit me on the head to stop me from warning them. They want to run them off, so they won’t find out about the gold. I want them to help us get rescued. Please, help me get into a cart.”
“Children, I need for you to stay here where you will be safe. I have no idea what will happen at the pond. I am hoping I will be able to put an end to this rampage of greed Boyd and Zheng are on now. Rufus and Red, I am counting on you to take care of our precious babies and that includes yourself. We will be back as soon as we can. Keep the critter safe too. I will take Daisy with me so she can pull the cart.”
Bruce’s face showed surprise at the suggestion of putting Daisy on the cart. Like it was inspired. “Great idea.”
“Let’s go. Molly, do you want to stay here with the children in your condition?”
“I want to be with Bruce and help if I can. I will not put myself or our baby in danger.”
“Let’s go.”
The hill seemed a lot steeper as we tried to climb it in a hurry. Just as we topped the crest, we saw Boyd take a large blank and hit a huge man in the back with it. The peacocks were everywhere. The chickens had scattered and were trying to stay out of the way of the fighting. I saw a very young girl, in her wedding gown. She was crying as she looked down at her wonderful white dress now all filthy with mud all down the front. There were several people at the wedding party. Another larger man was also fighting with the man Boyd had attacked.
“I took a very deep breath and let out a scream that all could hear. I did not know that scream would also alert my parrot who showed up within seconds and started a siren sound. Then I took the half-made horn Bruce had made and blew in it as hard as I could. Bruce took the same cue from me. Molly got in on it too. Thank goodness they all worked and were loud even if not exactly on key.
Suddenly, everyone froze. “This must stop now. I made my way down to the wedding party.I also handed the ropes that were used to secure the stage in place out of the cart. I handed them to Bruce. He yanked Boyd’s arms crossing them from behind. He tied him up there Zheng tried to fight too, but Molly was too quick.”
I introduced myself. I apologized for the trouble caused by one of our members. I was able to communicate rather easily. I was surprised. They were a Hindu family. The oldest son was getting married. The youngest son had come home from college to attend. It seemed from the undertones that the younger son was in love with the bride. Hindu tradition in their family meant the eldest son must marry first. The marriage had been arranged to benefit the families. I understood. When I told them about our shipwreck, they said they had encountered a few more of the ship’s survivors on both of the other two islands that made up this group of three islands. This island had been a place for was known as Peacock Island. One thing that made me think was when I was listening to the bride’s father. There were more survivors from our shipwreck on both the other islands. I wonder who else survived?
The families used Peacock Island for all ceremonial purposes. They also took care of the peacocks in exchange for the wild melon patches we had encountered. It was sort of a barter system they had worked out hundreds of years ago between the Buddhist who had brought the peacocks and chickens in and the Hindu who maintained them. It looked like a good arrangement. None of them ate meat. The animals thrived and the people flourished as well.
One family was from Smith Island the other from Tatle Island. I was still curious as to why the man Boyd attacked was also attacked by his younger brother.
He had been going to school in the states to become a doctor so he could return to his village and care for his people. He held his head down low.
“Would it be okay, if you complete your marriage ceremony and then you stay here to take care of our little group? As you can see, we have some turmoil among us and need someone who is willing to help.”
The families all left together and let us know they would let us know about their decision.
My attention was once again drawn to our two villains. “Really. You were going to beat them up, kill them, all for the gold they might discover?”
“Jane, I have always wanted to be rich, this is my chance to do just that. Zheng has a plan. It will work. We knock these guys out and then load their boats with the gold and then we are all saved.”
“It will work.” Zheng had a weird grin coming across her face. I knew she was not telling Boyd all her plans. I decided to allow them to think their plans were being carried out.
“I will ask if one of the families will let us have one of their boats to get away from the island. They could send word back to one of their islands to bring another boat. That way they will not suspect a thing.”
Boyd is delighted that I seem to be going along with their scheme. I did not, however, untie either one of them.
“I will be back as soon as I talk to one of the families.” I made my way down the other side of the boulders. I caught the eye of the younger brother.
I filled him in on what the others were planning. I was also surprised to find out they knew about all the gold. They had no use for it, that is why it was on the floor of the shed… they put it there. It was the bounty of the Buddhists, and they wanted no part of it. It was tainted.
I asked him to help us. I did not want any harm to come to any of his people. I just wanted to get my little troupe of children to safety. My legs were getting very tired. I kind of stumbled when I tried to walk. His big strong arms caught me.
“Let me help you, Jane. I have a grandmother back in the village. I adore her. I think we can both help each other. I will be excommunicated from the family because I tried to harm my brother. I need a new place to call home. I would gladly defend you and did you say, eight children?”
“Yes, eight children. They are also performers and very gifted. Bruce, whom you met, and Molly are going to have a baby themselves. Bruce is an excellent carpenter, and he was going to make instruments out of the gold.”
“That sounds wonderful. Why are you upset?”
“If they take all the gold, we will have to give up the idea of doing that. We can do a lot with wood instruments…
“Jane, Jane. Please trust me. I promise you. I am so excited. I must calm down. Let us please just tell those two they can have the boat and we will help load it for them and send them on their way.”
“Are you sure?” I am watching the huge, gentle giant of a man turn boyish and almost child-like himself. He was rubbing his hands together. I hoped I was not backing the wrong horse on this one.
I finally got back to Boyd and the others. “I have made an agreement with the families. They will give you two one longboat. They will help you load it according to whatever you want to take. Then they want you to leave immediately and promise never to return.
Boyd was almost drooling. “Did you tell them we would do it?”
“Yes, but you must not harm them. Please.”
Zheng grinned. “They will not feel a thing.”
“Zheng, they do not care about the gold. They see it as tainted because it was used by the Buddhist… your great, great, grandmother to be exact. They want no part of it. Take it with their blessing and go.”
Zheng starts dancing around and grinning. “Untie us. We promise not to harm a hair on their stupid heads.”
I signaled for Bruce to untie them. They head off in the direction I had promised the boat would be tied down.
Both families loaded up the longboat with all gold. We provided food and water for their journey. We all watched onshore as they seemed to sail away.
I took one last look as they seemed to be almost out of sight. I saw Zheng hit Boyd over the head with a big block of gold just before the weight of the gold sunk the ship and they all went down together. I was horrified. There was no way to save them. They were too far away. Their greed had devoured them. Wow. I did not see that one coming.
We did get to attend the wedding ceremony. It was beautiful. There are seven steps that the couple goes up into the wedding chamber. They are alone until morning. Until that time the rest of the family makes sure no one disturbs the union. When dawn comes up the families are gone, and one boat is left for the couple to use to go home.
When the dawn came this morning, I got the surprise of my life.
“Jane. Are you up yet? It is me, Veer. I have come with your morning meal.”
I was so surprised when heard the voices all start at once. “Nanna, who.. “
“It is okay, children. This is a very brave man. His name is Veer. He will be staying with us now. Boyd and Zheng are both gone.”
“The gold?”
“I am afraid it is gone too. We will have to make music with things made of wood. We always have your beautiful voices.”
“Bruce you and Molly come here a minute.” Veer shouted out the door.
Bruce and Molly came inside. Veer scooped me up in his big arms and stepped forward. “Let’s get Jane into the cart and then let’s go on a new adventure. He was like a kid in a candy store. The children seem to fall in love with him. What did we do? We did exactly what the giant told us to do… we went on an adventure.
We followed him to what seemed to be a huge underground cavern just behind the shed. No one had ever gone back there because it did not seem to have a way out.
“There, you see.”
Before our eyes were more treasure than any of us had ever seen in our lives. Gold, brass, silver, crystals, diamonds, rubies. Glassware, flatware. Huge melting pots to make more of whatever we wanted. Even saws and planning tools. It was a treasure big enough to build an orchestra. I pinched myself.
The children all at once started singing "Halleluiah. This is the day the Lord had made. This is the day." An old hymn but a good one.
I am in the cart with Daisy pulling me to the melon patches. I thought about the salty end greed had led Boyd and Zheng to. I hope the children understand it was the greed that killed them both. I will make sure to record that story so they will remember.
Everyone calls me Nanna. I guess I am fulfilling my long-time dream of being a grandmother. How am I going to lead a performance team? I can’t even carry a single note on key. Then I put my finger to my lips. Since when was I in charge? I think I will copy the kids. Out here no one needs to know it is off-key. “Halleluiah, Halleluiah.”
Sorry, I must stop and laugh. That stage is making its way up the hill. I guess we will be having some curtain calls tonight.
CHAPTER 5: Growing and Sharing
I wish I had known when I went to sleep last night that Veer would be gone by morning. I woke up alone in the camp. No children. Bruce and Molly were also gone. I woke up in a room full of critters all in their usual spots waiting for me to wake up.
It was an eerie feeling. I was not alarmed but curious. I noticed the bathing basin had been filled for me, so I proceeded to bathe and dress. I ate the sliced melons, drank the coconut milk, and then slowly walked outside.
I was still not concerned. I checked the treasure room behind the shed. Lots of partially made instruments laying around. Looks like we are about to have a few horns before long.
I decided they must have gone to the peacock pond, maybe to fetch more eggs. I slowly walked with Daisy up the hill. No one was there. I was indeed alone on the island. I looked out on the beach and no boats of any kind. The children were gone, everyone was gone. I decided that even though I was upset I had to try and look around and see if I could figure out what happened. I saw.all sorts of footprints at the beach. The white sand showed that boats had been there.
The children must have gone in the boats with Veer somewhere. I then went back to the campsite trying to find a note, something that would tell me where everyone was. Nothing.
I don’t think I ever felt more alone than I did at that moment. I started to cry and could not seem to stop. My mind pictures of each one of those dear sweet children in my charge. I could almost hear them calling me Nanna instead of Jane.
I would go to the beach and await their return. I just know they will be okay. I guess I was in too big a hurry to get to the beach. I fell and rolled back down the hill a little too far. I have no idea how I got behind this boulder but here I am. Alone and stuck.
I am too angry at myself for not being more careful. I will eventually get up; I just cannot seem to manage it right now.
I rested a bit and decided if I screamed really loud like I had done before that the parrot would show up or even Daisy. It would be worth a try.
I screamed as loud as I could. I waited.That was a silly thing to say, of course, I waited… I could not get up. Anyway, as I sat there, I tried to imagine what in the world would make them think to leave me alone like this. It was as if I had just asked the question and then he answered it.
“Madam, may I be of help to you?” I looked up. A man, an older man stood there with flowers, a cart, and two helpers to literally pick me up gently and place me in a cart with a padded seat. He smiled and slipped in beside me. “My name is Advik Senior. I am Veer’s grandfather. He has taken the children on an all-day adventure on the Smith Island so that I could come and chat with you.”
“I am called Jane.” I do appreciate you helping me. I was in a hurry and fell. I wish someone had told me I would wake up alone or left me a note so I would not worry about the children.”
“I will make sure everyone knows you want to know about the children at all times.”
“Please, Veer Senior, is there a reason for you to speak with me privately and alone?”
“Yes. Veer was right you are very pretty and of good nature. I would like to, what do you call it, court you? I would like to call on you from time to time and see you romantically.”
He waited. He did not say a word more. I watched his face. I could tell he had rehearsed the speech and was hoping I would at least give him a smile.
“I have been a widow four times. I am not sure I want to go through another romantic type of relationship. I am sure your intentions are honorable. I cannot say if any of it would lead to something deeper between us.”
“I was also told of you’re being an honest woman. That I admire. Let us say we learn to share our world first and then see if it spawns anything further.”
“That would be wonderful. Let’s get back to the campsite and have a chat. Tell me more about your family and then I will tell you about me before the shipwreck.”
“Yes. Dear. We can do that. By the way. I have a nickname… A-Dash. I used to be a runner. My teammates called me that and it’s kind of stuck. I would be please if you too would call me that.”
We spent the entire afternoon talking about our worlds. He was a soft-spoken man that was clearly on a mission. I must say I was most flattered. I had never really been around anyone from India before. I liked it. Who knows?
We heard the squeals from the beach just faintly traveling with the breeze. Without saying a word, we got up and started walking towards the peacock pond. The children spotted us just as we topped the crest of the first boulder.
Suddenly, two peacocks were in the middle of doing their dance for a peahen. We all stopped to watch the spectacle. Then the magic happened.
Lucas pulled out a flute and started playing it in rhythm with the dance of the larger of the two peacocks. It was like watching the ballet. Luna joined in and played in step with the other peacock. Everyone was just watching. When the dance ended and the peahen left the scene with the larger of the two, we all clapped.
A-Dash was impressed. Here this tiny three-year-old plays the flute as if he were born with it in his mouth. His sister, also three, doing the same thing. “You know I bet if we could get some video of the Peacocks doing that the children could play music to the dances. Would make for some fun videos.”
“Good idea. I think it would be wonderful. But I must tell you. All these children lost their parents, and I must make it back to my office in the states to find the next guardian in their respective families. I can’t just turn them over to anyone. They are far too special, and I have gone through too much to do anything that might harm them at this point. If you could help me get some videos made maybe you could send them to some addresses and we can get rescued from here.”
“Jane, you are rescued but due to the situation with Veer and the family, we have to be cautious. What he did at his brother’s wedding is not tolerated. He will have to stay here for a long time to come. He loves the children and will help you care for them. Please, don’t be in such a hurry to make a move just yet.”
“A-Darsh I have to agree with you except for one thing. Someone is looking for these kids, they have to be. Their parents always book top billing and were performers known all over the world. I want to be careful, but I also want to be satisfied that I do the right thing.”
“Hello, children. That was something. Luas and Luna, you played so well. I did not know you knew how to play the flute.”
“We do? We play these sticks Bruce made us…”
We all laughed. “They are naturals, Jane. They do not know one note from another… they just hear something and then search for the note and copy it until they find the notes on the sound itself. It is amazing to watch them function in two worlds.”
“Did you children have fun today? I missed you so much. I woke up and you were gone. All my joy left. All is better now. Let us go to the camp and you can all tell me about your day.”
“Jane, I am afraid we came to get you to help us. Remember I told you that we had heard that there were some survivors from the shipwreck?” Well, we went to the hospital on Smith Island. Lucas and Luna say they saw their father there. I thought if you came back with me, you could at least find out if any of the other parents also survived.”
“Ho, that is amazing. Of course, I will go right away.” I looked at A-Dash, I guess my expression told him what to do next.
“Jane, I will stay here with the children as well. Bruce and Molly have their hands full. You will need the boat space in case you bring anyone back with you.”
My head was swimming thing about reuniting the parents of these wonderful children. We all said our goodbyes at the boat, and I took off for Smith Island. It felt somewhat strange to leave the children behind. I felt like I was abandoning them. I was excited but very apprehensive at the same time.
Smith Island was beautiful. The hospital was small but clean. The wards were only large enough for three people to a room. When I entered the last ward, I knew we had indeed found Mr. Andersson. He was loud and his baritone rang out even in conversation. He had some bandages around his eyes. His face was painful to look upon. “Mr. Andersson, how are you?”
“What did you call me? I don’t know who that is. Who are you?”
“I am Jane. You were entertaining onboard a cruise liner., Do you remember? Why would I remember something that never happened?”
“What about your two children. Lucas and Luna. About 3 years old. They are very talented singers themselves. I do not have any children, nor do I want children.”
“Besides what was I doing on a stage. I don’t sing or dance.”
“Yes, you can Mr. Andersson. You are a very gifted singer. You sing on stage with a small group called…
“Don’t tell me that. Where are my so-called backup singers?”
“I am not sure where everyone is, but I will keep investigating until I have located you all.” I looked at the anger in this man. He was frightened it was very plane. By denying everything he did not have to face not knowing. Amnesia is a tough one. I am going to have to talk to the doctors here.
“Veer we need to talk and quickly. I have a list of all the people I oversaw on the ship. I do not know everyone that was on the ship, but I do know my group. Can you help me locate the rest of them if they are alive?”
“I told my grandfather you would do what was right. Yes, we have two more patients here that might be parents and we also have someone else at the clinic in Tatle Island. I hope you can reunite these families. I am not sure about long-term care though.”
“You can see how small our little facility is here. We do not have the room to care for them here. I suggest that Grandfather and I transfer all of them to Peacock Island, in other words, come back with you.”
“Vee, I am not a doctor. I do not know anything about taking care of patients with such injuries.” I saw him holding his palm up to stop me...”
I am a doctor and so is my grandfather. We come back with you and your charges, and we get them back to their children while they are recovering.”
Once again, my head is swimming. I guess it is the only thing we can do. We will need help. There are not enough shelters on Peacock Island to house the increase in population.
“We can get a hold of a contractor here and have several prefab buildings brought over in boats. We can literally use them and some ingenuity to make a small hospital ward over there. There is one thing. It may cost you some of your treasure to pay for it all.”
“The treasure is not mine. I see no reason why we cannot use it for this purpose. I can’t believe it. All four sets of parents are alive. The families will be reunited. It is going to be a hard road. The children will have to watch their parents suffer through their recoveries. But I know we can do it.”
One cannot grow if one does not share. My grandmother told me that one. That is true on any stage and in any stage. If you do not it is stagnant. I am sure we are on the right path. I am sure the curtain calls will also multiply. Love will show us the way.
Turning Peacock Island into a hospital facility… kind of sad when you say it like that. But what a place to get well in… Okay. Like I said before, I ain’t the one in charge.
CHAPTER 6: Strangers Meet Again
“Children, I want you to pay very close attention to what we are going to tell you. You must, behave and do exactly as we say. It is very important. Do you understand?”
“You find my pa?” Lucas was wiggling around with anticipation. His grin made the picture of his father not knowing who he was much less than he had children haunted me.
“Yes. We have found all your parents. They are all very sick and need medical attention. You cannot see them yet. You know how when you get sick, you have healed before you can be with people. Your parents are all in that situation right now. I am going, to be honest with you. We are not sure at this point if all of them will live so prayers are the best thing you can do now.”
“Can we help take care of them? Can’t we at least see them through a window or something? To think all this time that they are dead and suddenly you say they are alive… please, Nanna, we want to at least see them even if we do not talk to them.”
“Rufus, you are right. However, we must do what is best for them, so they have the best chance of recovery. Dr. Advik Devi and his grandson, Dr. Veer Devi are going to help us get them better. We are going to have some buildings brought into our encampment here so they can recover here. There will be a lot going on so you must stay safe but try to stay out of the way so the workers can work.
“Are they going to bring in solar panels so we can have electricity?”
“Bruce that is an excellent question. I will put you in touch with the contractor on this project so you can work with them. You will be a very busy carpenter.”
I think back on that first day as I was trying to curb the children’s excitement over the fact that their parents were alive and the fact that they would be able to see them, but not be able to communicate with them.
It was very difficult those first few days. They seemed to realize the best thing they could do was just watch and pray. The injuries are extensive.
Mr. and Mrs. Murphy, also have amnesia. Theirs is somewhat odd. The Irish accent they used to have is gone. They speak like they are from Indiana now. At least that is what Bruce says. He is from Indiana. Mrs. Murphy is dealing with an odd memory problem in that she had two children that died during childbirth many years ago. Rufus and Red were born after. She keeps crying over the ones who died but cannot remember the ones who lived. It is so sad. I have allowed Rufus and Red to sing to them. They enjoy the music but are strangers to the voices. The children end up crying each time. It is a hard thing for anyone to go through.
Mr. Andersson still does not know he has two children or even a wife. She has not said a word since they brought her over. She is comatose right now. Her legs are in casts and her right hand is missing three fingers. Their cabin is watched continually. We have them in the same cabin but in completely separated rooms. Mr. Andersson is still frightened and angry.
Kipke and Chebet are the bravest four-year-olds I have ever known.Kipke said he is a runner. He will run for his father and honor his mother by running fast. It is amazing. I do feel there is hope there. Neither one can speak yet, and both still dealing with some balance issues. They do respond when they hear the children singing at night. The Mwangi family was strong before the shipwreck, so I feel strongly about them recovering completely. It is just going to take a lot of time.
Mr. and Mrs. Martinez are both without memories, voice, and sight right now. Their bodies are both in traction. They scream in pain and reach out. The children watch, cry, and wait. They watch from the outside steps
Solar panels have brought us electricity which has made sterilization easier. We have lights at night.
The old stage is in the center of the complex. The cabins all encircle it. At night the children play, sing, and entertain themselves and others. It is their way of saying they love their parents before going to bed each night.
“Jane, we brought you some lunch. We also thought we would give you a break. I have seen you and Daisy haul three carts of melons and coconuts down the hill so far today.”
“Bruce, you are right. I need a bit of a break.” I could tell there was something on his mind. “What is it “?”
“Molly and I were thinking that if we got a few more donkeys over here it would be easier to gather the food needed and to provide transport when we need it. I think it might also be a good idea to check with the doctors about maybe taking one or two of the patients to the peacock pond and letting them wade in the water a bit. There are minerals in that water. It might help.”
“Molly, that is an excellent idea… I laughed… both ideas are good. See if you can find the doctors and let them know I will be glad to contribute whatever is needed to get it done.”
The last two months have been challenging to say the least. The parents and the children have changed roles. The children are the grown-ups, and their parents are the babies.
Tonight, we are going to have the stage and a spotlight. Yes, electricity on the stage thanks to the solar panels. It should give us all a thrill. I have set up each cabin so that they can all see the courtyard and the stage. The children have practiced for so many hours. I just know it will be a very good night.
More donkeys? Oh, boy. I think it will give Daisy a much-needed rest for sure. I remember thinking that just before what we thought was a catastrophe hit the camp.
I glanced out the window and Kipke was running as hard as he could through the camp stark naked and crying his eyes out. His sister was running after him. “. wait, wait…. I promise it won’t hurt. Kipke, wait…”
I had to laugh because no one had been known to catch the little guy when he was on a run. I stepped outside and then heard the scream. Racing to the scene expecting catastrophe and arriving just in time to burst into laughter is kind of hard on the old heart. Chebet was tackling Kipke to the ground trying to put underwear on him. He had never worn any before. One of the doctors had brought some over for the children along with some clothes. It scared Kipke. ‘We don’t wear that in Kenya… Get it off. He then screams again. We had been so used to him wearing the little banana leaf wrapping we had never really thought about it much. I decided I would try and reason with him and then we could at least make it a private decision for him. Everyone was staring at him now.
He looked up and saw he was the center of attention and took off running again. “Kipke, please come help your nanna. I need you, sweetie.”
I had to chuckle to myself because the ploy I used worked. He instantly stopped and came back to help me. I explained that in other places in the world people do other things when it comes to dressing. It was during this conversation that I learned that today was his and Chebet’s birthday. They were turning five today. I had to think quickly. I then told a lie to him but hoped I would be forgiven.
“The underwear is so that you will not hurt yourself when you ride your new donkey. You need it to protect yourself. You are getting a donkey for your birthday. One that belongs to you. Your bearded goat will have a friend as well.” I stopped talking for a few minutes. Bruce had been listening and held up a finger and winked at me. He then took off to make the arrangements. I guess it was not a lie if we make it come true. I felt the arms come around my neck.
“I love you, Nanna. You always make it better. I will put on donkey cloth for you.”
Later that evening the wonder of it all came full circle.
The testing on the new spotlight had been very successful. The donkeys had been delivered and were being fed in a shed between the peacock pond and the camp.
The children were backstage getting ready for their cues to go on stage. It was just about dusk. One spotlight came on and there stood Kipke on stage with his new underwear on and he is bowing.
“Kipke, is that you?” We all turned and there was his mother coming out of her cabin and over to the stage where her son stood alone in the spotlight. Chebet came on stage with their bearded goat and the blue duiker. All was quiet. “Oh, Baby, you are alive. Momma thought you had gone to heaven. I thought I was seeing you as an angel here under this light. The door to their cabin opened again and his father came out.There in the spotlight, we got to witness the reunion of a family that had thought all were gone. It was so wonderful. Then they all burst into a wonderful song. The two little ones were put on their parent's shoulders, and they sang Happy Birthday.
I gave them both a hug. I could not help crying. It was a beautiful moment. His mother said she was sitting in her bed and looked out the window. She saw Kipke and everything came back, she suddenly woke up. It was no longer a nightmare or dream. It was celebration time right now. We can catch up on all that has happened tomorrow. This is a curtain call I don’t want to cut short.
We all got to laugh when Kipke showed his new underwear to his father. He expected his father to be surprised until he peeked at what his father had on under his bedgown… underwear. All of a sudden... it was accepted to wear it...
The evening ended with the entire Mwangi family under one roof, singing and laughing together. I could not have planned this one any better. What a wonderful bond they had. The music brought them together. The same stage from which they had been ripped apart had brought them all full circle.
I think Kipke learned a little about pride as well. When you let pride take the lead you could miss out on some wonderful blessings. Put pride aside, release vanity.
Just think. We have changed so much about this little island where we landed. I had hoped not to scar it with our changes. I was assured that all was going to be okay.
This morning I saw the entire Mwangi family watching the peacocks dancing at the pond. I realized that Kipke and Chebet had also learned how to play flutes. It was a sight to see. A sight to cherish.
CHAPTER 7: Envy Takes Center Stage
“Children, I want you to pay very close attention to what we are going to tell you. You must, behave and do exactly as we say. It is very important. Do you understand?”
“You find my pa?” Lucas was wiggling around with anticipation. His grin made the picture of his father not knowing who he was much less than he had children haunted me.
“Yes. We have found all your parents. They are all very sick and need medical attention. You cannot see them yet. You know how when you get sick, you have healed before you can be with people. Your parents are all in that situation right now. I am going, to be honest with you. We are not sure at this point if all of them will live so prayers are the best thing you can do now.”
“Can we help take care of them? Can’t we at least see them through a window or something? To think all this time that they are dead and suddenly you say they are alive… please, Nanna, we want to at least see them even if we do not talk to them.”
“Rufus, you are right. However, we must do what is best for them, so they have the best chance of recovery. Dr. Advik Devi and his grandson, Dr. Veer Devi are going to help us get them better. We are going to have some buildings brought into our encampment here so they can recover here. There will be a lot going on so you must stay safe but try to stay out of the way so the workers can work.
“Are they going to bring in solar panels so we can have electricity?”
“Bruce that is an excellent question. I will put you in touch with the contractor on this project so you can work with them. You will be a very busy carpenter.”
I think back on that first day as I was trying to curb the children’s excitement over the fact that their parents were alive and the fact that they would be able to see them, but not be able to communicate with them.
It was very difficult those first few days. They seemed to realize the best thing they could do was just watch and pray. The injuries are extensive.
Mr. and Mrs. Murphy, also have amnesia. Theirs is somewhat odd. The Irish accent they used to have is gone. They speak like they are from Indiana now. At least that is what Bruce says. He is from Indiana. Mrs. Murphy is dealing with an odd memory problem in that she had two children that died during childbirth many years ago. Rufus and Red were born after. She keeps crying over the ones who died but cannot remember the ones who lived. It is so sad. I have allowed Rufus and Red to sing to them. They enjoy the music but are strangers to the voices. The children end up crying each time. It is a hard thing for anyone to go through.
Mr. Andersson still does not know he has two children or even a wife. She has not said a word since they brought her over. She is comatose right now. Her legs are in casts and her right hand is missing three fingers. Their cabin is watched continually. We have them in the same cabin but in completely separated rooms. Mr. Andersson is still frightened and angry.
Kipke and Chebet are the bravest four-year-olds I have ever known.Kipke said he is a runner. He will run for his father and honor his mother by running fast. It is amazing. I do feel there is hope there. Neither one can speak yet, and both still dealing with some balance issues. They do respond when they hear the children singing at night. The Mwangi family was strong before the shipwreck, so I feel strongly about them recovering completely. It is just going to take a lot of time.
Mr. and Mrs. Martinez are both without memories, voice, and sight right now. Their bodies are both in traction. They scream in pain and reach out. The children watch, cry, and wait. They watch from the outside steps
Solar panels have brought us electricity which has made sterilization easier. We have lights at night.
The old stage is in the center of the complex. The cabins all encircle it. At night the children play, sing, and entertain themselves and others. It is their way of saying they love their parents before going to bed each night.
“Jane, we brought you some lunch. We also thought we would give you a break. I have seen you and Daisy haul three carts of melons and coconuts down the hill so far today.”
“Bruce, you are right. I need a bit of a break.” I could tell there was something on his mind. “What is it “?”
“Molly and I were thinking that if we got a few more donkeys over here it would be easier to gather the food needed and to provide transport when we need it. I think it might also be a good idea to check with the doctors about maybe taking one or two of the patients to the peacock pond and letting them wade in the water a bit. There are minerals in that water. It might help.”
“Molly, that is an excellent idea… I laughed… both ideas are good. See if you can find the doctors and let them know I will be glad to contribute whatever is needed to get it done.”
The last two months have been challenging to say the least. The parents and the children have changed roles. The children are the grown-ups, and their parents are the babies.
Tonight, we are going to have the stage and a spotlight. Yes, electricity on the stage thanks to the solar panels. It should give us all a thrill. I have set up each cabin so that they can all see the courtyard and the stage. The children have practiced for so many hours. I just know it will be a very good night.
More donkeys? Oh, boy. I think it will give Daisy a much-needed rest for sure. I remember thinking that just before what we thought was a catastrophe hit the camp.
I glanced out the window and Kipke was running as hard as he could through the camp stark naked and crying his eyes out. His sister was running after him. “. wait, wait…. I promise it won’t hurt. Kipke, wait…”
I had to laugh because no one had been known to catch the little guy when he was on a run. I stepped outside and then heard the scream. Racing to the scene expecting catastrophe and arriving just in time to burst into laughter is kind of hard on the old heart. Chebet was tackling Kipke to the ground trying to put underwear on him. He had never worn any before. One of the doctors had brought some over for the children along with some clothes. It scared Kipke. ‘We don’t wear that in Kenya… Get it off. He then screams again. We had been so used to him wearing the little banana leaf wrapping we had never really thought about it much. I decided I would try and reason with him and then we could at least make it a private decision for him. Everyone was staring at him now.
He looked up and saw he was the center of attention and took off running again. “Kipke, please come help your nanna. I need you, sweetie.”
I had to chuckle to myself because the ploy I used worked. He instantly stopped and came back to help me. I explained that in other places in the world people do other things when it comes to dressing. It was during this conversation that I learned that today was his and Chebet’s birthday. They were turning five today. I had to think quickly. I then told a lie to him but hoped I would be forgiven.
“The underwear is so that you will not hurt yourself when you ride your new donkey. You need it to protect yourself. You are getting a donkey for your birthday. One that belongs to you. Your bearded goat will have a friend as well.” I stopped talking for a few minutes. Bruce had been listening and held up a finger and winked at me. He then took off to make the arrangements. I guess it was not a lie if we make it come true. I felt the arms come around my neck.
“I love you, Nanna. You always make it better. I will put on donkey cloth for you.”
Later that evening the wonder of it all came full circle.
The testing on the new spotlight had been very successful. The donkeys had been delivered and were being fed in a shed between the peacock pond and the camp.
The children were backstage getting ready for their cues to go on stage. It was just about dusk. One spotlight came on and there stood Kipke on stage with his new underwear on and he is bowing.
“Kipke, is that you?” We all turned and there was his mother coming out of her cabin and over to the stage where her son stood alone in the spotlight. Chebet came on stage with their bearded goat and the blue duiker. All was quiet. “Oh, Baby, you are alive. Momma thought you had gone to heaven. I thought I was seeing you as an angel here under this light. The door to their cabin opened again and his father came out.There in the spotlight, we got to witness the reunion of a family that had thought all were gone. It was so wonderful. Then they all burst into a wonderful song. The two little ones were put on their parent's shoulders, and they sang Happy Birthday.
I gave them both a hug. I could not help crying. It was a beautiful moment. His mother said she was sitting in her bed and looked out the window. She saw Kipke and everything came back, she suddenly woke up. It was no longer a nightmare or dream. It was celebration time right now. We can catch up on all that has happened tomorrow. This is a curtain call I don’t want to cut short.
We all got to laugh when Kipke showed his new underwear to his father. He expected his father to be surprised until he peeked at what his father had on under his bedgown… underwear. All of a sudden... it was accepted to wear it...
The evening ended with the entire Mwangi family under one roof, singing and laughing together. I could not have planned this one any better. What a wonderful bond they had. The music brought them together. The same stage from which they had been ripped apart had brought them all full circle.
I think Kipke learned a little about pride as well. When you let pride take the lead you could miss out on some wonderful blessings. Put pride aside, release vanity.
Just think. We have changed so much about this little island where we landed. I had hoped not to scar it with our changes. I was assured that all was going to be okay.
This morning I saw the entire Mwangi family watching the peacocks dancing at the pond. I realized that Kipke and Chebet had also learned how to play flutes. It was a sight to see. A sight to cherish.
CHAPTER 8: Scavengers Love Music
I have my fingers crossed. I finally got a hold of my office in Texas. I let them know I was alive and reported on the rest of the performers in my charge. The cruise line would be notified now. I also ordered several cell phones so I could at least communicate with the outside world. At this point, I am not so sure I should have looked under that rock. Not knowing about getting satellite service left me scavenging for Wi-Fi, a network of some kind.
I wondered if my little families would be getting homesick. What did our future hold… was there one for “US”? Had we done any unrepairable damage to the island? Had we ruined paradise? These are the clouds that seemed to put clouds in my coffee this morning. That is another thing… I finally, got some coffee. The Hindus do a lot of teas. I guess the British influences contributed to that.
The twins were three months old yesterday. They slept through the entire wedding ceremony. Mommy and daddy are doing well. The Andersson family is taking care of the babies until Mr. and Mrs. Graham gets back from their honeymoon.
I was pleased to discover the people I contracted with and sought out when all this started finally remembered who they were, who their children were, and who had retained their talents.
I am on my way to the stage area. The group has some surprises for me. I always love these new acts and things they have put together. We never know who will be in the audience. We don’t really invite anyone, but the hospital personnel talk when they go back to their own islands and so the word of mouth has slowly spread. It is always fun when we have a few new faces.
I was delighted to see they had put some of the animals back in their act. It made it more fun and always unexpected.
Here comes Dr. Devi to escort me. He is turned into a very dear friend.
“You ready?”
“I sure am. Do you know anything about what we are going to see?”
“Sorry, Jane, I have been sworn to secrecy.”
“Not, even a hint?”
“I can tell you it was a project Bruce started before the babies came. He got so far and then the Andersson’s have taken over teaching the kids and now I think you will be surprised at what they have come up with.”
I grabbed a couple of melons on our way to the stage area. I saw the cabin doors open … all except the Martinez. Their injuries were very extensive. Although out of traction, they still have bandages around their eyes and cannot speak. I hear them cry. I think they are still having amnesia problems. It is so sad. Aimee at the age of five cannot understand why his mommy does not want to hold her. Alejandro is six and holds his father’s hand trying to wake him up. He does not know his father is not asleep but cannot speak. Seven months and they have improved at a snail’s pace. Still… improvement is an improvement.
Advik and I walked into the stage area. There before us was a long table. There were trumpets on one side of the table and small harps on the other side. Harps? Table size harps. They were beautiful. Such workmanship. I could not for the life of me imagine how they did all this.
The children all came out and bowed. The boys each stood in front of one trumpet. The girls sat in front of each harp. I expected to hear something soft…
Boom, Boom, Boom, the parents came out with two big kettle drums. Then Knock-Knock flew in and started a rat-a-tat on top of the drums. The iguana was released onto the other drum. My squirrel and the iguana did a swish thing with their tails. It looked like they were dancing together. The elephant shrew joined in along with the bat-eared fox. The drums were the dance floor for the animals and the music was more the Beatles than any classics. It was wonderful. It was amazing.
I clapped and clapped. We were all enjoying ourselves so much we did not hear anyone else come inside.
“Is there someone named Jane here?”
The music stopped. “Yes, I am Jane. How can I help you, gentlemen?”
“I am D. Sheta…with Alang Ship Breaking Corp. We are here to start salvage operations on the cruise liner that went down. We need to get some information from you and anyone else who was on board.”
As I am reading the card, he gave me I started to ask some of my own questions. “What is Bhavnagar district?”
“Bhavnagar District is a district of southeastern Gujarat, India, on the Saurashtra peninsula. It is also known as Gohil war as a major portion of Bhavnagar district was ruled by Gohil Rajput.”
“Please just tell me plainly. What does that mean?”
...“So, ultimately the ownership and responsibility of the vessel would be transferred to the owning entity that would be buying the vessel. The cruise line has nothing to do anymore with the vessel. And thereafter, we are arranging the transportation from point A to point B.”
“All I can tell you is we were in a lifeboat and were washed up here. All that are with me are the musicians who did the entertainment on the cruise liner. A few days later a Mr. Boyd Alister also got washed ashore then came a woman named Zheng. They have since left. I do not know if they are even alive. I saw the boat they were in crest the horizon and then they were out of sight.”
“We will need to chat with each of the members you have survived to so they can sign release forms. Now that we own the ship, we can’t have anyone making a claim against it. If you could call them all together I would appreciate it.
“We have one couple that is suffering from amnesia, and we have another couple who are on a honeymoon. I will be glad to open the doors to this area so you can sit down and chat with the survivors.”
“Jane, I am here to let you know. I do not play games. If you obstruct any of this investigation, I can have you thrown in jail. You took charge so you are responsible for what has happened since that ship went down.”
“Jane is honorable. She has done everything to save these people, their pets, and their very lives. You have no cause to talk to her like that. You sir do not realize who you are talking to here.”
“And who might you be, I am Advik Devi.”
The man’s face turned pale for a second. I watched as he suddenly changed his bullying tactic and spoke a little softer. “I had no idea. We have the proper permits to do what we came here to do. I know as the head of the governing body of this entire island group you can cancel all our permits and make us leave. I do not want to do that. I apologize, Jane. I meant no offense to you. What we have to do here is important.”
“I understand business. You may ask your questions and get whatever wavers you need but I tell you these people were unconscious when the lifeboats were washed up on shore.”
“Yes, mam.”
“I will send out our alarm for the area in about an hour so you can get started.”Veer and Advik escorted the men through the door.
“Governor? You the king around here and did not tell me? What is all that about?”
“I just wanted you to love me for me and not for the influence or power my family has.”
“Sweetie. I adore you but I tell you plainly. I think you just saved my bacon, so I am very please indeed. You are my hero.”
“Your bacon?”
“Sorry, I forget. Hindu do not do bacon. That is okay. Let’s just say you save the waddle in my step.”
We both laughed. “I love the waddle in your step, Jane.”
“The hitch in my get-along- just got up and left… let’s go sound the alarm.”
The clanging of the alert went out. All the resident adults started to gather. We cleared the long table, gave everyone paper and pens.
We reported on what we had been told. Then I asked each one the question. Where do you see us going from here? Do you want to go home? Do you want to build another set of acts and let me find your bookings? What is it you want to do? You are in the driver’s seat for this stage in your life. Which stage do you want to be on? The one out in the courtyard or another one someone else?
“Advik and I are going to leave you all here to discuss and decide. We do not want to influence you in any way. We have all been through a lot.”
The race was on… every adult and child took off running towards the peacock pond. All accept the Martinez of course.
When we got there the scavengers from this morning were trying to catch and kill the peacocks.
I screamed, “Stop this instantly.”
ey, these are pheasant. Good eating birds. We have not had any good pheasant in a very long time.
“I promise you, sir. If you harm one single bird, you will die where you stand.”
“You have to be kidding.” He turned and looked at me. “What about all these chickens…?”
“You going to kill me if I hurt one of these damn chickens?” He sluffed off what I said as if it did not matter. Then he caught sight of the Golden Langur stretched out on the branch of a tree. “What is that? I have not eaten a monkey in ages. Oh, you can have those stupid birds… I want some monkey.”
“Sir, you have no idea how much danger you are in right this minute. Please do not show your ignorance any longer. This is a Golden Langur, one of the most endangered animals on the earth today and revered by all those who surround you including the governor of all you stand upon. I am afraid if you harm one of them you would have to endure international law and not just the law of this land. The peacocks have been as a sacred trust for these Hindu people for well over a hundred years. Do you really want to take on that kind of karma? I would not have to kill you. Karma will do it for me. Your Gluttony would kill you; I promise. First. You want to kill all so you can taste one. You want to consume more than that which you desire. For what? To prove you can. I think you best back away. Pull your men out and go back to where you came from. The threat alone is enough to get you locked up. Please. Your next move will seal your fate.”
I stopped talking. We stood there in silence. “I don’t believe you, lady." He picked up a rock to throw at the monkey and …
“I told you, Jane is an honorable woman. I am afraid you are all under arrest for intentionally threatening the life of the golden langur.” He nodded and his deputies came from everywhere with handcuffs for the would-be scavengers. I then witnessed Karma firsthand. One of his men kicked one of the peacocks on the out. He lost his balance and fell off the boulder. He landed on his neck and died on the spot. Scary to think about.
I glanced at the leader again when we passed by the dead man. He looked up at me a little sheepish. “Sir we do not have jail facilities here so you will have to remain tied up until morning. You will have to attend the show tonight and then stay in one of the cabins until the official boats come for transport.”
“Dr. Devi, believe me, I will not argue with you or Jane. I think I have actually come out pretty good on this adventure. I am not laying below a boulder on a broken neck.”
“I have some reading for you to do as well. I had all the survivors give me statements and sign the waivers you asked for. I did promise you these.”
“You are indeed honorable.”
“I would suggest you pay close attention to my report and statement. You might find it very interesting.
He nodded to me and then followed the deputies towards the stage audience area. It was almost dusk. The banquet was set up like usual. Everyone got their plates and got what they wanted. Then we all sat down. Our prisoners watched everything. The look on their faces when the show started.
They sang along with almost every song. The children were brilliant. As the deputies lead them towards the sleeping cabin for the night, I overheard the leader say. “I have never had so much fun being locked up. I think I have learned more than I bargained for when I came here.” Then I heard him say, “She is right. I have been a glutton…”
The next morning the men were surprised to find out that I had talked to Devi during the night. I had influenced his decision about arresting these men. Instead, I suggested we allow them to leave if they realized it would only be if they guaranteed never to return. The agreement was set and signed. I had an idea that my report might make the suggestion stronger. I had reported on the incident about Boyd Alister and Zheng leaving with a boat so full of gold that it sunk taking them down with it just at the top of the horizon just north of the last island.
I was right. It has been about a month now. I see a huge ship upon that horizon. I had to laugh. I got a tape in the afternoon mail. “Ms. Jane, you are indeed a woman of your word. You have restored my faith where I thought I had none. Thank you for the experience. I am only sad I will never be able to hear your wonderful music. Your group is marvelous. I humbly ask forgiveness and remain your servant. D. Sheta of the Alang Ship Breaking Court.”
I let Devi listen to it too. I still have to find out what the group has decided to do and where they see the future for us. The kids have a new act. I gotta run. When you release gluttony you suddenly have all you need. Amazing how that works.
CHAPTER 9: The Spur of Anger
Anger manifested in an individual who spurns love and opts instead for fury is also known as wrath. Anger that goes that deep can cause mental hallucinations that can in themselves increase the magnitude of the anger.
Much like a slow-burning fire that builds up its heat before finally exploding.
It appears each member of the Martinez family was caught up in their own anger and wrath. Aimee is five and she loves her mother very much but found it very hard to accept that she was right there, and her mother did not respond to her in the least. Alejandro is six but he too had mixed feeling about his father. The frustration built up to the point I was afraid the children would harm their parents so had to stop them from seeing them each day.
Alexandria had extensive injuries as she had broken her collar bone, both her legs, four ribs, her jawbone, and lost the middle, ring, and little fingers of her right hand.Her jaw was wired shut and she had also had a windpipe inserted in her throat so she could breathe. She could not speak. The bandages around her eyes were to help the retinas repair themselves from the burns she received from the explosion that threw her body off the stage the day of the accident. She also had amnesia. She had no idea who she was or why she was here. Everything confused her. Her frustration seemed to grow each day as the bones healed but the mind did not. Her husband, Ivan was in much the same shape. He was not missing any fingers, but his legs were both broken as both arms. His left shoulder was shattered. The only thing either one of them had intact was their hearing. That did very little good since neither one knew who they were or why they were there. His eyes were healing much faster than his wife’s.
Veer and his grandfather Advik had been doing extensive testing on both Alexandria and Ivan to determine the extent of the amnesia. The results of those tests would determine our next step forward. Since they did not remember one another or either one of their children it was decided to separate them. Alexandra moved into the cabin Molly had lived in before she married Bruce. Ivan had moved into the cabin occupied by the male nurses and x-ray techs.
I have been waiting here for what seems to be hours. “Oh, there he comes. Maybe now we...”
“Jane, we have all the research we need. Let me come sit down and I will fill you in on what we have discovered. The bones have all healed. The eyes have been restored to a point. Both will have to wear sunglasses for a while to protect their lenses. I think if we must, we can do Lasik surgery on Alexandria to fix the problem there. Ivan’s is healing very nicely. The tracheostomies we did to help them breathe while their ribs healed did not seem to damage the voice boxes permanently, but there will be a difference in the tone of their voices. I do not know if will either one ever sings again. They will be able to talk within a month. The big thing is that amnesia is permanent.
They both have retrograde amnesia. Retrograde Amnesia: Describes amnesia where you can't recall memories that were formed before the event that caused the amnesia. It usually affects recently stored memories, not memories from years ago. There was hope if they had started regaining memories within the first twenty-four hours. This seems to be more permanent.
We are going to have to introduce them to themselves. Then take it from there.”
“Are you up for all this? I think I know the answer. You will do it even if you are not up to it.”
“Well, it keeps me busy.”
“What do you say we get them in those new fancy wheelchairs and take them down the peacock pond for a picnic. We can introduce them to themselves and each other at the same time. They may not be able to remember who they were, but they can meet who they are today.”
“I’ll get Daisy ready. You head to the cabins, and we will meet you.”
“Okay, my love… you are the boss…”
“You know better than that Advik.”
“I want to have a word with Alexandria before we go. Kind of a woman-to-woman thing. I gotta get her over being mad and into being glad she is alive.”
“See ya’ at the pond dear.”
I had decided to go see Alexandria and push some of her buttons. I may be seventy-but I do remember a little bit about being a girl. “Alexandria, are you dressed?”
“If that who is who I am, I guess I am dressed. I have no idea. Maybe I am an outlaw on the run. Who knows?”
I walked in to find her slumped over a chair, flipping through the pages of a magazine that was laying on the floor. She was still in her pajamas. Her hair was a mess.
“Okay, young lady. You can have your pity party later. We have things to do. You are either going to go in there and bath yourself or I am going to do it for you.”
“Who do you think you are? You old bat. I ain’t goin' anywhere with you and you are not going to bathe me. Got it?”
I walked over to the chair she was laying in. I sat next to her. “Alexandra, I know who you are. I also know you used to be a very nice lady. Now, you are being a cow and if I may be so blunt, you are being worse than a female dog. You have turned into a witch to boot. We have done everything we can to save your life. What do we get from you in return for our efforts?”
I turned her shoulders towards me. “Who am I? I am the old bat that pulled you out of the ocean. I am the old bat that has taken care of you up till now. I am not calling in a debt. I would do what I did for you for anyone. I would like to see some appreciation for the fact that you are still alive to tell me off if nothing else.”
I could tell I was finally getting through to her. She saw herself in the mirror I was holding up. The mental mirror. “I am not saying you have to stay either. You can leave any time you want. You are not the only one I am taking care of so please let me know if you intend to keep draining on our resources or if you intend to at least try to help someone besides yourself.”
“Jane. I am indeed sorry. I should not have said what I said. I am angry. I am angry because I do not know who I am. I do not know you either. I get frustrated and I want to slap someone. I can’t seem to stop being angry.”
“Alexandra, we are going to work on that today. If you bathe yourself it will help. Then I want you to dress. I have put some clothes in your closet for you to choose from. I will be back in about an hour. I will help you do your face and your hair. Then we are going on a picnic. I have a special place I want to show you. It might give you some peace of mind when you need it the most. Let’s get some of that dirt off you first.”
“Okay, I am on my way to the shower now. For an old bat, you are kind of scary just before you turn into my fairy godmother.”
“Tootles. See yaw’ in an hour.”
I got out quickly before anything else got started. I had had similar conversations with her before. She will snap into depression mode without warning. I wanted to leave her in an up mood. Maybe she will follow through. I did not want to have to wrestle her into the bath. I left to meet up with my sweetie to see how far he had gotten with Ivan.
We had arranged for the children to be on an adventure on another island while we got them out of their cabin for the first time in a year and two months.
I saw Advik and Ivan coming out of the cabin. He still looked angry but at least he was dressed and out. I could hear him arguing with the doctor just a bit. “I don’t want to go out.I like it inside. That is why I do not go out.”
“Ivan, I am so sorry. Did Dr. Devi tell you?”
“Tell me what?”
“You are mean and selfish. We are tired of you constantly yelling at us for something. We no longer care what you think. We are going for a picnic today. You are coming with us. You can yell and scream all you want but I think it would be easier on you if you just shut up and put up with it. That is exactly what we have had to do with you since we pulled you out of the ocean. Now shut up. Stop complaining and get moving.”
By this time Dr. Devi was laughing his head off. It caught Ivan by surprise, and he too started laughing.
“I guess we best do what the lady says. I think she is angrier than I am. You want me on a picnic… I am on my way. I promise to be a good boy.”
I decided that angry people only listen to other angry people. Being passive was getting us nowhere with those two.
I got back to Alexandra’s cabin and was pleasantly surprised that she was dressed and working on putting a little makeup on when I came inside. I helped brush her hair and was very pleased with the result.
“Don’t you feel better dear? You are a very handsome woman. I think we are going to enjoy ourselves today. Come on. I have a fancy wheelchair for you. It will help you keep from getting too tired before we get to our picnic spot.
The banquet table was small and loaded with melons, coconuts, fruits, and assorted vegetables. The peacocks were in full dance mode. It was such fun watching the peacocks doing their dances for the peachicks. I had kept Alexandra’s wheelchair just across, on the opposite side of the pond than Ivan’s. I let them observe each other enjoying themselves. Then Advik and I slowly faded away to watch from a distance.
“I am Ivan. Or I should say they call me Ivan. I have amnesia so I do not know.Have you been here long?”
“I do not know. I am Alexandra. That is who they tell me I am. I have amnesia too. I just got my eyes and voice back a few days ago. And you?”
We watched as they slowly maneuvered their chairs closer together. There was no anger. Just chatting about the dance and enjoying the breeze coming off the beach.
This event started a sequence of events. Alexandra and Ivan Martinez have been meeting each other for almost a month. They go to the stage performances every night when “the spot” is playing. They do the picnic thing at least twice a week. I had to giggle a little. I watched as they sat with their chairs next to each other, holding hands and watching the sunset. Yes. A little romance never hurt anyone.
Phase one of putting a family back together had been completed. The spur of anger in the parents was gone now. They no longer hated the world because they did not remember it. Phase two was going to be a bit tricky.
I decided I would have to get the kids to cooperate, or it would not work. They are five and six years old. Trying to understand why mommy and daddy did not know them.
I explained as best I could and told them we were going to have to pretend they did not know them. They would have to call them by their given names and not call them Mommy and daddy. It was amazing how quickly the kids caught onto pretending.
It became a game. One afternoon, I came by with Aimee and asked Alexandra to watch her for a while. I needed to get things ready for a rehearsal at the stage. She agreed. We had also gotten Ivan to babysit Alejandro while we were both out.
A few babysitting assignments later the whole family was hanging out together. Then the magic started taking place right in front of us.
It had been a very difficult rehearsal. The kids were working on a new song. Ivan squirted something into Alejandro’s throat. Then he hummed the tune for him. Alejandro’s eyes popped open wide. “Sir you have such a wonderful voice. Show me how to sing like that.” They practiced together. Aimee turned to Alexandra. “Can you sing?”
“I do not know. She hummed at first then did some scales and suddenly a solid, pitch-perfect soprano rang out. Ivan looked at her. They harmonized. The children were delighted. They gave them both hugs.
That night they all performed together for the first time in over eighteen months.It was magic. No anger… just lots of love.
Right now, I am too excited to think. Alexandra just left here. She and Ivan want to get married and they want to adopt the two children. I am not sure how we will pull it off… but I guarantee you it will be done.
Afterall. It has been almost a week since the peacock pond has had a wedding. It is time for another. I must get that started while Advik gets the adoption papers ready. We decided we could include the kids in the ceremony as if they were all becoming one family at the wedding.
It turns out that Bonnie Murphy is a very good seamster. The bridal gown she has made is beautiful.
“You ready? I am so excited I think I keep pinching myself to make sure I am not dreaming.”
“I know. The bride and groom are the only ones who do not know they are already married.”
“Shahs. Don’t you say that out loud? We do not need any anger today.”
“You are right. I got the kids in Daisy’s cart. They are so excited about all this.”
The wedding took place on stage under the spotlight. Ivan sang his vows to Alexandra and she answered in that beautiful soprano voice. Then the final question came. Do you take this man to your lawful father?”
“Yes, I do.” Alejandro waited until the same question had been asked and answered by Aimee. I kept wiping the happy tears off my cheeks. Then Aimee looked up and grinned at Alexandra and asked, “Can I call you mommy now?”
“You sure can. My little Aimee. You are both our children for now and always.”
The hugs started but I never felt more blessed than to be able to watch the magic unfold. No more angry wrath. Only love was left. A family restored by falling in love with one another all over again.
CHAPTER 10: Fight or Flight
I would like to call this meeting together by discussing the meaning of stewardship. It embodies the responsible planning and management of resources. The concepts of stewardship can be applied to the environment and nature, economics, health, property, information, theology, cultural resources, etc.
Since we came here two years ago, we have gone into and out of every stage in life. From birth to death. I would like to correct that statement. Hat We have yet to experience the adolescent during our stay here. That is why all the parents have not pulled their hair out yet. It is coming… you have been warned.” I got a chuckle from my audience. “In the spirit of community, we have won some battles.
But we have also overcome Pride, Envy, Gluttony, Anger, and Greed. To not take up the stewardship of this island is to give into Sloth and Lust the last of the seven deadly sins. Sloth is the avoidance of physical or spiritual work. Lust is a craving for the pleasures of the body. We have all consumed many pleasures of the body just by being here. This island has made us well. The hospital facility helps all the islands now. It must be allowed to continue.
We have been sent what I would call a ransom demand for this wonderful island we call home.
Some of you may not know that one of the survivors of the shipwreck was a member of a family that had been one of the most notorious pirates in history. They sent her to these islands to find out if any of the treasures they stollen from their ancestors had been left here for them as the descendants of the woman who had a fleet of 1500 ships, defeated the British navy, and used decapitation as a means of controlling her subjects. We also know that this woman left here with a lot of gold from what she found here. She and another man left together with two longboats full of gold.
Her family seems to think there is more treasure because she never showed up with any. So, they have stated that if we do not turn over all the remaining treasure found on Peacock Island, they will release 500 black ship rats on our shores.
The specific rats they are talking about are black or ship rat Rattus. I do not have to tell you what that would do to the ecosystem here. The vegetation would be destroyed, the birds would also slowly die off. The chickens would not last two years. This cannot be allowed to happen. I would like to propose a solution if I may.
I want to make some points while you are making up your minds.
First, I think we can prohibit one of their ships from getting close enough to our waters to deliver the rats. However, these rats can come by canoe or any kind of smaller boat.
I want to give her family every single remaining treasure we have. We have used the funds from these items as we needed money to provide hospital facilities and to take care of the island itself.
They also know that with the Hindu government the rats would not be killed. That is another reason their presence would destroy this wonderful home.
Second, we can find a way to pack up and leave. Let them come get their treasure and we would be out of the whole thing.
I know that we are all healthy now, but this island is the reason we are healthy now. I think we owe it to save if there is any way we can. Those who want to leave may do so. Those who want to stay and fight this horrible thing may do so. The point also to remember is that the treasure will be gone. The golden instruments will have to go as part of the treasure. We can pay the ransom. It is not ours to keep. It is rightfully theirs.
I will sit down and let anyone else who wants to speak do so.”
I watched as the families looked at one another. The Murphy’s, the Andersson’s, the Mwangi, and the Martinez all said at the same time… “Let them have their old treasure. We will fight for the island.”I was so pleased I almost started to cry.
Besides, we are doing two shows three days a week with the stage. We can start charging a little and support ourselves just fine. I want to protect this place not leave it.
“Thank you all. I hoped you would be willing to help us fight this thing. I can control how close they can get to our shores as governor.”
“Dr. Devi, does that mean you will allow us to stay if we want to?” My children and our entire family cherish this place. We have no desire to ever leave.”
“For you to be permanent citizens you will need to apply for citizenship.”
“What about making Jane the Mayor of Peacock Island?”
A round of clapping, as everyone stood up. I smiled and thanked them.
“I am afraid she cannot be Mayor or hold government office since she neither a citizen nor married to a citizen of this province.”
“Silence blanketed the room. Then Veer stood up, “Well, grandfather, I think you can do something about both of those things.”
“Jane, for the sake of this island and the sake of the love I have in my heart…will you marry me?”
I was caught totally off guard. I looked up into the big brown eyes that had been devoted to me since the day he help stand after I had fallen. “Yes, I will marry you, Advik. I will fight for our island.”
Everyone clapped as Advik gave me our first kiss and hugged me. He was such a gentleman. I guess saying “Five is not too many… is not a good idea right now.” I gotta work on my sense of humor a bit. Well, I am getting better. At least I am thinking about it before I blurt it out.
I had to pinch myself as I strolled back into my cabin. How do you go from being a seventy-year-old talent scout and animal trainer to becoming the Major of an island and marrying the governor after the ship you are on sinks? I don’t think this one was my idea. I am just following wherever it leads.
The next few months were going to be hard on everyone. I gotta get some sleep.
Tomorrow I start Rat research. I also think it is time to call in our own investigation team. These people may be cons or scam artists. I mean those shipwreck people could behind all this. Who knows? I will talk to my sweetie about it in the AM. I had no idea, as I was drifting off to sleep that Veer was thinking the exact same thing.
By the time I got up and dressed the entire island was busy with people getting ready to do battle for her.
This little island had turned into a village after all. The medical facility was top drawer. We even had a resident psychologist. She had done wonders to bring the families back together.
I really think her official name should be the Island of Hope. That would not happen. The peacocks belong in the name of this place.
Word had gotten out about my marriage proposal. I was getting salutations from everyone as I made my way down to the medical facility in search of my better half.
The children were in school. As it should be. I spotted a group of scientists here doing their study on the monkey population. I bet they could help us locate and stop this threat…or at least give us some teeth to fight with.
I had my video camera with me. A habit I had developed. I tape things I came across and the kids would write music to it. It was a fun project we all enjoyed. There in the clearing one of the peahens was hatching an egg. It never ceased to amaze me.
“Jane, wait up a second.” I turned to see Veer and the psychologist holding hands trying to catch up with me.
“What are you two lovebirds up to today?”
“We have been doing some research of our own. I think the tape you got, and the ransom note are a hoax. I am going to do some investigation with Interpol to find out if anything like this has been done anywhere in recent years. I may be gone for a few days. Please let my grandfather know I will return with some answers.”
“Why are you in such a hurry?” I noticed he had bags packed and was ready to leave immediately. “I got in contact with a buddy of mine from medical school. He is going to meet met me. I will send you an email and keep you up to date on what I find.
“Okay, you be careful. I am quite fond of you.” He gave me a peck on the cheek and then headed towards the boats waiting at the beach.
Battle plans to save the island were being created daily. I wonder if there are any other solar-powered islands. We Might be worth checking out. We had freshwater underground springs that fed the pond and a couple of wells that supplied the medical facility. We traveled by donkey, cart, or both. We had septic tanks buried to protect the environment. We always discussed the impact any change would make on the island before we implemented it.
The island was healthy. I intended to make sure it stayed that way. I guess I had a little swish in my walk. I got a wolf whistle.
I glanced around. Advik was headed my way with all the other men in single file behind him. “Jane, we have decided that all those who want to apply for citizenship here can do so in one ceremony next Saturday. I can have everyone sworn in and have their citizenship badges ready by then. I think wearing them will keep the spirits high for all those who have agreed to stay.”
What is going on out on the beach? All those boys with their boats. What is up?”I watched as several teen boys were preparing to set sail in about ten different boats.
“They have taken it upon themselves to patrol the waters at last five miles out. No boats will be getting any closer than that.”
“That is amazing. How wonderful. Why have I not seen teen boys before now?”
Then suddenly I started laughing. A group of girls walked by about that time. These boys jumped out of their boats and started doing some sort of Peacock dance around them. “Never mind. I guess I just was not looking.”
“Want to join me for some research later today?”
“I’ll be there. See, yaw in about an hour.” A quick kiss on the cheek and he was gone.
Plans for the citizenship ceremony were finalized. Little did we know then the day would be marked as the most cattywampus day I think I have ever had.
I woke early. All the mothers I had been working with were very busy getting the last-minute touches done on the britches, skirts, and uniforms the children wanted to wear. Let me put it this way. Some of the words used during this process included; Gallivant, Britches, Codger, Rigmarole, Hoodwink, Ragamuffin, Fiddle-faddle, humbug, skullduggery, Kibosh, Bejeebers, and Flibberty.
Food preparations had been accomplished with some real flair as well. These descriptions included a little different vocabulary. Such as Malarkey, Nincompoop, Skedaddle, Shenanigans, Flummoxed, Pumpernickel, Berserk, Periwinkle, Thingamajig, Whatsit, Confuzzled, Kerfuffle, Poppycock, and Bogus.
The husbands on the other end of these conversations also got to hear some new words in reference to gadgets needed to do different things. It was very loud and also included the following: Balderdash, Fuddy-duddy, Thunderation, Whosemegadget, skewwhiff, lambasted, flim-flam, whatchamacallit, concoction, doohickey gossamer, wishy-washy, fiddlesticks, caterwauling, rigmarole, tomfoolery, bodacious, fiddle-dee-dee, Willnilly, Decrepid, Persnickety, Egad, audacity, baloney, kerfuffle, numb-skull,
Why is this worthy of mention? Because I got to chatting with the girls one evening during a sewing circle. I mentioned some of the colorful phrases my grandmother had used when carrying on a conversation with my grandpa…Mrs. Murphy wrote them all down. The girls were using the words. The husbands had no idea what they were talking about, and I am the only one who knows what they said. The clothes were finished, the food got prepared and everyone had a very good time. It was amazing, to say the least.
The crowd was beginning to fill. The stage had been enlarged thanks to Bruce and Molly’s efforts.
We had decided it would be good to hold the ceremony with the doors open because there were so many becoming citizens.
The children had a dance routine that would start the ball rolling… or so we thought.
Kipke did a few flips as he bounced his way into view… followed by two peacocks who were trying to outdo each other for a peahen. Kipke was polite and allow the dance to continue. . twirled a long stick that had fringe on each end. Rufus and Red also came in but a golden monkey clung to the branch they were to use for their part of the routine. Lucas and Luna tapped their way right into the back of another peacock starting his dance. Aimee and Alejandro burst into song without incident and stood proud at the end of the line. These precious eight children have gone through so much and loved their way through it all. Helping their parents regain their health. Their talents expanded with each and every display of love. They shared the love and it healed them all. These eight children are eight singing, dancing, walking, talking miracles themselves.
When they sang the last note we all had to turn and look out to sea. There was a huge explosion that could be seen for at least twenty miles. We saw a ship go into the air and right back into the water and sink instantly. We also saw about twenty longboats scatter in all directions.
We all looked at one another in disbelief. What had happened? Was anyone hurt? Were there survivors? All questions had been answered within an hour. No human was harmed. Everyone had made it to safety. A boiler had exploded and taken everything down with it, including any rats on board. We all said a prayer for the rats. Nothing else was mentioned about that.
These are all questions that would have to be answered.
Veer comes running up from the beach. He had several men with him. They all seemed to be uniformed officers.
They had been on the trail of a group of con artists who had been making ransom demands on several islands throughout the Indian Ocean for years. This was the first time they had had a chance to catch them. The thieves were arrested and the boats with the rats were sunk.
I would call that a catawampus day. We all celebrated for the blessings this little island continued to bring to all who loved her.
They call me Mayor now. That is right. Some questions came upon that subject.I have always been of the Christian faith. I thought Advik also had been of the Hindu faith because the three islands were originally governed by Hindu followers. The British missionaries seemed to have influenced more than some of the language.
I have found that it is not what you do not believe in but what you do believe in that makes the difference. I believe in kindness to others, not judging others, and treating others as I would want them to treat me. Advik and I both are of Christian teachings but even if we were not the union would be based on our love and what that means to us as one. As long as our faith and beliefs are balanced I feel our horizons will expand and grow as well.
However, Advik and I were married shortly before the citizenship ceremony was finished.
We had overcome the seven deadly sins and gone from all human stages of fetus, baby, child, adolescent, adult, and elderly. We brought our own stage and spent a lot of time preparing to either go on or come out of the next one. Our curtain calls are too numerous to count anymore. Now we count our blessings. We have become a loving family of loving families. I guess the blessings were there all along. I hope you enjoyed our adventure and remember to look for the blessings as you go through each stage and every curtain call.
Just think. Tomorrow we get to unpack all of our gold, brass, and wood instruments. Our blessings are still multiplying. I think we got to keep the instruments because the gold was not the value... it was the music. All the kids ever cared about was the music, performing, expanding their talents. A child with love and imagination is the most valuable of all things.
If you ever find yourself lost and, in a group, not knowing which way to go... look around. I bet if you start counting now, the blessing will continue to multiply. Guide each other, give each other strength, every chance you can. Remember you are either on a stage, coming out of a stage, or going into a new stage. Count your curtain calls.
Advik and I look back over the years since that third anniversary of us washing up onshore. So much has happened since that time. The eight children have married each other. They all remain good friends, today. Bruce and Molly have a carpentry business that, you guest it builds stages. They have duplicated the little stage that washed onshore and have transported them all over the world. We also have a drama and performing arts center still here on Peacock Island. We stay busy booking performances, perfecting performances, and of course coming up with new ones. The original instruments are still here but have also been duplicated to ensure quality. Some of the instruments Bruce invented are indeed unusual. Children born with defects or who have a handicap can still make music. It is the music that adds the magic.
When you count your blessings, they multiply. Through every stage in your life... count your blessings. Every sunrise and every sunset are filled with the colors of compassion, love, and sharing. Don't end a day without the gratitude that binds it all together. When you show kindness to someone else you do just that. Payback when you can, however you can. It lays the groundwork for more blessings.
Feel free to read this adventure again. Just in case you find yourself lost and not knowing what to do next.
The end.
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Lillian Kazmierczak
03/22/2022OMG, that was a terrific book! I loved it, read it in one evening. Thank you for sharing such alovely story.
Just so you know, chapters 6 and 7 are the same. Please let me know when you fix it so I can read that chapter as well.