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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Teens
- Theme: Science Fiction
- Subject: Science / Science Fiction
- Published: 04/15/2022
Born 1988, M, from ENGLAND, United Kingdom.png)
The Clone Wars were still raging throughout the galaxy.
Anakin and Obi-Wan were on a very challenging mission, to rescue Palpatine from the vile clutches of the infamous General Grievous.
The pair of them successfully made it through the dogfight to the General’s ship, where Palpatine was being held captive.
Just as they were about to rescue the Chancellor, Count Dooku appeared.
Dooku immediately went into battle against the two Jedi. He thrust Obi-Wan out of the way and had him knocked unconscious, before rounding on Anakin.
Dooku believed that dealing with Anakin would be easy without Obi-Wan to help him, but that wasn’t the case. He underestimated the young Jedi and ended up paying with his life.
Anakin freed the Chancellor and left the command deck with him and Obi-Wan – only to get caught in a ray shield.
Again the two Jedi ended up in a gripping lightsaber battle, only it was against the tyrant Grievous. The General got away, leaving the Jedi and Palpatine to be nearly sucked into the void of space.
However the three of them survived just in time and barely made it back to Coruscant, along with R2.
No sooner was he back on Coruscant, Anakin learned from Padme that he was going to be a father, well so he thought at the time.
He was so overwhelmed with joy by the news, when something happened, which turned things right upside down.
That very night, Anakin had a most devastating dream about Padme dying in childbirth.
From that moment onwards, non-Jedi thoughts came to him – thoughts like fear of loss and possessiveness. Yoda tried to warn him of what it would lead too, but it was too late.
Unfortunately, that wasn’t his only trouble, for Obi-Wan told him to be on edge about Palpatine, who happened to be the reason why he ended up on the Council.
The thing was, Anakin unlike any other Council member was denied the permission to be a master.
Now then, Anakin had disobeyed and defied the Council over and over again, but being defied himself, well, that was something else.
From that moment, Anakin started to dislike the Council – even more so when he was assigned to spy on the Chancellor.
Not only that, but the Council had put him in a very awkward position.
Palpatine told Anakin about Darth Plagueas, similarities between the Sith and the Jedi and how the dark side could be used to create life and save others. It was a cloak of deceit, which Anakin fell for.
He had been totally deceived into believing that he could use the dark side to save Padme in childbirth.
Then came the moment when Obi-Wan went off to Confront General Grievous, while Yoda went to fight alongside the Wookiees.
That very night, Anakin dreamt that Obi-Wan was trying to prevent Padme from dying in childbirth.
From that moment, he wondered if Obi-Wan and Padme had secret feelings for each other. That amounted to a spark of jealousy.
Then came the moment when Windu told him to further spy on the Chancellor – a big mistake.
Palpatine tried to persuade Anakin to learn the ways of the dark side, to save Padme.
It was then that Anakin suspected that Palpatine was Darth Sidious.
Instead of killing him, he went off to the Jedi temple, in order to hand Palpatine over to the Council.
First of all he told Windu, who went off with four other Jedi Masters to confront the Chancellor.
Anakin, who had been ordered to wait in the Council chamber, was dwelling on what to do. Part of him felt deep guilt about betraying Palpatine to the Council. Another part of him wanted to learn the ways of the dark side, in order to save Padme, no matter what the cost.
In the end, he decided to rescue the Chancellor and learn, what he believed to be the way to save Padme.
When he entered Palpatine’s quarters, he saw four dead Jedi and Windu pointing his lightsaber at the Chancellor.
It was then that Anakin witnessed something totally ghastly.
Palpatine emitted dark side lightning, which Windu blocked with his lightsaber. The lightning backfired and transformed Palpatine’s face into a grotesque mask.
Windu went for the final killing blow, but his hand was chopped off by Anakin’s blade.
At that, Palpatine struck Windu full force with lightning and sent him flying out of the window.
Anakin was shocked by his own actions, but he no longer cared. All he wanted was to save Padme.
So he surrendered to Darth Sidious and became Darth Vader.
Now Anakin was enslaved to Darth Sidious.
His first orders were to wipe out the Jedi at the temple and to eliminate all of the Separatist leaders.
So Anakin marched off with hundreds of Clone troopers to the Jedi temple and terminated nearly every Jedi and Padawan.
He then went off to see Padme briefly, before heading out to Mustafar to eliminate the Separatists and end the war.
When Anakin reached Mustafar, he slaughtered Viceroy Gunray and the other Separatist leaders.
After that, Padme came to Mustafar – the very last person, whom Anakin expected to see in such a place.
She spoke to Anakin of things, which Obi-Wan had told her – things like Anakin turning to the dark side. She then informed him that Obi-Wan knew of their relationship.
At first, she had doubts about the accusations and told Anakin to go away with her and raise the child.
However, Anakin said things, which made Padme see things in a different light.
He told her of his growing power, overthrowing the Chancellor and Padme ruling with him.
At that, Padme began to believe Obi-Wan, which made Anakin think that she was turning against him.
Anakin then saw Obi-Wan standing in the entrance of Padme’s cruiser. He believed that Padme was with his former Master and used the Force to seize her throat – almost strangling her.
After that, a hair-raising lightsaber battle broke out between Anakin and Obi-Wan -resulting in the former having his lower legs sliced off near the edge of a vast lava fall.
Just as Obi-Wan was leaving Mustafar, Darth Sidious rescued what was left of Anakin – possibly the only good thing he had ever done and returned to Coruscant with him.
When he was inside the Sith Lord’s medical centre, Anakin was given mechanical limbs and dressed in black armour.
So Anakin Skywalker had gone from being no more than a slave boy on a desert world, to a cyborg called Darth Vader.
His destiny to bring balance to the Force had been manipulated by Darth Sidious. His new destiny was not to become the most powerful Jedi, but a vile Sith Lord serving Darth Sidious and leading the new Empire.
Anakin had been deceived by his new master into believing that he had killed Padme.
Worst of all, he knew nothing of his new born twin children, Luke and Leia, who were being hidden from him.
Luke was taken to Tatooine and Leia to Alderaan. Those two were at some point in the future, going to spark a ray of hope for the galaxy.
The Clone Wars were still raging throughout the galaxy.
Anakin and Obi-Wan were on a very challenging mission, to rescue Palpatine from the vile clutches of the infamous General Grievous.
The pair of them successfully made it through the dogfight to the General’s ship, where Palpatine was being held captive.
Just as they were about to rescue the Chancellor, Count Dooku appeared.
Dooku immediately went into battle against the two Jedi. He thrust Obi-Wan out of the way and had him knocked unconscious, before rounding on Anakin.
Dooku believed that dealing with Anakin would be easy without Obi-Wan to help him, but that wasn’t the case. He underestimated the young Jedi and ended up paying with his life.
Anakin freed the Chancellor and left the command deck with him and Obi-Wan – only to get caught in a ray shield.
Again the two Jedi ended up in a gripping lightsaber battle, only it was against the tyrant Grievous. The General got away, leaving the Jedi and Palpatine to be nearly sucked into the void of space.
However the three of them survived just in time and barely made it back to Coruscant, along with R2.
No sooner was he back on Coruscant, Anakin learned from Padme that he was going to be a father, well so he thought at the time.
He was so overwhelmed with joy by the news, when something happened, which turned things right upside down.
That very night, Anakin had a most devastating dream about Padme dying in childbirth.
From that moment onwards, non-Jedi thoughts came to him – thoughts like fear of loss and possessiveness. Yoda tried to warn him of what it would lead too, but it was too late.
Unfortunately, that wasn’t his only trouble, for Obi-Wan told him to be on edge about Palpatine, who happened to be the reason why he ended up on the Council.
The thing was, Anakin unlike any other Council member was denied the permission to be a master.
Now then, Anakin had disobeyed and defied the Council over and over again, but being defied himself, well, that was something else.
From that moment, Anakin started to dislike the Council – even more so when he was assigned to spy on the Chancellor.
Not only that, but the Council had put him in a very awkward position.
Palpatine told Anakin about Darth Plagueas, similarities between the Sith and the Jedi and how the dark side could be used to create life and save others. It was a cloak of deceit, which Anakin fell for.
He had been totally deceived into believing that he could use the dark side to save Padme in childbirth.
Then came the moment when Obi-Wan went off to Confront General Grievous, while Yoda went to fight alongside the Wookiees.
That very night, Anakin dreamt that Obi-Wan was trying to prevent Padme from dying in childbirth.
From that moment, he wondered if Obi-Wan and Padme had secret feelings for each other. That amounted to a spark of jealousy.
Then came the moment when Windu told him to further spy on the Chancellor – a big mistake.
Palpatine tried to persuade Anakin to learn the ways of the dark side, to save Padme.
It was then that Anakin suspected that Palpatine was Darth Sidious.
Instead of killing him, he went off to the Jedi temple, in order to hand Palpatine over to the Council.
First of all he told Windu, who went off with four other Jedi Masters to confront the Chancellor.
Anakin, who had been ordered to wait in the Council chamber, was dwelling on what to do. Part of him felt deep guilt about betraying Palpatine to the Council. Another part of him wanted to learn the ways of the dark side, in order to save Padme, no matter what the cost.
In the end, he decided to rescue the Chancellor and learn, what he believed to be the way to save Padme.
When he entered Palpatine’s quarters, he saw four dead Jedi and Windu pointing his lightsaber at the Chancellor.
It was then that Anakin witnessed something totally ghastly.
Palpatine emitted dark side lightning, which Windu blocked with his lightsaber. The lightning backfired and transformed Palpatine’s face into a grotesque mask.
Windu went for the final killing blow, but his hand was chopped off by Anakin’s blade.
At that, Palpatine struck Windu full force with lightning and sent him flying out of the window.
Anakin was shocked by his own actions, but he no longer cared. All he wanted was to save Padme.
So he surrendered to Darth Sidious and became Darth Vader.
Now Anakin was enslaved to Darth Sidious.
His first orders were to wipe out the Jedi at the temple and to eliminate all of the Separatist leaders.
So Anakin marched off with hundreds of Clone troopers to the Jedi temple and terminated nearly every Jedi and Padawan.
He then went off to see Padme briefly, before heading out to Mustafar to eliminate the Separatists and end the war.
When Anakin reached Mustafar, he slaughtered Viceroy Gunray and the other Separatist leaders.
After that, Padme came to Mustafar – the very last person, whom Anakin expected to see in such a place.
She spoke to Anakin of things, which Obi-Wan had told her – things like Anakin turning to the dark side. She then informed him that Obi-Wan knew of their relationship.
At first, she had doubts about the accusations and told Anakin to go away with her and raise the child.
However, Anakin said things, which made Padme see things in a different light.
He told her of his growing power, overthrowing the Chancellor and Padme ruling with him.
At that, Padme began to believe Obi-Wan, which made Anakin think that she was turning against him.
Anakin then saw Obi-Wan standing in the entrance of Padme’s cruiser. He believed that Padme was with his former Master and used the Force to seize her throat – almost strangling her.
After that, a hair-raising lightsaber battle broke out between Anakin and Obi-Wan -resulting in the former having his lower legs sliced off near the edge of a vast lava fall.
Just as Obi-Wan was leaving Mustafar, Darth Sidious rescued what was left of Anakin – possibly the only good thing he had ever done and returned to Coruscant with him.
When he was inside the Sith Lord’s medical centre, Anakin was given mechanical limbs and dressed in black armour.
So Anakin Skywalker had gone from being no more than a slave boy on a desert world, to a cyborg called Darth Vader.
His destiny to bring balance to the Force had been manipulated by Darth Sidious. His new destiny was not to become the most powerful Jedi, but a vile Sith Lord serving Darth Sidious and leading the new Empire.
Anakin had been deceived by his new master into believing that he had killed Padme.
Worst of all, he knew nothing of his new born twin children, Luke and Leia, who were being hidden from him.
Luke was taken to Tatooine and Leia to Alderaan. Those two were at some point in the future, going to spark a ray of hope for the galaxy.
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