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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Adults
- Theme: Science Fiction
- Subject: Science / Science Fiction
- Published: 04/19/2022
Professor Shonku and Frankenstein (1988)
Born 1932, U, from Copenhagen, Denmark.jpeg)
sex and nudity: none
violence and gore: none
profanity: none
alcohol, drugs and smoking: none
frightening and intense scenes: mild
guns, weapons: mild
The advent of Professor Trilokashwar Shonku of Scottish Church College faculty, in the literary sphere of the Bengali Science-fiction adventure, emerged in the year of 1961 for the first time. He is a fictional character created by Satyajit Ray (1921-1992). Professor Shonku (son of Dr. Tripureswar Shonku) is a scientific inventor, who is capable of speaking 69 languages.
“Byomjatrir Diary” (“The Diary of the Space-Traveller”) was first published in the Sandesh Magazine. Written by Satyajit Ray, the Bengali Oscar-winning film-maker and author. That was merely the beginning. And Professor Shonku novels became megahit since the very beginning. Since then, total 38 complete Shonku adventures have been published until 1992.
This scientist cum explorer Professor is a bona fide Bengalee. He is a globetrotting scientist and eccentric genius. He is intrepid in the wildest fiercest expeditions, but then again incredibly humble. He has been received with utter respect in the international academic community. His self-confidence, inner strength and versatile innovative talent are astounding. Prof. Shonku has travelled the world in connection with his research and discoveries, and has been honoured by the Swedish Academy of Science. Shonku novels are outstanding cocktails of world-wide travelling, mystic adventures, supernatural thriller drama, reckless campaigns, mysteries, fantasy and hair-rising suspense. Shonku series are allrounder that keep entertaining the readers of a wide range of ages. They include Ray’s marvellous illustrations as well.
Professor Shonku’s remarkable discoveries, medicine, device, weapon:
Annihilin - A pistol capable of annihilating (obliterating) any living being.
Miracurall - A medicinal drug that cures any ailment, the name is an acronym of Miracle Cure for All Ailments.
Omniscope - A combination of telescope, microscope and X-ray-scope which looks like and can be worn as spectacles.
Air-conditioning pill - A capsule to be carried in pocket, that keeps the body temperature normal in extreme climate.
Remembrain - A device that revives memory.
Botica Indica - A pill that replaces the body’s need for food and water for 24 hours.
Microsonograph - A machine to hear subsonic sounds and speeches.
Consult Wikipedia for a complete list of Ray’s bibliography.
Professor Shonku and Frankenstein (1988)
written by Satyajit Ray,
(the Bengali Oscar-winning film-maker and author)
translated to English (UK)
by Dr. Anjana Sen
7th May
Yesterday I received a letter from my British friend Jeremy Saunders*, writing from Germany. There’s a surprising news in the letter. Here’s what he wrote.
Dear Professor Shonku,
I have come to Augsburg Germany to spend my holidays with Kroll. Here I heard something rather peculiar. I’m sure you know about eminent scientist Baron Victor Frankenstein from the Eighteenth Century. The novel Frankenstein that Mary Shelley wrote, gave people an impression that Frankenstein must be a fictional character. However, recent reports have revealed, that there was in fact a scientist called Frankenstein in the Eighteenth Century, and this scientist invented a technique to revive the dead, just like Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. You are of course aware of the fact that Frankenstein ended up creating a monster instead of human, as a result of one trivial mistake. Anyways, one of the descendants of this Baron Victor Frankenstein apparently still exists in a town nearby called Ingolstadt. We are planning to visit him soon. It would be incredible, in case some of his ancestor Baron Victor Frankenstein’s original notes, documents, archives etc. still happen to be there. We both would like to have you come along with us.
There is an upcoming Science Conference here in Augsburg, we might be able to arrange that you get an invitation to this conference. It’s the organizing authority who is going to cover your travel expenses. Let us know what you decide as soon as possible. Hope you are doing well.
Best regards,
Jeremy Saunders
I have already RSVPed yes without delay. It’s my regular routine to travel to Europe once every year. This year I haven’t taken the trip yet. Besides, who isn’t familiar with Frankenstein’s outstanding research and its tragic consequences? Even though he had managed to revive dead-bodies successfully, the revived creature turned into an exceptionally powerful brutal devil, as a result of inserting the brain of a murderer into a dead body by mistake. In the end, this monster perished by getting burnt to death in fire. Such an inventive genius like Victor Frankenstein is hard to find back then in the late Eighteenth Century. It would really be of great benefit, if we could take a look at some of his research documents. But do such notes really still exist after all these years? I doubt that.
21 May
The invitation from Augsburg has finally arrived. I am leaving this Saturday the 25th. Don’t know what kind of fate is waiting for me. But then again, even if we fail to find Frankenstein’s research documents, it feels good anyway to think that I will get to see my two close friends Kroll and Saunders.
27 May
I arrived here in Augsburg yesterday. My friends are both elated to see me. The conference here starts tomorrow. It’s a three-days long conference. Thereafter we will go to Ingolstadt the 31st. Meanwhile we have managed to obtain the address of Baron Julius Frankenstein. His residence is called Schloss Frankenstein, which means Frankenstein Castle. Julius happens to be a painting expert. His collection of painting is quite spectacular, I hear. I’m feeling an increasingly strong urge to meet him.
2 June
Yesterday we arrived here in Ingolstadt by car from Augsburg. In the morning, we drove from Augsburg right after eating breakfast and arrived at our destination already by lunch-time. It’s an old town of picturesque beauty. It’s located near the site where Danube and Schutter rivers meet. There are several ancient forts here in this town. There is a University as well.
We have rented three rooms in a small hotel here. After finishing lunch, we searched and found Frankenstein’s number in the telephone directory. Kroll called the number right away. Luckily, we manged to get Herr. Frankenstein on the phone too. He just finished eating lunch by that time. Kroll first introduced himself to him, and then said, “Two friends of mine and myself would like to come over and meet you. Is that possible?”
Frankenstein agreed at once. He invited us to come over for tea at his place at 4:30 in the afternoon.
We arrived right on time by taxi. The name of the house is written in German language on a slab of white stone at the huge gate. After crossing the gate, we arrived at the main door of the actual castle through a long curved pebble walkway. Upon our knock, an old servant in uniform opened the door, greeted us and let us in. As we entered inside the castle, we found ourselves in a gigantic hall on the ground floor. On one side of the hall, there is a wooden spiral staircase leading to the upper floor. Right after we settled down on velvet sofas, a handsome middle-aged gentleman came down the stairs and welcomed us saying that he is Julius Frankenstein. We introduced ourselves. His eyes brightened up when he heard that I am from India. He said, “I have a lot of books on Indian art and several art-objects from India in my collection. Hope I will get the chance to show them to you.”
Then he took us to the drawing room inside the castle. It’s a nicely furnished lounge; pictures painted by famous European artists hung on the wall, along with pictures in between, which appeared to be portraits of the ancestors of Frankenstein family.
Right after we settled on the sofas, another domestic attendant came in with tea and pastry on a trolly.
It was Kroll who started the conversation. We went on speaking English, as Julius Frankenstein turned out to be quite good in English. Kroll said, “We are all scientists. I am a Geologist, Dr. Saunders is an Anthropologist, and Professor Shonku is an inventor. We all know about your ancestor Baron Victor Frankenstein. We have studied and learned about him and his research results. Now the question — is there anything left of his research papers, documents, notes, formula and so on?”
After remaining quiet for a moment, Julius Frankenstein spoke up with a pleasant smile, “I didn’t even let a single piece of those things get destroyed. Not only that — even his laboratory has still remained exactly as it was. His entire leather-bound diary is preserved with utter care. However, you understand of course — it has been over one hundred fifty years. One must handle the diary extremely cautiously, otherwise there is a risk that the pages would fall apart. Victor Frankenstein was my great-grandfather. Both my grandfather and my father were scientists, I am the only one who didn’t take that path.”
Saunders asked, “Is it possible to take a look at that diary?”
“Please have your tea,” said Julius, “I am going to show you the diary later.”
My heart began to palpitate when I heard that.
We continued our conversation while drinking tea. One of the topics under discussion filled our mind with anguish.
Julius said, “It’s a matter of great regret, that something from Germany’s past has resurfaced here in Ingolstadt. Have you heard of Hans Redel?”
Kroll said, “Yes, we have, but Redel lives here?”
“Yes, he is here.” said Julius.
“Isn’t he one of Hitler’s followers, as we hear — trying to spread Hitler’s ideology to the public all over again. We also heard he has even formed a clique.”
“That’s right.” Said Julius, “it’s a matter of deepest concern that he is trying to stir up growing anti-Semitism again.”
In the 1930s and 1940s, millions of Jews were incarcerated in concentration camp by Hitler and his leaders’ atrocious plot. By the end of the World War II, along with downfall of Hitler, persecution of the Jews came to an end.
“You are Jewish, aren’t you?” said Saunders. I knew as well that names ending with “Stein” indicate Jewish origin.
“Exactly.” Said Julius, “Armed goons from Redel’s gang show up on regular basis, threaten my life, and extorts money from me for their group. However, I am not their only target. A large number of wealthy Jews in Ingolstadt are in this dire predicament as well. That guy Redel is a nasty piece of work. He is the gang-leader. Rest of the gang-members are nothing more than hoodlums, but Redel is an educated person and rather shrewd. Anti-Semitism is running in his blood.”
We felt genuinely sad to hear that. It’s frightening just to imagine that dark days would return in Germany.
We finished tea. Julius said, “Please come, let me show you the diary.”
We came to the library now. The bookcases all around are filled with various old books along with several large brand-new books of art, which particularly attracted our attention.
Julius took out the keys from a drawer and opened a chest. Then from inside the chest, he pulled out a thick book wrapped in silk rug very cautiously.
After unwrapping, it revealed a leather-bound book with the book-cover embossed in gold. I mean, it’s actually a diary rather than a book.
“Here are my great-grandfather’s notes. It contains the description of the method of reviving the dead, along with his very first experiment and its tragic outcome.”
Even though there is slight discoloration on the pages, the notes written in black ink and beautiful handwriting are still clearly legible.
“Did your father or grandfather ever use this formula again?” I asked.
“No,” said Julius, “since the tragic incident, nobody touched this book ever again.”
All three of us were fascinated and amazed. I felt perplexed. A scientist managed to achieve this so long ago in the past. Quite astounding when we think about it.
“Who else know about this notebook?” I asked.
“Nobody else,” replied Julius, “but then again, the whole world is already aware of my great-grandfather’s research and the aftermath.”
There was only one more thing yet to be done, a tour to Victor Frankenstein’s laboratory.
Julius Frankenstein led us through a long curved passage, opened the door to a room and let us enter.
Amazing. 150-year-old equipments are still all here in this huge research-laboratory. It’s astonishing to see how many different types of machineries he invented and built in those ancient days.
We didn’t waste any more of Julius Frankenstein’s time. I was feeling an intense desire to finish up reading the diary, but there is no way. All three of us said our special thanks to Julius and returned to the hotel.
12 June
Yesterday I returned home from Augsburg. Frankenstein’s diary seems like a dream now. However, there is something, I find hard to forget, and it’s not at all a dream, it’s rather harsh reality. It’s about Hitler’s follower Hans Redel. I hope, it will be possible to find a way to chasten Redel. Otherwise, it poses a grave danger. For Germany, as well as for the entire civilized society.
17 June
Another letter from Saunders today. Highly urgent. This is what he wrote —
Dear Professor Shonku,
You must have heard of Dr. Thomas Gilledt. There was no cancer-specialist greater than him. I wrote “was”, because Dr. Gilledt had a heart-attack and passed away at around 7 o’clock this morning. He was on his way to devise a highly efficacious approach for cancer treatment. It was only last month when he told me, “Just one more month — after that, there will be no more trepidation about cancer.” But he left us for ever even before he could make the medicine. What can be more tragic than this. I have also written to Kroll. My intent is, we travel to Ingolstadt again, have a word with Julius Frankenstein, consult his great-grandfather’s diary, and bring Dr. Gilledt back to life utilizing the formula. Let us know what you think, at your earliest convenience. I have instructed them to preserve Dr. Gilledt’s dead body in cold-storage in the meantime. I have also notified the medical professionals’ community over here about my plan. They all have given me their consent.
Jeremy Saunders
I have responded yes to Saunders. I am leaving the day after tomorrow. This time I have to travel on my own expenses. But if this plan turns out to be a success, we can very well overlook the travel-costs.
20 June, Ingolstadt
I have manged to get Julius’s consent. The idea actually thrilled him thinking that his great-grandfather’s notes are at last going to be of service so many years later. I said, “But at first, I would like to read the notebook scrupulously from cover to cover. After all, it’s absolutely essential that I comprehend the implementation of the procedure well enough.”
As he handed over the notebook to me, Julius said, “I have my full trust in you. I know for sure that you will return it to me as it is.”
For the moment, I have arrived Ingolstadt alone. I am going to call Saunders and Kroll on the phone today. They are arriving tomorrow. Saunders is of course in charge of making the arrangement to fetch Dr. Gilledt’s dead body.
There is one thing that was at the back of my mind since the very beginning. According to Victor Frankenstein’s formula, it was required to insert someone else’s brain in the head of the corpse. This is a rather complex issue. If we insert someone else’s brain in Dr. Gilledt’s head to revive him, then it wouldn’t remain Dr. Gilledt anymore. He is going to function following the new brain — which is exactly why Victor Frankenstein’s creature turned in to a ferocious killer. I suppose I am going to need to make some modifications and alterations in the formula. I would be able to figure out the feasibility, once I manage to read through the diary.
21 June
I finished reading the diary already last night. Not only that — I stayed up all night, and managed to complete making the necessary modifications in the formula altogether. In this plan, Dr. Gilledt will be able to resume his work after he comes back to life, as it would be his own brain in function. I have made an additional alteration in the formula; in Victor Frankenstein’s formula, natural electrical power was a requirement. Well, if we have to wait for natural thunder and lightning, it’s going to cause unnecessary delay. That’s the reason I have come up with a technique utilizing artificial transmission of electricity in to the corpse. Now this formula can duly be called Frankenstein-Shonku formula instead of just Frankenstein formula. Let’s see if it works.
23 June
Last night Saunders and four others arrived from London along with Dr. Gilledt’s dead body. Kroll has arrived this morning. We are going to commence the procedure already today. In the meantime, Julius’s team has performed an impeccable cleaning job in the laboratory. The equipments have become so shiny clean that they now look brand-new.
This time since I arrived, I have noticed, Julius looked a bit depressed. Today as I asked, he told me that Hans Redel’s gang has murdered Boris Aaronson, a very close friend. Herr Aaronson was a professor in Philosophy and an esteemed noble man. Redel used to harass and torment Aaronson in many different ways on regular basis. At one point when Aaronson couldn’t take it anymore, he published harsh critique in the newspaper against Redel and his anti-Semitic activities of Hitlerism. Aaronson’s murder is an apparent act of vengeance. Redel has accomplished it with such a clever tactics, that there was nothing the police could do. The report says — death by unknown assailant. Nonetheless, Julius and all the other Jews in Ingolstadt know perfectly well whose heinous act this is.
Despite such a tragedy, Julius kept on helping us every way he could. We have informed him, our work on Dr. Gilledt’s dead body is going to start already tonight. All the necessary chemical ingredients are going to be procured by the end of the day. None of those happens to be anything rare or difficult to obtain. The greatest quality of Victor Frankenstein’s formula was its simplicity, so to speak. Of course, Saunders and Kroll are going to assist me, additionally two local co-workers have been assigned to the tasks as well. We found these two, who agreed to help, after we got turned down by ten others. Everyone is very well aware of Baron Frankenstein’s monster, and they got the impression that we are definitely going to create another devil this time as well.
24 June
The experiment has turned out to be successful.
After seven and a half hours long relentless toil yesterday, at the crack of dawn at around 5 o’clock, Dr. Gilledt’s dead body began to show the first sign of life. A slight quiver of his right hand, at the corner of his lips, eye-lids….. We all almost choked in suspense.
Half an hour later Dr. Gilledt opened his eyes. Then he rolled his eyes this way that way. Next, his lips parted and first words came out of his mouth, “Where am I?”
I unfastened the straps from his hands. He sat up slowly. Then came the question, “How many days have I been sleeping?”
Saunders said, “Seven days, Thomas.”
Dr. Gilledt said, “Good Heavens! I have my unfinished work waiting over there. Just two more days, and the medicine is going to be ready.”
“You will be able to resume your work already tomorrow,” said Saunders, “you are in Germany now. We have woken you up here in this lab. This town is called Ingolstadt.”
I said, “For now, stay in bed and rest a while. Then we will give you something to eat.”
I cannot describe how relaxed I felt. Julius was standing there right next to me with my right hand pressed in his hands. I said, “Now I realize how advanced your great-grandfather was as a scientist.”
26 June
Horrifying experience today.
Dr. Gilledt was sent home yesterday, in perfect shape. The four assistants who came along with Saunders accompanied him as well. Julius has invited all three of us to be his guest for 3-4 more days. “I haven’t got the chance to show you my art collection yet,” said Julius. “I suggest you all check out from the hotel and move in here with me. Plenty of room here.”
So we did. Yesterday Julius showed us his collection of Indian paintings and sculptures. The Mughal and Rajput artworks he has collected are absolutely outstanding. “These are my collection over last twenty-two years.” he said.
Julius is an exceptionally hospitable host. We are enjoying comfort and luxury, relishing delicious food, and taking leisurely stroll through the flower garden surrounding the three sides of the castle.
Something happened at around half-past ten this morning. All four of us were sitting in Julius’s drawing room and chatting, when Julius’s domestic attendant Fritz came in with an absolutely petrified pale face and hands raised in the air. Four thugs entered the room behind him, each and every one of them was carrying a deadly weapon.
“Hands up,” barked the rogue at us who appeared to be the group-leader. Having no other way, we obeyed the order.
“Listen,” said the leader, “We hear that a dead doctor from London has been brought back to life right here. We are of course aware of Baron Frankenstein’s work and achievements, but we had no idea that his research-equipments are still practicable and in function, and it’s still feasible to bring people back from the dead, here in this castle’s laboratory, if we want to. We found out about that only recently. Now let me tell you why we are here. Our boss Hans Redel died of Thrombosis early this morning, at around 5:30. We demand you bring him back to life. That’s an order. If you turn us down, none of you are going to stay alive. Not even Baron Frankenstein’s machineries are going to be able to save you. Because your corpses will be plunged in the river Danube with stones tied to them. So, what do you say?”
“If you hurt us, you won’t be able to escape the law’s long arm, mind that.” Julius snapped at them angrily.
The hoodlum in front hissed like a snake, “One more word, and we are going to start shooting guns. Now tell us, when we can bring Herr. Redel’s dead body
here. Keep in mind — if you don’t comply, none of you are going to return home alive.”
What else can we do? We had no choice. I said, “Bring Redel’s dead body here in the afternoon. Before that, we need to make preparations. However, Redel can first be revived the day after tomorrow, not before, as the procedure is rather complex.”
The group of hoodlums threatened us one more time and left. Julius said, “It turns out to be a regrettable mistake to disclose Dr. Gilledt’s case to the media and the press. Had the news not been proclaimed and publicized, these people wouldn’t have been able to find out anything about this. With Redel’s death, Hitler’s followers would have dispersed. This could have been the end of anti-Semitism in Ingolstadt.”
26 June, midnight
I am having hard time falling asleep. Just the thought that we had to surrender under the threat of these savage ruffians is putting me in a bitter mood. But then again, what to do? I have thought out a plan, but it’s not possible to predict the outcome beforehand. There is perhaps no other way than this one. I am going to need Julius’s help. If it can be implemented, it’s going to be beneficial in all respects, and on top of that, it would be a great victory on my part. I have managed to get myself out of all sorts of crises in the past; this time it’s going to be an extreme ordeal.
28 June
First let me describe the resurrection of Redel.
Upon our instruction, five men from Redel’s gang brought his dead body to the Frankenstein Castle in the afternoon the day before yesterday. From the appearance, there is no way to tell that this man is so vicious. An average looking guy, no more than forty years old. I instructed Redel’s folks to lay the dead body down on top of the steel bench in the laboratory. Then I said, “You guys better leave the body on the bench, and come back at dawn the day after tomorrow. I believe with absolute certainty that Herr. Redel is going to survive, but if we are surrounded by you guys with your guns round the clock, then we won’t be able to carry out our job in peace. You have to keep some faith in us. The day after tomorrow, if you come and see Redel still dead, then do whatever you like. As we have already successfully revived one human, there is no reason we are going fail this time.”
Fortunately, Redel’s folks relied on our word and left the castle.
Let me mention here, that I haven’t brought along my deadly pistol Annihilin*, as I had no idea that we would run into such a calamity. If I had my Annihilin* with me, it would have been matter of a split second to wipe out Redel’s entire clan.
After Redel’s thugs left, I asked Julius a specific question.
“Is there a surgeon around here who is able to perform brain-surgery? It has to be an exceptionally brilliant one.”
Julius said, “Of course, there is. Dr. Heinrich Kümmel is among Germany’s finest brain-surgeons. I am very well acquainted with him.”
Now I explained, why I asked this question.
“I am planning to revive Redel’s dead body following Victor Frankenstein’s original method. That means, I am going to need a human brain that I am going to insert in place of Redel’s own. I have a couple of confidential issues in this matter to discuss with you in private.”
I didn’t want to let Saunders and Kroll know, therefore I took Julius to the next room and told him about my secret plan. Julius assured me that he is going to assist me every way he can. I had to rely on him, because we hardly know anybody around here. Besides, as a descendant of an ancient distinguished family of prestigious lineage, Julius has a position of enough influence around here.
We didn’t get to eat dinner that night. Saunders and Kroll appeared to be as excited as a couple of children. They kept asking, “Why aren’t you telling us what is the plan you have come up with?”
I said, “I don’t even know myself what’s going to be the result of my experiment. I am actually kind of shooting in the dark. Whatever is going to happen, you will be able to see that in two days anyway.”
Next day at around ten o’clock Dr. Kümmel arrived along with his coworkers and a human brain immersed in alcohol in a glass jar. The procedure of taking out Redel’s brain and insertion of the new one in its place was performed and finished by half-past eleven. I had rarely witnessed such an impeccable and superfast surgery before. Only thing Dr. Kümmel said is that he just wishes to watch our experiment in exchange for his service, there is no need for paying him any money as remuneration. We of course agreed immediately.
Our work began in Frankenstein’s laboratory at around twelve o’clock. I am silently praying to my guardian angel. If we end up creating an evil beast instead of a human, then I don’t know what to do.
After working all night long, at around 7 o’clock in the morning, Redel’s body began to show signs of life. This time also it turned up the same way as it did in case of Dr. Gilledt. And the first question Redel asked in German language — was also exactly what Dr. Gilledt’s first question was, “Where am I?”
I stepped forward and spoke up in German, “You were asleep for four days. You are in Baron Julius Frankenstein’s laboratory at the moment.”
“Julius Frankenstein?”
I haven’t noticed so far, now suddenly I saw there are more people in the room. Right behind us two thugs of Redel’s gang are standing with revolver in their hands. They looked immensely astounded in shock and disbelief.
Then Redel’s attention turned towards these two hooligans. He said, “What in God’s name, ……….what are these rogues doing here?”
It set off a rather awkward situation. One of the gang-members made a foolish face and muttered, “I’m Emil, Herr. Redel — your group-member !”
The other goon also did the same, “I’m Peter, Herr. Redel — your follower !”
Newly revitalized Redel fiercely barked at them, “Get out of my sight ! Bunch of evil devils. Germany is going to hell the second time thanks to your lot. Get lost at once !”
Peter and Emil, the two thugs looked sheepish and dumbfounded, then left the room.
Next, Saunders and Kroll came and grabbed me, “You better speak up and explain it to us what on Earth is going on here.”
I said, “First let me take care of Redel, so he can relax a while.”
I helped Redel drink some orange juice, then laid him down again. Afterwards, I turned to Kroll and Saunders, and said, “Without Julias Frankenstein’s help, it wouldn’t have been possible to execute my experiment.”
“But whose brain is it that’s inserted in to Redel’s head?” asked Kroll.
I said, “Boris Aaronson, who was murdered by Redel’s gang. Julius Frankenstein sought permission from Herr. Aaronson’s son, obtained his consent, notified the Police, then exhumed Aaronson’s dead body from his grave and got Dr. Kümmel to take out his brain by surgical procedure. That brain is the one that has given Redel a new life, and has turned him into a whole new human being. He is not the Redel as before. As far as I am concerned, Hitler’s followers are now going get wiped out.”
When I looked at Julius’s direction, I saw tears in his eyes. He came forward again, pressed my hands in his hands, and said, “Germany will remain eternally grateful to you.”
I said, “Credit entirely goes to your ancestors’ achievements. If there is one who truly deserves the thanks, that would be Baron Victor Frankenstein.”
13 July
After returning home, I received a letter from Julius Frankenstein yesterday. He is writing, Redel now identifies himself as a Jew. His gang has disintegrated, Ingolstadt’s Jewish community is now living a peaceful life safe and secured.
* footnote
*Annihilin - A pistol capable of annihilating (obliterating) any living being, ingenious invention by Professor Shonku.
*Kroll - German Geologist Dr. Wilhelm Kroll. Professor Shonku’s long-time close friend. He frequently appears in Shonku Adventures.
*Saunders - British Anthropologist Dr. Jeremy Saunders. Professor Shonku’s long-time close friend. He frequently appears in Shonku Adventures.
Professor Shonku and Frankenstein (1988)(Anjana Sen)
sex and nudity: none
violence and gore: none
profanity: none
alcohol, drugs and smoking: none
frightening and intense scenes: mild
guns, weapons: mild
The advent of Professor Trilokashwar Shonku of Scottish Church College faculty, in the literary sphere of the Bengali Science-fiction adventure, emerged in the year of 1961 for the first time. He is a fictional character created by Satyajit Ray (1921-1992). Professor Shonku (son of Dr. Tripureswar Shonku) is a scientific inventor, who is capable of speaking 69 languages.
“Byomjatrir Diary” (“The Diary of the Space-Traveller”) was first published in the Sandesh Magazine. Written by Satyajit Ray, the Bengali Oscar-winning film-maker and author. That was merely the beginning. And Professor Shonku novels became megahit since the very beginning. Since then, total 38 complete Shonku adventures have been published until 1992.
This scientist cum explorer Professor is a bona fide Bengalee. He is a globetrotting scientist and eccentric genius. He is intrepid in the wildest fiercest expeditions, but then again incredibly humble. He has been received with utter respect in the international academic community. His self-confidence, inner strength and versatile innovative talent are astounding. Prof. Shonku has travelled the world in connection with his research and discoveries, and has been honoured by the Swedish Academy of Science. Shonku novels are outstanding cocktails of world-wide travelling, mystic adventures, supernatural thriller drama, reckless campaigns, mysteries, fantasy and hair-rising suspense. Shonku series are allrounder that keep entertaining the readers of a wide range of ages. They include Ray’s marvellous illustrations as well.
Professor Shonku’s remarkable discoveries, medicine, device, weapon:
Annihilin - A pistol capable of annihilating (obliterating) any living being.
Miracurall - A medicinal drug that cures any ailment, the name is an acronym of Miracle Cure for All Ailments.
Omniscope - A combination of telescope, microscope and X-ray-scope which looks like and can be worn as spectacles.
Air-conditioning pill - A capsule to be carried in pocket, that keeps the body temperature normal in extreme climate.
Remembrain - A device that revives memory.
Botica Indica - A pill that replaces the body’s need for food and water for 24 hours.
Microsonograph - A machine to hear subsonic sounds and speeches.
Consult Wikipedia for a complete list of Ray’s bibliography.
Professor Shonku and Frankenstein (1988)
written by Satyajit Ray,
(the Bengali Oscar-winning film-maker and author)
translated to English (UK)
by Dr. Anjana Sen
7th May
Yesterday I received a letter from my British friend Jeremy Saunders*, writing from Germany. There’s a surprising news in the letter. Here’s what he wrote.
Dear Professor Shonku,
I have come to Augsburg Germany to spend my holidays with Kroll. Here I heard something rather peculiar. I’m sure you know about eminent scientist Baron Victor Frankenstein from the Eighteenth Century. The novel Frankenstein that Mary Shelley wrote, gave people an impression that Frankenstein must be a fictional character. However, recent reports have revealed, that there was in fact a scientist called Frankenstein in the Eighteenth Century, and this scientist invented a technique to revive the dead, just like Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein. You are of course aware of the fact that Frankenstein ended up creating a monster instead of human, as a result of one trivial mistake. Anyways, one of the descendants of this Baron Victor Frankenstein apparently still exists in a town nearby called Ingolstadt. We are planning to visit him soon. It would be incredible, in case some of his ancestor Baron Victor Frankenstein’s original notes, documents, archives etc. still happen to be there. We both would like to have you come along with us.
There is an upcoming Science Conference here in Augsburg, we might be able to arrange that you get an invitation to this conference. It’s the organizing authority who is going to cover your travel expenses. Let us know what you decide as soon as possible. Hope you are doing well.
Best regards,
Jeremy Saunders
I have already RSVPed yes without delay. It’s my regular routine to travel to Europe once every year. This year I haven’t taken the trip yet. Besides, who isn’t familiar with Frankenstein’s outstanding research and its tragic consequences? Even though he had managed to revive dead-bodies successfully, the revived creature turned into an exceptionally powerful brutal devil, as a result of inserting the brain of a murderer into a dead body by mistake. In the end, this monster perished by getting burnt to death in fire. Such an inventive genius like Victor Frankenstein is hard to find back then in the late Eighteenth Century. It would really be of great benefit, if we could take a look at some of his research documents. But do such notes really still exist after all these years? I doubt that.
21 May
The invitation from Augsburg has finally arrived. I am leaving this Saturday the 25th. Don’t know what kind of fate is waiting for me. But then again, even if we fail to find Frankenstein’s research documents, it feels good anyway to think that I will get to see my two close friends Kroll and Saunders.
27 May
I arrived here in Augsburg yesterday. My friends are both elated to see me. The conference here starts tomorrow. It’s a three-days long conference. Thereafter we will go to Ingolstadt the 31st. Meanwhile we have managed to obtain the address of Baron Julius Frankenstein. His residence is called Schloss Frankenstein, which means Frankenstein Castle. Julius happens to be a painting expert. His collection of painting is quite spectacular, I hear. I’m feeling an increasingly strong urge to meet him.
2 June
Yesterday we arrived here in Ingolstadt by car from Augsburg. In the morning, we drove from Augsburg right after eating breakfast and arrived at our destination already by lunch-time. It’s an old town of picturesque beauty. It’s located near the site where Danube and Schutter rivers meet. There are several ancient forts here in this town. There is a University as well.
We have rented three rooms in a small hotel here. After finishing lunch, we searched and found Frankenstein’s number in the telephone directory. Kroll called the number right away. Luckily, we manged to get Herr. Frankenstein on the phone too. He just finished eating lunch by that time. Kroll first introduced himself to him, and then said, “Two friends of mine and myself would like to come over and meet you. Is that possible?”
Frankenstein agreed at once. He invited us to come over for tea at his place at 4:30 in the afternoon.
We arrived right on time by taxi. The name of the house is written in German language on a slab of white stone at the huge gate. After crossing the gate, we arrived at the main door of the actual castle through a long curved pebble walkway. Upon our knock, an old servant in uniform opened the door, greeted us and let us in. As we entered inside the castle, we found ourselves in a gigantic hall on the ground floor. On one side of the hall, there is a wooden spiral staircase leading to the upper floor. Right after we settled down on velvet sofas, a handsome middle-aged gentleman came down the stairs and welcomed us saying that he is Julius Frankenstein. We introduced ourselves. His eyes brightened up when he heard that I am from India. He said, “I have a lot of books on Indian art and several art-objects from India in my collection. Hope I will get the chance to show them to you.”
Then he took us to the drawing room inside the castle. It’s a nicely furnished lounge; pictures painted by famous European artists hung on the wall, along with pictures in between, which appeared to be portraits of the ancestors of Frankenstein family.
Right after we settled on the sofas, another domestic attendant came in with tea and pastry on a trolly.
It was Kroll who started the conversation. We went on speaking English, as Julius Frankenstein turned out to be quite good in English. Kroll said, “We are all scientists. I am a Geologist, Dr. Saunders is an Anthropologist, and Professor Shonku is an inventor. We all know about your ancestor Baron Victor Frankenstein. We have studied and learned about him and his research results. Now the question — is there anything left of his research papers, documents, notes, formula and so on?”
After remaining quiet for a moment, Julius Frankenstein spoke up with a pleasant smile, “I didn’t even let a single piece of those things get destroyed. Not only that — even his laboratory has still remained exactly as it was. His entire leather-bound diary is preserved with utter care. However, you understand of course — it has been over one hundred fifty years. One must handle the diary extremely cautiously, otherwise there is a risk that the pages would fall apart. Victor Frankenstein was my great-grandfather. Both my grandfather and my father were scientists, I am the only one who didn’t take that path.”
Saunders asked, “Is it possible to take a look at that diary?”
“Please have your tea,” said Julius, “I am going to show you the diary later.”
My heart began to palpitate when I heard that.
We continued our conversation while drinking tea. One of the topics under discussion filled our mind with anguish.
Julius said, “It’s a matter of great regret, that something from Germany’s past has resurfaced here in Ingolstadt. Have you heard of Hans Redel?”
Kroll said, “Yes, we have, but Redel lives here?”
“Yes, he is here.” said Julius.
“Isn’t he one of Hitler’s followers, as we hear — trying to spread Hitler’s ideology to the public all over again. We also heard he has even formed a clique.”
“That’s right.” Said Julius, “it’s a matter of deepest concern that he is trying to stir up growing anti-Semitism again.”
In the 1930s and 1940s, millions of Jews were incarcerated in concentration camp by Hitler and his leaders’ atrocious plot. By the end of the World War II, along with downfall of Hitler, persecution of the Jews came to an end.
“You are Jewish, aren’t you?” said Saunders. I knew as well that names ending with “Stein” indicate Jewish origin.
“Exactly.” Said Julius, “Armed goons from Redel’s gang show up on regular basis, threaten my life, and extorts money from me for their group. However, I am not their only target. A large number of wealthy Jews in Ingolstadt are in this dire predicament as well. That guy Redel is a nasty piece of work. He is the gang-leader. Rest of the gang-members are nothing more than hoodlums, but Redel is an educated person and rather shrewd. Anti-Semitism is running in his blood.”
We felt genuinely sad to hear that. It’s frightening just to imagine that dark days would return in Germany.
We finished tea. Julius said, “Please come, let me show you the diary.”
We came to the library now. The bookcases all around are filled with various old books along with several large brand-new books of art, which particularly attracted our attention.
Julius took out the keys from a drawer and opened a chest. Then from inside the chest, he pulled out a thick book wrapped in silk rug very cautiously.
After unwrapping, it revealed a leather-bound book with the book-cover embossed in gold. I mean, it’s actually a diary rather than a book.
“Here are my great-grandfather’s notes. It contains the description of the method of reviving the dead, along with his very first experiment and its tragic outcome.”
Even though there is slight discoloration on the pages, the notes written in black ink and beautiful handwriting are still clearly legible.
“Did your father or grandfather ever use this formula again?” I asked.
“No,” said Julius, “since the tragic incident, nobody touched this book ever again.”
All three of us were fascinated and amazed. I felt perplexed. A scientist managed to achieve this so long ago in the past. Quite astounding when we think about it.
“Who else know about this notebook?” I asked.
“Nobody else,” replied Julius, “but then again, the whole world is already aware of my great-grandfather’s research and the aftermath.”
There was only one more thing yet to be done, a tour to Victor Frankenstein’s laboratory.
Julius Frankenstein led us through a long curved passage, opened the door to a room and let us enter.
Amazing. 150-year-old equipments are still all here in this huge research-laboratory. It’s astonishing to see how many different types of machineries he invented and built in those ancient days.
We didn’t waste any more of Julius Frankenstein’s time. I was feeling an intense desire to finish up reading the diary, but there is no way. All three of us said our special thanks to Julius and returned to the hotel.
12 June
Yesterday I returned home from Augsburg. Frankenstein’s diary seems like a dream now. However, there is something, I find hard to forget, and it’s not at all a dream, it’s rather harsh reality. It’s about Hitler’s follower Hans Redel. I hope, it will be possible to find a way to chasten Redel. Otherwise, it poses a grave danger. For Germany, as well as for the entire civilized society.
17 June
Another letter from Saunders today. Highly urgent. This is what he wrote —
Dear Professor Shonku,
You must have heard of Dr. Thomas Gilledt. There was no cancer-specialist greater than him. I wrote “was”, because Dr. Gilledt had a heart-attack and passed away at around 7 o’clock this morning. He was on his way to devise a highly efficacious approach for cancer treatment. It was only last month when he told me, “Just one more month — after that, there will be no more trepidation about cancer.” But he left us for ever even before he could make the medicine. What can be more tragic than this. I have also written to Kroll. My intent is, we travel to Ingolstadt again, have a word with Julius Frankenstein, consult his great-grandfather’s diary, and bring Dr. Gilledt back to life utilizing the formula. Let us know what you think, at your earliest convenience. I have instructed them to preserve Dr. Gilledt’s dead body in cold-storage in the meantime. I have also notified the medical professionals’ community over here about my plan. They all have given me their consent.
Jeremy Saunders
I have responded yes to Saunders. I am leaving the day after tomorrow. This time I have to travel on my own expenses. But if this plan turns out to be a success, we can very well overlook the travel-costs.
20 June, Ingolstadt
I have manged to get Julius’s consent. The idea actually thrilled him thinking that his great-grandfather’s notes are at last going to be of service so many years later. I said, “But at first, I would like to read the notebook scrupulously from cover to cover. After all, it’s absolutely essential that I comprehend the implementation of the procedure well enough.”
As he handed over the notebook to me, Julius said, “I have my full trust in you. I know for sure that you will return it to me as it is.”
For the moment, I have arrived Ingolstadt alone. I am going to call Saunders and Kroll on the phone today. They are arriving tomorrow. Saunders is of course in charge of making the arrangement to fetch Dr. Gilledt’s dead body.
There is one thing that was at the back of my mind since the very beginning. According to Victor Frankenstein’s formula, it was required to insert someone else’s brain in the head of the corpse. This is a rather complex issue. If we insert someone else’s brain in Dr. Gilledt’s head to revive him, then it wouldn’t remain Dr. Gilledt anymore. He is going to function following the new brain — which is exactly why Victor Frankenstein’s creature turned in to a ferocious killer. I suppose I am going to need to make some modifications and alterations in the formula. I would be able to figure out the feasibility, once I manage to read through the diary.
21 June
I finished reading the diary already last night. Not only that — I stayed up all night, and managed to complete making the necessary modifications in the formula altogether. In this plan, Dr. Gilledt will be able to resume his work after he comes back to life, as it would be his own brain in function. I have made an additional alteration in the formula; in Victor Frankenstein’s formula, natural electrical power was a requirement. Well, if we have to wait for natural thunder and lightning, it’s going to cause unnecessary delay. That’s the reason I have come up with a technique utilizing artificial transmission of electricity in to the corpse. Now this formula can duly be called Frankenstein-Shonku formula instead of just Frankenstein formula. Let’s see if it works.
23 June
Last night Saunders and four others arrived from London along with Dr. Gilledt’s dead body. Kroll has arrived this morning. We are going to commence the procedure already today. In the meantime, Julius’s team has performed an impeccable cleaning job in the laboratory. The equipments have become so shiny clean that they now look brand-new.
This time since I arrived, I have noticed, Julius looked a bit depressed. Today as I asked, he told me that Hans Redel’s gang has murdered Boris Aaronson, a very close friend. Herr Aaronson was a professor in Philosophy and an esteemed noble man. Redel used to harass and torment Aaronson in many different ways on regular basis. At one point when Aaronson couldn’t take it anymore, he published harsh critique in the newspaper against Redel and his anti-Semitic activities of Hitlerism. Aaronson’s murder is an apparent act of vengeance. Redel has accomplished it with such a clever tactics, that there was nothing the police could do. The report says — death by unknown assailant. Nonetheless, Julius and all the other Jews in Ingolstadt know perfectly well whose heinous act this is.
Despite such a tragedy, Julius kept on helping us every way he could. We have informed him, our work on Dr. Gilledt’s dead body is going to start already tonight. All the necessary chemical ingredients are going to be procured by the end of the day. None of those happens to be anything rare or difficult to obtain. The greatest quality of Victor Frankenstein’s formula was its simplicity, so to speak. Of course, Saunders and Kroll are going to assist me, additionally two local co-workers have been assigned to the tasks as well. We found these two, who agreed to help, after we got turned down by ten others. Everyone is very well aware of Baron Frankenstein’s monster, and they got the impression that we are definitely going to create another devil this time as well.
24 June
The experiment has turned out to be successful.
After seven and a half hours long relentless toil yesterday, at the crack of dawn at around 5 o’clock, Dr. Gilledt’s dead body began to show the first sign of life. A slight quiver of his right hand, at the corner of his lips, eye-lids….. We all almost choked in suspense.
Half an hour later Dr. Gilledt opened his eyes. Then he rolled his eyes this way that way. Next, his lips parted and first words came out of his mouth, “Where am I?”
I unfastened the straps from his hands. He sat up slowly. Then came the question, “How many days have I been sleeping?”
Saunders said, “Seven days, Thomas.”
Dr. Gilledt said, “Good Heavens! I have my unfinished work waiting over there. Just two more days, and the medicine is going to be ready.”
“You will be able to resume your work already tomorrow,” said Saunders, “you are in Germany now. We have woken you up here in this lab. This town is called Ingolstadt.”
I said, “For now, stay in bed and rest a while. Then we will give you something to eat.”
I cannot describe how relaxed I felt. Julius was standing there right next to me with my right hand pressed in his hands. I said, “Now I realize how advanced your great-grandfather was as a scientist.”
26 June
Horrifying experience today.
Dr. Gilledt was sent home yesterday, in perfect shape. The four assistants who came along with Saunders accompanied him as well. Julius has invited all three of us to be his guest for 3-4 more days. “I haven’t got the chance to show you my art collection yet,” said Julius. “I suggest you all check out from the hotel and move in here with me. Plenty of room here.”
So we did. Yesterday Julius showed us his collection of Indian paintings and sculptures. The Mughal and Rajput artworks he has collected are absolutely outstanding. “These are my collection over last twenty-two years.” he said.
Julius is an exceptionally hospitable host. We are enjoying comfort and luxury, relishing delicious food, and taking leisurely stroll through the flower garden surrounding the three sides of the castle.
Something happened at around half-past ten this morning. All four of us were sitting in Julius’s drawing room and chatting, when Julius’s domestic attendant Fritz came in with an absolutely petrified pale face and hands raised in the air. Four thugs entered the room behind him, each and every one of them was carrying a deadly weapon.
“Hands up,” barked the rogue at us who appeared to be the group-leader. Having no other way, we obeyed the order.
“Listen,” said the leader, “We hear that a dead doctor from London has been brought back to life right here. We are of course aware of Baron Frankenstein’s work and achievements, but we had no idea that his research-equipments are still practicable and in function, and it’s still feasible to bring people back from the dead, here in this castle’s laboratory, if we want to. We found out about that only recently. Now let me tell you why we are here. Our boss Hans Redel died of Thrombosis early this morning, at around 5:30. We demand you bring him back to life. That’s an order. If you turn us down, none of you are going to stay alive. Not even Baron Frankenstein’s machineries are going to be able to save you. Because your corpses will be plunged in the river Danube with stones tied to them. So, what do you say?”
“If you hurt us, you won’t be able to escape the law’s long arm, mind that.” Julius snapped at them angrily.
The hoodlum in front hissed like a snake, “One more word, and we are going to start shooting guns. Now tell us, when we can bring Herr. Redel’s dead body
here. Keep in mind — if you don’t comply, none of you are going to return home alive.”
What else can we do? We had no choice. I said, “Bring Redel’s dead body here in the afternoon. Before that, we need to make preparations. However, Redel can first be revived the day after tomorrow, not before, as the procedure is rather complex.”
The group of hoodlums threatened us one more time and left. Julius said, “It turns out to be a regrettable mistake to disclose Dr. Gilledt’s case to the media and the press. Had the news not been proclaimed and publicized, these people wouldn’t have been able to find out anything about this. With Redel’s death, Hitler’s followers would have dispersed. This could have been the end of anti-Semitism in Ingolstadt.”
26 June, midnight
I am having hard time falling asleep. Just the thought that we had to surrender under the threat of these savage ruffians is putting me in a bitter mood. But then again, what to do? I have thought out a plan, but it’s not possible to predict the outcome beforehand. There is perhaps no other way than this one. I am going to need Julius’s help. If it can be implemented, it’s going to be beneficial in all respects, and on top of that, it would be a great victory on my part. I have managed to get myself out of all sorts of crises in the past; this time it’s going to be an extreme ordeal.
28 June
First let me describe the resurrection of Redel.
Upon our instruction, five men from Redel’s gang brought his dead body to the Frankenstein Castle in the afternoon the day before yesterday. From the appearance, there is no way to tell that this man is so vicious. An average looking guy, no more than forty years old. I instructed Redel’s folks to lay the dead body down on top of the steel bench in the laboratory. Then I said, “You guys better leave the body on the bench, and come back at dawn the day after tomorrow. I believe with absolute certainty that Herr. Redel is going to survive, but if we are surrounded by you guys with your guns round the clock, then we won’t be able to carry out our job in peace. You have to keep some faith in us. The day after tomorrow, if you come and see Redel still dead, then do whatever you like. As we have already successfully revived one human, there is no reason we are going fail this time.”
Fortunately, Redel’s folks relied on our word and left the castle.
Let me mention here, that I haven’t brought along my deadly pistol Annihilin*, as I had no idea that we would run into such a calamity. If I had my Annihilin* with me, it would have been matter of a split second to wipe out Redel’s entire clan.
After Redel’s thugs left, I asked Julius a specific question.
“Is there a surgeon around here who is able to perform brain-surgery? It has to be an exceptionally brilliant one.”
Julius said, “Of course, there is. Dr. Heinrich Kümmel is among Germany’s finest brain-surgeons. I am very well acquainted with him.”
Now I explained, why I asked this question.
“I am planning to revive Redel’s dead body following Victor Frankenstein’s original method. That means, I am going to need a human brain that I am going to insert in place of Redel’s own. I have a couple of confidential issues in this matter to discuss with you in private.”
I didn’t want to let Saunders and Kroll know, therefore I took Julius to the next room and told him about my secret plan. Julius assured me that he is going to assist me every way he can. I had to rely on him, because we hardly know anybody around here. Besides, as a descendant of an ancient distinguished family of prestigious lineage, Julius has a position of enough influence around here.
We didn’t get to eat dinner that night. Saunders and Kroll appeared to be as excited as a couple of children. They kept asking, “Why aren’t you telling us what is the plan you have come up with?”
I said, “I don’t even know myself what’s going to be the result of my experiment. I am actually kind of shooting in the dark. Whatever is going to happen, you will be able to see that in two days anyway.”
Next day at around ten o’clock Dr. Kümmel arrived along with his coworkers and a human brain immersed in alcohol in a glass jar. The procedure of taking out Redel’s brain and insertion of the new one in its place was performed and finished by half-past eleven. I had rarely witnessed such an impeccable and superfast surgery before. Only thing Dr. Kümmel said is that he just wishes to watch our experiment in exchange for his service, there is no need for paying him any money as remuneration. We of course agreed immediately.
Our work began in Frankenstein’s laboratory at around twelve o’clock. I am silently praying to my guardian angel. If we end up creating an evil beast instead of a human, then I don’t know what to do.
After working all night long, at around 7 o’clock in the morning, Redel’s body began to show signs of life. This time also it turned up the same way as it did in case of Dr. Gilledt. And the first question Redel asked in German language — was also exactly what Dr. Gilledt’s first question was, “Where am I?”
I stepped forward and spoke up in German, “You were asleep for four days. You are in Baron Julius Frankenstein’s laboratory at the moment.”
“Julius Frankenstein?”
I haven’t noticed so far, now suddenly I saw there are more people in the room. Right behind us two thugs of Redel’s gang are standing with revolver in their hands. They looked immensely astounded in shock and disbelief.
Then Redel’s attention turned towards these two hooligans. He said, “What in God’s name, ……….what are these rogues doing here?”
It set off a rather awkward situation. One of the gang-members made a foolish face and muttered, “I’m Emil, Herr. Redel — your group-member !”
The other goon also did the same, “I’m Peter, Herr. Redel — your follower !”
Newly revitalized Redel fiercely barked at them, “Get out of my sight ! Bunch of evil devils. Germany is going to hell the second time thanks to your lot. Get lost at once !”
Peter and Emil, the two thugs looked sheepish and dumbfounded, then left the room.
Next, Saunders and Kroll came and grabbed me, “You better speak up and explain it to us what on Earth is going on here.”
I said, “First let me take care of Redel, so he can relax a while.”
I helped Redel drink some orange juice, then laid him down again. Afterwards, I turned to Kroll and Saunders, and said, “Without Julias Frankenstein’s help, it wouldn’t have been possible to execute my experiment.”
“But whose brain is it that’s inserted in to Redel’s head?” asked Kroll.
I said, “Boris Aaronson, who was murdered by Redel’s gang. Julius Frankenstein sought permission from Herr. Aaronson’s son, obtained his consent, notified the Police, then exhumed Aaronson’s dead body from his grave and got Dr. Kümmel to take out his brain by surgical procedure. That brain is the one that has given Redel a new life, and has turned him into a whole new human being. He is not the Redel as before. As far as I am concerned, Hitler’s followers are now going get wiped out.”
When I looked at Julius’s direction, I saw tears in his eyes. He came forward again, pressed my hands in his hands, and said, “Germany will remain eternally grateful to you.”
I said, “Credit entirely goes to your ancestors’ achievements. If there is one who truly deserves the thanks, that would be Baron Victor Frankenstein.”
13 July
After returning home, I received a letter from Julius Frankenstein yesterday. He is writing, Redel now identifies himself as a Jew. His gang has disintegrated, Ingolstadt’s Jewish community is now living a peaceful life safe and secured.
* footnote
*Annihilin - A pistol capable of annihilating (obliterating) any living being, ingenious invention by Professor Shonku.
*Kroll - German Geologist Dr. Wilhelm Kroll. Professor Shonku’s long-time close friend. He frequently appears in Shonku Adventures.
*Saunders - British Anthropologist Dr. Jeremy Saunders. Professor Shonku’s long-time close friend. He frequently appears in Shonku Adventures.
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