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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Adults
- Theme: Fairy Tales & Fantasy
- Subject: Comedy / Humor
- Published: 05/27/2022
Born 1951, M, from Gore Bay, Canada.jpeg)
Ifandorbut is one of those places that you find in the drawer of your desk, the closet, threshold of another room or midway down the hall wall and you suddenly find yourself forgetting why you are there or what you were looking for and there is a blank spot in your thoughts that seems to escape your memory and defies being regathered.
Simone Defrend had a moment just like that while searching through her shoulder bag at the grocery store half way up the dairy aisle and forgetting what she was looking for. Suddenly, during a blink of the eye she tumbled down the inandout kaleidoscope tunnel and landed smack in the middle, or maybe on the outskirts, no one can really recall, of Ifandorbut, on a path of cinder stone that turned into a carpet of pine needles and cones and various leaves from the broadleaf tree variety that delved into a mid- autumn a forest scape.
I won’t use her exact words at that moment, but the texting version goes something like What The Heck and she said them very loudly and they hit the still silence of the forest air with a thud, if you can imagine words hitting anything with a thud.
She looked forward then left then right and saw only forest. Then she looked behind and saw herself in the dairy aisle searching madly through her shoulder bag looking frustrated. So she tried to walk back but even after a good five minutes walking she remained in exactly the same place, like walking on a treadmill sweating and panting but going absolutely nowhere with some unknown purpose loosely regarded as exercise that really accomplishes very little because one only does this once a week for fifteen minutes and pays 20 dollars for the privilege.
Having failed at getting back to herself she turned about and set of along the carpet path and this time she seemed to be moving forward, which made her feel a little better but still confused about what she was doing in a forest while grocery shopping and of course how she got there at all.
It seemed forever that she walked and indeed it was quite a long time for the sun was in the morning when she started and by the time she stopped it was in the late afternoon, a mid autumn afternoon, though there were no shadows to tell by because the sun had been blotted out by a cast of very dark and heavy clouds, and away in the distance the thunder rolled though there had been no lightning.
It was almost dark when she came to the edge of a pond where the path went to the right and to the left. The left fork seemed to wind a short way through the woods then open into a clearing where the sun was casting its last cloudy rays. Where the right fork seemed to come to an end, she saw the yellow glow of lamp lights shinning in a window that looked to be part of a caboose, which she only recognized because her grandpa had once showed her pictures of one. The glow was like her grandma used to light the kitchen with when the power went out. In a way it felt warm and soothing though confusion still lingered some on the edge of her thoughts.
Did I mention that Simone was just eighteen years old and it was her first time being away from home, probably never to return except for weekend visits after she finished college but only holiday visits while attending to her studies to become an aeronautics engineer and an extracurricular writing course which she planned to use to pen stories, mostly science fiction and fantasy in nature. So, you might understand that she was endowed with a descent salting of imagination.
As she approached the caboose a campfire seemed to spring up suddenly with a huge iron pot on a heavy chain hanging from a tripod. Next to the fire was a woman in a hooded cloak sitting on a three-legged stool made of willow branches, bound together by some kind of reed, or something. She was humming a tune in a chanting sort of way that was ever so familiar and as Simone drew closer and listen more attentively, she finally recognized it as one her grandma used to hum, though Simone never knew what the tune was named.
When Simone thought she was close enough but not too close she beckoned in a soft voice so she would not startle the old woman. “Hello there. Can you help me? I seemed to have lost my way though I know the way back, but I cannot go back.”
The old woman cackled. A witch’s cackle if ever there was a witch’s cackle and it did not sound at all friendly, but then, thought Simone, “How can a cackle sound friendly in a strange forest on the brink of night with a storm looming in the distant sky and thunder crashing overhead, for the thunder had drawn nearer and there was lightning on the edge of it, but no rain fell yet.
“Come in. Come in. You are welcome to sit by my fire and have tea from my pot warming on the stones.” Came a voice as sweet as honey straight from the beehive.
“My name is Simone, Simone Defrend. I was grocery shopping then I was here, and I don’t know what happened or how I got here, and it seems I am still in the grocery store as well.”
“Never mind all that Simone, Simone Defrend. Come sit by the fire and have a nice chat with an old lady while I stir my brew and ponder life, the universe and the shadows of the night.”
“You make it sound enchanting but how can I sit and chat easily with someone I do not know, not even your name.” Replied Simone, holding her place a few feet away from another three-legged stool a little to the old woman’s right.
“My name is very complicated, but you may call me Mrs. Lotty.”
“Thank you, Mrs. Lotty, but I would also like to know where I am and how I got here, before I can feel really comfortable.”
“Getting here just happens, that’s all I can tell you on that subject, but, where here is, I can enlighten you. This place is Called Ifandorbut and I suspect the reason you came here is because you are having a moment, which simply means a glitch in your memory.”
“Do you live here?” Simone asked as she moved to the stool and sat down, feeling a little less uncertain.
“Sometimes. Sometimes I wander for weeks all over Ifandorbut in search of things that will suite my needs.”
“Are you a witch?” Simone asked. And is there a Mr. Lotty?”
“I am a witch indeed and a very nice witch as witches go. Others would have you in their pot or locked up in a tower or something nasty. But I am more interested in talking and hearing stories or, best, having wistful conversations about love and other frivolous subjects bounding happily through the minds of young’uns like yourself. And yes, there is a Mr. Lotty, but he was summoned by Queen Prissy of Ifandorbut because the Queendom is in danger of being invaded by King Dorky of the Kingdom of Ifandorbut. Mr. Lotty is of course a Warlock with much experience in such affairs.”
“It all sounds rather silly and exciting at the same time and I would love to explore it all, but I should get back to the grocery store and home. I have a paper to write on breaking the sound barrier and a story for my writing class.”
“Don’t fret Simone Defrend. No time will be lost out there but there could be many benefits if you stay with this old witch and keep her company for a while.”
The lightning flashed brightly, straight above the caboose and the thunder crashed and rumbled like a strike in a bowling alley. Then it began to rain but the witch whispered and though it rained in the forest it was dry all around the caboose and campfire.
“That’s a nice trick.” Said Simone. “How can you do that?”
The witch cackled lightly. “I am a witch and I know things about nature unwitches don’t but to put it in a way you will most understand I conjured a sort pf umbrella over my camp, so we don’t have to rush inside quite yet. My brew is not quite ready.”
“What are you brewing?” Simone asked curiously.
The witch cackled again, deviously, then in a sly tone and a quick glance out the corner of her slightly twisted left eye she said, “A potion that will change things for her Majesty Prissy.”
“Like a love potion for the King.” Replied Simone happily.
“Lord love a duck girl. Never. The King has no time for love. He must be ever alert to the never-ending battles that flourish on the borders of Ifandorbut.” Mrs. Lotty said haughtily.
“Then why is he attacking the Queen’s land?”
“Invading. Not attacking.” The witch corrected.
“Oh Bother, what’s the dif.” Simone snapped.
It started to rain on the camp. Mrs. Lotty jumped up and ran into the caboose, locking her door behind her so that Simone could not enter.
“Hey. I am getting soaked. Let me in.” she demanded.
“No. You can go to visit the queen and she will let you in and there you will find out the dif between attack and invade.” Cackled the witch “And while you are there inform Mr. Lotty that my brew is ready and to send his raven to collect a vile of it.”
Simone was wet, drenched wet and cold and miserable and the fire had gone out, the light in the caboose was extinguished and in fact the whole camp disappeared along with the forest. She found herself suddenly standing before a huge crystal palace pointed in silver with golden frames around the windows, rooves made of onyx shakes and gems of every kind set into the stone pillars of the gate way that sported heavy, ugly iron gates.
It was still storming, maybe even a little worse and Simone was soaked to the skin and chilled to the marrow of her bones. Nothing gave her more joy ever than in that moment when the gates opened and a carriage of gold, drawn by four huge golden stallions reined in by a shadowy driver who seemed almost transparent outlined in shimmering silver.
Simone climbed into the carriage and closed the door and found it to be comfortably warm though there was nothing to suggest a device to create the warmth. In a few minutes she was asleep and when she awoke, she found herself in a comfy cozy bed under a canopy and covered with a down filled duvet.
There was a fire place with flames dancing warm and bright on the hearth. Through the window, with its it’s drapes turned back Simone saw the lightning flash and felt more than heard the thunder crash and rumble. “Does this storm ever stop?” She asked aloud which garnered her an answer in a soft warm voice.
“It will and soon I think.”
Simone jumped up and cast a glance to the corner, a shadowy corner, from where the voice came. “Who are you?”
“Just call me Nanny. After all that is what I am and have always been.”
“I take it I am inside the Queen’s castle.” Simone guessed.
“No. This is the castle of the tenant farmer.” Nanny said sarcastically then cleared her throat and apologized. “I can’t help it. I was cursed by a witch with a foul tongue spell.”
“Would that be Mrs. Lotty? Simone suggested.
“Heavens to Murgatroyd no. She would never do such a terrible thing, I think.” Nanny replied sharply.
“Don’t be so sure. She is brewing something nasty right now for the queen and she left me to get soaked in the rain and almost freeze to death.” Simone replied a little viciously.
“Oh. Then I suppose she in one of her moods. Even as a child she had them and no one was safe around her. She gets that way when her sister gets really mean when the moon rises full in the month of November, and it is indeed the very night of the full moon upon us.” Explained Nanny. “But still it was not her who cast this spell on me. That witch is far away in the sunset land far in the west of Ifandorbut. She thinks it was myself, who had her banished from the Queendom, but it is not true. She managed that herself by casting a love spell on the King and tried to steal him away from Prissy.”
“Nanny. Do you have any idea how ridiculous all this is? I went grocery shopping and then I end up here where so far nothing is making any sense and I have no idea what it has to do with me.”
“Well. I don’t know about ridiculous, but the Queen might, and she may explain things, if she is not to distracted by the impending invasion by the king.”
“Oh that. That is why I am here apparently. I have come to find out the difference between attack and invade.” Simone announced.
“That’s all. Heavens to Murgatroyd. I thought everyone knew that.” Replied Nanny in a condescending tone.
“Well I don’t so maybe you could tell me.” Simone demanded.
“I think it is for the Queen to explain and her she is coming now. I will leave you to her.” The Nanny croaked miserably then in a twinkling of a sparkle she vanished.
And Queen Prissy entered the room and if one were to define the meaning of beauty anything, they could say would not include the queen who looked a little like a rotten potato with white hair sticking out like so much asparagus gone to flower and eyes set topsy-turvy in her face with no nose except for two holes between the eyes.
It was all Simone could do to keep from laughing and then it was only because of her upbringing. People who look different do not deserve to be laughed at.
Simone jumped from her bed and in the true fashion of old-time etiquette she curtsied and said in a respectful tone. “Thank you for taking me in Queen Prissy.”
Belying her appearance, the queen said in the sweetest, kindest voice Simone had ever heard. “You are welcome my dear. I just wish it had not been necessary. This a cursed storm seems never to end, and I suppose it is a curse upon me, as is this face. I do hope the witches brew dispels the spell that made me like this.”
“Oh. I have a message. Mrs. Lotty said to tell her husband Mr. Lotty that the brew is ready, and he should send his raven to collect it.” Simone announced in a hurried voice.
Just then Mr. Lotty entered the room with a vial of blue liquid in his hands, a vial to large to hold in one hand. On his shoulder was a raven. The Warlock said in a gentle voice. “You passed on your message in your sleep dear girl. Now here we are to cure the Queen.”
“Wait. Will someone please tell me the difference between attack and invade.” Simone shouted but it seemed no one paid her any attention. The Warlock handed the queen the vial and she drank it down in a gulp and three.
Simone looked on expecting to see the Queen transform into a beautiful woman. Instead she simply disappeared then everyone else in the room vanished and then the room itself was gone and there Simone was standing in the dairy aisle searching her shoulder bag but couldn’t for the life of her remember what for. All she could think about was, “What is the difference between attack and invade.
“To attack is to commence the onset; to assail is to make a sudden and violent attack, or to make repeated attacks; to assault (literally, to leap upon) is to attack physically by a hand-to-hand approach or by unlawful and insulting violence; to invade is to enter by force on what belongs to another.” A voice, deep and rich came from behind her.
Simone spun abruptly about on one heel and her gaze was met by a tall, lumbering sort of fellow who was unhandsome, though not ugly and had that curious look of being aloft in his mind.
“Who are you?” she asked, just a little startled. But in a blink, there was no one there to answer.
“I’m losing it.” Simone uttered anxiously. “I must be working too hard.”
Amber Lane pushed herself away from the desk, stretched and stood from her chair. “I need a tea before I go on and finish the story.” She whispered. Before she took three steps, she was sitting on a three-legged stool by a campfire next to a witch who lived in a caboose who was brewing a potion in a large witches caldron. “Dear me.” She said excitedly. I do believe I have floundered into my own story.”
“Not really Missy Prissy. You never really leave. No one ever comes or goes Ifandorbut.”
“I am confused.” Said Amber Lane. “Its all so ridiculous. Who, no what, no who?”
The witch cackled. It was a frightening sound.
“That will be twenty-seven dollars and eighteen cents.” Simone stared at the cashier like he had two heads, which he didn’t of course. She rifled her bag for the exact change and.
Ifandorbut is one of those places that you find in the drawer of your desk, the closet, threshold of another room or midway down the hall wall and you suddenly find yourself forgetting why you are there or what you were looking for and there is a blank spot in your thoughts that seems to escape your memory and defies being regathered.
Simone Defrend had a moment just like that while searching through her shoulder bag at the grocery store half way up the dairy aisle and forgetting what she was looking for. Suddenly, during a blink of the eye she tumbled down the inandout kaleidoscope tunnel and landed smack in the middle, or maybe on the outskirts, no one can really recall, of Ifandorbut, on a path of cinder stone that turned into a carpet of pine needles and cones and various leaves from the broadleaf tree variety that delved into a mid- autumn a forest scape.
I won’t use her exact words at that moment, but the texting version goes something like What The Heck and she said them very loudly and they hit the still silence of the forest air with a thud, if you can imagine words hitting anything with a thud.
She looked forward then left then right and saw only forest. Then she looked behind and saw herself in the dairy aisle searching madly through her shoulder bag looking frustrated. So she tried to walk back but even after a good five minutes walking she remained in exactly the same place, like walking on a treadmill sweating and panting but going absolutely nowhere with some unknown purpose loosely regarded as exercise that really accomplishes very little because one only does this once a week for fifteen minutes and pays 20 dollars for the privilege.
Having failed at getting back to herself she turned about and set of along the carpet path and this time she seemed to be moving forward, which made her feel a little better but still confused about what she was doing in a forest while grocery shopping and of course how she got there at all.
It seemed forever that she walked and indeed it was quite a long time for the sun was in the morning when she started and by the time she stopped it was in the late afternoon, a mid autumn afternoon, though there were no shadows to tell by because the sun had been blotted out by a cast of very dark and heavy clouds, and away in the distance the thunder rolled though there had been no lightning.
It was almost dark when she came to the edge of a pond where the path went to the right and to the left. The left fork seemed to wind a short way through the woods then open into a clearing where the sun was casting its last cloudy rays. Where the right fork seemed to come to an end, she saw the yellow glow of lamp lights shinning in a window that looked to be part of a caboose, which she only recognized because her grandpa had once showed her pictures of one. The glow was like her grandma used to light the kitchen with when the power went out. In a way it felt warm and soothing though confusion still lingered some on the edge of her thoughts.
Did I mention that Simone was just eighteen years old and it was her first time being away from home, probably never to return except for weekend visits after she finished college but only holiday visits while attending to her studies to become an aeronautics engineer and an extracurricular writing course which she planned to use to pen stories, mostly science fiction and fantasy in nature. So, you might understand that she was endowed with a descent salting of imagination.
As she approached the caboose a campfire seemed to spring up suddenly with a huge iron pot on a heavy chain hanging from a tripod. Next to the fire was a woman in a hooded cloak sitting on a three-legged stool made of willow branches, bound together by some kind of reed, or something. She was humming a tune in a chanting sort of way that was ever so familiar and as Simone drew closer and listen more attentively, she finally recognized it as one her grandma used to hum, though Simone never knew what the tune was named.
When Simone thought she was close enough but not too close she beckoned in a soft voice so she would not startle the old woman. “Hello there. Can you help me? I seemed to have lost my way though I know the way back, but I cannot go back.”
The old woman cackled. A witch’s cackle if ever there was a witch’s cackle and it did not sound at all friendly, but then, thought Simone, “How can a cackle sound friendly in a strange forest on the brink of night with a storm looming in the distant sky and thunder crashing overhead, for the thunder had drawn nearer and there was lightning on the edge of it, but no rain fell yet.
“Come in. Come in. You are welcome to sit by my fire and have tea from my pot warming on the stones.” Came a voice as sweet as honey straight from the beehive.
“My name is Simone, Simone Defrend. I was grocery shopping then I was here, and I don’t know what happened or how I got here, and it seems I am still in the grocery store as well.”
“Never mind all that Simone, Simone Defrend. Come sit by the fire and have a nice chat with an old lady while I stir my brew and ponder life, the universe and the shadows of the night.”
“You make it sound enchanting but how can I sit and chat easily with someone I do not know, not even your name.” Replied Simone, holding her place a few feet away from another three-legged stool a little to the old woman’s right.
“My name is very complicated, but you may call me Mrs. Lotty.”
“Thank you, Mrs. Lotty, but I would also like to know where I am and how I got here, before I can feel really comfortable.”
“Getting here just happens, that’s all I can tell you on that subject, but, where here is, I can enlighten you. This place is Called Ifandorbut and I suspect the reason you came here is because you are having a moment, which simply means a glitch in your memory.”
“Do you live here?” Simone asked as she moved to the stool and sat down, feeling a little less uncertain.
“Sometimes. Sometimes I wander for weeks all over Ifandorbut in search of things that will suite my needs.”
“Are you a witch?” Simone asked. And is there a Mr. Lotty?”
“I am a witch indeed and a very nice witch as witches go. Others would have you in their pot or locked up in a tower or something nasty. But I am more interested in talking and hearing stories or, best, having wistful conversations about love and other frivolous subjects bounding happily through the minds of young’uns like yourself. And yes, there is a Mr. Lotty, but he was summoned by Queen Prissy of Ifandorbut because the Queendom is in danger of being invaded by King Dorky of the Kingdom of Ifandorbut. Mr. Lotty is of course a Warlock with much experience in such affairs.”
“It all sounds rather silly and exciting at the same time and I would love to explore it all, but I should get back to the grocery store and home. I have a paper to write on breaking the sound barrier and a story for my writing class.”
“Don’t fret Simone Defrend. No time will be lost out there but there could be many benefits if you stay with this old witch and keep her company for a while.”
The lightning flashed brightly, straight above the caboose and the thunder crashed and rumbled like a strike in a bowling alley. Then it began to rain but the witch whispered and though it rained in the forest it was dry all around the caboose and campfire.
“That’s a nice trick.” Said Simone. “How can you do that?”
The witch cackled lightly. “I am a witch and I know things about nature unwitches don’t but to put it in a way you will most understand I conjured a sort pf umbrella over my camp, so we don’t have to rush inside quite yet. My brew is not quite ready.”
“What are you brewing?” Simone asked curiously.
The witch cackled again, deviously, then in a sly tone and a quick glance out the corner of her slightly twisted left eye she said, “A potion that will change things for her Majesty Prissy.”
“Like a love potion for the King.” Replied Simone happily.
“Lord love a duck girl. Never. The King has no time for love. He must be ever alert to the never-ending battles that flourish on the borders of Ifandorbut.” Mrs. Lotty said haughtily.
“Then why is he attacking the Queen’s land?”
“Invading. Not attacking.” The witch corrected.
“Oh Bother, what’s the dif.” Simone snapped.
It started to rain on the camp. Mrs. Lotty jumped up and ran into the caboose, locking her door behind her so that Simone could not enter.
“Hey. I am getting soaked. Let me in.” she demanded.
“No. You can go to visit the queen and she will let you in and there you will find out the dif between attack and invade.” Cackled the witch “And while you are there inform Mr. Lotty that my brew is ready and to send his raven to collect a vile of it.”
Simone was wet, drenched wet and cold and miserable and the fire had gone out, the light in the caboose was extinguished and in fact the whole camp disappeared along with the forest. She found herself suddenly standing before a huge crystal palace pointed in silver with golden frames around the windows, rooves made of onyx shakes and gems of every kind set into the stone pillars of the gate way that sported heavy, ugly iron gates.
It was still storming, maybe even a little worse and Simone was soaked to the skin and chilled to the marrow of her bones. Nothing gave her more joy ever than in that moment when the gates opened and a carriage of gold, drawn by four huge golden stallions reined in by a shadowy driver who seemed almost transparent outlined in shimmering silver.
Simone climbed into the carriage and closed the door and found it to be comfortably warm though there was nothing to suggest a device to create the warmth. In a few minutes she was asleep and when she awoke, she found herself in a comfy cozy bed under a canopy and covered with a down filled duvet.
There was a fire place with flames dancing warm and bright on the hearth. Through the window, with its it’s drapes turned back Simone saw the lightning flash and felt more than heard the thunder crash and rumble. “Does this storm ever stop?” She asked aloud which garnered her an answer in a soft warm voice.
“It will and soon I think.”
Simone jumped up and cast a glance to the corner, a shadowy corner, from where the voice came. “Who are you?”
“Just call me Nanny. After all that is what I am and have always been.”
“I take it I am inside the Queen’s castle.” Simone guessed.
“No. This is the castle of the tenant farmer.” Nanny said sarcastically then cleared her throat and apologized. “I can’t help it. I was cursed by a witch with a foul tongue spell.”
“Would that be Mrs. Lotty? Simone suggested.
“Heavens to Murgatroyd no. She would never do such a terrible thing, I think.” Nanny replied sharply.
“Don’t be so sure. She is brewing something nasty right now for the queen and she left me to get soaked in the rain and almost freeze to death.” Simone replied a little viciously.
“Oh. Then I suppose she in one of her moods. Even as a child she had them and no one was safe around her. She gets that way when her sister gets really mean when the moon rises full in the month of November, and it is indeed the very night of the full moon upon us.” Explained Nanny. “But still it was not her who cast this spell on me. That witch is far away in the sunset land far in the west of Ifandorbut. She thinks it was myself, who had her banished from the Queendom, but it is not true. She managed that herself by casting a love spell on the King and tried to steal him away from Prissy.”
“Nanny. Do you have any idea how ridiculous all this is? I went grocery shopping and then I end up here where so far nothing is making any sense and I have no idea what it has to do with me.”
“Well. I don’t know about ridiculous, but the Queen might, and she may explain things, if she is not to distracted by the impending invasion by the king.”
“Oh that. That is why I am here apparently. I have come to find out the difference between attack and invade.” Simone announced.
“That’s all. Heavens to Murgatroyd. I thought everyone knew that.” Replied Nanny in a condescending tone.
“Well I don’t so maybe you could tell me.” Simone demanded.
“I think it is for the Queen to explain and her she is coming now. I will leave you to her.” The Nanny croaked miserably then in a twinkling of a sparkle she vanished.
And Queen Prissy entered the room and if one were to define the meaning of beauty anything, they could say would not include the queen who looked a little like a rotten potato with white hair sticking out like so much asparagus gone to flower and eyes set topsy-turvy in her face with no nose except for two holes between the eyes.
It was all Simone could do to keep from laughing and then it was only because of her upbringing. People who look different do not deserve to be laughed at.
Simone jumped from her bed and in the true fashion of old-time etiquette she curtsied and said in a respectful tone. “Thank you for taking me in Queen Prissy.”
Belying her appearance, the queen said in the sweetest, kindest voice Simone had ever heard. “You are welcome my dear. I just wish it had not been necessary. This a cursed storm seems never to end, and I suppose it is a curse upon me, as is this face. I do hope the witches brew dispels the spell that made me like this.”
“Oh. I have a message. Mrs. Lotty said to tell her husband Mr. Lotty that the brew is ready, and he should send his raven to collect it.” Simone announced in a hurried voice.
Just then Mr. Lotty entered the room with a vial of blue liquid in his hands, a vial to large to hold in one hand. On his shoulder was a raven. The Warlock said in a gentle voice. “You passed on your message in your sleep dear girl. Now here we are to cure the Queen.”
“Wait. Will someone please tell me the difference between attack and invade.” Simone shouted but it seemed no one paid her any attention. The Warlock handed the queen the vial and she drank it down in a gulp and three.
Simone looked on expecting to see the Queen transform into a beautiful woman. Instead she simply disappeared then everyone else in the room vanished and then the room itself was gone and there Simone was standing in the dairy aisle searching her shoulder bag but couldn’t for the life of her remember what for. All she could think about was, “What is the difference between attack and invade.
“To attack is to commence the onset; to assail is to make a sudden and violent attack, or to make repeated attacks; to assault (literally, to leap upon) is to attack physically by a hand-to-hand approach or by unlawful and insulting violence; to invade is to enter by force on what belongs to another.” A voice, deep and rich came from behind her.
Simone spun abruptly about on one heel and her gaze was met by a tall, lumbering sort of fellow who was unhandsome, though not ugly and had that curious look of being aloft in his mind.
“Who are you?” she asked, just a little startled. But in a blink, there was no one there to answer.
“I’m losing it.” Simone uttered anxiously. “I must be working too hard.”
Amber Lane pushed herself away from the desk, stretched and stood from her chair. “I need a tea before I go on and finish the story.” She whispered. Before she took three steps, she was sitting on a three-legged stool by a campfire next to a witch who lived in a caboose who was brewing a potion in a large witches caldron. “Dear me.” She said excitedly. I do believe I have floundered into my own story.”
“Not really Missy Prissy. You never really leave. No one ever comes or goes Ifandorbut.”
“I am confused.” Said Amber Lane. “Its all so ridiculous. Who, no what, no who?”
The witch cackled. It was a frightening sound.
“That will be twenty-seven dollars and eighteen cents.” Simone stared at the cashier like he had two heads, which he didn’t of course. She rifled her bag for the exact change and.
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Shelly Garrod
08/25/2022Wow, that is a fantastically hilarious story. I loved it. Well done Donald.
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Lillian Kazmierczak
06/14/2022That was a ridiculously fun read! I enjoyed every word! But I'm satying out of my at the grocery store! Lol! Very nice piece of writing!
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