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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Adults
- Theme: Drama / Human Interest
- Subject: Fate / Luck / Serendipity
- Published: 10/09/2022
Shooter at Dixie 66
Born 1955, F, from Lovelock, Nevada, United States.jpeg)
The atmosphere of the familiar truck plaza was different. The air, well there didn't seem to be enough oxygen in the spacious dining area. The patrons seated at the counter seemed eerily silent. The wait staff seemed nervous and frightened.something was different. For lack of adequate terminology I'll say there seemed to be an ominous presence occupying the Dixie 66. Something flooded my mind with the lyrics to " Bad Things" by Jace Everett. I knew that someone or perhaps, something wanted bad things to happen to us.
No sooner had Evelyn and I settled comfortably in our favorite corner booth than Ruby, a waitress,approached Evelyn, " Evelyn there is evil brewing around here today. Clyde and his Father-in-law are here and they are armed.There is going to be another incident,more serious this time. I feel it in my soul, someone is going to die.
seconds before you and your shadow entered. Clyde was in here harassing the waitress and flaunting his latest strange stuff. From what I overheard, Ole Clyde was caught fraternizing with the oldest daughter. He assaulted his wife when she confronted him. The father-in-law and grandfather stormed through here with murder on his mind and his lips.There is no doubt the older man had homicide on his mind.
The two men took the argument outside. After that we heard two shots. Someone could be laying out there dying or dead.
Evelyn tried to calm Ruby by saying," you don't know if anyone has been shot. You haven't witnessed anything. The two men may be posturing, you know bluffing. they could be using guns and threats as a show of manhood.
" Ruby, if everything your gut feels is true, what do you expect me to do about whatever Those men are doing outside? Do you expect me to diddley bob out there and put my nose into " Man's Business ?
It's never stopped you before.
I could be shot if I put my nose into their private business. Ruby, what you're describing is ' Family Business' . Remember the three monkeys, " see no evil, Hear no evil, and speak no evil"
Yes, but there is evil here today. And I was praying to God that someone, you, would stop it before we have a dead man on our hands.
Evelyn, you can't leave a man in the dirt to bleed out and die. go around back and peek. I ain't asking you to get involved or to get shot. I'm asking you and your shadow to sneak a peak and report back to me and the other curious employees what happened. Evelyn, it's the Christian thing to do.
It would be the Christian humane thing if I cared, I don't and it is hypocritical for me to pretend to help him. Ruby, I'm sorry, I'm not that Christian today.
But, maybe Clyde killed his father in law or maybe someone else.
" God forbid, one of their children.could have been accidentally shot or worse.
Ruby, you're becoming a drama queen.but, You've convinced me. I'll have my lunch then I'll see about Clyde and the other fellow. I'll do it but it is against my better judgment.
Evelyn finished her lunch and walked slowly toward the door exiting into the parking lot. She would reluctantly make her way to what was a crime scene. Clyde was laying on his back in the sandy red clay and gravel. The opening in the chest, about the size of a silver dollar said the injury was intended to be fatal. the hissing or sucking sounds when Clyde tried to inhale or exhale spoke clearly Clyde had a sucking Chest wound., and the heavy bleeding from the wound with bright red or pinkish, foaming blood around the wound confirmed her diagnoses.
coughing up blood indicated this injury was a near fatal sucking Chest wound. Clyde was dying. His condition was critical.
She knelt beside Clyde, the victim, shouting " someone, anyone call the ambulance" I can't handle this on my own. Clyde needs emergency medical care; the kind found in an emergency room or a trauma center. It's either you call an ambulance or someone has to put Clyde in their vehicle and take him to the nearest hospital or trauma center. Evelyn mummered beneath her breath " this emergency room is sure to kill him." Then she smiled.
Evelyn's call for assistance had been answered. An arm's distance behind her stood Bob, the busboy. And behind him stood Barbara, his girlfriend and a busboy. Barbara wasn't a boy. She was a girl. She was Evelyn's daughter, as am I. Barbara was there to play pool and help out if the place became busy.
As I was saying Evelyn's request for help was answered. Suddenly I found myself kneeling opposite Evelyn next to Clyde. I kept telling myself "Keep a hand over the second set of hands while preparing a dressing.i called out "Protect your hand with a glove or hand protection." To whomever was listening.
No one was available to put their hand over the wound. I quickly placed Clyde's hand over the bullet wound and warned him " Move your hand and you'll bleed out.
I created a plastic shield or dressing from a clean zip lock bag.I covered the entrance and exit sounds with the zip lock bags.when it came to creating an opening to let air out but not let air in I was working far beyond my college student pay grade. I was a criminal justice student studying theater arts with an emphasis on performance.
Something miraculous apparently happened beneath the sedan wrap and ziplock bandages. When the paramedics replaced the dressing I and constructed Clyde's wounds were closing and his breathing was returning to near normal.
My only explanation beyond miracle is that someone activated his fourth chakra, the heart Chakra. Someone with pure thoughts initiated the chakra healing properties.
As Evelyn and I silently made our exit she whispered " You're my daughter and you have the gift."
Shooter at Dixie 66(Martha Hume)
The atmosphere of the familiar truck plaza was different. The air, well there didn't seem to be enough oxygen in the spacious dining area. The patrons seated at the counter seemed eerily silent. The wait staff seemed nervous and frightened.something was different. For lack of adequate terminology I'll say there seemed to be an ominous presence occupying the Dixie 66. Something flooded my mind with the lyrics to " Bad Things" by Jace Everett. I knew that someone or perhaps, something wanted bad things to happen to us.
No sooner had Evelyn and I settled comfortably in our favorite corner booth than Ruby, a waitress,approached Evelyn, " Evelyn there is evil brewing around here today. Clyde and his Father-in-law are here and they are armed.There is going to be another incident,more serious this time. I feel it in my soul, someone is going to die.
seconds before you and your shadow entered. Clyde was in here harassing the waitress and flaunting his latest strange stuff. From what I overheard, Ole Clyde was caught fraternizing with the oldest daughter. He assaulted his wife when she confronted him. The father-in-law and grandfather stormed through here with murder on his mind and his lips.There is no doubt the older man had homicide on his mind.
The two men took the argument outside. After that we heard two shots. Someone could be laying out there dying or dead.
Evelyn tried to calm Ruby by saying," you don't know if anyone has been shot. You haven't witnessed anything. The two men may be posturing, you know bluffing. they could be using guns and threats as a show of manhood.
" Ruby, if everything your gut feels is true, what do you expect me to do about whatever Those men are doing outside? Do you expect me to diddley bob out there and put my nose into " Man's Business ?
It's never stopped you before.
I could be shot if I put my nose into their private business. Ruby, what you're describing is ' Family Business' . Remember the three monkeys, " see no evil, Hear no evil, and speak no evil"
Yes, but there is evil here today. And I was praying to God that someone, you, would stop it before we have a dead man on our hands.
Evelyn, you can't leave a man in the dirt to bleed out and die. go around back and peek. I ain't asking you to get involved or to get shot. I'm asking you and your shadow to sneak a peak and report back to me and the other curious employees what happened. Evelyn, it's the Christian thing to do.
It would be the Christian humane thing if I cared, I don't and it is hypocritical for me to pretend to help him. Ruby, I'm sorry, I'm not that Christian today.
But, maybe Clyde killed his father in law or maybe someone else.
" God forbid, one of their children.could have been accidentally shot or worse.
Ruby, you're becoming a drama queen.but, You've convinced me. I'll have my lunch then I'll see about Clyde and the other fellow. I'll do it but it is against my better judgment.
Evelyn finished her lunch and walked slowly toward the door exiting into the parking lot. She would reluctantly make her way to what was a crime scene. Clyde was laying on his back in the sandy red clay and gravel. The opening in the chest, about the size of a silver dollar said the injury was intended to be fatal. the hissing or sucking sounds when Clyde tried to inhale or exhale spoke clearly Clyde had a sucking Chest wound., and the heavy bleeding from the wound with bright red or pinkish, foaming blood around the wound confirmed her diagnoses.
coughing up blood indicated this injury was a near fatal sucking Chest wound. Clyde was dying. His condition was critical.
She knelt beside Clyde, the victim, shouting " someone, anyone call the ambulance" I can't handle this on my own. Clyde needs emergency medical care; the kind found in an emergency room or a trauma center. It's either you call an ambulance or someone has to put Clyde in their vehicle and take him to the nearest hospital or trauma center. Evelyn mummered beneath her breath " this emergency room is sure to kill him." Then she smiled.
Evelyn's call for assistance had been answered. An arm's distance behind her stood Bob, the busboy. And behind him stood Barbara, his girlfriend and a busboy. Barbara wasn't a boy. She was a girl. She was Evelyn's daughter, as am I. Barbara was there to play pool and help out if the place became busy.
As I was saying Evelyn's request for help was answered. Suddenly I found myself kneeling opposite Evelyn next to Clyde. I kept telling myself "Keep a hand over the second set of hands while preparing a dressing.i called out "Protect your hand with a glove or hand protection." To whomever was listening.
No one was available to put their hand over the wound. I quickly placed Clyde's hand over the bullet wound and warned him " Move your hand and you'll bleed out.
I created a plastic shield or dressing from a clean zip lock bag.I covered the entrance and exit sounds with the zip lock bags.when it came to creating an opening to let air out but not let air in I was working far beyond my college student pay grade. I was a criminal justice student studying theater arts with an emphasis on performance.
Something miraculous apparently happened beneath the sedan wrap and ziplock bandages. When the paramedics replaced the dressing I and constructed Clyde's wounds were closing and his breathing was returning to near normal.
My only explanation beyond miracle is that someone activated his fourth chakra, the heart Chakra. Someone with pure thoughts initiated the chakra healing properties.
As Evelyn and I silently made our exit she whispered " You're my daughter and you have the gift."
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