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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Adults
- Theme: Inspirational
- Subject: Personal Growth / Achievement
- Published: 10/08/2023
The Power of the little red pills
Born 1945, M, from Farmersburg, United States.jpeg)
“These are magic pills. With their power, you will be the most popular boy in school, Jimmy."
Jimmy’s uncle Steve said. “But be careful. Only take one every twelve hours.”
The boy gawked at the plastic bottle of little red pills. His teachers considered him the dumbest kid at Fullman High.
“Wi…will they really help?” Little Jimmy asks. Even at 18 his parents and everyone called him little Jimmy. His uncle Steve never steered him wrong. He needed something. His hair was disheveled; his clothes wrinkled, his body skinny. He had no energy. No wonder. The boy ate popcorn for breakfast. His teeth were a wreck. Even at 18 he failed drivers Ed. He almost hit a tractor. Panicking, he jerked the steering wheel to the side of the gravel road. If it hadn’t been for the teacher, they would have plowed into a tree.
“I…I don’t know. W…will they hurt me?” Jimmy said, still staring at the pills. He pushed the glasses up on his nose with his middle finger.
Steven sighed. How many times had he told Jimmy the person he was speaking to saw this action as an obscene gesture? The boy never listened.
“Look, if you don’t want them, give them back.” Steven said, holding out his hand. Jimmy started to, then pulled back and put the bottle in his pocket.
“I’ll …I’ll try them.” He grinned at his uncle.
“Good boy,” Steven said, patting him on the back.
Jimmy stumbled away. Steven watched him go. He shook his head. If ever a kid needed help it was little Jimmy.
At home, Jimmy slowly climbed the stairs to his room. Setting on the unmade bed, he looked around. Strewn clothes on the floor , his closet overflowed. Books covered the top of his desk. He took the bottle out of his pocket and clinched it in his sweaty hand. His mother and father had given up asking him to clean his room. They were just glad his mess didn’t overflow to the rest of the house.
He read the tiny writing on the bottle.
Doctor Lightening formula is secretly ingested
By some of the most intelligent individuals,
In the world. State leaders, emperors’ kings.
and business leaders. They depend.
on the power of the little red pill.
dosage: one pill every 12 hours
Do not exceed two pills per 24 hours.
Clearing some of the clothes off his bed he let them fall on the floor. Jimmy lay down. He opened the bottle. What did he have to lose? Selecting one pill, he tasted it. The coating sweet on his tongue, he rolled it around in his mouth. Curling his tongue, he swallowed the pill.
“Let’s see if it works.” He closed his eyes.
In his dream, he drove into the parking lot. He skidded into the place reserved for the best student in school. A crowd of beautiful girls awaited his arrival. He glanced at his perfectly styled hair French cut suit and shoes. The outfit set him back about a couple of thousand. But he made more than that yesterday in the stock market. And so far, this morning he was a little over three. The most popular girl in school dared to open the door to his car. He exited his shiny new Mercedes roadster.
“We’re tired of waiting.” The blond said with a pout. “Which one of us will you take to the prom?”
He looked at her and smiled, his teeth shining. “Why you, babe, of course?”
The other girls weeping ran toward the school. The dream dissolved. He was aware of a sour odor.
Opening his eyes, he looked around. “This place is a mess.” He smelled of his t-shirt. “You are a mess.”
Jimmy bounded off the bed. Gathering the clothing off the floor, he ran down the stairs. His mother was at a meeting. It was his dad’s night to work late. Throwing the clothes in the washer, he added detergent and softener. Thinking about it, he stripped down to his underwear and put his pants and shirt in with the rest of the clothing.
Grabbing the vacuum from the hall closet he hurried back up to his room. For the next two hours, he cleaned his room, then himself. He even washed the window and woodwork. When the washer dinged, he placed the damp clothes in the dryer and went back to work.
His mother first, his father second, came home to find their son washing the breakfast dishes. His father and mother watched in astonishment.
He grinned at them, his shirt and pants clean, his face and hands scrubbed. His finger nails trimmed. “I ordered the pizza for tonight. I hope that’s ok?”
“That’s great. But where did you get the money to pay for the pizza?” His father asks.
“I took it out of my allowance.” He said, smiling. It felt good to do something nice for them. He wondered why he hadn’t thought of it before.
His mother hunted in her pocketbook. She came out with a twenty.
“Here, let me pay you back.” She tried to hand it to her son. He held up his hand palm out.
“No, mom and dad you been so good to me. Let me do this for you.” Jimmy said. He started to push his glasses up on his nose with his middle finger then stopped. He used his thumb instead.
That night the family ate pizza, laughed at their favorite TV show and went to bed contented.
The next morning being a Saturday, Jimmy’s mother let him sleep in. Or at least that was what she intended to do. Sometimes Jimmy didn’t get up until ten. Hearing a noise, she knocked. Wiping sweat from his face, Jimmy opened his bedroom door. She stood there, her mouth hanging open.
“You…you cleaned your room.” His mom said with a shocked expression.
“Yeah, it was pretty bad,” Jimmy said. “I’ll clean the carpet later today. It smells raunchy down there.”
Thank you. Breakfast will be ready in about a half hour,” His mother said, smiling.
In the kitchen, she poured herself a cup of coffee and refilled her husband’s cup.
“It’s like a miracle. He cleaned his room. And do you know what he was doing now?”
“What?” He said, holding out his cup.
“Pushups? Our Jimmy was doing pushups?”
His mother nodded.
About that time, Jimmy entered the room. During the meal, he said. “Dad, I’m going to get a haircut before I mow the lawn. Is that ok?” Jimmy said.
“Wonderful. If you can wait until I get home to mow the lawn, I’ll run the weed eater.”
“Fantastic. See you then.” Jimmy said, downing his glass of milk he headed for the back door. “Bye mom bye dad.”
His parents watched from the kitchen window as Jimmy walked down the sidewalk whistling.
On Main Street he entered Dalton’s barbershop to find all the barber chairs were full. Opening a magazine, his soon to be gone long hair fell down in his face. Later he set down in the barber’s chair. Mr. Dalton looked at him. He smiled. “Why Jimmy, I didn’t recognize you.”
“Sorry I’ve been busy.” He felt bad about lying to Mr. Dalton.
“Well, Jimmy, what can I do for you today? A little off the top and sides?”
Jimmy opened the magazine. “Can you make me look like that?” He pointed to a photo of a famous actor.
“I’ll do my best.” Dalton said, grinning. For the next twenty minutes, Dalton labored. Every once in a while, he glanced at the picture. Finally, he handed Jimmy a hand mirror.
The boy stared at his new do. His mouth hung open. He looked at the photo of the actor. It was as if he was looking at his own haircut.
“Well, James, what do you think?” Dalton said, smiling.
“Wow, you did great. I can’t believe it’s me.” James dug into the pocket of his jeans. “How much?”
“No charge.” Dalton said. “It was a pleasure to work on your hair. Now you really are a James and not a Jimmy.”
On the way home, James kept glancing in the store windows. At home, he brushed his teeth three times. Then gargled with mouthwash. He counted the red pills in the bottle. It couldn’t be. He counted them again. There it was. 90 pills, yet there should have been 89. He smiled.
“They really are magic pills.” He said out loud.
The weekend passed smoothly. In Sunday school he set in the front. Nobody recognized him except for one girl.
“You're Jimmy? Right?” Mary said, smiling. She was one of the nicest looking girls in Sunday school.
“Yes, but now I go by James.” He said. Before the pills, he wouldn’t have the confidence to even speak to her. “I think it fits me better.”
“So, do you Mind if I set with you in church?” She said.
“Sure, that would be great.”
Monday morning, his teachers treated him with more respect. He aced the test in trig. His study assignments he did in his spare time. Over the next week, he found he really enjoyed his classes. On Friday, he was summoned to the principal’s office. Ms. Craig met him at the door of her office with a smile and a handshake.
“James? Your teachers informed me you are going by that name now.”
“Yes ma’am. I think it fits my new personality.” James said. He set down in the chair she indicated.
“James I must admit, I have seldom seen such rapid improvement in a student.” She said. Setting down behind her desk, she folded her hands on the surface.
“I want to let you know because of your change in attitude Mr. Hanson has decided to give you a second chance at driver’s ed.” she said. “You can start Monday at 2. You have a free period then, right?”
He smiled. “Yes ma am. Thank you.”
“No James. Thank you. I don’t know what you’re doing but whatever it is, please keep it up.” She said.
“Thank you I will.” He fairly flew home.
At home, he checked the bottle of pills. Amazingly, there were 92 even though he had taken seven that week.
On Saturday morning he went to the dentist and had his teeth Professionally cleaned. He couldn’t believe the sheen coming from them.
Life began to improve.
On Sunday, Mary not only set with him in church but also Sunday school. Mr. Hanson, apprehensive at first, said after a week he was the best student in his class.
He gained weight. More muscle than fat. One Saturday morning, his parents came to his bedroom to wake him up. He had just finished his shower and dressed in a clean t-shirt and jeans for the day. He came out of the bathroom to find his mother setting on the bed and his father looking out the window.
His father frowned and his mother appeared to be unhappy. The thought ran through his mind. They found the pills and they think I’m on drugs.
“I want you to look at this,” His father said, pointing out the window. Frightened, he approached the window. His mother joined them. “Yes, I think there is something you must see.”
He had a fleeting thought of the pill bottle in his father’s hand.
"Over there.” His father said, pointing to the driveway. Setting on the concrete apron was a small red sports car. He turned to see his father grinning. In his hand was a set of keys.
“It’s not new, but your father got a good deal on it from a guy at work.” His mother said.
“Paul Winslow’s son died of cancer last year. It’s several years old and filthy. It’s been setting in his back yard and he hasn’t touched it since his son died. He sold it to me for a couple of thousand.
“Wow, dad thanks. Thanks mom,” James said, tears came to his eyes. “I’ll take real good care of it. And I’ll pay you back.” He grasps the keys, his heart soaring.
“You just be careful. It has a high-performance engine.” His mother said, kissing his cheek.
“And don’t worry about paying us back.” His father said, pressing the keys into his hands. ‘Just keep doing what you’re doing.”
James almost flew down the stairs. The driver’s seat had a small rip and there was rust on the back right fender.
After breakfast, a meal James could hardly choke down his father took him to the auto parts store. They came home with everything to clean and wax the car. James spent all Saturday cleaning his new car. By evening, the car shone and James was worn out. He wanted to show Mary, but she lived the next town over and James had no license.
He took a picture with his iPhone. “Boy, I wish Mary could set in it.” He said wistfully. “I know she’d love it.”
“Well, we might have a solution to that.” His father said. “Your mother and I have been talking.”
How about you invite Mary to have lunch with us at the restaurant? She could spend the afternoon here, see your new car and go back to church for the evening service?” His mother said, smiling.
Though he had washed it the day before, Mary helped James wash the car on Sunday afternoon.
The day James received his driver’s license, he drove to Mary’s home. They had dinner at McDonalds. James took her on a tour of the country roads. In the evening, he drove her home. Setting in her parent’s driveway, he told her of his dreams.
“I want to become an architect. Let me show you some drawings I made.” He said, reaching into the backseat he brought forth a notebook. “See, this one has a fish pool right in the living room, this one has a stream running through it and this one is almost all glass. “
“Wow, they're really good,” Mary said smiling. As he walked her to her door, he said. “Would you like to go to the youth rally at church on Friday night?”
“I’d love to.” She said, smiling.
That night, he counted the little red magic pills and found there was more than in the morning.
In the spring, the other students voted him in as class president. As the best student he was the class Valedictorian. For a week, he went over his speech. He woke graduation day with more confidence than ever. He delayed taking a pill until almost time to leave for the school.
His dad called for him from the foyer. “Time to go, son.”
“Ok dad be there in just a minute.” James called.
He opened his underwear drawer where he hid the pills. The bottle wasn’t there. He panicked. Pulling every drawer in his dresser, then the chest of drawers. Weeping, James pleaded with God, all to no avail. He tore the room apart. Nothing, no bottle of little red pills.
“James are you ready. We don’t want to be late.” His mother called.
He could see no other way. Washing his face, he went downstairs to join his family.
The principal stood behind the podium. She smiled at the parents and others who made up the audience. “As an educator, one of my greatest pleasures is seeing my students excel.” Her eyes met the eyes of James’s parents setting on the front row. “Yet in my years of teaching and as administer I have never experienced such transformation as I have in one student. It is my distinct pleasure to introduce that student to you today. Our valedictorian James Allan.”
His hands shaking sweat breaking out on his forehead. James stood to a standing ovation. The principal shook his hand. James gripped the edges of the rostrum. He felt as if he were going to faint. What could he say? He cleared his throat. He looked into the faces of those with hopes and dreams for the future. His hands shook, his voice trembled. He lay his notes on the podium and began slowly. Then folding his notes, he put them in his pocket.
For the next ten minutes, he spoke from the heart. He spoke of his parents’ love for him. His teachers who believed in him. Of the dreams he and his fellow students had for the future. In the end, he set down to another standing ovation.
Mary hugged him. “I can’t believe it. That’s the greatest speech I ever heard. I recorded every minute of it on my iPhone”
“You’re kidding.” He said, his mouth hanging open. His parents laughed.
At the restaurant after prayer, James said nervously, “I have a confession to make. You may think I’m the one who made this change in my life. B…but it’s all because of the little red magic pills.
“You mean these.” His father said, taking the familiar bottle out of his pocket.
Tears came to James’ eyes. “Dad, how could you? I needed them more today than ever before.”
“They're sugar pills, son.” His father said.
“Nothing but sugar and a little dye. I got them from a pharmacist.“ His uncle Steven said.
“They have no value. “ His mother said. “You did it all yourself.”
His father gave one of the pills to his mother, uncle, and Mary. Each one put them in their mouths, including his own mouth.
“You just needed to have confidence in yourself James.” Steven said. “They’re not magic pills, they're candy.”
“B…but they multiplied.” He said.
His father laughed. He took a bag of the same pills from the other pocket of his jacket. “One night I almost forgot. I had to add more to the bottle while you were a sleep.”
So that’s the story of how James Allan became the smartest student to graduate from Fullman High.
The Power of the little red pills(Darrell Case)
“These are magic pills. With their power, you will be the most popular boy in school, Jimmy."
Jimmy’s uncle Steve said. “But be careful. Only take one every twelve hours.”
The boy gawked at the plastic bottle of little red pills. His teachers considered him the dumbest kid at Fullman High.
“Wi…will they really help?” Little Jimmy asks. Even at 18 his parents and everyone called him little Jimmy. His uncle Steve never steered him wrong. He needed something. His hair was disheveled; his clothes wrinkled, his body skinny. He had no energy. No wonder. The boy ate popcorn for breakfast. His teeth were a wreck. Even at 18 he failed drivers Ed. He almost hit a tractor. Panicking, he jerked the steering wheel to the side of the gravel road. If it hadn’t been for the teacher, they would have plowed into a tree.
“I…I don’t know. W…will they hurt me?” Jimmy said, still staring at the pills. He pushed the glasses up on his nose with his middle finger.
Steven sighed. How many times had he told Jimmy the person he was speaking to saw this action as an obscene gesture? The boy never listened.
“Look, if you don’t want them, give them back.” Steven said, holding out his hand. Jimmy started to, then pulled back and put the bottle in his pocket.
“I’ll …I’ll try them.” He grinned at his uncle.
“Good boy,” Steven said, patting him on the back.
Jimmy stumbled away. Steven watched him go. He shook his head. If ever a kid needed help it was little Jimmy.
At home, Jimmy slowly climbed the stairs to his room. Setting on the unmade bed, he looked around. Strewn clothes on the floor , his closet overflowed. Books covered the top of his desk. He took the bottle out of his pocket and clinched it in his sweaty hand. His mother and father had given up asking him to clean his room. They were just glad his mess didn’t overflow to the rest of the house.
He read the tiny writing on the bottle.
Doctor Lightening formula is secretly ingested
By some of the most intelligent individuals,
In the world. State leaders, emperors’ kings.
and business leaders. They depend.
on the power of the little red pill.
dosage: one pill every 12 hours
Do not exceed two pills per 24 hours.
Clearing some of the clothes off his bed he let them fall on the floor. Jimmy lay down. He opened the bottle. What did he have to lose? Selecting one pill, he tasted it. The coating sweet on his tongue, he rolled it around in his mouth. Curling his tongue, he swallowed the pill.
“Let’s see if it works.” He closed his eyes.
In his dream, he drove into the parking lot. He skidded into the place reserved for the best student in school. A crowd of beautiful girls awaited his arrival. He glanced at his perfectly styled hair French cut suit and shoes. The outfit set him back about a couple of thousand. But he made more than that yesterday in the stock market. And so far, this morning he was a little over three. The most popular girl in school dared to open the door to his car. He exited his shiny new Mercedes roadster.
“We’re tired of waiting.” The blond said with a pout. “Which one of us will you take to the prom?”
He looked at her and smiled, his teeth shining. “Why you, babe, of course?”
The other girls weeping ran toward the school. The dream dissolved. He was aware of a sour odor.
Opening his eyes, he looked around. “This place is a mess.” He smelled of his t-shirt. “You are a mess.”
Jimmy bounded off the bed. Gathering the clothing off the floor, he ran down the stairs. His mother was at a meeting. It was his dad’s night to work late. Throwing the clothes in the washer, he added detergent and softener. Thinking about it, he stripped down to his underwear and put his pants and shirt in with the rest of the clothing.
Grabbing the vacuum from the hall closet he hurried back up to his room. For the next two hours, he cleaned his room, then himself. He even washed the window and woodwork. When the washer dinged, he placed the damp clothes in the dryer and went back to work.
His mother first, his father second, came home to find their son washing the breakfast dishes. His father and mother watched in astonishment.
He grinned at them, his shirt and pants clean, his face and hands scrubbed. His finger nails trimmed. “I ordered the pizza for tonight. I hope that’s ok?”
“That’s great. But where did you get the money to pay for the pizza?” His father asks.
“I took it out of my allowance.” He said, smiling. It felt good to do something nice for them. He wondered why he hadn’t thought of it before.
His mother hunted in her pocketbook. She came out with a twenty.
“Here, let me pay you back.” She tried to hand it to her son. He held up his hand palm out.
“No, mom and dad you been so good to me. Let me do this for you.” Jimmy said. He started to push his glasses up on his nose with his middle finger then stopped. He used his thumb instead.
That night the family ate pizza, laughed at their favorite TV show and went to bed contented.
The next morning being a Saturday, Jimmy’s mother let him sleep in. Or at least that was what she intended to do. Sometimes Jimmy didn’t get up until ten. Hearing a noise, she knocked. Wiping sweat from his face, Jimmy opened his bedroom door. She stood there, her mouth hanging open.
“You…you cleaned your room.” His mom said with a shocked expression.
“Yeah, it was pretty bad,” Jimmy said. “I’ll clean the carpet later today. It smells raunchy down there.”
Thank you. Breakfast will be ready in about a half hour,” His mother said, smiling.
In the kitchen, she poured herself a cup of coffee and refilled her husband’s cup.
“It’s like a miracle. He cleaned his room. And do you know what he was doing now?”
“What?” He said, holding out his cup.
“Pushups? Our Jimmy was doing pushups?”
His mother nodded.
About that time, Jimmy entered the room. During the meal, he said. “Dad, I’m going to get a haircut before I mow the lawn. Is that ok?” Jimmy said.
“Wonderful. If you can wait until I get home to mow the lawn, I’ll run the weed eater.”
“Fantastic. See you then.” Jimmy said, downing his glass of milk he headed for the back door. “Bye mom bye dad.”
His parents watched from the kitchen window as Jimmy walked down the sidewalk whistling.
On Main Street he entered Dalton’s barbershop to find all the barber chairs were full. Opening a magazine, his soon to be gone long hair fell down in his face. Later he set down in the barber’s chair. Mr. Dalton looked at him. He smiled. “Why Jimmy, I didn’t recognize you.”
“Sorry I’ve been busy.” He felt bad about lying to Mr. Dalton.
“Well, Jimmy, what can I do for you today? A little off the top and sides?”
Jimmy opened the magazine. “Can you make me look like that?” He pointed to a photo of a famous actor.
“I’ll do my best.” Dalton said, grinning. For the next twenty minutes, Dalton labored. Every once in a while, he glanced at the picture. Finally, he handed Jimmy a hand mirror.
The boy stared at his new do. His mouth hung open. He looked at the photo of the actor. It was as if he was looking at his own haircut.
“Well, James, what do you think?” Dalton said, smiling.
“Wow, you did great. I can’t believe it’s me.” James dug into the pocket of his jeans. “How much?”
“No charge.” Dalton said. “It was a pleasure to work on your hair. Now you really are a James and not a Jimmy.”
On the way home, James kept glancing in the store windows. At home, he brushed his teeth three times. Then gargled with mouthwash. He counted the red pills in the bottle. It couldn’t be. He counted them again. There it was. 90 pills, yet there should have been 89. He smiled.
“They really are magic pills.” He said out loud.
The weekend passed smoothly. In Sunday school he set in the front. Nobody recognized him except for one girl.
“You're Jimmy? Right?” Mary said, smiling. She was one of the nicest looking girls in Sunday school.
“Yes, but now I go by James.” He said. Before the pills, he wouldn’t have the confidence to even speak to her. “I think it fits me better.”
“So, do you Mind if I set with you in church?” She said.
“Sure, that would be great.”
Monday morning, his teachers treated him with more respect. He aced the test in trig. His study assignments he did in his spare time. Over the next week, he found he really enjoyed his classes. On Friday, he was summoned to the principal’s office. Ms. Craig met him at the door of her office with a smile and a handshake.
“James? Your teachers informed me you are going by that name now.”
“Yes ma’am. I think it fits my new personality.” James said. He set down in the chair she indicated.
“James I must admit, I have seldom seen such rapid improvement in a student.” She said. Setting down behind her desk, she folded her hands on the surface.
“I want to let you know because of your change in attitude Mr. Hanson has decided to give you a second chance at driver’s ed.” she said. “You can start Monday at 2. You have a free period then, right?”
He smiled. “Yes ma am. Thank you.”
“No James. Thank you. I don’t know what you’re doing but whatever it is, please keep it up.” She said.
“Thank you I will.” He fairly flew home.
At home, he checked the bottle of pills. Amazingly, there were 92 even though he had taken seven that week.
On Saturday morning he went to the dentist and had his teeth Professionally cleaned. He couldn’t believe the sheen coming from them.
Life began to improve.
On Sunday, Mary not only set with him in church but also Sunday school. Mr. Hanson, apprehensive at first, said after a week he was the best student in his class.
He gained weight. More muscle than fat. One Saturday morning, his parents came to his bedroom to wake him up. He had just finished his shower and dressed in a clean t-shirt and jeans for the day. He came out of the bathroom to find his mother setting on the bed and his father looking out the window.
His father frowned and his mother appeared to be unhappy. The thought ran through his mind. They found the pills and they think I’m on drugs.
“I want you to look at this,” His father said, pointing out the window. Frightened, he approached the window. His mother joined them. “Yes, I think there is something you must see.”
He had a fleeting thought of the pill bottle in his father’s hand.
"Over there.” His father said, pointing to the driveway. Setting on the concrete apron was a small red sports car. He turned to see his father grinning. In his hand was a set of keys.
“It’s not new, but your father got a good deal on it from a guy at work.” His mother said.
“Paul Winslow’s son died of cancer last year. It’s several years old and filthy. It’s been setting in his back yard and he hasn’t touched it since his son died. He sold it to me for a couple of thousand.
“Wow, dad thanks. Thanks mom,” James said, tears came to his eyes. “I’ll take real good care of it. And I’ll pay you back.” He grasps the keys, his heart soaring.
“You just be careful. It has a high-performance engine.” His mother said, kissing his cheek.
“And don’t worry about paying us back.” His father said, pressing the keys into his hands. ‘Just keep doing what you’re doing.”
James almost flew down the stairs. The driver’s seat had a small rip and there was rust on the back right fender.
After breakfast, a meal James could hardly choke down his father took him to the auto parts store. They came home with everything to clean and wax the car. James spent all Saturday cleaning his new car. By evening, the car shone and James was worn out. He wanted to show Mary, but she lived the next town over and James had no license.
He took a picture with his iPhone. “Boy, I wish Mary could set in it.” He said wistfully. “I know she’d love it.”
“Well, we might have a solution to that.” His father said. “Your mother and I have been talking.”
How about you invite Mary to have lunch with us at the restaurant? She could spend the afternoon here, see your new car and go back to church for the evening service?” His mother said, smiling.
Though he had washed it the day before, Mary helped James wash the car on Sunday afternoon.
The day James received his driver’s license, he drove to Mary’s home. They had dinner at McDonalds. James took her on a tour of the country roads. In the evening, he drove her home. Setting in her parent’s driveway, he told her of his dreams.
“I want to become an architect. Let me show you some drawings I made.” He said, reaching into the backseat he brought forth a notebook. “See, this one has a fish pool right in the living room, this one has a stream running through it and this one is almost all glass. “
“Wow, they're really good,” Mary said smiling. As he walked her to her door, he said. “Would you like to go to the youth rally at church on Friday night?”
“I’d love to.” She said, smiling.
That night, he counted the little red magic pills and found there was more than in the morning.
In the spring, the other students voted him in as class president. As the best student he was the class Valedictorian. For a week, he went over his speech. He woke graduation day with more confidence than ever. He delayed taking a pill until almost time to leave for the school.
His dad called for him from the foyer. “Time to go, son.”
“Ok dad be there in just a minute.” James called.
He opened his underwear drawer where he hid the pills. The bottle wasn’t there. He panicked. Pulling every drawer in his dresser, then the chest of drawers. Weeping, James pleaded with God, all to no avail. He tore the room apart. Nothing, no bottle of little red pills.
“James are you ready. We don’t want to be late.” His mother called.
He could see no other way. Washing his face, he went downstairs to join his family.
The principal stood behind the podium. She smiled at the parents and others who made up the audience. “As an educator, one of my greatest pleasures is seeing my students excel.” Her eyes met the eyes of James’s parents setting on the front row. “Yet in my years of teaching and as administer I have never experienced such transformation as I have in one student. It is my distinct pleasure to introduce that student to you today. Our valedictorian James Allan.”
His hands shaking sweat breaking out on his forehead. James stood to a standing ovation. The principal shook his hand. James gripped the edges of the rostrum. He felt as if he were going to faint. What could he say? He cleared his throat. He looked into the faces of those with hopes and dreams for the future. His hands shook, his voice trembled. He lay his notes on the podium and began slowly. Then folding his notes, he put them in his pocket.
For the next ten minutes, he spoke from the heart. He spoke of his parents’ love for him. His teachers who believed in him. Of the dreams he and his fellow students had for the future. In the end, he set down to another standing ovation.
Mary hugged him. “I can’t believe it. That’s the greatest speech I ever heard. I recorded every minute of it on my iPhone”
“You’re kidding.” He said, his mouth hanging open. His parents laughed.
At the restaurant after prayer, James said nervously, “I have a confession to make. You may think I’m the one who made this change in my life. B…but it’s all because of the little red magic pills.
“You mean these.” His father said, taking the familiar bottle out of his pocket.
Tears came to James’ eyes. “Dad, how could you? I needed them more today than ever before.”
“They're sugar pills, son.” His father said.
“Nothing but sugar and a little dye. I got them from a pharmacist.“ His uncle Steven said.
“They have no value. “ His mother said. “You did it all yourself.”
His father gave one of the pills to his mother, uncle, and Mary. Each one put them in their mouths, including his own mouth.
“You just needed to have confidence in yourself James.” Steven said. “They’re not magic pills, they're candy.”
“B…but they multiplied.” He said.
His father laughed. He took a bag of the same pills from the other pocket of his jacket. “One night I almost forgot. I had to add more to the bottle while you were a sleep.”
So that’s the story of how James Allan became the smartest student to graduate from Fullman High.
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Shirley Smothers
12/10/2023A nice story. I really enjoyed tthis. If such pills existed Humans would find a way to make money. Congratulations on Short Story Star of the Day.
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12/10/2023This story is officially being saved to my favorites. I can relate to this because I'm a teenager and I get the "if you set your mind to it, you can achieve it" speeches. It's exhausting. This story is a way of saying that in a way that can speak to teenagers and adults. Well done, and happy short story star of the day!
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Cheryl Ryan
12/10/2023One important lesson I learned from this story is " Never give up on that child"
Thank you for sharing
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Joel Kiula
12/10/2023Thank you for sharing this amazinv story. The power of positive thinking and the will of human being is so great.
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Lillian Kazmierczak
12/10/2023Darrell, what a heartwarming story! Amazing what you can do when you set your mind to it! An inspiring short story star of the day!
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Kevin Hughes
I absolutely loved this story. It motivated me to cut the lawn, but alas, the lawn isn't growing. Seriously though, it was such a wonderful story with a message that I have actually seen played out in real life. Not with that speed, but with the same end result.
Three times I have seen someone with little confidence or low self esteem rise up to the level of James. Two were women, and one was a Soldier I served with. So yeah, this story has some deep roots in real life.
Smiles, Kevin
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Gerald R Gioglio
12/10/2023Fascinating and very clever. Had me engaged right from the start. Nice, Darrell.
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