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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Adults
- Theme: Fairy Tales & Fantasy
- Subject: Love / Romance / Dating
- Published: 10/27/2023
Delilah and the Wizard.
Born 1951, M, from Wilmington NC, United States.jpeg)
He heard the flutter of her wings just before the little plump Sprite entered his study and perched delicately on the edge of his desk.
Note: Sprites, at least the chubby winged variety, are often called “Cupids” by mere mortals. They are not. Although one of their core jobs is to assist young love to grow. Cupid is more what they do, than what they are.
Don’t be fooled by the tiny bow and stubby arrows either. The power to bond someone to someone else is not puny power. Those arrows are potent. And Sprites are excellent archers. They don’t miss.
Turning to look, the portly, short, and elegantly unkempt man…smiled. Well, okay, not a man…but if you saw him…well, that is how you would describe him. Besides, what kind of man would not be surprised by a Sprite perching just a few inches above his desk?
“Well hello there Delilah. And what brings a pretty little thing like you here to this room full of clutter?”
Delilah gave the sweetest laugh. She darted over to the man sitting at the desk and kissed him lightly on the cheek. Then she flitted right back to the edge of his desk…and hovered.
He reached up and gently rubbed his cheek. Not to remove the bright red lipstick, but to weave it into his skin. Sprite kisses, are cute, cuddly, and leave an aftertaste of innocent enjoyment. One would have to be a fool to want to wipe it away.
“Thank you, Delilah. I appreciate the peck on the cheek. But…that usually means you need a Spell…or two?”
Delilah hummed. If a flute and a harmonica ever joined in Holy Matrimony and begat offspring…then that is as close as the sound of a Sprite humming as it would be possible to get. It is very pretty to the ear.
“I, see. And how old are these two mortals?”
The hum again buzzed out from Delilah.
One eyebrow of the somewhat endearing old man’s face arched up.
“That young? Really? Sixteen and fifteen years old.”
Excited humming from Delilah.
“Well, well, well. Have you used your arrows on either of them yet?”
The humming grew more serious. Delilah seemed to float another foot or so off the desk before she realized it. So she lowered herself back to the edge of the desk.
“I see. (A very deep look crossed the wrinkled skin on the old wise man’s face.) A True love you say?”
Again that pleasant hum.
He harrumphed.
“Well, we can’t be letting you loose your arrows too early then. A love too early can topple without the proper foundation. True Love can tower way over a young couple and topple over. Crashing the hopes and dreams of what could have been…and should have been. “
This time the hum had some sadness blended in. Then a few moments of silence as the Sprite and the Wise man remembered their few failures.
“Okay, so tell me the background again, please?”
Note: I have to translate for you. Nobody living…okay nobody who is mortal and living, can understand a Sprite. So bear with me…as their language is covered with emotion, feelings, and hunches. This will be a translation, not a transcription.
“Well, the boy is sixteen. He is short, with red hair. Very funny (and she chuckled here just from memory). He has a stocky build, plays lots of sports, reads everything he can get his hands on. His smile hits his face as fast as any old West Shooter could pull a gun. And he has no clue that she loves him.”
“Oh. Er…that does complicate things a bit. Do go on.”
"He just thinks of her as his best friend's little sister. She is only two grades behind her brother and his friend. She is super shy. Cute as a button. She has an iron will and grit. She isn’t good with words…so she doesn’t know how to tell him she likes him…let alone how much. His mind is quick and darting, her mind is gentle and deep.”
“I can work with that. What else?”
“I have checked the hearts of all three. Her brother, I believe, knows that she has a crush on his friend. He also believes that they would be a good couple. He just doesn’t know if he should interfere. He has dropped a few hints…but so far, the little red headed kid hasn’t gotten them.”
“Oh. Why? Is he blind to her or something?”
This time Delilah swooped around the room clapping her hands in glee. Then she resumed humming with syrup and rainbows coloring her words.
“Oh, no. Not at all! I have peeked into his heart. He thinks she is the prettiest, smartest, most wonderful person on Earth!”
The old man smiled.
“Then what’s the problem?”
“He thinks she is out of his league. He believes that she deserves better…and he hopes there is a man out there who can give her all that she needs.”
“Oh my, oh my.”
“Can you give me a spell? If I can get them to acknowledge each other...well then I can have a clear shot!”
(Taking one of her arrows out, pulling her bow back and simulation firing it fast and true.)
“Give me a moment to think.”
A small amount of time went by. Delilah hovered quietly. Knowing that the kindly old man was working through how to make a spell for her to use.
“Does the Mother of the girl know about this?”
Delilah laughed again. Sparkles of light sprinkled throughout the room. She hummed brilliantly.
“Of course. A Mother can sense when her daughter has found a True Love.”
“Ah…that’s all I needed to know. Does she like this fellow?”
“Oh, yes. She has had to bite her tongue many times after watching her daughter failing to get through the thick skull of the little red headed kid. She wants to pull him to the side and give him an earful for ignoring her daughter.”
“Perfect! I will have the spell ready in just a minute.”
As the old kindly, portly, and quite brilliant Wizard (for that is what he is) leafed through some old books, gathered a few herbs, and put them in a very pretty vial with electric blue liquid in it. He turned to Delilah holding up the now magical vial.
“Here you go. Take one of your plain arrows. Dip it in this…and fire it into the heart of the Mother.”
“What will it do?”
“It will loosen her tongue. She will be able to talk to the poor boy. And he will listen.”
Delilah planted another quick peck on the Wizard’s other cheek.
“Go on! Get, you little scamp, you have work to do.”
And with poof, and a pop …she was gone.
The Mother was sipping coffee in her kitchen. She heard the three teens, two of them hers, as they played pool in the lower level of the house. She wished she heard her daughter’s voice as often as she heard her laughter. She sighed.
Delilah wasted no time. She fluttered in the window, aimed, and let go of the string. The arrow ran true. The Mother smiled. And said to herself:
“Well if the horse won’t go to the water…”
“Hey Bryan, can you come up here for a minute please?”
“Sure can Mrs. Bartley.”
The little red headed boy leaped up the stairs two at a time. His energy level never seemed to drop. He raced into the kitchen and screeched to a halt. Mrs. Bartley patted a chair she had pulled out across from her.
“Sit down. I have something to tell you.”
Puzzled, the little red headed boy sat down.
“You know my daughter has a crush on you…don’t you?”
“What, Elaine?”
She laughed gently.
“What other daughter’s do I have?”
She reached over and patted his arm…she could see the shock (and hope…dare he hope?) plastered all over his face.
“Look Bryan…you know how shy she is. The only way she can let you know she cares, is by hanging around you all the time. Listening, laughing at your humor…and hoping you would notice her.”
His young face crumpled. He would never have ever wanted to hurt (or ignore) Elaine.
“But…but…Mrs. Bartley…Elaine is so beautiful (and the female heart in Mrs. Bartley melted at the sound and truth in his words) she could have anybody she wanted. She is so kind, so smart…and a good pool player. I mean she needs somebody…well special. “
Mrs. Bartley’s eyes grew a little shiny. She was right to tell the young boy. Her intuition was right. This boy will love her daughter…and never hurt her.
“To her…well, you are special.”
They sat in a contemplative silence as his young brain…and heart…processed what might be.
“Uh…er…ehm…could you do me a favor, Mrs. Bartley?”
“Sure. What?”
The little red headed kid blushed in a way that endeared him to her even more.
“Could you call Billy up here for a bit? I need to tell Elaine something.”
She beamed at him. Winked, and then yelled:
“Billy! Come up here, I need to talk to you for a minute.”
“Be right there Mom.”
“Thanks, Mrs. Bartley.”
She waved him downstairs.
“Shoo…go talk to her.”
Billy wondered at the look on his friend’s face as they passed each other in the dining room. A few moments later - after his Mom explained what she had said…and done. His smile grew wide. He chatted with his Mom, both of them waiting to see what would happen with the two young people in the basement.
She saw him come around the corner and out of the doorway. He had wide smiling eyes. Eyes only for her. Her heart fluttered and her mind yelled out to her heart:
“He sees me! And he likes what he sees!”
The little red headed kid took both her hands in his. Her hands grew sweaty almost immediately. He gripped her tighter…he wasn’t letting go.
“Is it true? Your Mom told me that you think I would be a good boyfriend…I think you deserve better.”
It was the first, and only time she was ever mad at him.
“Don’t you ever say that again. You are the best. And…and…and I love you.”
Delilah took aim. As the last syllable left Elaine’s lips, her arrow slammed right into both their hearts. (I know, I know, how is that possible with just one Arrow. Because the Arrow of True Love needs two targets! This is a Sprite we are talking about…keep your physics to yourselves.)
It wasn’t their best kiss, but it was their first kiss. It may have been awkward, maybe even a bit sloppy, but it was honest, caring, and appreciated.
A couple minutes later, holding hands, they went upstairs to the kitchen where Billy and his Mother sat waiting. Billy looked at his best friend and his sister…they were holding hands. Both grinning like idiots.
“It’s about time!”
Was all Billy said.
There was laughter all around. Mrs. Bartley ordered a Pizza. Her and her son, played the little red headed kid and her daughter in a game of hand and foot.
Delilah flew back to the Wizard’s room. She didn’t even knock. He looked up and saw her.
He broke out in joyful surprise.
Her quiver was missing an Arrow.
Delilah and the Wizard.(Kevin Hughes)
He heard the flutter of her wings just before the little plump Sprite entered his study and perched delicately on the edge of his desk.
Note: Sprites, at least the chubby winged variety, are often called “Cupids” by mere mortals. They are not. Although one of their core jobs is to assist young love to grow. Cupid is more what they do, than what they are.
Don’t be fooled by the tiny bow and stubby arrows either. The power to bond someone to someone else is not puny power. Those arrows are potent. And Sprites are excellent archers. They don’t miss.
Turning to look, the portly, short, and elegantly unkempt man…smiled. Well, okay, not a man…but if you saw him…well, that is how you would describe him. Besides, what kind of man would not be surprised by a Sprite perching just a few inches above his desk?
“Well hello there Delilah. And what brings a pretty little thing like you here to this room full of clutter?”
Delilah gave the sweetest laugh. She darted over to the man sitting at the desk and kissed him lightly on the cheek. Then she flitted right back to the edge of his desk…and hovered.
He reached up and gently rubbed his cheek. Not to remove the bright red lipstick, but to weave it into his skin. Sprite kisses, are cute, cuddly, and leave an aftertaste of innocent enjoyment. One would have to be a fool to want to wipe it away.
“Thank you, Delilah. I appreciate the peck on the cheek. But…that usually means you need a Spell…or two?”
Delilah hummed. If a flute and a harmonica ever joined in Holy Matrimony and begat offspring…then that is as close as the sound of a Sprite humming as it would be possible to get. It is very pretty to the ear.
“I, see. And how old are these two mortals?”
The hum again buzzed out from Delilah.
One eyebrow of the somewhat endearing old man’s face arched up.
“That young? Really? Sixteen and fifteen years old.”
Excited humming from Delilah.
“Well, well, well. Have you used your arrows on either of them yet?”
The humming grew more serious. Delilah seemed to float another foot or so off the desk before she realized it. So she lowered herself back to the edge of the desk.
“I see. (A very deep look crossed the wrinkled skin on the old wise man’s face.) A True love you say?”
Again that pleasant hum.
He harrumphed.
“Well, we can’t be letting you loose your arrows too early then. A love too early can topple without the proper foundation. True Love can tower way over a young couple and topple over. Crashing the hopes and dreams of what could have been…and should have been. “
This time the hum had some sadness blended in. Then a few moments of silence as the Sprite and the Wise man remembered their few failures.
“Okay, so tell me the background again, please?”
Note: I have to translate for you. Nobody living…okay nobody who is mortal and living, can understand a Sprite. So bear with me…as their language is covered with emotion, feelings, and hunches. This will be a translation, not a transcription.
“Well, the boy is sixteen. He is short, with red hair. Very funny (and she chuckled here just from memory). He has a stocky build, plays lots of sports, reads everything he can get his hands on. His smile hits his face as fast as any old West Shooter could pull a gun. And he has no clue that she loves him.”
“Oh. Er…that does complicate things a bit. Do go on.”
"He just thinks of her as his best friend's little sister. She is only two grades behind her brother and his friend. She is super shy. Cute as a button. She has an iron will and grit. She isn’t good with words…so she doesn’t know how to tell him she likes him…let alone how much. His mind is quick and darting, her mind is gentle and deep.”
“I can work with that. What else?”
“I have checked the hearts of all three. Her brother, I believe, knows that she has a crush on his friend. He also believes that they would be a good couple. He just doesn’t know if he should interfere. He has dropped a few hints…but so far, the little red headed kid hasn’t gotten them.”
“Oh. Why? Is he blind to her or something?”
This time Delilah swooped around the room clapping her hands in glee. Then she resumed humming with syrup and rainbows coloring her words.
“Oh, no. Not at all! I have peeked into his heart. He thinks she is the prettiest, smartest, most wonderful person on Earth!”
The old man smiled.
“Then what’s the problem?”
“He thinks she is out of his league. He believes that she deserves better…and he hopes there is a man out there who can give her all that she needs.”
“Oh my, oh my.”
“Can you give me a spell? If I can get them to acknowledge each other...well then I can have a clear shot!”
(Taking one of her arrows out, pulling her bow back and simulation firing it fast and true.)
“Give me a moment to think.”
A small amount of time went by. Delilah hovered quietly. Knowing that the kindly old man was working through how to make a spell for her to use.
“Does the Mother of the girl know about this?”
Delilah laughed again. Sparkles of light sprinkled throughout the room. She hummed brilliantly.
“Of course. A Mother can sense when her daughter has found a True Love.”
“Ah…that’s all I needed to know. Does she like this fellow?”
“Oh, yes. She has had to bite her tongue many times after watching her daughter failing to get through the thick skull of the little red headed kid. She wants to pull him to the side and give him an earful for ignoring her daughter.”
“Perfect! I will have the spell ready in just a minute.”
As the old kindly, portly, and quite brilliant Wizard (for that is what he is) leafed through some old books, gathered a few herbs, and put them in a very pretty vial with electric blue liquid in it. He turned to Delilah holding up the now magical vial.
“Here you go. Take one of your plain arrows. Dip it in this…and fire it into the heart of the Mother.”
“What will it do?”
“It will loosen her tongue. She will be able to talk to the poor boy. And he will listen.”
Delilah planted another quick peck on the Wizard’s other cheek.
“Go on! Get, you little scamp, you have work to do.”
And with poof, and a pop …she was gone.
The Mother was sipping coffee in her kitchen. She heard the three teens, two of them hers, as they played pool in the lower level of the house. She wished she heard her daughter’s voice as often as she heard her laughter. She sighed.
Delilah wasted no time. She fluttered in the window, aimed, and let go of the string. The arrow ran true. The Mother smiled. And said to herself:
“Well if the horse won’t go to the water…”
“Hey Bryan, can you come up here for a minute please?”
“Sure can Mrs. Bartley.”
The little red headed boy leaped up the stairs two at a time. His energy level never seemed to drop. He raced into the kitchen and screeched to a halt. Mrs. Bartley patted a chair she had pulled out across from her.
“Sit down. I have something to tell you.”
Puzzled, the little red headed boy sat down.
“You know my daughter has a crush on you…don’t you?”
“What, Elaine?”
She laughed gently.
“What other daughter’s do I have?”
She reached over and patted his arm…she could see the shock (and hope…dare he hope?) plastered all over his face.
“Look Bryan…you know how shy she is. The only way she can let you know she cares, is by hanging around you all the time. Listening, laughing at your humor…and hoping you would notice her.”
His young face crumpled. He would never have ever wanted to hurt (or ignore) Elaine.
“But…but…Mrs. Bartley…Elaine is so beautiful (and the female heart in Mrs. Bartley melted at the sound and truth in his words) she could have anybody she wanted. She is so kind, so smart…and a good pool player. I mean she needs somebody…well special. “
Mrs. Bartley’s eyes grew a little shiny. She was right to tell the young boy. Her intuition was right. This boy will love her daughter…and never hurt her.
“To her…well, you are special.”
They sat in a contemplative silence as his young brain…and heart…processed what might be.
“Uh…er…ehm…could you do me a favor, Mrs. Bartley?”
“Sure. What?”
The little red headed kid blushed in a way that endeared him to her even more.
“Could you call Billy up here for a bit? I need to tell Elaine something.”
She beamed at him. Winked, and then yelled:
“Billy! Come up here, I need to talk to you for a minute.”
“Be right there Mom.”
“Thanks, Mrs. Bartley.”
She waved him downstairs.
“Shoo…go talk to her.”
Billy wondered at the look on his friend’s face as they passed each other in the dining room. A few moments later - after his Mom explained what she had said…and done. His smile grew wide. He chatted with his Mom, both of them waiting to see what would happen with the two young people in the basement.
She saw him come around the corner and out of the doorway. He had wide smiling eyes. Eyes only for her. Her heart fluttered and her mind yelled out to her heart:
“He sees me! And he likes what he sees!”
The little red headed kid took both her hands in his. Her hands grew sweaty almost immediately. He gripped her tighter…he wasn’t letting go.
“Is it true? Your Mom told me that you think I would be a good boyfriend…I think you deserve better.”
It was the first, and only time she was ever mad at him.
“Don’t you ever say that again. You are the best. And…and…and I love you.”
Delilah took aim. As the last syllable left Elaine’s lips, her arrow slammed right into both their hearts. (I know, I know, how is that possible with just one Arrow. Because the Arrow of True Love needs two targets! This is a Sprite we are talking about…keep your physics to yourselves.)
It wasn’t their best kiss, but it was their first kiss. It may have been awkward, maybe even a bit sloppy, but it was honest, caring, and appreciated.
A couple minutes later, holding hands, they went upstairs to the kitchen where Billy and his Mother sat waiting. Billy looked at his best friend and his sister…they were holding hands. Both grinning like idiots.
“It’s about time!”
Was all Billy said.
There was laughter all around. Mrs. Bartley ordered a Pizza. Her and her son, played the little red headed kid and her daughter in a game of hand and foot.
Delilah flew back to the Wizard’s room. She didn’t even knock. He looked up and saw her.
He broke out in joyful surprise.
Her quiver was missing an Arrow.
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Cheryl Ryan
12/08/2024This story is fantastic and brilliantly written! The word-building, creativity and imagination of the story are incredible.
Thank you for sharing!
Help Us Understand What's Happening
Kevin Hughes
12/08/2024Aloha Cheryl,
As they say in the Movies : "This story is based on True Events." LOL Well, except for the Spites and Wizards, but isn't love "Magic" anyway?
Smiles, Kevin
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Shelly Garrod
12/07/2024Aww. Wow, Kevin, that is such a sweet love story. And first kisses are the best! Happy Short Story Star of the Week.
Blessings, Shelly
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Help Us Understand What's Happening
Martha Huett
12/04/2024Aww. That is just sooo sweet! And I would love to hear a Sprite humming, if just for the syrup and rainbows. Thanks for this precious story, Kevin. Congratulations on your Storystar of the Week!
ReplyHelp Us Understand What's Happening
Kevin Hughes
12/04/2024Thanks Martha!
Me too, I would love to hear a Sprite humming. Merry Christmas,
Smiles, Kevin
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Gerald R Gioglio
12/02/2024Cute piece, Kevin. Love and Pizza...does it get any better than that? Happy StoryStar week.
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Kevin Hughes
12/02/2024Thanks Gerald, Love and Pizza - that should be a bumper sticker! Or maybe you can get your Congregation to have a Pizza Party based on "how we fell in love." Everyone gets to tell their story, and you get pizza! Who wouldn't show up for that?
Smiles, Kevin
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Denise Arnault
12/02/2024I just loved this piece, especially the way your wrapped the Wizard and Sprite into it so inventively.
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Kevin Hughes
12/02/2024Thanks Denise,
As I told JD, I actually witnessed most of this story, minus the Wizard and Sprite. LOL. Smiles, Kevin
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Joel Kiula
12/02/2024A good love story. It takes alot for two souls to love one another and stay together.
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Help Us Understand What's Happening
Help Us Understand What's Happening
Kevin Hughes
12/02/2024Thanks JD, I borrowed a lot from "real life" for this one, with only the Wizard and the Sprite being made up...maybe. LOL
Smiles, Kevin
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Help Us Understand What's Happening