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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Adults
- Theme: Love stories / Romance
- Subject: Relationships
- Published: 10/29/2023
Jane's Pain
Born 1960, M, from Bellevue/ NE, United States.png)
Jane pulled up in front of the hotel. A gentleman in a suit come right up to her car and opened the door, while another young man in a uniform waited by the trunk to collect her baggage. Tim and Angela’s wedding was going to be quite the event; with much more VIP treatment in store for their guests as the weekend went by. As she was pulling up, she noticed her ex husband’s car being driven away from the car stand. “Still driving that old Volvo” she muttered to herself as the greeter smiled and held his hand out for hers.
Inside the grand, luxurious hotel, she thought about the two lovebirds getting married this weekend. ‘Angela is going to be a beautiful bride’ she thought sarcastically and laughed. Another gentleman and the bellboy led her to her suite. It was magnificent to say the least and Jane walked from room to room to see what her ‘free’ weekend living quarters had to offer. It all went well until she got to the bathroom. There were a few water spots on the shower door and Jane felt a little of her personal ‘Miss Priss’ boiling up to the surface. After pointing it out to the gentleman who escorted her up from the lobby, and what she considered ‘gently’ blessing him out, she escorted him back to the door, with his promise that housekeeping would be up to correct the obvious ‘blight’ in the bathroom. He only stood there looking at her briefly before surmising that no tip was forthcoming.
Jane sat in the pricey restaurant that evening; waiting for the rest of the wedding party to arrive. She had shopped around for the cleanest water glass and traded it for the obviously unwashed one originally sitting next to her nameplate. ‘You just can’t expect cleanliness and good service anymore’ she thought as the large group of wedding ‘hanger-oners’ filed in. To her further dismay, Bob’s nameplate had him sitting next to her. If she had noticed before they all came in, she would have switched him out with someone else. Jane was the Maid of Honor, but did it long-distance as she didn’t live close enough to Angela to properly attend her. If so she wouldn’t have overlooked the absurdness of parking her ex next to her. ‘Too late now’ she thought as the man she once thought she’d be with forever saw her and smiled.
She had heard that Bob was promoted from his job as a junior investment banker, but wasn't sure as they hadn’t really been in contact since the ink was dry on their divorce. To her surprise, he greeted her warmly; with a ‘squeeze’ on her forearm after sitting down. Jane guessed it was okay to seat them next to each other since they were serving as the Maid of Honor and Best Man. It was as if Bob hadn’t changed at all. He was very engaging with the others, but more so with his ex bride. They laughed at some of the memories they shared while together, but it also made Jane remember some of the ‘not so good’ times as well.
After the meal was finished and the guests were scraping the last of their delicious desert from high-end crystal dishes, and listening to a few announcements made by the father of the bride, it was time to head back to the hotel. It was a nice evening except for the tepid, under-seasoned soup and lack of croutons on Jane’s salad. She was nice enough to catch the maître de away from the table full of wedding folks to complain loud enough for everyone else in the restaurant to hear. At least she spared those she dined with! It kind of stuck in Jane’s craw when she saw Bob slipping a waiter three one hundred dollar bills to split among the staff to go along with the rather large standard gratuity added to the bill. ‘He never did understand the value of money’ she thought as she headed out the door with the bride to be.
The suite was as big as it was nice, and Jane was determined to enjoy every advantage it offered. As she lounged in the giant bathtub, she thought about Bob and wondered what he was doing. As she fantasized a bit about some of their better times, her hand slipped down; grazing 'everything' as it headed under the water to ‘garner’ a little physical ‘joy’ to go along with those few and far between ‘good’ memories of her ex. It was then that she noticed that the water spots she had so graciously pointed out to the gentlemen earlier were still there. The mood was irretrievably broken, much like her marriage, and she spent the next few minutes by the door in her robe; waiting for the hotel manager. “These people just don’t understand how the smallest things could absolutely ruin what was supposed to be a weekend of excess and celebration!” That’s part of the heated, one-way conversation she had with the manager anyway.
The next morning, Jane awoke to a knock at her door. A pretty, young woman had the elaborate breakfast Jane had insisted on after the confrontation with the manager the night before. It was a small price as consolation for the unacceptable conditions she had to deal with. After breakfast, Jane pulled out the horrendous dress she would have to endure through the wedding and the reception to follow. It was hideous to say the least, but she knew she would go to great lengths to make sure that witch Angela's wedding was one for the ages; one filled with great memories for the blushing bride. To her horror, the ugly, mauve shoes Angela had picked out weren’t in the bag with the dress! It was a catastrophe! After a moment of ‘blessing’ herself out since there wasn’t anyone else she could possibly blame, she found herself walking to the hotel lobby to ask if there was an ‘ugly’ shoe store anywhere close.
Bob, who was standing near the front desk talking to a lovely young woman, looked at Jane’s frantic facial expression and approached her. “What’s wrong ex wife?” he jokingly asked her. Jane was in no mood for his ‘comedy’, and was on the verge of ‘Miss Priss’ coming out again. Before the 'monster' could make an appearance, he softened his approach and said, “Something’s obviously wrong dear; I’d like to help if I can”. She explained her dilemma and was surprised when he told her to meet him out front”. He pulled up in his old, but surprisingly clean automobile and got out to open the door before the valet could respond. He closed the door carefully and got in the driver’s seat. “Where are we going?” she demanded as they drove towards the quaint town that was the center of this destination wedding hot spot.
Bob pulled up in front of a little shop and got out to open Jane’s door. He took her hand and helped her navigate out of the Swedish-made sedan's door. Inside they found a wide selection of wedding themed items in every awful color of the rainbow. Shoes, that were close enough that no one would notice, were quite expensive, and Jane fretted about how to pay. She was successful enough, but had other ‘emergency’ expenses (a new couch and chair to replace the ones she bought last year) that had drained her bank account this month. She knew the shop was not going to haggle, as they were like that lone gas station before the two hundred-mile, uninhabited stretch through the desert. Without flinching, and before Jane could complain about the price, Bob pulled cash out of his wallet and paid the lady.
Thanks to being in a wedding tourist-like trap and her ex husband’s well-stocked wallet, Jane was beautiful standing alongside of the bride she secretly loathed. Bob looked over to her and mouthed the same vows the groom was reciting to his lovely future wife. Jane was a bit embarrassed, but thought that was extremely sweet of him. Except for a tense few moments between Jane and the DJ, it was a wonderful wedding and the reception was equally grand and fun. Bob and Jane danced every dance and even joined each other to toast the bride and groom when the time came. Afterwards, he walked her to her room, and was happy and surprised when she invited him in.
The Jane and Bob show was magnificent after the door of her room closed. She never forgot what a wonderful lover he had always been, and enjoyed every second of their time before ending up in the tub together. Though not happy about it at all, she tried not to think of the rawness of her 'parts' caused by the friction of the multiple condoms he used to make love to her three times! The same water spots she complained about earlier were still there as well. The two lovers kept close on the same side of the tub until their fingers became water soaked and wrinkled. Jane was pleased that her former flame chose to sleep in the same bed with her that night.
The next morning, Jane left her weekend lover asleep as she gathered her things and pulled some large bills out of Bob’s wallet. She then made her way downstairs to check out. The valet personnel loaded her and the car up for the hour’s-long trip back home. The man who took care of her looked down at his empty hand as she sped off. The other valets laughed with him as they rejoiced that the woman, with a well-earned reputation for being a serious pain in hotel staff’s rear end was finally gone!
As she drove down the interstate, she swerved in and out of her lane, and changed lanes more than once without signaling. She gave a man who honked at her the middle finger salute. She thought about Bob and their time together this weekend. She looked thoughtful for a few seconds and said out loud, "Yeah, he's still a dick!" She put it all out of her mind as she tried to think of a way to blame her latest husband for her not getting her shoes packed.
Jane's Pain(John Filkins)
Jane pulled up in front of the hotel. A gentleman in a suit come right up to her car and opened the door, while another young man in a uniform waited by the trunk to collect her baggage. Tim and Angela’s wedding was going to be quite the event; with much more VIP treatment in store for their guests as the weekend went by. As she was pulling up, she noticed her ex husband’s car being driven away from the car stand. “Still driving that old Volvo” she muttered to herself as the greeter smiled and held his hand out for hers.
Inside the grand, luxurious hotel, she thought about the two lovebirds getting married this weekend. ‘Angela is going to be a beautiful bride’ she thought sarcastically and laughed. Another gentleman and the bellboy led her to her suite. It was magnificent to say the least and Jane walked from room to room to see what her ‘free’ weekend living quarters had to offer. It all went well until she got to the bathroom. There were a few water spots on the shower door and Jane felt a little of her personal ‘Miss Priss’ boiling up to the surface. After pointing it out to the gentleman who escorted her up from the lobby, and what she considered ‘gently’ blessing him out, she escorted him back to the door, with his promise that housekeeping would be up to correct the obvious ‘blight’ in the bathroom. He only stood there looking at her briefly before surmising that no tip was forthcoming.
Jane sat in the pricey restaurant that evening; waiting for the rest of the wedding party to arrive. She had shopped around for the cleanest water glass and traded it for the obviously unwashed one originally sitting next to her nameplate. ‘You just can’t expect cleanliness and good service anymore’ she thought as the large group of wedding ‘hanger-oners’ filed in. To her further dismay, Bob’s nameplate had him sitting next to her. If she had noticed before they all came in, she would have switched him out with someone else. Jane was the Maid of Honor, but did it long-distance as she didn’t live close enough to Angela to properly attend her. If so she wouldn’t have overlooked the absurdness of parking her ex next to her. ‘Too late now’ she thought as the man she once thought she’d be with forever saw her and smiled.
She had heard that Bob was promoted from his job as a junior investment banker, but wasn't sure as they hadn’t really been in contact since the ink was dry on their divorce. To her surprise, he greeted her warmly; with a ‘squeeze’ on her forearm after sitting down. Jane guessed it was okay to seat them next to each other since they were serving as the Maid of Honor and Best Man. It was as if Bob hadn’t changed at all. He was very engaging with the others, but more so with his ex bride. They laughed at some of the memories they shared while together, but it also made Jane remember some of the ‘not so good’ times as well.
After the meal was finished and the guests were scraping the last of their delicious desert from high-end crystal dishes, and listening to a few announcements made by the father of the bride, it was time to head back to the hotel. It was a nice evening except for the tepid, under-seasoned soup and lack of croutons on Jane’s salad. She was nice enough to catch the maître de away from the table full of wedding folks to complain loud enough for everyone else in the restaurant to hear. At least she spared those she dined with! It kind of stuck in Jane’s craw when she saw Bob slipping a waiter three one hundred dollar bills to split among the staff to go along with the rather large standard gratuity added to the bill. ‘He never did understand the value of money’ she thought as she headed out the door with the bride to be.
The suite was as big as it was nice, and Jane was determined to enjoy every advantage it offered. As she lounged in the giant bathtub, she thought about Bob and wondered what he was doing. As she fantasized a bit about some of their better times, her hand slipped down; grazing 'everything' as it headed under the water to ‘garner’ a little physical ‘joy’ to go along with those few and far between ‘good’ memories of her ex. It was then that she noticed that the water spots she had so graciously pointed out to the gentlemen earlier were still there. The mood was irretrievably broken, much like her marriage, and she spent the next few minutes by the door in her robe; waiting for the hotel manager. “These people just don’t understand how the smallest things could absolutely ruin what was supposed to be a weekend of excess and celebration!” That’s part of the heated, one-way conversation she had with the manager anyway.
The next morning, Jane awoke to a knock at her door. A pretty, young woman had the elaborate breakfast Jane had insisted on after the confrontation with the manager the night before. It was a small price as consolation for the unacceptable conditions she had to deal with. After breakfast, Jane pulled out the horrendous dress she would have to endure through the wedding and the reception to follow. It was hideous to say the least, but she knew she would go to great lengths to make sure that witch Angela's wedding was one for the ages; one filled with great memories for the blushing bride. To her horror, the ugly, mauve shoes Angela had picked out weren’t in the bag with the dress! It was a catastrophe! After a moment of ‘blessing’ herself out since there wasn’t anyone else she could possibly blame, she found herself walking to the hotel lobby to ask if there was an ‘ugly’ shoe store anywhere close.
Bob, who was standing near the front desk talking to a lovely young woman, looked at Jane’s frantic facial expression and approached her. “What’s wrong ex wife?” he jokingly asked her. Jane was in no mood for his ‘comedy’, and was on the verge of ‘Miss Priss’ coming out again. Before the 'monster' could make an appearance, he softened his approach and said, “Something’s obviously wrong dear; I’d like to help if I can”. She explained her dilemma and was surprised when he told her to meet him out front”. He pulled up in his old, but surprisingly clean automobile and got out to open the door before the valet could respond. He closed the door carefully and got in the driver’s seat. “Where are we going?” she demanded as they drove towards the quaint town that was the center of this destination wedding hot spot.
Bob pulled up in front of a little shop and got out to open Jane’s door. He took her hand and helped her navigate out of the Swedish-made sedan's door. Inside they found a wide selection of wedding themed items in every awful color of the rainbow. Shoes, that were close enough that no one would notice, were quite expensive, and Jane fretted about how to pay. She was successful enough, but had other ‘emergency’ expenses (a new couch and chair to replace the ones she bought last year) that had drained her bank account this month. She knew the shop was not going to haggle, as they were like that lone gas station before the two hundred-mile, uninhabited stretch through the desert. Without flinching, and before Jane could complain about the price, Bob pulled cash out of his wallet and paid the lady.
Thanks to being in a wedding tourist-like trap and her ex husband’s well-stocked wallet, Jane was beautiful standing alongside of the bride she secretly loathed. Bob looked over to her and mouthed the same vows the groom was reciting to his lovely future wife. Jane was a bit embarrassed, but thought that was extremely sweet of him. Except for a tense few moments between Jane and the DJ, it was a wonderful wedding and the reception was equally grand and fun. Bob and Jane danced every dance and even joined each other to toast the bride and groom when the time came. Afterwards, he walked her to her room, and was happy and surprised when she invited him in.
The Jane and Bob show was magnificent after the door of her room closed. She never forgot what a wonderful lover he had always been, and enjoyed every second of their time before ending up in the tub together. Though not happy about it at all, she tried not to think of the rawness of her 'parts' caused by the friction of the multiple condoms he used to make love to her three times! The same water spots she complained about earlier were still there as well. The two lovers kept close on the same side of the tub until their fingers became water soaked and wrinkled. Jane was pleased that her former flame chose to sleep in the same bed with her that night.
The next morning, Jane left her weekend lover asleep as she gathered her things and pulled some large bills out of Bob’s wallet. She then made her way downstairs to check out. The valet personnel loaded her and the car up for the hour’s-long trip back home. The man who took care of her looked down at his empty hand as she sped off. The other valets laughed with him as they rejoiced that the woman, with a well-earned reputation for being a serious pain in hotel staff’s rear end was finally gone!
As she drove down the interstate, she swerved in and out of her lane, and changed lanes more than once without signaling. She gave a man who honked at her the middle finger salute. She thought about Bob and their time together this weekend. She looked thoughtful for a few seconds and said out loud, "Yeah, he's still a dick!" She put it all out of her mind as she tried to think of a way to blame her latest husband for her not getting her shoes packed.
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