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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Kids
- Theme: Science Fiction
- Subject: Creatures & Monsters
- Published: 12/22/2023
Mist land
Born 2012, M, from Lindfield, United Kingdom.jpeg)
Hello I’m Jared. I’m writing this from my messy “exploration detective room” its just my room...
So you may be thinking, who the heck am I?
I’m a normal kid from a city called Woodland, Greece. I’m writing my adventures in the Mist Land.
“JARED TAKE YOUR DISGUSTING DIRTY CLOTHES OUT OF MY ROOM!” Yep and that’s my annoying time-wasting sister, Lily. There’s nothing to talk about her. Nothing special about her. She is just a human... I don’t know why.. Oh I totally forgot about the story! So, Should I start?
I guess i should start.
“JARED SUITCASE!” Mom yelled in a loud voice “YES COMIN’!” I responded back with a louder voice than her.
KNOCK. Mom opened the door. “Darling why are you so early?” She said while her fists crumbled and teeth munched. “So…Sorry, last minute work.” Dad replied with a trembling voice. Yep i was sure he wasn’t ready for the kick. The neighbours all crowded to see the kick. “AWOOOGA!” He went flying towards the road.
“28.9 meters. New record broken!” The neighbours clapped or should i say audience. “I guess i need plastic surgery now. On second thought, not now or else in one kick she will send me to heaven.” Dad said.
Dad and us got ready and then we flipped into our car. “GIVE ME THE IPAD JARED!” My sis screamed at me “Chill, Chill Lily. I’ll give you the ipad when you break up with your boyfriend.” I responded. Hehe i always get away with things because I have a sis to blame. Thank god she has lots of negatives. I actually think her whole life is a negative like, a mistake. “Boyfriend?” Mom rolled her eyes at her.”Thats it your grounded for a year.” “But Mo..Mom.” She stuttered
“Left turn, straight and destination reached.” We use google maps for going to places. “OMG! I’m going to post this in my Instagram account!” when she said that Mom and Dad rolled their eyes at her again.
“Hello Mr and Ms! What are your booking names?” Asked the receptionist kindly. Well I guess she didn’t see the popular video of kicking her enemy to space. Well not space, but across her house. “Hello! We are Mr and Ms Karats!” I Know, I know. Its linked to karate. Yes almost my whole family has learned martial arts except dad. Well mom would’ve kicked him earlier because of not learning martial arts but she didn’t kick him because she loves him too much. And I haven’t told you something else. It was a love marriage. Yep a weak man and a strong woman having a love marriage. Such a coincidence!
“Mr and Ms carrots?” Well when the receptionist said that I guess mom felt insulted. I could feel the fire and rage rising in her. I think she was about to do the kick but it was the public so she didn’t. “No. Its Mr and Mrs Karats.” well she must have understood now because she said it this time really slowly. “Oh Karats! Yep you have have the best room in the hotel. VIP! Here is the card for getting into the room. Room number 127.” I think now mom has been calmed up because she said it’s the best room in the hotel and we have VIP. “WOAH! This is the best room I have ever seen! A Living Room, Master bedroom and the kids rooms! EEEK!” Dad shouted with excitement
DING DONG. Me and Lily opened the door. It was the receptionist again. “Hi kids! Are you ready to go to the Mist Forest! If you are call your parents too!” Me and Lily slid into our parents room and called them out.
The receptionist walked us down to the guide to exploring mist forest.
“And here is the guide. I pass you on to him, Karats family! Bye!” said the receptionist. “Hello I am Eric otherwise known as the guide. So these are the rules, No one wander out in to the forest and get lost, always follow me ok?” the guide explained “You hear that kids! Follow that or else you get the kick ok?” Mom frightened us. But I was not a pro at following rules so I just didn’t care.
“So, When the scientists found this forest, there was a man named Theodore inside wanting to destroy the world. So he made a monster in a Greek name called Daphne. Some people say this is not a myth and its true. But it’s still a myth until this day.” So after I heard all this boring facts I went inside the mist forest without them seeing. Thank god I got my flashlight because it was Hella misty and dark. All of a sudden I saw a black figure emerging out of the shadows. “WHO EVER YOU ARE, STAY AWAY! OR ELSE I WILL DO THE KICK!” I screamed to the black figure. “Relax. I will not do anything. You must be lost. I will help you.” The black figure responded to me back.
“Ok fine but first let me see you clearly. Get out of the shadows.”
I made sure he was not a monster or anything. Well he was not. “I will bring you to my house and you sleep there for today. We go find your family tomorrow.” He replied.
“How the hell do you have such a big house in a forest?” I asked him. “Kid, This house was built millions of years ago. This forest was a land when it was built.” He answered.
Then, I went inside and slept for a long time that I didn’t even notice the time going. 11 hours later I finally woke up. “Hey kid, you finally woke up. Here’s some pancakes.”
“Oh yeah thanks! Yum!” I gobbled the food up.
Then we started searching the way out of the forest. Then he told me about the monster the guide already mentioned. He said it comes at night-time and hunts for people or animals or rather referred as food. He also said that the monster died but it can come back alive by performing a ritual called curse it alive. Some people perform this ritual to destroy the world like Theodore. He doesn’t know if its back alive now because if anyone has done the ritual it must be alive. But, it can die if you get a dagger and push it to its heart and twist it. I still dont agree with that because that only happens in movies. It was getting dark so we decided to go to his house and search tomorrow again. You may be thinking why am I not freaking cause I’m lost. It’s because I really don’t get that much respect in the real world. Everybody treats me like garbage. So that’s why i decided to get lost myself purposely.
And then I asked him but how can just one of Them destroy the whole world. Then he said one can’t destroy the whole world. So they do lots of rituals to get lots of Daphne’s.
Then we heard footsteps approaching. “Quick, let’s climb on the top of this tree!” He whispered loudly in my ears. Lots of people in Greek clothes came with all of the body parts in a body and some weird monster kind of stuff. Yep I know what you’re thinking, it’s a ritual. They put the stuff on the floor in a circle and stood in a circle and said this “Ω Δάφνη, σήκωσέ μας και καταστρέψε τον κόσμο” Then again they said that in English this time “Oh Daphne, rise up and help us destroy the world!” Then all the body parts in the container and the monster stuff got took away and it formed a red frightening monster. It was the Daphne.
QUICK, LETS RUN TO MY HOUSE THEY’RE GONE!” he whispered loudly in my ear again. I think he has a habit of doing that. We crept right into bed after seeing that insane stuff. I couldn’t believe my eyes. Later in the night, I heard someone eating loudly. When I went downstairs…
“OH HAIL NAW! DAPHNE ATE HIM! OPEN WINDOW, JUMP!” Daphne ate the poor guy who take care of me. AND NOW ITS CHASING ME! I ran and ran screaming then finally I got out of the forest. My parents came crying to me. “Where were you darling? We missed you!” Dad also cried for the first time and Lily. Wow Lily really cared for me. “I missed you idiot!” Lily came to me sniffing and hugging me. Wow. I guess I did indeed have respect in the real world. You may be thinking, no cops? Yes of course cops were there! They asked lots of questions to me and I explained the whole story. But, they didn’t believe me. They thought I was mental. So they brought me to a mental hospital. When I reached I saw a cute girl that was about my age. I had a crush on her… I guess I deserved to be in the mental hospital. I confirmed I was mental when I started having a crush on her. And guess what, my bed was next to her!
And guess who made the first move, me! “Hi! I’m Jared.” and then after I introduced myself she responded “Hi I guess. I’m Kayla.” “So what happened to you to be in this place.” after I asked her that she explained the story. And it was the exact same as mine! About the mist forest, inside the mist forest and what happened in the mist forest was also the same! She also saw the man. She also said he got eaten by Daphne. So, something doesn’t fit right. Then I told her my story.
“There is no way! So that means Theodore is that man and the cops did look like the people in Greek clothes and they already knew about my story and when they heard yours they thought it was mental like mine! That’s of course suspicious. So,
in our aspect, the cops are working for Theodore. Thank you. Now I can finally get out of this garbage.” After she thanked me, she came close to me, then close to my lips and then you know what happened. We kissed. Yuck gross. But it felt good at the same time. Well, that was quick!
We explained the things to our parents, staff in the hospital and chief of the police. They finally understood. Well, we were going to explain to the chief but…
There was blood all over his office. So the cops must have killed him. When the forensic team investigated this, they found a piece of hair and they tested it. It was the chief’s. The forensic team also said that this was about 2-3 days ago. And that’s when the cops took the body parts and came for the ritual. So, the body parts were the chief’s.
Well, that was going to make our jobs harder. “What will do now couple?” Did Lily see us kissing? Shoot. “If they are inviting devil monsters, why don’t we invite gods?” I said. They show me the doubted confused face. Literally everyone, Mom, Lily, Dad, hospital staff and Kayla. They all didn’t know. “Ok. You guys know Mount Olympus right? Its nearby, so why don’t we climb Mount Olympus? Zeus is on top of Mount Olympus. So we will climb it! Nothing is impossible if we try. How did Tensing Norgay and Edmund Hillary get on top of Mount Everest? It was because of their hard work and passion. Everyone thought they will fail it like everyone else do and they have been told they’re just wasting time on this nonsense. But they didn’t care. They went on and on and on until they reached the top. If you put that kind of hard work and passion into it you will definitely achieve the things you want. And i’m not just talking about climbing Mount Olympus, it’s about anything you do. Whenever you put hard work and passion into something, some day you will be recognised and you will achieve it. You’ll be a success. That’s how any famous man or woman has been a success. It’s about the hard work and passion. So, we will put our hard work and passion and avenge the daredevils who cheated us. Let’s do it!” I guess the motivational speech worked. I thought it won’t but everyone seems motivated.
We started at hiking at the time of 7:00 am with our stuff. It was actually not the perfect time to hike. The snow was flushing into our faces while we were hiking. After 6 hours 28 minutes, we finally reached the top. We saw Zeus at the top. He had a six pack. I have a one pack. And he has 2 triples of mine. We explained him all the weird stuff that’s been happening and we asked if he can help us fight them, or in another way, kill them. He is a gentlemen… Literally a gentleman. He agreed and he gave a ride back down in his flying chariot. “I saw kids like you that came to me for this Daphne and Theodore thing. The same exact story. I defeated Daphne but Theodore ran at the time when I killed the Daphne. So, I thought Theodore probably will do more rituals. And I guess it was true. But, we will fight back and crush the bones out of them. But, it’s not just me that needs to fight back, you guys need to also fight them. I will train you kids and the adults. But, it’s dangerous here in the mountain because, they know this place from last time. Come to temple of Olympian Zeus at 12:00 am. I know it’s late but that’s the only way. Or else people will see me. And you know what happens when people see me and in my own temple. So night 12:00 am sharp. Be there.” Well he made a long conversation. That was like 2 hours long. Well, it 8:00 pm after all that. So there was only 4 hours left. So me, my parents, Lily, Kayla and Kayla’s parents decided to go in a restaurant, eat and wait about until 11:45 and leave and depart to Zeus’s temple. Then our parents talking to their parents and they talked and talked. And me and Kayla and Lily just went to the arcade beside the restaurant and played for a long time. That was really fun! Then we departed at 11:45 to go to the temple.
We reached at the 12:00 am sharp. He trained us for very long that I almost died of tiredness. The training ended at 6:00 am in the morning. 6 Hours. Suddenly, we saw a red figure hiding in the bushes. “IT’S THE DAPHNE! KILL IT!”I yelled and we all chased it. I was running spontaneously fast like I have never ran before. And we had powers now that Zeus trained us. But, we are not fighting alone we have him. Zeus. But, the Daphne lead us to the mist forest and… There were lots of Daphne’s and there was Theodore in front of them. This time we are ready. Ready to fight back. We are skull crushers. We will squeeze the blood out of Them We will destroy them. He trained us different powers for each person. I have the best power. I can turn into anyone if I want.
So, I decided to be The Rock. He was really tall. Like Seven feet. Straight then, I ran to the Daphne’s and took 3 of them out. 19 more to go. Mom had extra kick power. I think mine wasn’t the best. Mom’s one took 6 Daphne’s out. 13 more to go. Now, Lily. She had the power, Emotional damage. “Your Theodore pays me to be your friend.”
“NO I DIDN’T!” Her one took 2 out. 11 more to go. Dad’s one was… Cringe.
“What do you call a Melon that falls into water? A Watermelon!” Even I almost died of cringe. His one took 3 down. Wow, I’m surprised. They’re holding still. Then Kayla and her family took the rest down. They kicked them to space. And Zeus. He delt with Theodore. You needed to see that fight. “RIGHT PUNCH, LEFT PUNCH, STRAIGHT PUNCH, KICK IN THE BALLS AND KICK TO SPACE BOOYAH!” He screamed while he was doing it.
10 hours later. We were all over the news. We were famous. Hehe boy. Oh and now it’s mom’s boring prayer again. Ugh, let’s just get this over with.
“Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee. O Heavenly King, O Comforter, the Spirit of Truth, who art in all places and fill all things; Treasury of good things and Giver of life, come and dwell in us and cleanse us from every stain, and save our souls, O gracious Lord. Amen.”
We all repeated Amen. I think it means I agree. Whatever it be, I feel like a hero now. I achieved and learned a lot during this. Hard work, passion and patience really brings us to a success.
The End?
Mist land(Aadiv)
Hello I’m Jared. I’m writing this from my messy “exploration detective room” its just my room...
So you may be thinking, who the heck am I?
I’m a normal kid from a city called Woodland, Greece. I’m writing my adventures in the Mist Land.
“JARED TAKE YOUR DISGUSTING DIRTY CLOTHES OUT OF MY ROOM!” Yep and that’s my annoying time-wasting sister, Lily. There’s nothing to talk about her. Nothing special about her. She is just a human... I don’t know why.. Oh I totally forgot about the story! So, Should I start?
I guess i should start.
“JARED SUITCASE!” Mom yelled in a loud voice “YES COMIN’!” I responded back with a louder voice than her.
KNOCK. Mom opened the door. “Darling why are you so early?” She said while her fists crumbled and teeth munched. “So…Sorry, last minute work.” Dad replied with a trembling voice. Yep i was sure he wasn’t ready for the kick. The neighbours all crowded to see the kick. “AWOOOGA!” He went flying towards the road.
“28.9 meters. New record broken!” The neighbours clapped or should i say audience. “I guess i need plastic surgery now. On second thought, not now or else in one kick she will send me to heaven.” Dad said.
Dad and us got ready and then we flipped into our car. “GIVE ME THE IPAD JARED!” My sis screamed at me “Chill, Chill Lily. I’ll give you the ipad when you break up with your boyfriend.” I responded. Hehe i always get away with things because I have a sis to blame. Thank god she has lots of negatives. I actually think her whole life is a negative like, a mistake. “Boyfriend?” Mom rolled her eyes at her.”Thats it your grounded for a year.” “But Mo..Mom.” She stuttered
“Left turn, straight and destination reached.” We use google maps for going to places. “OMG! I’m going to post this in my Instagram account!” when she said that Mom and Dad rolled their eyes at her again.
“Hello Mr and Ms! What are your booking names?” Asked the receptionist kindly. Well I guess she didn’t see the popular video of kicking her enemy to space. Well not space, but across her house. “Hello! We are Mr and Ms Karats!” I Know, I know. Its linked to karate. Yes almost my whole family has learned martial arts except dad. Well mom would’ve kicked him earlier because of not learning martial arts but she didn’t kick him because she loves him too much. And I haven’t told you something else. It was a love marriage. Yep a weak man and a strong woman having a love marriage. Such a coincidence!
“Mr and Ms carrots?” Well when the receptionist said that I guess mom felt insulted. I could feel the fire and rage rising in her. I think she was about to do the kick but it was the public so she didn’t. “No. Its Mr and Mrs Karats.” well she must have understood now because she said it this time really slowly. “Oh Karats! Yep you have have the best room in the hotel. VIP! Here is the card for getting into the room. Room number 127.” I think now mom has been calmed up because she said it’s the best room in the hotel and we have VIP. “WOAH! This is the best room I have ever seen! A Living Room, Master bedroom and the kids rooms! EEEK!” Dad shouted with excitement
DING DONG. Me and Lily opened the door. It was the receptionist again. “Hi kids! Are you ready to go to the Mist Forest! If you are call your parents too!” Me and Lily slid into our parents room and called them out.
The receptionist walked us down to the guide to exploring mist forest.
“And here is the guide. I pass you on to him, Karats family! Bye!” said the receptionist. “Hello I am Eric otherwise known as the guide. So these are the rules, No one wander out in to the forest and get lost, always follow me ok?” the guide explained “You hear that kids! Follow that or else you get the kick ok?” Mom frightened us. But I was not a pro at following rules so I just didn’t care.
“So, When the scientists found this forest, there was a man named Theodore inside wanting to destroy the world. So he made a monster in a Greek name called Daphne. Some people say this is not a myth and its true. But it’s still a myth until this day.” So after I heard all this boring facts I went inside the mist forest without them seeing. Thank god I got my flashlight because it was Hella misty and dark. All of a sudden I saw a black figure emerging out of the shadows. “WHO EVER YOU ARE, STAY AWAY! OR ELSE I WILL DO THE KICK!” I screamed to the black figure. “Relax. I will not do anything. You must be lost. I will help you.” The black figure responded to me back.
“Ok fine but first let me see you clearly. Get out of the shadows.”
I made sure he was not a monster or anything. Well he was not. “I will bring you to my house and you sleep there for today. We go find your family tomorrow.” He replied.
“How the hell do you have such a big house in a forest?” I asked him. “Kid, This house was built millions of years ago. This forest was a land when it was built.” He answered.
Then, I went inside and slept for a long time that I didn’t even notice the time going. 11 hours later I finally woke up. “Hey kid, you finally woke up. Here’s some pancakes.”
“Oh yeah thanks! Yum!” I gobbled the food up.
Then we started searching the way out of the forest. Then he told me about the monster the guide already mentioned. He said it comes at night-time and hunts for people or animals or rather referred as food. He also said that the monster died but it can come back alive by performing a ritual called curse it alive. Some people perform this ritual to destroy the world like Theodore. He doesn’t know if its back alive now because if anyone has done the ritual it must be alive. But, it can die if you get a dagger and push it to its heart and twist it. I still dont agree with that because that only happens in movies. It was getting dark so we decided to go to his house and search tomorrow again. You may be thinking why am I not freaking cause I’m lost. It’s because I really don’t get that much respect in the real world. Everybody treats me like garbage. So that’s why i decided to get lost myself purposely.
And then I asked him but how can just one of Them destroy the whole world. Then he said one can’t destroy the whole world. So they do lots of rituals to get lots of Daphne’s.
Then we heard footsteps approaching. “Quick, let’s climb on the top of this tree!” He whispered loudly in my ears. Lots of people in Greek clothes came with all of the body parts in a body and some weird monster kind of stuff. Yep I know what you’re thinking, it’s a ritual. They put the stuff on the floor in a circle and stood in a circle and said this “Ω Δάφνη, σήκωσέ μας και καταστρέψε τον κόσμο” Then again they said that in English this time “Oh Daphne, rise up and help us destroy the world!” Then all the body parts in the container and the monster stuff got took away and it formed a red frightening monster. It was the Daphne.
QUICK, LETS RUN TO MY HOUSE THEY’RE GONE!” he whispered loudly in my ear again. I think he has a habit of doing that. We crept right into bed after seeing that insane stuff. I couldn’t believe my eyes. Later in the night, I heard someone eating loudly. When I went downstairs…
“OH HAIL NAW! DAPHNE ATE HIM! OPEN WINDOW, JUMP!” Daphne ate the poor guy who take care of me. AND NOW ITS CHASING ME! I ran and ran screaming then finally I got out of the forest. My parents came crying to me. “Where were you darling? We missed you!” Dad also cried for the first time and Lily. Wow Lily really cared for me. “I missed you idiot!” Lily came to me sniffing and hugging me. Wow. I guess I did indeed have respect in the real world. You may be thinking, no cops? Yes of course cops were there! They asked lots of questions to me and I explained the whole story. But, they didn’t believe me. They thought I was mental. So they brought me to a mental hospital. When I reached I saw a cute girl that was about my age. I had a crush on her… I guess I deserved to be in the mental hospital. I confirmed I was mental when I started having a crush on her. And guess what, my bed was next to her!
And guess who made the first move, me! “Hi! I’m Jared.” and then after I introduced myself she responded “Hi I guess. I’m Kayla.” “So what happened to you to be in this place.” after I asked her that she explained the story. And it was the exact same as mine! About the mist forest, inside the mist forest and what happened in the mist forest was also the same! She also saw the man. She also said he got eaten by Daphne. So, something doesn’t fit right. Then I told her my story.
“There is no way! So that means Theodore is that man and the cops did look like the people in Greek clothes and they already knew about my story and when they heard yours they thought it was mental like mine! That’s of course suspicious. So,
in our aspect, the cops are working for Theodore. Thank you. Now I can finally get out of this garbage.” After she thanked me, she came close to me, then close to my lips and then you know what happened. We kissed. Yuck gross. But it felt good at the same time. Well, that was quick!
We explained the things to our parents, staff in the hospital and chief of the police. They finally understood. Well, we were going to explain to the chief but…
There was blood all over his office. So the cops must have killed him. When the forensic team investigated this, they found a piece of hair and they tested it. It was the chief’s. The forensic team also said that this was about 2-3 days ago. And that’s when the cops took the body parts and came for the ritual. So, the body parts were the chief’s.
Well, that was going to make our jobs harder. “What will do now couple?” Did Lily see us kissing? Shoot. “If they are inviting devil monsters, why don’t we invite gods?” I said. They show me the doubted confused face. Literally everyone, Mom, Lily, Dad, hospital staff and Kayla. They all didn’t know. “Ok. You guys know Mount Olympus right? Its nearby, so why don’t we climb Mount Olympus? Zeus is on top of Mount Olympus. So we will climb it! Nothing is impossible if we try. How did Tensing Norgay and Edmund Hillary get on top of Mount Everest? It was because of their hard work and passion. Everyone thought they will fail it like everyone else do and they have been told they’re just wasting time on this nonsense. But they didn’t care. They went on and on and on until they reached the top. If you put that kind of hard work and passion into it you will definitely achieve the things you want. And i’m not just talking about climbing Mount Olympus, it’s about anything you do. Whenever you put hard work and passion into something, some day you will be recognised and you will achieve it. You’ll be a success. That’s how any famous man or woman has been a success. It’s about the hard work and passion. So, we will put our hard work and passion and avenge the daredevils who cheated us. Let’s do it!” I guess the motivational speech worked. I thought it won’t but everyone seems motivated.
We started at hiking at the time of 7:00 am with our stuff. It was actually not the perfect time to hike. The snow was flushing into our faces while we were hiking. After 6 hours 28 minutes, we finally reached the top. We saw Zeus at the top. He had a six pack. I have a one pack. And he has 2 triples of mine. We explained him all the weird stuff that’s been happening and we asked if he can help us fight them, or in another way, kill them. He is a gentlemen… Literally a gentleman. He agreed and he gave a ride back down in his flying chariot. “I saw kids like you that came to me for this Daphne and Theodore thing. The same exact story. I defeated Daphne but Theodore ran at the time when I killed the Daphne. So, I thought Theodore probably will do more rituals. And I guess it was true. But, we will fight back and crush the bones out of them. But, it’s not just me that needs to fight back, you guys need to also fight them. I will train you kids and the adults. But, it’s dangerous here in the mountain because, they know this place from last time. Come to temple of Olympian Zeus at 12:00 am. I know it’s late but that’s the only way. Or else people will see me. And you know what happens when people see me and in my own temple. So night 12:00 am sharp. Be there.” Well he made a long conversation. That was like 2 hours long. Well, it 8:00 pm after all that. So there was only 4 hours left. So me, my parents, Lily, Kayla and Kayla’s parents decided to go in a restaurant, eat and wait about until 11:45 and leave and depart to Zeus’s temple. Then our parents talking to their parents and they talked and talked. And me and Kayla and Lily just went to the arcade beside the restaurant and played for a long time. That was really fun! Then we departed at 11:45 to go to the temple.
We reached at the 12:00 am sharp. He trained us for very long that I almost died of tiredness. The training ended at 6:00 am in the morning. 6 Hours. Suddenly, we saw a red figure hiding in the bushes. “IT’S THE DAPHNE! KILL IT!”I yelled and we all chased it. I was running spontaneously fast like I have never ran before. And we had powers now that Zeus trained us. But, we are not fighting alone we have him. Zeus. But, the Daphne lead us to the mist forest and… There were lots of Daphne’s and there was Theodore in front of them. This time we are ready. Ready to fight back. We are skull crushers. We will squeeze the blood out of Them We will destroy them. He trained us different powers for each person. I have the best power. I can turn into anyone if I want.
So, I decided to be The Rock. He was really tall. Like Seven feet. Straight then, I ran to the Daphne’s and took 3 of them out. 19 more to go. Mom had extra kick power. I think mine wasn’t the best. Mom’s one took 6 Daphne’s out. 13 more to go. Now, Lily. She had the power, Emotional damage. “Your Theodore pays me to be your friend.”
“NO I DIDN’T!” Her one took 2 out. 11 more to go. Dad’s one was… Cringe.
“What do you call a Melon that falls into water? A Watermelon!” Even I almost died of cringe. His one took 3 down. Wow, I’m surprised. They’re holding still. Then Kayla and her family took the rest down. They kicked them to space. And Zeus. He delt with Theodore. You needed to see that fight. “RIGHT PUNCH, LEFT PUNCH, STRAIGHT PUNCH, KICK IN THE BALLS AND KICK TO SPACE BOOYAH!” He screamed while he was doing it.
10 hours later. We were all over the news. We were famous. Hehe boy. Oh and now it’s mom’s boring prayer again. Ugh, let’s just get this over with.
“Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee. O Heavenly King, O Comforter, the Spirit of Truth, who art in all places and fill all things; Treasury of good things and Giver of life, come and dwell in us and cleanse us from every stain, and save our souls, O gracious Lord. Amen.”
We all repeated Amen. I think it means I agree. Whatever it be, I feel like a hero now. I achieved and learned a lot during this. Hard work, passion and patience really brings us to a success.
The End?
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