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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Adults
- Theme: Science Fiction
- Subject: Creatures & Monsters
- Published: 04/21/2024
More clickbait.
Born 1951, M, from Wilmington NC, United States.jpeg)
“You have to be kidding me.”
Trorg waived his antenna - clearly signaling a negative.
“No, Hive Master, I am not kidding you.”
The Hive Master sighed. Trorg was a wonderful Executive Officer, after all, that is what it was bred for. Like most Specialists, Trorg was without the heavy burden of sex. It just was it. Which kept them out of a lot of trouble with emotions. But the blessing of not worrying about mates, reproduction, or sexual pleasure- made them so literal that they missed subtle cues in speech and non verbal cuing situations.
The Hive Master spoke again:
“Trorg, that was a rhetorical question. There is no need to answer the question. “
Trorg’s antennae folded in slightly. A sign of apology. The silence dragged on for an awkward Vert, or maybe several Verts. Then the Hive Master spoke again:
“So you are telling me that warning everyone on Earth that their planet is doomed if they don’t take immediate action…that they totally ignored the warnings?”
“Yes, Hive Master. It appears that they thought the warnings were simply something called: “Clickbait.”
The Hive Master rotated both her antennae and her eyes- to focus on her trusted Assistant. Her shell grew a deep purple- a hue consistent with startled ignorance.
“Clickbait? What in Verman’s Creation is “Clickbait?”
Trorg adjusted its antennae to broadcast it’s findings:
“Apparently Humans need stimulation to read, research, or watch any thing. They are inundated with so many interruptions during every waking moment, that they ignore anything that doesn’t come with a raging headline. Or some sort of mystery statement that will make them curious enough to “click” on the appropriate story- and find out more.”
The Hive Master’s hue turned pale pink. A color reflecting bewildered disgust at a fact or idea.
“You mean these folks have to be tricked into reading, watching, or joining something?”
Trorg’s antennae quivered - a body movement equivalent to a shrug by a Human Being.
“Yes. It gets worse too.”
“What do you mean…worse?”
“According to my resources, research, and references, Humans also believe that our messages are some kind of “Viral Prank.”
Everyone on Earth wants to find out who is behind the “Prank.” Some of them are calling it the most brilliant Social Media Prank of all time. Others think it is just another way to pile up Views. “
“Yes, the Humans seem to have an insatiable need to gather views on anything they post. They run analytics on everything they post. Trying to get more clicks, views and subscribers. “
“So they think our warnings are…what did you call it? Clickbait?”
“Yes, Hive Master.”
“So they are ignoring the warning itself, but spreading the warning to everybody. So everyone knows... but nobody cares?”
This time Trorgs antennae drooped. A sign of exasperation, frustration and a bit of exhaustion. Trorg had run out of ways to get the message to the Humans.
“Yes. They are acting like it is some kind of planet wide prank. They just want to find out who is behind it. Sponsors and Corporations are ready to give millions of dollars to whomever was clever enough to come up with such a campaign. “
“They think someone on Earth made the Clouds form into a Warning? Or the Moon appear as a giant billboard warning of the impending doom?”
Trorg’s antennae bristled.
“Yes. They think all of the clouds, the moon signs, and even Social Media posts were all “fake.” Made by some sort of manipulation of the media. They call it Photoshopped, or AI imaged. Whatever they call it, they think one of them did it. “
The Hive Master withdrew her antennae. A sign of a complete distaste for the decision she had to make. Then…she made her decision.
“Order the Fleet to withdraw. Start the recorders. We can’t help solve the problem, or provide a solution, if the people of that world won’t even admit there is a problem.”
Trorg shivered. Its whole body shivered. Like its Master, the loss of sentient life was troubling in the extreme. With all their advanced technology they were unable to reach these Humans, and get them to take the warning seriously.
“Withdraw immediately.”
On Earth all the warnings ceased at the exact same time. The clouds reverted to just fluffy cotton balls. Social Media saw no new posts of the warning of stating: “The End is Near.”
Streaming Services, YouTube, Google, you name it, went back to their normal panic to get your attention.
Outside the Solar System, the Hive Master gathered her Fleet. It was a somber moment. The Sun Flared. Even this far out, with maximum shields, her Fleet could not only see, but feel, the radiation that had turned Earth into not much more than a glowing cinder.
She let her antennae grow wet and shiny. The Human Equivalent of sobbing accompanied by a torrent of tears. Even Trorg’s antennae were wet with understanding. Hundreds of empty transports stood idly by. Useless.
They had brought enough of those transport spheres to evacuate every living thing on Earth…not just the Humans. Instead, they sit here on the edge of a once vibrant Solar System on the fringe of an ordinary galaxy…empty.
The Earth had ceased to burn. There was no more atmosphere to provide combustion. It was just a dark ember circling a star.
The Hive Master filed her report. Listed as the reason for not being able to complete her rescue mission was just one word:
More clickbait.(Kevin Hughes)
“You have to be kidding me.”
Trorg waived his antenna - clearly signaling a negative.
“No, Hive Master, I am not kidding you.”
The Hive Master sighed. Trorg was a wonderful Executive Officer, after all, that is what it was bred for. Like most Specialists, Trorg was without the heavy burden of sex. It just was it. Which kept them out of a lot of trouble with emotions. But the blessing of not worrying about mates, reproduction, or sexual pleasure- made them so literal that they missed subtle cues in speech and non verbal cuing situations.
The Hive Master spoke again:
“Trorg, that was a rhetorical question. There is no need to answer the question. “
Trorg’s antennae folded in slightly. A sign of apology. The silence dragged on for an awkward Vert, or maybe several Verts. Then the Hive Master spoke again:
“So you are telling me that warning everyone on Earth that their planet is doomed if they don’t take immediate action…that they totally ignored the warnings?”
“Yes, Hive Master. It appears that they thought the warnings were simply something called: “Clickbait.”
The Hive Master rotated both her antennae and her eyes- to focus on her trusted Assistant. Her shell grew a deep purple- a hue consistent with startled ignorance.
“Clickbait? What in Verman’s Creation is “Clickbait?”
Trorg adjusted its antennae to broadcast it’s findings:
“Apparently Humans need stimulation to read, research, or watch any thing. They are inundated with so many interruptions during every waking moment, that they ignore anything that doesn’t come with a raging headline. Or some sort of mystery statement that will make them curious enough to “click” on the appropriate story- and find out more.”
The Hive Master’s hue turned pale pink. A color reflecting bewildered disgust at a fact or idea.
“You mean these folks have to be tricked into reading, watching, or joining something?”
Trorg’s antennae quivered - a body movement equivalent to a shrug by a Human Being.
“Yes. It gets worse too.”
“What do you mean…worse?”
“According to my resources, research, and references, Humans also believe that our messages are some kind of “Viral Prank.”
Everyone on Earth wants to find out who is behind the “Prank.” Some of them are calling it the most brilliant Social Media Prank of all time. Others think it is just another way to pile up Views. “
“Yes, the Humans seem to have an insatiable need to gather views on anything they post. They run analytics on everything they post. Trying to get more clicks, views and subscribers. “
“So they think our warnings are…what did you call it? Clickbait?”
“Yes, Hive Master.”
“So they are ignoring the warning itself, but spreading the warning to everybody. So everyone knows... but nobody cares?”
This time Trorgs antennae drooped. A sign of exasperation, frustration and a bit of exhaustion. Trorg had run out of ways to get the message to the Humans.
“Yes. They are acting like it is some kind of planet wide prank. They just want to find out who is behind it. Sponsors and Corporations are ready to give millions of dollars to whomever was clever enough to come up with such a campaign. “
“They think someone on Earth made the Clouds form into a Warning? Or the Moon appear as a giant billboard warning of the impending doom?”
Trorg’s antennae bristled.
“Yes. They think all of the clouds, the moon signs, and even Social Media posts were all “fake.” Made by some sort of manipulation of the media. They call it Photoshopped, or AI imaged. Whatever they call it, they think one of them did it. “
The Hive Master withdrew her antennae. A sign of a complete distaste for the decision she had to make. Then…she made her decision.
“Order the Fleet to withdraw. Start the recorders. We can’t help solve the problem, or provide a solution, if the people of that world won’t even admit there is a problem.”
Trorg shivered. Its whole body shivered. Like its Master, the loss of sentient life was troubling in the extreme. With all their advanced technology they were unable to reach these Humans, and get them to take the warning seriously.
“Withdraw immediately.”
On Earth all the warnings ceased at the exact same time. The clouds reverted to just fluffy cotton balls. Social Media saw no new posts of the warning of stating: “The End is Near.”
Streaming Services, YouTube, Google, you name it, went back to their normal panic to get your attention.
Outside the Solar System, the Hive Master gathered her Fleet. It was a somber moment. The Sun Flared. Even this far out, with maximum shields, her Fleet could not only see, but feel, the radiation that had turned Earth into not much more than a glowing cinder.
She let her antennae grow wet and shiny. The Human Equivalent of sobbing accompanied by a torrent of tears. Even Trorg’s antennae were wet with understanding. Hundreds of empty transports stood idly by. Useless.
They had brought enough of those transport spheres to evacuate every living thing on Earth…not just the Humans. Instead, they sit here on the edge of a once vibrant Solar System on the fringe of an ordinary galaxy…empty.
The Earth had ceased to burn. There was no more atmosphere to provide combustion. It was just a dark ember circling a star.
The Hive Master filed her report. Listed as the reason for not being able to complete her rescue mission was just one word:
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- 7
07/01/2024Quite clever. You definitely grabbed my attention, curiosity and sustained interest from start to finish. Nice job!
ReplyHelp Us Understand What's Happening
Kevin Hughes
That comment was so well written and thought out, I sent it along to my friend who have a much better command of the English language than I do. And they loved it... like I did.
Thanks again for the kind words!
Smiles, Kevin
Help Us Understand What's Happening
07/02/2024One additional observation. William Somerset Maugham, the English short story writer and author of Of Human Bondage, once noted that an author's first duty was to entertain the reader. Some thought this comment rather crass and inconsequential, but lets not forget that, in his day, the Maugham was the highest paid, wealthiest writer in his native country. Good stories always entertain. Clickbait entertained.
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Kevin Hughes
07/01/2024Thanks Barry, there is no higher praise for an Author, than to state you stayed interested the whole story!
Smiles, Kevin
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Joel Kiula
07/01/2024A very interesting story. I love these kinds of stories, keep writing more.
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Help Us Understand What's Happening
Cheryl Ryan
07/01/2024I just hope there are more of these stories from you Kevin. As usual captivating, exciting and imaginative. As you read, the story feels didactic and preachy while garnering your emotional instalment in the message the author hopes to pass across.
Thank you for sharing!
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Kevin Hughes
07/01/2024Thanks Cheryl,
I will continue as best I can, and can I just mention you have an amazing talent for powerful paragraphs.
Smiles, Kevin
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Help Us Understand What's Happening
Help Us Understand What's Happening
Help Us Understand What's Happening
Help Us Understand What's Happening
06/30/2024It is certainly a likely case scenario that when there really is something important for us all to know, it will be easily lost in an overabundant stream of 'fake news' viral videos, etc...., and no one will take it seriously, believing that it is just an AI created 'clickbait'. You nailed it, Kevin. Happy short story star of the day.
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Help Us Understand What's Happening
David Bourne
05/22/2024Great story, Kevin! If the warnings don't come as a 15-second video with music, dancing people, or cleavage, it'll never get "mileage." Nobody would want to favorite it, or forward society would be doomed by our attention span that has been likened to that of a moth.
And I loved the expressive antennae. Next time I see a--well, one of them--waving their antenna, or see glistening droplets on said appendage, I'll be able to interpret what they're trying to say.
Thanks for the story, kind sir!
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Kevin Hughes
07/01/2024Thanks David for the kind words..and now I will also be on the look out for antenna problems. LOL
Smiles, Kevin
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Help Us Understand What's Happening
Kevin Hughes
07/01/2024Thanks CPlatt,
High praise coming from you! As you Brits are not known for flattery!
Smiles, Kevin
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Martha Huett
04/22/2024Oh man. Kevin, that's just plain scary and an excellent read. Now what do I do? To click or not to click...
PS. Loved the antennae!
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Kevin Hughes
04/22/2024Thanks Martha!
I know, I click on so many things only to find out I was either misled, or they greatly exaggerated the lead line. LOL
As one of my friends said: "Advertising is everywhere. Life is now a commercial break." LOL
Smiles, Kevin
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Help Us Understand What's Happening
Kevin Hughes
04/21/2024Hey Talisman,
Isn't it amazing at how even staid old things like the WSJ, NYTimes, and Major News channels, all have to use clickbait style headlines to get any interest. As if information has just become some sort of advertisement!
Thanks for the comment...I think it is very astute.
Smiles, Kevin