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- Story Listed as: True Life For Adults
- Theme: Inspirational
- Subject: Novels
- Published: 06/21/2024
• Polishing your Diamond.
• The Jar of Life.
• Charity and Dignity
• Coffee Analog
• Life and its Struggles
• Forgiving your Life
• Don’t we All
• Trust the Change
• Cockroach Theory
• Wisdom
• The Mirror of Life
• The Journey of your Life
• The Pigeon
• Waiting in Life
• The old Doberman
• Your face and Attitude in Life
• The Eagle and the Storm
Polishing your Diamond
Author: ©MFR
Diamond merchants and jewelers will tell you, that the best way to make a diamond shine is to polish it very well. Always.
Our diamonds are:
Friendships, relationships, marriage, children.
We all want that diamond in our lives.
One we can love, cherish and care for.
A partner, a best friend, a soul mate.
There are times when a diamond comes into your life.
The diamond stays for a while.
You polish it; you try.
But no matter how much you polish that diamond, it never shines.
It holds that dull color, no matter how much you polish it.
You polish to the best of your ability, but you never get it to shine.
Then that one diamond enters your life.
The one.
When that diamond enters your life, not by accident
But by purpose and with meaning,
That diamond has then changed your life,
Your life will never be the same again.
That diamond was put in our life for a reason.
You need to treasure and look after that diamond, because most times you will find that one diamond that will enrich your life forever.
You need to hold onto that diamond for the rest of your life.
That diamond will enhance your life. You will feel loved, you will be happy, your loneliness and sadness will be gone forever.
With that diamond, your whole life, will become new, the new beginning. You always dreamed about that diamond, and were always searching for it everywhere.
That one diamond that would be yours forever……
How do you take care of the diamond
That has come into your life, that
Has blessed you more than life itself?
From my epiphany, experience, knowledge and research:
God made us all different.
We are all very rough diamonds.
We all have our own trademark.
We are individuals, with our own character, personality, our own likes and dislikes, our own needs and desires, our own options and opinions.
We all carry baggage of our past lives, one way or another.
No diamond is ever the same.
That is what makes diamonds so interesting, and very unique at times, very challenging at most.
So, two diamonds get together.
One may be a shining light, the other as dull as the setting sun.
Two diamonds may be perfect for one another.
Two diamonds may need a lot of polishing and shinning.
In the beginning, you never know what type of diamond has stepped into your life.
I believe. When two diamonds get together, there is only one way to make a successful future for both.
You must polish your new diamond.
Dailey, every single day of your life.
You must understand your new diamond in your life
Where that diamond has been, in the past.
How much polishing has that diamond experienced?
How much polishing does that diamond need?
Are you prepared to polish your new diamond forever?
Will your new diamond be prepared to polish their new diamond to have a very successful relationship and future?
Are you ready to polish away?
Polishing your new diamond.
As with life, it takes a lot of time, effort, understanding, patience and knowledge to polish your new diamond.
All diamonds have a flaw, one way or another.
There is no perfect diamond in a relationship.
You may spend the rest of your life, looking for the perfect diamond. You know, you will never find the perfect diamond.
There are no perfect diamonds in a relationship.
Be it, family, friends or soul mate.
So many people, look for the most beautiful, the most handsome, the rich, best character, incredible personality, kind considerate understanding, religious diamond.
Everything the one diamond loves, they want in another diamond.
They want the perfect partner, the perfect diamond.
But sadly, you will never find that diamond.
We find a diamond, that we are so attracted to, definitely not perfect, but close to it.
Then we start polishing.
We understand our new diamond, with all their faults and baggage.
We accept and we polish away at that diamond.
We always consider the diamonds ways, antics, not what we used to though.
But we consider who that diamond is, and we polish away at that diamond.
We accept and agree the fact, that this is the diamond we want in our lives.
We want to spend forever with this diamond.
You see, you can accept a new diamond in your life.
But, if you put it away in a drawer, and you do not polish it every single day, it will never shine for you, that new diamond, will be dull forever.
We are so quick, to always want everything we need.
We consider only ourselves only.
Our opinions, needs and desires, must always be right and taken into account always.
What we think, say and confess, it is law
It is always all about us
If people do not understand me, I get upset because, they do not consider me, and take my needs and opinions into account.
That is the way life has made us.
All diamonds, have gone through the mill of life
We have all been hurt, suffered serious pain and disappointment, and carry huge baggage in life, from our past and present, every single one of us.
That is the past, we will always carry those scars and baggage, no matter what.
Do not let that interfere in your new relationship, your new diamond in your life.
You chose that diamond, now it is time to polish.
How do we polish our new diamond?
It is not always easy, to take up that task and assignment.
We are not always prepared to polish
Too much time and effort….
The more, you polish that new diamond, the brighter it will become, and in the long run, it will shine like a bright star for you. Just like you always wanted.
Polishing your diamond includes:
Love unconditionally
Love is the key to life.
Communication, be it good or bad
Never stop talking.
Time spent in conversation always goes a long way.
Communication is the key to every relationship.
Too much silence in this world.
Let it out.
Build trust
No relationship can exist without trust.
Trust your diamond
It is hard at times, the more you trust, the more the shine.
Always be honest and open with your diamond
No matter how it hurts, or disappointed you are.
We do not always get what our heart desires.
Call it the way it is.
Be faithful.
A commitment to a diamond, is the first step to success.
Learn from animals.
Faithful diamonds stay together forever.
Always be there for one another no matter what
You might have your own opinion, you might disagree, you might have your own views, and ideas, but, just always be there for your diamond. It is amazing, always being there for your diamond, can change a relationship in a positive way all the time.
It can only shine.
Make time for your diamond
Yes, life is busy, we are all busy with stuff and our own lives.
Always take and make time for your diamond
Time spent together, no matter, how long it is
Is time very well spent.
Most times, you have to give a little, to gain a lot.
Leave the past in the past.
Yes, your diamond, will know your past
But, concentrate on the present and the future, always.
Know that having arguments is normal.
There are always disagreements
That is mankind
It’s the way you argue
Be understanding
Be soft and gentle
Shouting, screaming and abuse never solves anything.
Verbal abuse, is worse than physical abuse.
Bruises heal, and cruel words stay in the heart forever.
Being right, is not always the answer.
Give and take, always sorts out an argument.
Know that you will not always be happy
Life is full of disappointments
You do not always have to get your way.
But sometimes, you just have to suck it up.
That is polishing or being polished.
Do not expect change
You can polish your diamond, so that it shines for you
But you will never change the color of that diamond.
Appreciate the flaws of your new diamond
That is the way, your diamond was created
You will never change that creation.
God made your diamond the way they are.
Always appreciate your diamond
Never stop saying thank you
Apologize when you are wrong, pride is a bitch.
Give in sometimes. Giving is more important than receiving.
Comment on the small and big things your diamond does for you
Do for your diamond, more than the new diamond does for you.
It is the little things that count, and go a long way.
Become best friends with your diamond
Your diamond must not only be your partner
Your diamond must be your best friend ever.
Someone you would die for.
Just like a dog, is a man’s best friend.
When animals die, they die with love.
Love your diamond unconditionally
You chose that diamond, now you must love that diamond
Like never before
Polish polish polish……
That shine will be worth it, and it will, shine forever…….
The Jar of Life
Author: ©MFR
I have a scenario for you.
You are standing alone in the kitchen. You have filled a beautiful crystal jar with cold water. The jar is full. You pick the jar up in your right hand and hold it parallel to the ground. The jar full of water weighs about one kilogram. There you stand, arm straight holding the jar. A very easy task.
This may seem like an easy task.
For the weak is harder, than for the strong.
Holding that jar for one minute is so easy.
Holding the jar for five minutes, no matter how strong you are, starts creating a problem.
The arm starts failing, the arm starts shaking, the pain in your shoulder starts running down your back, and now you can truly feel how heavy that jar is. You start sweating profusely.
That jar no longer weighs one kilogram. It now feels like fifty kilograms. Arm shaking, your breath quickening, you have no other result but to drop your arm. No longer can you hold onto that jar with water in it. Your task is done. The challenge is done. You have failed.
Now this holding onto the jar relates to life.
How many times in life do we hold onto a problem or a situation in life? How many times have you believed you can hold onto that problem jar forever?
Many of us hold onto our jar of life, the problems we have, no matter what, and we believe we can do so forever, and we can succeed.
You see it does not matter how heavy it is, what matters is that you are holding onto that jar and you do not want to let go.
At first, it is easy, we think we can hold on and we can take control and we can do this no matter what.
Sometimes we get friends and family to support that arm to make the load lighter. For us to hold onto longer. No matter how many try to help, at the end of the day, the load gets too much for all.
This is how anxiety works, it does not matter how anxious you are about how heavy and big that jar is.
It does not matter how big the thing you are holding onto is a big deal or not, as long as you hold onto it, it is going to bring pain and hardship into your life. It is going to bring huge difficulty into your life. It does not matter how big the problem is or how big the jar is, the problem is, you will not put the problem down. You will hang onto that jar as long as possible.
The longer you hold onto that jar, that problem or situation, the more anxiety, fear, the spiritual and emotional pain it is going to bring into your life.
In the good book, it says, “worry about nothing and pray about everything”. Philippians 4:6-7
You see, the solution to anxiety is too simple to decide, to let go of the jug, put it down. Let go of the problems or situations you are trying to carry in life.
There is no way in life we need to carry and hold onto any problem, no matter how heavy or light it is.
We were not created to carry heavy jars and bend and strain under the weight.
We were created to live.
Carrying our jars, problems and situation is left to an arm that will always overcome everything. No matter how light or heavy the load is. It is a pleasure for that arm, with so much love, to take away the loads in our jars of life.
We were given the ability to understand the jar, the weight, the problem and situation, and then to have the faith, trust, hope and belief just to let go of the jar and the load.
Are you carrying a jar today?
Is its weight getting too much and heavy for you?
Maybe it is time to just have faith and belief to let go of that jar forever.
Trust me, let go……..
Charity and Dignity
Author: ©MFR
A Lady asked an old street vendor:
How much do you sell your eggs for?
The old man replied 50 cents an egg, madam.
The Lady responded, I will take 6 eggs for R2.00 or I am leaving.
The old salesman replied, buy them at the price you want, Madam.
This is a good start for me because I have not sold a single egg today and I need this to live.
She bought her eggs at a bargain price and left with the feeling that she had won. She got into her fancy car and went to a fancy restaurant with her friends.
She and her friends ordered what they wanted. They ate a little and left a lot of what they had asked for.
So they paid the bill, which was R750. The ladies gave R1000 and told the fancy restaurant owner to keep the change as a tip.
This story might seem quite normal to the owner of the fancy restaurant, but very unfair to the egg seller.
The question it raises is;
Why do we always need to show that we have power when we buy from the needy and the poor?
Why are we generous to those who do not even need our generosity?
I once read somewhere that a father used to buy goods from poor people at a high price, even though he did not need the items.
Sometimes he paid more for them. His children were amazed.
One day they asked him, why are you doing this dad?
The father replied: It is charity wrapped in dignity……...
Coffee Analogy
Author: ©MFR
You are holding a cup of coffee when someone comes along and bumps into you or shakes your arm, making you spill your coffee everywhere.
Why did you spill the coffee?
Because someone bumped into me.
Wrong answer.
You spilled the coffee because there was coffee in your cup.
Had there been tea in the cup, you would have spilled tea as well.
Whatever is inside the cup is what will spill out.
Therefore, when life comes along and shakes you up or out, which WILL definitely happen, whatever is inside you will come out for sure.
It is easy to fake it, until you get rattled.
And we truly ALL get rattled in life one way or another.
So we have to ask ourselves...
What is in my cup today?
When life gets tough, what spills over for the world to see and experience in your life?
Is It
Joy, gratitude, peace and humility or, anger, bitterness, regret, victim mentality and quitting-tendencies?
Life provides the cup, YOU choose how to fill your cup of life.
Today let us work towards filling our cups with gratitude, forgiveness, joy, words of affirmation, resilience, positivity, and kindness, gentleness, giving, and love for others.
It is your CUP.
Today, decide what you are going to fill your CUP with……..
Life and its Struggles
Author: ©MFR
How many times in your life, have you sat quietly by yourself and wondered, how am I going to get through life's stuff?
We all go through so much stuff in life, I call it stuff, because you cannot give it a specific title, there are so many titles, so I just say stuff.
Stuff Like
So much Stuff.
It is truly part of life.
So, we go and sit alone somewhere where no one can see us, head in hands and we contemplate our stuff.
We do not want anybody around us, because we believe no one can help us with our stuff.
There is not one person in life who has not sat quietly and thought about their stuff in life.
I know a little boy who at a very young age, when he was left alone, and he was left alone a lot, would go and sit behind his wardrobe on a blanket, and ponder his stuff. Lifes stuff that he went through as a very small scared little boy.
There was no one to help or give him advice to help him with his stuff.
In his darkest moments in life, he called on his ArchAngel and GOD to help him through his stuff. Believe me he had a lot of stuff and demons to fight.
There is nothing in life, be it stuff, situations, etc. that cannot be overcome.
In the good book it says
Isaiah 43:2
But now, O Jacob, listen to the LORD who created you. ...
When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. ...
For I am the LORD, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Saviour. ...
Others were given in exchange for you. ...
“Do not be afraid, for I am with you.
Psalm 118: 24
The beauty of the day is not that it is new, but that we are being made new. The glory of the day is not that it marks a change, but that we are being changed. The blessing of the day is not that it is a day off, but that it is His day.
John 14:1
Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God.
Philippians 4 13
I can do all things through Christ which strengthened me.
Exodus 14:14
The LORD will fight for you, and you have only to be silent.
The LORD himself will fight for you. Just stay calm.”
Proverbs 16:3
Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed. In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps.
Psalm 32:10
Many are the woes of the wicked, but the LORD’s unfailing love surrounds the one who trusts in Him
In life, there will always be stuff.
We all stress and worry about our stuff.
People come and say, do not worry all will be well.
But they do not live with your stuff, they do not walk in our shoes, so they do not understand and cannot solve or sort out your stuff.
So, the next time you take some time out, sit alone and ponder about your stuff
Never forget you are not alone
There are so many people sitting with the same stuff as you
They say sharing is caring, but do we really want to bother other people with our stuff, when they have enough stuff of their own?
So, when you go and sit and ponder about your stuff, never forget you think your stuff is the worst ever, until you hear about other people’s stuff.
GOD knows your stuff.
Trust HIM
Let HIM come and sit with you during your time alone……..
Forging your Life
Author: ©MFR
A blade does not become strong until it has been through the fire of forging many times.
There is a lot of heavy hammering that has to take place. Over and over again. Life can pound away at you every day.
Then you have to go back into the forge, over and over, the heat can be overwhelming at times. Sometimes the heat can be unmanageable and unbearable. No one enjoys living in the heat of the moment or living in a hot moment for a period of time.
In the forge, it is hot and it melts you down and it is so uncomfortable all the time. The heat of the moment or time is never enjoyable for anybody.
Life is going to put you in and out of that forge and place you back on the anvil of life and keep on hammering you. Over and over again.
Then you will say, am I done yet.
Am I a well-made sword yet?
In this journey of your life, you are not done yet, when are you ever done. When will the forging and pounding ever stop?
So you just have to hang in there till the process is done, until you are fully created, polished, edged sharpened and ready for this world. Ready to fight and take on all your battles in life. No matter how big or small they are.
It does not matter how young or old you are, you have so much forging to go through in your life. We care never ever really and truly be forged completely in life. The forging is a process, life is a process.
It takes time to make an almost perfect sword. Life is never perfect. Your life is the way you face and take on your battles with a well forged sword.
In life you have to patiently embrace the process of forging, then by the time you get older in years, you can be proud of the sword you are and the person that went through the forging process of life.
You can take your sharpened edge and take on whatever battles you have and will face in life……
Don’t we All
Author: ©MFR
I parked in front of the mall, sitting inside my car waiting for my wife to get a few items from the supermarket. Just me and the car radio.
Coming my way from across the parking lot was what society would consider a tramp or a beggar. From his looks, he had no place to stay, no car, no clean clothes, no food and no money. He had nothing, but the clothes on his body.
There are times when you feel generous, but there are other times
that you are just not in the mood and do not want to be bothered. This was one of those days, do not want to be bothered times.
I thought, I hope he does not ask me for money, and he did not ask for any money.
He came and sat on the curb nearby, but he did look like he could not have any money, to even get a good meal.
After a few minutes, he eventually spoke.
That is a very nice car you have there, he said. He was dirty and ragged, but he had an air of dignity around him. There was something that told me, he was a man of this world. He was different.
I said, thank you, and continued to listen to my car radio. He sat there quietly and the expected plea for money never came. As the silence between us widened, something inside me said, URIEL as always said, ask him if he needs any help. I was sure he would say yes, but I held true to the inner voice. The voice of URIEL, that voice that I lived with every day.
Do you need any help? I asked.
He answered in three simple, but profound words that I shall never ever forget for the rest of my life.
We often look for great wisdom in great men and women and we expect it from those of higher learning and accomplishments. I expected nothing but an outstretched grimy hand. He spoke the three words that shook my life forever.
Don’t we all, he said.
I was feeling high and mighty, successful and important, until those three words hit me in the face like a twelve-gauge shotgun round.
Don’t we all?
I needed help. Maybe not for the bus fare, a place to sleep, or food to eat, but I needed help. Serious help.
I reached into my wallet and gave him not only enough money for bus fare, but enough to get a warm meal and a few other things for the rest of the day. I had nothing left in my wallet.
Those three little words still ring in my ears till today, they truly made me realize about life. My life.
No matter how much you have, no matter how much you have accomplished, you need help too. We all need help one way or another.
Don’t we all?
No matter how little you have, no matter how loaded you are with problems, you can always give help to others, no matter how big or small.
Even if it is just a compliment, a word of encouragement, a smile, a hug, you can give so much if you really want to. It does not always have to be money.
You never know when you may see someone that appears to have it all. They are waiting on you to give them what they do not have.
A different perspective on life, a glimpse at something beautiful, a respite from daily chaos that only you, through a torn world, can see.
Maybe the man was a homeless stranger wandering the streets. Maybe he was more than that. Maybe he was sent by a power that is great and wise, to minister, to a soul, to be comfortable in himself.
In the best book ever, it says:
Proverbs 19:17
He who has pity on the poor lends to the LORD. When we give to the poor (expressing our love and pity towards them) we are not wasting money or time. It is like lending money to the LORD Himself.
When we lend to the LORD, HE pays us back in blessings we can never apprehend.
Romans 12:13
When GOD’s people are in need, be ready to help them. Always be eager to practice hospitality.
Proverbs 14:31
He who oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker, but whoever is kind to the needy honours GOD.
Matthew 25:40
Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for ME.
And last but certainly not the least
Hebrews 13:2
Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.
Do you want to turn away an Angel from GOD?
In Life, how many times have you seen and listened to other people’s problems and situations, or like I say, STUFF, peoples STUFF, and we have never said it out allowed, but deep inside we quietly said to ourselves?
Don’t we All?
Today and every day, help somebody, you are only a custodian of whatever you possess. If you look deep inside yourself, you will realize, you have so much to give. So much.
Remember in life
We the people of this planet
We come, we stay, we go, the in between defines who we truly are.
Ask yourself the question today, who are you?
What defines you in life?
Trust the Change.
Author: ©MFR
We are so used to living with what we have and got.
We are happy with what we have, because we never won’t to get out of our comfort zone.
Our comfort zone is our happy place. A place we are comfortable with.
Human nature is always afraid of change, what we have, the way we are, what we do in life we are happy with.
We never want to change. Change is something we are never comfortable with.
What we have pleases us. That is what we do.
When we get offered something new and different in our lives, we are so quick to resist.
We do not want to accept change. We turn our backs on change and hold onto what we have because that has worked for us in our lives for so long.
Even though the change can help us in life for the better, we hold on tight to what we have.
Some of the changes we are offered in life are so small, yet some of the changes are so huge, they will have a massive impact on your life.
Yes, you cannot accept every change that is offered to you.
You were given enough intellect in life to make the right decision to accept change. To accept that, that will change your life for the better.
How many people do you know that made the wrong decision when it comes to change? That is always the problem. You believe the change you are offered will lead to an unsuccessful unhappy situation in your life.
There is a saying that goes
Nothing ventured nothing gained.
Life is not all about everything going right.
Sometimes you have to step out of your comfort zone and change the little you have for something bigger and better.
Life is not always about sweet pie and roses.
The pie is not always the best and guess what, roses die and wilt away.
Life is not always about plain sailing into the sun set.
We all go through many dark times and huge storms in life.
Bottom line, we make mistakes, we learn from them always.
So if we step out of our comfort zone and accept change, something bigger and better and we fail with the new change.
Then we have learnt a dear lesson in life. A lesson that makes us bigger and better people in this world.
How many people do you know that accepted change and failed?
They fell down very hard, they have scars they will carry for the rest of their lives.
They got back up from the dust, dusted themselves of and carried on with life. Found a bigger and better change to make a huge success of their lives.
We all fail in life. But it’s not the failure that makes us a better person. It is what we do with that lesson that molds us into better people of this world.
The change you have to make or take, stepping out of your comfort zone, will only be beneficial to you. Your life will be better, or you will have learned a dear lesson, good or bad.
It is always very difficult to step out of your comfort zone and accept something, you know nothing about, or to take that step of faith for something bigger and better in life.
The difficulties and challenges we face every single day of our lives.
We sit in glass houses and watch the world go by. We see bigger and better changes we can make. But the glass households us back to make and accept that change and to accept something bigger and better.
We let the opportunity slip us by. We just sit back and watch the change disappear into the sunset.
We are too afraid to step out of our comfort zone, our glass house, and accept the change that is offered to us.
We open our ears to people and the world who want to tell us what is good and bad for us. Warning us that the change will be bad for us.
Maybe it is time, to shut out the noise in life and make your own decisions about the change in your life.
People never want to see you prosper and go forward with a better change in your life. No matter how big or small.
We are so quick to listen to other people when it concerns our lives and situations.
Maybe it is time to make your own decisions in life.
Time to have more faith hope and trust in GOD.
Have the faith you are making the right decision.
We all hope that the change will be the best for us.
Trust, is like an acquired taste, it comes with time.
Maybe that change is exactly what you need to have a better life and future. A life that was made for you, a life you needed to step out and enjoy and appreciate the change. A change by GOD.
We hold onto that single marshmallow that will make our lives just a little sweeter. But when we are offered the packet of marshmallow, so much sweetness we have to reject, because we cannot handle it. No one said you have to eat the whole packet at once. But you took the step and the change, now you have the rest of your life to enjoy the packet of marshmallows, in your time, not the world’s time.
As for myself
I have had to step out of my comfort zone and accept change, something bigger and better so many times in my life. Why. Because the change came from GOD.
I have looked in the mirror many times and have realized that there has to be change in my life, not a change to please the world or its people, but a change to better my life, and my ability, and for the good of my own future. A change closer to GOD.
You see, I am who I am. GOD created me just the way I am. I will never ever and that goes for you to, never be the person you are not.
In life, if you are offered a better change in your life. A change that will only benefit you, and not those around you, take the step of faith and grab that change with both hands. You are either going to change or you are going to learn a dear lesson with the scar to show for it. Your change, your lesson, your scar.
I have realized so many times, that life is a gamble. You can be the same old boring self every single day, or you can take and accept change, for your good only, for no one else. A change GOD wanted you to accept.
In life, you have to accept and understand your own gut instinct.
Trust me
Accept the change, it can only come from GOD…..
Only GOD, knows the change you need in your life……
Cockroach Theory
Author: ©MFR
The cockroach theory for self-development.
At a restaurant, a cockroach suddenly flew from somewhere and sat on a lady enjoying a meal with her friends.
She started screaming out of fear and panic.
With a panic-stricken face and trembling voice, she started jumping around, with both her hands desperately trying to get rid of the cockroach on her lap.
Her reaction was contagious, as everyone in her group also got panicky.
The lady finally managed to push the cockroach away, but it landed on another lady in the group.
Now, it was the turn of the other lady in the group to continue the drama.
The waiter, a young teenager, rushed forward to their rescue.
In the relay of throwing, the cockroach next fell upon the waiter.
The waiter stood firm, composed herself, and observed the behavior of the cockroach on her shirt.
When she was confident enough, she grabbed the cockroach with her fingers and threw it out of the restaurant into the little garden surrounding the restaurant.
Sipping my wine and watching the amusement, the antenna of my mind picked up a few thoughts and started wondering, was the cockroach responsible for their histrionic behavior?
If so, then why was the waiter not disturbed?
She handled the situation with near to perfection, without any chaos or stress.
It is not the cockroach, but the inability of those people to handle the situation and disturbance caused by the cockroach, that disturbed the few ladies.
I realized that it is not the shouting of my father or my boss that disturbs me, but it is my inability to handle the disturbances caused by their shouting that disturbs me.
It is not the traffic jams on the road that disturb me, but my inability to handle the disturbance caused by the traffic jam that disturbs me.
More than the problem, it is my reaction to the problem that creates chaos in my life and in all our lives.
Lessons learned from this story:
I understood I should not always react in life.
A reaction in life can most of the time cause a negative effect to any situation.
I should always respond with a positive and real attitude to all situations.
The women reacted, whereas the waiter responded.
Reactions are always instinctive whereas responses are always well thought of.
A beautiful way to understand response.
The HAPPY person is not HAPPY because everything is RIGHT in their Lives.
People are HAPPY because their Attitude towards Everything in their Life is Right!
Author: ©MFR
Do not call someone more than twice continuously.
If they do not pick up your call, presume they have something important to attend to.
Return money that you have borrowed even before the person that borrowed you remember or ask for it.
It shows your integrity and character.
Same goes with umbrellas, pens and lunch boxes.
Never order the expensive dish on the menu when someone is giving you a lunch/dinner.
Do not ask awkward questions like
Oh so you are not married yet?
Or ‘Do you have kids or
Why did you not buy a house?
Or why do you not by a car?
For God’s sake it is not your problem.
Always open the door for the person coming behind you.
It does not matter if it is a guy or a girl, senior or junior.
You do not grow small by treating someone well in public.
If you take a taxi with a friend and he/she pays now, try paying next time.
Respect different shades of opinions.
Remember what is 6 to you will appear 9 to someone facing you. Besides, second opinion is good for an alternative.
Never interrupt people talking.
Allow them to pour it out.
As they say, hear them all and filter them all.
If you tease someone, and they do not seem to enjoy it, stop it and never do it again.
It encourages one to do more and it shows how appreciative you are.
Say “thank you” when someone is helping you.
Praise publicly. Criticize privately.
There is almost never a reason to comment on someone’s weight.
Just say, “You look fantastic.”
If they want to talk about losing weight, they will.
When someone shows you a photo on their phone, do not swipe left or right. You never know what is next.
If a colleague tells you they have a doctors' appointment, do not ask what it’s for, and just say
"I hope you are okay".
Do not put them in the uncomfortable position of having to tell you their personal illness. If they want you to know, they will do so without your inquisitiveness.
Treat the cleaner with the same respect as the CEO.
Nobody is impressed at how rude you can treat someone below you but people will notice if you treat them with respect.
If a person is speaking directly to you, staring at your phone is rude.
Never give advice until you are asked.
When meeting someone after a long time, unless they want to talk about it, do not ask them their age and salary.
Mind your business unless anything involves you directly, just stay out of it.
Remove your sunglasses if you are talking to anyone in the street.
It is a sign of respect. More so, eye contact is as important as your speech.
Never talk about your riches in the midst of the poor.
Similarly, do not talk about your children in the midst of the barren.
The Mirror of Your Life
Author: ©MFR
How many times have we looked into a mirror?
Every house has one, or many for the rich and famous.
Every bathroom has one. Houses Rest rooms Hotels etc.
How many times have we seen what we look like in the mirror?
A very true reflection of ourselves.
Ladies love to look in the mirror to make sure they look beautiful and presentable to those who love them and to the rest of the world. Makeup changes those faces tremendously.
Ladies cannot live without a mirror, no matter how big or small the mirror is.
Men on the other hand only use a mirror for the basics of viewing themselves. Shaving is the most time spent in a mirror by men. Only very vain men spend hours in front of the mirror, to make sure they are handsome to the outside world. Adam and Eve and Adam and Steve.
So my question is, what do you really see when you look in the mirror?
What does the mirror really tell you about yourself?
Are you the cat that becomes the lion because of your change?
All that modification you do to your face, is that really who you are or who you want to become?
The image we see in the mirror, is that the real you?
Are you modifying your face and image to please others and be the person you are not? The person GOD never created.
How many of us change our looks, our character our personality to suit others and the world around us?
What people and the outside world sees, is that the real us, or is that what we want people to see and believe who we really are?
A question I have asked about so many people.
Is the person I see, communicate with and spend time with, is that the real person, or just someone who has made themselves up to suit the world they are in and live in.
How many times do we look in the mirror and put on that makeup to please the world?
We change our personality, and character behavior to suit others and the world.
How many times do we take off that makeup at night and go to sleep the real you? The same person was born into this world. The person is not made up.
Does the world see the real you or are you just a made-up version of who you want to be to make the world accept, understand and love the fake you?
Because you strive and thrive to be accepted by the world and its people.
Ask yourself, how many fake people are there in this world?
How many fake people do you live with every day?
Your family, your partner, your dearest friends, are they real, or are they just a made up version in life to suit you, your desires, needs and wants.
Made up to make you happy and to accept them, not the real them, but people who cannot be without that made up version, they put on looking in the mirror.
What you see in the mirror is the real you before the made-up version.
What you make up, looking into the mirror, is that the real you?
Are you so desperate in life to change yourself to be accepted in life and this world around you?
Is that the person you are happy with, to go out every day and face life, and make the people of this world believe and to accept that made up version of you?
Never forget, a mirror never ever lies. A mirror tells the truth, the whole truth, always and forever.
A mirror only reflects exactly who you are. No lies. The true reflection of who you truly are.
From top to bottom of the body, inside and out, the mirror never ever lies. The mirror sees deep into your soul. A mirror is a true reflection of who you truly are.
In a mirror what you see is what you get, or so it should be unless you look in the mirror and change that picture of yourself.
A mirror tells you the whole truth about yourself.
No matter how much you make yourself up, change your personality, and character, you then look in the mirror and see the different person, the person you want to be and are happy with, the first glimpse in the mirror before you made yourself up, that was the real you. The very real you.
That was the view of the real person who you are, with no made-up version, no changed person. The person people really see.
You see, you are who you are, no amount of made-up will ever change who you are. After you have made yourself up, you may be the different person you want to be, you may enjoy that person because the world then accepts the made-up you.
But you can never hide behind the made-up you. Sooner or later the made-up person will fade away and the real you will be exposed to the mirror and to the world. As the ladies will tell you, makeup washes away very quickly. A very small amount of water does the trick.
No matter how you look in the mirror, try to make yourself different with a made up, you will always just be you, the person born into this world.
The best thing to do in life is just that person in the mirror.
Be true to yourself and true to the image in the mirror.
That is the real you, and no matter what you do, no matter how much you do to yourself and try to change the real you, you will be that person born and created for this world and its people.
Imagine this
Imagine there were no mirrors on this earth, and you did not have the ability to look in the mirror and change yourself.
You woke up the way you are and you went to sleep the way you were born.
No changes, no dreams of being a different person. You are and always will be that one and only person, the world will see, understand and love.
My philosophy in life is, what you see is what you get.
I am who I am, and I will never change my looks, my personality, and my character for anybody and nobody.
If you do not like what you see, then move on with your life.
We were born in this life to be the people GOD created.
Not what the mirror helps us to change and be in life.
Why do you want to look in the mirror and be that person you are not? Why?
Life is far too short.
Be the real person you see in the mirror.
Never ever change who you are not.
Do not change yourself because of the needs of this world and others.
Be the cat in the mirror. The lion in the mirror is not you, and never ever will be. A cat is a cat, a lion is a lion.
Love who you are, love yourself, and be the person GOD created you to be.
If the world and its people do not accept you for who you are, then I do believe, Fuck them all. I am who I am. If you cannot love the real me, without any change, then, please, move on.
You are and always will be the most beautiful person on this earth. You are a King and a Queen amongst normal people.
Be that person, and let the world love you for who you are and not who you want to change in the mirror…..
The Journey of Your Life
Author: ©MFR
We are all on journey
The journey of our lives
A journey we started the day we were born
A journey that will end the day we cross the rainbow bridge.
In life
It is not about where we are going
It is who you travel with
Ask yourself the question today
Who have you chosen today and every day, to walk with you, on the journey of your life?
The most important choice in life is who do you chose to walk the journey of life with?
We all have made that choice, be it good or bad.
We have all thought we know who to take with us on the journey of life.
I myself have made many choses in life who must walk with me on my journey of life.
I have made some huge mistakes by choosing the wrong people.
I have learned so many good lessons about who are the right people to walk the journey of life with me.
In life, there are so many we believe can accompany us on our journey of life.
We listen to people and believe their talk. We believe everything they tell us. They seem to be the best candidates to take with us on our journey of life.
Sadly, we fail. We fail with the people that seem to be the right people who will join us on our journey of life.
In 63 years, I have failed so many times.
So many times, I have accepted and listened with an ear of expectance to the one who I believed will enjoy and enhance my journey of life.
Sadly, I have failed over and over again.
Because the choice of a journey partner was incorrect.
We chose
A business partner
A married partner
A family partner
A friend partner
At the end of the day, all these partners can let us down, and make us fail on the journey of our lives. How many of us have been let down?
There is only one and only person who you should invite to join you on your journey of life.
Someone who will never ever let you down.
Someone who will always be there for you, through the good times and bad times. Through your dark moments in life.
Through the good times, HE will bless and praise you for work well done.
Through the bad times, HE will support and pick you up, and wipe away the tears of pain and suffering. Tears, we have all had many, some more than others.
HE will never ever leave you or turn HIS back on you, no matter what, the situation or life throws at you.
HE will protect you, guide you, and if need be, send legions of Angels to fight by your side, every day.
The good book says
Proverbs 3: 5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
You see we have mapped out the journey of our lives. We have climbed on the bus that takes us on the journey of life.
A journey HE has made the map for us.
We believe we know the journey of our lives. We are positive about our journey and our future. We trust and believe we will succeed.
The Creator of our lives and our journeys has to walk with us every single day of our lives to make a success of our lives and our journeys.
HE does not just walk with you.
HE has many journeys HE has to walk with different people on this earth.
All HE wants is for you to ask and welcome HIM to walk the journey of life with you. Your journey, your life.
That ticket you have to buy for your companion on the journey of your life
And you know what
That ticket for a companion costs you nothing
You do not have to spend one cent, your companion on your journey of life costs you nothing.
The good book says about your partner on your journey of life.
2 Corinthians 5:7
For we walk by faith, not by sight.
We walk by faith with our journey partner
Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.
Do we not all want a straight path and not a crooked one?
Psalm 119:105
Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.
Your path will be lit up every day and night.
Psalm 119:133
Keep steady my steps according to your promise, and let no iniquity get dominion over me.
Our steps will be guided and protected by GOD, the one and only GOD.
1 John 1:7
But if we walk in the light, as HE is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus HIS Son cleanses us from all sin.
We will never walk in the darkness ever again.
Psalm 23:4
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
The good book tells us so many times, that the only one to take the journey of life with us is “GOD”.
GOD is the only one, you can have faith in, and trust to make your journey a successful one.
In life
We have to keep going on the journey of our lives.
We are born and created to travel life’s journey.
A journey very very difficult for most
Who we choose to travel that journey with us, is our choice and our decision
Who have you chosen, to travel the journey of life with?
There is only one person, you need, to walk the journey of your life with….
The person you have chosen to walk with you on your journey of life, is it the right person?
Take some time and ask yourself that question.
The Pigeon
Author: ©MFR
This morning, we were at the church earlier than usual, and when we drove into the church yard there was a flock of pigeons in the yard. The most beautiful colored pigeons, light brown and white, grey and white, white, common pigeons, many of them, and I still tell my husband that at least it is very peaceful with the pigeons that just took over.
But when He gave His scripture reading, and He began to preach, then I saw how God confirmed His word. His scripture reading was from Song of Songs 1 where Solomon's eyes of his beloved are like a dove. Then He said that we are the bride of Revelation, and that we can also be compared to the dove. But let's take a look at the characteristics of a pigeon.
The dove is an example of purity. It is one of those feelings that can be eaten because it is pure. And if we have to look at ourselves today, how pure are our lives. Are you washed white in His blood, or do we try to serve God with one foot in the church, but still stand with the other foot in sin.
The pigeon is very concerned about its appearance, it knows that it uses its wings to fly far and high, and therefore you will see that the pigeon spends a lot of time every morning cleaning its wings nicely. It compares to our spiritual appearance. Every morning we must first ensure that we are mentally prepared for the day, because we sometimes have to walk long distances and then we must know that our preparation is done.
The pigeon is not aggressive at all, it is very passive and is used as a symbol of peace. You will never see the pigeon attacking others. Wow, can we say I am a dove Christian? I do not attack other people, I am not aggressive, I am a symbol of peace?
Did you know that the male pigeon remains faithful to the female? The father sits on the eggs during the day and the female at night, and when the young have hatched, they both feed the young. That is how God planned the family, faithful to one life partner and we have to share the responsibility of the children. This is what the pigeon Christian's domestic circumstances look like.
The dove was called the sacrificial hands of the poor in the Old Testament times. If the family could not sacrifice a sheep, then they sacrificed pigeons, have you ever wondered why it was the pigeon and not another type of sacrifice. Did you know that the pigeon does not have a gall bladder? And that made it very suitable as an offering. And now if we want to be a dove Christian, we must also have no bitterness. Spiritually, we must have no gall bladder, so that there will be no accumulation of bitterness that will make the meat bad. Someone once saw that when you meet people, they "taste" you, and when you walk away, you leave a sweet or a bitter aftertaste.
But one of the greatest qualities of the pigeon is that it can be used in races, because it does not matter how far they transport the pigeons, if those baskets are opened, then that pigeon has only one goal in front of it, I have to go home, then they fly, because my master is going to get me clean water and food ready when I arrive at home. Dove Christian, you and I must have only one goal in mind, we must finish the race, because our Master is waiting for us at Home.
Waiting in Life
Author: ©MFR
How many times in Life have we had to wait for life?
Waiting for something to happen.
Waiting for something to arrive.
Waiting for something to appear.
Waiting for Love.
Waiting for a result.
Waiting for a miracle.
Just waiting, is sometimes and absolute killer.
We just have to wait, for life to happen and to make our lives better, and to give us direction for the future. That is what we all hope and pray for.
We have all waited in time, a long wait at times.
We have all waited for that very special occasion.
A carrier promotion.
A child with a nine month waiting period.
A matric report that took forever to arrive.
A twenty first birthday party.
A pass from the army after three months away from home.
A love life we all dream about, that perfect partner.
A wedding day that was going to be inevitable, because of true love.
We have all had to wait, for that day, for that period of time. Sometimes the waiting was positive, and sometimes it was negative and made our lives sad and depressed.
We all had to wait in life for something or someone.
Waiting teaches us to have patience and to have preservation. The longer you wait for something, the better your patience levels grow. As the saying goes, patience is a virtue, virtue is a grace.
I know of a man that waited sixty three years for love. A love that he longed for all his life. He waited patiently hoping and praying that it would finally arrive. But sadly, it never did.
So what did this man do after waiting all his life for something, for recognition, for belonging, for love, just a little love?
He turned his waiting into giving to those who were waiting for something to happen.
Those who were waiting day and night for that special something, that man made the waiting come to an end.
He found joy and pleasure to wait no more, but to do for those who were waiting and be there for them, to be the end to there waiting.
So, in life, we all wait, we wait for life.
Life does not have a watch, life has clue about time, life does when life is ready.
So, either prepare yourself for a long wait, or an immediate answer.
Sometimes the train arrives on time, sometimes we stare those rails and we wait…..
Being on time is always good, waiting is a gift given to very little…..
In life, we all wait one way or another, that is part of life and what makes us stronger and better people all round.
What are you waiting for?
How long have you been waiting for?
How long will you still wait?
My advice, never stop waiting, no matter how long it takes.
Trust me when I say, the waiting will be worth it……..
I know a man who waited 64 years, and you know what, after waiting and waiting, the train finally arrived, he finally found true love………
The Old Doberman
Author: ©MFR
An old Doberman starts chasing rabbits and before long, discovers that he has lost. The rabbits are too fast and he is too old.
Wandering about, looking for a meal, he notices a lion heading rapidly in his direction with the intention of having him for lunch.
The old Doberman thinks,
Oh, oh! I am in deep shit now.
Noticing some bones on the ground close by, the Doberman immediately settles down to chew on the bones with his back to the approaching Lion. Hoping and praying for a good result.
Just as the lion is about to leap, the old Doberman exclaims loudly,
Boy that was one delicious lion.
I wonder, if there are any more around here?
Hearing this, the young lion halts his attack in mid-stride, a look of terror comes over him and he slinks away into the trees.
Whew, says the lion,
That was close.
That old Doberman nearly had me for supper.
Meanwhile, a squirrel who had been watching the whole scene and situation from a nearby tree, figures he can put this knowledge to good use and trade it for protection from the lion.
So, off he goes.
The squirrel soon catches up with the lion, spills the beans and strikes a deal for himself with the lion.
The young lion is furious at being made a fool of and says,
Here, squirrel, hop on my back and see what is going to happen to that conniving old canine.
Now, the old Doberman sees the lion coming with the squirrel on his back and thinks,
What am I going to do now?
But instead of running, the dog sits down with his back to his attackers, pretending he has not seen them yet, and just when they get close enough to hear, the old Doberman says
Where is that squirrel?
I sent him off an hour ago to bring me another lion.
Moral of this story.......
Do not mess with the old dogs in this world...
Age is only a number…..
Age and skill will always overcome youth and treachery.
Bull Shit and Brilliance only come with Age and Experience.
Your Face an Attitude in Life.
Every day we wake up to a New day.
Author: ©MFR
A day GOD has blessed us to live, a brand new beginning, a brand new day.
As you lay in bed after pressing the snooze button, you take a moment and decide about this day.
What are you going to do?
How are you going to look?
What are you going to wear?
Where are you ambitions, directions and desires for this day?
Before any of those thoughts and desires, you must ask yourself the question, what face am I going to wear, and what attitude am I going to put on today.
You see, the first thing the world sees when you walk out of your front door today, is that face you are going to wear and the attitude you are going to put on for the day.
Your face tells everything about you immediately and all the time.
Your attitude is a reflection of who you are all day long.
If you woke up in a bad mood or with very little sleep, your face is going to tell it all.
If you leave home with a bad or negative attitude, then that is exactly how your day is going to be. Bad and negative.
I know in life when we are going through a hard time and life is not the way you want it to be, it is very difficult to leave home with a positive face and attitude.
But do you know, the look on your face and your attitude can change the behaviour of the people around you and your situation in life.
As you lay there in bed, think carefully about that face you are going to put on for the day, and the attitude you are going to wear when you leave home with.
Most important, you are going to face you family with that face and attitude at breakfast.
I know, you reading this and you thinking, this MFR does not know what I am going through. All the pain and suffering I am going through. My life is a fuck-up. I am going to be retrenched from my work. I do not have enough money in the bank to take care of my family. My spouse and I are going through a very dark period in our marriage. So MFR you expect me to put on the happy face and the positive attitude.
You are so right, how can anybody going through so much be expected to put on a happy face and a positive attitude.
You must understand, the way you present yourself to the world goes a very long way in life. The world and the people of this world are not interested in your stuff. We all have stuff. Some big some small. But stuff makes this world go around. Every single day. Nobody in this world does not have stuff.
It takes a better person to put on a happy face and take on the world with a positive attitude that will make a huge difference in life. Your life and other people’s lives.
Life sucks with all the heart ache and pain we all go through in life.
We are all affected by the stuff in life.
A happy face and a positive attitude can make your day so much better.
Never forget and always remember, you think your life is a fuck-up.
Take the time to look and listen to the people around you, and you will discover that your problems and stuff are actually a drop in the ocean compared to the rest of the people in this world.
There are people dying of cancer.
Mothers that have lost their husbands and are destitute.
Mothers children who are drug addicts.
Families that have lost their homes to UN employment.
Devastated floods.
I follow a man on social media, who has no arms and legs, he was born that way. What face does he put on and what attitude does he dress himself with for the day.
Not even to talk of the families that are going through a war and have lost everything.
And I can go on and on about heartache and pain.
When you wake up today, before you get out of bed, ask yourself, what face am I going to put on for the day, for my family friends and the world to see.
What attitude are you going to wear through the new day?
Your choice of what you are going to wear, and what your attitude is going to too be, is who you are going to be today.
Your face and attitude is who you are going to be today.
Be there today, the face and the attitude, being you, the person the world wants to see and experience and live with…..
The Eagle and the Storm
Author: ©MFR
An Eagle can foresee and feel when a storm is approaching long before it breaks.
The Eagle’s intuition and knowledge about the storms of life, make it one of a kind.
Instead of hiding, or sitting in a tree and cowering away in fear, the Eagle will fly to some high point and wait for the storms winds to come and rescue it from the approaching storm.
When the storm hits, the Eagle sets its wings so that the storms winds can pick it up and lift it above the raging destroying storm.
While the storm rages below, the Eagle soars above the storm below.
The Eagle does not escape or hide from the storm; instead, it uses the storm to lift it higher. It rises on the stormy winds which others fear and dread.
When the storms of life or challenges of life hits us, we can rise above them and soar like the Eagle that rides and soars the storm’s winds.
We all hate the storms of life. They make us uncomfortable, we all battle to deal with the storms, challenges, disappointment, stress and the heartache of life.
Do not be afraid of the storms or the challenges in your life. The storms of life are there to mould us to become better and stronger people.
Our storms of life help us to help others to overcome their storms when the time comes.
Use the storms winds of your life to lift you higher in your life. Lift you higher away from that approaching storm.
The higher you climb above your storm, the better person you will always become.
Be the Eagle in your life, and fly higher than ever before……
Many of us go through life, experience so much about life and its values and the journey we are on.
We learn everyday about life and our journey there in.
It is up to us to share our experiences and situations with others to make life a better place for us all to live in.
Your journey in life depends on what you learn about life and what you do with it.
Your life and your journey is what you make of it.
We all travel on the bus of life on our journeys till the end of time.
We have many different bus stops, that we stop at and continue our journey of life, be it good or bad stops.
The life’s lesson we learn at every stop make us better people and to continue to help other people’s life’s journey to be a better place to live in.
Enjoy your journey of life.
It is what you make of life that makes you a better person.
The Book of Lifes Short Stories Book 1(Marius Robbertze)
• Polishing your Diamond.
• The Jar of Life.
• Charity and Dignity
• Coffee Analog
• Life and its Struggles
• Forgiving your Life
• Don’t we All
• Trust the Change
• Cockroach Theory
• Wisdom
• The Mirror of Life
• The Journey of your Life
• The Pigeon
• Waiting in Life
• The old Doberman
• Your face and Attitude in Life
• The Eagle and the Storm
Polishing your Diamond
Author: ©MFR
Diamond merchants and jewelers will tell you, that the best way to make a diamond shine is to polish it very well. Always.
Our diamonds are:
Friendships, relationships, marriage, children.
We all want that diamond in our lives.
One we can love, cherish and care for.
A partner, a best friend, a soul mate.
There are times when a diamond comes into your life.
The diamond stays for a while.
You polish it; you try.
But no matter how much you polish that diamond, it never shines.
It holds that dull color, no matter how much you polish it.
You polish to the best of your ability, but you never get it to shine.
Then that one diamond enters your life.
The one.
When that diamond enters your life, not by accident
But by purpose and with meaning,
That diamond has then changed your life,
Your life will never be the same again.
That diamond was put in our life for a reason.
You need to treasure and look after that diamond, because most times you will find that one diamond that will enrich your life forever.
You need to hold onto that diamond for the rest of your life.
That diamond will enhance your life. You will feel loved, you will be happy, your loneliness and sadness will be gone forever.
With that diamond, your whole life, will become new, the new beginning. You always dreamed about that diamond, and were always searching for it everywhere.
That one diamond that would be yours forever……
How do you take care of the diamond
That has come into your life, that
Has blessed you more than life itself?
From my epiphany, experience, knowledge and research:
God made us all different.
We are all very rough diamonds.
We all have our own trademark.
We are individuals, with our own character, personality, our own likes and dislikes, our own needs and desires, our own options and opinions.
We all carry baggage of our past lives, one way or another.
No diamond is ever the same.
That is what makes diamonds so interesting, and very unique at times, very challenging at most.
So, two diamonds get together.
One may be a shining light, the other as dull as the setting sun.
Two diamonds may be perfect for one another.
Two diamonds may need a lot of polishing and shinning.
In the beginning, you never know what type of diamond has stepped into your life.
I believe. When two diamonds get together, there is only one way to make a successful future for both.
You must polish your new diamond.
Dailey, every single day of your life.
You must understand your new diamond in your life
Where that diamond has been, in the past.
How much polishing has that diamond experienced?
How much polishing does that diamond need?
Are you prepared to polish your new diamond forever?
Will your new diamond be prepared to polish their new diamond to have a very successful relationship and future?
Are you ready to polish away?
Polishing your new diamond.
As with life, it takes a lot of time, effort, understanding, patience and knowledge to polish your new diamond.
All diamonds have a flaw, one way or another.
There is no perfect diamond in a relationship.
You may spend the rest of your life, looking for the perfect diamond. You know, you will never find the perfect diamond.
There are no perfect diamonds in a relationship.
Be it, family, friends or soul mate.
So many people, look for the most beautiful, the most handsome, the rich, best character, incredible personality, kind considerate understanding, religious diamond.
Everything the one diamond loves, they want in another diamond.
They want the perfect partner, the perfect diamond.
But sadly, you will never find that diamond.
We find a diamond, that we are so attracted to, definitely not perfect, but close to it.
Then we start polishing.
We understand our new diamond, with all their faults and baggage.
We accept and we polish away at that diamond.
We always consider the diamonds ways, antics, not what we used to though.
But we consider who that diamond is, and we polish away at that diamond.
We accept and agree the fact, that this is the diamond we want in our lives.
We want to spend forever with this diamond.
You see, you can accept a new diamond in your life.
But, if you put it away in a drawer, and you do not polish it every single day, it will never shine for you, that new diamond, will be dull forever.
We are so quick, to always want everything we need.
We consider only ourselves only.
Our opinions, needs and desires, must always be right and taken into account always.
What we think, say and confess, it is law
It is always all about us
If people do not understand me, I get upset because, they do not consider me, and take my needs and opinions into account.
That is the way life has made us.
All diamonds, have gone through the mill of life
We have all been hurt, suffered serious pain and disappointment, and carry huge baggage in life, from our past and present, every single one of us.
That is the past, we will always carry those scars and baggage, no matter what.
Do not let that interfere in your new relationship, your new diamond in your life.
You chose that diamond, now it is time to polish.
How do we polish our new diamond?
It is not always easy, to take up that task and assignment.
We are not always prepared to polish
Too much time and effort….
The more, you polish that new diamond, the brighter it will become, and in the long run, it will shine like a bright star for you. Just like you always wanted.
Polishing your diamond includes:
Love unconditionally
Love is the key to life.
Communication, be it good or bad
Never stop talking.
Time spent in conversation always goes a long way.
Communication is the key to every relationship.
Too much silence in this world.
Let it out.
Build trust
No relationship can exist without trust.
Trust your diamond
It is hard at times, the more you trust, the more the shine.
Always be honest and open with your diamond
No matter how it hurts, or disappointed you are.
We do not always get what our heart desires.
Call it the way it is.
Be faithful.
A commitment to a diamond, is the first step to success.
Learn from animals.
Faithful diamonds stay together forever.
Always be there for one another no matter what
You might have your own opinion, you might disagree, you might have your own views, and ideas, but, just always be there for your diamond. It is amazing, always being there for your diamond, can change a relationship in a positive way all the time.
It can only shine.
Make time for your diamond
Yes, life is busy, we are all busy with stuff and our own lives.
Always take and make time for your diamond
Time spent together, no matter, how long it is
Is time very well spent.
Most times, you have to give a little, to gain a lot.
Leave the past in the past.
Yes, your diamond, will know your past
But, concentrate on the present and the future, always.
Know that having arguments is normal.
There are always disagreements
That is mankind
It’s the way you argue
Be understanding
Be soft and gentle
Shouting, screaming and abuse never solves anything.
Verbal abuse, is worse than physical abuse.
Bruises heal, and cruel words stay in the heart forever.
Being right, is not always the answer.
Give and take, always sorts out an argument.
Know that you will not always be happy
Life is full of disappointments
You do not always have to get your way.
But sometimes, you just have to suck it up.
That is polishing or being polished.
Do not expect change
You can polish your diamond, so that it shines for you
But you will never change the color of that diamond.
Appreciate the flaws of your new diamond
That is the way, your diamond was created
You will never change that creation.
God made your diamond the way they are.
Always appreciate your diamond
Never stop saying thank you
Apologize when you are wrong, pride is a bitch.
Give in sometimes. Giving is more important than receiving.
Comment on the small and big things your diamond does for you
Do for your diamond, more than the new diamond does for you.
It is the little things that count, and go a long way.
Become best friends with your diamond
Your diamond must not only be your partner
Your diamond must be your best friend ever.
Someone you would die for.
Just like a dog, is a man’s best friend.
When animals die, they die with love.
Love your diamond unconditionally
You chose that diamond, now you must love that diamond
Like never before
Polish polish polish……
That shine will be worth it, and it will, shine forever…….
The Jar of Life
Author: ©MFR
I have a scenario for you.
You are standing alone in the kitchen. You have filled a beautiful crystal jar with cold water. The jar is full. You pick the jar up in your right hand and hold it parallel to the ground. The jar full of water weighs about one kilogram. There you stand, arm straight holding the jar. A very easy task.
This may seem like an easy task.
For the weak is harder, than for the strong.
Holding that jar for one minute is so easy.
Holding the jar for five minutes, no matter how strong you are, starts creating a problem.
The arm starts failing, the arm starts shaking, the pain in your shoulder starts running down your back, and now you can truly feel how heavy that jar is. You start sweating profusely.
That jar no longer weighs one kilogram. It now feels like fifty kilograms. Arm shaking, your breath quickening, you have no other result but to drop your arm. No longer can you hold onto that jar with water in it. Your task is done. The challenge is done. You have failed.
Now this holding onto the jar relates to life.
How many times in life do we hold onto a problem or a situation in life? How many times have you believed you can hold onto that problem jar forever?
Many of us hold onto our jar of life, the problems we have, no matter what, and we believe we can do so forever, and we can succeed.
You see it does not matter how heavy it is, what matters is that you are holding onto that jar and you do not want to let go.
At first, it is easy, we think we can hold on and we can take control and we can do this no matter what.
Sometimes we get friends and family to support that arm to make the load lighter. For us to hold onto longer. No matter how many try to help, at the end of the day, the load gets too much for all.
This is how anxiety works, it does not matter how anxious you are about how heavy and big that jar is.
It does not matter how big the thing you are holding onto is a big deal or not, as long as you hold onto it, it is going to bring pain and hardship into your life. It is going to bring huge difficulty into your life. It does not matter how big the problem is or how big the jar is, the problem is, you will not put the problem down. You will hang onto that jar as long as possible.
The longer you hold onto that jar, that problem or situation, the more anxiety, fear, the spiritual and emotional pain it is going to bring into your life.
In the good book, it says, “worry about nothing and pray about everything”. Philippians 4:6-7
You see, the solution to anxiety is too simple to decide, to let go of the jug, put it down. Let go of the problems or situations you are trying to carry in life.
There is no way in life we need to carry and hold onto any problem, no matter how heavy or light it is.
We were not created to carry heavy jars and bend and strain under the weight.
We were created to live.
Carrying our jars, problems and situation is left to an arm that will always overcome everything. No matter how light or heavy the load is. It is a pleasure for that arm, with so much love, to take away the loads in our jars of life.
We were given the ability to understand the jar, the weight, the problem and situation, and then to have the faith, trust, hope and belief just to let go of the jar and the load.
Are you carrying a jar today?
Is its weight getting too much and heavy for you?
Maybe it is time to just have faith and belief to let go of that jar forever.
Trust me, let go……..
Charity and Dignity
Author: ©MFR
A Lady asked an old street vendor:
How much do you sell your eggs for?
The old man replied 50 cents an egg, madam.
The Lady responded, I will take 6 eggs for R2.00 or I am leaving.
The old salesman replied, buy them at the price you want, Madam.
This is a good start for me because I have not sold a single egg today and I need this to live.
She bought her eggs at a bargain price and left with the feeling that she had won. She got into her fancy car and went to a fancy restaurant with her friends.
She and her friends ordered what they wanted. They ate a little and left a lot of what they had asked for.
So they paid the bill, which was R750. The ladies gave R1000 and told the fancy restaurant owner to keep the change as a tip.
This story might seem quite normal to the owner of the fancy restaurant, but very unfair to the egg seller.
The question it raises is;
Why do we always need to show that we have power when we buy from the needy and the poor?
Why are we generous to those who do not even need our generosity?
I once read somewhere that a father used to buy goods from poor people at a high price, even though he did not need the items.
Sometimes he paid more for them. His children were amazed.
One day they asked him, why are you doing this dad?
The father replied: It is charity wrapped in dignity……...
Coffee Analogy
Author: ©MFR
You are holding a cup of coffee when someone comes along and bumps into you or shakes your arm, making you spill your coffee everywhere.
Why did you spill the coffee?
Because someone bumped into me.
Wrong answer.
You spilled the coffee because there was coffee in your cup.
Had there been tea in the cup, you would have spilled tea as well.
Whatever is inside the cup is what will spill out.
Therefore, when life comes along and shakes you up or out, which WILL definitely happen, whatever is inside you will come out for sure.
It is easy to fake it, until you get rattled.
And we truly ALL get rattled in life one way or another.
So we have to ask ourselves...
What is in my cup today?
When life gets tough, what spills over for the world to see and experience in your life?
Is It
Joy, gratitude, peace and humility or, anger, bitterness, regret, victim mentality and quitting-tendencies?
Life provides the cup, YOU choose how to fill your cup of life.
Today let us work towards filling our cups with gratitude, forgiveness, joy, words of affirmation, resilience, positivity, and kindness, gentleness, giving, and love for others.
It is your CUP.
Today, decide what you are going to fill your CUP with……..
Life and its Struggles
Author: ©MFR
How many times in your life, have you sat quietly by yourself and wondered, how am I going to get through life's stuff?
We all go through so much stuff in life, I call it stuff, because you cannot give it a specific title, there are so many titles, so I just say stuff.
Stuff Like
So much Stuff.
It is truly part of life.
So, we go and sit alone somewhere where no one can see us, head in hands and we contemplate our stuff.
We do not want anybody around us, because we believe no one can help us with our stuff.
There is not one person in life who has not sat quietly and thought about their stuff in life.
I know a little boy who at a very young age, when he was left alone, and he was left alone a lot, would go and sit behind his wardrobe on a blanket, and ponder his stuff. Lifes stuff that he went through as a very small scared little boy.
There was no one to help or give him advice to help him with his stuff.
In his darkest moments in life, he called on his ArchAngel and GOD to help him through his stuff. Believe me he had a lot of stuff and demons to fight.
There is nothing in life, be it stuff, situations, etc. that cannot be overcome.
In the good book it says
Isaiah 43:2
But now, O Jacob, listen to the LORD who created you. ...
When you go through deep waters, I will be with you. ...
For I am the LORD, your God, the Holy One of Israel, your Saviour. ...
Others were given in exchange for you. ...
“Do not be afraid, for I am with you.
Psalm 118: 24
The beauty of the day is not that it is new, but that we are being made new. The glory of the day is not that it marks a change, but that we are being changed. The blessing of the day is not that it is a day off, but that it is His day.
John 14:1
Do not let your hearts be troubled. You believe in God.
Philippians 4 13
I can do all things through Christ which strengthened me.
Exodus 14:14
The LORD will fight for you, and you have only to be silent.
The LORD himself will fight for you. Just stay calm.”
Proverbs 16:3
Commit to the LORD whatever you do, and your plans will succeed. In his heart a man plans his course, but the LORD determines his steps.
Psalm 32:10
Many are the woes of the wicked, but the LORD’s unfailing love surrounds the one who trusts in Him
In life, there will always be stuff.
We all stress and worry about our stuff.
People come and say, do not worry all will be well.
But they do not live with your stuff, they do not walk in our shoes, so they do not understand and cannot solve or sort out your stuff.
So, the next time you take some time out, sit alone and ponder about your stuff
Never forget you are not alone
There are so many people sitting with the same stuff as you
They say sharing is caring, but do we really want to bother other people with our stuff, when they have enough stuff of their own?
So, when you go and sit and ponder about your stuff, never forget you think your stuff is the worst ever, until you hear about other people’s stuff.
GOD knows your stuff.
Trust HIM
Let HIM come and sit with you during your time alone……..
Forging your Life
Author: ©MFR
A blade does not become strong until it has been through the fire of forging many times.
There is a lot of heavy hammering that has to take place. Over and over again. Life can pound away at you every day.
Then you have to go back into the forge, over and over, the heat can be overwhelming at times. Sometimes the heat can be unmanageable and unbearable. No one enjoys living in the heat of the moment or living in a hot moment for a period of time.
In the forge, it is hot and it melts you down and it is so uncomfortable all the time. The heat of the moment or time is never enjoyable for anybody.
Life is going to put you in and out of that forge and place you back on the anvil of life and keep on hammering you. Over and over again.
Then you will say, am I done yet.
Am I a well-made sword yet?
In this journey of your life, you are not done yet, when are you ever done. When will the forging and pounding ever stop?
So you just have to hang in there till the process is done, until you are fully created, polished, edged sharpened and ready for this world. Ready to fight and take on all your battles in life. No matter how big or small they are.
It does not matter how young or old you are, you have so much forging to go through in your life. We care never ever really and truly be forged completely in life. The forging is a process, life is a process.
It takes time to make an almost perfect sword. Life is never perfect. Your life is the way you face and take on your battles with a well forged sword.
In life you have to patiently embrace the process of forging, then by the time you get older in years, you can be proud of the sword you are and the person that went through the forging process of life.
You can take your sharpened edge and take on whatever battles you have and will face in life……
Don’t we All
Author: ©MFR
I parked in front of the mall, sitting inside my car waiting for my wife to get a few items from the supermarket. Just me and the car radio.
Coming my way from across the parking lot was what society would consider a tramp or a beggar. From his looks, he had no place to stay, no car, no clean clothes, no food and no money. He had nothing, but the clothes on his body.
There are times when you feel generous, but there are other times
that you are just not in the mood and do not want to be bothered. This was one of those days, do not want to be bothered times.
I thought, I hope he does not ask me for money, and he did not ask for any money.
He came and sat on the curb nearby, but he did look like he could not have any money, to even get a good meal.
After a few minutes, he eventually spoke.
That is a very nice car you have there, he said. He was dirty and ragged, but he had an air of dignity around him. There was something that told me, he was a man of this world. He was different.
I said, thank you, and continued to listen to my car radio. He sat there quietly and the expected plea for money never came. As the silence between us widened, something inside me said, URIEL as always said, ask him if he needs any help. I was sure he would say yes, but I held true to the inner voice. The voice of URIEL, that voice that I lived with every day.
Do you need any help? I asked.
He answered in three simple, but profound words that I shall never ever forget for the rest of my life.
We often look for great wisdom in great men and women and we expect it from those of higher learning and accomplishments. I expected nothing but an outstretched grimy hand. He spoke the three words that shook my life forever.
Don’t we all, he said.
I was feeling high and mighty, successful and important, until those three words hit me in the face like a twelve-gauge shotgun round.
Don’t we all?
I needed help. Maybe not for the bus fare, a place to sleep, or food to eat, but I needed help. Serious help.
I reached into my wallet and gave him not only enough money for bus fare, but enough to get a warm meal and a few other things for the rest of the day. I had nothing left in my wallet.
Those three little words still ring in my ears till today, they truly made me realize about life. My life.
No matter how much you have, no matter how much you have accomplished, you need help too. We all need help one way or another.
Don’t we all?
No matter how little you have, no matter how loaded you are with problems, you can always give help to others, no matter how big or small.
Even if it is just a compliment, a word of encouragement, a smile, a hug, you can give so much if you really want to. It does not always have to be money.
You never know when you may see someone that appears to have it all. They are waiting on you to give them what they do not have.
A different perspective on life, a glimpse at something beautiful, a respite from daily chaos that only you, through a torn world, can see.
Maybe the man was a homeless stranger wandering the streets. Maybe he was more than that. Maybe he was sent by a power that is great and wise, to minister, to a soul, to be comfortable in himself.
In the best book ever, it says:
Proverbs 19:17
He who has pity on the poor lends to the LORD. When we give to the poor (expressing our love and pity towards them) we are not wasting money or time. It is like lending money to the LORD Himself.
When we lend to the LORD, HE pays us back in blessings we can never apprehend.
Romans 12:13
When GOD’s people are in need, be ready to help them. Always be eager to practice hospitality.
Proverbs 14:31
He who oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker, but whoever is kind to the needy honours GOD.
Matthew 25:40
Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for ME.
And last but certainly not the least
Hebrews 13:2
Do not forget to show hospitality to strangers, for by so doing some people have shown hospitality to angels without knowing it.
Do you want to turn away an Angel from GOD?
In Life, how many times have you seen and listened to other people’s problems and situations, or like I say, STUFF, peoples STUFF, and we have never said it out allowed, but deep inside we quietly said to ourselves?
Don’t we All?
Today and every day, help somebody, you are only a custodian of whatever you possess. If you look deep inside yourself, you will realize, you have so much to give. So much.
Remember in life
We the people of this planet
We come, we stay, we go, the in between defines who we truly are.
Ask yourself the question today, who are you?
What defines you in life?
Trust the Change.
Author: ©MFR
We are so used to living with what we have and got.
We are happy with what we have, because we never won’t to get out of our comfort zone.
Our comfort zone is our happy place. A place we are comfortable with.
Human nature is always afraid of change, what we have, the way we are, what we do in life we are happy with.
We never want to change. Change is something we are never comfortable with.
What we have pleases us. That is what we do.
When we get offered something new and different in our lives, we are so quick to resist.
We do not want to accept change. We turn our backs on change and hold onto what we have because that has worked for us in our lives for so long.
Even though the change can help us in life for the better, we hold on tight to what we have.
Some of the changes we are offered in life are so small, yet some of the changes are so huge, they will have a massive impact on your life.
Yes, you cannot accept every change that is offered to you.
You were given enough intellect in life to make the right decision to accept change. To accept that, that will change your life for the better.
How many people do you know that made the wrong decision when it comes to change? That is always the problem. You believe the change you are offered will lead to an unsuccessful unhappy situation in your life.
There is a saying that goes
Nothing ventured nothing gained.
Life is not all about everything going right.
Sometimes you have to step out of your comfort zone and change the little you have for something bigger and better.
Life is not always about sweet pie and roses.
The pie is not always the best and guess what, roses die and wilt away.
Life is not always about plain sailing into the sun set.
We all go through many dark times and huge storms in life.
Bottom line, we make mistakes, we learn from them always.
So if we step out of our comfort zone and accept change, something bigger and better and we fail with the new change.
Then we have learnt a dear lesson in life. A lesson that makes us bigger and better people in this world.
How many people do you know that accepted change and failed?
They fell down very hard, they have scars they will carry for the rest of their lives.
They got back up from the dust, dusted themselves of and carried on with life. Found a bigger and better change to make a huge success of their lives.
We all fail in life. But it’s not the failure that makes us a better person. It is what we do with that lesson that molds us into better people of this world.
The change you have to make or take, stepping out of your comfort zone, will only be beneficial to you. Your life will be better, or you will have learned a dear lesson, good or bad.
It is always very difficult to step out of your comfort zone and accept something, you know nothing about, or to take that step of faith for something bigger and better in life.
The difficulties and challenges we face every single day of our lives.
We sit in glass houses and watch the world go by. We see bigger and better changes we can make. But the glass households us back to make and accept that change and to accept something bigger and better.
We let the opportunity slip us by. We just sit back and watch the change disappear into the sunset.
We are too afraid to step out of our comfort zone, our glass house, and accept the change that is offered to us.
We open our ears to people and the world who want to tell us what is good and bad for us. Warning us that the change will be bad for us.
Maybe it is time, to shut out the noise in life and make your own decisions about the change in your life.
People never want to see you prosper and go forward with a better change in your life. No matter how big or small.
We are so quick to listen to other people when it concerns our lives and situations.
Maybe it is time to make your own decisions in life.
Time to have more faith hope and trust in GOD.
Have the faith you are making the right decision.
We all hope that the change will be the best for us.
Trust, is like an acquired taste, it comes with time.
Maybe that change is exactly what you need to have a better life and future. A life that was made for you, a life you needed to step out and enjoy and appreciate the change. A change by GOD.
We hold onto that single marshmallow that will make our lives just a little sweeter. But when we are offered the packet of marshmallow, so much sweetness we have to reject, because we cannot handle it. No one said you have to eat the whole packet at once. But you took the step and the change, now you have the rest of your life to enjoy the packet of marshmallows, in your time, not the world’s time.
As for myself
I have had to step out of my comfort zone and accept change, something bigger and better so many times in my life. Why. Because the change came from GOD.
I have looked in the mirror many times and have realized that there has to be change in my life, not a change to please the world or its people, but a change to better my life, and my ability, and for the good of my own future. A change closer to GOD.
You see, I am who I am. GOD created me just the way I am. I will never ever and that goes for you to, never be the person you are not.
In life, if you are offered a better change in your life. A change that will only benefit you, and not those around you, take the step of faith and grab that change with both hands. You are either going to change or you are going to learn a dear lesson with the scar to show for it. Your change, your lesson, your scar.
I have realized so many times, that life is a gamble. You can be the same old boring self every single day, or you can take and accept change, for your good only, for no one else. A change GOD wanted you to accept.
In life, you have to accept and understand your own gut instinct.
Trust me
Accept the change, it can only come from GOD…..
Only GOD, knows the change you need in your life……
Cockroach Theory
Author: ©MFR
The cockroach theory for self-development.
At a restaurant, a cockroach suddenly flew from somewhere and sat on a lady enjoying a meal with her friends.
She started screaming out of fear and panic.
With a panic-stricken face and trembling voice, she started jumping around, with both her hands desperately trying to get rid of the cockroach on her lap.
Her reaction was contagious, as everyone in her group also got panicky.
The lady finally managed to push the cockroach away, but it landed on another lady in the group.
Now, it was the turn of the other lady in the group to continue the drama.
The waiter, a young teenager, rushed forward to their rescue.
In the relay of throwing, the cockroach next fell upon the waiter.
The waiter stood firm, composed herself, and observed the behavior of the cockroach on her shirt.
When she was confident enough, she grabbed the cockroach with her fingers and threw it out of the restaurant into the little garden surrounding the restaurant.
Sipping my wine and watching the amusement, the antenna of my mind picked up a few thoughts and started wondering, was the cockroach responsible for their histrionic behavior?
If so, then why was the waiter not disturbed?
She handled the situation with near to perfection, without any chaos or stress.
It is not the cockroach, but the inability of those people to handle the situation and disturbance caused by the cockroach, that disturbed the few ladies.
I realized that it is not the shouting of my father or my boss that disturbs me, but it is my inability to handle the disturbances caused by their shouting that disturbs me.
It is not the traffic jams on the road that disturb me, but my inability to handle the disturbance caused by the traffic jam that disturbs me.
More than the problem, it is my reaction to the problem that creates chaos in my life and in all our lives.
Lessons learned from this story:
I understood I should not always react in life.
A reaction in life can most of the time cause a negative effect to any situation.
I should always respond with a positive and real attitude to all situations.
The women reacted, whereas the waiter responded.
Reactions are always instinctive whereas responses are always well thought of.
A beautiful way to understand response.
The HAPPY person is not HAPPY because everything is RIGHT in their Lives.
People are HAPPY because their Attitude towards Everything in their Life is Right!
Author: ©MFR
Do not call someone more than twice continuously.
If they do not pick up your call, presume they have something important to attend to.
Return money that you have borrowed even before the person that borrowed you remember or ask for it.
It shows your integrity and character.
Same goes with umbrellas, pens and lunch boxes.
Never order the expensive dish on the menu when someone is giving you a lunch/dinner.
Do not ask awkward questions like
Oh so you are not married yet?
Or ‘Do you have kids or
Why did you not buy a house?
Or why do you not by a car?
For God’s sake it is not your problem.
Always open the door for the person coming behind you.
It does not matter if it is a guy or a girl, senior or junior.
You do not grow small by treating someone well in public.
If you take a taxi with a friend and he/she pays now, try paying next time.
Respect different shades of opinions.
Remember what is 6 to you will appear 9 to someone facing you. Besides, second opinion is good for an alternative.
Never interrupt people talking.
Allow them to pour it out.
As they say, hear them all and filter them all.
If you tease someone, and they do not seem to enjoy it, stop it and never do it again.
It encourages one to do more and it shows how appreciative you are.
Say “thank you” when someone is helping you.
Praise publicly. Criticize privately.
There is almost never a reason to comment on someone’s weight.
Just say, “You look fantastic.”
If they want to talk about losing weight, they will.
When someone shows you a photo on their phone, do not swipe left or right. You never know what is next.
If a colleague tells you they have a doctors' appointment, do not ask what it’s for, and just say
"I hope you are okay".
Do not put them in the uncomfortable position of having to tell you their personal illness. If they want you to know, they will do so without your inquisitiveness.
Treat the cleaner with the same respect as the CEO.
Nobody is impressed at how rude you can treat someone below you but people will notice if you treat them with respect.
If a person is speaking directly to you, staring at your phone is rude.
Never give advice until you are asked.
When meeting someone after a long time, unless they want to talk about it, do not ask them their age and salary.
Mind your business unless anything involves you directly, just stay out of it.
Remove your sunglasses if you are talking to anyone in the street.
It is a sign of respect. More so, eye contact is as important as your speech.
Never talk about your riches in the midst of the poor.
Similarly, do not talk about your children in the midst of the barren.
The Mirror of Your Life
Author: ©MFR
How many times have we looked into a mirror?
Every house has one, or many for the rich and famous.
Every bathroom has one. Houses Rest rooms Hotels etc.
How many times have we seen what we look like in the mirror?
A very true reflection of ourselves.
Ladies love to look in the mirror to make sure they look beautiful and presentable to those who love them and to the rest of the world. Makeup changes those faces tremendously.
Ladies cannot live without a mirror, no matter how big or small the mirror is.
Men on the other hand only use a mirror for the basics of viewing themselves. Shaving is the most time spent in a mirror by men. Only very vain men spend hours in front of the mirror, to make sure they are handsome to the outside world. Adam and Eve and Adam and Steve.
So my question is, what do you really see when you look in the mirror?
What does the mirror really tell you about yourself?
Are you the cat that becomes the lion because of your change?
All that modification you do to your face, is that really who you are or who you want to become?
The image we see in the mirror, is that the real you?
Are you modifying your face and image to please others and be the person you are not? The person GOD never created.
How many of us change our looks, our character our personality to suit others and the world around us?
What people and the outside world sees, is that the real us, or is that what we want people to see and believe who we really are?
A question I have asked about so many people.
Is the person I see, communicate with and spend time with, is that the real person, or just someone who has made themselves up to suit the world they are in and live in.
How many times do we look in the mirror and put on that makeup to please the world?
We change our personality, and character behavior to suit others and the world.
How many times do we take off that makeup at night and go to sleep the real you? The same person was born into this world. The person is not made up.
Does the world see the real you or are you just a made-up version of who you want to be to make the world accept, understand and love the fake you?
Because you strive and thrive to be accepted by the world and its people.
Ask yourself, how many fake people are there in this world?
How many fake people do you live with every day?
Your family, your partner, your dearest friends, are they real, or are they just a made up version in life to suit you, your desires, needs and wants.
Made up to make you happy and to accept them, not the real them, but people who cannot be without that made up version, they put on looking in the mirror.
What you see in the mirror is the real you before the made-up version.
What you make up, looking into the mirror, is that the real you?
Are you so desperate in life to change yourself to be accepted in life and this world around you?
Is that the person you are happy with, to go out every day and face life, and make the people of this world believe and to accept that made up version of you?
Never forget, a mirror never ever lies. A mirror tells the truth, the whole truth, always and forever.
A mirror only reflects exactly who you are. No lies. The true reflection of who you truly are.
From top to bottom of the body, inside and out, the mirror never ever lies. The mirror sees deep into your soul. A mirror is a true reflection of who you truly are.
In a mirror what you see is what you get, or so it should be unless you look in the mirror and change that picture of yourself.
A mirror tells you the whole truth about yourself.
No matter how much you make yourself up, change your personality, and character, you then look in the mirror and see the different person, the person you want to be and are happy with, the first glimpse in the mirror before you made yourself up, that was the real you. The very real you.
That was the view of the real person who you are, with no made-up version, no changed person. The person people really see.
You see, you are who you are, no amount of made-up will ever change who you are. After you have made yourself up, you may be the different person you want to be, you may enjoy that person because the world then accepts the made-up you.
But you can never hide behind the made-up you. Sooner or later the made-up person will fade away and the real you will be exposed to the mirror and to the world. As the ladies will tell you, makeup washes away very quickly. A very small amount of water does the trick.
No matter how you look in the mirror, try to make yourself different with a made up, you will always just be you, the person born into this world.
The best thing to do in life is just that person in the mirror.
Be true to yourself and true to the image in the mirror.
That is the real you, and no matter what you do, no matter how much you do to yourself and try to change the real you, you will be that person born and created for this world and its people.
Imagine this
Imagine there were no mirrors on this earth, and you did not have the ability to look in the mirror and change yourself.
You woke up the way you are and you went to sleep the way you were born.
No changes, no dreams of being a different person. You are and always will be that one and only person, the world will see, understand and love.
My philosophy in life is, what you see is what you get.
I am who I am, and I will never change my looks, my personality, and my character for anybody and nobody.
If you do not like what you see, then move on with your life.
We were born in this life to be the people GOD created.
Not what the mirror helps us to change and be in life.
Why do you want to look in the mirror and be that person you are not? Why?
Life is far too short.
Be the real person you see in the mirror.
Never ever change who you are not.
Do not change yourself because of the needs of this world and others.
Be the cat in the mirror. The lion in the mirror is not you, and never ever will be. A cat is a cat, a lion is a lion.
Love who you are, love yourself, and be the person GOD created you to be.
If the world and its people do not accept you for who you are, then I do believe, Fuck them all. I am who I am. If you cannot love the real me, without any change, then, please, move on.
You are and always will be the most beautiful person on this earth. You are a King and a Queen amongst normal people.
Be that person, and let the world love you for who you are and not who you want to change in the mirror…..
The Journey of Your Life
Author: ©MFR
We are all on journey
The journey of our lives
A journey we started the day we were born
A journey that will end the day we cross the rainbow bridge.
In life
It is not about where we are going
It is who you travel with
Ask yourself the question today
Who have you chosen today and every day, to walk with you, on the journey of your life?
The most important choice in life is who do you chose to walk the journey of life with?
We all have made that choice, be it good or bad.
We have all thought we know who to take with us on the journey of life.
I myself have made many choses in life who must walk with me on my journey of life.
I have made some huge mistakes by choosing the wrong people.
I have learned so many good lessons about who are the right people to walk the journey of life with me.
In life, there are so many we believe can accompany us on our journey of life.
We listen to people and believe their talk. We believe everything they tell us. They seem to be the best candidates to take with us on our journey of life.
Sadly, we fail. We fail with the people that seem to be the right people who will join us on our journey of life.
In 63 years, I have failed so many times.
So many times, I have accepted and listened with an ear of expectance to the one who I believed will enjoy and enhance my journey of life.
Sadly, I have failed over and over again.
Because the choice of a journey partner was incorrect.
We chose
A business partner
A married partner
A family partner
A friend partner
At the end of the day, all these partners can let us down, and make us fail on the journey of our lives. How many of us have been let down?
There is only one and only person who you should invite to join you on your journey of life.
Someone who will never ever let you down.
Someone who will always be there for you, through the good times and bad times. Through your dark moments in life.
Through the good times, HE will bless and praise you for work well done.
Through the bad times, HE will support and pick you up, and wipe away the tears of pain and suffering. Tears, we have all had many, some more than others.
HE will never ever leave you or turn HIS back on you, no matter what, the situation or life throws at you.
HE will protect you, guide you, and if need be, send legions of Angels to fight by your side, every day.
The good book says
Proverbs 3: 5-6
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight.
You see we have mapped out the journey of our lives. We have climbed on the bus that takes us on the journey of life.
A journey HE has made the map for us.
We believe we know the journey of our lives. We are positive about our journey and our future. We trust and believe we will succeed.
The Creator of our lives and our journeys has to walk with us every single day of our lives to make a success of our lives and our journeys.
HE does not just walk with you.
HE has many journeys HE has to walk with different people on this earth.
All HE wants is for you to ask and welcome HIM to walk the journey of life with you. Your journey, your life.
That ticket you have to buy for your companion on the journey of your life
And you know what
That ticket for a companion costs you nothing
You do not have to spend one cent, your companion on your journey of life costs you nothing.
The good book says about your partner on your journey of life.
2 Corinthians 5:7
For we walk by faith, not by sight.
We walk by faith with our journey partner
Proverbs 3:5-6
Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.
Do we not all want a straight path and not a crooked one?
Psalm 119:105
Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.
Your path will be lit up every day and night.
Psalm 119:133
Keep steady my steps according to your promise, and let no iniquity get dominion over me.
Our steps will be guided and protected by GOD, the one and only GOD.
1 John 1:7
But if we walk in the light, as HE is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus HIS Son cleanses us from all sin.
We will never walk in the darkness ever again.
Psalm 23:4
Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.
The good book tells us so many times, that the only one to take the journey of life with us is “GOD”.
GOD is the only one, you can have faith in, and trust to make your journey a successful one.
In life
We have to keep going on the journey of our lives.
We are born and created to travel life’s journey.
A journey very very difficult for most
Who we choose to travel that journey with us, is our choice and our decision
Who have you chosen, to travel the journey of life with?
There is only one person, you need, to walk the journey of your life with….
The person you have chosen to walk with you on your journey of life, is it the right person?
Take some time and ask yourself that question.
The Pigeon
Author: ©MFR
This morning, we were at the church earlier than usual, and when we drove into the church yard there was a flock of pigeons in the yard. The most beautiful colored pigeons, light brown and white, grey and white, white, common pigeons, many of them, and I still tell my husband that at least it is very peaceful with the pigeons that just took over.
But when He gave His scripture reading, and He began to preach, then I saw how God confirmed His word. His scripture reading was from Song of Songs 1 where Solomon's eyes of his beloved are like a dove. Then He said that we are the bride of Revelation, and that we can also be compared to the dove. But let's take a look at the characteristics of a pigeon.
The dove is an example of purity. It is one of those feelings that can be eaten because it is pure. And if we have to look at ourselves today, how pure are our lives. Are you washed white in His blood, or do we try to serve God with one foot in the church, but still stand with the other foot in sin.
The pigeon is very concerned about its appearance, it knows that it uses its wings to fly far and high, and therefore you will see that the pigeon spends a lot of time every morning cleaning its wings nicely. It compares to our spiritual appearance. Every morning we must first ensure that we are mentally prepared for the day, because we sometimes have to walk long distances and then we must know that our preparation is done.
The pigeon is not aggressive at all, it is very passive and is used as a symbol of peace. You will never see the pigeon attacking others. Wow, can we say I am a dove Christian? I do not attack other people, I am not aggressive, I am a symbol of peace?
Did you know that the male pigeon remains faithful to the female? The father sits on the eggs during the day and the female at night, and when the young have hatched, they both feed the young. That is how God planned the family, faithful to one life partner and we have to share the responsibility of the children. This is what the pigeon Christian's domestic circumstances look like.
The dove was called the sacrificial hands of the poor in the Old Testament times. If the family could not sacrifice a sheep, then they sacrificed pigeons, have you ever wondered why it was the pigeon and not another type of sacrifice. Did you know that the pigeon does not have a gall bladder? And that made it very suitable as an offering. And now if we want to be a dove Christian, we must also have no bitterness. Spiritually, we must have no gall bladder, so that there will be no accumulation of bitterness that will make the meat bad. Someone once saw that when you meet people, they "taste" you, and when you walk away, you leave a sweet or a bitter aftertaste.
But one of the greatest qualities of the pigeon is that it can be used in races, because it does not matter how far they transport the pigeons, if those baskets are opened, then that pigeon has only one goal in front of it, I have to go home, then they fly, because my master is going to get me clean water and food ready when I arrive at home. Dove Christian, you and I must have only one goal in mind, we must finish the race, because our Master is waiting for us at Home.
Waiting in Life
Author: ©MFR
How many times in Life have we had to wait for life?
Waiting for something to happen.
Waiting for something to arrive.
Waiting for something to appear.
Waiting for Love.
Waiting for a result.
Waiting for a miracle.
Just waiting, is sometimes and absolute killer.
We just have to wait, for life to happen and to make our lives better, and to give us direction for the future. That is what we all hope and pray for.
We have all waited in time, a long wait at times.
We have all waited for that very special occasion.
A carrier promotion.
A child with a nine month waiting period.
A matric report that took forever to arrive.
A twenty first birthday party.
A pass from the army after three months away from home.
A love life we all dream about, that perfect partner.
A wedding day that was going to be inevitable, because of true love.
We have all had to wait, for that day, for that period of time. Sometimes the waiting was positive, and sometimes it was negative and made our lives sad and depressed.
We all had to wait in life for something or someone.
Waiting teaches us to have patience and to have preservation. The longer you wait for something, the better your patience levels grow. As the saying goes, patience is a virtue, virtue is a grace.
I know of a man that waited sixty three years for love. A love that he longed for all his life. He waited patiently hoping and praying that it would finally arrive. But sadly, it never did.
So what did this man do after waiting all his life for something, for recognition, for belonging, for love, just a little love?
He turned his waiting into giving to those who were waiting for something to happen.
Those who were waiting day and night for that special something, that man made the waiting come to an end.
He found joy and pleasure to wait no more, but to do for those who were waiting and be there for them, to be the end to there waiting.
So, in life, we all wait, we wait for life.
Life does not have a watch, life has clue about time, life does when life is ready.
So, either prepare yourself for a long wait, or an immediate answer.
Sometimes the train arrives on time, sometimes we stare those rails and we wait…..
Being on time is always good, waiting is a gift given to very little…..
In life, we all wait one way or another, that is part of life and what makes us stronger and better people all round.
What are you waiting for?
How long have you been waiting for?
How long will you still wait?
My advice, never stop waiting, no matter how long it takes.
Trust me when I say, the waiting will be worth it……..
I know a man who waited 64 years, and you know what, after waiting and waiting, the train finally arrived, he finally found true love………
The Old Doberman
Author: ©MFR
An old Doberman starts chasing rabbits and before long, discovers that he has lost. The rabbits are too fast and he is too old.
Wandering about, looking for a meal, he notices a lion heading rapidly in his direction with the intention of having him for lunch.
The old Doberman thinks,
Oh, oh! I am in deep shit now.
Noticing some bones on the ground close by, the Doberman immediately settles down to chew on the bones with his back to the approaching Lion. Hoping and praying for a good result.
Just as the lion is about to leap, the old Doberman exclaims loudly,
Boy that was one delicious lion.
I wonder, if there are any more around here?
Hearing this, the young lion halts his attack in mid-stride, a look of terror comes over him and he slinks away into the trees.
Whew, says the lion,
That was close.
That old Doberman nearly had me for supper.
Meanwhile, a squirrel who had been watching the whole scene and situation from a nearby tree, figures he can put this knowledge to good use and trade it for protection from the lion.
So, off he goes.
The squirrel soon catches up with the lion, spills the beans and strikes a deal for himself with the lion.
The young lion is furious at being made a fool of and says,
Here, squirrel, hop on my back and see what is going to happen to that conniving old canine.
Now, the old Doberman sees the lion coming with the squirrel on his back and thinks,
What am I going to do now?
But instead of running, the dog sits down with his back to his attackers, pretending he has not seen them yet, and just when they get close enough to hear, the old Doberman says
Where is that squirrel?
I sent him off an hour ago to bring me another lion.
Moral of this story.......
Do not mess with the old dogs in this world...
Age is only a number…..
Age and skill will always overcome youth and treachery.
Bull Shit and Brilliance only come with Age and Experience.
Your Face an Attitude in Life.
Every day we wake up to a New day.
Author: ©MFR
A day GOD has blessed us to live, a brand new beginning, a brand new day.
As you lay in bed after pressing the snooze button, you take a moment and decide about this day.
What are you going to do?
How are you going to look?
What are you going to wear?
Where are you ambitions, directions and desires for this day?
Before any of those thoughts and desires, you must ask yourself the question, what face am I going to wear, and what attitude am I going to put on today.
You see, the first thing the world sees when you walk out of your front door today, is that face you are going to wear and the attitude you are going to put on for the day.
Your face tells everything about you immediately and all the time.
Your attitude is a reflection of who you are all day long.
If you woke up in a bad mood or with very little sleep, your face is going to tell it all.
If you leave home with a bad or negative attitude, then that is exactly how your day is going to be. Bad and negative.
I know in life when we are going through a hard time and life is not the way you want it to be, it is very difficult to leave home with a positive face and attitude.
But do you know, the look on your face and your attitude can change the behaviour of the people around you and your situation in life.
As you lay there in bed, think carefully about that face you are going to put on for the day, and the attitude you are going to wear when you leave home with.
Most important, you are going to face you family with that face and attitude at breakfast.
I know, you reading this and you thinking, this MFR does not know what I am going through. All the pain and suffering I am going through. My life is a fuck-up. I am going to be retrenched from my work. I do not have enough money in the bank to take care of my family. My spouse and I are going through a very dark period in our marriage. So MFR you expect me to put on the happy face and the positive attitude.
You are so right, how can anybody going through so much be expected to put on a happy face and a positive attitude.
You must understand, the way you present yourself to the world goes a very long way in life. The world and the people of this world are not interested in your stuff. We all have stuff. Some big some small. But stuff makes this world go around. Every single day. Nobody in this world does not have stuff.
It takes a better person to put on a happy face and take on the world with a positive attitude that will make a huge difference in life. Your life and other people’s lives.
Life sucks with all the heart ache and pain we all go through in life.
We are all affected by the stuff in life.
A happy face and a positive attitude can make your day so much better.
Never forget and always remember, you think your life is a fuck-up.
Take the time to look and listen to the people around you, and you will discover that your problems and stuff are actually a drop in the ocean compared to the rest of the people in this world.
There are people dying of cancer.
Mothers that have lost their husbands and are destitute.
Mothers children who are drug addicts.
Families that have lost their homes to UN employment.
Devastated floods.
I follow a man on social media, who has no arms and legs, he was born that way. What face does he put on and what attitude does he dress himself with for the day.
Not even to talk of the families that are going through a war and have lost everything.
And I can go on and on about heartache and pain.
When you wake up today, before you get out of bed, ask yourself, what face am I going to put on for the day, for my family friends and the world to see.
What attitude are you going to wear through the new day?
Your choice of what you are going to wear, and what your attitude is going to too be, is who you are going to be today.
Your face and attitude is who you are going to be today.
Be there today, the face and the attitude, being you, the person the world wants to see and experience and live with…..
The Eagle and the Storm
Author: ©MFR
An Eagle can foresee and feel when a storm is approaching long before it breaks.
The Eagle’s intuition and knowledge about the storms of life, make it one of a kind.
Instead of hiding, or sitting in a tree and cowering away in fear, the Eagle will fly to some high point and wait for the storms winds to come and rescue it from the approaching storm.
When the storm hits, the Eagle sets its wings so that the storms winds can pick it up and lift it above the raging destroying storm.
While the storm rages below, the Eagle soars above the storm below.
The Eagle does not escape or hide from the storm; instead, it uses the storm to lift it higher. It rises on the stormy winds which others fear and dread.
When the storms of life or challenges of life hits us, we can rise above them and soar like the Eagle that rides and soars the storm’s winds.
We all hate the storms of life. They make us uncomfortable, we all battle to deal with the storms, challenges, disappointment, stress and the heartache of life.
Do not be afraid of the storms or the challenges in your life. The storms of life are there to mould us to become better and stronger people.
Our storms of life help us to help others to overcome their storms when the time comes.
Use the storms winds of your life to lift you higher in your life. Lift you higher away from that approaching storm.
The higher you climb above your storm, the better person you will always become.
Be the Eagle in your life, and fly higher than ever before……
Many of us go through life, experience so much about life and its values and the journey we are on.
We learn everyday about life and our journey there in.
It is up to us to share our experiences and situations with others to make life a better place for us all to live in.
Your journey in life depends on what you learn about life and what you do with it.
Your life and your journey is what you make of it.
We all travel on the bus of life on our journeys till the end of time.
We have many different bus stops, that we stop at and continue our journey of life, be it good or bad stops.
The life’s lesson we learn at every stop make us better people and to continue to help other people’s life’s journey to be a better place to live in.
Enjoy your journey of life.
It is what you make of life that makes you a better person.
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