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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Teens
- Theme: Science Fiction
- Subject: Action
- Published: 09/11/2024
mission mars demo
Born 2007, M, from Pensilvania, United States.png)
"David, are the cameras ready?" I ask.
"Ready to go! Oh, and one more thing, NO SELFIES!" David shouts.
"That was one time!" I retort.
"Still happened!" David shoots back.
I know there is no point in arguing with him, so I choose to brush it off.
"I'm making breakfast!" I say, putting a healthy amount of temper with my words.
"Have at it, sour-pants!" David calls.
Suddenly as I travel through the corridor, the emergency lights kick in and the alarms start blaring. Then, an ear-splitting crash rings through the station and the hull breach alarm sounds, while the anti-gravity projector shuts off. Back at the astronaut training, the cadets were taught emergency drills, and I try to remember what to do. Suit up and get to the escape pods. Suit up. That's something. I float my way through the station to the armory. Then I put one of the suits on and ponder what to do next. David. Find David. I leave the armory and search the halls. However, I can’t find David anywhere.
Suddenly, something grabs my shoulder. I yelp and wheel around to find David.
"David!" I cry.
"Good to see you too, Icarus." David says calmly.
"Let's get to the escape pods!" I say.
"We can't, that thing hit them dead on." David says, showing his fear.
"That means-" I am cut off because we are thrust to the top of the armory. Then, nothing. No sounds, no lights, nothing.
6 months earlier,July, 19,3048
"Happy birthday to you..." Icarus's family sang. It was Icarus's birthday and David was celebrating with him. Suddenly, Icarus and David’s phones rang .
"Yes?" David picked up the phone.
"We need you, now something’s wrong." the phone crackled.
"Be right there," David said.
He put his phone away and looked at Icarus who had received the same call as if saying, "Let's go!"
They said their goodbyes and hurried to the truck, a beaten-up Halotron 368 Explorer.
When they arrived at the launch site, personnel ranged from D class to Special Ops were running about the lobby. They ran inside and David shouted,
"What's going on?"then a C-Class operator said,
"New York just got nuked from space!"
Then he ran off. David and Icarus looked at each other and said, "Aliens."
When they reached the control room, they ran to the head of N.E.S.D(New Earth Space Division) Dr.Nisar FURY. Upon arrival, Icarus said,” What's happening? Why did we get called here?”
Dr.FURY said in a deep throaty voice” New York just got nuked from an unknown virgin-Ahem, ORIGIN, and tech.”
David asked, “So, why did we get called down here?”
Dr.FURY responded,” We're sending you to Mars.”
“I'm sorry WHAT?!” Icarus blurted out,
“And why Mars?” David chimed in.
Dr.FURY calmly said,” We tracked the nuke’s origin to Mars.”
“Wait, I thought you just said unknown origin.” Icarus replied,
“We just got that information.” Fury said.
“Wha-how-you-uhhh…” Icarus stuttered blind sighted,
“We need you on that rocket, NOW!” Fury ordered pointing at a mammoth of a rocket; It had 16 thrusters, five attached fuel tanks, and seemed to stretch to the sun.
Both David And Icarus obeyed their orders and started the climb to the rocket.
The Launch
It was bigger than it looked, much bigger than it looked. By the time Icarus and David were at the cockpit, they felt like they had run 60 miles in the desert without water.
“You good?” David panted,
“Well, if running 200 meters of stairs while wearing 100 pounds of space gear is good, then yes.” Icarus joked rhetorically and followed with a wheeze.
After a water break, they strapped into the cockpit. The cockpit was covered in a blanket of steel, screens, gauges, and dials. An announcement blared,” T minus 10 seconds.”
“You ready?” Icarus asked David,” Readier than I'll ever be!”
David replied enthusiastically.3,2,1….
The Landing
When Icarus woke up, he realized that he wasn’t in
Space. For one, there was gravity, and two, the remaining scrap and debris was probably the station. Next, Icarus decided to search for David, “David! David!” Icarus cried in the back of his head feeling Déjà vu.
Just when he was about to give up something grabbed his shoulder he yelped like a dog whose tail got stepped on and wheeled around to see David. “David! We need to stop doing that.” Icarus jokes.
Where are we?” Icarus asked.
“Mars.” David replied.
Okay, Icarus thought, You're on mars, what do you need to do to survive? Shelter. You need shelter. “We need to make a shelter,” Icarus said
“We’ll need to get the oxygen generator. The air in our suits won't last forever.” David instructed.
“Good thinking, David this should be easy. Let's go!” Icarus pushed.
“Remember when I said this would be easy?” Icarus asked weakly. 3 hours had passed since they started with no luck and, were almost out of air.
“Yeah.” David replied
“I take that back,” Icarus mumbled.
It had been hours since they last drank too and they were basically on a giant floating desert. They were running out of air and had no luck finding the generator.”I think I found it!” David cried.
Sure enough, it was there, the generator. It was a white cylinder with a couple switches and buttons. It looked pretty beat up most likely due to the fact it was covered in debris and rubble.
“Let's hope it still works.” Icarus said with exasperation.
David, hit a big red button, flicked two switches and the machine stuttered and fizzled out. Icarus sighed.
“Well we-” Icarus was cut off because and just as quickly as the machine died, it started to hum to life.
“Yes!” Icarus cried enthusiastically.
Suddenly a blue-green bubble about 10 meters in diameter formed around them filled with breathable air.
“Okay, now we need heat and shelter,” David announced.
After David and Icarus refilled their air tanks, they started to gather scraps from the wreck. After two hours, David and Icarus had walls and a roof, it wasn’t much but, it also wasn’t nothing.
The Scouting
David and Icarus decided to get ice for water. Icarus volunteers to explore. Icarus knows that if you dig down on Mars you will find ice. However, he has no digging equipment on hand. Icarus also knows that there is ice on the poles, one problem: where are the poles? Icarus decides to use Astro-Navigation. He uses the ship log to find the date, then uses the position of the earth and the moon to get to the poles. Icarus gathers as much ice as possible and starts back to base.
The Search
When Icarus got back, he didn't see David. Icarus thought nothing of it until he saw drag marks on the ground.
Immediately worried, Icarus decided to look for David.
But, as soon as Icarus stepped out of the airfield something hit him on the head next thing he knew he blacked out…
The Capture
When Icarus woke up he tried to figure out what happened, where he was, and/or who did it. Suddenly Icarus panicked that his air tank was gone! But, how wasnt he dead? He had no air?
That could wait until he finds David. However, he was stuck on a sticky goo. Icarus wasn't going anywhere.
Then Icarus heard footsteps and decided to make a lot of noise, but quickly regretted that choice. A creature around the size of a hippo, a horn as big as a rhino, six muscler legs, a tail as big as a crocodile with spikes and armored head to tail walked in. As that wasn't bad enough it raised its head and two bug-like mandibles spread out the side of its head, opened its mouth and, razor sharp teeth lined its mouth which got even wider and wider. It screamed a horrifying screech louder than anything Icarus had ever heard before then its throat started to glow bright green and Icarus felt the place getting very very hot…
Icarus managed to pull himself out of his sticky prison just in time as the creature shot a green goo that instantly dissolved his previous trap. But he wasn't out of trouble yet; the tip of the creature's tail opened to reveal a sharp tip and the spikes on its tail stood up taller than the hairs on Icarus’s neck and six of them flew out making a beeline for his head.
Icarus rolled, dodging the spikes when he saw another monster only this time someone was on its back and that someone was David. David charged in like medieval cavalry on horses given the fact that if David was anywhere else he would be eaten whole. He rammed the other creature on its side and called to Icarus saying,”Hop on!”
“What?!” Icarus retorted
“Or you’re stuck with that one!”David replied
“I’ll take you up on that.”Icarus answered.
Icarus climbed on top of the creature confused on why it didn’t attack him when all of the sudden it spoke!
“You were wondering why I did not attack you.” It said.
“Wait, how did you know? More importantly, why the hell can you talk?!”Icarus asked.
“Telepathy, only those who I choose can hear this.” The creature replied.
“Discuss later, Get on!” David commanded.
Icarus got on to the creature then said.
“Wait. What's your name?”
“Lightshow.” the creature answered.
“Good. Lightshow, where are our suits?” Icarus asked,
“When your friend got me out of my cell, I saw your suits in the armory.” Lightshow replied.
“Then it's settled-Let's go!” David directed.
As Icarus, David and Lightshow exited the room, they were confronted by two guards. Lightshow used his mandibles to lift the first guard and his tail to block the other. David handed Icarus a knife and used his own to pierce the neck of the first guard,while Lightshow flipped the other over using his tail then Icarus did the same pierce to the flipped guard.
The trio kept moving to the armory. The next guard was easly twice the size of Lightshow. however, Lightshow was able to slide under the guard(and excellent show of mobility for a creature his size), while David and, Icarus held up their knives and cut cleanly through the underside of the guard.
But, the guard swung its tail for Icarus and knocked him off. Luckly, Lightshow pulled him away just as the guard's tail pierced the ground where Icarus’s head had been moments prior.
“Thanks.” Icarus said to Lightshow.
Icarus, David and Lightshow made it to the armory. Icarus and David suited up. Then, David noticed guard armor, it was spiked,thick and, made of a materiel David had never seen before. He put it on lightshow and asked,
“After we get out, Where do we go?” David asked
“I have a base not far from here.” Lightshow replied.
The Shelter
There was a door in the armory and the group snuck out to a rock.
“Where is it?” David asked.
“Right here.” Lightshow responded.
He then procceded to headbut the rock and suddenly the group was going down on some kind of lift. Fifteen seconds later, the trio were in some kind of bunker. It was easily 50 feet tall with pillars going from the ground up. It was around 100 feet wide but when Icarus looked closer, he noticed arcane symbols lining the walls.
“What are these?” Icarus asked.
“My ancestors” Lightshow responded.
“What?” Icarus pushed
“I think its time you learned the truth.” Lightshow said,
“Millions of years ago, we the Martians were on earth too.
But, humans hunted us to extinction, we were forced to mars.
We vowed for revenge, humans were getting to independent for our liking but before we could strike,they sent the voyagers one and two to bomb us. So we struck back in a way. It wasn’t us,Europa launched that missile to start a war for their enjoyment. the truth is you wiped us out and your friend nisar sent you to finish us off. There is a bomb on you ship capible of wiping us out and we need to disarm it.”
“Wow.” Icarus exclaimedexlclamed
“We are going to help.” David shot out
“What?!” Icarus remarked
“We owe Lightshow this. He saved us even though we brought a bomb here.This is our fault were going to fix it.”David explained.
“Here's the plan” David told the others “Our target the bomb is on the other side of the prison. Lightshow is going to distract the guards and try to explain the situation. Meanwhile, Icarus and I will sneak across to the wreck and try to dissarm the bomb.” David finished
When they got outside the plan had commenced and Lightshow ran to the prison while David and Icarus sneaked across. However their trip was cut short when a large canyon stood in their way.
“Well, that's not good.” Icarus said bluntly,
“That's not all.” David said
“ What is i-” Icarus was cut of by the sight of at least a hundred creatures heading at them.
“ Hop on!” Lightshow shouted.
But after they mounted Lightshow he ran strait for the canyon and jumped…
Icarus closed his eyes and feared the worst, but he wasn't falling no, he was flying! Lightshow had spread wings like a majestic dragon.
“ Holy crap!” Icarus shouted,
“You can fly?!”
“Uh- Must have forgot to mention that.” Lightshow admitted
“That can wait, Look out!” David exclaimed
A missile flew right by the group nearly knocking Icarus off lightshow.
“You look like you'veyouve seen a ghost” David remarked noticing Icarus’s face was very pale.
“Not a ghost, the US flag.” Muttered Icarus
“The US is launching an attack on mars.” David finished
They did this a lot they knew enough to finish each others sentences.
“We started this we are going to fight with Mars.”Icarus declared,
“Were gonna need an army,” David started
“And I know where to find one.”Icarus told the others.
And so the war was on…
mission mars demo(Dingus)
"David, are the cameras ready?" I ask.
"Ready to go! Oh, and one more thing, NO SELFIES!" David shouts.
"That was one time!" I retort.
"Still happened!" David shoots back.
I know there is no point in arguing with him, so I choose to brush it off.
"I'm making breakfast!" I say, putting a healthy amount of temper with my words.
"Have at it, sour-pants!" David calls.
Suddenly as I travel through the corridor, the emergency lights kick in and the alarms start blaring. Then, an ear-splitting crash rings through the station and the hull breach alarm sounds, while the anti-gravity projector shuts off. Back at the astronaut training, the cadets were taught emergency drills, and I try to remember what to do. Suit up and get to the escape pods. Suit up. That's something. I float my way through the station to the armory. Then I put one of the suits on and ponder what to do next. David. Find David. I leave the armory and search the halls. However, I can’t find David anywhere.
Suddenly, something grabs my shoulder. I yelp and wheel around to find David.
"David!" I cry.
"Good to see you too, Icarus." David says calmly.
"Let's get to the escape pods!" I say.
"We can't, that thing hit them dead on." David says, showing his fear.
"That means-" I am cut off because we are thrust to the top of the armory. Then, nothing. No sounds, no lights, nothing.
6 months earlier,July, 19,3048
"Happy birthday to you..." Icarus's family sang. It was Icarus's birthday and David was celebrating with him. Suddenly, Icarus and David’s phones rang .
"Yes?" David picked up the phone.
"We need you, now something’s wrong." the phone crackled.
"Be right there," David said.
He put his phone away and looked at Icarus who had received the same call as if saying, "Let's go!"
They said their goodbyes and hurried to the truck, a beaten-up Halotron 368 Explorer.
When they arrived at the launch site, personnel ranged from D class to Special Ops were running about the lobby. They ran inside and David shouted,
"What's going on?"then a C-Class operator said,
"New York just got nuked from space!"
Then he ran off. David and Icarus looked at each other and said, "Aliens."
When they reached the control room, they ran to the head of N.E.S.D(New Earth Space Division) Dr.Nisar FURY. Upon arrival, Icarus said,” What's happening? Why did we get called here?”
Dr.FURY said in a deep throaty voice” New York just got nuked from an unknown virgin-Ahem, ORIGIN, and tech.”
David asked, “So, why did we get called down here?”
Dr.FURY responded,” We're sending you to Mars.”
“I'm sorry WHAT?!” Icarus blurted out,
“And why Mars?” David chimed in.
Dr.FURY calmly said,” We tracked the nuke’s origin to Mars.”
“Wait, I thought you just said unknown origin.” Icarus replied,
“We just got that information.” Fury said.
“Wha-how-you-uhhh…” Icarus stuttered blind sighted,
“We need you on that rocket, NOW!” Fury ordered pointing at a mammoth of a rocket; It had 16 thrusters, five attached fuel tanks, and seemed to stretch to the sun.
Both David And Icarus obeyed their orders and started the climb to the rocket.
The Launch
It was bigger than it looked, much bigger than it looked. By the time Icarus and David were at the cockpit, they felt like they had run 60 miles in the desert without water.
“You good?” David panted,
“Well, if running 200 meters of stairs while wearing 100 pounds of space gear is good, then yes.” Icarus joked rhetorically and followed with a wheeze.
After a water break, they strapped into the cockpit. The cockpit was covered in a blanket of steel, screens, gauges, and dials. An announcement blared,” T minus 10 seconds.”
“You ready?” Icarus asked David,” Readier than I'll ever be!”
David replied enthusiastically.3,2,1….
The Landing
When Icarus woke up, he realized that he wasn’t in
Space. For one, there was gravity, and two, the remaining scrap and debris was probably the station. Next, Icarus decided to search for David, “David! David!” Icarus cried in the back of his head feeling Déjà vu.
Just when he was about to give up something grabbed his shoulder he yelped like a dog whose tail got stepped on and wheeled around to see David. “David! We need to stop doing that.” Icarus jokes.
Where are we?” Icarus asked.
“Mars.” David replied.
Okay, Icarus thought, You're on mars, what do you need to do to survive? Shelter. You need shelter. “We need to make a shelter,” Icarus said
“We’ll need to get the oxygen generator. The air in our suits won't last forever.” David instructed.
“Good thinking, David this should be easy. Let's go!” Icarus pushed.
“Remember when I said this would be easy?” Icarus asked weakly. 3 hours had passed since they started with no luck and, were almost out of air.
“Yeah.” David replied
“I take that back,” Icarus mumbled.
It had been hours since they last drank too and they were basically on a giant floating desert. They were running out of air and had no luck finding the generator.”I think I found it!” David cried.
Sure enough, it was there, the generator. It was a white cylinder with a couple switches and buttons. It looked pretty beat up most likely due to the fact it was covered in debris and rubble.
“Let's hope it still works.” Icarus said with exasperation.
David, hit a big red button, flicked two switches and the machine stuttered and fizzled out. Icarus sighed.
“Well we-” Icarus was cut off because and just as quickly as the machine died, it started to hum to life.
“Yes!” Icarus cried enthusiastically.
Suddenly a blue-green bubble about 10 meters in diameter formed around them filled with breathable air.
“Okay, now we need heat and shelter,” David announced.
After David and Icarus refilled their air tanks, they started to gather scraps from the wreck. After two hours, David and Icarus had walls and a roof, it wasn’t much but, it also wasn’t nothing.
The Scouting
David and Icarus decided to get ice for water. Icarus volunteers to explore. Icarus knows that if you dig down on Mars you will find ice. However, he has no digging equipment on hand. Icarus also knows that there is ice on the poles, one problem: where are the poles? Icarus decides to use Astro-Navigation. He uses the ship log to find the date, then uses the position of the earth and the moon to get to the poles. Icarus gathers as much ice as possible and starts back to base.
The Search
When Icarus got back, he didn't see David. Icarus thought nothing of it until he saw drag marks on the ground.
Immediately worried, Icarus decided to look for David.
But, as soon as Icarus stepped out of the airfield something hit him on the head next thing he knew he blacked out…
The Capture
When Icarus woke up he tried to figure out what happened, where he was, and/or who did it. Suddenly Icarus panicked that his air tank was gone! But, how wasnt he dead? He had no air?
That could wait until he finds David. However, he was stuck on a sticky goo. Icarus wasn't going anywhere.
Then Icarus heard footsteps and decided to make a lot of noise, but quickly regretted that choice. A creature around the size of a hippo, a horn as big as a rhino, six muscler legs, a tail as big as a crocodile with spikes and armored head to tail walked in. As that wasn't bad enough it raised its head and two bug-like mandibles spread out the side of its head, opened its mouth and, razor sharp teeth lined its mouth which got even wider and wider. It screamed a horrifying screech louder than anything Icarus had ever heard before then its throat started to glow bright green and Icarus felt the place getting very very hot…
Icarus managed to pull himself out of his sticky prison just in time as the creature shot a green goo that instantly dissolved his previous trap. But he wasn't out of trouble yet; the tip of the creature's tail opened to reveal a sharp tip and the spikes on its tail stood up taller than the hairs on Icarus’s neck and six of them flew out making a beeline for his head.
Icarus rolled, dodging the spikes when he saw another monster only this time someone was on its back and that someone was David. David charged in like medieval cavalry on horses given the fact that if David was anywhere else he would be eaten whole. He rammed the other creature on its side and called to Icarus saying,”Hop on!”
“What?!” Icarus retorted
“Or you’re stuck with that one!”David replied
“I’ll take you up on that.”Icarus answered.
Icarus climbed on top of the creature confused on why it didn’t attack him when all of the sudden it spoke!
“You were wondering why I did not attack you.” It said.
“Wait, how did you know? More importantly, why the hell can you talk?!”Icarus asked.
“Telepathy, only those who I choose can hear this.” The creature replied.
“Discuss later, Get on!” David commanded.
Icarus got on to the creature then said.
“Wait. What's your name?”
“Lightshow.” the creature answered.
“Good. Lightshow, where are our suits?” Icarus asked,
“When your friend got me out of my cell, I saw your suits in the armory.” Lightshow replied.
“Then it's settled-Let's go!” David directed.
As Icarus, David and Lightshow exited the room, they were confronted by two guards. Lightshow used his mandibles to lift the first guard and his tail to block the other. David handed Icarus a knife and used his own to pierce the neck of the first guard,while Lightshow flipped the other over using his tail then Icarus did the same pierce to the flipped guard.
The trio kept moving to the armory. The next guard was easly twice the size of Lightshow. however, Lightshow was able to slide under the guard(and excellent show of mobility for a creature his size), while David and, Icarus held up their knives and cut cleanly through the underside of the guard.
But, the guard swung its tail for Icarus and knocked him off. Luckly, Lightshow pulled him away just as the guard's tail pierced the ground where Icarus’s head had been moments prior.
“Thanks.” Icarus said to Lightshow.
Icarus, David and Lightshow made it to the armory. Icarus and David suited up. Then, David noticed guard armor, it was spiked,thick and, made of a materiel David had never seen before. He put it on lightshow and asked,
“After we get out, Where do we go?” David asked
“I have a base not far from here.” Lightshow replied.
The Shelter
There was a door in the armory and the group snuck out to a rock.
“Where is it?” David asked.
“Right here.” Lightshow responded.
He then procceded to headbut the rock and suddenly the group was going down on some kind of lift. Fifteen seconds later, the trio were in some kind of bunker. It was easily 50 feet tall with pillars going from the ground up. It was around 100 feet wide but when Icarus looked closer, he noticed arcane symbols lining the walls.
“What are these?” Icarus asked.
“My ancestors” Lightshow responded.
“What?” Icarus pushed
“I think its time you learned the truth.” Lightshow said,
“Millions of years ago, we the Martians were on earth too.
But, humans hunted us to extinction, we were forced to mars.
We vowed for revenge, humans were getting to independent for our liking but before we could strike,they sent the voyagers one and two to bomb us. So we struck back in a way. It wasn’t us,Europa launched that missile to start a war for their enjoyment. the truth is you wiped us out and your friend nisar sent you to finish us off. There is a bomb on you ship capible of wiping us out and we need to disarm it.”
“Wow.” Icarus exclaimedexlclamed
“We are going to help.” David shot out
“What?!” Icarus remarked
“We owe Lightshow this. He saved us even though we brought a bomb here.This is our fault were going to fix it.”David explained.
“Here's the plan” David told the others “Our target the bomb is on the other side of the prison. Lightshow is going to distract the guards and try to explain the situation. Meanwhile, Icarus and I will sneak across to the wreck and try to dissarm the bomb.” David finished
When they got outside the plan had commenced and Lightshow ran to the prison while David and Icarus sneaked across. However their trip was cut short when a large canyon stood in their way.
“Well, that's not good.” Icarus said bluntly,
“That's not all.” David said
“ What is i-” Icarus was cut of by the sight of at least a hundred creatures heading at them.
“ Hop on!” Lightshow shouted.
But after they mounted Lightshow he ran strait for the canyon and jumped…
Icarus closed his eyes and feared the worst, but he wasn't falling no, he was flying! Lightshow had spread wings like a majestic dragon.
“ Holy crap!” Icarus shouted,
“You can fly?!”
“Uh- Must have forgot to mention that.” Lightshow admitted
“That can wait, Look out!” David exclaimed
A missile flew right by the group nearly knocking Icarus off lightshow.
“You look like you'veyouve seen a ghost” David remarked noticing Icarus’s face was very pale.
“Not a ghost, the US flag.” Muttered Icarus
“The US is launching an attack on mars.” David finished
They did this a lot they knew enough to finish each others sentences.
“We started this we are going to fight with Mars.”Icarus declared,
“Were gonna need an army,” David started
“And I know where to find one.”Icarus told the others.
And so the war was on…
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