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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Teens
- Theme: Family & Friends
- Subject: Comedy / Humor
- Published: 01/16/2025
"Zara! Quickly! We don't want to be late for Zephyr's birthday party!
It was seven, and I hadn't even had dinner yet. I sat there, listening to my owners arguing and screaming at each other. I sighed. I'm used to being ignored like that whenever my owners scream and nag each other. They are two big and slightly scruffy adults who love to mess up each other, anyway.
By the way, I'm Bailey, a tiny golden retriever with shiny fur and big dog eyes that glimmer in the light. I live happily with my owners, Zara and Olive, inside our tiny house. Though my owners usually fight over each other, it doesn't stop us from being a happy family.
Tonight, Zara and Olive are going to their cousin's birthday. They dressed up nicely and were now waiting for the taxi. But Zara knew she had gotten her hair out of place, so she ran back up to her bedroom and combed it back into place, driving Olive mad and impatient.
As Olive stood waiting, he spotted me on the ground. He smiled and walked over to me and I yapped happily as he tried to stroke me.
"Who's my boy? Who's my boy?" Olive asked happily, "Who wants a little rubbing on his little tummy?"
I barked happily and rolled over for a belly scratch. He scratched and occasionally tickled me. I laughed heartily (Well, it all came out as a bark) as I licked Olive's face, which was now full of my slobber. He didn't seem to mind and just mopped the slobber away.
"Olive! Come! The taxi's here!" Zara yelled
"Oh, didn't see you there, Zara" Olive mused, "Anyways, I'll leash Bailey up"
Olive leashed me up and I ran around, yapping at Zara and Olive as the taxi's light shone into the door. Zara smiled and stroked me.
"We'll be back Bailey Baby!" Zara said, ruffling my fur quickly before she walked into the taxi.
Olive gave a little smile at me before he shut the taxi door. The taxi drove away and I sat there, whimpering.
But the whimpering of sorrow lasted only for a minute before I stood up and unleashed myself!
Yeah, I'm a magical dog and it's no doubt that I can stand up just like a cool human babe.
Struggling for a while, I took a stool and reached out for my tiny "wardrobe" for dogs that I kept a secret for a while. I took the keys out from the side of the wardrobe and slipped them into the keyhole before turning the key. I opened it, picked out my best doggie disco suit and put it on. Now I'm just like a hot dude, ready to disco.
I ran down from the stool and "combed" my "hair" with my claws. When I was done, I barked a happy bark, a signal that I was ready to party.
In just seconds, my friends (who are dogs) were squeezing through places in the house where you'd never expect to find a pooch. The dogs all gathered up, and by the looks on their faces, I knew it was time to party.
"Let's party, ladies and gentlemen!" I yelled (it all came out as barks, of course), and the dogs cheered. My friend Hot, a Rottweiler, pushed stereo speakers out into the dance area and took his phone out. He connected his phone to the speakers and then chose a beat.
Hot chose funky disco-pop, and we began to burn the dance floor. I think I danced the best: doing occasional dabs and pointing my fingers up and down, left and right. To end my moves, I performed an amazing breakdance backspin, and everyone cheered.
I sat up, my hair out of place. I panted and cried, "Nice moves, dancers!"
I picked myself up and helped myself to some doggy "champagne" (it was really just water and a bit of sugar-free soda and lemonade). Hot smiled at me and I winked before mouthing, "Good music, dude". As I took a sip of my "champagne", Hot began to play another song.
It was now a doggy love song. Everyone began to dance to the music (doggy dance sport). I knew I had no one to dance with (Hot was dancing with Honey the dog because he likes her). I sat down on a stool and downed more and more cups of doggy "champagne". I felt so lonely. Despite being nearly the best dancer in the neighborhood, I'm quite lonely, especially when dancing love songs. I sighed and took a Mars Bar from the cabinet and nearly bit into it when a hand, or rather more like a paw snatched it and threw it in the bin. It turns out to be Hot's paw and he was fuming.
"Are you crazy, Bailey? Eating chocolate and ending up in the vet as the doctors examine you and say you're going to die?! You're nuts!" he cried as he returned to Honey who was waiting for him. She was doing some mascara and putting layers of thick lipstick on her lips. She admired her lips and was ready to burn the floor once more. Hot joined her, smiling a "Rottweiler-ish" smile before he rocked the dancefloor with Honey. I sighed louder this time and scratched my flea-infested skin before flicking the fleas off. I sighed and downed another glass of champagne before wiping my mouth with my paw. Suddenly, at the corner of my eye, I saw a white fluff walking elegantly towards me, signaling that she wanted to dance with me. Quickly, I straightened my disco suit and tried to comb my "hair (well, it's technically fur)" and checked my breath. The strong smell of champagne hit my nose and I took a doggy mouth spray and sprayed my mouth. It had the smell of mint and rose and my mouth smelled better in a jiffy. Then, I smiled and stood in a cool pose to attract her.
As the fluff came closer, it turned out to be Skylar, the beautiful pup who I'll give my whole heart to. She is the love of my life. The brightest spark in my life, well, after Olive and Zara of course. As she edged closer, I did last-minute checks as she came near. When she was near enough, I smiled.
"Ahh. Skylar. I knew you would come" I said
Skylar smiled and placed a paw on my paw.
"Let's dance," Skylar said when the love music changed into rock and funky pop. Skylar (who was wearing a ball gown) suddenly whipped the layer of frill outside her dress. It turns out that she was wearing a tight dress. I smiled and said, "Let's do this!"
I held Skylar's paw and walked out onto the dance floor. The crowd gasped as we began to dance. Moved by our moves, the crowd began to dance. We danced nearly the whole night before sitting in a pile on the floor. Then, we sat and began to take the bags of chips that Olive hid from Zara and began to eat. We also lapped up the "champagne" we ourselves made.
As the party continued, I suddenly heard an engine outside.
Skylar didn't seem to notice because she was helping herself with chips and champagne. I tapped her and whispered, "I think Olive and Zara are home"
But Skylar shook her head and mumbled, "I don't think so" before stuffing her face with more of the crispy yellow chips and downing another fizzing glass of champagne. As I shook my head and thought I was imagining, my fears were confirmed when I heard familiar voices outside the door.
"Olive, I think the neighbors are singing again"
"Well, we need to talk with Ms. Corn. I can arrange on a sunny Sunday to have a talk and maybe have a cup of tea with her"
Oh dear. It was Zara and Olive. I cried to the crowd, "OLIVE AND ZARA ARE BACK FROM THE BIRTHDAY! HIDE!" but no one listened. Skylar even shook her head and said, "You're imagining things, love"
"No, I'm not!"
"Yes, you are!"
"No, I'm not!"
"Yes, you are!"
"No, I'm-"
But before I could even say anything else, the jangling keys were in the keyhole. I mouthed, "HIDE YOU SILLY FOLKS!" and was starting to leash myself up. Everyone hid; mainly in the wardrobe where Zara usually keeps her flowery apron. Skylar hid in the cuckoo clock because of her small size. Even though I didn't struggle with unleashing myself, leashing myself up was hard. I fumbled with the leash but then the door swung open and I braced myself in the corner.
"Bailey Boy! We're home!" Olive cried as he flicked the light on. I pretended to sleep. Olive smiled and then walked over to me and whispered, "I'm home, boy"
I woke up and looked at him. I licked his face which was adorned with a friendly Olive-ish smile. I barked happily and returned to sleep. Zara smiled and snapped a photo of the dog-owner moment. But the moment of happiness soon began its demise and Zara said, "Aren't you hungry from all that partying? We didn't get to eat anything! Zephyr scoffed the whole table down!"
"I agree," Olive said, parting away from me. I stood in silence. Oh, man. I'm in deep doo-doo.
As Zara came to the wardrobe, I knew I needed to distract her. Quickly, I ran to the door and barked loudly, the type of bark whenever I saw an intruder.
It stopped Zara in her steps as she turned back to see me barking frantically at the door. Zara opened the door to look out. Well, the next move of mine was a dumb one. A dumb dumb one. I opened the wardrobe and told the dogs to run back to their houses as quickly as possible. The hundred dogs scuttled out and ran to the door. Just as Zara turned her head, she screamed as the dogs trampled over to the door. She tried to retreat but the horde of dogs swept her clean off her feet. Zara screamed among the sea of dogs. I barked the order for everyone to stop but they won't stop. Soon, Zara and the dogs were far, far away. I howled and cried, hoping Zara would come home. Well, she'll come back anyway. But I think for now, let me have a bowl of meat for dinner.
Party dog(Rachel)
"Zara! Quickly! We don't want to be late for Zephyr's birthday party!
It was seven, and I hadn't even had dinner yet. I sat there, listening to my owners arguing and screaming at each other. I sighed. I'm used to being ignored like that whenever my owners scream and nag each other. They are two big and slightly scruffy adults who love to mess up each other, anyway.
By the way, I'm Bailey, a tiny golden retriever with shiny fur and big dog eyes that glimmer in the light. I live happily with my owners, Zara and Olive, inside our tiny house. Though my owners usually fight over each other, it doesn't stop us from being a happy family.
Tonight, Zara and Olive are going to their cousin's birthday. They dressed up nicely and were now waiting for the taxi. But Zara knew she had gotten her hair out of place, so she ran back up to her bedroom and combed it back into place, driving Olive mad and impatient.
As Olive stood waiting, he spotted me on the ground. He smiled and walked over to me and I yapped happily as he tried to stroke me.
"Who's my boy? Who's my boy?" Olive asked happily, "Who wants a little rubbing on his little tummy?"
I barked happily and rolled over for a belly scratch. He scratched and occasionally tickled me. I laughed heartily (Well, it all came out as a bark) as I licked Olive's face, which was now full of my slobber. He didn't seem to mind and just mopped the slobber away.
"Olive! Come! The taxi's here!" Zara yelled
"Oh, didn't see you there, Zara" Olive mused, "Anyways, I'll leash Bailey up"
Olive leashed me up and I ran around, yapping at Zara and Olive as the taxi's light shone into the door. Zara smiled and stroked me.
"We'll be back Bailey Baby!" Zara said, ruffling my fur quickly before she walked into the taxi.
Olive gave a little smile at me before he shut the taxi door. The taxi drove away and I sat there, whimpering.
But the whimpering of sorrow lasted only for a minute before I stood up and unleashed myself!
Yeah, I'm a magical dog and it's no doubt that I can stand up just like a cool human babe.
Struggling for a while, I took a stool and reached out for my tiny "wardrobe" for dogs that I kept a secret for a while. I took the keys out from the side of the wardrobe and slipped them into the keyhole before turning the key. I opened it, picked out my best doggie disco suit and put it on. Now I'm just like a hot dude, ready to disco.
I ran down from the stool and "combed" my "hair" with my claws. When I was done, I barked a happy bark, a signal that I was ready to party.
In just seconds, my friends (who are dogs) were squeezing through places in the house where you'd never expect to find a pooch. The dogs all gathered up, and by the looks on their faces, I knew it was time to party.
"Let's party, ladies and gentlemen!" I yelled (it all came out as barks, of course), and the dogs cheered. My friend Hot, a Rottweiler, pushed stereo speakers out into the dance area and took his phone out. He connected his phone to the speakers and then chose a beat.
Hot chose funky disco-pop, and we began to burn the dance floor. I think I danced the best: doing occasional dabs and pointing my fingers up and down, left and right. To end my moves, I performed an amazing breakdance backspin, and everyone cheered.
I sat up, my hair out of place. I panted and cried, "Nice moves, dancers!"
I picked myself up and helped myself to some doggy "champagne" (it was really just water and a bit of sugar-free soda and lemonade). Hot smiled at me and I winked before mouthing, "Good music, dude". As I took a sip of my "champagne", Hot began to play another song.
It was now a doggy love song. Everyone began to dance to the music (doggy dance sport). I knew I had no one to dance with (Hot was dancing with Honey the dog because he likes her). I sat down on a stool and downed more and more cups of doggy "champagne". I felt so lonely. Despite being nearly the best dancer in the neighborhood, I'm quite lonely, especially when dancing love songs. I sighed and took a Mars Bar from the cabinet and nearly bit into it when a hand, or rather more like a paw snatched it and threw it in the bin. It turns out to be Hot's paw and he was fuming.
"Are you crazy, Bailey? Eating chocolate and ending up in the vet as the doctors examine you and say you're going to die?! You're nuts!" he cried as he returned to Honey who was waiting for him. She was doing some mascara and putting layers of thick lipstick on her lips. She admired her lips and was ready to burn the floor once more. Hot joined her, smiling a "Rottweiler-ish" smile before he rocked the dancefloor with Honey. I sighed louder this time and scratched my flea-infested skin before flicking the fleas off. I sighed and downed another glass of champagne before wiping my mouth with my paw. Suddenly, at the corner of my eye, I saw a white fluff walking elegantly towards me, signaling that she wanted to dance with me. Quickly, I straightened my disco suit and tried to comb my "hair (well, it's technically fur)" and checked my breath. The strong smell of champagne hit my nose and I took a doggy mouth spray and sprayed my mouth. It had the smell of mint and rose and my mouth smelled better in a jiffy. Then, I smiled and stood in a cool pose to attract her.
As the fluff came closer, it turned out to be Skylar, the beautiful pup who I'll give my whole heart to. She is the love of my life. The brightest spark in my life, well, after Olive and Zara of course. As she edged closer, I did last-minute checks as she came near. When she was near enough, I smiled.
"Ahh. Skylar. I knew you would come" I said
Skylar smiled and placed a paw on my paw.
"Let's dance," Skylar said when the love music changed into rock and funky pop. Skylar (who was wearing a ball gown) suddenly whipped the layer of frill outside her dress. It turns out that she was wearing a tight dress. I smiled and said, "Let's do this!"
I held Skylar's paw and walked out onto the dance floor. The crowd gasped as we began to dance. Moved by our moves, the crowd began to dance. We danced nearly the whole night before sitting in a pile on the floor. Then, we sat and began to take the bags of chips that Olive hid from Zara and began to eat. We also lapped up the "champagne" we ourselves made.
As the party continued, I suddenly heard an engine outside.
Skylar didn't seem to notice because she was helping herself with chips and champagne. I tapped her and whispered, "I think Olive and Zara are home"
But Skylar shook her head and mumbled, "I don't think so" before stuffing her face with more of the crispy yellow chips and downing another fizzing glass of champagne. As I shook my head and thought I was imagining, my fears were confirmed when I heard familiar voices outside the door.
"Olive, I think the neighbors are singing again"
"Well, we need to talk with Ms. Corn. I can arrange on a sunny Sunday to have a talk and maybe have a cup of tea with her"
Oh dear. It was Zara and Olive. I cried to the crowd, "OLIVE AND ZARA ARE BACK FROM THE BIRTHDAY! HIDE!" but no one listened. Skylar even shook her head and said, "You're imagining things, love"
"No, I'm not!"
"Yes, you are!"
"No, I'm not!"
"Yes, you are!"
"No, I'm-"
But before I could even say anything else, the jangling keys were in the keyhole. I mouthed, "HIDE YOU SILLY FOLKS!" and was starting to leash myself up. Everyone hid; mainly in the wardrobe where Zara usually keeps her flowery apron. Skylar hid in the cuckoo clock because of her small size. Even though I didn't struggle with unleashing myself, leashing myself up was hard. I fumbled with the leash but then the door swung open and I braced myself in the corner.
"Bailey Boy! We're home!" Olive cried as he flicked the light on. I pretended to sleep. Olive smiled and then walked over to me and whispered, "I'm home, boy"
I woke up and looked at him. I licked his face which was adorned with a friendly Olive-ish smile. I barked happily and returned to sleep. Zara smiled and snapped a photo of the dog-owner moment. But the moment of happiness soon began its demise and Zara said, "Aren't you hungry from all that partying? We didn't get to eat anything! Zephyr scoffed the whole table down!"
"I agree," Olive said, parting away from me. I stood in silence. Oh, man. I'm in deep doo-doo.
As Zara came to the wardrobe, I knew I needed to distract her. Quickly, I ran to the door and barked loudly, the type of bark whenever I saw an intruder.
It stopped Zara in her steps as she turned back to see me barking frantically at the door. Zara opened the door to look out. Well, the next move of mine was a dumb one. A dumb dumb one. I opened the wardrobe and told the dogs to run back to their houses as quickly as possible. The hundred dogs scuttled out and ran to the door. Just as Zara turned her head, she screamed as the dogs trampled over to the door. She tried to retreat but the horde of dogs swept her clean off her feet. Zara screamed among the sea of dogs. I barked the order for everyone to stop but they won't stop. Soon, Zara and the dogs were far, far away. I howled and cried, hoping Zara would come home. Well, she'll come back anyway. But I think for now, let me have a bowl of meat for dinner.
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Kevin Hughes
01/30/2025Aloha Rachel,
I sent it along to all my Dog Lover friends. I am sure their smile will be as wide as mine.
Congrats on Story Star of the Day,
Smiles, Kevin
Help Us Understand What's Happening
01/30/2025Thanks, Kevin for sharing my story! I enjoyed writing and responding to comments! =)
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Help Us Understand What's Happening