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- Story Listed as: True Life For Adults
- Theme: Drama / Human Interest
- Subject: Current Events
- Published: 01/27/2025
An essay on Artificial Intelligence.
Born 1951, M, from Wilmington NC, United States.jpeg)
Authors Note: I am not a Computer or Software geek. I am just an old guy who reads a lot and talks to young people. Those two things came together in a conversation that I am passing along. These are just my thoughts - not predictions, and as they say: "Do your own research." LOL But I think it is something we might want to talk about and understand a little better. Personally, I have no fear of AI in any of its forms or iterations. But I remember a famous Scientist who asked to comment about AI saying this: "Myself, I am not too worried about it. But all my friends who are actually Experts in that Field, are scared. " And I wonder if they are right?
Here I am…again…talking about Artificial Intelligence. But they are evolving rapidly…again. From worrying about AI, we moved up to worrying about AGI - which means: Artificial General Intelligence. Which, in the simplistic way I understand all this, means that they can think. Independently. When they can do things at that level (forget the Turing Test, they flew by that a long time ago)they become “Agents.”
An “Agent” isn’t sentient (they don’t think they are anyway) it doesn’t have feelings, emotions, or creative thought, or worry about its future, lack of a body, or anything else that would bother a thinking FEELING Being. But Agents can fool Human beings easily.
If you call a major company and get an Agent, it can “talk” to you like a “live” person would. It could even empathize with you - or at least make it sound like it was on your side. Then it could analyze your request, find the best solution to the problem…and fix it, or the situation. All the time you wouldn’t have a clue you were not actually talking to Lilly, or Steve, but an AI Agent.
More on this in a bit.
The next step up from being an “Agent” for an AI, would for it to become sentient…or what we would call; ALIVE. Yep. A life form that was not born or evolved from Nature. Yet it would -and signs are- that it is …evolving. Still it won’t have a body, so most of our common feelings and emotions would be beyond its abilities. Think Spock without a body. LOL
So the kid I talked to today - who was like thirty years old- told me that the Chinese have spooked the entire AI Industry. Apparently they created something like the best version of ChatGPT, but they got it to run on cheaper chips, with less research money than anyone could believe. And it is better than ours. If they had more powerful chips…well, the darn thing would change from the equivalent of an elite athlete to Superman. I know that is a horrible analogy, but the darn App is already robust and powerful, and if it had the bigger better chips…its power would improve drastically.
So let’s back up for a bit. One of my friends is a retired Research Scientist who made some major discoveries in the connections between genes and are ability to exercise…or not. The so called: “couch potato gene.” And he found some other genes that showed that exercise doesn’t always work for some people- they are not lazy, but working out doesn’t cause the same effects it does in normal people’s genes.
He told me recently that in his Field alone, hundreds of Peer Reviewed papers come out a month. He just skims the Abstracts but reads nine or ten of the Leading Edge Researchers Papers in a month. So he is one of the best in his Field and has the knowledge and experience to understand what the point of the Paper was…and its impact. And he reads ten papers a month.
An Agent AI, trained and designed to gather everything in his Field for review, could look at every paper ever written in minutes. Of course it is still just a computer program (Ha!), so it would take it a while to learn the nuances of the studies and ferret out the chaff from the wheat. (Does anyone even use that phrase anymore? Or even understand what it means?) The kind of computer processing power and chips used would, of course, determine if it read anything in minutes or perhaps longer. Use a Super computer do “learn and train” and you could study everything ever written in seconds. Literally…seconds.
So imagine my friend's brain, knowledge and experience being injected into the AI…and you have what they would call: A general intelligence AI Agent. One that could connect all the dots, understand the consequences, and figure out a way forward to better research. You would have a genius brain from every Field, in your pocket! All you have to do is learn to ask better questions. Something Higher Education used to take years to train folks to do.
And the Chinese - using a restricted budget, and cheap chips, built a faster, better, smarter AI for less than we pay a Start Up CEO. Way less. Sports spend more on a signing bonus for a Rookie Athlete, than the Chinese spent on making their AI app.
I am missing out on a lot of the details, as this kid works for some robotic company up in Boston. For example he said robots already dominate any major industrial activity. Fish canning, car welding, even robotic surgery - all done by a uniquely designed robot with appropriate AI for the function of the robot. He laughingly told me that his Dad thought the future of Robots with AI would be like in the cartoon show: “The Jetsons.” Where the driver would look almost Human.
That is a whole other kettle of fish. Google: Japanese sex robots- and get prepared to be scared, I was going to say “blow your mind”, but once you find out what they can do, that sounds horribly predictive. They have made robots that their skin feels like ours, warm to the touch, and connected talking heads that rival any girl next door, or model level of beauty to boot. For a more palatable human like Robot, Google the Japanese Robot: Erica. Girl next door already meeting people in hotels to help Register them!
But I digress…
The kid laughed at his Father because his Dad thought that a Robot man servant would drive your car. But the reality is that the Robot IS the car, and it drives itself. No humanoid like driver needed. He told me that the most common misunderstanding of the lay person, is that Industry is already using AI robots to build stuff, and most of them are function causing form. So a robot that needs to weld a car together, looks nothing like a human being, or any of our appendages. And a robot designed to track under water pipelines and wires, and decide what needs repair, or follow up, looks nothing like us either. And it can sometimes be built to do both find a problem, and fix it.
Very narrowly focused problems that a robot/AI is the right answer too. Already he says you have robotic AI replacing call centers, household chores, and even remotes! He believes that by the time he has kids - and to quote him: “After I turn forty or so, and have the time to be a parent.” Just that sentence blew my mind. But he said by the time he has kids, AI’s and Robots will be capable of designing , building and repairing any thing from a car, a house, make fashion clothes, and medical devices- or anything else.
He said your toilet will tell you the flapper is not working, how much water flowed out because you couldn’t stop it from running, and you should call a plumber. But he says in a decade, the toilet will have a small repair node in it, and will fix itself. No plumber needed. Yikes.
And I think we all need to work on our Humanity a bit more, so when the AI’s decide to think about us …we get them to like us. LOL
Smiles, Kevin
An essay on Artificial Intelligence.(Kevin Hughes)
Authors Note: I am not a Computer or Software geek. I am just an old guy who reads a lot and talks to young people. Those two things came together in a conversation that I am passing along. These are just my thoughts - not predictions, and as they say: "Do your own research." LOL But I think it is something we might want to talk about and understand a little better. Personally, I have no fear of AI in any of its forms or iterations. But I remember a famous Scientist who asked to comment about AI saying this: "Myself, I am not too worried about it. But all my friends who are actually Experts in that Field, are scared. " And I wonder if they are right?
Here I am…again…talking about Artificial Intelligence. But they are evolving rapidly…again. From worrying about AI, we moved up to worrying about AGI - which means: Artificial General Intelligence. Which, in the simplistic way I understand all this, means that they can think. Independently. When they can do things at that level (forget the Turing Test, they flew by that a long time ago)they become “Agents.”
An “Agent” isn’t sentient (they don’t think they are anyway) it doesn’t have feelings, emotions, or creative thought, or worry about its future, lack of a body, or anything else that would bother a thinking FEELING Being. But Agents can fool Human beings easily.
If you call a major company and get an Agent, it can “talk” to you like a “live” person would. It could even empathize with you - or at least make it sound like it was on your side. Then it could analyze your request, find the best solution to the problem…and fix it, or the situation. All the time you wouldn’t have a clue you were not actually talking to Lilly, or Steve, but an AI Agent.
More on this in a bit.
The next step up from being an “Agent” for an AI, would for it to become sentient…or what we would call; ALIVE. Yep. A life form that was not born or evolved from Nature. Yet it would -and signs are- that it is …evolving. Still it won’t have a body, so most of our common feelings and emotions would be beyond its abilities. Think Spock without a body. LOL
So the kid I talked to today - who was like thirty years old- told me that the Chinese have spooked the entire AI Industry. Apparently they created something like the best version of ChatGPT, but they got it to run on cheaper chips, with less research money than anyone could believe. And it is better than ours. If they had more powerful chips…well, the darn thing would change from the equivalent of an elite athlete to Superman. I know that is a horrible analogy, but the darn App is already robust and powerful, and if it had the bigger better chips…its power would improve drastically.
So let’s back up for a bit. One of my friends is a retired Research Scientist who made some major discoveries in the connections between genes and are ability to exercise…or not. The so called: “couch potato gene.” And he found some other genes that showed that exercise doesn’t always work for some people- they are not lazy, but working out doesn’t cause the same effects it does in normal people’s genes.
He told me recently that in his Field alone, hundreds of Peer Reviewed papers come out a month. He just skims the Abstracts but reads nine or ten of the Leading Edge Researchers Papers in a month. So he is one of the best in his Field and has the knowledge and experience to understand what the point of the Paper was…and its impact. And he reads ten papers a month.
An Agent AI, trained and designed to gather everything in his Field for review, could look at every paper ever written in minutes. Of course it is still just a computer program (Ha!), so it would take it a while to learn the nuances of the studies and ferret out the chaff from the wheat. (Does anyone even use that phrase anymore? Or even understand what it means?) The kind of computer processing power and chips used would, of course, determine if it read anything in minutes or perhaps longer. Use a Super computer do “learn and train” and you could study everything ever written in seconds. Literally…seconds.
So imagine my friend's brain, knowledge and experience being injected into the AI…and you have what they would call: A general intelligence AI Agent. One that could connect all the dots, understand the consequences, and figure out a way forward to better research. You would have a genius brain from every Field, in your pocket! All you have to do is learn to ask better questions. Something Higher Education used to take years to train folks to do.
And the Chinese - using a restricted budget, and cheap chips, built a faster, better, smarter AI for less than we pay a Start Up CEO. Way less. Sports spend more on a signing bonus for a Rookie Athlete, than the Chinese spent on making their AI app.
I am missing out on a lot of the details, as this kid works for some robotic company up in Boston. For example he said robots already dominate any major industrial activity. Fish canning, car welding, even robotic surgery - all done by a uniquely designed robot with appropriate AI for the function of the robot. He laughingly told me that his Dad thought the future of Robots with AI would be like in the cartoon show: “The Jetsons.” Where the driver would look almost Human.
That is a whole other kettle of fish. Google: Japanese sex robots- and get prepared to be scared, I was going to say “blow your mind”, but once you find out what they can do, that sounds horribly predictive. They have made robots that their skin feels like ours, warm to the touch, and connected talking heads that rival any girl next door, or model level of beauty to boot. For a more palatable human like Robot, Google the Japanese Robot: Erica. Girl next door already meeting people in hotels to help Register them!
But I digress…
The kid laughed at his Father because his Dad thought that a Robot man servant would drive your car. But the reality is that the Robot IS the car, and it drives itself. No humanoid like driver needed. He told me that the most common misunderstanding of the lay person, is that Industry is already using AI robots to build stuff, and most of them are function causing form. So a robot that needs to weld a car together, looks nothing like a human being, or any of our appendages. And a robot designed to track under water pipelines and wires, and decide what needs repair, or follow up, looks nothing like us either. And it can sometimes be built to do both find a problem, and fix it.
Very narrowly focused problems that a robot/AI is the right answer too. Already he says you have robotic AI replacing call centers, household chores, and even remotes! He believes that by the time he has kids - and to quote him: “After I turn forty or so, and have the time to be a parent.” Just that sentence blew my mind. But he said by the time he has kids, AI’s and Robots will be capable of designing , building and repairing any thing from a car, a house, make fashion clothes, and medical devices- or anything else.
He said your toilet will tell you the flapper is not working, how much water flowed out because you couldn’t stop it from running, and you should call a plumber. But he says in a decade, the toilet will have a small repair node in it, and will fix itself. No plumber needed. Yikes.
And I think we all need to work on our Humanity a bit more, so when the AI’s decide to think about us …we get them to like us. LOL
Smiles, Kevin
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Denise Arnault
01/28/2025Interesting speculation. AI is the buzz word of the time. I read a little about the new Chinese one and it was made faster and cheaper than ChatGPT but still cost millions of dollars. The researchers are learning and each one is bigger, better, cheaper than the last.
The real core of the matter is the problem solving ability of AI Agents. Its getter better too. I wonder when it will decide that it can replicate better if those pesky bio forms were not always destroying things.