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- Story Listed as: True Life For Adults
- Theme: Love stories / Romance
- Subject: Memory / Reminiscence
- Published: 01/30/2025
Seni and Ryan
Born 1996, F, from Melbourne, Australia.jpeg)
I’m a beautiful, Cypriot writer from Melbourne, Australia. I am searching to find a soulmate since eighteen years of age; (without distinguishing any race). Because I respect every culture. I loathe being single and untaken because I feel so lonesome. It’s time I finally find Mr right already!
One incredible day, I pop into Optus (my internet service provider), to buy some credit for my iPhone.
As I enter the store, I lay eyes on a tall and handsome brunette lad; walking straight towards me. I eyed him up and down, checking him out. And the cupids arrow shot my heart- love at first sight! Our eyes locked immediately for a few seconds and we both bowed to say hi; as if we already knew each other for forty years!
He was the customer service staff that fulfilled my phone’s top up. He spoke to me the littlest details about his electronic degree to get in a long conversation with me. I loved every word he said. We kept flirting, he mirrored my movements and we laughed at our inside jokes, (and dirty minds) that only we can understand. And I foolishly kept staring and falling down into his plump lips.
One memorable moment, I stole a kiss from him while he was talking and I held his hands like a pervert! Everything happened so quickly.
Suddenly, my phone rang. My neighbour contacted me to warn me that my alarm was ringing and a smoke odour. It was urgent so I had to evacuate from him with the inability of getting his phone number. But I already discovered his name from his name tag so that was an advantage. His name is Ryan…
I rapidly drove back home. Luckily it was only a golden retriever (dog breed) and the smoke was coming from a bush fire so it was a false alarm. I couldn’t manage to go back to see Ryan because it was already past five O’clock so the business day was over.
Anyway, I’ve been feeling so in love with Ryan. I keep repeating in my head our intimate attraction and all the chemistry I shared with him. I would waste all my credit just so I’m able to see him again! The next day, I decide to take a visit to Optus again. Unfortunately, he was nowhere to be seen.
So, I asked another representative,
“Hi is Ryan here today?” I ask hopefully
“No, he quit yesterday” he replies
“Oh, do you know where his transferred?”
“No, he hasn’t notified us about that. Is there something I can help you with?”
“No thanks I’m good” I felt so embarrassed after saying that.
I went back home feeling so depressed and down. But I promised myself I would reconnect with him at any price!
I decide to do some research. I type in his name in the search bar on Facebook and view every profile photo so I can find him.
No no no he is nowhere to be seen.
Where is my love how could I just leave him like that and stumble off for nothing!
I miss you so much my love.
You’re so unforgettable. I hear your voice and laugh everywhere.
You’ve gotten under my skin.
I will find you and never give up on you no matter the cost!
Oh no no no it’s too late, I’m in love there’s no turning back, it’s too late.
Four to five days passes and I’m still trying to find him. I’m struggling because I don’t know his surname because I forgot to read it on his name tag. Suddenly, yes oh my God it’s him I found him! The same guy I fell in love with. I send him a friend request and like all his photos from obsession!
Am I being creepy?
Oh God, I hope I’m not annoying him.
Everything I do is from my love for you.
I’ve been waiting for him to confirm me on Facebook but he is yet to do it.
Didn’t he recognise me?
And remember our encounter?
How could it be?
Why is he avoiding me now when he looked so interested?
I hope he doesn’t ghost me.
I’m so confused…
maybe I took it too seriously…
maybe it’s just all in my head.
Ah, stop overthinking Seni!
I wait for a week but he still hasn’t approved my request. I’m shattered and devastated. I have an idea! I decide to text him to reach out to him. I hope he replies. Oh God what if he doesn’t? There’s only one way to find out… text him Seni!
I jump on my Messenger app and begin typing.
Hi handsome it’s me Seni, the girl you saw at Optus. I’m sorry that I had to leave like that I thought it was an emergency but turned out it’s all good. Anyway, I really like you and hope to see you again soon.
He replies back after four hours! It’s all worth the wait for my love. I am so happy right now!
Hi beautiful, that’s okay I’m sorry too. I’ve been in a peak hour at work. I had to quit so I’m trying to adjust to my new job as a telecommunications officer and was unable to get online. By the way, I only confirm popular people with a thousand friends list no offense…
Now that explains his delay. So that means his a popular guy. But I’m an original girl what if he rejects me?
Oh, that’s okay I still really like you and can’t forget you.
What did I just say! Ah…
To be honest, I feel the same way but it’s just my friends they put peer pressure on me. It’s not easy for me to date an ordinary girl.
Did he just say date me?... ah you’re killing me!
It’s okay. I understand I’d do anything to fit in. But how did you know I wasn’t popular? And I had no idea you were popular.
I know because anyone outside of our social circle is not popular. So, I know a lot of people and I interact with a lot of people.
Oh, okay would you give me a chance? I’d make you so happy, would you go out with me no matter what?
If he is bold, I am bolder!
He paused his typing for two seconds and said,
Um, I would because I really like you too.
Yes, oh my God he said he likes me too! And he accepted my date!
Okay come meet me at LUX Nightclub in South Yarra at 10pm.
Okay I’ll see you soon.
(We also exchanged our numbers and selfies)
Yes! Oh my God, I convinced him to go out with me! I was so happy I got dressed up in a silver sequin dress to impress my love and took the train to go to my date because I don’t drink drive. I was an hour late because I couldn’t get on time from my hair and makeup because I wanted to look my best for the guy I love.
When I entered the club, he was sitting down at the bar sipping sex on the beach cocktail; waiting for me and my heart melted! He didn’t leave, he waited for me! he said his used to it now and that all girls do this. Wait. Then he must have had other girlfriends in the past. Well obviously, he would. His so handsome! Who wouldn’t want to be with a guy like him?
He ordered me Tequila and we danced and talked for hours in the club.
He said his background is Filipino but doesn’t know his language as much as his parents. He kept talking about how much he loves basketball and eating Burritos. And I told him I’m Cypriot and my passion for writing and books. The only thing I dislike about him is that his not wise and mature like me; by the sound of his gibberish talk with his mates on Facebook. Despite that, I still love him with all his flaws.
I asked how many girlfriends he had in the past and he just said a few but I can read it on his face that he had too many one night stands because I just know I’m psychic. Damn! Dirty little sucker! Ah…
On the other hand, he also said he recently broke up with his ten year childhood love because she cheated on him. I expressed how sorry I was for his breakdown. I don’t envy I just offer support and respect him because I’m mature enough.
Regardless of his nonsense, we had an amazing long conversation, connection and compatibility; (at least that’s what I thought); until he saw a friend and wanted to say hi.
The couple deliberately made fun of me because I’m not from his group and Ryan couldn’t do much to defend me because maybe he was a jerk after all!
I got so upset so I leaved the club. He ran after me and tried to cheer me up.
“Wait, I told you Seni you’re way out of my league”
“So? what makes me any different?”
“We’re all about leadership and our mission. But I know you wouldn’t understand this”
“You’re right I don’t but nothing will change my love for you… I accept who you are in every way” I lean closer and hold his face with my palms and ask,
“Do you love me?”
“I love you but I’m sorry you had to go through that”
“it’s okay as long as you love me, you can break my heart as many times as you wish but I’ll never hurt you”
Ryan studied my eyes deeply and said,
“Really? I never knew you loved me so much”
Stupid boy, don’t you see? Asian eyes! Ah…
So that’s how my relationship with Ryan went for three months. Getting humiliated and made fun of, drinking a lot of alcohol to fit in, making friends with a lot of people to look cool, ghosting people I like and presenting speeches I disapprove and gossiping with the girls. No matter what just for my love for him. Because I’m insanely in love and I would do anything for him.
He treats me well but not perfect because he sometimes says I should lose a bit of weight because I’m full figured and apparently makes his social status ugly. So, I do so. I guess every popular guy has their own insecurities and weaknesses.
We moved in together. It seems crazy but I don’t regret a thing! I iron his garments and take care of him when his sick and make him noodle soup. I do all this with love. Not just because he wants me to or for an obligation.
I try to do my best to give him a nice social image. I eat salads three times a day and run two hours in the morning and night. I even take Filipino lessons to learn his language. Yes, I’d want a future with him. I believe I’ve found my soulmate and true love.
But sometimes I feel like he doesn’t love me as much as I do. I’m always the only one loving more. I don’t even know if he’ll ever propose to me even though it might be too early!
Maybe his just using me because he is a momma’s boy, he wants to be taken care of, or he has a mother wound. But sometimes it’s just disappointing. I give so much but don’t get much in return.
For example, we’re in the kitchen at home. I’m cooking Adobo (a Filipino traditional dish). And Ryan doesn’t want to wash up his own leftover dishes from last night so I have more space to cook easily.
“My love, can you wash your dishes please?”
“I’m too busy babe”
“No, you’re not. You only care about your friends. I work full time, I clean, I do everything for you but you don’t put in your part into our relationship. And commit to your own duties. Can you please just show me some love and care?”
Ryan is sitting on the bar stool preoccupied with scrolling on his phone.
“Hey babe it’s one of the boys he just brought a zero kilometre Mercedes I got to go and check out the beast. By the way can you meet me at St Kilda beach at eight. I have a surprise for you” he kisses me goodbye without even replying back. But oh my God he has a surprise for me! is he going to finally propose? I’m so curious!
So, I run to our favourite beach and wait for him for our date. It’s eight o’clock, nine, ten, eleven… but he is nowhere to be seen. It’s getting dark and I’m feeling so cold and it’s exacerbating my chronic cough. But it’s all worth it for my love. I would freeze to death for him! I keep crying and coughing as the sunset goes down.
The midnight passes and it’s currently 3:07am. I couldn’t leave knowing that he’ll come. I just felt so small and didn’t know how the time flew. That’s how deep my love is. And there he is… Ryan hugs me from behind my back. I turn to face him with a pale face.
“Have you been here all night?” he asks with panic and cuddles me rubbing my back to warm me up.
“I’d wait forever for you”
He grins in a silly way and chuckles in a soft tone.
“I’m so sorry the dickhead did an accident but his okay now. I tried to call you and went home but you weren’t there so I thought you might be here”
He was right I thought. I checked my phone and saw that the battery died. My on and off cough starts again.
“Oh my God look at you you’re going to get pneumonia lets go home”
“No wait it’s okay what was your surprise?”
“I was going to say I want to introduce you to my parents”
My eyes glittered! So that means he wants me to be a part of his family?
“I would love that!” my heart got so tender right now. That I could forget about everything.
So, the next exciting day, I meet Ryan’s nanay (mother) and tatay (father). Their names are Gloria and Dakila. They both greet me with praise for my beauty. Gloria delivered warmth to me as soon as she saw me and Dakila regarded me as his real daughter; and I loved them too.
I tried to speak in Filipino a little bit and they showed appreciation of me wanting to learn their language.
“Mahal mo ba ang anak ko?” - do you love my son? My nanay asks.
“oo baliw ako sa pag-ibig!” - yes I am crazy in love! I reply and chuckle.
“huwag mong palungkotin ang anak ko” - don’t hurt my daughter. My tatay says to Ryan furrowing his eyebrows. Ryan and I smile shyly and look down at our plates.
We had dinner and all the traditional dishes were surrounding a timber table. There were so many options to choose from such as, Lechon, Pancit, Lumpia, Kare-Kare, Balut, and Halo-Halo. Some of their appearances weren’t very appetising but I tried everything and made a yummy face making Ryan believe that it’s delicious. (Even though the Bicol Express was very spicy!).
After I met my mother-in-law and father-in-law, I and Ryan got closer. And I thought soon he would also propose to me. But things didn’t turn out that way… Ryan got cold and distant after one month. He came home very late every night and I knew something was off.
One worrisome night, I catch him red-handed in our bedroom dressing up in his suit and tie…
“Going out again?”
“Oh, yeah it’s just a business meeting don’t stay up I’ll be late because we’re also throwing a party in the office”
“My love, I want you to know that you have a loyal girl waiting for you… I hope you’re not cheating on me”
He froze and paused for three seconds and answered,
“No, I’m not don’t worry”
I love him so much that I would believe anything he says. So, I trusted him. But I could feel it deep inside something was wrong… he obviously came home very late. Normally, I can’t fall asleep without staring into his eyes and stroking his face. But he just turned his back to me and slept rejecting my physical intimacy offer.
The next day, I tried to get fish for information because I could no longer stay mute. It’s been one month and I must save my relationship I thought. I’m not the type of person to get angry easily so I’ll talk calmly and as always with upfront honesty.
“What’s going on my love is there someone else in your life?”
He looked very tense today and finally blurted everything out.
“Seni, yes, I’ve met someone else. Someone popular, skinnier. And more adventurous. She goes all the way but you dislike adrenaline. She doesn’t nag me about anything. In fact, doesn’t do house chores that much. She’s my soulmate”
What was I hearing?
How could you be so cruel?
When I loved you so much.
A guy must be stupid not to be with me.
How could I ever call you stupid, ah…
You will never find anyone like me.
No one will ever love you the way I love you!
“So, you lied to me last night! But I believed you. I can’t believe I was so stupid in love! So, that’s all? After four months? After all we went through? Wait, I can’t believe this is happening. I thought we were going to have a future together. Why would you want to be with someone else when you have me? Why? Am I not beautiful enough for you?”
“You know that’s not the case, we’re different. Like I said before, my friends are different. You can’t catch up with my speed and spend time at outside events and sports with me because you don’t have time; your too busy with house chores and work”
“Have I not given you all you need? I love you; I treat you well, I take care of you, isn’t these things valuable? Those things that you want will fade someday when we get older. Please don’t leave me I love you so much”
“I’m sorry I have to go and do what I believe is best for me”
I try to stop him by holding his hand. He turns around and walks away dragging me down the sand and he pushes my hand away. He leaves me there stranded and alone at the beach. I am heartbroken and crushed to pieces.
Oh Ryan,
What have you done to me?
Oh, I should have known!
I should have known!
The red flags.
And that this would happen one day.
Please come back!
Oh no never come back!
You’ve made me a mix up fool from your love.
Oh Ryan…
Five months passes and I am incomplete without him. At first, I was so heartbroken but now I realise that I still love him and always will. I’m so blind and my heart is deaf to hear the mind. I miss him so much. I wish this never happened. I can forget about his betrayal because I finally forgive him.
I still kept in contact with Gloria- my mother-in-law and she supported me because she knew her son and how a jerk he can be but he never even answered his mum’s calls. He completely cut our whole family off. Yes, I still consider them my family.
I came to our favourite beach everyday for five months hoping that someday he’ll come back to me and be sorry but he never did. Until one miraculous day, I see him on the sand crying…
Oh, my love it’s you!
I can’t believe my eyes!
After five damn months.
Please don’t ever cry.
I would die for your happiness.
I kneel down towards him.
“Ryan what’s wrong why are you crying?”
He glanced at me and began to cry louder. I hugged him so tight for a few moments and I couldn't help but cry with him because his in so much pain.
“She cheated on you, didn’t she?”
He nodded, swallowing his tears and said,
“I’m so sorry Seni you were right. I should have listened to you. I can never find a love like yours and should care for more important things”
“It’s okay my love”
“Wait, do you still love me?” he asks with wide and shocked eyes.
“I never gave up on loving you. I came out here everyday. For five whole months. I had a feeling you would come one day and my instinct was right”
“Seni!” he cries and hugs me.
“I’m going to make it all up to you. Everything will be your way from now on. I promise you!” he adds.
Ryan sniffs and shakes off his emotional state. He then gets down on one knee and opens an eighteen-carat diamond engagement ring in front of me.
I can’t believe my eyes!
Ryan, my soulmate is finally proposing to me!
What’s better is that he had this all planned when he came here.
My answer is yes yes yes!!!
“Let’s continue our love story where we left off. Now I realise, you’re my soulmate and true love. Will you marry me? but this time, I’ll never leave you ever again. I promise you”
Right now, I am in tears of happiness! And I reply in a heartbeat. “Yes, finally a million times yes! Forever!” I yell and wiggle from the excitement!
Who knew an ordinary girl would fall for a popular guy! But in life, now I realise that it’s possible and anything can happen. As long as we keep loving truly, believing and wanting to make the relationship work without quitting!
Seni and Ryan(Seniha Haksever)
I’m a beautiful, Cypriot writer from Melbourne, Australia. I am searching to find a soulmate since eighteen years of age; (without distinguishing any race). Because I respect every culture. I loathe being single and untaken because I feel so lonesome. It’s time I finally find Mr right already!
One incredible day, I pop into Optus (my internet service provider), to buy some credit for my iPhone.
As I enter the store, I lay eyes on a tall and handsome brunette lad; walking straight towards me. I eyed him up and down, checking him out. And the cupids arrow shot my heart- love at first sight! Our eyes locked immediately for a few seconds and we both bowed to say hi; as if we already knew each other for forty years!
He was the customer service staff that fulfilled my phone’s top up. He spoke to me the littlest details about his electronic degree to get in a long conversation with me. I loved every word he said. We kept flirting, he mirrored my movements and we laughed at our inside jokes, (and dirty minds) that only we can understand. And I foolishly kept staring and falling down into his plump lips.
One memorable moment, I stole a kiss from him while he was talking and I held his hands like a pervert! Everything happened so quickly.
Suddenly, my phone rang. My neighbour contacted me to warn me that my alarm was ringing and a smoke odour. It was urgent so I had to evacuate from him with the inability of getting his phone number. But I already discovered his name from his name tag so that was an advantage. His name is Ryan…
I rapidly drove back home. Luckily it was only a golden retriever (dog breed) and the smoke was coming from a bush fire so it was a false alarm. I couldn’t manage to go back to see Ryan because it was already past five O’clock so the business day was over.
Anyway, I’ve been feeling so in love with Ryan. I keep repeating in my head our intimate attraction and all the chemistry I shared with him. I would waste all my credit just so I’m able to see him again! The next day, I decide to take a visit to Optus again. Unfortunately, he was nowhere to be seen.
So, I asked another representative,
“Hi is Ryan here today?” I ask hopefully
“No, he quit yesterday” he replies
“Oh, do you know where his transferred?”
“No, he hasn’t notified us about that. Is there something I can help you with?”
“No thanks I’m good” I felt so embarrassed after saying that.
I went back home feeling so depressed and down. But I promised myself I would reconnect with him at any price!
I decide to do some research. I type in his name in the search bar on Facebook and view every profile photo so I can find him.
No no no he is nowhere to be seen.
Where is my love how could I just leave him like that and stumble off for nothing!
I miss you so much my love.
You’re so unforgettable. I hear your voice and laugh everywhere.
You’ve gotten under my skin.
I will find you and never give up on you no matter the cost!
Oh no no no it’s too late, I’m in love there’s no turning back, it’s too late.
Four to five days passes and I’m still trying to find him. I’m struggling because I don’t know his surname because I forgot to read it on his name tag. Suddenly, yes oh my God it’s him I found him! The same guy I fell in love with. I send him a friend request and like all his photos from obsession!
Am I being creepy?
Oh God, I hope I’m not annoying him.
Everything I do is from my love for you.
I’ve been waiting for him to confirm me on Facebook but he is yet to do it.
Didn’t he recognise me?
And remember our encounter?
How could it be?
Why is he avoiding me now when he looked so interested?
I hope he doesn’t ghost me.
I’m so confused…
maybe I took it too seriously…
maybe it’s just all in my head.
Ah, stop overthinking Seni!
I wait for a week but he still hasn’t approved my request. I’m shattered and devastated. I have an idea! I decide to text him to reach out to him. I hope he replies. Oh God what if he doesn’t? There’s only one way to find out… text him Seni!
I jump on my Messenger app and begin typing.
Hi handsome it’s me Seni, the girl you saw at Optus. I’m sorry that I had to leave like that I thought it was an emergency but turned out it’s all good. Anyway, I really like you and hope to see you again soon.
He replies back after four hours! It’s all worth the wait for my love. I am so happy right now!
Hi beautiful, that’s okay I’m sorry too. I’ve been in a peak hour at work. I had to quit so I’m trying to adjust to my new job as a telecommunications officer and was unable to get online. By the way, I only confirm popular people with a thousand friends list no offense…
Now that explains his delay. So that means his a popular guy. But I’m an original girl what if he rejects me?
Oh, that’s okay I still really like you and can’t forget you.
What did I just say! Ah…
To be honest, I feel the same way but it’s just my friends they put peer pressure on me. It’s not easy for me to date an ordinary girl.
Did he just say date me?... ah you’re killing me!
It’s okay. I understand I’d do anything to fit in. But how did you know I wasn’t popular? And I had no idea you were popular.
I know because anyone outside of our social circle is not popular. So, I know a lot of people and I interact with a lot of people.
Oh, okay would you give me a chance? I’d make you so happy, would you go out with me no matter what?
If he is bold, I am bolder!
He paused his typing for two seconds and said,
Um, I would because I really like you too.
Yes, oh my God he said he likes me too! And he accepted my date!
Okay come meet me at LUX Nightclub in South Yarra at 10pm.
Okay I’ll see you soon.
(We also exchanged our numbers and selfies)
Yes! Oh my God, I convinced him to go out with me! I was so happy I got dressed up in a silver sequin dress to impress my love and took the train to go to my date because I don’t drink drive. I was an hour late because I couldn’t get on time from my hair and makeup because I wanted to look my best for the guy I love.
When I entered the club, he was sitting down at the bar sipping sex on the beach cocktail; waiting for me and my heart melted! He didn’t leave, he waited for me! he said his used to it now and that all girls do this. Wait. Then he must have had other girlfriends in the past. Well obviously, he would. His so handsome! Who wouldn’t want to be with a guy like him?
He ordered me Tequila and we danced and talked for hours in the club.
He said his background is Filipino but doesn’t know his language as much as his parents. He kept talking about how much he loves basketball and eating Burritos. And I told him I’m Cypriot and my passion for writing and books. The only thing I dislike about him is that his not wise and mature like me; by the sound of his gibberish talk with his mates on Facebook. Despite that, I still love him with all his flaws.
I asked how many girlfriends he had in the past and he just said a few but I can read it on his face that he had too many one night stands because I just know I’m psychic. Damn! Dirty little sucker! Ah…
On the other hand, he also said he recently broke up with his ten year childhood love because she cheated on him. I expressed how sorry I was for his breakdown. I don’t envy I just offer support and respect him because I’m mature enough.
Regardless of his nonsense, we had an amazing long conversation, connection and compatibility; (at least that’s what I thought); until he saw a friend and wanted to say hi.
The couple deliberately made fun of me because I’m not from his group and Ryan couldn’t do much to defend me because maybe he was a jerk after all!
I got so upset so I leaved the club. He ran after me and tried to cheer me up.
“Wait, I told you Seni you’re way out of my league”
“So? what makes me any different?”
“We’re all about leadership and our mission. But I know you wouldn’t understand this”
“You’re right I don’t but nothing will change my love for you… I accept who you are in every way” I lean closer and hold his face with my palms and ask,
“Do you love me?”
“I love you but I’m sorry you had to go through that”
“it’s okay as long as you love me, you can break my heart as many times as you wish but I’ll never hurt you”
Ryan studied my eyes deeply and said,
“Really? I never knew you loved me so much”
Stupid boy, don’t you see? Asian eyes! Ah…
So that’s how my relationship with Ryan went for three months. Getting humiliated and made fun of, drinking a lot of alcohol to fit in, making friends with a lot of people to look cool, ghosting people I like and presenting speeches I disapprove and gossiping with the girls. No matter what just for my love for him. Because I’m insanely in love and I would do anything for him.
He treats me well but not perfect because he sometimes says I should lose a bit of weight because I’m full figured and apparently makes his social status ugly. So, I do so. I guess every popular guy has their own insecurities and weaknesses.
We moved in together. It seems crazy but I don’t regret a thing! I iron his garments and take care of him when his sick and make him noodle soup. I do all this with love. Not just because he wants me to or for an obligation.
I try to do my best to give him a nice social image. I eat salads three times a day and run two hours in the morning and night. I even take Filipino lessons to learn his language. Yes, I’d want a future with him. I believe I’ve found my soulmate and true love.
But sometimes I feel like he doesn’t love me as much as I do. I’m always the only one loving more. I don’t even know if he’ll ever propose to me even though it might be too early!
Maybe his just using me because he is a momma’s boy, he wants to be taken care of, or he has a mother wound. But sometimes it’s just disappointing. I give so much but don’t get much in return.
For example, we’re in the kitchen at home. I’m cooking Adobo (a Filipino traditional dish). And Ryan doesn’t want to wash up his own leftover dishes from last night so I have more space to cook easily.
“My love, can you wash your dishes please?”
“I’m too busy babe”
“No, you’re not. You only care about your friends. I work full time, I clean, I do everything for you but you don’t put in your part into our relationship. And commit to your own duties. Can you please just show me some love and care?”
Ryan is sitting on the bar stool preoccupied with scrolling on his phone.
“Hey babe it’s one of the boys he just brought a zero kilometre Mercedes I got to go and check out the beast. By the way can you meet me at St Kilda beach at eight. I have a surprise for you” he kisses me goodbye without even replying back. But oh my God he has a surprise for me! is he going to finally propose? I’m so curious!
So, I run to our favourite beach and wait for him for our date. It’s eight o’clock, nine, ten, eleven… but he is nowhere to be seen. It’s getting dark and I’m feeling so cold and it’s exacerbating my chronic cough. But it’s all worth it for my love. I would freeze to death for him! I keep crying and coughing as the sunset goes down.
The midnight passes and it’s currently 3:07am. I couldn’t leave knowing that he’ll come. I just felt so small and didn’t know how the time flew. That’s how deep my love is. And there he is… Ryan hugs me from behind my back. I turn to face him with a pale face.
“Have you been here all night?” he asks with panic and cuddles me rubbing my back to warm me up.
“I’d wait forever for you”
He grins in a silly way and chuckles in a soft tone.
“I’m so sorry the dickhead did an accident but his okay now. I tried to call you and went home but you weren’t there so I thought you might be here”
He was right I thought. I checked my phone and saw that the battery died. My on and off cough starts again.
“Oh my God look at you you’re going to get pneumonia lets go home”
“No wait it’s okay what was your surprise?”
“I was going to say I want to introduce you to my parents”
My eyes glittered! So that means he wants me to be a part of his family?
“I would love that!” my heart got so tender right now. That I could forget about everything.
So, the next exciting day, I meet Ryan’s nanay (mother) and tatay (father). Their names are Gloria and Dakila. They both greet me with praise for my beauty. Gloria delivered warmth to me as soon as she saw me and Dakila regarded me as his real daughter; and I loved them too.
I tried to speak in Filipino a little bit and they showed appreciation of me wanting to learn their language.
“Mahal mo ba ang anak ko?” - do you love my son? My nanay asks.
“oo baliw ako sa pag-ibig!” - yes I am crazy in love! I reply and chuckle.
“huwag mong palungkotin ang anak ko” - don’t hurt my daughter. My tatay says to Ryan furrowing his eyebrows. Ryan and I smile shyly and look down at our plates.
We had dinner and all the traditional dishes were surrounding a timber table. There were so many options to choose from such as, Lechon, Pancit, Lumpia, Kare-Kare, Balut, and Halo-Halo. Some of their appearances weren’t very appetising but I tried everything and made a yummy face making Ryan believe that it’s delicious. (Even though the Bicol Express was very spicy!).
After I met my mother-in-law and father-in-law, I and Ryan got closer. And I thought soon he would also propose to me. But things didn’t turn out that way… Ryan got cold and distant after one month. He came home very late every night and I knew something was off.
One worrisome night, I catch him red-handed in our bedroom dressing up in his suit and tie…
“Going out again?”
“Oh, yeah it’s just a business meeting don’t stay up I’ll be late because we’re also throwing a party in the office”
“My love, I want you to know that you have a loyal girl waiting for you… I hope you’re not cheating on me”
He froze and paused for three seconds and answered,
“No, I’m not don’t worry”
I love him so much that I would believe anything he says. So, I trusted him. But I could feel it deep inside something was wrong… he obviously came home very late. Normally, I can’t fall asleep without staring into his eyes and stroking his face. But he just turned his back to me and slept rejecting my physical intimacy offer.
The next day, I tried to get fish for information because I could no longer stay mute. It’s been one month and I must save my relationship I thought. I’m not the type of person to get angry easily so I’ll talk calmly and as always with upfront honesty.
“What’s going on my love is there someone else in your life?”
He looked very tense today and finally blurted everything out.
“Seni, yes, I’ve met someone else. Someone popular, skinnier. And more adventurous. She goes all the way but you dislike adrenaline. She doesn’t nag me about anything. In fact, doesn’t do house chores that much. She’s my soulmate”
What was I hearing?
How could you be so cruel?
When I loved you so much.
A guy must be stupid not to be with me.
How could I ever call you stupid, ah…
You will never find anyone like me.
No one will ever love you the way I love you!
“So, you lied to me last night! But I believed you. I can’t believe I was so stupid in love! So, that’s all? After four months? After all we went through? Wait, I can’t believe this is happening. I thought we were going to have a future together. Why would you want to be with someone else when you have me? Why? Am I not beautiful enough for you?”
“You know that’s not the case, we’re different. Like I said before, my friends are different. You can’t catch up with my speed and spend time at outside events and sports with me because you don’t have time; your too busy with house chores and work”
“Have I not given you all you need? I love you; I treat you well, I take care of you, isn’t these things valuable? Those things that you want will fade someday when we get older. Please don’t leave me I love you so much”
“I’m sorry I have to go and do what I believe is best for me”
I try to stop him by holding his hand. He turns around and walks away dragging me down the sand and he pushes my hand away. He leaves me there stranded and alone at the beach. I am heartbroken and crushed to pieces.
Oh Ryan,
What have you done to me?
Oh, I should have known!
I should have known!
The red flags.
And that this would happen one day.
Please come back!
Oh no never come back!
You’ve made me a mix up fool from your love.
Oh Ryan…
Five months passes and I am incomplete without him. At first, I was so heartbroken but now I realise that I still love him and always will. I’m so blind and my heart is deaf to hear the mind. I miss him so much. I wish this never happened. I can forget about his betrayal because I finally forgive him.
I still kept in contact with Gloria- my mother-in-law and she supported me because she knew her son and how a jerk he can be but he never even answered his mum’s calls. He completely cut our whole family off. Yes, I still consider them my family.
I came to our favourite beach everyday for five months hoping that someday he’ll come back to me and be sorry but he never did. Until one miraculous day, I see him on the sand crying…
Oh, my love it’s you!
I can’t believe my eyes!
After five damn months.
Please don’t ever cry.
I would die for your happiness.
I kneel down towards him.
“Ryan what’s wrong why are you crying?”
He glanced at me and began to cry louder. I hugged him so tight for a few moments and I couldn't help but cry with him because his in so much pain.
“She cheated on you, didn’t she?”
He nodded, swallowing his tears and said,
“I’m so sorry Seni you were right. I should have listened to you. I can never find a love like yours and should care for more important things”
“It’s okay my love”
“Wait, do you still love me?” he asks with wide and shocked eyes.
“I never gave up on loving you. I came out here everyday. For five whole months. I had a feeling you would come one day and my instinct was right”
“Seni!” he cries and hugs me.
“I’m going to make it all up to you. Everything will be your way from now on. I promise you!” he adds.
Ryan sniffs and shakes off his emotional state. He then gets down on one knee and opens an eighteen-carat diamond engagement ring in front of me.
I can’t believe my eyes!
Ryan, my soulmate is finally proposing to me!
What’s better is that he had this all planned when he came here.
My answer is yes yes yes!!!
“Let’s continue our love story where we left off. Now I realise, you’re my soulmate and true love. Will you marry me? but this time, I’ll never leave you ever again. I promise you”
Right now, I am in tears of happiness! And I reply in a heartbeat. “Yes, finally a million times yes! Forever!” I yell and wiggle from the excitement!
Who knew an ordinary girl would fall for a popular guy! But in life, now I realise that it’s possible and anything can happen. As long as we keep loving truly, believing and wanting to make the relationship work without quitting!
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