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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Teens
- Theme: Love stories / Romance
- Subject: Drama
- Published: 01/14/2012
It's All Fair in Love and War
Born 2000, F, from PA/philadelphia, United States.jpg)
I stood there and watched them talk, laugh, and dance together. I was thinking of my mother and how she told me not to get into the drama of love. I was also thinking of my father and how he always knew the right thing to say in these cases. But that's not going to happen for a while with my dad in Japan on a buisness trip. Then there's my mother's advice of "I told you so."
I started walking home and I kept thinking of Jenny and my boyfriend Ian dancing together. When I stepped through the door a huge burst of alcohol and cigarette smoke jumped on me. I was making my way through the fog when my mother called me. I thought of just running up stairs and pretending I didn't hear her. But I went to her instead. She asked me how school was, like she actually cared. I said fine, lying. She then asked, how is your boyfriend, I knew she didn't care about that either. I said fine, like I actually knew. We haven't talked since our fight.
I went up stairs and went to my room and slammed the door. I started thinking of Ian so much I started crying. It didn't occur to me that I still loved him. I started thinking of our dates and our fights. I was crying so hard and I felt a severe pain in my hand .When I looked down at my hand it was coated in blood. I saw that I broke the glass picture frame of my dad and I when I was 8. I ran to the bathroom leaving a trail of blood. When I poured the water on my hand there was a huge pain and I started to scream. my older brother Seth, who was 18 and was in college to be a nurse, walked into the bathroom. He looked at my hand and went to his room for an elastic bandage. While he was wrapping the bandage around my hand he was asking me things like, "what happened", "how it happened" and "when it happened." I waited for him to leave out of the bathroom and I started crying.
When I walked back to my room I was filled with so much despair I grabbed the binder I had with our prom and date pictures on it. I grabbed scissors and cut all of our pictures while crying furiosly. In the morning, last night was a blur until I looked at my hand and it all came back to me. I was going to cry but I held it in. I ran downstairs and grabbed 2 pieces of toast and ran outside before my mother woke up. I ran to the bus that I was seconds away from missing. After 2 stops on the bus Ian sat next to me, because i'm not supposed to know what he's doing with Jenny, so I played along.
He said he missed us not talking and that he missed me. He grabbed me and I automatically knew what he was was about to do. Everytime we get into a fight we have a 10 second long kiss to make up for it. I saw his peachish whitish lips coming towards me. And he kissed me. I was so suprised that I felt the same passion I felt when I did love him and we kissed. It soon occured to me that maybe I did still love him.
We held hands while we were walking to my locker and as soon as he saw Jenny he quickly kissed me and said he had to go. I stared at Jenny and I felt a tear come down my face. But I quickly wiped it away when I saw Sydney (my best friend in the whole world) walking towards me in all red. I didn't know why she was wearing all red but I didn't really care. When I looked around the hallway was vacant and I had to get to math class. After math I have gym, but today things seemed to be going my way even though we had a pop quiz, but it was in algebra, the easiest math topic for me.
Next, I have gym. this subject, in my opinion, is very revolting. The girls act very horny because our uniform is booty shorts and tanktops that show our bras. Every time we climb the rope some boy is whistling while a girl is going up. I find it very disgusting.N ow I have writing class which is my favorite class because you can get out all your feelings on paper. Of course I wound up writing about Ian and Jenny by accident.
At lunch I was sitting with Sydney, her friend, her boyfriend, and his 2 friends, so our table was fully packed in tight. While I was talking to Sydney about Jenny and Ian, someone put their hands over my eyes. Then they bent my head back and moved their hands. It was Ian and a huge smile bursted on my face and not because I was going along with my scheme of not knowing what he's doing with Jenny.
He put a box in my hand and Sydney's boyfriend Bryan did the same thing and we both started crying. I had just remembered that it was valentines day. My present was a gold necklace with my name written across it in purple (my favorite color). Sydney's present was a silver ring with fake red rubies all over it. When I read the note I started to cry really hard and everyone at the table thought something was wrong. The note said, "Lily I love you and I know you know what happened between Jenny and I, but afterschool i'll explain. Also, will you go to the valentine's day dance with me and most important WILL YOU GO STEADY WITH ME?!
Bryan grabbed Sydney and Ian grabbed me and we got up. Bryan and Ian stood on the table and got the 300 or more kids in the cafeteria to pay attention to them. Ian pulled me up on the table and Bryan pulled Sydney up on the table. Ian then asked me really loud, "will you go to the school dance with me and will you go steady with me?" Then Bryan asked Sydney, "will you go to the school dance with me and will you go steady with me?"
I had soon realized I never answered Ian. Sydney and I both started crying again and we said yes in unison. Then Bryan and Ian looked at each other and Sydney and I looked at each other. Then Bryan said, "Ready." Ian nodded and said, "go." Then Ian grabbed me and Bryan grabbed Sydney and they kissed for about 2 seconds. Then Ian and I kissed for our 15 second mark. I had soon realized that all of those kids were starring at us and I have stage fright so I started to blush and everyone started to clap. Then we got down off the table, kissed for 2 seconds, then everything went back to normal.
Last period, I had health and Jenny was in that class. When I sat down Jenny walked over to me and said, "that should've been me." I didn't really care because it wasn't her so there was no point for me to get into that.I thought Jenny was walking back to her seat so I went to go sharpen my pencil. When I came back I didn't turn around before I sat down and I fell and hit my head on the metal leg on the desk behind me. I saw Jenny holding my chair and laughing as my last sight before my sight went blurry and I was knocked unconcious.
When I woke up the first face I saw was Ian's and I started to smile and he kissed me. He told me what happened because I forgot everything. I then knew who the revenge was for. Then I asked him the main thing I wanted to know. "What happened between you and Jenny?" He said, "I was talking and dancing and laughing with her at prom because her date ditched her. She must've took that the wrong way. I believed him because he's always been so generous.
That night when I got home I snuck through the "fog" and went up to my room and opened the window for Ian to get in. He helped me pack my bag. I snuck downstairs through the "fog" and went outside. We walked all the way to Ian's house and snuck up to his room. I decided to stay here for the night. At around 12:00 we started to kiss a lot and Ian started taking off my clothes and we made love.
On Sunday he went to go get a pregnancy test and I was negative. On monday, I payed the guy on the loudspeaker 20$ to say this out loud, "Jenny Namn's prom date ditched her and then she thought Lili's boyfriend had a crush on her, but she was wrong." After that day Jenny never came back to school.
YEARS LATER: Jenny never went to college and starting today she works at mcdonalds. My mother is still a drug addict and is single. My father came back from Japan and found out my mother's game and married a different woman and starting today I have a 14 year old sister. Sydney and Bryan went to college and Sydney became a pediatrition and Bryan became a doctor and they have 2 girls and 1 boy and they moved to colorado. Ian and I went to college and moved to Florida. Ian is a male nurse and i'm a dentist. once we moved a minute later I was pregnant and I had 1 set of twins and 1 set of triplets. My brother got married to a model and had a daughter and became a nurse.
It's All Fair in Love and War(Fatimah Peters)
I stood there and watched them talk, laugh, and dance together. I was thinking of my mother and how she told me not to get into the drama of love. I was also thinking of my father and how he always knew the right thing to say in these cases. But that's not going to happen for a while with my dad in Japan on a buisness trip. Then there's my mother's advice of "I told you so."
I started walking home and I kept thinking of Jenny and my boyfriend Ian dancing together. When I stepped through the door a huge burst of alcohol and cigarette smoke jumped on me. I was making my way through the fog when my mother called me. I thought of just running up stairs and pretending I didn't hear her. But I went to her instead. She asked me how school was, like she actually cared. I said fine, lying. She then asked, how is your boyfriend, I knew she didn't care about that either. I said fine, like I actually knew. We haven't talked since our fight.
I went up stairs and went to my room and slammed the door. I started thinking of Ian so much I started crying. It didn't occur to me that I still loved him. I started thinking of our dates and our fights. I was crying so hard and I felt a severe pain in my hand .When I looked down at my hand it was coated in blood. I saw that I broke the glass picture frame of my dad and I when I was 8. I ran to the bathroom leaving a trail of blood. When I poured the water on my hand there was a huge pain and I started to scream. my older brother Seth, who was 18 and was in college to be a nurse, walked into the bathroom. He looked at my hand and went to his room for an elastic bandage. While he was wrapping the bandage around my hand he was asking me things like, "what happened", "how it happened" and "when it happened." I waited for him to leave out of the bathroom and I started crying.
When I walked back to my room I was filled with so much despair I grabbed the binder I had with our prom and date pictures on it. I grabbed scissors and cut all of our pictures while crying furiosly. In the morning, last night was a blur until I looked at my hand and it all came back to me. I was going to cry but I held it in. I ran downstairs and grabbed 2 pieces of toast and ran outside before my mother woke up. I ran to the bus that I was seconds away from missing. After 2 stops on the bus Ian sat next to me, because i'm not supposed to know what he's doing with Jenny, so I played along.
He said he missed us not talking and that he missed me. He grabbed me and I automatically knew what he was was about to do. Everytime we get into a fight we have a 10 second long kiss to make up for it. I saw his peachish whitish lips coming towards me. And he kissed me. I was so suprised that I felt the same passion I felt when I did love him and we kissed. It soon occured to me that maybe I did still love him.
We held hands while we were walking to my locker and as soon as he saw Jenny he quickly kissed me and said he had to go. I stared at Jenny and I felt a tear come down my face. But I quickly wiped it away when I saw Sydney (my best friend in the whole world) walking towards me in all red. I didn't know why she was wearing all red but I didn't really care. When I looked around the hallway was vacant and I had to get to math class. After math I have gym, but today things seemed to be going my way even though we had a pop quiz, but it was in algebra, the easiest math topic for me.
Next, I have gym. this subject, in my opinion, is very revolting. The girls act very horny because our uniform is booty shorts and tanktops that show our bras. Every time we climb the rope some boy is whistling while a girl is going up. I find it very disgusting.N ow I have writing class which is my favorite class because you can get out all your feelings on paper. Of course I wound up writing about Ian and Jenny by accident.
At lunch I was sitting with Sydney, her friend, her boyfriend, and his 2 friends, so our table was fully packed in tight. While I was talking to Sydney about Jenny and Ian, someone put their hands over my eyes. Then they bent my head back and moved their hands. It was Ian and a huge smile bursted on my face and not because I was going along with my scheme of not knowing what he's doing with Jenny.
He put a box in my hand and Sydney's boyfriend Bryan did the same thing and we both started crying. I had just remembered that it was valentines day. My present was a gold necklace with my name written across it in purple (my favorite color). Sydney's present was a silver ring with fake red rubies all over it. When I read the note I started to cry really hard and everyone at the table thought something was wrong. The note said, "Lily I love you and I know you know what happened between Jenny and I, but afterschool i'll explain. Also, will you go to the valentine's day dance with me and most important WILL YOU GO STEADY WITH ME?!
Bryan grabbed Sydney and Ian grabbed me and we got up. Bryan and Ian stood on the table and got the 300 or more kids in the cafeteria to pay attention to them. Ian pulled me up on the table and Bryan pulled Sydney up on the table. Ian then asked me really loud, "will you go to the school dance with me and will you go steady with me?" Then Bryan asked Sydney, "will you go to the school dance with me and will you go steady with me?"
I had soon realized I never answered Ian. Sydney and I both started crying again and we said yes in unison. Then Bryan and Ian looked at each other and Sydney and I looked at each other. Then Bryan said, "Ready." Ian nodded and said, "go." Then Ian grabbed me and Bryan grabbed Sydney and they kissed for about 2 seconds. Then Ian and I kissed for our 15 second mark. I had soon realized that all of those kids were starring at us and I have stage fright so I started to blush and everyone started to clap. Then we got down off the table, kissed for 2 seconds, then everything went back to normal.
Last period, I had health and Jenny was in that class. When I sat down Jenny walked over to me and said, "that should've been me." I didn't really care because it wasn't her so there was no point for me to get into that.I thought Jenny was walking back to her seat so I went to go sharpen my pencil. When I came back I didn't turn around before I sat down and I fell and hit my head on the metal leg on the desk behind me. I saw Jenny holding my chair and laughing as my last sight before my sight went blurry and I was knocked unconcious.
When I woke up the first face I saw was Ian's and I started to smile and he kissed me. He told me what happened because I forgot everything. I then knew who the revenge was for. Then I asked him the main thing I wanted to know. "What happened between you and Jenny?" He said, "I was talking and dancing and laughing with her at prom because her date ditched her. She must've took that the wrong way. I believed him because he's always been so generous.
That night when I got home I snuck through the "fog" and went up to my room and opened the window for Ian to get in. He helped me pack my bag. I snuck downstairs through the "fog" and went outside. We walked all the way to Ian's house and snuck up to his room. I decided to stay here for the night. At around 12:00 we started to kiss a lot and Ian started taking off my clothes and we made love.
On Sunday he went to go get a pregnancy test and I was negative. On monday, I payed the guy on the loudspeaker 20$ to say this out loud, "Jenny Namn's prom date ditched her and then she thought Lili's boyfriend had a crush on her, but she was wrong." After that day Jenny never came back to school.
YEARS LATER: Jenny never went to college and starting today she works at mcdonalds. My mother is still a drug addict and is single. My father came back from Japan and found out my mother's game and married a different woman and starting today I have a 14 year old sister. Sydney and Bryan went to college and Sydney became a pediatrition and Bryan became a doctor and they have 2 girls and 1 boy and they moved to colorado. Ian and I went to college and moved to Florida. Ian is a male nurse and i'm a dentist. once we moved a minute later I was pregnant and I had 1 set of twins and 1 set of triplets. My brother got married to a model and had a daughter and became a nurse.
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