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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Teens
- Theme: Mystery
- Subject: Horror / Scary
- Published: 02/10/2012
The Werewolf's Curse
Born 1999, M, from Kuwait City, Kuwait, Kuwait.jpg)
The Werewolf’s Curse
Wolf Creek; the scariest place anyone can be in. Wolf Creek is a region in Pennsylvania filled with beautiful nature, but is yet very dangerous. Wolf Creek is very dark and the environment makes people feel very uneasy, plus Wolf Creek is filled with one of the most treacherous creatures in the world, which are werewolves. Finally, Wolf Creek is where I, Nathan Harrison, live. Wolf Creek is the place where I wanted to stay most away from during my lifetime, but unfortunately, my grandma ended up living here. Actually, I am living with my grandma, since my parents passed away due to the cause of a mystical and demonic force. Till now, my sister, Samantha, my grandma, and myself don’t know what mystical force that was so powerful which caused my parents to die.
Unfortunately, I was stuck with my grandma, Helen Harrison. For a few days, I thought that Wolf Creek would be a very boring place, but for the next few days, a chain of inexplicable events occurred, that changed my life.
“Oh c’mon grandma, do we really have to sleep right now? I mean, it’s only ten o’clock. Can we please stay up just an hour more? Pleeeeaaassseee?” I pleaded.
“Oh no Nathan! In fact, you were supposed to be in bed at nine thirty. And by the way, you have your semester exams tomorrow, so you better get some rest,” shouted grandma.
“Ah man!” I cried as I dragged myself to my bed.
“Ha ha! Nathan gets to sleep early,” said Samantha, my pesky little sister.
“You go to bed too, young lady!” yelled grandma.
“FINE!” my sister hollered back as she yawned. My sister then walked towards her room and then when she entered, she dropped her self down and slept like a log throughout the night. Well, actually, I couldn’t get as much sleep as Samantha did, since I could hear her snoring from my room. The thing that was bothering me while I was sleeping was the thing that my grandma wasn’t acting very normal. The other times I visit her, she s very kind and caring. For the past few weeks though, she wasn’t very nice or kind to us. According to me, I just think that my grandma’s changing… into something. But what could it possibly be? All of a sudden, while thinking about my grandma, I heard a howl from her room! I woke up my sister and rushed to my grandma’s room. What do I see there? No grandma! Where did she disappear?
The next day, my grandma was in a better mood than last night. Today, she was happier and had a big smile spread across her face. The incident that happened to my grandma last night totally blew me out, but I didn’t want to share about it to her because she might get upset about the thing that might have happened to her. But what was that thing? We were going to find that out tonight. At night, I convinced my sister that my grandma was kind of up to something last night, since I heard a howl at her room and also since she wasn’t there. Also, there was another clue, which was that when she disappeared the windows in her room were open. But, the typical Samantha never believed me when I said such nonsense. Then, I tried to trick her into believing me by telling her that if we don’t find out what is troubling grandma, she might die. Did she fall for it? NO.
The next day, when I came back from school, I asked my best friend, Jake, whether he could stop by my house today and have a sleepover.
“Sure, I’m free today. I can come,” replied Jake.
“AWESOME!” I shouted, “And one more thing. When you are coming, be sure to bring a pack of gum to my house, okay?”
“Fine, but why gum? If you’re planning a food party at your house and a sleepover today with me, gum won’t work. I’ll bring a whole casserole of my mom’s homemade spaghetti and meatballs with chili and some soda.” said Jake.
“No. I’m not planning a food party, so just bring 2-3 packs of gum okay?” I ensured.
“Why would you need gum even though you’re not keeping a food party?” questioned Jake.
“I’ll tell you why when you come over to my house with it. See ya tonight,” I said as I hurried away to my house.
“Bye!” replied Jake, “I’ll see ya today.”
I then started for home satisfied with the great idea I had in mind. Today, I’ll surely find out what’s troubling grandma, I thought.
“Come in Jake,” I said.
“Hey, what’s up!” greeted Jake as he gave me a hug.
“Hey,” I said, “DID YOU BRING MY GUM?!”
“Here is your gum,” said Jake as he held up a pack full of 5 sticks of grape gum. As I reached my hand to grab the gum though, Jake put his arm behind his back and inquired, “What do you want the gum for though? You said you’ll tell me why once I come to your house with the gum, right?”
“Well, you know what?” I asked.
“WHAT?” asked Jake.
“Actually, I think that there is something that is bugging grandma, but I’m not sure what it is. So, I need the pack of gum to help solve the mystery of what’s bugging grandma.” I replied.
“But, why would you need a gum pack to save you grandma?” questioned Jake.
“Well, let me just tell you the story of what happened last night,” I answered sitting down.
I recited the whole story to him and then told him, “So, we need the pack of gum in order to create an impression that the door is not locked, since yesterday, it was locked. If it is not locked today, we can see where grandma goes daily at night and we can also solve the thing of what is bothering her.”
“Man, you’re smart,” said Jake.
“Also, the incident happened last night at twelve o’clock, so since you’re staying over, we both and my sister, Samantha can go solve the mystery. First, let me go convince Samantha that something is really bugging grandma. If Samantha doesn’t want to come with us and see what is up with grandma, then only we two will go at midnight okay?” I said.
"Right,” replied Jake.
After finally convincing Samantha by telling her that if we don’t help grandma, she really will die, Jake, Samantha, and I stayed up all night when it was actually supposed to be bed time. When grandma was washing dishes in the kitchen, Jake went to grandma’s door and stuck a lot of gum on the lock, so that if grandma locks the door, the gum would hold the lock in its original place. I then ushered Jake to come back into my room. He rushed towards my room as grandma came out of the kitchen and started towards her room. Jake, Samantha, and I hurried into my room, closed the door, turned off the lights, and pretended to be fast asleep. Thank god grandma didn’t notice us lingering about at eleven o’clock at night. My grandma then ambled to her room and locked it… no really, since our plan was working. Soon, after an hour, we were going to find out what was bugging grandma since the time I came.
“C’mon, let’s go,” I whispered as I ushered Samantha and Jake towards my grandma’s room.
“Let’s unlock the door after we hear a howl, not now,” I reassured.
“Why?” asked Jake.
“Because yesterday, our grandma disappeared after we heard this ear splitting howl,” Samantha said loudly.
“SHHHHHH,” I whispered back, “Did you forget that we’re on a mission? We’ve got to find out what’s wrong with-“
“The howl!” Jake croaked.
“SHHH. Let’s unlock the door, and don’t make a single sound,” I reported as I turned my face to Samantha, “You especially.”
“Okay, we get it! Let’s go,” she whispered angrily.
Jake slowly started pushing the door forward, but it didn’t seem to budge a millimeter. Then, I tried. I was so nervous about my try that luck wasn’t with me either. Lastly, we gave Samantha a try, but we knew she wouldn’t be able to push the door fully. Samantha pushed with all her might and surprisingly, the door did budge a little- about a foot.
“Dude, your gum isn’t having any effect,” she told Jake. “What type of gum is it?”
“First of all, let me try again, and second of all, there is only one type of gum, but different brands. That’s the word you were missing- brand!” hollered Jake.
“Just push the door,” I demanded.
Jake went back to the wall, gave a running start, and just barged through the door. Samantha and I entered the room, but our smiles suddenly became frowns as we found out that our grandma was missing again! What caused her to get out? Was it the same thing that was bothering her?
We trio entered the room and started shivering because the window was open. Wait… the window was open?!
“Hey guys, check this out,” I stuttered as I lead Jake and Samantha towards the open window.
“Whoa,” my sister said.
“Hey wait a minute, if grandma isn’t present in her room, maybe she must have gone out through the window! Wow, something is wrong with grandma! I wonder what…” I wondered.
“Anyways, let’s go out through the window and search for your grandma okay?” explained Jake.
“Right,” Samantha and I said together.
The three of us climbed through the window and jumped out. Once we were out of the house, I was shivering like a camel in Antarctica. I was also very nervous about my grandma. Why was she doing all this? What was wrong with her? Little did I know that once we reach the woods of Wolf Creek, we were going to have the nightmare of our lifetimes.
As I continued thinking about grandma, a very terrifying sight stopped Samantha, Jake, and I dead on our tracks.
“Grandma?” I said to myself.
“Hey grandma, is that you?!” I shouted over the distance.
My grandma was standing on the edge of the river in Wolf Creek Woods. I went closer to her thinking about whether talking to her would be safe or dangerous. I could even hear her chanting something strange. The rhythmic chant caused her to transform into something. I could make out because when I stepped closer to her, she grew much taller and stronger.
“Grandma, what’s wrong?” I asked, “Are you okay?”
The first time, I didn’t receive much of an answer, so I tried again.
“Hello? Grandma? Are you fine?” I reassured.
“OF COURSE I AM,” she roared as she turned around to face me.
“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH,” screamed Samantha and Jake.
Grandma had become a- WEREWOLF! Grandma had turned into this scary, furry, and stinky werewolf by chanting this rhythm under the full moon. I started to run backward towards Jake and Samantha. As I lifted up my foot to run away, my grandma, who was the werewolf, took her huge and hairy paws and laid them on my neck. She started pulling on my neck as I was trying to escape from her clutches. I could feel the sharp, pointy edges of her claws ripping through my neck like it was a piece of rotten meat. Also, I started bleeding profusely, as it was prickling down my face. I then started feeling sleepy and exhausted and realized that the werewolf, my grandma, had put me in a trance. Samantha came over me and tried to wake me up, but I could not sense anything, since I was paralyzed.
“Why did you kill him?” sobbed Samantha with drops of tears in her eyes. “TELL ME WHY, HUH? Why did you kill him?! If you don’t tell me, I’ll kill you with a silver bullet!!!”
“Oh Samantha, my girl. Do not get overboard, or else, you’ll be in a deadly state just like how Nathan is in one currently,” growled my grandma.
“Shush,” whispered Jake. “I’ll handle this.”
Jake walked towards grandma and started to do something that caused me to fill joy in my face. Since Jake’s dad was a werewolf specialist, called a lycanthropist, Jake did something to break the werewolf curse that overtook my grandma. One of the easiest ways to turn a werewolf back into a human and to finish the curse was to shout out the werewolf’s real name many times, until they start to transform back into a human being. Jake though, surprisingly didn’t know grandma’s name, so he used to call grandma “grandma” just like all of us did. Now how was Jake going to cure the werewolf? Well, he could simply ask Samantha to call out grandma’s full name.
“Hey Samantha, do you know your grandma’s full name?” he asked her.
“Why?” she asked.
“Because, if you can call out a werewolf’s real name, they can turn back into human, you know,” Jake told Samantha.
“Really? Well then, here we go… Helen Rosemary Harrison Glenn - there, I told her name,” cried Samantha, “but she isn’t transforming! What do we do Jake?”
“Keep on repeating her whole name, and maybe then, she might transform, alright?” consoled Jake.
“Precisely,” Samantha said with full confidence.
Samantha then recited Helen Rosemary Harrison Glenn about 25 times, shivering and sweating with nervousness. Samantha finally tried one last time.
“Helen…Rosemary…Harrison…Glenn!” Samantha stammered.
Suddenly, my eyes opened and I was free from the trance! When I turned around, I could see the werewolf transforming again. Its hair started to grow back inside the body. The face of the werewolf transformed into a human face as the bones shifted. Also, the long teeth and nails shot through the body and grew back in. Grandma then had no hair, no sharp body parts, and no haunches (backbone). Grandma’s soul was free from the curse of the werewolf and we finally found out that this curse was troubling grandma day and night. We also knew that grandma would have to answer a million questions from us as soon as we get home.
Grandma finally took us home and we were happy to solve the case of the werewolf’s curse!
The Werewolf's Curse(Nikhil Shetty)
The Werewolf’s Curse
Wolf Creek; the scariest place anyone can be in. Wolf Creek is a region in Pennsylvania filled with beautiful nature, but is yet very dangerous. Wolf Creek is very dark and the environment makes people feel very uneasy, plus Wolf Creek is filled with one of the most treacherous creatures in the world, which are werewolves. Finally, Wolf Creek is where I, Nathan Harrison, live. Wolf Creek is the place where I wanted to stay most away from during my lifetime, but unfortunately, my grandma ended up living here. Actually, I am living with my grandma, since my parents passed away due to the cause of a mystical and demonic force. Till now, my sister, Samantha, my grandma, and myself don’t know what mystical force that was so powerful which caused my parents to die.
Unfortunately, I was stuck with my grandma, Helen Harrison. For a few days, I thought that Wolf Creek would be a very boring place, but for the next few days, a chain of inexplicable events occurred, that changed my life.
“Oh c’mon grandma, do we really have to sleep right now? I mean, it’s only ten o’clock. Can we please stay up just an hour more? Pleeeeaaassseee?” I pleaded.
“Oh no Nathan! In fact, you were supposed to be in bed at nine thirty. And by the way, you have your semester exams tomorrow, so you better get some rest,” shouted grandma.
“Ah man!” I cried as I dragged myself to my bed.
“Ha ha! Nathan gets to sleep early,” said Samantha, my pesky little sister.
“You go to bed too, young lady!” yelled grandma.
“FINE!” my sister hollered back as she yawned. My sister then walked towards her room and then when she entered, she dropped her self down and slept like a log throughout the night. Well, actually, I couldn’t get as much sleep as Samantha did, since I could hear her snoring from my room. The thing that was bothering me while I was sleeping was the thing that my grandma wasn’t acting very normal. The other times I visit her, she s very kind and caring. For the past few weeks though, she wasn’t very nice or kind to us. According to me, I just think that my grandma’s changing… into something. But what could it possibly be? All of a sudden, while thinking about my grandma, I heard a howl from her room! I woke up my sister and rushed to my grandma’s room. What do I see there? No grandma! Where did she disappear?
The next day, my grandma was in a better mood than last night. Today, she was happier and had a big smile spread across her face. The incident that happened to my grandma last night totally blew me out, but I didn’t want to share about it to her because she might get upset about the thing that might have happened to her. But what was that thing? We were going to find that out tonight. At night, I convinced my sister that my grandma was kind of up to something last night, since I heard a howl at her room and also since she wasn’t there. Also, there was another clue, which was that when she disappeared the windows in her room were open. But, the typical Samantha never believed me when I said such nonsense. Then, I tried to trick her into believing me by telling her that if we don’t find out what is troubling grandma, she might die. Did she fall for it? NO.
The next day, when I came back from school, I asked my best friend, Jake, whether he could stop by my house today and have a sleepover.
“Sure, I’m free today. I can come,” replied Jake.
“AWESOME!” I shouted, “And one more thing. When you are coming, be sure to bring a pack of gum to my house, okay?”
“Fine, but why gum? If you’re planning a food party at your house and a sleepover today with me, gum won’t work. I’ll bring a whole casserole of my mom’s homemade spaghetti and meatballs with chili and some soda.” said Jake.
“No. I’m not planning a food party, so just bring 2-3 packs of gum okay?” I ensured.
“Why would you need gum even though you’re not keeping a food party?” questioned Jake.
“I’ll tell you why when you come over to my house with it. See ya tonight,” I said as I hurried away to my house.
“Bye!” replied Jake, “I’ll see ya today.”
I then started for home satisfied with the great idea I had in mind. Today, I’ll surely find out what’s troubling grandma, I thought.
“Come in Jake,” I said.
“Hey, what’s up!” greeted Jake as he gave me a hug.
“Hey,” I said, “DID YOU BRING MY GUM?!”
“Here is your gum,” said Jake as he held up a pack full of 5 sticks of grape gum. As I reached my hand to grab the gum though, Jake put his arm behind his back and inquired, “What do you want the gum for though? You said you’ll tell me why once I come to your house with the gum, right?”
“Well, you know what?” I asked.
“WHAT?” asked Jake.
“Actually, I think that there is something that is bugging grandma, but I’m not sure what it is. So, I need the pack of gum to help solve the mystery of what’s bugging grandma.” I replied.
“But, why would you need a gum pack to save you grandma?” questioned Jake.
“Well, let me just tell you the story of what happened last night,” I answered sitting down.
I recited the whole story to him and then told him, “So, we need the pack of gum in order to create an impression that the door is not locked, since yesterday, it was locked. If it is not locked today, we can see where grandma goes daily at night and we can also solve the thing of what is bothering her.”
“Man, you’re smart,” said Jake.
“Also, the incident happened last night at twelve o’clock, so since you’re staying over, we both and my sister, Samantha can go solve the mystery. First, let me go convince Samantha that something is really bugging grandma. If Samantha doesn’t want to come with us and see what is up with grandma, then only we two will go at midnight okay?” I said.
"Right,” replied Jake.
After finally convincing Samantha by telling her that if we don’t help grandma, she really will die, Jake, Samantha, and I stayed up all night when it was actually supposed to be bed time. When grandma was washing dishes in the kitchen, Jake went to grandma’s door and stuck a lot of gum on the lock, so that if grandma locks the door, the gum would hold the lock in its original place. I then ushered Jake to come back into my room. He rushed towards my room as grandma came out of the kitchen and started towards her room. Jake, Samantha, and I hurried into my room, closed the door, turned off the lights, and pretended to be fast asleep. Thank god grandma didn’t notice us lingering about at eleven o’clock at night. My grandma then ambled to her room and locked it… no really, since our plan was working. Soon, after an hour, we were going to find out what was bugging grandma since the time I came.
“C’mon, let’s go,” I whispered as I ushered Samantha and Jake towards my grandma’s room.
“Let’s unlock the door after we hear a howl, not now,” I reassured.
“Why?” asked Jake.
“Because yesterday, our grandma disappeared after we heard this ear splitting howl,” Samantha said loudly.
“SHHHHHH,” I whispered back, “Did you forget that we’re on a mission? We’ve got to find out what’s wrong with-“
“The howl!” Jake croaked.
“SHHH. Let’s unlock the door, and don’t make a single sound,” I reported as I turned my face to Samantha, “You especially.”
“Okay, we get it! Let’s go,” she whispered angrily.
Jake slowly started pushing the door forward, but it didn’t seem to budge a millimeter. Then, I tried. I was so nervous about my try that luck wasn’t with me either. Lastly, we gave Samantha a try, but we knew she wouldn’t be able to push the door fully. Samantha pushed with all her might and surprisingly, the door did budge a little- about a foot.
“Dude, your gum isn’t having any effect,” she told Jake. “What type of gum is it?”
“First of all, let me try again, and second of all, there is only one type of gum, but different brands. That’s the word you were missing- brand!” hollered Jake.
“Just push the door,” I demanded.
Jake went back to the wall, gave a running start, and just barged through the door. Samantha and I entered the room, but our smiles suddenly became frowns as we found out that our grandma was missing again! What caused her to get out? Was it the same thing that was bothering her?
We trio entered the room and started shivering because the window was open. Wait… the window was open?!
“Hey guys, check this out,” I stuttered as I lead Jake and Samantha towards the open window.
“Whoa,” my sister said.
“Hey wait a minute, if grandma isn’t present in her room, maybe she must have gone out through the window! Wow, something is wrong with grandma! I wonder what…” I wondered.
“Anyways, let’s go out through the window and search for your grandma okay?” explained Jake.
“Right,” Samantha and I said together.
The three of us climbed through the window and jumped out. Once we were out of the house, I was shivering like a camel in Antarctica. I was also very nervous about my grandma. Why was she doing all this? What was wrong with her? Little did I know that once we reach the woods of Wolf Creek, we were going to have the nightmare of our lifetimes.
As I continued thinking about grandma, a very terrifying sight stopped Samantha, Jake, and I dead on our tracks.
“Grandma?” I said to myself.
“Hey grandma, is that you?!” I shouted over the distance.
My grandma was standing on the edge of the river in Wolf Creek Woods. I went closer to her thinking about whether talking to her would be safe or dangerous. I could even hear her chanting something strange. The rhythmic chant caused her to transform into something. I could make out because when I stepped closer to her, she grew much taller and stronger.
“Grandma, what’s wrong?” I asked, “Are you okay?”
The first time, I didn’t receive much of an answer, so I tried again.
“Hello? Grandma? Are you fine?” I reassured.
“OF COURSE I AM,” she roared as she turned around to face me.
“AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH,” screamed Samantha and Jake.
Grandma had become a- WEREWOLF! Grandma had turned into this scary, furry, and stinky werewolf by chanting this rhythm under the full moon. I started to run backward towards Jake and Samantha. As I lifted up my foot to run away, my grandma, who was the werewolf, took her huge and hairy paws and laid them on my neck. She started pulling on my neck as I was trying to escape from her clutches. I could feel the sharp, pointy edges of her claws ripping through my neck like it was a piece of rotten meat. Also, I started bleeding profusely, as it was prickling down my face. I then started feeling sleepy and exhausted and realized that the werewolf, my grandma, had put me in a trance. Samantha came over me and tried to wake me up, but I could not sense anything, since I was paralyzed.
“Why did you kill him?” sobbed Samantha with drops of tears in her eyes. “TELL ME WHY, HUH? Why did you kill him?! If you don’t tell me, I’ll kill you with a silver bullet!!!”
“Oh Samantha, my girl. Do not get overboard, or else, you’ll be in a deadly state just like how Nathan is in one currently,” growled my grandma.
“Shush,” whispered Jake. “I’ll handle this.”
Jake walked towards grandma and started to do something that caused me to fill joy in my face. Since Jake’s dad was a werewolf specialist, called a lycanthropist, Jake did something to break the werewolf curse that overtook my grandma. One of the easiest ways to turn a werewolf back into a human and to finish the curse was to shout out the werewolf’s real name many times, until they start to transform back into a human being. Jake though, surprisingly didn’t know grandma’s name, so he used to call grandma “grandma” just like all of us did. Now how was Jake going to cure the werewolf? Well, he could simply ask Samantha to call out grandma’s full name.
“Hey Samantha, do you know your grandma’s full name?” he asked her.
“Why?” she asked.
“Because, if you can call out a werewolf’s real name, they can turn back into human, you know,” Jake told Samantha.
“Really? Well then, here we go… Helen Rosemary Harrison Glenn - there, I told her name,” cried Samantha, “but she isn’t transforming! What do we do Jake?”
“Keep on repeating her whole name, and maybe then, she might transform, alright?” consoled Jake.
“Precisely,” Samantha said with full confidence.
Samantha then recited Helen Rosemary Harrison Glenn about 25 times, shivering and sweating with nervousness. Samantha finally tried one last time.
“Helen…Rosemary…Harrison…Glenn!” Samantha stammered.
Suddenly, my eyes opened and I was free from the trance! When I turned around, I could see the werewolf transforming again. Its hair started to grow back inside the body. The face of the werewolf transformed into a human face as the bones shifted. Also, the long teeth and nails shot through the body and grew back in. Grandma then had no hair, no sharp body parts, and no haunches (backbone). Grandma’s soul was free from the curse of the werewolf and we finally found out that this curse was troubling grandma day and night. We also knew that grandma would have to answer a million questions from us as soon as we get home.
Grandma finally took us home and we were happy to solve the case of the werewolf’s curse!
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