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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Teens
- Theme: Mystery
- Subject: Mystery
- Published: 05/02/2012
They know I did it. They know it did it. They know I did it. They know I d-
“Miss, could you please come with me?”
I got up from the uncomfortable plastic chair and followed the officer through the unusually quiet police station. I was sweating and fidgeting like crazy. Okay, I know what I’m going to say. They can’t put me in jail because I can’t remember, right?
He led me into a poorly lit room with another officer and left.
“Hello Miss Winters, I’m detective Collins and I would like to ask you a few questions about Miss Murray. You were close with her right?”
“Yes we’re friends” I mumbled.
“Were.” detective Collins corrected.
I felt a stab of pain go through me. He kept asking questions, every time he mentioned her name my insides felt like they were being squeezed and grinded to a pulp.
“Where were you from 12:30am to 4am on April 1st?”
My whole body stiffened. I fought to keep my voice even while trembling hands betrayed me. “I’m not too sure officer; I had a lot to drink that night.”
He looked suspicious but didn’t press her further.
I slammed the door of my new Porsche and exhaled. I didn’t even notice I was holding my breath. It’s okay. Everything’s going to be okay. I couldn’t convince myself, I knew I did horribly in the interview but I’m going to be okay. With sudden horror I realized something. Dawn isn’t going to be. She’s dead. I couldn’t control it, tears started leaking out of my eyes as I flashed back to 5 days ago when our biggest worry was if our boyfriends texted back or not…
“Omg…is he looking at me now?” Delilah asked desperately for the thirtieth time.
“Maybe, I think so” I replied. Dawn snapped at Delilah like she did the entire night because their mum made all of them go together.
“Shut up Lil, he was so looking at Chloe” Then gave me a 'could that girl be any more annoying' look.
“Oh...” Delilah looked like she was going to-
“Sweetie what are you doing all alone in that car?” I jumped, and then relaxed when I saw it was just my mum. Dinner was the usual, mum chatting away like she didn’t just see her daughter crying over her dead best friend, and me pretending to listen. On and on, they never talked about anything emotional, which was what I really needed to do right now, but I knew her mum would just change the subject.
“Excuse me, I’m not too hungry” I mumbled and ran two steps a time up the stairs to my room. I had to call Lily, she’s the only one who would understand. “Damn, where’d I leave the phone?” I said to myself. Must be under the bed. I got down and felt around. I froze; I accidentally grabbed a hold of my cardigan. Slowly, with my quivering hand, I pulled out the blood stained piece of clothing. God, I have to get rid of this. They can’t search my house can they? I decided I would throw it in the dump tomorrow.
“Mum, where’s the phone?” I yelled, charging downstairs. I went to retrieve it with a frustrated sigh.
The comforting ring tone sounded.
“Hi, you’ve reached Amanda, I’m currently not available but please leave a message.”
“Hey it’s Chloe, I left my phone at your house, bring it on Monday? Thanks!”
I hung up the phone and lay in bed, not bothering getting changed or taking a shower. I thought of all the times I’d had with Dawn over the years. I knew where this was going. The familiar knife cutting and twisting in her chest. I didn’t feel like fighting it today. I reached in my nightstand and took the pills out, swallowed two. The calming dizziness and comforting feeling of drifting away…
“Good morning America, this is Steve, god it is a beautiful morning-” I pulled the plug on my alarm radio. No one should be this happy in the morning. I got up and sluggishly prepared for school dreading having to deal with the sympathetic looks and hugs.
I jumped when I slammed my locker, Delilah snuck up on me.
“Hey Lil”
“Hey Chloe, I was thinking, do you want to go shopping today?” She smiled like one of those scary clowns you see in horror movies.
“Ugh…sorry I’m really busy with homework but next time defiantly.”
Delilah’s face fell. “Oh…I’m just really sad about Dawn, you know…”
Damn, how was I supposed to say no to the twin of someone I probably murdered? Trying to sound enthusiastic I said: “You know what? I think I can work something out.”
“Great, see you then.” She beamed. “Oh, and Amanda told me to give you your phone.”
I mumbled thanks and accepted the beat up IPhone.
The day passed slowly, as if it were teasing me. Every lesson, i would feel that empty seat behind me where Dawn used to sit.
I got home and charged my phone for the first time in 5 days. 17 new messages and 1 voicemail. I went for the voicemail.
"Hey this is Delilah, I can't make it today because my hockey team called an emergency meeting but next time for sure."
Thank the lord, this must be my lucky day.
I fingered my charm bracelet and felt the empty space that once held a crystal heart Dawn gave the day she died. Now on the cold betrayed corpse of her former best friend. I saw it on Dawns bracelet when the news channel put up a picture of her washed up body on the beach...
I was just about to run a warm bath when my phone sounded. It was from Amanda, the text read: hey I'm on break, how did the police station go?
Oh god, how did she find out? Right of course, who else could spread something so personal, no one but Delilah. I decided it would be best to just delete it and pretend it never happened. Then I was about to delete from my trash, v mum always looked through my texts, when I stopped dead. There was a deleted voicemail from Dawn at 1am, the night she was murdered. With shaking hands i was about to press listen, when a doubtful thought crossed my mind. No, I didn’t want to do this, what if it confirmed that I was the one who killed her? How would I live with myself and more importantly, how would I turn myself in? No, I owe her at least this.
“All those times you ignored me, all those times you ran off with Chloe and left me behind." That’s Delilah’s voice, what’s going on?
“Calm down Delilah, put down the knife.”
I gasped, that was Dawns voice. Delilah laughed cruelly.
“So, what? You can run off to the police and get rid of me forever? Oh you’d love that wouldn’t you? So you and your little friends could go on about without little Delilah dragging you behind?” She said this all in a low angry voice, but then she started screaming. “Well guess what?! Not going to happen!” Then there was shoving a scream and a splash.
“Voice mail ended” The machine said in a monotone.
No. I couldn’t comprehend this, it just couldn’t be. Delilah was always jealous but how could she go as far as murder? I had to be sure. I had to find out, if not for me then for Dawn.
I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. Mrs. Murray opened and left me in Delilah’s room. I made the excuse of wanting to copy her notes. I looked around the baby green room, same covers, same desk and same big black wardrobe. All copied from her twin in some form. I started to feel dizzy, I couldn’t deal with this. This was Delilah I was talking about, sweet innocent Delilah. I took a seat on her bed and put my head inbetween my knees. My eyes were drawn to a silvery box under Delilah’s bed. It was Dawns diary box, where she kept all the journals she’d written since she was little. Why would Delilah have it? I took it out and opened it with the pass code that I knew so well. What I saw changed everything and how I thought of Delilah forever. It was full of diaries, right from when she was 11, and a knife with dried blood. In the most recent one, there was an extra long entry confessing to murder. I realized this evidence could put Delilah in jail for a very very long time.
“Enjoying my personal thoughts?” I turned my torso around with wide eyes. Delilah was leaning against the locked door with an alarming expression. I did the first thing that went through my mind. RUN. I tried to go through the other door but she got there first and grabbed the knife from my slippery hand and jumped on me, pushing me over. She went for my throat but I grabbed her wrists before she could reach. Then we rolled over so I was holding her down.
“Why’d you do it?” I asked, out of breath. She tried to stab me again while I was talking.
“You’ve read my diaries, I think you know.”
“Why didn’t you say something? if you told me, I would have done something.”
Delilah laughed sarcastically. “Please, spare me your lies; I can’t trust anyone but myself.”
I had to think of a plan, she was going to kill me, so I did the lowest, most hurtful thing I could think of. I laughed at her. Delilah looked confused. “No one will ever love you, or even like you, you will always be alone.”
Her jaw sagged and I could see the tears threatening to leak out of her eyes. I used this distraction and dashed to the window and jumped. I landed with a thud and ran as fast as my legs could take me to the police station while Delilah’s shouts filled my ears.
“I’ll get you Chloe, and I’ll kill you, just like I killed my sister!”
Dawning Days(C.A)
They know I did it. They know it did it. They know I did it. They know I d-
“Miss, could you please come with me?”
I got up from the uncomfortable plastic chair and followed the officer through the unusually quiet police station. I was sweating and fidgeting like crazy. Okay, I know what I’m going to say. They can’t put me in jail because I can’t remember, right?
He led me into a poorly lit room with another officer and left.
“Hello Miss Winters, I’m detective Collins and I would like to ask you a few questions about Miss Murray. You were close with her right?”
“Yes we’re friends” I mumbled.
“Were.” detective Collins corrected.
I felt a stab of pain go through me. He kept asking questions, every time he mentioned her name my insides felt like they were being squeezed and grinded to a pulp.
“Where were you from 12:30am to 4am on April 1st?”
My whole body stiffened. I fought to keep my voice even while trembling hands betrayed me. “I’m not too sure officer; I had a lot to drink that night.”
He looked suspicious but didn’t press her further.
I slammed the door of my new Porsche and exhaled. I didn’t even notice I was holding my breath. It’s okay. Everything’s going to be okay. I couldn’t convince myself, I knew I did horribly in the interview but I’m going to be okay. With sudden horror I realized something. Dawn isn’t going to be. She’s dead. I couldn’t control it, tears started leaking out of my eyes as I flashed back to 5 days ago when our biggest worry was if our boyfriends texted back or not…
“Omg…is he looking at me now?” Delilah asked desperately for the thirtieth time.
“Maybe, I think so” I replied. Dawn snapped at Delilah like she did the entire night because their mum made all of them go together.
“Shut up Lil, he was so looking at Chloe” Then gave me a 'could that girl be any more annoying' look.
“Oh...” Delilah looked like she was going to-
“Sweetie what are you doing all alone in that car?” I jumped, and then relaxed when I saw it was just my mum. Dinner was the usual, mum chatting away like she didn’t just see her daughter crying over her dead best friend, and me pretending to listen. On and on, they never talked about anything emotional, which was what I really needed to do right now, but I knew her mum would just change the subject.
“Excuse me, I’m not too hungry” I mumbled and ran two steps a time up the stairs to my room. I had to call Lily, she’s the only one who would understand. “Damn, where’d I leave the phone?” I said to myself. Must be under the bed. I got down and felt around. I froze; I accidentally grabbed a hold of my cardigan. Slowly, with my quivering hand, I pulled out the blood stained piece of clothing. God, I have to get rid of this. They can’t search my house can they? I decided I would throw it in the dump tomorrow.
“Mum, where’s the phone?” I yelled, charging downstairs. I went to retrieve it with a frustrated sigh.
The comforting ring tone sounded.
“Hi, you’ve reached Amanda, I’m currently not available but please leave a message.”
“Hey it’s Chloe, I left my phone at your house, bring it on Monday? Thanks!”
I hung up the phone and lay in bed, not bothering getting changed or taking a shower. I thought of all the times I’d had with Dawn over the years. I knew where this was going. The familiar knife cutting and twisting in her chest. I didn’t feel like fighting it today. I reached in my nightstand and took the pills out, swallowed two. The calming dizziness and comforting feeling of drifting away…
“Good morning America, this is Steve, god it is a beautiful morning-” I pulled the plug on my alarm radio. No one should be this happy in the morning. I got up and sluggishly prepared for school dreading having to deal with the sympathetic looks and hugs.
I jumped when I slammed my locker, Delilah snuck up on me.
“Hey Lil”
“Hey Chloe, I was thinking, do you want to go shopping today?” She smiled like one of those scary clowns you see in horror movies.
“Ugh…sorry I’m really busy with homework but next time defiantly.”
Delilah’s face fell. “Oh…I’m just really sad about Dawn, you know…”
Damn, how was I supposed to say no to the twin of someone I probably murdered? Trying to sound enthusiastic I said: “You know what? I think I can work something out.”
“Great, see you then.” She beamed. “Oh, and Amanda told me to give you your phone.”
I mumbled thanks and accepted the beat up IPhone.
The day passed slowly, as if it were teasing me. Every lesson, i would feel that empty seat behind me where Dawn used to sit.
I got home and charged my phone for the first time in 5 days. 17 new messages and 1 voicemail. I went for the voicemail.
"Hey this is Delilah, I can't make it today because my hockey team called an emergency meeting but next time for sure."
Thank the lord, this must be my lucky day.
I fingered my charm bracelet and felt the empty space that once held a crystal heart Dawn gave the day she died. Now on the cold betrayed corpse of her former best friend. I saw it on Dawns bracelet when the news channel put up a picture of her washed up body on the beach...
I was just about to run a warm bath when my phone sounded. It was from Amanda, the text read: hey I'm on break, how did the police station go?
Oh god, how did she find out? Right of course, who else could spread something so personal, no one but Delilah. I decided it would be best to just delete it and pretend it never happened. Then I was about to delete from my trash, v mum always looked through my texts, when I stopped dead. There was a deleted voicemail from Dawn at 1am, the night she was murdered. With shaking hands i was about to press listen, when a doubtful thought crossed my mind. No, I didn’t want to do this, what if it confirmed that I was the one who killed her? How would I live with myself and more importantly, how would I turn myself in? No, I owe her at least this.
“All those times you ignored me, all those times you ran off with Chloe and left me behind." That’s Delilah’s voice, what’s going on?
“Calm down Delilah, put down the knife.”
I gasped, that was Dawns voice. Delilah laughed cruelly.
“So, what? You can run off to the police and get rid of me forever? Oh you’d love that wouldn’t you? So you and your little friends could go on about without little Delilah dragging you behind?” She said this all in a low angry voice, but then she started screaming. “Well guess what?! Not going to happen!” Then there was shoving a scream and a splash.
“Voice mail ended” The machine said in a monotone.
No. I couldn’t comprehend this, it just couldn’t be. Delilah was always jealous but how could she go as far as murder? I had to be sure. I had to find out, if not for me then for Dawn.
I took a deep breath and knocked on the door. Mrs. Murray opened and left me in Delilah’s room. I made the excuse of wanting to copy her notes. I looked around the baby green room, same covers, same desk and same big black wardrobe. All copied from her twin in some form. I started to feel dizzy, I couldn’t deal with this. This was Delilah I was talking about, sweet innocent Delilah. I took a seat on her bed and put my head inbetween my knees. My eyes were drawn to a silvery box under Delilah’s bed. It was Dawns diary box, where she kept all the journals she’d written since she was little. Why would Delilah have it? I took it out and opened it with the pass code that I knew so well. What I saw changed everything and how I thought of Delilah forever. It was full of diaries, right from when she was 11, and a knife with dried blood. In the most recent one, there was an extra long entry confessing to murder. I realized this evidence could put Delilah in jail for a very very long time.
“Enjoying my personal thoughts?” I turned my torso around with wide eyes. Delilah was leaning against the locked door with an alarming expression. I did the first thing that went through my mind. RUN. I tried to go through the other door but she got there first and grabbed the knife from my slippery hand and jumped on me, pushing me over. She went for my throat but I grabbed her wrists before she could reach. Then we rolled over so I was holding her down.
“Why’d you do it?” I asked, out of breath. She tried to stab me again while I was talking.
“You’ve read my diaries, I think you know.”
“Why didn’t you say something? if you told me, I would have done something.”
Delilah laughed sarcastically. “Please, spare me your lies; I can’t trust anyone but myself.”
I had to think of a plan, she was going to kill me, so I did the lowest, most hurtful thing I could think of. I laughed at her. Delilah looked confused. “No one will ever love you, or even like you, you will always be alone.”
Her jaw sagged and I could see the tears threatening to leak out of her eyes. I used this distraction and dashed to the window and jumped. I landed with a thud and ran as fast as my legs could take me to the police station while Delilah’s shouts filled my ears.
“I’ll get you Chloe, and I’ll kill you, just like I killed my sister!”
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