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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Adults
- Theme: Mystery
- Subject: Other / Not Listed
- Published: 05/09/2012
Case 11 - Spin
Born 1983, M, from Atlanta,Texas, United StatesInspector Rebella Howard entered the detective’s office. Inspector J.P. Bullet was reading over a case file. “Sometime when you have time, I need to talk to you in private outside the precinct,” said Rebella. J.P. set the file folder down. He took out his car keys and motioned for Rebella to follow. On the way out, he stopped by dispatch. “I am going out for a little while, but I will be available to take a call.”
J.P. and Rebella left the precinct. “What's on your mind?” asked J.P. “I wanted to know what you think about me and Harvey being in a relationship?” said Rebella. “As long as it does not interfere with yours and Harvey’s job performance, it does not matter to me,” said J.P. “What is your thought on Harvey?” asked Rebella. “I think Harvey will love you and take care of you, but he may become overprotective sometimes because of what happened with his old girlfriend,” said J.P. “What happened?” asked Rebella. “Harvey had just been promoted to a detective. There was a serial arsonist and they called in the feds. The agent assigned to the case was a beautiful young lady named Shannon. Harvey and Shannon worked together and he became romantically involved with her. They got engaged and were starting to plan a wedding. They got a tip that the arsonist was at a warehouse. Since the feds were involved, they made entry and Harvey was outside. The guy was not going to be arrested so he set a container on fire that contained flammable material. The warehouse blew up, the suspect and nine agents perished. There was a rumor that the arsonist and the tipster were working together and the arsonist wanted to go out in a blaze of glory, but it was never proved. Harvey has not been involved in any other relationship until you came along,” said J.P. Rebella did not say anything else and J.P. started back to the Precinct.
On the way back Rebella noticed Hoodie on the street dressed like a homeless person and taking donations from people. “I am getting a little thirsty and there was a coke machine back there, could we stop for just a minute and let me get a Coke to drink?” asked Rebella. J.P. pulled into a parking lot. “I’ll be right back,” said Rebella. As she was walking down the sidewalk, she took out her cell phone and called dispatch requesting a check on Hoodie. The dispatcher advised he had several outstanding warrants. Rebella tapped Hoodie on the shoulder. He turned around to see Rebella holding up handcuffs. “You are under arrest, put your hands behind your back,” instructed Rebella. Hoodie complied with her instruction. Rebella escorted Hoodie to where J.P. was and placed him in the back seat of the car.
Hoodie was taken down to the precinct and processed. Officer James opened the door to the detective’s office and stuck his head in. “Hoodie wants to talk. He is in interrogation Room One,” said Officer James.
J.P. and Rebella went into the interrogation room. They sat down. “You wanted to talk to us,” said J.P. “I am on probation, but I wanted to give you some information hoping you could talk to the judge and put in a good word for me,” said Hoodie. “It depends on the information,” said J.P. “There is a container arriving tonight at the harbor. The container contains Spin which is stronger than Twist,” said Hoodie. “Are you talking about drugs?” asked Rebella. “Yes,” said Hoodie. “Who is having it brought in?” asked J.P. “I don’t know man, I told you all I know,” said Hoodie.
J.P. and Rebella left the interrogation room and went back into the detective’s office, where Tina Cassidy was finishing up a report. “Do you believe his story?” asked Rebella. “Not really, but if we go check the story out and it is a lie then we will add other charges,” said J.P.
“If Spin is stronger than twist and it gets out on the street there is going to be more problems than we can handle,” said Rebella. “What do you know about these drugs?” asked J.P. “When I was in Brandon’s crew there was this guy selling twist. Which is a very addictive drug, it causes people to want more whenever it starts wearing off, it affected their mind to the point that they went out and started robbing places to get money for a fix. Brandon’s nephew overdosed on it. After that Brandon assembled his crew and we worked with the police long enough to catch the guy selling it,” said Rebella.
J.P. got a search warrant to search the container. J.P. Tina, Harvey, Antonio, and Rebella went to the harbor. “This place is creepy,” said Tina. Antonio watched while the others checked containers. One of the containers that they opened contained Spin just like Hoodie had told them.
A vehicle left the scene at a high speed. Antonio followed the vehicle. As J.P. and the others was processing evidence, his cell phone rang. It was a call that no one wanted to receive. Inspector Perez had been following the suspect and had lost control of the vehicle. He struck a tree and was killed on impact.
The next day was a day of sadness at the precinct. Harvey was taking it the hardest as he and Antonio had been buddies for a long time. “Harvey, I want you to take a couple of days off to come to grips with what happened,” said J.P. Harvey left and J.P. wanted Rebella to go and console him.
J.P. reached in his pocket and took out his car keys. “Where are you going?” asked Tina. “I am going to find out who was driving that car and nail the son-of-a-gun,” said J.P. “Hold on, I am coming with you,” said Tina, who was worried that J.P. might do something irrational while in wrath. They interviewed workers that worked at the harbor. One of the workers remembered seeing a black limousine and the one in it acted suspiciously. There were no doubts in their minds as to who was in the limousine.
Harvey went to his house and sat down on the couch trying to come to terms with what happened. Rebella knocked on the door and Harvey told her to come in. “I was worried about you,” said Rebella, sitting down beside him on the couch. Harvey did most of the talking while Rebella listened.
All available officers, reserve officers, and the Special Investigation Division went to Antonio’s funeral to pay their last respects.
J.P. and Tina went back to the 169th Precinct. “What Happens, now?” asked Tina. “Captain Graves will select a replacement for Antonio. Then we will go after Alister Crane,” said J.P.
Harvey went back to his house. Rebella went and checked on him. “I have something for you and if it is a little soon for you I understand,” said Harvey. “What is it,” asked Rebella. “I have come to realize, life is too short and you should enjoy every minute you have because the next one may be your last. Regardless of how much time I have, I would like the opportunity to make you the happiest girl in the world. Would you marry me?” asked Harvey handing Rebella an engagement ring.
Rebella put the engagement ring on her finger and held it up to the light. She started thinking about what J.P. had told her about Harvey. “Yes, I will marry you,” said Rebella.
Captain Graves and a young woman came into the detective’s office. “J.P., Tina, this is Susan Young. She just graduated from the academy and is being assigned to the Special Investigation Division,” said Captain Graves. “Please call me Susie,” said the young woman, who looked extremely nervous. J.P. and Tina went over and shook her hand and welcomed her aboard. Captain Graves left the detective’s office.
Harvey and Rebella came into the detective’s office. Tina and Susie were in the detective’s office when they came in. J.P. was covering dispatch. Tina noticed that Rebella was smiling more than usual and noticed the engagement ring on her finger. She did not say a word. “Do you want to see the ring, Harvey bought for me?” asked Rebella to Tina. She held her hand up so she could see it. “Oh my gosh!” exclaimed Tina. “He proposed and I accepted,” said Rebella. Susie got up to look at the ring. “That is beautiful,” said Susie. J.P. entered the detective’s office and Rebella showed him her engagement ring. He congratulated the both of them. After J.P. congratulated Rebella and Harvey, everybody sat down for their assignments. “Susie, I want you to get a layout of the harbor. Tina, you come with me,” said J.P. taking his car keys out of his pocket.
“Where are we going?” asked Tina as they went down the road. “We are going to find out when the next shipment of Spin is coming in by questioning someone that works the street,” said J.P. They were driving down the road and saw Barney B. “Get ready, he is probably going to run,” said J.P. “I have an idea. Pull over, where he can’t see you,” said Tina. J.P. did what she said. Tina got out of the car and took her holster and badge off. J.P. sat in the car in case Tina’s idea did not work. “Dowzer! Dowzer!” shouted Tina walking towards where Barney was walking. She got ahead of Barney and kept calling Dowzer. She sat down on the sidewalk and pretended she was crying. “What's the matter, pretty lady,” said Barney. “My friend asked me to walk her dog Dowzer and he got away from me and I can’t find him. She is going to be really upset when I have to tell her I lost Dowzer,” said Tina. “Don’t worry, I will help you find the dog,” said Barney. Barney started calling the dog’s name. “I understand you have connections on the street,” said Tina to Barney as they were looking for the dog. “I can find out almost anything,” said Barney. “My girlfriend is looking for Spin, do you know where she could find some?” asked Tina. “There is a shipment coming into the harbor Tuesday night. Alister Crane is going to pick it up. I am sure if she is down at the harbor when it comes in he would sell her some,” Said Barney B. “I will tell her this evening when she gets off,” said Tina. They were walking down the street. Tina saw someone walking a bulldog. She ran up and started petting the dog. “Oh Dowzer, I found you,” Said Tina. The person walking the dog was trying to figure out what was going on. Tina went running up to Barney. “I found Dowzer you are the greatest,” said Tina. “Glad I could help,” said Barney who went on and did not know that he had been tricked.
Tina walked back to where J.P. was, with a devilish grin on her face at her accomplishment. “The shipment is coming in Tuesday evening and Alister Crane is going to pick it up,” said Tina.
J.P. and Tina were going back to the precinct. Tina was doing everything to keep from laughing at how she had tricked Barney into talking. “What did you do?” asked J.P. “Oh, nothing other than using what I learned in acting class that I took after I graduated from high school, and before I went to the police academy” said Tina. “What did you do?” asked J.P. again. “I pretended I lost my friend’s dog and while we were looking for him, I told him my girlfriend was looking for spin,” said Tina. J.P. laughed at what she had done.
Susie got the layout of the harbor like J.P. had requested. Harvey and Rebella were looking over the layout when J.P. and Tina came in. “Susie got the layout of the harbor and we have been looking over it,” said Harvey. He showed J.P. the layout. “Rebella, you and Susie will be staged at Building A on the roof; Harvey, you will be staged at building D on the roof; Me and Tina will stage near the crane,” said J.P.
At a warehouse down on 51st, Zach, Brandon Bobel’s nephew met with some of Brandon’s henchmen. “I don’t like Alister taking advantage of my uncle,” said Zach. “I say, let’s take him out,” said Gunner. Everyone in the room agreed. “How are we going to do it?” asked Zach. Lewis spoke up. “We set up at the gate when he comes for the pickup, we close the gate. When he starts to leave we ambush him”. “Great idea,” said Zach.
It was Tuesday night, J.P. and the special investigation team was staged at their location. They were unaware that Brandon’s crew was there. Alister’s limousine came past the gate and Brandon’s crew closed it and waited. Alister parked where he thought nobody could see him. Susie saw him pull up and she motioned for Rebella to come take a look. Rebella took out her ht radio. “We have a visual on Alister,” said Rebella. J.P. motioned for Tina to follow and they got in J.P.’s car. They headed towards the gate. “Move in!” shouted J.P. Rebella, Susie, and Harvey started towards Alister’s car. Alister saw them coming and started the car up and left. Harvey, Rebella, and Susie got in their car to pursue him. J.P. and Tina were headed towards the gate when they heard shots being fired. The limousine crashed through the gates and Brandon’s crew followed behind it continuing to fire at the limousine.
J.P. and the others tried to catch up with Alister and Brandon’s crew but they were too far ahead.
The next morning J.P. was in the detective’s office with the others. “What do you make out from what went down last night?” asked Tina. “Alister has made some people mad and they are going after him,” said J.P. “The problem is with them chasing him, we will never catch him,” said Harvey. “Right, and the next step is find out who Alister peeved off and stop them so we can go after Alister,” said J.P.
J.P. Bullet and the others returned to the harbor. “Harvey I want you to look at surveillance tapes; Susie, I want you to find out who the night watchman was and find out what he saw; we will look for clues,” said J.P. Tina, Rebella, and J.P. started looking around, they found shell casing near the entrance. Rebella looked behind a berrell. “J.P., I have something,” said Rebella. J.P. went to look at what Rebella had found. She had found a small revolver. “This is what Gunner carries,” said Rebella. J.P. went to the car and got an evidence bag and put on a pair of gloves. He carefully placed the revolver into the evidence bag. Susie came running up. “Jethro Mason was the night watchman, last night. He did not clock out and nobody has seen or heard from him,” said Susie. “Susie call dispatch, tell her to put an apb on Jethro Mason, if located have him contact the Special Investigation Division,” said J.P.
J.P. and Tina were headed back to the precinct. Tina yawned and was about to go to sleep. “You sleepy?” asked J.P. “I have been working long hours and have not been sleeping, well,” said Tina. J.P. was concerned about Tina. J.P. pulled into a parking lot. “Let’s get some lunch,” said J.P. They went into CVs restaurant. The owner of the business was CV Barker a retired New York State Police Officer. J.P. and Tina took a seat and started looking at the menu. CV saw them. He went and patted J.P. on the shoulder. “It has been a while since you have been in here,” said CV. “Hey big dog!” said J.P. shaking his hand. He was fixing to introduce Tina, but CV already knew her. “Tina Cassidy! My goodness you have grown up,” said CV. Tina was puzzled because she did not remember him. “The last time I saw you, you were in diapers and just barely toddling,” said CV. Tina still could not remember him. CV set down with J.P. and Tina. “My wife Mabel used to run a small grocery store and I helped her on my days off. Your parents would come in and buy groceries and baby supplies. Mabel always liked your parents and she loved you like you were her own daughter,” said CV. The waitress brought the meal. CV reached over and took the ticket off the tray and wadded it up. “It is on the house,” said CV.
While J.P. and Tina were eating lunch, Harvey and Rebella came in. They sat down at a table close to the door, they did not want to disturb J.P. and Tina because they thought they were on a date. J.P. saw them come in. When J.P. and Tina started out the door, J.P. tapped Rebella on the shoulder. “It is not what you think,” said J.P. Rebella looked at him and pretended she did not know what he was talking about. On the way to the car J.P. took Tina’s hand and when they got to the car he opened the door for her.
J.P. took Tina back to her place. “I want you to take the rest of the day off,” said J.P. Tina went to change clothes. J.P. got a pillow and comforter and set it on the couch. Tina came through wearing a tee-shirt and lounge pants. She took the clothes she was wearing to the washroom. She stretched out on the couch and put her head on the pillow. J.P. turned the TV on and it was not long before Tina was asleep. He pulled the comforter up and kissed her on the cheek and left, locking the door on the way.
Harvey, Rebella, and Susie were in the detective’s office when J.P. got back to the precinct. “They had to go somewhere private to smooch,” whispered Rebella to Harvey. “I heard that and we did not go to a private place to smooch. J.P. sat down in his chair. “Now, let’s get back to the case,” said J.P. “The lab found prints on the revolver,” said Harvey. “Let me guess they belongd to Brandon’s henchman named Gunner,” said J.P. “You got it boss and let me show you something else,” said Harvey. He went over and put a videotape into the vcr and turned the tv on. “This is the surveillance tape from Tuesday night. As you can see there are flashes on both sides of the gate. That means there were at least two people firing at the limousine. Then as the limousine leaves there is a van that follows. The two people firing get into the van and they follow the limousine. Unfortunately it is dark and we can’t get a good view of the two people that got into the van,” said Harvey. “One of those people getting into that van could be Gunner,” said J.P. “I need to do something and I will be right back,” said Rebella. “I don’t like it when she does that,” said J.P. Harvey knew what J.P.wanted him to follow her. “I am on it boss,” said Harvey.
Rebella went to her house. She took off her engagement ring and put it in her jewelry box so she would not lose it and then she changed clothes and got a backpack. She went to Gunner’s hideout. “I hope they followed me,” said Rebella to herself. She reached in her backpack and took out glass cutters. She carefully cut the glass and made entry into Gunner’s hide out. She saw a light on in one of the rooms. She knocked on the door. “Who is it?” asked Gunner getting his revolver. “It’s me Rebella, I am alone,” said Rebella. Gunner went to the door and opened it. He looked both directions for the police. He motioned for Rebella to come in. “You idiot!” exclaimed Rebella. “What?” asked Gunner. “I could have been standing there with a bunch of cops to arrest you,” said Rebella. “What are you doing here?” demanded Gunner. “I am here on business,” said Rebella. “What kind of business?” asked Gunner. “I understand that Alister Crane is trying to get Spin so he can sell it on the street and you know what Brandon said about drugs,”said Rebella. “I remember,” said Gunner. “At the rate they are going, those coppers are never going to stop Alister and Spin will be out on the street,” said Rebella.
Harvey was outside Gunner’s hideout. He called J.P. on his cell phone. “I am at 4529 East 31st Street. Rebella is inside. What do you want me to do?” asked Harvey. “I want you to keep a low profile and if there are any signs she is in trouble go in and get her,” said J.P.
“All right you bumbling buffoon, what did you do on Tuesday Night?” “Well, Zach did not like what Alister did to Brandon, so we planned on getting even. We kidnapped the night watchman and then we set up at the gate, when he came in we closed it and waited. Then me and Lewis started firing at the limousine when it started to leave. Driver and Zach were in the van and then we got in and driver followed the limousine until it got too far ahead of us.” Rebella had a disgusted look on her face. “No wonder, the four of you were always getting caught, you can’t do anything right!” shouted Rebella. Gunner had a surprised look on his face. “I am taking over this operation, now where is the night watchman?”asked Rebella. “He is at a warehouse on 61st street,” said Gunner. “Let’s go!” said Rebella. They got in Rebella’s car and went to the warehouse. Rebella and Gunner went to the warehouse and she saw Jethro tied up and gagged. Rebella walked over to Jethro. “Do you remember what happened on Tuesday night?” asked Rebella. Jethro shook his head no. “Are you going to remember what happened on Tuesday night.” He shook his head no. Rebella untied him and took the handkerchief out of his mouth. “Now get out of here,” said Rebella.
Harvey saw Jethro come running from the building. He stopped him and showed him his badge. Jethro told Harvey what happened. Harvey took his statement and called J.P. to tell him that Jethro was safe.
“Can I borrow one of your revolvers?” asked Rebella. Gunner reached in his pocket and pulled one out and handed it to her. Rebella took the revolver and pointed at Gunner. “Put your hands up,” said Rebella with the revolver aimed at Gunner. She then instructed him to sit down and then she tied him up. “Now where is Zach and the others?” asked Rebella. “They are at Brandon’s old hideout. Just know, there is Zach, Lewis, and 25 others there,” said Gunner. Rebella aimed the revolver at the ceiling. “I hate to do this to you Harvey,” said Rebella. She fired a couple of shot and left out the back.
Harvey heard the shots. Without hesitation he drew his service revolver and made entry into the warehouse and only found Gunner. He untied Gunner, put him in handcuffs, and read him his rights.
Rebella was driving to Brandon’s old hideout. She called the Special Investigation Division. J.P. answered the phone. “I am on my way to 3986 West 5th Street, it is Brandon’s hide out and there are possibly 27 people there,” said Rebella. J.P, hung up the phone. He put his service revolver in the holster and put his jacket on. Captain Graves was coming down the hall and saw J.P. was in a hurry. “What’s going on?” asked Captain Graves. “Rebella got a lead and she is enroute to 3986 West 5th and there could be as many as 27 people there,” said J.P. “I am right behind you,” said Captain Graves. J.P. stopped at dispatch on the way out. “Dispatch all available units to 3986 West 5th Street,” said J.P.
Rebella arrived at Brandon’s old hideout. She parked where nobody could see her. She took the revolver she had taken from Gunner and held it down to her side and hide behind a trashcan. She waited on J.P. and back up to arrive. When they arrived, J.P. got out of his car and drew his service revolver. “I am over here!” shouted Rebella coming out from behind the trashcan. Captain Graves got out and pulled out his service revolver and motioned for the other officers to make entry into the building. J.P. and the others followed them in and arrested Zach, Lewis and the others that were there.
Back at the 169th Precinct, Harvey was sitting in the detective’s office worried about his fiancee. He was worried that something bad had happened to her. J.P. and Rebella came in together. He started to open the door to the detective’s office. He saw Harvey all by himself looking worried. “This is your moment,” said J.P. to Reblla as he started to go down the hall. Rebella opened the door to the detective’s office. Harvey saw her come in. He hugged her real tight. “Baby, I was afraid something terrible happened to you. Please don’t ever do that to me again,” said Harvey holding her tighter. “I won’t” Promised Rebella.
The next morning, Alister Crane was reading the newspaper while smoking a cigar. He read the article about Zach and the others being arrested. “You may have stopped me this time, but the battle has just begun,” said Alister with an evil laugh.
Zach, Gunner, and Lewis were found guilty of obstruction of Justice and sentenced to 20 years in prison.
Case 11 - Spin(jpater)
Inspector Rebella Howard entered the detective’s office. Inspector J.P. Bullet was reading over a case file. “Sometime when you have time, I need to talk to you in private outside the precinct,” said Rebella. J.P. set the file folder down. He took out his car keys and motioned for Rebella to follow. On the way out, he stopped by dispatch. “I am going out for a little while, but I will be available to take a call.”
J.P. and Rebella left the precinct. “What's on your mind?” asked J.P. “I wanted to know what you think about me and Harvey being in a relationship?” said Rebella. “As long as it does not interfere with yours and Harvey’s job performance, it does not matter to me,” said J.P. “What is your thought on Harvey?” asked Rebella. “I think Harvey will love you and take care of you, but he may become overprotective sometimes because of what happened with his old girlfriend,” said J.P. “What happened?” asked Rebella. “Harvey had just been promoted to a detective. There was a serial arsonist and they called in the feds. The agent assigned to the case was a beautiful young lady named Shannon. Harvey and Shannon worked together and he became romantically involved with her. They got engaged and were starting to plan a wedding. They got a tip that the arsonist was at a warehouse. Since the feds were involved, they made entry and Harvey was outside. The guy was not going to be arrested so he set a container on fire that contained flammable material. The warehouse blew up, the suspect and nine agents perished. There was a rumor that the arsonist and the tipster were working together and the arsonist wanted to go out in a blaze of glory, but it was never proved. Harvey has not been involved in any other relationship until you came along,” said J.P. Rebella did not say anything else and J.P. started back to the Precinct.
On the way back Rebella noticed Hoodie on the street dressed like a homeless person and taking donations from people. “I am getting a little thirsty and there was a coke machine back there, could we stop for just a minute and let me get a Coke to drink?” asked Rebella. J.P. pulled into a parking lot. “I’ll be right back,” said Rebella. As she was walking down the sidewalk, she took out her cell phone and called dispatch requesting a check on Hoodie. The dispatcher advised he had several outstanding warrants. Rebella tapped Hoodie on the shoulder. He turned around to see Rebella holding up handcuffs. “You are under arrest, put your hands behind your back,” instructed Rebella. Hoodie complied with her instruction. Rebella escorted Hoodie to where J.P. was and placed him in the back seat of the car.
Hoodie was taken down to the precinct and processed. Officer James opened the door to the detective’s office and stuck his head in. “Hoodie wants to talk. He is in interrogation Room One,” said Officer James.
J.P. and Rebella went into the interrogation room. They sat down. “You wanted to talk to us,” said J.P. “I am on probation, but I wanted to give you some information hoping you could talk to the judge and put in a good word for me,” said Hoodie. “It depends on the information,” said J.P. “There is a container arriving tonight at the harbor. The container contains Spin which is stronger than Twist,” said Hoodie. “Are you talking about drugs?” asked Rebella. “Yes,” said Hoodie. “Who is having it brought in?” asked J.P. “I don’t know man, I told you all I know,” said Hoodie.
J.P. and Rebella left the interrogation room and went back into the detective’s office, where Tina Cassidy was finishing up a report. “Do you believe his story?” asked Rebella. “Not really, but if we go check the story out and it is a lie then we will add other charges,” said J.P.
“If Spin is stronger than twist and it gets out on the street there is going to be more problems than we can handle,” said Rebella. “What do you know about these drugs?” asked J.P. “When I was in Brandon’s crew there was this guy selling twist. Which is a very addictive drug, it causes people to want more whenever it starts wearing off, it affected their mind to the point that they went out and started robbing places to get money for a fix. Brandon’s nephew overdosed on it. After that Brandon assembled his crew and we worked with the police long enough to catch the guy selling it,” said Rebella.
J.P. got a search warrant to search the container. J.P. Tina, Harvey, Antonio, and Rebella went to the harbor. “This place is creepy,” said Tina. Antonio watched while the others checked containers. One of the containers that they opened contained Spin just like Hoodie had told them.
A vehicle left the scene at a high speed. Antonio followed the vehicle. As J.P. and the others was processing evidence, his cell phone rang. It was a call that no one wanted to receive. Inspector Perez had been following the suspect and had lost control of the vehicle. He struck a tree and was killed on impact.
The next day was a day of sadness at the precinct. Harvey was taking it the hardest as he and Antonio had been buddies for a long time. “Harvey, I want you to take a couple of days off to come to grips with what happened,” said J.P. Harvey left and J.P. wanted Rebella to go and console him.
J.P. reached in his pocket and took out his car keys. “Where are you going?” asked Tina. “I am going to find out who was driving that car and nail the son-of-a-gun,” said J.P. “Hold on, I am coming with you,” said Tina, who was worried that J.P. might do something irrational while in wrath. They interviewed workers that worked at the harbor. One of the workers remembered seeing a black limousine and the one in it acted suspiciously. There were no doubts in their minds as to who was in the limousine.
Harvey went to his house and sat down on the couch trying to come to terms with what happened. Rebella knocked on the door and Harvey told her to come in. “I was worried about you,” said Rebella, sitting down beside him on the couch. Harvey did most of the talking while Rebella listened.
All available officers, reserve officers, and the Special Investigation Division went to Antonio’s funeral to pay their last respects.
J.P. and Tina went back to the 169th Precinct. “What Happens, now?” asked Tina. “Captain Graves will select a replacement for Antonio. Then we will go after Alister Crane,” said J.P.
Harvey went back to his house. Rebella went and checked on him. “I have something for you and if it is a little soon for you I understand,” said Harvey. “What is it,” asked Rebella. “I have come to realize, life is too short and you should enjoy every minute you have because the next one may be your last. Regardless of how much time I have, I would like the opportunity to make you the happiest girl in the world. Would you marry me?” asked Harvey handing Rebella an engagement ring.
Rebella put the engagement ring on her finger and held it up to the light. She started thinking about what J.P. had told her about Harvey. “Yes, I will marry you,” said Rebella.
Captain Graves and a young woman came into the detective’s office. “J.P., Tina, this is Susan Young. She just graduated from the academy and is being assigned to the Special Investigation Division,” said Captain Graves. “Please call me Susie,” said the young woman, who looked extremely nervous. J.P. and Tina went over and shook her hand and welcomed her aboard. Captain Graves left the detective’s office.
Harvey and Rebella came into the detective’s office. Tina and Susie were in the detective’s office when they came in. J.P. was covering dispatch. Tina noticed that Rebella was smiling more than usual and noticed the engagement ring on her finger. She did not say a word. “Do you want to see the ring, Harvey bought for me?” asked Rebella to Tina. She held her hand up so she could see it. “Oh my gosh!” exclaimed Tina. “He proposed and I accepted,” said Rebella. Susie got up to look at the ring. “That is beautiful,” said Susie. J.P. entered the detective’s office and Rebella showed him her engagement ring. He congratulated the both of them. After J.P. congratulated Rebella and Harvey, everybody sat down for their assignments. “Susie, I want you to get a layout of the harbor. Tina, you come with me,” said J.P. taking his car keys out of his pocket.
“Where are we going?” asked Tina as they went down the road. “We are going to find out when the next shipment of Spin is coming in by questioning someone that works the street,” said J.P. They were driving down the road and saw Barney B. “Get ready, he is probably going to run,” said J.P. “I have an idea. Pull over, where he can’t see you,” said Tina. J.P. did what she said. Tina got out of the car and took her holster and badge off. J.P. sat in the car in case Tina’s idea did not work. “Dowzer! Dowzer!” shouted Tina walking towards where Barney was walking. She got ahead of Barney and kept calling Dowzer. She sat down on the sidewalk and pretended she was crying. “What's the matter, pretty lady,” said Barney. “My friend asked me to walk her dog Dowzer and he got away from me and I can’t find him. She is going to be really upset when I have to tell her I lost Dowzer,” said Tina. “Don’t worry, I will help you find the dog,” said Barney. Barney started calling the dog’s name. “I understand you have connections on the street,” said Tina to Barney as they were looking for the dog. “I can find out almost anything,” said Barney. “My girlfriend is looking for Spin, do you know where she could find some?” asked Tina. “There is a shipment coming into the harbor Tuesday night. Alister Crane is going to pick it up. I am sure if she is down at the harbor when it comes in he would sell her some,” Said Barney B. “I will tell her this evening when she gets off,” said Tina. They were walking down the street. Tina saw someone walking a bulldog. She ran up and started petting the dog. “Oh Dowzer, I found you,” Said Tina. The person walking the dog was trying to figure out what was going on. Tina went running up to Barney. “I found Dowzer you are the greatest,” said Tina. “Glad I could help,” said Barney who went on and did not know that he had been tricked.
Tina walked back to where J.P. was, with a devilish grin on her face at her accomplishment. “The shipment is coming in Tuesday evening and Alister Crane is going to pick it up,” said Tina.
J.P. and Tina were going back to the precinct. Tina was doing everything to keep from laughing at how she had tricked Barney into talking. “What did you do?” asked J.P. “Oh, nothing other than using what I learned in acting class that I took after I graduated from high school, and before I went to the police academy” said Tina. “What did you do?” asked J.P. again. “I pretended I lost my friend’s dog and while we were looking for him, I told him my girlfriend was looking for spin,” said Tina. J.P. laughed at what she had done.
Susie got the layout of the harbor like J.P. had requested. Harvey and Rebella were looking over the layout when J.P. and Tina came in. “Susie got the layout of the harbor and we have been looking over it,” said Harvey. He showed J.P. the layout. “Rebella, you and Susie will be staged at Building A on the roof; Harvey, you will be staged at building D on the roof; Me and Tina will stage near the crane,” said J.P.
At a warehouse down on 51st, Zach, Brandon Bobel’s nephew met with some of Brandon’s henchmen. “I don’t like Alister taking advantage of my uncle,” said Zach. “I say, let’s take him out,” said Gunner. Everyone in the room agreed. “How are we going to do it?” asked Zach. Lewis spoke up. “We set up at the gate when he comes for the pickup, we close the gate. When he starts to leave we ambush him”. “Great idea,” said Zach.
It was Tuesday night, J.P. and the special investigation team was staged at their location. They were unaware that Brandon’s crew was there. Alister’s limousine came past the gate and Brandon’s crew closed it and waited. Alister parked where he thought nobody could see him. Susie saw him pull up and she motioned for Rebella to come take a look. Rebella took out her ht radio. “We have a visual on Alister,” said Rebella. J.P. motioned for Tina to follow and they got in J.P.’s car. They headed towards the gate. “Move in!” shouted J.P. Rebella, Susie, and Harvey started towards Alister’s car. Alister saw them coming and started the car up and left. Harvey, Rebella, and Susie got in their car to pursue him. J.P. and Tina were headed towards the gate when they heard shots being fired. The limousine crashed through the gates and Brandon’s crew followed behind it continuing to fire at the limousine.
J.P. and the others tried to catch up with Alister and Brandon’s crew but they were too far ahead.
The next morning J.P. was in the detective’s office with the others. “What do you make out from what went down last night?” asked Tina. “Alister has made some people mad and they are going after him,” said J.P. “The problem is with them chasing him, we will never catch him,” said Harvey. “Right, and the next step is find out who Alister peeved off and stop them so we can go after Alister,” said J.P.
J.P. Bullet and the others returned to the harbor. “Harvey I want you to look at surveillance tapes; Susie, I want you to find out who the night watchman was and find out what he saw; we will look for clues,” said J.P. Tina, Rebella, and J.P. started looking around, they found shell casing near the entrance. Rebella looked behind a berrell. “J.P., I have something,” said Rebella. J.P. went to look at what Rebella had found. She had found a small revolver. “This is what Gunner carries,” said Rebella. J.P. went to the car and got an evidence bag and put on a pair of gloves. He carefully placed the revolver into the evidence bag. Susie came running up. “Jethro Mason was the night watchman, last night. He did not clock out and nobody has seen or heard from him,” said Susie. “Susie call dispatch, tell her to put an apb on Jethro Mason, if located have him contact the Special Investigation Division,” said J.P.
J.P. and Tina were headed back to the precinct. Tina yawned and was about to go to sleep. “You sleepy?” asked J.P. “I have been working long hours and have not been sleeping, well,” said Tina. J.P. was concerned about Tina. J.P. pulled into a parking lot. “Let’s get some lunch,” said J.P. They went into CVs restaurant. The owner of the business was CV Barker a retired New York State Police Officer. J.P. and Tina took a seat and started looking at the menu. CV saw them. He went and patted J.P. on the shoulder. “It has been a while since you have been in here,” said CV. “Hey big dog!” said J.P. shaking his hand. He was fixing to introduce Tina, but CV already knew her. “Tina Cassidy! My goodness you have grown up,” said CV. Tina was puzzled because she did not remember him. “The last time I saw you, you were in diapers and just barely toddling,” said CV. Tina still could not remember him. CV set down with J.P. and Tina. “My wife Mabel used to run a small grocery store and I helped her on my days off. Your parents would come in and buy groceries and baby supplies. Mabel always liked your parents and she loved you like you were her own daughter,” said CV. The waitress brought the meal. CV reached over and took the ticket off the tray and wadded it up. “It is on the house,” said CV.
While J.P. and Tina were eating lunch, Harvey and Rebella came in. They sat down at a table close to the door, they did not want to disturb J.P. and Tina because they thought they were on a date. J.P. saw them come in. When J.P. and Tina started out the door, J.P. tapped Rebella on the shoulder. “It is not what you think,” said J.P. Rebella looked at him and pretended she did not know what he was talking about. On the way to the car J.P. took Tina’s hand and when they got to the car he opened the door for her.
J.P. took Tina back to her place. “I want you to take the rest of the day off,” said J.P. Tina went to change clothes. J.P. got a pillow and comforter and set it on the couch. Tina came through wearing a tee-shirt and lounge pants. She took the clothes she was wearing to the washroom. She stretched out on the couch and put her head on the pillow. J.P. turned the TV on and it was not long before Tina was asleep. He pulled the comforter up and kissed her on the cheek and left, locking the door on the way.
Harvey, Rebella, and Susie were in the detective’s office when J.P. got back to the precinct. “They had to go somewhere private to smooch,” whispered Rebella to Harvey. “I heard that and we did not go to a private place to smooch. J.P. sat down in his chair. “Now, let’s get back to the case,” said J.P. “The lab found prints on the revolver,” said Harvey. “Let me guess they belongd to Brandon’s henchman named Gunner,” said J.P. “You got it boss and let me show you something else,” said Harvey. He went over and put a videotape into the vcr and turned the tv on. “This is the surveillance tape from Tuesday night. As you can see there are flashes on both sides of the gate. That means there were at least two people firing at the limousine. Then as the limousine leaves there is a van that follows. The two people firing get into the van and they follow the limousine. Unfortunately it is dark and we can’t get a good view of the two people that got into the van,” said Harvey. “One of those people getting into that van could be Gunner,” said J.P. “I need to do something and I will be right back,” said Rebella. “I don’t like it when she does that,” said J.P. Harvey knew what J.P.wanted him to follow her. “I am on it boss,” said Harvey.
Rebella went to her house. She took off her engagement ring and put it in her jewelry box so she would not lose it and then she changed clothes and got a backpack. She went to Gunner’s hideout. “I hope they followed me,” said Rebella to herself. She reached in her backpack and took out glass cutters. She carefully cut the glass and made entry into Gunner’s hide out. She saw a light on in one of the rooms. She knocked on the door. “Who is it?” asked Gunner getting his revolver. “It’s me Rebella, I am alone,” said Rebella. Gunner went to the door and opened it. He looked both directions for the police. He motioned for Rebella to come in. “You idiot!” exclaimed Rebella. “What?” asked Gunner. “I could have been standing there with a bunch of cops to arrest you,” said Rebella. “What are you doing here?” demanded Gunner. “I am here on business,” said Rebella. “What kind of business?” asked Gunner. “I understand that Alister Crane is trying to get Spin so he can sell it on the street and you know what Brandon said about drugs,”said Rebella. “I remember,” said Gunner. “At the rate they are going, those coppers are never going to stop Alister and Spin will be out on the street,” said Rebella.
Harvey was outside Gunner’s hideout. He called J.P. on his cell phone. “I am at 4529 East 31st Street. Rebella is inside. What do you want me to do?” asked Harvey. “I want you to keep a low profile and if there are any signs she is in trouble go in and get her,” said J.P.
“All right you bumbling buffoon, what did you do on Tuesday Night?” “Well, Zach did not like what Alister did to Brandon, so we planned on getting even. We kidnapped the night watchman and then we set up at the gate, when he came in we closed it and waited. Then me and Lewis started firing at the limousine when it started to leave. Driver and Zach were in the van and then we got in and driver followed the limousine until it got too far ahead of us.” Rebella had a disgusted look on her face. “No wonder, the four of you were always getting caught, you can’t do anything right!” shouted Rebella. Gunner had a surprised look on his face. “I am taking over this operation, now where is the night watchman?”asked Rebella. “He is at a warehouse on 61st street,” said Gunner. “Let’s go!” said Rebella. They got in Rebella’s car and went to the warehouse. Rebella and Gunner went to the warehouse and she saw Jethro tied up and gagged. Rebella walked over to Jethro. “Do you remember what happened on Tuesday night?” asked Rebella. Jethro shook his head no. “Are you going to remember what happened on Tuesday night.” He shook his head no. Rebella untied him and took the handkerchief out of his mouth. “Now get out of here,” said Rebella.
Harvey saw Jethro come running from the building. He stopped him and showed him his badge. Jethro told Harvey what happened. Harvey took his statement and called J.P. to tell him that Jethro was safe.
“Can I borrow one of your revolvers?” asked Rebella. Gunner reached in his pocket and pulled one out and handed it to her. Rebella took the revolver and pointed at Gunner. “Put your hands up,” said Rebella with the revolver aimed at Gunner. She then instructed him to sit down and then she tied him up. “Now where is Zach and the others?” asked Rebella. “They are at Brandon’s old hideout. Just know, there is Zach, Lewis, and 25 others there,” said Gunner. Rebella aimed the revolver at the ceiling. “I hate to do this to you Harvey,” said Rebella. She fired a couple of shot and left out the back.
Harvey heard the shots. Without hesitation he drew his service revolver and made entry into the warehouse and only found Gunner. He untied Gunner, put him in handcuffs, and read him his rights.
Rebella was driving to Brandon’s old hideout. She called the Special Investigation Division. J.P. answered the phone. “I am on my way to 3986 West 5th Street, it is Brandon’s hide out and there are possibly 27 people there,” said Rebella. J.P, hung up the phone. He put his service revolver in the holster and put his jacket on. Captain Graves was coming down the hall and saw J.P. was in a hurry. “What’s going on?” asked Captain Graves. “Rebella got a lead and she is enroute to 3986 West 5th and there could be as many as 27 people there,” said J.P. “I am right behind you,” said Captain Graves. J.P. stopped at dispatch on the way out. “Dispatch all available units to 3986 West 5th Street,” said J.P.
Rebella arrived at Brandon’s old hideout. She parked where nobody could see her. She took the revolver she had taken from Gunner and held it down to her side and hide behind a trashcan. She waited on J.P. and back up to arrive. When they arrived, J.P. got out of his car and drew his service revolver. “I am over here!” shouted Rebella coming out from behind the trashcan. Captain Graves got out and pulled out his service revolver and motioned for the other officers to make entry into the building. J.P. and the others followed them in and arrested Zach, Lewis and the others that were there.
Back at the 169th Precinct, Harvey was sitting in the detective’s office worried about his fiancee. He was worried that something bad had happened to her. J.P. and Rebella came in together. He started to open the door to the detective’s office. He saw Harvey all by himself looking worried. “This is your moment,” said J.P. to Reblla as he started to go down the hall. Rebella opened the door to the detective’s office. Harvey saw her come in. He hugged her real tight. “Baby, I was afraid something terrible happened to you. Please don’t ever do that to me again,” said Harvey holding her tighter. “I won’t” Promised Rebella.
The next morning, Alister Crane was reading the newspaper while smoking a cigar. He read the article about Zach and the others being arrested. “You may have stopped me this time, but the battle has just begun,” said Alister with an evil laugh.
Zach, Gunner, and Lewis were found guilty of obstruction of Justice and sentenced to 20 years in prison.
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