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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Adults
- Theme: Mystery
- Subject: Other / Not Listed
- Published: 05/16/2012
Case 17 - The Cruise
Born 1983, M, from Atlanta,Texas, United StatesTina Cassidy entered the detective’s office with Dowzer on a leash. She pushed the door to and unhooked the leash from Dowzer. “Captain Graves said I had to keep Dowzer on leash anytime I was outside the precinct or away from home in case he malfunctioned,” said Tina. Dowzer went over by Harvey. He sat down and started wagging his tail. Harvey reached down and petted Dowzer. Then Dowzer went into a corner and lay down. “It is amazing what they can do these days with robotics,” said Harvey. Inspector J.P. bullet entered the detective’s office. Dowzer raised his head, made a barking sound, and started wagging his tail.
Captain Graves entered the room. J.P. Tina, and Susie, I have an assignment for you. The Luxury is leaving the harbor tomorrow. It is one of the most luxurious cruise ships of all times and it is going on a seven day trip. The three of you will be working undercover to provide extra security. J.P. and Tina, you will be a wealthy married couple. Susie, you will be a divorced woman who was married to a wealthy businessman and got a huge divorce settlement,” said Captain Graves. “What do we do?” asked Rebella. “You will cover the Special Investigation Division and take care of Dowzer while Tina is gone,” said Captain Graves.
J.P., Tina and Susie went to the harbor the next day. J.P. was wearing a tux; Tina and Susie wore dresses with their hair fixed. “I will be so glad when I can get out of this monkey suit,” said J.P. “Come on J.P. you look very handsome in a tux,” said Tina. “Don’t feel bad this is not my style either,” said Susie. When they got close to the boat they separated. J.P. and Tina were together and Susie got towards the back of the line. They boarded the boat for the seven day trip.
Harvey was in bed; Rebella was combing through her hair. Dowzer came into the bedroom and jumped on the bed and lay down at the foot of the bed. Rebella petted Dowzer on the head as she came through to get into bed. “Well, it could be worse,” said Rebella as she got into bed. A little after 3 in the morning Dowzer went to the window, started making a barking sound and scratching on the glass. “Lie down Dowzer,” said Harvey. Dowzer continued to bark and scratch at the glass. “I’ll see what he is after,” said Rebella getting out of bed. “It is probably just a cat,” said Harvey turning over to try to go back to sleep. Rebella looked out the window and saw someone coming out of the neighbor’s house wearing a ski mask and carrying a sack. “It’s a cat alright; a cat burglar,” said Rebella going to the chester drawer on her side of the bed and taking out her service revolver. She went running out of the bedroom; Dowzer followed her barking. “I am glad you are going to go take care of the cat burglar,” said Harvey. Harvey sat straight up in bed. “Cat Burglar!” shouted Harvey. He picked up the phone and called the precinct and then open the chester drawer on his side of the bed and pulled out his service revolver. Rebella was running down the street as fast as she could. Dowzer got ahead of her. Dowzer grabbed the suspect by the leg and dragged him to the ground. Rebella finally caught up to the suspect and Dowzer who still had the suspect’s leg in his mouth. Harvey finally caught up. “I called the precinct. They are on the way” said Harvey. The police arrived and the suspect was taken into custody.
Tina and Susie went out onto the upper deck in their bikinis. “Man this assignment is awesome,” said Tina. “Yeah, for once something we can enjoy,” said Susie leaning back in the lounge chair. “Where is J.P.?” asked Susie. “I am not sure,” said Tina rubbing on suntan lotion. “He’s around here somewhere,” said Susie. “He never takes time to relax,” said Tina. Susie changed the subject. “So how is the relationship going?” asked Susie. “I don’t know he is sweet to me but sends mixed signals,” said Tina. “It’s a man thing. He loves you but is afraid to admit it,” said Susie.
Rebella was in bed waiting on Harvey. Dowzer jumped in bed and lay down next to her. “You're a good boy! I can’t believe I am talking to a machine like it is real,” said Rebella. Dowzer raised his head. Harvey came into the bedroom. Dowzer got up and moved to the foot of the bed. Harvey leaned over to kiss Rebella. Dowzer started barking and wagging his tail. “What?” asked Harvey as Rebella giggled. “That robotic dog is too smart for his own good,” said Harvey. Rebella was doing everything she could to keep from laughing.
J.P. and Tina went to lunch on the ship. J.P. wore his tux and Tina wore a dress, an imitation pearl necklace and bracelet. J.P. kept adjusting his tie. “I hate having to wear this monkey suit,” said J.P. “You look very handsome,” said Tina. “Thanks, you look beautiful,” said J.P. After dinner was over they went back to their cabin and changed.
All of a sudden, there was a loud banging noise. J.P., Tina, and Susie came out of their cabin. “Did you hear that?” asked Tina. “Yes, what was it?” asked Susie. One of the passengers came running through. “Pirates, we are under attack!” she screamed. J.P., Tina, and Susie went back into their room, they opened their travel bags and took out their service revolvers and handcuffs. They met outside their cabin. “You ready,” said J.P. Tina and Susie shook their head yes and they split up.
Susie was quietly walking along and heard one of the pirates coming. She got up against the wall. As he walked by she reached out and grabbed him. She put her hand over his mouth and then she made him sit down. She handcuffed him to a handlebar on the wall.
Tina was walking down the corridor and encountered another one. She aimed her service revolver at him. We are the police and you are under arrest!” she shouted. The pirate put his hands in the air as Tina approached, he reached in his pocket and pulled out a revolver and fired at her. Tina ducked to keep from getting hit and returned fire striking the pirate.
J.P. headed towards the bridge. Three other pirates were also headed for the bridge. Tina and Susie met up with J.P. “Status,” whispered J.P. “One in custody and one dead,” said Tina. There are three left. They are going to try to take the bridge,” said J.P. “We may have a gunfight,” said Tina. Susie started trembling. “Is everyone ready?” asked J.P. They all nodded their heads, but Susie was very nervous. They were expecting the worse. “We are the police and you are under arrest!” they shouted to the pirates. The pirates began to fire at them. “Don’t shoot unless you have to,” said J.P. They took cover as the pirates kept firing. The pirates kept firing until they ran out of bullets. “Let’s go,” said J.P. “Drop your weapons and put your hands in the air,” shouted Tina. The pirates had no choice but to surrender. They were arrested and taken into custody by the Coast Guard.
Tina was sitting on the couch reading a book. Dowzer was lying down beside her. The doorbell rung. Dowzer started barking. “Who is it?” asked Tina. “It’s J.P.” said J.P. Dowzer recognized his voice and lay back down. “Come in,” said Tina. J.P. came in with Roses. “These are for a beautiful young lady,” said J.P. handing her the bouquet. “They are beautiful,” said Tina. Dowzer covered his eyes. “What is wrong with Dowzer,” said J.P. “I guess he thought you were going to kiss me and he did not want to watch, joked Tina. J.P. laughed at Tina’s joke. “One more thing,” said J.P. He took out his car keys. “Get Dowzer’s leash,” said J.P. Tina went and got leash and hooked it up to Dowzer collar. “I still can’t believe you bought him a collar and an id tag,” said J.P. They walked out to the car. J.P. took a picnic basket out of the back seat and set it up front. Dowzer got in the back seat. “We are going on a picnic,” said J.P.
The four pirates that were a part of the attempted hijacking of the Luxury were sent back to their home country to serve long prison terms.
Case 17 - The Cruise(jpater)
Tina Cassidy entered the detective’s office with Dowzer on a leash. She pushed the door to and unhooked the leash from Dowzer. “Captain Graves said I had to keep Dowzer on leash anytime I was outside the precinct or away from home in case he malfunctioned,” said Tina. Dowzer went over by Harvey. He sat down and started wagging his tail. Harvey reached down and petted Dowzer. Then Dowzer went into a corner and lay down. “It is amazing what they can do these days with robotics,” said Harvey. Inspector J.P. bullet entered the detective’s office. Dowzer raised his head, made a barking sound, and started wagging his tail.
Captain Graves entered the room. J.P. Tina, and Susie, I have an assignment for you. The Luxury is leaving the harbor tomorrow. It is one of the most luxurious cruise ships of all times and it is going on a seven day trip. The three of you will be working undercover to provide extra security. J.P. and Tina, you will be a wealthy married couple. Susie, you will be a divorced woman who was married to a wealthy businessman and got a huge divorce settlement,” said Captain Graves. “What do we do?” asked Rebella. “You will cover the Special Investigation Division and take care of Dowzer while Tina is gone,” said Captain Graves.
J.P., Tina and Susie went to the harbor the next day. J.P. was wearing a tux; Tina and Susie wore dresses with their hair fixed. “I will be so glad when I can get out of this monkey suit,” said J.P. “Come on J.P. you look very handsome in a tux,” said Tina. “Don’t feel bad this is not my style either,” said Susie. When they got close to the boat they separated. J.P. and Tina were together and Susie got towards the back of the line. They boarded the boat for the seven day trip.
Harvey was in bed; Rebella was combing through her hair. Dowzer came into the bedroom and jumped on the bed and lay down at the foot of the bed. Rebella petted Dowzer on the head as she came through to get into bed. “Well, it could be worse,” said Rebella as she got into bed. A little after 3 in the morning Dowzer went to the window, started making a barking sound and scratching on the glass. “Lie down Dowzer,” said Harvey. Dowzer continued to bark and scratch at the glass. “I’ll see what he is after,” said Rebella getting out of bed. “It is probably just a cat,” said Harvey turning over to try to go back to sleep. Rebella looked out the window and saw someone coming out of the neighbor’s house wearing a ski mask and carrying a sack. “It’s a cat alright; a cat burglar,” said Rebella going to the chester drawer on her side of the bed and taking out her service revolver. She went running out of the bedroom; Dowzer followed her barking. “I am glad you are going to go take care of the cat burglar,” said Harvey. Harvey sat straight up in bed. “Cat Burglar!” shouted Harvey. He picked up the phone and called the precinct and then open the chester drawer on his side of the bed and pulled out his service revolver. Rebella was running down the street as fast as she could. Dowzer got ahead of her. Dowzer grabbed the suspect by the leg and dragged him to the ground. Rebella finally caught up to the suspect and Dowzer who still had the suspect’s leg in his mouth. Harvey finally caught up. “I called the precinct. They are on the way” said Harvey. The police arrived and the suspect was taken into custody.
Tina and Susie went out onto the upper deck in their bikinis. “Man this assignment is awesome,” said Tina. “Yeah, for once something we can enjoy,” said Susie leaning back in the lounge chair. “Where is J.P.?” asked Susie. “I am not sure,” said Tina rubbing on suntan lotion. “He’s around here somewhere,” said Susie. “He never takes time to relax,” said Tina. Susie changed the subject. “So how is the relationship going?” asked Susie. “I don’t know he is sweet to me but sends mixed signals,” said Tina. “It’s a man thing. He loves you but is afraid to admit it,” said Susie.
Rebella was in bed waiting on Harvey. Dowzer jumped in bed and lay down next to her. “You're a good boy! I can’t believe I am talking to a machine like it is real,” said Rebella. Dowzer raised his head. Harvey came into the bedroom. Dowzer got up and moved to the foot of the bed. Harvey leaned over to kiss Rebella. Dowzer started barking and wagging his tail. “What?” asked Harvey as Rebella giggled. “That robotic dog is too smart for his own good,” said Harvey. Rebella was doing everything she could to keep from laughing.
J.P. and Tina went to lunch on the ship. J.P. wore his tux and Tina wore a dress, an imitation pearl necklace and bracelet. J.P. kept adjusting his tie. “I hate having to wear this monkey suit,” said J.P. “You look very handsome,” said Tina. “Thanks, you look beautiful,” said J.P. After dinner was over they went back to their cabin and changed.
All of a sudden, there was a loud banging noise. J.P., Tina, and Susie came out of their cabin. “Did you hear that?” asked Tina. “Yes, what was it?” asked Susie. One of the passengers came running through. “Pirates, we are under attack!” she screamed. J.P., Tina, and Susie went back into their room, they opened their travel bags and took out their service revolvers and handcuffs. They met outside their cabin. “You ready,” said J.P. Tina and Susie shook their head yes and they split up.
Susie was quietly walking along and heard one of the pirates coming. She got up against the wall. As he walked by she reached out and grabbed him. She put her hand over his mouth and then she made him sit down. She handcuffed him to a handlebar on the wall.
Tina was walking down the corridor and encountered another one. She aimed her service revolver at him. We are the police and you are under arrest!” she shouted. The pirate put his hands in the air as Tina approached, he reached in his pocket and pulled out a revolver and fired at her. Tina ducked to keep from getting hit and returned fire striking the pirate.
J.P. headed towards the bridge. Three other pirates were also headed for the bridge. Tina and Susie met up with J.P. “Status,” whispered J.P. “One in custody and one dead,” said Tina. There are three left. They are going to try to take the bridge,” said J.P. “We may have a gunfight,” said Tina. Susie started trembling. “Is everyone ready?” asked J.P. They all nodded their heads, but Susie was very nervous. They were expecting the worse. “We are the police and you are under arrest!” they shouted to the pirates. The pirates began to fire at them. “Don’t shoot unless you have to,” said J.P. They took cover as the pirates kept firing. The pirates kept firing until they ran out of bullets. “Let’s go,” said J.P. “Drop your weapons and put your hands in the air,” shouted Tina. The pirates had no choice but to surrender. They were arrested and taken into custody by the Coast Guard.
Tina was sitting on the couch reading a book. Dowzer was lying down beside her. The doorbell rung. Dowzer started barking. “Who is it?” asked Tina. “It’s J.P.” said J.P. Dowzer recognized his voice and lay back down. “Come in,” said Tina. J.P. came in with Roses. “These are for a beautiful young lady,” said J.P. handing her the bouquet. “They are beautiful,” said Tina. Dowzer covered his eyes. “What is wrong with Dowzer,” said J.P. “I guess he thought you were going to kiss me and he did not want to watch, joked Tina. J.P. laughed at Tina’s joke. “One more thing,” said J.P. He took out his car keys. “Get Dowzer’s leash,” said J.P. Tina went and got leash and hooked it up to Dowzer collar. “I still can’t believe you bought him a collar and an id tag,” said J.P. They walked out to the car. J.P. took a picnic basket out of the back seat and set it up front. Dowzer got in the back seat. “We are going on a picnic,” said J.P.
The four pirates that were a part of the attempted hijacking of the Luxury were sent back to their home country to serve long prison terms.
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