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- Story Listed as: Fiction For Adults
- Theme: Mystery
- Subject: Other / Not Listed
- Published: 05/21/2012
Case 21 - The Child
Born 1983, M, from Atlanta,Texas, United StatesInspector Tina Cassidy was manning dispatch for a few minutes while Ola was taking a break. Ola finished her break, came back into dispatch and put her glasses back on. Tina got up and Ola sat down. Tina was fixing to leave when Ola’s youngest daughter Chelsea walked into the precinct and stood at the window. Ola motioned for her to come in. “That is my daughter Chelsea,” said Ola to Tina. Chelsea stood at the counter in the dispatch office. Ola adjusted the volume on the radio and got up to see her daughter. “Chelsea, this is Tina Cassidy, she is my baby, I taught her everything she knows,” said Ola. “Nice to meet you,” said Tina shaking Chelsea’s hand. Chelsea was not very cordial to Tina who was always bubbly and full of life. “I brought you breakfast,” said Chelsea. “Thank you, baby,” said Ola. The phone started ringing. Ola went into the dispatch room to answer it. Tina stepped to the door. Ola was writing down the information that the caller was giving her. Tina read what Ola wrote down and she took a pen and wrote down on a scratch piece of paper the time and that she was enroute. Ola put her hand over the receiver. “I am fixing to send Oscar to back you up,” said Ola. Tina went running out of dispatch and headed out the door.
Inspector J.P. Bullet was pulling up to go to work as Tina was fixing to get in her car. “What’s going on?” asked J.P. “We just got a report of shots fired at 1901 Liberty,” said Tina. “You can ride with me,” said J.P. Tina got in his car and they headed to the scene.
Officer Oscar Mallet was the first officer on the scene. He noticed smoke coming from the back of the house. “There are three people in the house!” screamed the neighbor. He went to his car and notified dispatch to send the fire department to the scene. He took out a flashlight and went back towards the house. He felt of the door knob and it was cool to the touch so he kicked the door open. He turned his flashlight on and got on his hands and knees and crawled into the dark smoke filled house. He found a young girl sitting beside the sofa crying. “Don’t be scared, I am here to help you said” Oscar reaching for the child. Oscar managed to get the child out of the burning house.
J.P. and Tina were behind the fire truck and when they arrived on scene the house was fully involved. Oscar Mallet was sitting on the ground consoling the little girl that he had saved. “There are two more in the house, and I could not get to them,” said Oscar. J.P. asked the young girl what her name was. She just continued to sit and cry, never answering his question. Tina came up. “Mrs. Marshall was the one that called it in. She said that she heard several gunshots and a few minutes later she saw smoke coming from the bedroom. She identified the people that lived here as Bob, Clara, and their daughter Mattie Tongues,” said Tina. After the fire was extinguished Fire Captain Marko Gilmore came up to talk to J.P. “We found the two victims in the bedroom lying on the bed. We also found several burn patterns, meaning there were multiple fires set,” said Marko.
“We need to notify the next of kin,” said J.P. Tina went back to talk to the witness to see if they knew who to contact. She came back and told J.P. that Bob had a brother Tony. Mattie heard the name Tony and she got up and was fixing to start running. Oscar stopped her. “Let’s take her back to the precinct and see if we can figure out what is going on,” said J.P. Oscar escorted Mattie to his car.
Oscar, J.P. and Tina arrived back at the precinct. Oscar was going to go write the report. J.P., Tina, and Mattie were walking down the hall. Ola saw Mattie with J.P. and Tina and motioned for him to come into dispatch. “Take Mattie to the detective’s office,” said J.P. as he started into the dispatch office. “I did not get you were enroute with a subject or your starting and ending mileage,” said Ola. “We did not put it out over the radio and nobody needs to know that Mattie is here,” said J.P. Ola had a confused look on her face. “What are you talking about?” asked Ola. “Her parents perished in a house fire. When Tina told who the next of kin was she got scared and tried to take off running on us. We are trying to figure out what is going on,” said J.P. “Gotcha,” said Ola.
J.P. went to the detective’s office. Rebella had given Mattie a pen and a piece of paper so she could draw for entertainment. “Harvey, I want you and Rebella to take Mattie home with you and see if you can get her to open up. Tina, I want you to see what you can find out on Tony Tongues,” said J.P. “Can I take Mattie shopping before we take her home,” asked Rebella. J.P. told her she could.
Rebella and Harvey went to their house with Mattie. Harvey stayed at home while Rebella and Mattie went clothes shopping. They had a big time trying on different outfits and when they were finished Mattie had a big smile on her face.
Tina came back into the detective’s office. “I did not find anything on Tony. Maybe she just doesn’t like him,” said Tina. “No, there is something wrong here because that child had fear in her eyes when you mentioned his name,” said J.P. “Are you thinking he was involved in the death of Mattie’s parents?” asked Tina. “I sure do,” said J.P. “Do you want me and Susie to go pick him up?” asked Tina. “Not yet, I want to see if Rebella can get Mattie to talk, because if he was involved and we can’t get enough evidence to prove he did it, then he might hurt Mattie,” said J.P. “I just hope Rebella can get her to talk,” said Tina.
Rebella was combing Mattie’s hair. She had a tape recorder in her pocket in case she got Mattie to talk. “I had a lot of fun, said Mattie who was beginning to get comfortable talking to Rebella. “I did too,” said Rebella with a smile on her face. “So, what do you want me to call you?” asked Mattie. “You can call me Aunt Rebella,” said Rebella. “Ok, cool,” said Mattie. Mattie did not say anything for a few minutes. “Aunt Rebella, am I going to have to go live with Uncle Tony?” asked Mattie. “If he did something to hurt you and your parents, no,” said Rebella. “Promise?” asked Mattie. “Pinkie swear,” said Rebella. “He did something bad,” said Mattie. “What did he do?” asked Rebella. “He shot them and I saw him. He yelled come here you little brat. I hide in the closet. Then I started smelling smoke and it was getting hard to see. I remember what they taught us in school that if your house was on fire you crawled until you got out and then you would go to a meeting place. I crawled to the living room and I heard something. I thought he was still in the house so I sit down beside the couch. That’s when the officer found me,” said Mattie. Rebella finished combing Mattie’s hair. “Why don’t you let uncle Harvey show you where you will be sleeping tonight and I will come tuck you in a few minutes,” said Rebella. Mattie left the room and Rebella called J.P. She put the recorder up to the phone and let J.P. listened to the conversation.
The next morning Tony Tongues was arrested. After being processed he placed in interrogation room one. J.P. entered the room. “Mr. Tongues, I want to tell you how sorry I am for you loss. The reason we brought you down here is because your niece Mattie said that you hurt her parents and I think she is lying,” said J.P. Tony got real smart with J.P. “So now the police solves cases talking to ghost because Mattie died in the fire,” said Tony. “How do you know she died in the fire?” asked J.P. “The little brat hid in the closet and several rooms were set on fire,” said Tony. J.P. took out his handcuffs. “Tony Tongues you are under arrest for arson and the death of Bob and Clara Tongues,” said J.P. “What about Mattie?” asked Tony. “Don’t worry about Mattie, you told me something that only the person who set the fire would know,” said J.P. Tony realized that he had incriminated himself.
J.P. came out of the interrogation room and went into the detective’s office. Mattie was sitting in J.P.’s chair drawing. “Do I need to move, sir?” asked Mattie. J.P. patted her on the shoulder. “No you are fine,” said J.P. He motioned for Rebella to step outside. “I got a confession,” said J.P. “That’s good news,” said Rebella. “The only problem is that Mattie maybe his daughter,” said J.P. Rebella had a confused look on her face. “Tony was sleeping with Clara and she was fixing to tell her husband about the affair,” said J.P. “Oh my gosh!” said Rebella in disbelief.
After work, Rebella was sitting on the couch. Harvey came into the room. “I was just thinking how much fun I had with Mattie. I was just kinda thinking what it would be like to have a daughter,” said Rebella. “She would be as beautiful as her mother,” said Harvey sitting down beside. “You know I would lose my girlish figure,” said Rebella. Harvey put her arm around her. “Even if you lost your girlish figure you would still be beautiful,” said Harvey. Rebella blushed at Harvey’s comment.
Tony Tongues pleaded guilty to arson and murder charges and was sentenced to life in prison without parole. A DNA test was done and it was determined that Tony was not Mattie’s father.
Case 21 - The Child(jpater)
Inspector Tina Cassidy was manning dispatch for a few minutes while Ola was taking a break. Ola finished her break, came back into dispatch and put her glasses back on. Tina got up and Ola sat down. Tina was fixing to leave when Ola’s youngest daughter Chelsea walked into the precinct and stood at the window. Ola motioned for her to come in. “That is my daughter Chelsea,” said Ola to Tina. Chelsea stood at the counter in the dispatch office. Ola adjusted the volume on the radio and got up to see her daughter. “Chelsea, this is Tina Cassidy, she is my baby, I taught her everything she knows,” said Ola. “Nice to meet you,” said Tina shaking Chelsea’s hand. Chelsea was not very cordial to Tina who was always bubbly and full of life. “I brought you breakfast,” said Chelsea. “Thank you, baby,” said Ola. The phone started ringing. Ola went into the dispatch room to answer it. Tina stepped to the door. Ola was writing down the information that the caller was giving her. Tina read what Ola wrote down and she took a pen and wrote down on a scratch piece of paper the time and that she was enroute. Ola put her hand over the receiver. “I am fixing to send Oscar to back you up,” said Ola. Tina went running out of dispatch and headed out the door.
Inspector J.P. Bullet was pulling up to go to work as Tina was fixing to get in her car. “What’s going on?” asked J.P. “We just got a report of shots fired at 1901 Liberty,” said Tina. “You can ride with me,” said J.P. Tina got in his car and they headed to the scene.
Officer Oscar Mallet was the first officer on the scene. He noticed smoke coming from the back of the house. “There are three people in the house!” screamed the neighbor. He went to his car and notified dispatch to send the fire department to the scene. He took out a flashlight and went back towards the house. He felt of the door knob and it was cool to the touch so he kicked the door open. He turned his flashlight on and got on his hands and knees and crawled into the dark smoke filled house. He found a young girl sitting beside the sofa crying. “Don’t be scared, I am here to help you said” Oscar reaching for the child. Oscar managed to get the child out of the burning house.
J.P. and Tina were behind the fire truck and when they arrived on scene the house was fully involved. Oscar Mallet was sitting on the ground consoling the little girl that he had saved. “There are two more in the house, and I could not get to them,” said Oscar. J.P. asked the young girl what her name was. She just continued to sit and cry, never answering his question. Tina came up. “Mrs. Marshall was the one that called it in. She said that she heard several gunshots and a few minutes later she saw smoke coming from the bedroom. She identified the people that lived here as Bob, Clara, and their daughter Mattie Tongues,” said Tina. After the fire was extinguished Fire Captain Marko Gilmore came up to talk to J.P. “We found the two victims in the bedroom lying on the bed. We also found several burn patterns, meaning there were multiple fires set,” said Marko.
“We need to notify the next of kin,” said J.P. Tina went back to talk to the witness to see if they knew who to contact. She came back and told J.P. that Bob had a brother Tony. Mattie heard the name Tony and she got up and was fixing to start running. Oscar stopped her. “Let’s take her back to the precinct and see if we can figure out what is going on,” said J.P. Oscar escorted Mattie to his car.
Oscar, J.P. and Tina arrived back at the precinct. Oscar was going to go write the report. J.P., Tina, and Mattie were walking down the hall. Ola saw Mattie with J.P. and Tina and motioned for him to come into dispatch. “Take Mattie to the detective’s office,” said J.P. as he started into the dispatch office. “I did not get you were enroute with a subject or your starting and ending mileage,” said Ola. “We did not put it out over the radio and nobody needs to know that Mattie is here,” said J.P. Ola had a confused look on her face. “What are you talking about?” asked Ola. “Her parents perished in a house fire. When Tina told who the next of kin was she got scared and tried to take off running on us. We are trying to figure out what is going on,” said J.P. “Gotcha,” said Ola.
J.P. went to the detective’s office. Rebella had given Mattie a pen and a piece of paper so she could draw for entertainment. “Harvey, I want you and Rebella to take Mattie home with you and see if you can get her to open up. Tina, I want you to see what you can find out on Tony Tongues,” said J.P. “Can I take Mattie shopping before we take her home,” asked Rebella. J.P. told her she could.
Rebella and Harvey went to their house with Mattie. Harvey stayed at home while Rebella and Mattie went clothes shopping. They had a big time trying on different outfits and when they were finished Mattie had a big smile on her face.
Tina came back into the detective’s office. “I did not find anything on Tony. Maybe she just doesn’t like him,” said Tina. “No, there is something wrong here because that child had fear in her eyes when you mentioned his name,” said J.P. “Are you thinking he was involved in the death of Mattie’s parents?” asked Tina. “I sure do,” said J.P. “Do you want me and Susie to go pick him up?” asked Tina. “Not yet, I want to see if Rebella can get Mattie to talk, because if he was involved and we can’t get enough evidence to prove he did it, then he might hurt Mattie,” said J.P. “I just hope Rebella can get her to talk,” said Tina.
Rebella was combing Mattie’s hair. She had a tape recorder in her pocket in case she got Mattie to talk. “I had a lot of fun, said Mattie who was beginning to get comfortable talking to Rebella. “I did too,” said Rebella with a smile on her face. “So, what do you want me to call you?” asked Mattie. “You can call me Aunt Rebella,” said Rebella. “Ok, cool,” said Mattie. Mattie did not say anything for a few minutes. “Aunt Rebella, am I going to have to go live with Uncle Tony?” asked Mattie. “If he did something to hurt you and your parents, no,” said Rebella. “Promise?” asked Mattie. “Pinkie swear,” said Rebella. “He did something bad,” said Mattie. “What did he do?” asked Rebella. “He shot them and I saw him. He yelled come here you little brat. I hide in the closet. Then I started smelling smoke and it was getting hard to see. I remember what they taught us in school that if your house was on fire you crawled until you got out and then you would go to a meeting place. I crawled to the living room and I heard something. I thought he was still in the house so I sit down beside the couch. That’s when the officer found me,” said Mattie. Rebella finished combing Mattie’s hair. “Why don’t you let uncle Harvey show you where you will be sleeping tonight and I will come tuck you in a few minutes,” said Rebella. Mattie left the room and Rebella called J.P. She put the recorder up to the phone and let J.P. listened to the conversation.
The next morning Tony Tongues was arrested. After being processed he placed in interrogation room one. J.P. entered the room. “Mr. Tongues, I want to tell you how sorry I am for you loss. The reason we brought you down here is because your niece Mattie said that you hurt her parents and I think she is lying,” said J.P. Tony got real smart with J.P. “So now the police solves cases talking to ghost because Mattie died in the fire,” said Tony. “How do you know she died in the fire?” asked J.P. “The little brat hid in the closet and several rooms were set on fire,” said Tony. J.P. took out his handcuffs. “Tony Tongues you are under arrest for arson and the death of Bob and Clara Tongues,” said J.P. “What about Mattie?” asked Tony. “Don’t worry about Mattie, you told me something that only the person who set the fire would know,” said J.P. Tony realized that he had incriminated himself.
J.P. came out of the interrogation room and went into the detective’s office. Mattie was sitting in J.P.’s chair drawing. “Do I need to move, sir?” asked Mattie. J.P. patted her on the shoulder. “No you are fine,” said J.P. He motioned for Rebella to step outside. “I got a confession,” said J.P. “That’s good news,” said Rebella. “The only problem is that Mattie maybe his daughter,” said J.P. Rebella had a confused look on her face. “Tony was sleeping with Clara and she was fixing to tell her husband about the affair,” said J.P. “Oh my gosh!” said Rebella in disbelief.
After work, Rebella was sitting on the couch. Harvey came into the room. “I was just thinking how much fun I had with Mattie. I was just kinda thinking what it would be like to have a daughter,” said Rebella. “She would be as beautiful as her mother,” said Harvey sitting down beside. “You know I would lose my girlish figure,” said Rebella. Harvey put her arm around her. “Even if you lost your girlish figure you would still be beautiful,” said Harvey. Rebella blushed at Harvey’s comment.
Tony Tongues pleaded guilty to arson and murder charges and was sentenced to life in prison without parole. A DNA test was done and it was determined that Tony was not Mattie’s father.
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